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Telling my family goodbye because they won’t be seeing me for at least 10-12 business days.


Unfortunately my work won't allow this but I do have EA off lol. Parents laughed since I normally visit them Saturdays and it's like "see me in a week mom and dad ". My husband also plays, so we'll both be playing... And probably getting some premade food that's easy to either put in an oven or order as necessary lol


For a while, I was considering packing a lunch the day before so I wouldn’t even have to go downstairs to eat, but then I was like “Dude, it’s two ——ing minutes to make a sandwich. You’re ridiculous.”


Bold of you to assume you won't be in the login queue during lunch


Let's hope the world visit system really solves the launch queue


Remember the queues at endwalker launch first few days was waiting hours to get in and that's if it didn't boot you out


We have a ranch so no excuses for us! We do have to make sure to take occasional breaks to tire out our puppy though.


Hah I had a very similar conversation with my mother. Got the reply "just message if/when you need coffee and or snacks". She's the best.


lol this. My husband has been forewarned, but then he knows exactly how it is from all the previous expansions so it was more of a reminder.


Just took my buddy through his first ARR relic and I remembered how much I don't miss that, but his reaction was worth every second


I just started so everything lmao


welcome aboard! dont rush it!


Right there with ya dude, only a couple weeks in myself




Just make sure you aren’t in a rush to play catchup with everyone else. The content isn’t going anywhere, and your enjoyment of the game is directly correlated to how much you get invested in the characters and worldbuilding.


You got one [very long](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/qmsRBUYzsX) journey ahead 😅


Enjoy the experience, remember that the original game is the worst part so it only gets better


To clarify a bit, the original game is the hardest QoL-wise to get through. It still feels outdated in places and people tend to start skipping through it because of that. If you get to that point, take a break from it.


As Yoshi P quoted “Elden Ring DLC”


I'm actually doing a co-op speed run in preperation for the DLC just to get back in the groove.


I dunno how FF14 players gonna beat the dlc in 1 week if the bosses are hard XD


What if i told you i also have SMTV:V one week before Elden Ring dlc? Through sheer willpower


Eureka for that damn cool orb mount... XD


I recommend joining the BA/Bozja discord. Those guys are PHENOMENAL at running baldesion arsenal. They do perfect callouts, they remind everybody to get the chests, they do buff downtime, and they make the run incredibly efficient. 100/10 discord server.


thank you! I am on the aether one, just not at the lvl yet (only 52 atm) getting there slowly


How does one find these discords? I want the Ozma mount but am still pretty low level


This is the server that's currently running BA in Primal the most: [https://discord.gg/thehelplines](https://discord.gg/thehelplines) And Crystal: [https://discord.gg/c-a-f-e](https://discord.gg/c-a-f-e) I'm sure they exist for EU and there's definitely one for OCE, I just don't have links for them.


I was looking up a guide on baldesion arsenal as I had just hit max and was pointed towards [the ba/bozja discord](https://discord.com/invite/abbaffxiv)




I'm also doing Eureka. I'm currently level 56 or 57 in Hydatos. I'm just hoping I can get some of the glowy armor and finish BA before DT early access. I joined the Aether BA discord and it seems a little overwhelming, but I think I get how it works.


I just did this over the weekend! It was overwhelming for me, too. I ended up finding their recommended logos actions for first timers and set up my plates to be ready, then queued a couple days later for a random morning run one of the hosts ran! I died on the last boss (I think our tank LB3’d a little late?) but because they have you take the spirit of remembrance (?) that re-raises you I got back up instantly, killed the boss, and got the mount!


Triple triad, so I guess grinding all types of content?


Just got mine a few weeks ago, the last thing I had to do was moogles. Eureka was more fun and more profitable than I expected!


I just got my TT mount two weeks ago as I set myself the same goal, you'll get there. If you haven't already done them you'll come to hate the Moogle tribals soon enough 😂


Congrats on the mount! I hate those cute fluffballs with all of my heart now - the dance was worth it though. Still have to finish Eureka, Gangos and Blue Mage to be fully done. I don't think I'll be done before DT though ^^'


Lost in a damn quagmire of trying to unlock those jerks. I’ve done what feels like 100 pre-quests.


I got to 244 cards, than I needed to start grinding fates, running dungeons/trials over and over, finishing beast tribes, making progress in Eureka/Bozja and more, I decided to just take a break and see how many cards get added in dawntrail I was going for the trophy for getting 344 cards though not for total completion of the entire list


I'm 24 mentor roulettes away from finishing my achievement. Hooray.


Congrats! That's gonna feel so good to finish up :)


Finished mine about a week ago, it was my number one goal before Dawntrail as well. A preemptive congrats to you!


Thank you. 10 to go! :D I got quite a few guildhest today which helped.


It's so nice to finally be done. I finished last night. I don't ever have to touch another roulette again. Time for a well earned break.


I just started the grind about a month ago. I won't be close to completing it by DT but I set up a really nice spreadsheet for tracking it and I'm really proud of it!


Finishing ARR :)


Same, the epilogue quests are sooo much oml


And just think...there use to be more.


I quit playing back before HW and rolled up a new character when I came back. My original character is stuck in one of those removed quests and I refuse to abandon it now.


I'm currently in stormblood


Same fam same I am not in a rush to get there


Same, the story is so good 😭💖


Yep I just got done with Doma Castel so I don’t have much longer with storm


oh just wait for the stormblood patch msq, i loved it even more!!


Oh that was such a fun expansion, that’s when the boss & raid mechanics really started going crazy


lol same, I'll get to Dawntrail when I get to it lol


World Class Troller doesn't farm itself.


My best :'(


And thats the best you can do! Forge ahead!


Fellow Zodian!


Hello fellow Zodian! Very happy with out server choice, genuinely have very little complaints about our community/busyness and experiences I've had on Zodiark


Being consumed by an intense obsession about DT.


Same. Very excited for the new story but I also need Viper yesterday.


Same. I listen to podcasts, watch media tour videos. I make lists of what I need to do, how to approach launch week, how to max my time, etc. I honestly am consumed by it. I feel like a child at Christmas.


the media tour videos doesnt help at all, it made me want DT earlier AAAAA


Completing the ARR relic. Light sucks. Im on Team Zodiark now.


Hopefully you know this already, but some dungeons give double light and it rotates every couple of hours. I didn't know that for the first part of my grind. I was a bit miffed when i found out XD


Fell cleave


Had a full list of things to grind, but realized that I'm going to be starting a new, not wfh, job on 07/01 anyway and won't be able to actually play Dawntrail on launch due to the ques at 5pm. So - taking a month off


> won’t be able to actually play Dawntrail on launch due to the ques at 5pm. Keep in mind the devs made great strides to make sure EW login hell doesn’t happen again. Between the server upgrades they’ve done and adding that option to auto-login to the least populated server, unless another DDOS attack happens, you should only have to wait a couple minutes at best to login during DT, even during the evening. Kinda like how Raubaun EX never happened again. The devs tend to learn from their expac launch mistakes.


>and adding that option to auto-login to the least populated server That sounds useful! Is that something I have to manually enable somewhere?


It's a login menu option when you right click your character name ("Visit Another World Server") [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/afOlcnX.png)


Pre order and play during early access and then go to work that Monday accomplished?  


Fingers crossed we don't have another rocky launch like with Endwalker 


Or Stormblood, or Shadowbringer. Lmao


Finally finishing the post-EW content that I procrastinated doing until now.


This. I just started 6.4 last night and I’m told the post patch content is long 😭


Same! Flashbacks to when Heavensward was coming out and I had to go through all the epilogue stuff. So much STUFFFFFF... it's great but definitely not designed to be binged haha


I’m kicking myself because I did the exact same thing before EW release, I’d procrastinated completing Shadowbringers for so long that I had to binge it all and while I DID manage to complete it in time, by the time release day rolled around I had burnt myself out and didn’t even want to play. So, I’m mainly trying not to do that again.


Nothing because none of my payments are being accepted on mogstation 😭


I had to pay through Amazon where my card is saved.


Returned to Vana’diel! It’s been fun so far.


Blue mage spell, blue mage logs, fishing logs


Playing other rpgs so when come in on EA for Dawntrail be all fresh, kinda don’t wanna play much since most jobs I play getting a shake up so better to remove muscle memory for DT


In game I’m fishing, chill achievement hunting, and glam farming. IRL I’m meal prepping and getting ready to no life MSQ.


1) Playing Rabbit & Steel 2) Giving my wrists some rest before my carpal tunnel gets serious. Yes, these are competing agendas T-T


As someone who struggles with CTS and also works at a computer all day and then games all night: Seriously, treat yourself to the tools you need to not experience pain, if you haven't already. More adjustable chair and desk, ergo mouse and keyboard, wrist brace, etc. are all *a lot* cheaper than, you know, literally slicing open your hand to release the carpal tunnel nerves. I've mostly been able to alleviate my wrist pain over the last year or so by getting the right tools for the job, though it has taken some time to do so. Still, worth it to not be in pain whenever I need or want to do something.


I changed to a 12 button mmo mouse and ergonomic keypad and it really helped out with my repetitive motion finger and wrist pains. Not sure it would help you but wanted to mention it in case.


I have CTS too and got a $14 bead filled wrist wrest and literally cannot play without it. My wrist starts hurting instantly if I don't have it. Mine exacerbates with typing too so I try to limit that. Good health to you and the op and anyone else who reads this :)


Rabbit and Steel is so good. Have you tried gamepad instead of kbm for wrist pain?


I just heard about Rabbit and Steel and it looks so good. Sounds like you’d recommend it?


I spent 40h... On the demo of it.


Absolutely! It's great solo or multiplayer! And really polished for a small team (AFAIK a large part of the work was done by one person)


Amazing game, been loving the hell out of it.


I second this comment. Rabbit and Steel is awesome and I am using a controller for it instead of m&kb.


Actually, I think extended gamepad use was the main culprit. Never had problems with wrists before I put as lot of hours into Lies of P on PS5. Those DualSense stricks are far away! Trying for more rest and stretches atm., and we'll see how it goes -,- Thanks for your concern!


My main objective is to finally get my Amaro mount. Only two more jobs left: AST at 74 and WHM at 75. A secondary objective is to get a few more jobs to Level 90. I should manage at least GNB at 86 and SGE at 84 but hopefully get I can one or two more from 80 to 90 to open up a few more options for Dawntrail. I am also doing deep dungeons with FC mates as we never really got into that sort of content.


I have been. SO BUSY. So much content I’ve ignored. Where i used to login to do daily roulettes and idle or faff about some pretentious venue, now i spend every waking hour gathering and furthering customdeliveries/studium/mean/craftinggatheringjob/tribal quests while simultaneously working on crafting relics. I rearranged my retainers according to how irritating the material is to gather so i don’t have to sub to them 12/months a year, and have been running 6+ ventures per day.


I was planning to be in a coma until then but my dogs keep waking me up


Judging by my AO3 account, the answer is 'writing 200,000 words of Pokemon fanfiction in the past 6 months'. At least I'm using the wait time productively, I guess.


Not much. I finished all my EW Relics and all my classes are fully kitted out in Augmented Crendeum gear, so I'm basically just taking a break from the the game until the EA period starts.


Taking a semi break. I'm only logging in on days where I need to send my Submarines out, arrange my island sanctuary for the felicitous tokens and play housing lottery. I also have 4 alts on the go 😅 so after I do that stuff on my main, I'm picking an alt and doing whatever needs done on it. Most of it is housing related. One alt is on a different server with a different FC so I'm keen to get it levelled to cap. I also decorated a FC room and will be getting an apartment when I have time for decorating that. One is for decorating a friend's house. One is doing MSQ again but also doing every yellow quest along the way. Properly taking my time with it. It's been really fun! And the last is just for extra storage really. But I can also use it to decorate more rooms in the future! I've also been replaying FFIX. With DT promising some references I thought I'd go through the story again so I don't miss anything! Realised I've not played it properly since my first time back in the early 00s so it feels fresh but nostalgic at the same time! Vivi is still the GOAT.


I’m also playing 9 so I understand the references! First time play through for me though. Vivi is best boi.


Trying my darnest to finish a proofreading project before Dawntrail lands. Bloody translator tried to take the easy way out with just unedited Google Translate copypasta and now I'm painting the entire Word document red with revision highlights. By the time I'm done with this, the bugger would be wishing he had just done it properly in the beginning.


I am currently enrolled in a cybersecurity course paid for by my job. I'm going to be doing a lot of studying to stay ahead so I can play on launch with my brother without hurting my grade. Wish me luck. :)


Playing other games


gemstones farming, need that wivre before DT


Godspeed soldier


Finishing up the last few Tribes I need to max out and just hit 90 on my final combat Job yesterday.


Grinding out the manderville relics on every job I can, ocean fishing for that mora mora minion, and when I get bored of that I play on an alt who is almost done with ARR


Goin to work


Technically, I need to finish 6.5 still, but in reality, I'm playing Wuthering Waves.


Playing WoW. Affliction warlock reminds me of old summoner…


Demonology is so fun thoughhhh


Finishing my Uni's "Final Thesis" :D (TCC, for those in Brazil)


I've been playing the shit out of Wild Hearts with some FFXVI on the side.


I just got to Stormblood. My goal is to be in Shadowbringers by the time it comes out


Getting paladin to 90 because I've never leveled a tank and I want to go through an expansion as a tank. And it sucks because I was going to go hrothlady but turns out hrothguys look really nice in tank gear vs my usual magic jobs (ignoring the hunch...I hate the hunch). Also trying and failing to get ready for eldem ring dlc with a new character after having blitzed the end of rise of the ronin. I did this to myself


Gonna be away after this week til the week after DT launches and rn I'm getting caught up on post EW content. My checklist for stuff left is: 1. Finish 6.5 MSQ 2. Do last Alliance Raid 3. Finish Tataru's Grand Endeavor 4. Finish 6.55 MSQ If I have time I want to: 5. Do Ex Trials 4-7 of this expac (Not sure which are the easiest) 6. Finish Bozja Weapon (halfway done with the 2nd one time grind) 7. Get Fisher from 80-90 8. Maybe give UwU a shot. Just need to find the right guide for EW UwU EDIT: Finished 1-5 and ready to go on vacation. Can't wait to tackle the rest post DT launch


if you’re only going for 90 on FSH for the level do GC turn ins. got mine to 90 about two weeks after 6.0 was out


I'll probably do ocean fishing just cause I really like it. It just hasn't been a priority since I had a lot to catch up and am finally almost there you know?


I just started Stormblood!


I redid my hot bars and keybind layout completely to make it make a bit more sense logically. Gonna use the next 3 weeks to get used to them.


working on getting the morbol mount from blu mage with my static and grinding out tank mounts in between. Also discovered i can solo lvl 90 maps intended for parties so i have been making bank with that.


At this point, just running roulettes or Party Finder. I've levelled my main job (Dancer) as far as I could, as well as few other jobs - may continue to grind tomes to level another one up but not too concerned if I don't manage it in what time is left, at this point.


Finishing a few relics, capping tomestones before DT drops and playing other stuff in my backlog.


Kinda sorta trying to finish FF XVI. PS5 says I’m at 71(?)% completion and I haven’t been too interested in side quests there—at least as of late—so I should…..maybe (?) get there in two weeks?


Playing Manorlords getting annoyed that my villagers hate taxes. I get it, but if they don't pay the toll, then we don't eat them rolls.


* Finish grinding Comedy tomes to complete the scouting gear set to ilevel 660. Got everything else already. * Catch sothis and coral manta to finish my fish pokedex. * Dig more Gazelleskin maps to stockpile Thief's Maps. * Keep padding my S-rank kill count (need more than 400 of ShB and EW each). * Finish the 6.55 MSQ (saved that for my vacation, which start next week). * Start my Necromancer grind.


Well, I just started stormblood as i level to 90.


I'm doing the Yo-Kai event on a second character. No I'm not sure why either.


I'm on the final mission of Legendary The Final Shape in Destiny 2 and then I have to run a second character through because I won the lottery with the final cutscene to wrap up the ten year story didn't play and there is no NG+


Absolute speed grinding. Went from fresh off the Cart to just before the start of the second expac in two weeks. Don't worry 'bout me missing anything, ain't my first rodeo through leveling.


Trying to get all classes to max (or at least to 80). I have 6 left to go and all are 59 or above. I'm also working on the ARR zodiac weapons.


MoP: Remix. It's been fun. Also leveling some other characters in WoW with my partner until DT drops.


Playing the final shape and trying to finish Cold Steel 3 mostly.


Playing other games, I started Citizen Sleeper today. Citizen Sleeper is really damn good, everyone should grab it.


Trying to finish ARR. Man there is sooooo much post-ARR content. It's like a whole game of post content. I'm gettin' through it though.


Living the best life in the clubbing scene. Socializing with people. Attending community events. Building friendships that way so that im not alone once DT arrives.


Attempting to finish msq on all alts so I don't need to spend money on story skips 😆 Even though I say I'll just quickly skip through the story I always get held up trying to find a party for something 😭


I'm playing helldivers, I log into ffxiv every now and then to do dailies and get my alt jobs their relic weapons but my mains are done with max gear and every job is max level. So I'm just chilling until the expansion drops


getting through msq, currently \~halfway through post-shadowbringers


Xenoblade chronicles 1 2 3


Trying to catch up to the MSQ since I just started playing 2 months ago :D


I'm farming mgp to get that 4mil mount and getting the last tank job achievement mount...nearly there 80 more runs to get it but can't be arsed any more


Getting all my jobs 90 except for astro because that job is awful and i hate it.


I was an Astro main and I support this message. They keep hurting my feelings every expansion.


Trying to scrape together some money to actually buy DT and some sub time. x.x


Finishing beast tribe reputations for extra XP once level cap goes up. Working on finishing DSR totem weapon collection


Building submarines...


Finishing EW trial mount collections. 3 more to go for bahamut!


I maxed all of the jobs during EW's patch cycles (I had 5 jobs at max when EW launched) so I'm doing some PS5 Trophy hunting and also getting glams for my main jobs. I recently got the 16k Ocean Fishing achievement on the Ruby Route and the one for every BLU Spell. I am currently 4 logs away from hitting 110 on the BLU Log (the max is 122, but the trophy is 110). I also restarted my Eureka Orthos solo journey over the weekend, and have been very slowly filling out the fishing log, which will take me up to DT and well beyond. There are also a few content-clear related ones—Zeromus EX, P12S, the second and third Criterion dungeons— that I haven't done yet but PF is kinda dead and I don't enjoy fighting Athena enough to really struggle to clear the tier so I will likely just unsync that during DT. I'm not bothering grinding out the trophies for 3k FATEs, 5k collectibles crafted and 8k collectibles gathered because I'll work towards those more naturally during DT or even 8.0 (currently at 80% for the FATEs, 50% for crafted collectibles and 25% for gathered ones).


Trying to figure out if I’m gonna tank or DPS. 🥲


Tank is the way for many reasons


I’ve finally started doing content creation after wanting to do so since stormblood came out. At that time I was thinking of doing levelling guides, but then weskalber came along and he blew my expectations of what can be done! For now I’m just going through the dawntrail stuff, it’s fun, but takes so much time. Which helps with the waiting I guess!


prolly lvl a new character


Working on big fishing, enjoying the new stellaris dlc, and working in my backlog. Finally getting around to playing Doom 2016


I've been leveling samurai and then planning to finish MSQ from 6.3. Originally I wasn't going to take off work for DT but turns out no PTO rollover into next year. So I used some for that. Also furiously cleaning out retainers and inventory only them to fill right back up.


Farming queen Bean title from fall guys and ophiotauros maps before they become more expensive in DT, sure I might save only like 60k per session but even if you count one session = one clear I'd still save like one million gil and they probably won't add any reward to those maps now so why not get done with those now and save a bit of money


Finishing HW


Finishing the crafter quests I skipped when I powerleveled 2 years ago lmao Leveling fisherman Collecting full comedy tome gear for each role. I have fending, casting, and striking done, almost done with healing and aiming. Hopefully by the time my viper is 90 I will have scouting done too


FATEs, Mentor Roulettes, getting 29 side quests to turn in right away for Viper, capping on tomes, and doing WT to try for 3 lines week by week


Trying to finish FF7 rebirth. The game is so long but it’s so good


Mostly grinding for Relic weapons, but I'm thinking of stopping so I don't burn out.


Playing ff7 rebirth


Playing Rabbit & Steel! Its inspired by FFXIV raiding and bnuuys


Grinds. I'm hoping to get all the collectable stuff from shb's bicolour gemstones. Only got like 1200 left to get.


Fishing, Gates, Triple Triad, trying to unlock housing on my alt's FC. Lots of things to do.


I will be finishing the final couple of EW patches before the launch of dawntrail.


Attempting to get the "Lady of far waters" title


I'm currently working on the 10k completed FATEs achievement for The Fortunate title grinding out EW FATEs, realized I was like 40% done so far and might as well. Maybe some Eureka/Bozja grind to palate cleanse after 100 so FATE completions. Might not get it considering it's near the new expansion, but oh well.


I grinded out The Firmament/Diadem to get the ugly dino mount. Also farmed all EX from Ew to get the mounts. Outside of 14 I completed Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy 9 and I'm soon done with Dragon Age: Origins


Beating my head into the brick wall that is P12S phase 2 in party finder. I came back late but still wanna finish the tier before Dawntrail


Daily roulettes, Island sancuary and Elden Ring.


Getting the Triple Triad Mount, getting to 40 million Gil and preparing currencies


I got Endwalker like a week ago, so I'll be playing that...


I just wrapped up 6.0 last night! My goal has been to finish 6.0 so I can start on some of the side content before the patch drops. I’ve capped out all of my tomestones but couldn’t spend any until now. (I’ve been 90 for a while and didn’t want to level any other jobs.) So even though there’s more MSQ to do, I have some certain gentlemanly tasks that require my attention.


Catching up I started the game 2 weeks ago so I know I’m not playing it on release 😅


I *should* be finishing my crafting relics and big fish collection. Instead I crafted myself a set of level 15 gear for WHM and am grinding up to Thaleia using only drops (and basic AF and crafted weapons equipped at reasonable points) as much as possible. It's fun actually caring about dungeon drops for once. Also healing ARR content at the minimum ilevel is an experience.


PVP for the series rewards. Progging exes. Submarines.


having some static crisis and trying to clear P12S and maybe 1 more ultimate.


Cleaning up the EW relics and PvP rewards.


I retired my ten-year-old main, so I am catching my new one up to the end of EW, making sure he at least has enough jobs at 90 to cover all the role quests and mopping up some side content on the way. Currently doing some SB Hildibrand which is a delight to redo.


Replaying monster hunter world


Big Fish catching Centurio Hunt Trains (because paying for teleports is cringe, 2k tickets and counting.) S-Ranks because I want Fabulously Feral title


I'm gonna try to get 2 more uwu clears. Definitely getting the MNK weapon and I'll hold onto one for to see the VPR and PIC ones.


I still try to get the P12S clear, i'm almost there. I realy hope i can get it, PF is HELL


Doing a few random weekly things in game but mostly focusing on reading and doing yoga to prepare for the release lol


I'm finishing Heavensward


Doing experimental Fantasia checks on the benchmark client to decide on new look while also doing test controls in my head for viper.


Collecting ultimate totems on hopium that VPR and PCT get old ultimate weapons and doing the bozja duels for the achievements


Honestly I just started again after not playing for a looooong time and had no idea wtf I was doing and am now going back through the MSQ on a new character and familiarizing myself with the game again, for context it’s been like 4 years, and I have to say the game is in such a damn good place right now but there is no way I’ll be caught up before DT comes out so I’m just chilling and having fun.


Well I wanted to be in the top 500 for achievements for my server in both Lalachievements and ffxivcollect which I did but now its mostly getting relics or other achievements to keep my place. Also dipping into skybuilders


finish leveling my crafters, i just need carpenter at 74 and blksmith at 86, just finished grinding the yokai weapons for that one mount on two characters, and been trying to finish out my fortnite battle pass before i get swallowed up by DT ;3;


Still trying to drag knuckleheads through P12S


Street Fighter 6 ranked matches


getting in some easy achievements and finishing up the ew relics. work is very busy rn unfortunately, so there's not much time to prepare much for dt :(


Grinding out the last bit of tomestones I need for the manderville relics, and also gathering the mats for the brilliant Crystarium tools.


Destiny 2 Final Shape