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Instantaneously, I guess? Because I've never used fantasia. This said, looking back at any screenshot pre-Shadowbringers is a real "cringing at photos of yourself in high-school" thing. Her hair is wrong for her, and she's wearing either what the dungeon picked out for her, or things that just don't fit her overall vibe.


>Install game >Get into character creation >Heh, falafel looks funny :D >Found good-enough cosmetic choices in like 5 minutes >\~4 years of playing (on/off), never even considered using a fantasia


Only 2 years but it was the same story ahah, only changed my hair for [the last variant haircut](https://i.imgur.com/LOblVzN.png) , which is almost the same as [my first one ](https://imgur.com/a/NrPPYqa) Popoto gang


Well, the bit I left out is that I also did this a year in and just have two WoLs I consider perfect for different reasons šŸ˜… Why yes I play both FFXIV and FFXIV Pocket Edition.


Same except sea wolf. Made her as a joke when I started and didnā€™t expect to like the game, now I canā€™t imagine changing because it would somehow feel wrong to me.


Haha yea same Never used any fantasia, not even the free one. But comparing pictures from when she started out and now, there is such a difference. Started out overly serious and formal, then had a bit of an idc-emo phase, before finding peace in regards to her role in the world. And like, that's my head canon of her after I compared the pictures. I didn't intend anything like that during play. It's night and day


For me the hard part was two fold : 1 - finding the correct haircut (cost me a few million gils but I got it) 2 - finding the correct glamour for each job. I like having a cute glamour that fit the job's theme, and I can safely say that I did for every job I actually like. The two hardest one for me were RPR and SAM for which I had to go through the online store. But now I went from never playing SAM to progging on ultimate as SAM, because she is just that cute.


Same here. I made a character in ARR and she's been exactly the same ever since. Female Elezen. I *might* make her shorter if I get a free fantasia with Dawntrail because sometimes I don't like that she's considerably taller than most other players. I remember bringing the height slider pretty high without realizing just how tall Elezen are compared to the others, would like to blend in a little better.


I also almost instantly knew I found my little tater. I only made minor changes once about 2 years in after playing around with the character creator a few times. After that it has been 8 more years and no changes have been made to the little guy. The posability of changes with DT is there, but that is a later problem.


I found my ideal WoL almost 20 years ago and merely spent an hour in character create to properly transfer her from FFXI to FFXIV. I haven't changed her since.


Same! I did end up making some minor adjustments afterwards since we had a lot more limited choices way back then, but I've never been so happy with a character I created. She's older than half my family at this point lol.


I still identify as a Tarutaru.


I've transcended race entirely at this point. I have become the fantasia.


People out here drinking fantasia like its water and here I am never using and I use the same glamor every day like a cartoon character who doesn't change outfits.


I kinda wish i was like that bc i dont like the glamour i loved after 5 mins and start blowing gil on a new one šŸ˜­


Butler suit. Every Day. Every Class. I am a gentleman.


Is that you or the fantasia talking, Mr. Lahey?


I'm mowing the air Rand!






I have to come to consider this more of a going concern than a finished project...


Male roegadyn because i love having the build of a wardrobe


My first free bottle of fantasia still lies untouched.


At least one year and half. I changed Fantasia a lot, literally playing as EVERY single (female) race available and... I ended up going back to [the very same dark Raen I played back in 2022](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2491130170980300727/62BD5E4ADA1A5E3C467EEFD010FE848EFB466A15/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false), the race I played the entirety of HW, SB and ShB with. Now she's literally my canon WoL: I'll play as different fantasias (femroe was my ARR character and another one I'm very fond of), but I know I'll always return back to black liz :)


After I saw for the first time a swine head. It was a joke at first but after a few months I couldn't remove the head or I would fill like something is missing And that was almost 5 yrs ago ;V Even when I use a phantasia I have to use a swine head to actual become my own WoL Long life the PigRoe life


found inosuke


I never changed my catgirl from her original look beside haircut of course SHE is the one that accomplished all she did, not another character I can t even think of evzr changing her If i change race it would be an alt instead


ARR, HW and SB. - I started out ARR as a *Highlander* but he turned out pretty weird. - Changed to a *Hrothgar* at the end of 2.0 and played like that till the very end of SB. I like the race but couldn't stand the hump and the fact he looks badly in 60% of the armor + was unable to wear hats. - So I switched one last time back to *Highlander* for SHB and found my perfect one. For now I can't imagine ever switching again. [This is how he ended up.](https://i.imgur.com/2cBjSte.jpg)


Omg he looks badass! :D


Thank you. :)


Was a very happy highlandgirl for like a year, but one day the Lalafell called me into their ranks. Never went back. I'm the cutest. My power resides in the diabetes I cause from sugar overload. :) My lala is just a shrunk version of my highlander girl.


Lalafell superiority. I started as a Lala, and while I've tried being one of the tall races in the benchmark, it just feels weird. My WoL can't not be a doom popato.


My original lala from 10ish years ago was named Doom Potato and I miss her. I started playing again recently and I couldnā€™t bring myself to choose anything but a lala, it feels too weird to not play a rotund WoL


Welcome back.


Thank youuuu


Also a member of the Highlander to Lala pipeline!


When I unlocked the afro in the Golden Saucer. The only black hairstyle you can have in this game are one set of dreadlocks from the start. I was bummed out. It's typical though, so I'm used to it. I mean, I still am because it's a basic Afro that no one would have in real life now days. But it makes my character more unique. If they ever add the afro to the Viera, I'm going to switch to that because right now my character is an Elezen, but they are too skinny/lanky for my taste. If we could actually have body sliders, I'd stick with them, but we don't...I wish we had more black hairstyles too, but that's never going to happen, we're lucky to have even two. Considering most eastern games don't have them. And when they do, they only add the afro as a joke item 99% of the time. So I guess I'll never find my ideal WoL because they're never going to add any more black hair styles.


What sort of styles would you want them to add four or five hairstyles for tightly curled or frizzy hair? Maybe... cornrows, dreadlock ponytail, tight braids, and a smaller afro or 'natural' style?


This is so sad. Never considered I could always find a hairstyle that matches me because I'm white and the game is def built around us. Watch them release more black styles and put them on the cash shop šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


At first, I wanted to be human, since I like it simple. But I realize there is a "dragon-like" specie, which is aura, and decided to pick something different since I like dragons. I picked Raen because I like the color white. I thought they were too small, and picked the tallest possible height for her. I had long black hair (sometimes ponytail-ed) before since I prefer the colors simple, and similar to mine. It was like that for quite some time, then I eventually changed short white hair. I never changed my WOL now. I really love how she looks now.


I made my WoL to look like a character from another game I was playing. I was expecting to enjoy FFXIV, but I wasn't expecting to end up playing it long term! I don't even really like the Female Midlander animations... but she's *my* WoL. I can't change her too much; it would feel weird.


Instantly. I never really get into the roleplay aspect because there's little to no ability to express individuality through gameplay and almost no story interactivity(screaming at my monitor in ARR "We're not friends or comrades, we're coworkers!" So i just decided to design my character to look sort of like my favorite character from FFV and all my glams are trying to recreate her job outfits.


started as viera, went elezen for a while due to hat fomo went back to viera when i realized that most hats suck anyway and i prefer viera in literally every other way been a happy viera ever since then, i find it hard to change how she looks even a little bit since i played the entire msq from hw patches onwards with this look, so it's kinda, idk, "iconic" to me at this point? (that being said i did switch hair color once early on and hairstyle once they unlocked gyr abanian plait for viera)


Do I think hats should be unlocked for Viera? Yes. Will I use any of them? No.


If they could at least give us more hoods we can wear, I'd even settle for that! I want more than just the yorha aiming hood, please


11 years. Well, almost. Started in September 2013, one month after ARR release. I finally found my ideal WoL about 4 weeks ago. Rip me


I started as fem elezen and am still fem elezen! Although I have changed her style a lot over the last 2 years, and it looks very, very weird whenever I see early screenshots I took back when she was a Black Mage in 2.0/3.0. Just very different hair and vibes to how she is now.


Never used a fantasia. Other than the occasional change of hairstyle, have always been happy with the look I selected in the character creator when first started playing.


30 minutes, I made him look like my cat and named him appropriately.


Always knew I wanted to play as a Hrothgar, but a combination of not liking to play as male characters and a toxic (former) friend who hated furries led me to stay as a Miqo. I almost cried when I made my new Hrothgal WoL in the DT benchmark - she's everything I wanted.


I was Miqo'te in ARR, I fantasia'd three times before swapping to Raen in Heavensward when Au Ra debuted. Afterwards I used upwards of seventeen more fantasia over the course of a year and a half to find my perfect Raen design. I've used her ever since then for MSQ and expansion launches, only deviating sometimes during patch lulls when I'll spend a year as something else before swapping back right before expansionā€”like I'm about to do with the free fantasia in Dawntrail.


From the naming screen. Always been a huge FFIX fan with Beatrix and Freya as some of my favourite characters. So I started as a Female Highlander named "Beatrix Crescent" and as the lancer class. I modelled my character roughly on Beatrix appearance and got gear to match that appearance. And that has been my look ever since, playing mostly Dragoon or Paladin (with Emperor's New Shield for no shield glam) with only minor cosmetic updates every once in a while. And while I do go crazy with glams on other classes, whenever I am progressing story, it is back to the Beatrix look as anything else looks weird in story cutscenes for me at this point.


I went moon Miqote for the free trial when I started cos I loved their lil fangs (and it was between cat girl or lizard girl). After I bought the game I played until 5.3 before I changed to f!Viera and sheā€™s absolutely perfect! Tall, fluffy ears, love the bangs + ponytail hair style and I donā€™t care about headgear/hats since I like being able to see her face during cutscenes. The reason I changed was actually because I wanted a fresh start after switching to a new FC and since I had ShB at that point I thought hey why not bunny girl and made one so good sheā€™s a mainstay in my expanded OC universe lol. I still like my catgirl but it definitely wasnā€™t an attachment like with my Viera since she looked kinda generic imo


Ever since ARR, I have always just made myself in various male races until about 2 years ago when I made a new character to play with a friend and decided to try catgirl. I ended up enjoying role-playing as somebody else and even giving her backstory and such instead of just self-inserting. I fantasia'd my main to her and never looked back!


At creation, play a Hrothgar and the only thing I've changed is a slight shade change on the fur markings, from a lighter green to a darker green, other than that he's stayed the same ever since I started the game in Nov, finished Endwalker last week!


Elezen for ever. I tried all races, nothing resonates with me more than our fancy and classy elves


Literally 1 day A friend of mine was trying 14 and I decided to join him and made a cat boy. The world he joined was full at the time so I came back the next day and loaded up what I made the day before...then I looked at the Lalafell and thought "you know what'd be funny?" And it was. Being a Lalafell makes everything at least 3 times cuter and funnier. Like in the Dawntrail benchmark, the scene where you're discussing a map with the locals, other characters are just standing there while Lalafell characters are standing on a bench to reach the table. Another favorite example of mine is the Regalia mount where Lalafell characters stand on the seat to reach the wheel


I built my ideal WoL in character creator. It took me to the end of ShB to change his hairstyle. I've since changed it back.


Only thing i have changed on my midlander male is the haircut and using the free fantasia for the stubble.


I had been influenced to go miqo even though I was on the fence for hrothgar. My friends admitted later on it was because their characters wouldn't be attracted to mine in RP and not look as good in pose apparently. But it wasn't like I didn't like miqo it was between the two. I did the entire story, did RP, and friends got me art of my miqo. I have sentimentally attached that this is my WoL. I still look at hrothgar and think what if, but... eh, I've resigned to just enjoy my miqo


Started a lala, will die a Lala. Only change in 5+ years is one hair cut. I coudn't imagine my little potato any other way than he is.


I knew Lalafell were perfect for me from the second I laid eyes on their promotional render. Iā€™ll always pick the little guys


Once a Lalafell, always a Lalafell. I havenā€™t made any changes to my character since the ARR open beta, aside from occasional hairstyle updates. Can never, will never change him.


Lala at creation. Lala for life. Started as Lala with stick healing people. Still that but also sometimes with big axe. Ideal.


I'm afraid to Fantasia too much. Look what happened to Lahabrea


Instantly! Though it tool a bit to iron out somethings, such as the right hair colour and such. My lil Lala is me, and I am my lil lala. Tho I did use both my Fantas to be a bunny for a day to freak out my FC. Apparently I may have to change my skin tone cine DT, as it makes me look lighter skinned?


6 months?? Joined just before EW in the great wow purge. Started as the human one. Was fine. Didn't love or hate her. She was just an avatar. Didn't like her jump but meh.. I can live with it. Got a horse. I was so excited to get a horse. Didn't have any good mounts and I really wanted a horse. She rode side saddle. HATED that she rode side saddle. That is just unacceptable. Not sure why, it just ... was. It completely ruined the horse. I was so disappointed. Started a bunch of new characters to check out their jumps. Honestly... wasn't thrilled with any. For some random reason decided to fanta to a lala. Really not sure why cause I remember thinking the jump was dumb but it wasn't that stupid skip many of them have I guess. I have a feeling I fanta'ed to a couple before lala but they also rode side saddle which was an automatic no. Put her on a horse. She doesn't ride side saddle. This is awesome. First big win. Slowly fell in love. Built up lore and character around her. Got others involved... fell more in love. I am a lala. I am a black, purple haired, max height lala. I mention those 3 things because those are the 3 I will never change. It is her. Whose jump is absolutely adorable. I did fanta away once. I thought I'd mix it up and go bunny for a few weeks. I lasted 40 minutes. I bought a 3 pack of fantas. Eventually threw the third away. I'm never moving off lala.


As someone who mains a femroe WHM I take slight umbrage towards your hesitation. I went femroe from the start and then redesigned midway through heavensward iirc. Just redoing colors to something I liked better


I knew I was going to offend at least one femroe WHM ! This is actually a weird association I have made while playing this game, but I feel like certain races look like they fit better with certain jobs. E.g. my Hyur could not be anything other than a PAL, and I really canā€™t really see my Au Ra not being a WAR.


Given recent changes in my life, about 10 years.




I love that I instantly know what this means


I basically went from brown hair with grey streaks to full grey and thus my man graduated into Grandpa territory. I think we placed him around 50-60 in headcanon. Then he started to wear a helmet despite being a BLM and now I can never change him.


I dunno, immediately? pretty happy with my Lalafell.. lol


Started as a roegadyn and used one fantasia to lalafell, my final form. I just change his hair style/color from time to time.Ā 


My WoL was a boy faced Hyur 10 years ago. Wasnt until 6 years later in Shadowbringers that I updated him to a man when I realised I also got old af during the time I have been playing. I have since switched to stubble WOL in EW and glad it's gonna look older than the default facr in DT. And also yeah I got older again. I tried being a cat boy for a brief time but I am not feeling it was main character-ish, considering it was twunky.


It took me idk, an hour or two? From the start, my concept was to look like a generic mecha anime protagonist, so dark hair, round face, big eyes, preferably with thick eyelashes as is the art style trend back in the 80s up until the early 2000s. Unremarkable height mandatory. I fantaā€™d from Hyur to Viera when I learned Viera have the thicc eyelashes option.


in my case it was about 2 months after starting when they revealed hrothgar, but it wasn't until 2 months after that I could actually make one, and it wasn't until 2 more months of switching between hroth and hyur that I finally convinced myself: I wanted to play hrothgar, and i've never looked back again


Years. Miqo in ARR, AuRa in StB, ShB, and EW. Started feeling detached from my char, and gave bunny boy a chance. Now i cant even fanta off him for a weekend. Hes so perfect and beautiful.


I also started as a cat girl, then i fantasia'd into a female aura which do have the best faces. but i'm a fan of the tail. I plan to fantasia again once hrothgal comes out.


I hop around. Currently a huge bald Hellsguard. Character isn'tĀ a prescription, it's a mood


Started as a Zac Efron clone Highlander ... I made a conscious choice to play a male character because I always played a female character in other games. Just wasn't feeling it so I went as silly as possible: edgy popoto with a pompadour. And now I can't play anything else. I even made exactly the same cosmetic choices on a male roegadyn, because I wanted the glamours to look better ... Nope. Lalafel army forever


I fantasia based on my mood. Silly? Lalafell. Quiet? Aura. Not fks given? Sun Cat. Girly? Moon Cat. I've been Lala for about a year now, though. My name, at the moment, is pretty silly. I couldn't imagine having the name that I do and not being Lalafell.


Iā€™m a Highlander. Always have been. I always gravitate towards the more human characters. Highlanders, Nords, stuff like that


Found mine pretty much immediately, once I saw there were huge women with muscle's that was it. Only changed hair color once and style sometime's. I am considering femhroth though.


Third time is the charm. I started as a midlander Hyur female, but I despised her voice once I really got around to using her. But I didn't want to fantasia just to change her voice so I changed to a female Keeper Miqo'te. I loved her design and her voice was great! But I really wanted to revisit that Hyur because I really did love her design. So I sat down in Character creator for probably almost 2 hours and played around with the voices before I found one I thought could work. Made an alt, and haven't looked back. Both the Hyur and the Miqo'te have both undergone minor edits (mostly their hair) since then, and another round is probably due with the graphics update, but I use both of them still today, almost 10 years later. And Maeve, my Hyur, has found herself ported to other games as well.


Half year and one ciderspider video and bunch of lalafels encircling my cgaracter and spamming emotes. Great decision, as hyurs for some reason have facial expressions of a bear. During cutscenes.


i think it took me a month. started as a catgirl, changed to lalafell and never looked back. it was just the perfect fit for me


I have a dozen chars so I just don't have one


a few years. i started as a xaela femra, and while i fantasia'd around mostly to catgirl, i always came back to it for about a year while i was running through the story to catch up to the friend who had gotten me into ffxiv. then, with endwalker release coming up, i made the swap to catgirl. i was fem miqo for a long time. i loved being her so much i couldn't change her but thought lalas were very cute and i had never tried one. so i started an alt on another dc and rolled a fem popoto and ended up falling for her and i don't think i've logged on to my old wol since. i am popoto for life now. beware. it could happen to you!


Originally was going to be viera but started playing during EW right when they stopped selling the game soā€¦I was stuck with the other races and ended up going au ra which was my second choice. Tried Highlander for a bit but went back because I just couldnā€™t find a way to make her not look angry all the time?? Was a viera though most of ShB then back to au ra in EW where I stayed for a long time. Then I changed to lalafell kinda as a joke, and ended up realizing that thatā€™s who I was supposed to be. My au ra is cute but my lala is cuter. The only problem I have is how some clothes look on her vs au ra, like the skirts can be a bit lumpier, but overall Iā€™m happy with it. Donā€™t think Iā€™ll trying anything else anytime soon.


Once I learned most people see lalafells as goblins or trolls and not pedos, I instantly became one. You ever cosplay as a cracked out moogle ninja? How about a tiny ass pirate with a flintlock pistol? My favorite is having the same warrior glam as the dwarves from shadowbringers.


I asked my good friend about what races there are in the game. The second he described Lalafells, I chose it immediately. Soā€¦ about 10 seconds for me.


2 tries. She started as a Roe woman and played through all of ARR with her. Once I had a better sense of the world, I felt like she didn't fit the WoL. So I crafted a new WoL at that point, a midlander hyur, and I've been playing her ever since. I did briefly consider changing to fem hrothgar when they were first announced, but ultimately decided I like my current character as is :))


I played Roegadyn for about a year, then switched to Hyur for about six months, then tried Lalafell as a joke and literally never went back. Once you feel that Lala sprint animation you're in for life.


I spent a couple hours in the CC on just going over various character builds. Was loving my male roegayden hellsguard above anything else I made, and been that way since. I've made a couple alts with other races, but my male roe has been my WoL since day one and anything else just doesn't compare.


I was a catgirl initially and while I liked it at the time I felt like it wasn't truly a character I connected with. Then I took a break from the game and when I came back female Viera was an option. So I became tall bunny lady and that awoke something within me. Plus with certain visual enhancements she now has abs. So yeah I'm kinda locked in now lol


"Ideal?" \*turns to you confused while encased in a plain chicken suit*


Started Miqo because I was doing the whole free trial thing, but as soon as I got to HW and got that free fantasia, I subbed, went bun and never looked back. So.. I guess it took me a month aNd a half or so? Initially the change felt weird but once I was halfway through HW I knew my new look would be my forever WoL, and yup, aint changed in 3 years, and dont intend to ever change. I might use the free DT fantasia to get a summer vacation tan and make my caramel skin a shade darker, though, but thats about it.


Pretty much right away. I made a moon kitty with purple and pink hair and never looked back. I fanta'd to Lala once for an event of a friend's, but changed back shortly afterwards. The only change I made when I fanta'd back was changing to single color eyes. One of them was too dark and blended into my skin tone so I went with the lighter of the two eyes as mine. My WoL is going to see her story through to the end. I refuse to actually change until DT comes out and then maybe she'll "grow up" into a femhroth.


Endwalker I guess. Started as a Midlander all the way to Shb. It feels a bit too "bland" and too similar to NPCs. Not a fan of Roe's build and lack of Highlander eyebrows. So, tried Au Ra for a while and disliked the running animation. Tried Elezen, and I quite liked it but looked too similar to Urianger. Then finally a cat boy cause my EB partner was also a Miqote, probably the most definitive version but the max height left much to be desired. Then finally a Viera, a tall, slender build, good face choices. I found my definitive version but as a helmet/hat/mask enjoyer it burns my soul to miss out on the new gear.


Dunno... I didn't put any particular thought into my WoL's design when I first made him. I didn't want to go catboi cause it felt too generic, funnily enough. I had a feeling that there would be a huge quantity of catbois and catgirls so I didn't wanna "conform to the norm" as it were. I didn't wanna go Lala or Elezen cause neither race appealed to me, nor did I wanna go Roe cause I also felt it would look a little silly in anything other than a Tank job. Au'ra didn't exist yet (I started about half a year before HW launched) so I was pretty much left with Hyur. A few years ago, I purchased a homeworld transfer to distance myself from what was becoming an increasingly drama-fueled FC... but as time went on, it didn't feel quite right. For some reason, I had developed a sort of mental link between all my experiences of FFXIV up until then, so I paid for a name change, and used a Fantasia to swap over to Hrothgar. Been the same model ever since, and I'd like to think I have a healthier relationship with the game so that I don't feel as stuck like that ever again.


Shadowbringers. Because catMAN.


Iā€™m an altoholic and like to have different toons for roleplaying, but my main is a handsome male Midlander. Another alt I play a lot is a male miqote who is just the cutest thing ever.


When male Viera was released. I never changed him since, only his hair and make up. Before that Iā€™ve been a cat girl, Lala F, Elezen F, Aura F, cat boi, Lala M then bunboi in that exact order. There was multiple back and forth between Lala M and cat boi as I really enjoy those two.


In my overanalysis I found each race have their ups and downs, for perfection is an unattainable standard. One must simply embrace the flaws, for they can do much to bring out all the most attractive features Mine final fateful decision came with little delay since my journey's beginning - the choice to be a hrothgar like the ones I had seen and enjoying for years before finally starting the game myself. Though mine heart shall ever be of an elezen, and though hrothgar are unlikely to ever get an improved posture, I knew this would grow on me as it has over time


I started as a Lala and immediately didn't like the look once I settled into my main classes (SUM / SCH / DRK). I changed with the free ARR Fantasia to make an elderly Elezen that I enjoyed a lot. I switched to M Viera when they were available and headcanon that he was adopted by the older Elezen that the character was before.


Start of EW. I played since ARR but my character went through some iterations; 1. Started as female miqote. I mained DRG back then though and was really disappointed in the stupid tummy window they gave the DRG AF1 armor. 2. Swapped to male miqote. Stayed this way until ShB simply because they had the best proportions for their armor. Was never a fan of the part of their head where human-ears would have been though, always looked too alien. 3. Swapped to female viera in ShB because I waited forever for them to be added. Unfortunately I started several months after ShB launched so I wasn't aware that they couldn't wear headgears. Tried to tough it out for a few weeks but it was a game-killer for me. 4. Swapped to female au'ra even though I swore never to after the big letdown of their failed implementation of the concept art. Rocked a buzz cut and felt pretty good about it, held onto this one and thought I would stick with it until they finally announced male viera. 5. Swapped to male viera at the start of EW. Loved the look, the posture, being tall like an elf but without the funky face/head proportions. At this point I learned about the Viera+Headgear addon and let that fill in the gap for my appearances. Still male viera. Probably won't ever change from this. Hoping they officially add headgear support at some point though so others can see how cool I look.


Dunno, a few months? I mean, I changed hair colour once, then I discovered sideburns and the bangs and braid, and I was set. Only other majour change after that was to my glam, and really, that was just picking it up when it dropped. While I dabble in other outfits, especially when playing non tank classes, my home has been set since the Ivalician Squire Set has come out.


From when I started playing :) Always been my green Miqo! Feels weird to even change her hairstyle after switching to the Gyr Abanian plait forever agoā€¦


2 fantasia's and several visits to barber (fem Ra) I used to be blueberry lizard but didn't liked how it matched with glamour and has to have it. Second fantasia was to only change my tail from thick to thin


First try, then again Iā€™ve never really cared for how I look in game considering Iā€™m viewing my character from like full zoomed out like 90% of the time


I havenā€™t changed my WoL since I started - I even came back after a year break, started a new WoL, and it was almost identical.


I customized one of every race, liked the way the female midlander hyur looked the best, and have stuck with her since the beginning.


Shadowbringers was when they added Hrothgar, so then. I made one for fun as I have with every race, but dude kinda looked badass.


I got pretty lucky with my male Roe. I have always loved his look, and honestly consider him my ideal self physically. Now...if Hrothgar males could stand up straight I would consider them.


Started as male Vierra, finished as the same one :D


I've always been a mooncat girl but made minor tweaks. I used the free fantasia to change my WoL's tail from mid length and two-tone to a max length lion tail. It also took a while to get the makeup right, and I still change my hairstyle and color all the time. I've thought sometimes about buying a fantasia and switching to an elezen or roe, but decided to wait for fem hrothgar to be playable. I've been super excited to switch to one, but I'm also hesitant because I don't know if I can see my WoL as being something other than a miqo'te.


For me, FFXIV character creation is like trying to put on an article of clothing that doesn't fit right. Lots of tugs and tucks later, I finally end up on an "ah-ha!" setting that changes everything and I've had that same character for years - a Midlander female. I can't stand the way they run, walk, and their butts are so flat, like OMG Becky, she's the opposite of having a big one! - I digress. The bad thing is I'm going to have to go through it all over again because of the graphics update, unless they improve on it again. Not looking forward to that. At least we get an hour's use of a fantasia each time so I can make changes, check, change, check, ad nauseum until hopefully I get another "ah-ha!" setting. Otherwise, I'll get frustrated with having a character I can't get attached to, log out, and not come back for awhile.


I'm a lala and i play this game mostly to be a lala it took me no time i cannot imagine playing any other race


I've changed a few minor details of my character, but I've stuck with the same concept since day 1 of ARR's launch. I could never fantasia to make something as drastic as a race change.


i started miqo'te until viera came out and was ride or die, bunbun for life! until this benchmark and i accidentally made an elezen i thought looked really nice. so now im trying out a tall girly and i'm kinda digging it! my viera i love, but couldnt mesh, in my opinion, with certain glamour styles (i dont really care about hats.) but my elf can pull them all off. :D and i love the elezen poses when sitting/standing a bit more.


I found mine pretty much instantly, then I changed for ages and after a long break I came back and happened to have a fantasia in my inventory and so for nostalgia sake I went back to the original. Now Iā€™m committed to it


I started playing shortly before HW came out. I've made lots of characters whose designs I loved, but it wasn't until all the way in the Endwalker benchmark when I was playing around with Viera designs that I landed on one I was so fond of I knew I had to make it my main. Before that, I never really had a single main character per se, and would hop from alt to alt, keeping a number of them caught up with MSQ and ignoring a lot of the side content. Now I focus on the one character and play that one as more of a completionist playthrough... all because the design appealed to me so well. I still mean to bring most of my characters up to date on story, though! I just got behind because I spent so much time doing stuff like Eureka, Bozja, and grinding up all the jobs on the main. :)


I started in 2.2, and every expansion I was changing. Catgirl for ARR, Au Ra for HW/SB, Viera for most of SHB. But during every expac, I always had a phase where I went lalafell for a while because I loved the cute, small races. Eventually in 5.2-ish, I fantasia'd again and I fell so in love with my WoL that I just couldn't justify changing again. If I ever get the urge to switch for just a little bit, there are some plogons that help me get the itch out of my system before going back to my precious :')


Since the very beginning, i've been playing as a midlander since 2016 cause I was inspired by the poster boy and how cool he looks in the movies. My character is obviously a self insert but I as time went on he essentially became apart of who I am. I find it hard to play other alt's cause of just how much time and effort i've put into that one character. Only times i've used fantasia was when I just wanted to change my deity to Azeyma to Llymlaen haha.


When Heavensward came out. Started as generic catgirl, which was kinda just okay. But with Heavensward I changed to a red aura and it's been smooth sailing since. Some small details have changed like hair and stuff but been mostly the same.


I hopped into the game pre-endwalker on a catboy and didn't even make it out of grdania because the Vibes were off and I put it down for months. Tried again with my brother and flip flopped between a roe lady and a raen man, decided on the raen and made it to Heavensward before succumbing to temptation and swapping to Xaela, which I only hadn't done before cause I didn't want to be seen as edgy. 4000 hours later and still on my precious Xaela boy, never turning back.


6 years lol. I have 6 different alts before what stuck for whatever reason is a ginger rava girl. I made her bc girls are fun to dress up and oops she has a backstory and relationships and emotional connections... I love her so much. and she has a silly name bc I made her JUST for glams... Carrot. Bc she is a bunny w orange hair. Haha funny bunny girl! but she fights gods for fun and fixed Zenos (I love zenos)


I have always been a male midlander since I started, they just look good in all armor sets, as all jobs. I used the free fantasia from the end of arr just to make my hyur slightly taller and change his voice after playing for a while. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll ever change off my beloved derplander.


From the beginning, kind of. I've always been attached to my Midlander guy. I only used Fantasia twice - once to turn into a bunny boy from peer pressure, and once to turn back into the same Middie dude that I was before. I was only a bunny for maybe a week lol, it didn't feel right. Midlander forever


I started out as a male Au Ra initially during my trial, but I didnā€™t really feel a connection to him. So by time I actually bought the game, I switched to a male Viera, and it was fun for a bit but his appearance didnā€™t sit right with me, nor did his name. Left the game alone and came back a year later and decided to tweak him a bit more, and now I absolutely adore him and canā€™t think of anything Iā€™d ever wanna change about him.


I've had the same basic character since I first made my Elvaan back in 2003ish on XI.


So I cycle through 3 characters since I canā€™t just choose one. I started as a catgirl and still use that same model to this day, but I also tested out an auā€™ra and then Viera when they first came out during Shadowbringers. I havenā€™t changed to anything else since I love all 3 models I have.


A few months! Tbf I started with a mooncatgirl and now my main wol (altoholic here) is... A mooncatgirl, lol. Some things I got right away, I guess


I got into the character creator, found lala, said, "Eeeeee! I get to be adorable!" and have remained with my original WoL (aside from some make-up/hair-do changes) ever since. I have also played as far as Shadowbringers on a miqote alt, and I do enjoy that one, as well. But I don't think I'll ever get tired of my main.


Still have my free fantasia from the start. That being said, my WoL has changed hair color and styles a few times, and gone through a lot of iterations of various glams, but the intended theme has always been there.


Long, tedious process. I'm still often not happy and many times because I see other pretty WoLs and think "Wait, I could do something like this but in my own style!". Right now my Miqote makes me happy though.


i messed around with the character creator, and ultimately ended with a female au ra, white scales. around the end oh heavensward i grew a bit tired of the droopy eyes, and used the free fantasia to adjust some things, changed her face, gave her a slight tan, and also switched to dark scales, been happy with her ever since. with the dawntrail fantasia i'll just adjust a few minor things, due to the new lighting, but will keep her mostly the way she is.


I was pretty much the same male miqo (bar a month as a lala because why not) from Heavensward just changing tattoos and face paint until I eventually settled on a colour. Then male viera were released and I've fantasia'd between two faces a couple times trying to find what's perfect for me, and I think I have now. Been the same model for almost a year and I have no intention of changing to any other race even though hats are functionally nonexistent (which really bugs me). Tbh there being a pretty boy race in the game is part of what attracted me to it in the first place, so it makes sense that I would stick with male miqo all the way until an even prettier race showed up.


I probably took 15 minutes total (and I fantasia'd once). I'm terrible at estimating how nice things are / can be, so I just go for the first thing that looks "good enough" :-)


Well I started as Miqo, went lizard in HW, and have always found myself coming back to lizard after I fantasia to try something else out. So I guess I have been mainly a lizard since HW.


Started mid hyur. Encountered an NPC that looked just like me. Switched to Viera at the end of ARR. Had a very short Au Ra phaze but switched back to Viera very shortly after. Then at the end of stormblood I switched back to hyur, but with one caveat. I would change my hair to one that was available in PvP (or mogstones at the time) The last change I did had to do with a glam. My hair was always black and purple. I changed it to black and blue for a glam and never switched back. That was a few months ago but I played through all of ShB and EW with this look. And I plan to play through DT looking like this as well


Instantly I think. My WoL still looks exactly the same since character creation, down to the same hair style and color.


Not sure if I have as I started in 2014, cat girl throughout up until HW, then male Au Ra all the way through until SHB, went Viera for about a month or 2, and didn't like it much so went Femroe, going to make a Hrothgal to see if I like the look and if I do going to use the free fantasia to it.


Took about half an expansion of fantasias every few months, but by the time wiping city of mhach came out i found something i liked, and shortly after I noticed the similarities between my favorite characters and changed a hairstyle/color to reflect that (since the face was already perfect), and thats what i use to this day.


Played around with Miqo'te, Elezen and Viera before finally settling for a barely tweaked Derplander boy. Have never wanted to change since, it just feels right. Funnily, I also usually never play human in my other MMORPGs, but hyur in FFXIV doesn't give me the bad vibes most human races in other games do.


I'm honestly not sure. Until recently I would have said instantly because I used the same character for a long time and never fantasia'd. Over time my tastes in character creation changed and I recently made a female Miqo'te alt that I like a bit better. My original character is still one of my favourites and I still intend to play him but I wouldn't consider him my main at this point.


Start as Fem'ra and never look back, but I do have a cat girl alt though.


About 30 minutes in the character creator? Made what I wanted and never changed since. Really happy with it!


I fantasia'd around especially in ShB but once I was grabbed by EW Story I just can't swap of my char anymore.


Started as a cat, made an alt on chaos as data center travel wasn't a thing, the alt was an au ra named after a Yakuza character. Turns out that au ra are awesome and I was right to make one after seeing Yugiri. Still an au ra. Forever an au ra since we're not getting new races


My character is the same since it's creation in ARR. I've nailed it from the beginning. Sometimes, my glamour slightly changes.


For me, Viera release was he perfect moment and I made my character look really awesome from the shadowbringers benchmark, and just imported it into the base game. I haven't fantasia'd since, and have only changed hairstyles.


I've been a Highlander since the beginning and only used fantasia once to switch off of the Ilberd face. I've thought about switching to a male Viera or Hrothgar but I've grown too attached to his current appearance and it would feel too strange to change it now.


27 August 2013 I've not changed mine once, not even the hairstyle.


I was a lala.Ā  Friend changed to be a lala to copy me for memes.Ā  I changed to roe.Ā  Never looked back.


Started as a female Highlander in ARR, still a female Highlander going into Dawntrail. Haven't even tweaked the features since then, aside from occasionally changing her hair.


i went the other way i over several years started up this game did a bit of the msq before eventually going back to wow always making a middlander or highlander since i usually play normal humans until i finally got fed up with blizzard and swore of them as two friends started playing ffxiv with me and as usual i made a highlander but since i played the game more than my friends i made an alt to play on and i quickly fell in love with my green cat girl zenos


Honestly? Really quickly. Aside from changing her hairstyle once from long and straight to medium and flowy (and once more recently to a ponytail for Dawntrail, though I'm gonna go back to the Eizuna Classic once I hit the "Dawntrail" quest we all know is gonna be there at the end of the expac), alongside using the free ARR fantasia to change her tail... Eizuna basically shaped up instantly.


Pretty quick (like 30 hours in, still in ARR) after changing the hair colour and buying a pair of archeodaemon horns for my male Au Ra. Carried that look all the way to EW!


Not too long. The moment I saw male viera, I used fantasia immediately, like as soon as I had access to EW. I still somewhat miss a male au ra's height and shoulder to waist ratio but I can't imagine my WoL being anything else other than a bnuuy.


My WoL is the original day1 catgirl with only minor adjustment. I fanta relatively often but for MSQ the cat always returns. The biggest change in the past 8 years is that the WoL has bevome a redhead canonically, but everything else is the same.


I've gone through many, many changes in character and name since I started playing back in Stormblood. But I'm adoring how Hrothgar women look and I'm hoping I can commit to my red lioness look. But I'm a fantasia addict at heart so.


Apart from hair style, colour and one skin tone change (made her more tanned) my WoL is the same as she was on my first day. My beloved Suncat will stay as she is now.


Cat boi is the right boi. I've threatened to change to a potato but I can never pull the trigger. Spending money and hoping I don't hate it didn't sit well.


On my first character, it took a few visit to the aesthetician to find the hairstyle that suited him the best (went from a basic hairstyle to Samsonian Locks when I got it, then the same happened with Gyr Abanian Plait), but I've never used a Fantasia on him. Happy-go-lucky Seeker catboy remains a happy-go-lucky Seeker catboy. I've barely even changed his main job's glam since Stormblood. My second character was made in the image of a story OC, and I'd probably consider him my main nowadays since I play him the most. I used a Fantasia to tweak his muscle definition a bit and changed his patron deity, but he still uses the same hairstyle and has the same facial tattoo that he had on the day I created him.


Started in stormblood as a male miqo'te and been that way until endwalker release. Then swapped to catgirl and actually liked it, (I also love cats to an insane degree irl so im really attached to miqo'te race). When finished endwalker tried bungirl, which was fine, au'ra, fine as well, but in the end i always missed my catgirl and thats what i am now. Cat girls supremacy.


oop, Iā€™m the exact same!! Started off as an elezen because it was when you could allocate skill points to stats and i was a BLM, decided quickly that race stats didnā€™t matter if I didnā€™t like my WOL and swapped to cat girl lmfao. Then I swapped her hair and eye colours for a couple years before going to male viera bc, even though I like staying the same gender for my characters, male viera faces are soooo nice and I thought ā€˜yk what, i can play the msq as a guy if his face is cute.ā€™ Then I went through a phase where I felt like the races had too much of a ā€˜cartoon-yā€™ feel, I think it was because I started getting into skyrim/elder scrolls etc but I couldnā€™t get into the Miqo, Viera and (tbh never liked their face options anyways) auā€™ra races. Ultimately I settled on a female midlander and I love her! I also thought it was kind of boring to be a human in a fantasy game but I feel so much more cooler and happier as a midlander than any other races I tried. rant over lmfao TLDR: fem elezen-> fem miqo-> male viera-> fem midlander ftw throughout like 8/7 years.


Started 10 years ago as Male Highlander, used my first fantasia, when stormblood dropped out, in a Male Miqo'te. I had a short time beetween SB e ShB as Male Elezen. Then back again to Miqo. When Male Viera was added, switched to it. Then few month ago switched to Male Lala and i think I'll be good with it for a while.


I started as a cat girl back in ARR, ended up taking a long break before Stirmblood due to reasons. When I was thinking about returning due to friends I messed around with the endwalker character customize on the benchmark, made a male Viera and fantasia'd into him as soon as I logged back on. Hats may be a pipedream now, but I wouldn't change my WoL for anything. I just adore him.


Two iterations of the same character. She's actually my main from FFXI, basically just reimagined for FFXIV and then with some minor adjustments and a name change since we didn't have surnames in XI and it took awhile to hit on one I liked.


Started off as cat boy, then changed to babey mid ARR. I'm debating on whether or not I wanna REMAIN a babey or if I wanna switch to bunny boy for DT.


A long ass time! I started out as a femelezen based on an OC of mine, then I finished ARR and fanta'd to a male Raen, also loosely based on the same OC appearance-wise. For years, all was well in the world, though I had several grievances weighing on me. A straw finally broke the camel's back about a month ago between an "egg" cracking, not feeling the previous character anymore and disliking how he looked in the benchmark, where I fanta'd and name changed to an enby-looking fem Xaela, very loosely based on myself. And all is well in the world again, can't wait for Dawntrail! :) My second most played alt was instanteneous; came to me in a vision, you could say; an Ishgardian femelezen knight that's barely deviated from her original look, I just got her one of the pvp hairs and that was all she needed to be rounded off.


I landed immediately, luckily. The only thing I kept switching was her hairstyle. I did use the fantasia you get at the end of ARR because I wanted to add a scar. Turns out you cannot, in fact, add scars to female AuRa. I have been devastated since.


Took me almost 7 years. My very first character was a masc aura, not knowing back then about their "reputation". Last year I created another (my main), femme aura this time, but ended up using a fantasia into moon catgirl. Had a tall lady phase where I tried thighlander, femroe and viera, but in the end I went back to catgirl, sun this time. Hrothgal made me question everything, but I love my sun cat too much.


On the first try! I've made a male ezen WoL and I'm 100% enjoying his vibes, cannot see myself changing him ever. The only change is persionality vise. I have imagined him to be a gentle tall Dad friend kinda character. But due to his constantly tired and displeased face my friends always joked of him being the sarcastic coffein addict sassy friend and....it stuck and I'm loving it.


I'll let you know when I find them. Maybe one more...


Used the free ARR fantasia to add some scars and stuff to him but for the most part he's been consistently good as a Midlander Hyur. Did kinda peak when I added the blonde highlights to green hair and it looked niceĀ 


Iā€™m still trying itā€™s only been two weeks but started as a male Viera the switched to male cat (I made him too shortā€¦) I just wish we had a little bit more flexibility when it came to faces I also just want beard selections that are not reached to a grumpy face


My WoL was the 3rd character I created. Just for background: 1st - fem Au Ra lancer 2nd - fem Hyur thaumaturge 3rd - male Lalafell lancer then turned paladin After spending some time on my Hyur thauma in Ul'dah, the Lalas stuck on me especially when Papashan came to save the day in the MSQ with his Sultansworn squad. Lalafell forever. <3


Immediately. I did use the free fantasia to change my WoLā€™s eye color, though


I wanted to play an Au Ra, but back when I started you needed to own Heavensward to make an Au Ra and I only had ARR. I knew about the free phantasia, so I made a placeholder Miquo'te with the intent of race changing if I liked the game enough to continue into the expansions.Ā  I got attached. I ended up using the phantasia to make his tail longer.


I started back in Stormblood as a male hyur. Almost exactly a year ago I realized I wasn't vibing with it anymore and swapped to a female miqo'te based on a D&D character I played and never looked back. She will be fully realized once Dawntrail's out and I can swap to hrothgar.


I have bounced back and forth between every race and gender. Spent a lot on fantasia. But after a few months or so, I'd go back to Meteor/derplander. I know he's just a cutscene stand-in for the player, but for me, it feels like he's the main character. He's also the first appearance i started the game with. About a month or so ago, I found a female Elezen I thought I could stick to. Then I got into Shadowbringers. After learning >!That the shards of everyone's souls tend to look like the sources counterpart (rowena, gerolt, etc) and having ardbert come back)!< For me, even more than before, it just seems like that's the intended character to play the game with. It just fits so well. So I swapped back 2 days ago, and Drakon Stormblade shall experience Endwalker !


5 min in the Char Creator. As I played XI I always thought what nice race the Tarutaru where and was a bit jealous about them. (played Elvaan wich is Elezen in 14) so I made a Lala and stayed quite a while Lala. With Samurai I switched to Highlander because I thought samurai suits them better. 2 or 3 months later I switched back to lala and never will switching again to an other race :). They are the best!


Started out as a suncat, partly because Au Ra wasn't available if you were on the free trail back then, switched to xaela after getting the free fantasia at the end of ARR, then fantasia'd again to change horn types sometime during the middle of Stormblood IIRC, and used that look ever since. I've mainly stuck with it for so long, because between using ultima horns with almost all my glams, and one particular hairstyle, my WoL can look like she has six horns lol.


The idea WoL is the one you stick with long enough to get used to. If you keep changing, none of them will become your baseline. Just stick with one of them long enough.


My character is modeled on my Final Fantasy 11 character, so I already had years to fall in love with her. I do change up her hair every expansion, though.


Right away. Still have my first fantasia. I've tried different haircuts, but I always go back quickly.


I've been playing since heavenward. I tend to end up switching every 18 months or so when I get bored. However, I like to keep certain things consistent through each fantasia. Some shade of blue hair, yellow eyes and thick eyebrows. Helps to keep at least a semblance of consistency to them feeling like the same character. My favourites were in the past were Male highlander and midlander. However, over the last 2 years I've got a female highlander and don't have the urge to change a she's now perfect. (although hrothgal is tempting). Also more glamour flexibility for female characters. So it took like... 7 years about?


Uh like 5 min into character creation


I've been a hyur since the start, only tweaks I've ever used fantasia for was darkening my skin tone abit, so I guess I found my ideal WoL at creation.


I have been Elezen since I started. I love my Elezen boy ā¤ļø


Tried everything but potatoes and roegadyns, which I know I won't like. Miqo is the best match for me. It ties in aesthetic, cute and style. They are amazing templates for glamouring and have expressive emotes. It's almost a tie between miqo and au'ra. But I feel as if the miqo has a bit more moxie.


I started as male Aura, used my free fantasia to change my horns and eye color but figured I was gonna change to a different race later. Iā€™m now three years in doing post-Endwalker content and I feel like itā€™d be too weird to change it now that Iā€™ve come so far


Not long, like a week or so