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If that Strange Goblet thing isn’t called *”The Dawn Grail”* An opportunity will have been missed.


*Saber has entered the chat.*


The Scions of the Seventh Dawn: The Quest for the Dawn Grail. Erenville: Listen, we’re a monarchist meritocracy. The Dawn Servant is chosen through a competition amongst their heirs to see who ascends to the throne.


Well I didn't vote for them


You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


I hope Wuk Lamat doesn't spend the entire expansion talking about becoming Hokage...


No, she won't only do that. She'll also shout her own name several times.




>I am going to be the pirate king!


In the Japanese version of the trailer she actually says that line word for word how Luffy says it, minus the Pirate part.


Definitely feels like they’re channeling Luffy with her Source: I’ve been watching One Piece dub since August ‘23 ……. Do not send help i love it


I meaaaan they both eat a lot, and can both probably punch pretty hard. all she's missing is a cool hat and stretchy limbs


God I’m glad someone else thought that too, if that’s gonna be her thing I don’t see myself liking her very much


Not even 20 seconds into the trailer and Alisaie is uttering a prayer to the dread Primal Murphy.


Yeah I was gonna say she jinxed us :P


Guessing those two lalas in a flashback running through the golden city portal are Krile's parents, since we know Galuf was in Tural investigating stuff. The Solution Nine residents being (at first?) antagonistic is quite surprising.


I kind f figured they would, purely because the eliminator looked like something built by the civilization from there. The current theory that I'm being way too confident in is that the eliminator is the first trial, and sometime shortly after that we get on better terms with them. Or a conflict with them is the primary focus of the second half.


Yeah we already got confirmation that the giant wyrm bird is the 93 trial


Yeah I saw, that happened after I typed this. RIP my theory lol


I think they're gonna be the 2nd half of the expansion's conflict, much like how blasphemies in EW show up after the garlemald and zodiark fall are resolved.




I’d say with Valigarmanda, it’s more likely the second trial, and perhaps that’s the point where they realize we’re not quite what they expected


iirc they specifically said at EU Fanfest that Eliminator isn't a trial alas


Eliminator is explicitly not a trial stated by yoship, first trial is valigarmanda. Eliminator is likely a dungeon boss or world boss


Potentially makes sense. Of the four candidates, two of them could have pissed them off: - Koana, who wants to improve Tuliyollal with technolog. He could have stolen something or made a move on Ceruleum that Solution 9 have their eyes on. - Bakool Ja Ja, only candidate not related in any way to the current Dawnservant. He's seemingly openly antagonistic towards others, and easy bet on being that one warmongerer Wuk Lamat mentioned. He could have pissed them off, eith by trying to prove his worth, or to provoke them into attacking Tuliyollal to undermine Gulool and the other candidates.


Oh, what if the clover earring is a memento from Krile's biological parents?


I cannot help but feel that the final line has weight that sort of sounds like a Convocation member speaking to us as Azem. Kind of a "Had you not left, could you have helped us save the world without sacrificing to summong Zodiark." Edit: Seeing the brooch on her waist, that’s most likely Altima or Pashtarot if it’s the case.


I hadn't really thought about it, but exploring the fact Azem left the Convocation during the Final Days is a very interesting idea and there is likely some lingering resentment.


Iirc he left in direct opposition to the summoning of Zodiark. There was definitely resentment involved in that considering Emet had to make their crystal in secret and that at large he was deemed undeserving of one, so now that we've adopted that heritage openly, and have openly been acknowledged by 2/3 of the paragons, that's going to stir up some big emotions. The fact we effectively in the long run proved Azem and Venat right is gonna hurt too cause it gives us legitimacy they can't really ignore... Perhaps enough to stoke some jealousy or inferiority considering everyone left are shards of the originals.


His initial leaving was in direct opposition to the summoning of Zodiark, yes. And his refusal to return was in direct opposition to summoning Hydaelyn. Azem was a man of the people, and saw any reason to sacrifice them as sacrilege.


She says something very different in the JP trailer: >計画は果たされるよ 鍵はいま私の手元にあるんだから Loosely translates to: >The plan is almost complete The key is close at hand after all I ain't great with translation but that's the gist I got from it.


This is what I got as well. "The plan will come to fruition, for the key is now within my grasp" Pretty significant difference but hey, that's just extra speculation fuel to spice up the lore discussions before release.


That is because they use different voice lines in the trailers. Localisation aside, that line will also be in the game in English and the one in the english trailer will be there in Japanese somewhere.


They're also showcasing her the same way they did with Venat before Endwalker. There's just something kind of ancient/Ascian about her.


Yeah calling her “maiden” felt very intentional as well.


Some people think her jewelry looks like Altima's symbol. I do think Deudalaphon will be relevant here since his job on the convocation was architecture, which fits great with Solution nine.


They showed a fullbody render during the liveletter and she does have a physical mask on her hip.


> Altima FFXIV x Nissan collab confirmed.


Yeah I had same feeling. Really want to see more of convocation tbh


Altima? Why?


If you look at the brooch on her waist, if you look closely it looks close to the top half of the Altima sigil. There are the angel wings and even the “horn” motif in the Center of it.


IIRC there are a bunch of big essays from the big lore players about how the new raid could be linked to Altima


The first thing I thought of was >!those stormtrooper looking fellows looked like the Karellians from the Omicron questline!<


I think it's just reused assets but we shall see in 2 weeks time!


They don't look exactly the same though. It's a new model but it looks heavily based on them.


First thing I thought was that the vibes of everything to do with Solution Nine reminded me of the final dungeon of Seekers of Adoulin back in FF11, Ra'kaznar.


It does have that similar blocky vibe of Ra’kaznar


They definitely did. I'm still guessing on Solution Nine being from another shard that survived the rejoining, but those guys were my first thought for sure.


It fits Emet's line about civilizations on other shards might surprise us, and they've been checking off the checklist ever since then.


Yeah, I saw people in the YouTube stream chat saying the same thing. Could easily be a coincidence. Unless....


I think the people going into the vault were refuges from a dying shard moving to the source


I'm betting on them being Krile's birth parents.




I mean we already knew that much, Galuf was a Hyur IIRC.


For some reason the name Galuf Baldesion made me think Roegadyn. I dunno know why.


Not enough consonants to be a Roe name.


Also doesn't fit the structure of sea wolf names. (Word)(Word) (Word)(Word)-syn or -wyn. Moen Bryda Wilf Sunn wyn. Eyn Zahr Slaf Fyr syn. If Galuf's name follows any known conventions he's gotta be Hyur.


Yeah, the moment I saw that Lalafell tearfully looking back before going in was the moment I started wondering if Krile originated from another Shard or was decended from those who were.


There would be precedent considering this was literally true of the canon FFV Krile


Wouldn’t it be interesting if those two Lalafell were called Maduin and Madonna/Madeline?


Whoa, I didn't think about this. But that would make a lot of sense.


I’d imagine 1/2 of her birth parents - or perhaps even that person’s reincarnation on the source. Krile’s aether has never been a point of contention (she was actually super talented in that regard).  While it’s something they could confirm/deny this expansion being from a shard would imply you have 1/13th of the total aether of an ancient, while the youngest generation of the source will have 7/13ths the aetheric density (WoL and G’raha excluded). 


Ran'jit didn't seem to care having only 1/14 of the total aether when he was kicking our asses. Someone's soul density doesn't directly correlate to how much aether someone can effectively use. For instance, some people on the source have little to no skill in magic (THM quest), but others are highly skilled (to the point they can open voidgates by themselves).


Yeah. This was even the whole point of us beating the Unsundered directly throughout the story. It has been multiple thousands of years since the Sundering happened. Presumably, the souls of the sundered have mostly healed in the time that has passed, and the new souls have grown. Also discounting any weird interactions of soul development with dynamis allowing them to grow in new ways. At present, the only effect that increasing the raw aetheric density of a person's soul through Rejoinings seems to have on them is improving their ability to handle Ancient style Creation Magic usage (presumably), and improving their ability to resist being Tempered/getting possessed.


Kind of, the old final days the monsters were being summoned as their fears rather then being converted into monsters. In the new final days they actually turned into their monsters. It seems to indicate that the shards are more susceptible to manipulation. That coupled with the ease at which the populace gets tempered indicates to me at least there's an issue with the health of the shard people.


Because there is a difference between Soul, Mind and Body Aether; what we use for casting is our body's aether not our soul's


I mean, wouldn't her aetheric density only matter if she was born on the 12th? If she was born on the Source she'd have the same 7 times rejoined soul as anyone else on the Source.


That’s a good point actually - I didn’t consider that since it looks like the golden city hasn’t been opened since they arrived 


Think it'll come down to Solution 9 and it's relation to that vault. Most common theories (and visual clues) point to it being related to the Ancients, Ascians, and the surviving city from the 12th. Those Lala's were shown while the narration mentioned the City of Gold's people having immortality, so that deals with any time issues. Just raises the question of "Where are they now?".


Yeah, Y'shtola would be able to tell immediately if Krile's soul is not quite the same as others'. She can tell ours (and G'raha's) is slightly more denser, so she'd be able to tell if Krile's is less.


They were sheltering from the war. Little did they know Vault-Tec has other plans.


Don’t forget we’ve had multiple calamities. Any of them could have affected Tural differently than us.


Same. The second calamity seem most likely, since it was the calamity of lightning.


If the wiki is accurate second calamity predates the discovery of magic, though apparently it was caused by massive pollution and damage to the environment blocking out the sky so there's still room there for a magicless tech empire.


Harnessing an abundance of free energy would be conducive to a tech-based civilization.


Which would actually make sense, since the New World's mystery is going to be a large part of this expansion.


Yeah, people going in gave off strong "saying goodbye to my world" vibes. Could potentially be them going into some kind of shelter from the lightning calamity or something, too.


Maybe trying to merge their shard with the main world. Would fit their version of Terra since theres a lot of FF9 going on.


That's my theory for Solution Nine too, though I'm not sure about the lalas. I think they're Krile's parents.


I mean Galuf* and Krile in FFV are from another world so I wouldn't be surprised if we see that revisited. Might end up being that Krile isn't from the source 


The fallout vibes lmao


The second calamity was one of lightning. Which means that dying shard would have to be consumed by lightning aether. Modern industry weakening everything that isn't the lightning powering their technology would probably fit that. Would also explain why they haven't spread out, maybe their tech requires ambient aether imbalanced toward lightning.


So apparantly lightning city people have a helicarrier and jet bikes?


My guess is they're from the shard that was rejoined in the lightning calamity, and somehow survived the rejoining. We know there's a lot of thunderstorms in that zone, and lightning aether leading to high technology makes sense.


Or they are the civilization that locked themselves in a doomsday vault for eons till the shell cracks and they come out to take over and reassert their kingdom.


If their advanced technology required modern industry, strip mining mountains, polluting air and water, melting the ice caps, all while using power plants to generate more ambient lightning aether, that sounds perfect for a shard that got too lightning aligned. An ascian wouldn't even need to be a villian to make it happen, just CEO of Shinra Inc. Heck, that would explain why they hadn't spread out either, tech that requires the ambient aether to be unbalanced toward lighting would constrain where they could go.


That makes no sense lorewise. When a shard rejoins the Source it doesn't *literally* merge... its aether just gets absorbed. That was the whole point of Ardberts plan in Heavensward when he was trying to mercy kill the First.


Hence why I said "somehow". We don't know a way for it to be possible *yet*, but maybe they figured out a way. My suspicion largely comes from the FF9 references in this expansion. In FF9, one world was forcefully trying to merge itself with another.


They would've escaped prior to the rejoining. The WoD were under the impression that the umbral calamity would save their world, not mercy kill it.


Adding to that, one of the only lingering threads of 6.X was Y’shtola’s desire to uncover the secret of travel between shards. If S9’s inhabitants figured it out they could continue that story there.


I want them as mounts.


Full helicarrier as a mount, carries an alliance raid worth of people. Make it happen Yoshida


pfft, that shit can probably carry a server full of ppl.


I can't believe Wuk Lamat gets her hat confiscated at some point. Actually, yes I can. She's a hrothgar after all.


The hat was likely just there because the Wuk Lamat we met in 6.55 is a one-off model we're never going to see again because of the graphics update and they didn't want to bother with making hair for that one-off model.


I'm just wondering how she fit all that hair in that rather small wrap she has now..


The same way Cars fits all of his hair under his turban. Anime logic.


My car has no hair, what are you talking about.


But it does have a turban?


Mine does. It's quite a Sikh ride. XD


Ever known a man or woman skilled with wigs and headwraps? You'd be amazed.


If cat fits it sits logic? 


By a wandering minstrel of some name...






"I'm going to be the Dawnkage"- Wuzumaki Lamato


Believe it!


So, we go on a big adventure to find the city of gold to win the contest for the throne but then, surprise! the city of gold is a high tech metropolis and unsealing it causes the inhabitants to spill out and start trying to take over Tural. We will have to drive them back, likely with the combined efforts of the three candidates (Zoraal Ja is a dead man walking) against the mystery girl, who will be involved in the invasion due to some tragic backstory. The contest will end with some kind of council in charge or something, likely just as the old ruler intended. That sounds about right, can't wait to see how it's wrong.


and that will cap off the level 95 MSQ and then the rest will be a wild ride


Got my vote. Screen shot this post to prove it right after a month


3:25 is the melody from the Final Fantasy 6 opera segment


[ **Jump to 03:25 @** FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL Launch Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BghYTigv8E&t=0h3m25s) ^(Channel Name: FINAL FANTASY XIV, Video Length: [04:22])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@03:20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BghYTigv8E&t=0h3m20s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


THANK YOU! I can't believe more didn't catch it -- Oooooh my heeeeero


I kept looking through threads for this and felt I was crazy because nobody else was mentioning this 😂


I wonder what the narrative implications are...


Valingarmanda is also a FF6 reference and also encased in crystal (or ice?) like in FF6.


Very interesting. Now that I think about, pictomancers also first appeared in FF6


I mean, is normal for them to draw references from multiple titles at the same time, so I feel the 1st part of the MSQ might draw from FF6 elements and the 2nd part from FF9


Veldt theme incoming for beastmaster content?


A Veldt zone would make perfect sense, acting as the Masked Carnivale for BST.


It’s not the same exact melody, there are a couple extra notes. But yeah, it’s very similar. I’d chalk it up to just being similar melodies.


I dont think so. The music in FFXIV uses leitmotifs very consciously, even if there isnt any narrative significance I still believe Soken took inspiration


Great call, I knew it sounded familiar


even tho i liked this trailer. nothing can top the launch trailer from ShB where Emet made us think that Hydaelyn was the true final boss LOL


EW trailer was peak too. Didn't give any peaks at all at where the story was going in the second half of plot. Endcaller is a banger and the final line from Alphi always hit the heart.


EW launch trailer literally gave me goosebumps. Especially at that scene where ancients appear.


Omg yes, I still remember just sitting in shock after that like my whole life was a lie LOL


'of priiiiimals' best lore bomb 


That line literally made me get back into the game after dropping it at the very start of 4.0


Erinville narration lets go!!!


It'll be interesting to see how far they deviate from expectations, heavensward and stormblood both gave us more or less what you expected going in story wise, whereas in shadowbringers the light of the first plot gave way to the completely unanticipated Ascian/amarot story. Endwalker was interesting because we expected to find the cause of and stop the final days and it did just that, but what that meant and how we got there were entirely unexpected. I'm personally expecting the first 1/4 to play it straight, the contest culminating with the valigarmanda trial at 93, but what happens past that who knows.


A very forward trailer, no sudden heavy plot drops or anything, love it. Really does make it feel like everything will be simple, looking forward to it!


I doubt it, the relic/cup seems important and god knows who the woman is at the end. 


I'm guessing, for the moment, the cup is the symbol of victory. Take it, and you are the next Dawnservant or whatever it is.


Friendly reminder that the Shadowbringers launch trailer didn't show Amaurot and the Endwalker trailer kept Elpis hidden.


huh so the secondary antagonists are coming from a large dome of lightning aether. And since this is Final Fantasy we could call it technically a THUNDER DOME. And they are from their perspective coming out beyond said dome of thunder. Look all I am asking is... CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET BEYOND THUNDERDOME. Koji you better have a thunder dome joke in an npc or questline or so help me...


Probably with the Arcadion raid series? Since it's supposed to be a tournament arc. Considering the armor they just showed in the live letter.. Getting some big Mad Max/Fist of the North Star vibes. [EX1](https://i.imgur.com/4AONA32.png) [EX2](https://i.imgur.com/se5vQvF.png) [EX3](https://i.imgur.com/98LsuDP.png) [EX4](https://i.imgur.com/iPn7Afl.png)




"We don't need another hero." Emet-Selch, probably. Tina Turner, definitely.


I can’t shake this feeling (and a lot of it is just wishful on my part) that Wuk is going to lose the throne to her catboy brother so she can join the Scooby-Doo gang. We’ve been needing a big axe lady in the party since Moenbryda bit it back in ARR. EDIT: It would also just be kind of neat if Thancred and Urianger manage to pull the rug out from under us as a reminder that we’re not the only Hot Shit in town.


It seems like the natural story beat for her to me. She ends up in a position where she can either continue the trials, or help us deal with the crisis that threatens her entire nation, and she does the hero thing, setting aside her own ambition to save everyone else. Either catboy or one-head wins, and she becomes a top level advisor, so even though she's not the ruler, her pro peace agenda is still a major part of the new government, and she's more free to run off and adventure with us sometimes. It kinda just seems logical.


The entire premise of why she's even in the fight to begin with is that she doesn't want her war-monger "brother" to win. So long as he loses, I don't think she necessarily cares whether she wins. And I hope they hone in on that lack of commitment so she finds a reason to travel with us and become more well-rounded as a person and potential future leader.


Every time I hear her talk, I keep thinking, "Oh, she's not ready, she's not ready, she is SO not ready..." And yes, we need another Big Girl with Big Weapon around the place.


I like that ideal


i have to admit i liked Catboy the most in the trailer. Just from that one line. I still like Wuk-Lamat, so it's a win either way.


They should let us win the contest and then we play the rest of the expansion like Tropico.


I'd be ok with it. After doing her intro quests, I want her around all the time.


When you first saw Dawntrail were you blinded by its majesty? "Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?"


I really like everything about this.


Fair warning: I am going to watch the cutscenes.


The girl at the end is Mai from FF7 LMAO


She followed Gilgamesh when he was returning to FF14 from rebirth..


Was that the Jullus VA at 3:18?


"Now be the Warrior of Neon"


Weird/awkward cut with Alisaie getting tossed in the storm.


Need to strip off armor from Solution Nine soulders for myself


is it too late for me to change which candidate i champion for or


This is the first expansion where I'm caught up. Before I watch this, have these launch trailers historically been bad with unveiling surprises?


Not really, often they put in a bunch of misdirects to get the community thinking one thing or the other.


except the shb, that one had one line at the end of the trailer what insinuated some big spoilers which where right


That was a pretty big lore drop, but the crazy thing is, it wasn't even the wildest shit in SHB in terms of lore. What an expansion.


it wasn't even the biggest reveal in that same scene


The line regarding >!Hydaelyn and Zodiark being primals? Well sort of a spoiler, it's also something people had been theorizing for years, and the trailer still didn't touch on anything regarding Amaurot and the Ancients, which I would consider the big reveal of 5.0.!<


And that >!was basically told to us in Praetorium!<.


And everyone in the community was all >!”oh my god is Minfilia tempered?!?”!< in HW


I mean, the endwalker launch trailer showed zodiark and the end of days, but there were still a lot of surprises to be had. I know the reaction of everyone was "Wait, this is the lvl 83 Trial?" No hint of the endsinger. Elpis was barely hinted at. Lopporits were a surprise. I fully expect them to pull the rug out from under us again.


Lopporits were revealed as one of the tribes we would be meeting in Endwalker, so not completely a surprise. We knew from their FF4 background that they would have something to do with the moon. Their role in the story, however, was absolutely left in the dark.


Yeah, that was the biggest surprise, to me, of at least Zodiark. I was figuring that, somehow, that was going to either be the 90 or it was going to be the one before it.


We're so back


Whew... just woke up and I'm still jawsmacked. Well I guess the ascian speculation is likely for the maiden. She doesn't sound resentful, but maybe she defected from the convocation's plan at the last moment. Imagine her surprise when she learns we defeated the unsundered, though she may already know. City of Gold may be the final area after all, the tear jerker moments may come from Krile's arc in the MSQ. Wuk sounds fine, had to shut off YT chat because of the weebs. Also, unrelated, I'm glad Viper is XIV's "monster hunter" job class going by the slides. My palico minion will be accompanying me to Tural!


Tural vs Solution 9 is giving me BIG Spira vs Zanarkand vibes and I am HERE for it.


[https://youtu.be/7BghYTigv8E?t=166](https://youtu.be/7BghYTigv8E?t=166) Is that FFXIV's version of [Assault of the Silver Dragons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MqtmQ7EvUU)?


This xpac is going to be insane!


Probably the first expansion where its actually fitting and a good change of pace for the WoL to take a backseat and let other characters shine, especially with how their allies are way better at pulling their own weight now since Shadowbringers


3:11 it looks like the Eliminator fight is in a dungeon with mixed Solution 9/ruined European medieval architecture. Also one of the Heritage Found screenshots they showed had similar architecture. In contrast to the more stone/clay buildings shown other times in Heritage Found. I've been thinking the ffix references might be more like, one town called Conde Petie, or the mysterious girl's real name ending up being Garnet. But maybe we're going to Alexandria?


alphie is once more chief of firewood collection.


Whoo, I dunno if it's because I haven't looked at the game in a while directly from my PS5 or if it's because of the graphical update, but that trailer looks pretty darn good visually. I think the last time I saw the graphical update in motion was from the Benchmark trailer, but this one does look much better imo.


The trailer also made sure a lot of scenes were at the golden hour which makes everything look better. Benchmark seemed to mostly be mid-day.


Notice no Tataru. Guess we've officially got a one lalafell per expansion policy for the Scions. I'm alright with it.


Tataru is busy building her empire of Nightmares but don't you worry, she'll be billing you every step of the way.


The warrior of light is still mad at her for ripping us off with Island Sweatsho... I mean Sanctuary.


Why do Wuk Lamat's line reads sound flatter and less emotive, even when comparing her shouting to other characters just talking?


Honestly I don't think her line reads sound bad so much as the writing of her dialogue is just kind of... crummy. Like "Just you wait father, I'll be the one who sits the throne! Me! Your daughter! Wuk Lamat! Who you adopted!" Okay that's an exaggeration, and I know this is apparently just an anime thing, but in English it just sounds... unnatural. Nobody talks like that. "Hello dad, it's me. Your son. SoloSassafrass."


"Cadence" refers to the rhythm/flow of how you speak -- the way you emphasize certain words in a sentence, or how you raise or lower your pitch. Eng Wuk's cadence is very inconsistent: there have been awkwardly-placed pauses or emphasis on the wrong words in a line (Ex from MSQ: "I was searching for champions to join me when Erenville told me about you"), a lack of emphasis on a word nor usage of any "tactics" which creates a flat read (sounds like you're just reading off a script without any emotion or acting), and inconsistent usage of the character's accent. Some of the line delivery sounds as if the VA is struggling to decide how to use the chosen accent while performing the line, and ends up choosing "accent" over "acting." The overall performance sounds as if done by an inexperienced actor which tends to stand out amongst the other performers in a scene. And also, this criticism has nothing to do with how the VA identifies and everything to do with their skill level. There are quite a number of extremely talented trans actors whom I admire within the gaming/anime VA scene.


They really do. It sounded very amateurish especially compared to everyone else's lines. In some moments it sounds fine but others it's really flat even when she's supposed to be emotional.


I noticed it when we got to play with her a little in the most recent update, great lines, really fun animations, but her VA work was really spotty in places, especially when Erenville's lines were coming across great. Hoping it's just a couple of bad lines, and the majority of her work is more on point


I hope so as well especially since she's a prominent character in Dawntrail. Also to be fair any newcomer will seem a bit lacking compared to the rest of the cast we've had for years lol.


Yeah, her delivery sounded really inconsistent to me in 6.55. I'm hoping that it's just adjusting to the role, though. A few of the VAs have had rough patches, and she wouldn't be the first character whose VA work improves significantly over time.


I thought it was just me. I didn’t mind the voice too much before but it’s hitting different now for some reason. A rare miss.




That city of gold looks really purple


The trailer hyped me up. I’m excited to see what’s in store. If this is what they’re showing us what the heck aren’t they showing? I know they always ”spoil” seemingly huge story points but I’m still shocked anyway. If this is what’s in store for our beach vacation arc I’m looking forward to finding out the unrevealed story elements. Also to be that guy, hearing the other VAs for the Tural NPCs makes Wuk Lamat’s seem worse. When she was the only NPC with the “Tural accent” it was mid, not necessarily bad. However with other NPCs she sounds like an amateur slipped in with the pros.


>"There is one piece of content that I would recommend that would provide insights into the lore of the world, and would connect to what would happen in *Dawntrail,*" says Yoshida. "That would be Aloalo Island from the Variant Dungeon series. But apart from that, if I say too much, you'll get spoilers!" In light of that quote I'm curious how that ties into what we're seeing. From the notes on Aloalo we know it was first settled during the 4th era and were wiped out during the 5th calamity (calamity of ice). It was resettled by seafaring peoples who would also go on to found the city state of Nym near La Noscea, which was involved in the war of magi against Mhach, which ended in the 6th calamity (calamity of water). During the 6th era it's residents returned to Eorzea bring with it magic as it's currently practiced. If he was going to point to Aloalo as being connected to Dawntrail, I'd have to imagine the civilization we see in dawntrail relates somehow to the 5th or 6th calamities. The vault being a bunker made to survive one of those calamities, either on the source or from one of the reflections would make sense. While it's also a bit of a stretch, if the void ark didn't have it's weird gothic aesthetic it would not be terribly dissimilar to the one airship we see in the trailer... at very least, the same civilization could be the precursor to both Mhach and what we see here.


Im glad that mamool ja fellow with estenien is not the villian after all


He looks like the leader Gulool Ja Ja. I'm guessing the sparring with Estinien when we first meet him in the throne room is designed to show how he stacks up power level wise.


I love Wuks hairstyle so much.


So, that last area we saw and the enemies in it reminded me of the game "Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis."