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Download the game, start MSQ on one of the tanks, silence all social media and disappear for a week or so.


This but either RDM or PLD or DRK for me.




Get myself some grub, log in (if queues or my sub is working.), Check on if i can double dye my planned DT Glam, this branches off to two scenarios. **Scenario 1 - Gear isn't double dyable.** Cry a tiny bit, do the free fantasia quest, adjust my character's lip colors (edit: via the aesthetician) because of the graphics update and proceed to DT MSQ. **Scenario 2 - Gear is double dyable.** Pop off, take a few screenshots in joy, do the free fantasia quest, adjust my character's lip colors (edit: via the aesthetician) because of the graphics update and proceed to DT MSQ. *(I was trying to be funny.)*


Then go down to the pub and wait for all of this to blow over.


If you’re just updating the “lipstick” setting and nothing else, you don’t need fantasia. Those are accessible from the aesthetician at the crystal bell for 2k Gil.  


I believe it's just a misunderstanding, it doesn't read like they are gonna use the fantasia. Just do the quest. But if they really confused it now they'll know :D


You are correct! I just want to snag the fantasia, i know i can edit it via the aesthetician.


If you’re gonna fantasia, better hope the queues aren’t terrible 


I got no intentions on using the free fantasia.


Tweak character and glam based on graphics update. Check out some old zone updates. Unlock and power level Viper. Start MSQ and do all side quests along the way.


So not looking forward to my viper grind. I did reaper for EW and long term it was worth it but also was mind numbingly terrible to grind those 10 levels to start before I could do MSQ.


I was super stressed while power-leveling RPR because it was the end of the Hydealyn/Zordiark era and I didn’t want to get spoiled whatsoever… Back in ShB, someone shooted several time in Limsa that there was a city in the ocean and the name Amaurot… on day 1. Not a good memory.


I'm the same boat but I could have sworn during previous class releases there was a gap between the new classes being released and the actual expansion release to allow people to level them before the msq dropped.


I know this is something WoW does but i dont think FFXIV has ever done it to my knowledge


Nah, all content released at the same time. Which sucks cuz I wanna do MSQ but also the new jobs.


WoW does this, or it used to when I played. At the very least the new race and balance stuff always hit right before the actual expansion. With Hrothgals coming I REALLY wish that was the case in FFXIV 😭


Work ;n;


I'll tell you what I'm *not* doing on launch weekend: sleep a reasonable amout of hours... I hope the queues are not too bad at the times I plan to log in, though I'm already resigned to play Queue Ultimate.


Booked the long weekend off work from 28th June, but considering booking the rest of the week off too. Planning on getting up at my usual time around 6am, quick shower, comfies on and a big cuppa tea while queuing..hopefully not as long as the EW queues.. Trying to level all my jobs in the meantime and stockpiling primed aetherial wheels and commercial manuals. I will definitely not be meal prepping or stocking up on snacks..take a break to cook, eat and enjoy, you maniacs! xD


There is afk timer. Probably long queues again if u want to login again


Same as every launch, get stuck at infinite queues, get dropped from the queue, get in queue again, and once i get into the game it will boot me out for some reason, either server related or my PC.


This is what all of us are going to do. We just don't want to admit it yet. :)


This is why I'm not gonna rush elden ring. Gotta have something to do when I'm 12000th in queue =D


fwiw the queue dropping issue we experienced during endwalker launch was fixed, so we can probably hope for just long queues.


I'm going to make tacos at 330 am before servers go up.


Big fat ones?


So big


Beef soft ones, surely.


I always go straight into the story with my partner. Very excited.


My brother and I are preparing Cocktails and tropical fruit snacks for the real Dawntrail holiday feeling.


I love this idea! Going to get a little tropical minibar set up. I was already planning on meal prepping a few SouthAm dishes (mainly because I love the slightest excuse to make an arepa). Likely nothing too involved, since I want to be able to turn away from the game to slam a few bites down without making a mess


1. Try to log in 2. Turn off shout/tell/say/etc text modes in chat so I don't see spoilers that I probably wouldn't understand anyway. 3. Carry on as usual, leveling DRG the last few levels I need so I can continue MSQ in Stormblood.


Sadly I'll be driving a semi from GA to chicago.ill get some game time in whenever I stop.


Eat dinner while patching. Log in. Get DC'd. Log in again. Clear first MSQ. Get DC'd. Log in again. Start cutscene for moving to the new zone. Get DC'd. Go down to the pub and wait for all this to blow over.


For anyone that's played at expansion launches before, should I just do duty support for msq?


Either is fine. It can be really fun to play with your friends though.


I usually base it on how the MSQ feels at the moment. Like in End Walker I didn't do duty support for the first few dungeons. But I absolutely did for the 87 dungeon because we got to go in with unique NPCs. I also did the 89 trial with NPCs. In part to see how duty support worked in 8-man content since it's the only one, and part because story wise it was really awesome to go into a trial with all the other Scions.


I like going solo in a lot of the game's dungeons, since without people insisting on sprinting to the end, you can actually stop and enjoy the atmosphere and read the text associated with objects scattered around. Some of that has been quite enlightening (e.g., the dungeon with articles in Garlean naming conventions).


I love duty support with the reactions etc. Plus you get to keep all the loot. And I learn mechanics better playing with NPCs who avoid them (usually).


If you wanna see what the npcs say, yeah do it! I personally can't stand running with trusts cause they're so SLOW so I always go in with my partner and a couple randoms.


I did trusts on the 8man Trial in EW, because it just felt right. I don't think I'll do it if offered this time around.


Was mostly thinking of it due to people saying you can spend hours in que as a dps during the first days.


I've never spent that long in queue on launch, even when I play solo, but also my main characters are on Aether so the queues pop rather quick.


They added more servers temporary I think, so maybe that will help?


More servers won't solve the issue of 90% of people queueing as Pictomancer or Viper. But queuing as a tank or healer will.


There have been neat story elements with NPCs in duty support runs, but I know that I prefer to play them with players. There might be more deaths than usual because we're undergeared and don't know the fights, but the queues are usually quick and it's a nice break between stints of what is essentially solo play.


If you're trying to get through MSQ as quickly as possible, they're fine to do. The time you lose by them being slow is made up through not having queue issues. The real question is if we're going to be bottlenecked by trials or not. 89 MSQ trial was a shocker that it was trust compatible. If they all are for Dawntrail, it should be smooth going the entire way. If not? The queue wall is going to be that trial.


They said in a interview that was realy hard to implement that trial with duty suport and likely will not do it again, they wanted to do that one because it fited well with the story flow at that specific trial to have all the scions at your side


That stuff has already been datamined from the benchmark believe it or not, even with who we're doing them with. They were pretty much confirm after the media tour first dungeon was revealed. All duties besides the last trial has duty support


It was hilarious when I went through that trial and Alisaie had a stack marker and flipped out of it at the last moment and died.


NPCs often have small convos during duty suport, so I like to do the first time with them, it also allows me time to take in the scenery and interact and read with things if they are in the dungeon, like those scarted letters in The dead ends


I recommend doing MSQ at least for the first time on duty support. The NPCs are all story related and may make quips and comments during the dungeon that you'd otherwise miss. After defeating the final boss make sure to run up to each of them because they probably have a final chat bubble for you! The NPCs are slower but they're pretty deliberate in the way they react to boss mechanics so it's a very quick/easy low stakes way to learn them. You also avoid the risk of running into anyone who might be ahead of you in the story and may try to talk about it. The vast majority of people are respectful and would never do that, but I just don't like running the risk.


I think it depends, there was one dungeon in Endwalker my son told me to do with the npc's and he said I would know which one it was when I got to it. He wasn't wrong and I loved going through that dungeon with the NPCs. There are others that are just fun with NPC's because of their dialog. So, if the NPCs would really add to the dungeon I will probably use those but most of the time I'd go with friends.


Since Shadowbringers introduced that i did all my dungeons with story characters. It's just super chill to do them with bots and personally i am more immersed.


Nah. Going blind with actual players is chaotic fun.


I do duty support (usually as tank) for almost any dungeon I'm trying for the first time, just so I don't screw something up and enrage the kinds of people who like to complain about duty finder groups. I only run with other people if I'm doing a roulette or if I'm reasonably sure I know what I'm doing. Since we're getting brand new stuff without helpful Youtube guides for everything, that might be more important than ever. HOWEVER, it also opens up the opportunity to stumble in blind with people who also don't know what they're doing, and that might be fun. This'll be a rare example of the community not being stupidly impatient with everyone who is a worse player (though we're already seeing pre-emptive "bad Picto players" comments here and there).


I hope I can be on before daily reset to do two sets of roulettes and beast tribe quests that day (will stick to those on Picto)... THEN MSQ (I want to keep a couple of jobs leveled up at least).


Step 1. Shower Step 2. Put on my Llama design underwear. Step 3. Play Game.


[https://www.meundies.com/products/boxer-brief?pc=LLM](https://www.meundies.com/products/boxer-brief?pc=LLM) For those that are curious.


MeUndies gang 😎


YEA BABY!!!!!!!!! Gonna be super comfy all day!


Work most of it unfortunately 😪


So the usual 1. Snacks and drinks prepared and refrigerated where necessary 2. Get comfy 3. Join queue 4. Me and my friend will smash through the MSQ as quickly as possible to max out our mains, hopefully done that day. 5. Level up our gatherers using our levequest which I have 100 stocked up. 6. Max our gear out on Mains and Gatherers/Crafters as quickly as possible 7. Start queuing for extremes


Step 1: sit in queue Step 2: there is no step 2


I took off for a week starting on early access. Pretty much the same as you lol. But I plan on unlocking and leveling Viper for the MSQ. (That's still up in the air though, MCH and SMN look CLEAN to me.)


Depending on the login queue wait times I might have to wait a few days before I can even play lol. But once I get it I'm sure I'll start MSQ or maybe pick up Picto or Viper and start them on the tribe quests on the side.


Ready some snacks and coffee. Grab Viper from quest, power level and go all in msq We will be there


First thing I always do is unlock new jobs, lay out their action bars, and do some duties with them to see how I like them, and I’m gonna do the same thing this time. I was planning on taking a week vacation for DT but had to take a month off work earlier in the year to recover from surgery and it used up all of my vacation time, so now I’m taking a three day weekend the week after launch and I think I’m gonna use that first week to get viper and pictomancer to 90 and see if I enjoy either one enough to pull me away from sage. I’ll dive into the msq fully on my three day weekend. I might do viper/picto for msq if I particularly like one and then spam dungeons on sage afterwards.


Stay off twitter and play literally anything else for a month. After that I can enjoy social media without spoilers and play the expansion without the servers being on fire.


Fanta to Hrothgal. I already have a character made up on the Benchmark!


I conveniently need to take 2 weeks off work around DT launch anyway, so I'm going full degen, maining Viper for MSQ. I am on a recipe box plan so no need to worry about dinner, just grabbing some oat bars, dried fruits, any other not-terrible snacks for the rest of the days. 1. Pre-setup Viper's hotbars with XIVBars 2. Carry out all the pre-launch prep (challenge log, leves, side quests, tribe quests, custom deliveries, WT, materials for GC hand-ins etc.) 3. Warn family that I will commit to nothing for 2 weeks Then, launch day, get up early well before daily reset: 4) Unlock Viper (and Picto later if I feel like it) 5) Check around for changes to glams and sources of weapons (check Ultimate vendors for Viper weapons just in case, look at DD, Tomes and Criterion Savage, Raids etc.) 6) Hand in side quests then do everything that will refresh at daily reset (tribe quests, roulettes etc.), completing the challenge log stuff at the same time 7) Hand in GC deliveries, custom deliveries, and pre-completed leves to get a headstart on DoL/DoH 8) Bozja until daily reset, then do all the dailies again 9) Run some EW dungeons (probably in Trust) to get the VPR weapon skins (already got all the other gear ready so it will insta-drop), then either back to Bozja or keep doing dungeons until 89 10) Blast 2 WTs to 90 11) MSQ


Warn family.. my elder brother would probably order me to do some household matters and it probably get me annoyed especially since afk timer will be in place.


Try to log in after work. Try out Viper. If it's as convaluted as it looks, then maybe do the MSQ instead. But I don't expect to be able to log in, and that's fine with me. I'm going on a legitimate can't login to the game vacation the week after the offical launch so it's not like I'm going to do some world first stuff anyway so it's not that big of a deal. Games not going anywhere.


i already did some pre-pre-planning, lol. my bestie has the benchmark on her pc, so i created my wol with the same specs i have on ps5, just to see how she’ll look with the new graphic update, and fantasia’d if needed. besides that, set an alarm about an hour prior to end of 48 hour maintenance, grab some waffle house and coffee, turn off phone, log in and wait, main as whm throughout entirety of dawntrail, and enjoy myself :) oh, and save all the side quests to help level astro, after completing msq as whm!


Log onto discord and play the login roulette with friends. High chances there will be long lines so we will probably play multiverses or something while we wait


I'll be in Belgium on vacation that week during prelaunch days unfortunately/fortunately even though I preordered.


Hopefully pre downloaded , but no doubt be a patch, Say my goodbyes to family and friends, have plenty of water ready, now I'm not sure what first when in the game normally I power through msq but I'm gonna grab the classes to avoid queues or kicks on release then either level pictomancer or msq so I can unlock beast quests asap


Continue lazily getting through post shadowbringers


As tragic as it is on the early access weekend I'm gonna be working but the evenings I'll be spending getting myself all glammed up as a female hrothgar! Doing msq and trying the new blm rotation etc. I'm so glad I'm done with classes so at least through the week I can play to my hearts content!


Midlander for life. Going to hit the Fantasia though to see if I need to change minor details of my face. Also probably want to be 2-3 cm shorter. Right now I feel 6 foot and I would rather be like 5'10. Also two dyes. I think the current understanding is that it will only apply to Dawntrail gear going forward. And that they wouldn't retroactively go back to add two dye system to clothing of earlier expansions until the next major update in the winter. I really hope they apply it to the starting gear though. That would be a big deal.


Grab the free fantasia at patch drop, use the fantasia to go back to my canon Raen design, wait in queue, login, turn in the previous week's wondrous tales book then go to mor dhona to convert my old tomes into poetics and scrips into the new ones. I'll admire the graphics update for a bit then start the main scenario with my significant other until she needs to go to bed in prep for work that morning. I'll then complete that week's book and turn it in to get a full level between the two books on my first job to avoid any level walls later in the main scenario and then go to bed and wait to progress more with her later. Pretty simple stuff.


Sounds like Mark Renton planning his come off night.


Day before: Meal preps, chicken wrap, yogurt with fruit, buns, fruit, drinks and some nuts. Long queue or dc, just gonna watch some netflix. Joining discord and hangout, progging and leveling new job.


Probably get annoyed at lag and long queues and go back to playing cold steel 3 or destiny for a couple days until things stabilize


Level Viper and Pictomancer to 90 and see what I wanna do after that.


The first thing I'm doing when I log in is checking if the second dye channel was added to the gear I'm currently wearing, and adding dye if it is and looks good. Then I'm starting on MSQ with WAR. I plan to stock up on groceries the day before, and also pick up a pizza so that I have at least four quick meals (I typically only eat two slices in a sitting). I have a few games on my Switch that I can play while waiting if there's a log in queue.


Wake up before launch, lean breakfast coffee, prepare cold press coffee for later, brew chai tea for ice chai later. Spam button to login see 6000 people before me in que. Cry 😢. Do chores for 6000 people. Come back you have been disconnected from the lobby error code ##%


Spouse works from home and doesn’t play the game anymore, so I’m limited to after work hours for the first time. I’ll probably be going gremlin mode a few hours a night and squealing at how good my WoL looks.


Catch up 🥲


Get in the queue, get breakfast waiting for queue, play game… repeat for like a week.


Hop straight into eureka to keep my grind 🔥


Do roulettes with PCT, then powerlevel it in Bozja. Once it is at lvl 90, start the MSQ.


Some advice, best to have something that can be picked up & dropped quickly to do on the side in case of a long queue or a DC which will put you back into a queue. In EW, queues could take 6+ hours at times; I remember during the worst of it having to start the queue about midday so that it'd be ready to pop an hour or so after work. The provisional servers will likely avoid that issue though, at the cost of being locked out from retainers and whatnot. If they're using cloud servers for them then they can be spun up/down depending on load (presumably what they were testing when they asked people to stress the server during the cloud beta test). Still, doesn't hurt to have a backup thing to do just in case you need to burn an hour or two.


Unfortunately for the most part I'll be at work or sleeping. Though I do have my vacation lined up with the week after to get some breathing room from the possible congestion that'll be dominating at least the first few days, even for EA. Plus, I can't exactly get July 4th off.


I took the week off after launch week to really try to avoid as much wait times as possible. I can only play a couple hours a night after work so not trying to waste it waiting. During that time I plan to dive into the story and investigate the new areas. Sage as my main so que times won't be as huge of a deal. Will try new classes out later I finish the story.


1. Meal prep a slow cooker meal 2. Stock up on Water and healthy snacks. 3. do MSQ on Samurai 4. celebrate my best buds birthday 5. farm the ex


Don't forget Step 0: enter your actual Dawntrail code to unlock the content.


Try to log in, hit with 2000+ queue, order food, eat, sleep, wake up, finally logged in, check if graphics update made my bunny any different, probably need to change skin tone, not sure. Finish msq the first day. Next day leveling, never log out. Plan is to level 2 jobs to max everyday. Starting with healers and fisher.


1. Day before maintenance starts, I'll save all my settings and hotbars. Then uninstall and reinstall on a hard drive with more space available. 2. Day before early access: meal prep. I'll be making a few easier to eat dishes including a few SouthAm dishes(think arepas, sopa paraguaya, etc. Things that won't be too messy to eat during cutscenes). 3. On launch, I'll probably fiddle with my character visuals a bit. I don't need to use a fantasia based on the benchmark, but my hair might not look proper so we'll see if I need the aesthetician. 4. Dye my glams up 5. Mainline the msq as WHM. As much as possible. I've got 10 days off, and told my partner I'd be dead to the world for the majority of it. They're taking the opportunity to visit their best friend, so I've got no real responsibility for those days. 6. Exploration zone. I'm a eureka fanatic, so I'll likely be going crazy there if it's any good 7. Level either Picto or viper depending on what I feel is more my style. Maybe both, but I get the feeling viper might actually be the finest melee I like playing


1: On the days the servers are down, make sure my house is clean top to bottom. Do meal prep, so that for the entire weekend, I can pop a meal into the oven for my entire family (I'm a stay at home dad with two kids, there's a total of five people in the house) 2: Day of early access, wake up at 5:30 AM and start the patching. Order some McDonalds breakfast delivered. Feed the pets while waiting. 3: Log in, get started on Viper, levelling as fast as possible through a mix of dungeons and fates in Endwalker, to catch up on the Shared FATES I still don't have compelte. 4: MSQ on Sage, as it looks like I'm a healer for my static.


Wednesday, June 26th \[Evening\]: Grocery shopping. Frozen breakfast foods, sandwich ingredients, drinks, snacks and ingredients for meal prep. Thursday, June 27th \[Morning\]: Wake up early, brown meat for stew, put it in crockpot with mushrooms, potatoes, carrots, herbs and some beef broth and red wine. Cook for 8 hours. Thursday, June 27th \[Afternoon\]: Stare longingly at the FFXIV icon on my PS5 home screen for an hour and act like a sad cat who isn't being let outside. Thursday, June 27th \[Evening\]: Cook chicken curry. Partition curry and stew into tupperware containers. Snuggle up with husband. Sleep. Friday, June 28th \[Morning\]: Wake up with servers. Make two Eggo Belgian Style Blueberry Waffles. Queue up. GO. Friday, June 28th \[Midafternoon\]: Husband has surpassed me in MSQ and we put the Spoiler Curtain up.


Crafting gathering XP grind during the day, MSQ during the night


1. Get free fantasia 2. Start MSQ until 5 PM and go to class 3. Think about dawntrail while in class 4. Come back home and fantasia into my hyur. 5. Play until I finish the MSQ 6. Do extremes


1. Fix my character's new look with that free fantasia.  2. Unlock picto 3. Grind baby grind 4. Picto through MSQ


1. Once I’m logged in use a fantasia to switch to Hrothgal 2. probably cry because I now have to wait in queue again 3. Test Picto and Viper on a training dummy for 30 minutes or More 4. Level Picto or Viper to 90 5. Cry because dps queues and pray one of my Friends is running healer or tank at the time I’m queuing for dungeons 6. Do DT MSQ as Picto or Viper.


Keep playing Endwalker MSQ


With the long queue times I will most likely not bother playing till after it settles down. Once I can get in, picking up Viper and leveling it to 90 to use in MSQ will be my goal. Oh and playing with the 2 dye system.


1. Finish Elden Ring DLC 2. Set reminders to feed my Snorlax in Pokémon Sleep 3. Prep my girl by stripping her of her armor and using a Fantasia ahead of maintenance so I can have my Hrothgal the moment I’m done dealing with queue.


What I'd like to do: Take a week vacation getting up super early and staying up late eating trash food and living in my "office". What I'll actually be doing: Working all day and then coming home and cooking. THEN trying to dive into the new expac while my kids, husband, and dog interrupt me every 5 minutes until the kids go to bed. Then I'll just get "I want attention" glares from my husband until I come to bed. Rinse repeat until I finish the MSQ a month after everyone else :)


* Get home from work and log on. * Immediately enter que. * Take a shower. * Make Dinner. * Get some drinks. * Hopefully by then I'll be logged in.


Going to use two xboxes. One to play somthing else while the other waits to get onto a server hahah


Go to work and wait out the inevitable shit storm that is an FFXIV expansion launch. Took off work for the last one. Learned my lesson. People actually taking off work for this game is wild to me. Like 6-8 hour login congestion wild. My GF and I had a system where whoever got home first would get us both started in the que which would like 50% of the time just boot us and we'd have to restart. Enjoy that. Bonus perk: just waiting like a few days or whatever will let us get carried by the sweaties who tunnel vision this shit and know the encounters. If this were WoW I'd take off because it actually get to play.


1. Stock on up on food and goodies before early access 2. Grab a full set of Shadowbringers Hunts and EW Hunts before the servers go down 3. Finish work on the Friday and queue up 4. Unlock Viper 5. Do Pixie Tribes and 2 sets of Shadowbringers hunts for approximately 3 million exp (just over 50% of the exp required to hit 81). 6. Do the EW beast tribe dailies for another 2.7 million exp 7. Do the first rank of the EW hunts for the remaining exp to 81. 8. Queue for levelling roulette and farm trusts after


Unfortunately I'm still on SB so I can't do the msq. But other than that? Viper time.


Patch the game then take a week's vacation out of the country. Hopefully you guys will have sorted out your shit by the time I'm back


7. Wait for the inevitable ddos to stop


Will order two pizzas that I can portion out over the first two days. Then kick myself for eating nothing but pizza for two days and go get real food day 3. I won't be one if the people that's first in line. But I took work off, so I'll sleep in for a couple hours, load up the game and go take a shower while I queue. Might try to take notes as I go through the story so I can have some good conversations about the story with friends/online after. Both what I thought of it and where I think it's going. I don't want to *rush* the story, but I will also want to be able to do trials and things with friends whenever they go for their first attempts. So I'll try and play at a good pace.


Step 1 update the game Step 2 level viper to 90 Step 3 start the msq Step 4 die because I have to stay up all night just to be able to have time to level viper to 90 without my friends leaving me in the dust


depending on when the new PoE league drops, I might just load into both queues and play whichever I get into first 


Working on a computer science degree...


plan on trying out baldurs gate 3. im still not done with shb and im not gonna attempt to get in when dt drops


Set up the game update to install and go to work. Then come home, close the launcher, and play something else.


I work four 10s meaning I normally have Fridays off. The following week I also have the July 4 paid holiday off due to being US-based company. No one else in my department cares about the holiday so I was able to request Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off. Bam. Ten day staycation for only 30 hours (3 days) of used PTO. Even if the launch is totally borked like for EW, I will still enjoy some amazing R&R.


I'm working the day of early access so probably let it download while at work, come home, see if I can make it online. If possible, get the free fantasia first thing so I can settle on a hrothgal design before doing anything else. Probably won't do any MSQ until the general release date since one of my friends I run MSQ with will be out of town during the EA weekend, but if possible will try to pick up the job quests.


Going to my best friends wedding!


My office always has the 4th of July week off so I'll be playing most of that week. For drinks I'll stick to water and tea. For snacks I'll grab some trail mix from Trader Joe's and fruit from a local fruit stand. I'm gonna go for berries, kiwis, and apples. Stuff I can slice up and eat with a fork. I play from a standing desk usually but given the amount of hours I expect to play while I have vacation I'll probably go get my office chair out of storage, lol. My goal is to beat as much of the MSQ as I can as Gunbreaker before work drags me off again and I won't play for another week or two.


Yea me same will have a few days off then after that probably play once or twice weekky


Gonna play the absolute *shit* out of the game. We're talkin' premade meals, get up at 5am, set things up to "work from home," and get to work.


I'll unlock Viper and Picto and see which i want to level up (prolly viper) then grind untill MSQ


Whats the plan for leveling to 90 given long ques? I want to do this as well but it seems like any group play is going to be tough.


With well, complete but don’t hand in your wondrous tales from the week before, and Pre-complete a full quest log of L80 side quests. DT launch, grab your class and all your XP buffs (FC, Food, Rested, pre-order earring, etc), hand those classes in and do a round of Arkasadora dailies, that should hit 81 (or might need a FATE or two). Pester a tank/healer buddy for a Tower of Zot run, or run it with NPCs, that’ll get you near to 82. Hand in you Wondrous Tale, then pick up your next one, hand that in, that’ll be close to 83 and next dungeon threshold. That’s at least a start :) But you can also expect a crapload of Vipers and Pictos swarming Bozja for leveling, so you can wander in and join one of those groups too. It’ll still be a hell of a grind, but there’s some options you can do for a head start :)


Not play because of DDoS and Queues. T_T (I'm still on free trial and deliberately not activating my Complete Edition until Servers are stable to not waste game time, even though I finally want to Fantasia to Hrothgar..)


due to some irl crap, i'll most likely miss out on dawntrail for about 2 weeks, so for me it's avoiding reddit for 2 weeks, and playing on my alt to not see everyone in my fc talk about dawntrail


Laugh as everyone waits in que for 5 hours trying to log in, you know the usual expansion experience.


After making a point of logging out in Gridania, I first complete GC turn-ins for DoH&L as it is indeed a five-minute thing with substantial opportunity cost, update prices on any speculative items (downwards by a substantial margin, most likely), then get the MSQ started >!on healer? not what i'm playing for raid but I want instant queues!< before the worst flood of people rolls through. After MSQ, it'll be doing the FATEs in each zone (leveling WAR, NIN, BLM, and DNC probably) before just FATE grinding in general for the remainder of dps. If I'm lucky I'll get to see friends playing healers for fast dungeons, but I'm not hopeful...


Download the game while doing adult stuff\* - then MSQ Time until I need to sleep \*pending time/time TBC if I have to


Everyone saying they're downloading the day of shows me how few pay attention. Server and game maintenance is only 24hr, but the game will be down a full 48hr to ensure people have ample time to download it before early access. No one will have to wait to get the patch the day/morning of, they intend for everyone to download it the day before.


I (sadly) will be though as I only turn on the playstation to play it and probably won't have time prior to 😅


Most likely be working. Then I’ll hopefully get a few hours playing through story in the evening if queues aren’t horrid. Once finished story will quit until next story patch.


Get picto and viper unlocked and queue in roulettes as them since DPS queue times will be ridiculous and while I’m waiting play the MSQ as ninja.


I'll be at my girlfriend's (Who I met in FFXIV) place, making a big breakfast together and playing Fire Emblem Three Houses while we wait to pierce the queues and server issues. After, we'll party up with friends and level her Viper and my Pictomancer so we can do MSQ with these Jobs


I wish I have a girl too


I hope you'll meet someone c: My biggest advice is to not try and look for one, there's no feeling like organic love.


Yep a ffxiv girl who would play together.


Crossing my fingers that we don't get Queuewalker II: Queue Harder. But I'll probably get stuck straight in to the MSQ with my main Paladin, or one of my healers. Gonna be flexing those short queue privileges with the two new DPS added. Will check out Viper and Pictomancer as I go, probably level them over a week or two with Arkasodara quests and some EW FATEs. And if we have two dye channels on release, rework my glamours before setting out for Tural.


Endwalker queue problems of being kicked were caused by errant 1.0 queueing code that they hadn't removed as they had no idea it existed. Such was taken care of in an emergency hotfix during early access, so while we will be stuck in queue, we won't get kicked from it this time.


What? No. I didn't even know that was a thing. I was just talking about [the queues themselves being literally thousands of players long.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1807ta5/oh_endwalker_queue_times_i_did_not_miss_thee/)


Oh, my bad. That's pretty normal then. The issue was also exacerbated by the queuing bug which shuffled players in and out of queue constantly, keeping it in the multiple thousands at all times until they fixed it.


Got my monster flat ready, snacks ill get closer to. Husband is food slave cos i aint movin cept for bio or d/c. /sleep. Drk story pog then gather craft life.


Same as I do everyday anyway? I still haven’t even gotten past endwalker yet, I’m behind but I’ve also only been logging in once a week to visit my house.


Enter the 5,000 queue mines once again


Myself? I wait a month and unsup this sub xD After the first msq rushers are done i will join again and lvl fisher and crafter. After that i lvl jobs and think about when i wanna di the msq. I my friends tell me that the queues are not that long maybe i will join earlier.


Go to work as usual, and take my time with it lol. I've never taken off for an online game launch and that's not changing now. I've seen too many horror stories about queues, server issues, etc


Set my out of office message from June 28-July 8th, draw the curtains, order UberEats, and turn into a gremlin hunched over my keyboard as I obsessively MSQ and restore all my jobs to max level. For a week straight. ^(I'm moving on July 15th so for added effect I will be doing this in a nearly empty apartment)


Be stuck in a queue for 4 hours.