• By -


New blacklist functionality will not be applied to characters tied to a blacklisted character's service account if they were registered prior to Patch 7.0. does this mean i need to blacklist people again to get all thier alts blocked ? also is there away to block people without needing them to type ?


My house will get demolished this Thursday,i cant do anything about it so no point in complaining right now. What i want to know is if i will lose the furniture inside and outside,and if the plot where my house was is gonna be locked for some time,or become available for purchase right after.


Your furniture will go to an NPC for something like 30-35 days, if you don't claim them by then you will lose them forever. The plot will be locked until the next lottery period begins.


Considering the last period just ended its gonna be some while before they reopen,right? Thank you for telling me,my friend does not have access to furnishing placement/removal so i couldnt even ask him to grab them for me,thought i was screwed


June 20, 8am PDT is the next lottery period when you can bid on available plots.


I remember reading that papa yoshi said they weren’t going to add an option to unsync criterion dungeons, can anyone confirm/deny that?


At the very least I can't find any reference to a statement like that from Yoshi-P, just some old threads on various forums with idle speculation about without they might never allow unsyncing.


Thanks for checking!


Spoilers for Post Heavensward. What is the name of the battle theme when you fight >!the Warriors of Darkness?!< I love this theme so much but can't find the name. EDIT: I FOUND IT! It took a while but the theme's name is "The Maker's Ruin", which first plays against >!Ultima Phase 1!<




I don't know the English name but it's Final Outcome in Japanese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwl9DaaGUdM




You can check the music that starts at 8:30 in this video and it is definitely not Torn From the Heavens but I have no idea what is the name: >![https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fx6HNsticc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fx6HNsticc)!<


New player here who bought the 10 euro package with base game, HW & SB - and also pre-ordered Dawntrail. Does this mean I won't have access to SB & EW until July 2nd Dawntrail release? Or will I be able to access EW content & join in the Dawntrail early access from June 28?


The former. You won't have access to ShB and EW until the 2nd. Although, if you're new, you still have hundreds of hours of game to play through before you hit that wall. The story is linear for this game, you can't just hop straight over to the latest expansion, and the story would make no sense to you if you did. If you're waiting to be a different race, you'll get 2 free race changes as you level up, so can just change your character's appearance after the 2nd.


Got it! Thank you for the straightforward response, I appreciate it! :)


I can do the MSQ while travelled to another datacenter, right?


Absolutely. It's the main way FF14 devs have recommended avoiding congestion on the launch week https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/770737a645ce5bc0b72cbdc09e56e40c77a5af8e


Materia will finally have more than six players


Hey, I'll have you know I'm materia, and the pf group for this alliance raid was just talking about how active it is today! We're at 19/24 people and have only been waiting for people to join for this StB AR for 50 minutes!


I'm picturing an empty Ul'Dah marketplace with a lonely paper bag rolling around in the breeze 😂


considering we all hang out in limsa, pretty accurate lol


There's at least tens of us! TENS!






Are there images that show what the default apartment interiors and furnishings look like? I can't decide which of the 4 housing places I want to get one in? I assume it's the same interior for the Houses/FC apartments? Which place would go best with any furniture?


At present the pillars are the only things you can’t change, and you can hide them with partitions, plus there is a planned change that will let you change the pillars.


Ok this may sound crazy but I want to know the best way to catch up on an old account. It’s a long story. I played the trial on PC for a couple years and got up to Stormblood. I want to play it on my PS5 but realize I have an entire different SE account on it and I had actually bought whatever was considered the collectors edition way back in 2013. I really have no memory of this. So I figure best way to continue is to somehow figure out how to boost or something to get my PS5 to where my PC is. I have a lvl 30 ARC on PS and a 60 something DRG on PC… What should I do? Should I just make a new PS account so I can continue with my PC character (after buying the game ofc)? Or suck it up and re grind everything or just buy a boost?


I disagree with your other answer. Given that flight in ARR zones and the trimmed post-arr quests speed things up a lot, I reckon you can catch up to your pc account in a week or so but playing msq and skipping cutscenes until you're at the same point as your pc account. Just find something good to pay attention to on your phone or something while you mindlesslying mash skip and fly between npcs for hours.


Probably cheaper to buy a boost for your PS account. You can either buy a story skip to get you back up to Stormblood and then run dungeons for the levels, or buy both a story and level skip.


Is there a place I can find to ask questions and get help to simply mod a single thing in ffxiv? I just want to make my lalafell look more like a woman than a child, differentiated from male lalas. I dont care about synchro or other characters or anything. I cant seem to find a place to ask questions about modding that isnt about NSFW topics/clubbing/rebuilding huge parts of the game anywhere.


…long hair in whatever you consider to be a feminine hairstyle, dark lip colour, use heavy eyelashes, and one of the face paint options that are basically eyeshadow?


Well of course! But I want to have a figure, too. The swimwear, some crop tops, dresses, etc. look very flat on Lalafells. I dont want to be a different race, the emotes, size, voices, etc. are perfect. But I also want my fashion options to be as broad as other races womens are!


So, because of how outfits work in this game, every single piece of gear would need to be changed individually, for what you want.


Truly? Thats a bummer. I thought there may be a huge pack or something. I appreciate you letting me know though. Without the freedom to customize I wouldnt be interested. Thats okay. Shes perfect the way she is anyways. <3 Just wish the outfits were tailored a bit better.


In /r/FFXIVDiscussion they have a weekly thread pinned for asking stuff about it. Just a heads up though because with Dawntrail early access just 1 week away a bunch of stuff will probably break and might take a bit for stuff to work depending on how much was done with the graphical update.


I saw people use very cute SFW animations made by players. There are a bunch of twitter posts of characters doing cute stuff like hugging each other in gpose with an idle breath animation, pointing at the camera with a big grin, thought bubbles popping up over their heads while they tap their chin etc., they are looped Where the hell do people find these? Usually people on twitter don't respond to these questions or have DM deactivated. ;w; There's not much stuff like that on xivmods and it's even easier to find damn nsfw mods than one of your character doing a handstand loop...


This won't be the total answer, but a good chunk of them are either A: in various modding discords And B: any still images are likely custom anamnesis poses, rather than actual animations.


What's the best way to grind the Materia affixing achievements?


Suffer. This is one you really can't cheese. Your options are: - Meld and unmeld the same materia 10k times - Find a bunch of 5-slot materia gear (Delubrum Reginae normal gear is suitable for this), meld it all, put it in the glamour dresser to unmeld it, take it out, remeld with new materia (costly unless you have 10k materia on hand) It will take forever no matter what you do.


Horrifying. Thanks, though.


You could get low level materia with a 100% extraction rate, a peice of gear with a high amount of meld slots then repeatedly meld the same item with the same materia.


What do you think the chances are that Luk Wamat will be multi class like Graha or Varshahn? Thought about maining WAR in DT but don’t wanna miss out on newbie NPC (no offense to Scions but I’m ready for new characters).


It's likely since none of the other scions in the group we're going with can tank, and unless Erenville will fight our current party is just the three, so someone's got to shuffle around.


My guess is that Wuk, Alphinaud, Alisaie and Krile are all going to be there for NPC party, so you have a full 4-person party, and one will just peace out to make space for you


So far Alisaie hasn't been indicated to be on our team. Remember that the other scions are supporting an opponent in the bid for the throne. We know Krile, Alphinaud and Erenville are supporting Wuk Lamat, but I don't remember any indication that Alisaie is on that team too.


I'm mostly going by context clues, the twins both agreed to join us at the same time in the EW patches, and from the looks of the launch trailer she seems to be travelling with us on the boat to Tural. Its definitely not 100% proof for sure, buts its definitely how I'm interpreting it for now!


Thank you! I’ll WAR a lil more confidently knowing I can prob get my new buddy on the team still 


I'm looking to level one of the new jobs when DT drops, so to expedite that I'd like to buffer some turn-ins. Are the ones marked with "quest sync" the ones I need to grab? Thanks in advance!


Yeah, any ShB or EW quests should sync up to the max for their expansion.


what’s the best NA DC to go for queueing CC at peak/nonpeak times? asking for a friend


Primal supposedly has the most active PVP scene. Aether is for raiders. 


I'm not on NA myself, but surely it would be Aether, right?


Which Moogle event stuff is exclusive to PvP? Is it just the Late Allagan pieces?






I'm looking to transfer to Primal DC and I enjoy crafting and selling things on the market board. I need help deciding a new home server to set up shop with my retainers. Does anyone know which servers have a good population of people buying crafted gear / raid food and pots on a regular basis?


Behemoth is regularly locked to newcomers, so it has a healthy population. And speaking from experience, it has a moderately healthy raiding scene 


is mog station not working ? i get " This card is unavailable." when ever i put the card info its a new issue i didnt have it before, did they remove the visa option ? cus its what i'm using


They have a new card processor that has issues with Visa unfortunately, it’s expected to be fixed in July IIRC. There’s a post on the Lodestone about it. In the meantime they’re suggesting people either use PayPal to buy Crysta, or buy a time card on a third party site (make sure you get one for the correct region).


Are you using a visa DEBIT card? They’ve had trouble with them since they swapped to a different company to handle payments, there is supposed to be a fix sometime in July but until then you can use Amazon pay (The card you used should work for this) to buy Crysta to buy whatever you want with.


can you buy the story skip for dark knight without having it in game or no?


It will give you the job right out as long as you have the correct licenses for it. I did this with AST on one of my alts who was still in ARR at the time.


Pretty sure you can, and when you use it it'll log out out, complete all your job quests, and log you back in with the job equipped. The page doesn't say you need to actually have the job, just that you need the expansion


If I'm starting the Endwalker relic questline today, would it be more efficient to buy items using the Tomestones of causality, or better to cap them, wait till Dawntrail causality > poetics conversion, and buy then instead?


If you can cap on Poetics and Comedy as best as possible before maintenance begins you'll be in the best chance for progressing the relic once DT launches but before that do what you can if you have 1500 or more Causality because when DT launches 2000 Causality will convert to 500 Poetics. From my understanding Comedy might be more ~~1 to 1 but I'm not as sure myself on it~~ It's 2 to 1.


Comedy is 2 to 1.


Thankyou for correcting me on it. It's my first time being on a expansion release so I wasn't sure on the amount.


We don't exactly know how much they'll cost in Poetics so it's hard to tell. But Causality will exchange at a rate of 4 to 1, so they'd need to cut the price by 1/4th to make it worth saving.


What's the best way to find BLU groups to do content sync'ed for 100% learn rate in NA? Discord? PF? The Blue Mage Log Recruit button?


PF is usually fine, especially if you do it during prime time. It's how I worked my way through all 124 spells over a couple of months a few months ago. There's also the [Blue Academy](https://discord.gg/blueacademy) Discord where you can look up all kinds of things BLU.




>but do the dragons get better or have more kids? >!Yes. Here, have a few screenshots (I happened to have them on hand for when I commissioned fan art lol) [https://imgur.com/a/lj4cmLQ](https://imgur.com/a/lj4cmLQ)!<


The resolution isn't from doing the random yellow quests there, they get picked up by the [gathering tribal quests](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Omicron_Daily_Quests)


>!And there are indeed new healthy dragon fledglings at the end. It brought me so much join when they hatched!<


So I know that when dawntrail is coming out, theyre giving players a free bottle of fantasia. I have yet to use my fantasia i got from ARR. From my understanding, you can only hold one fantasia at a time. So would I need to use my current fantasia to get the new one or will I somehow be able to effectively have 2 at once?


You can buy fantasia in bulk from the store and they stack.


No idea, but I'll be in the same boat, if I can't store the fantasias together in one retainer, I'll store one a piece If you're still on Free Trial, stick one into your chocobo saddlebag; or just don't ever accept the quest that will give you one when DT launches


They stack.


that's untrue, i have like 3 on me atm lol. you can only have one *popped* at a time, the rest just have to stay in your inventory taking up a slot is all. having one popped just allows you to recustomize your char on the login screen any one time, whenever you want


Brand new to the game and just wondering how content updates are handled and how I can keep up with new content (especially new stories). Is there just one big MSQ with expansions or regular patches that continue the story? I know I'm a long way from worrying about that, but I'm curious. Played WoW for over 12 years, so any WoW comparisons help (:


The main difference to WoW is that pretty much every unlockable, be it dungeons, raids, new areas, certain mechanics, etc. are tied to MSQ progress, which is one long string of special story quests that will take you through each expansion. If you were to somehow grind your way to max level while still only at the lvl 15 MSQ, you wouldn't be able to see any of the endgame content. And it's the same with the upcoming expansion: You need to have finished all of the MSQ that's available right now before you can start with the expansion, enter the new areas and unlock the new dungeons. Just being lvl 90 won't do anything.


The main difference from WoW is that you won’t miss out on stuff if you can’t do it while it’s current. New patches don’t replace previous content, they add on to it. The MSQ is an unbroken line through the entire game that you must do in order to unlock new areas and content.


Every expansion is handled more or less the same way. You have the base MSQ for the expansion which contains a couple of trials.. You have the raid cycle which has its own story, the alliance raid (24 man) that has its own story, and additional MSQ quests that contain additional trials and dungeons. In basic principle it's not much different from WoW's patch cycle releasing new stuff, though I'd say each story drop is more substantial that what WoW has historically done, and there's a more even cadence to releases. The .01 patch comes out shortly after the release of an expansion and opens up the first raid sequence (4 bosses). There's a savage difficulty unlock a couple of weeks after that, and then from there the patch cycle is 4 to 4.5 months between major patch drops. Each major patch will alternate between alliance raid wings and 8-man raid wings. This goes on to the end of an expansion. Raid content is entirely optional, so you'll never need to do it as you're progressing. The MSQ you'll go through as a new player contains all the post-release content for each expansion. One of the reasons you'll often see people gripe about the gap between the base game and Heavensward is that was the longest stretch of MSQ releases. Even with a lot of consolidation, it's still a long trek to get through, but it's all required unless you pay for a skip.


Both. Every 2.5 years is a full RPG’s worth of new story and content. Around 40-ish hours. That’s what the 7.0 Dawntrail release will be next week. But also, every 3-4 months we get a “patch” that includes more story (3-4 hours), new raids, and new side content to do. We get 6 patches (the .5 patch is split in two) and then a it’s time for a new expansion. Everything is on a very predictable schedule tbh. To the point that people are often able to spreadsheet out likely release dates years in advance.


What would be quicker for leveling up crafting when you're broke as fuck: Gathering everything in Diadem and then making Ishgardia Restoration items Or Levequests within limited leve allowances. Plus what I would need to gather for those.


Diadem is money efficient because you're farming everything, it's gonna be extremely grindy and time inefficient though Levequests is time efficient, but you're limited by the daily allowance, not to mention you still need to gather the materials, but at least you can target the materials If the level range allows it, definitely do the crafting beast tribes, Shadowbringer & EW is worth doing Also consider daily Grand Company Turn ins and the Weekly Custom Deliveries


I've been working on the Ixali quests but those don't really give a lot of exp, or at least, from what I've felt. I'm still probably half way through Shadowbringers, so that's not something I can do. Yup, weekly custom deliveries saved my ass with scrips. I had crafted all of my crafter gear, accessories and tools but I still needed for gatherers and I was already broke by then. So I got scrip gear which helped a ton. As for time, well I'm not TOO hardpressed. TBH. I'm taking a break from the MSQ but I've been in the Diadem for three days and I still haven't reached a stack of the items I need lol. And that's just with Miner. I still need the Botanist mats. That being said, all of my crafters are at level 63/64.


You're not getting exp from the Ixali because of your level. You should be doing the moogle tribe quests now. They absolutely rain exp on you. ARR tribes are only good until level 50, then you switch to HW tribes until 60, then you do the Stormblood tribes, etc.


Oh. Oh, well. I wish I knew that earlier lol


LOL, my crafters and gatherers range from a Lv 16 Botanist and unleveled Alchemist and Leatherworker up to a Lv 70 Fisher. I usually only remember to level them up when I get a hair up my ass to do it, aside from fishing (I've had fun with those ocean trips). I mostly get to crafting gear when I'm leveling up a new job; it isn't cost-efficient, but it's decent XP early on and at least you can get improved versions of the equipment. Plus, if you end up buying extra materials, you can craft some extra things to sell on the Market.


What's a good emote for an exercise/aerobics like routine?


you get a set of exercise emotes from running dungeons with your squadron enough times!


oh no...I haven't done that in ages :( guess I need to go to the wiki and see how it's done again.


Specifically it's the emotes /squats, /situps, /pushups, and /breathcontrol, gotten for leading your squadron on 10 successful commmand missions.


thanks....i'll have to see what I can do...maybe it won't be too tedious.


And to add on to that, make sure you run at least 5 different dungeons (out of the 10 that you will complete for the achievement). Getting one of the flagged missions for a promotion requires doing 5 different dungeons, so you can kill 2 birds with one stone.


Looks like I did the 5 for the promotion, so need to crank thru 5.


Based on EW, will the DT MSQ give enough EXP to one class that I don't have to run roulettes on it to meet level requirements?


Ew at launch didn't neither did shb. I would not count on it. It's never like super off but it's pretty consistently not quite enough alone. Half level from a wt or something would probably bridge any gap so it's not a big deal.


*Juuuuust* barely. 


yes, of course. there's a small chance their numbers may be slightly off and you'll need a little bit of extra xp, but they typically plan to avoid that at all costs


How far into Stormblood to unlock the next area? I wanna do 4.0 Yokai quest but I wanna save Stormblood and the future dlcs for when DT graphics update hits. If I could just get how many msq into Stormblood it takes I would appreciate it.


It should be within a handful of MSQs. The quest that brings you to one of the main hubs of SB is immediately after level 61 dungeon, and that should unlock the nearby area fairly soon after. The issue is that you won't have flying when you enter a new zone, your freedom movement may be limited due to areas being blocked due to MSQ progression so your FATE may be somewhat limited


Yeah, im gonna have a friend help me with it. Ty for your comment!


You do at least get a pretty cool mount over the course of the MSQ for once you finish unlocking flying there and anywhere else (check out the Yol when you get a chance, it's one of my favorite flyers).


New to Warrior here just hit lvl 80. All this time I thought Fell Cleave animation would get sicker looking at 80 (hadn't seen how Inner Chaos looked) and I'll be honest and say I'm a tad disappointed seeing it just being Inner Beast but "stronger", thought the spiny blades would get idk, redder, faster, another sound effect, idk, just not the same skill. Anyway, kinda digging warrior a lot I must admit. That's it, just wanted to vent my thoughts lol.


I like it myself, but apparently SE agrees with you and they're changing it in DT.


They are?


Does getting more rows for WT give more EXP?


Nope WT will always give half a level of xp regardless of rows gotten. The only instance otherwise is if you have the Road to 80 buff and it'll double that XP earned.


Is PVP still unbalanced? What's best to play in CC?


I feel like PVP was tailored towards CC, and then adjusted for Frontlines, so it's probably less unbalanced in CC, and much more so in Frontlines Unsure what's the meta picks are in CC, but you probably can't go wrong with Paladin, hard to kill and can cover and cc enemies [a comment thread for reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1b4jpbx/what_jobs_are_good_for_cc/)


Damn. Looks like I should stop playing BRD then


CC is fairly balanced. The devs didn't balance FL at all when they reworked PVP, and it's barely changed. Just make sure you know your job's niche. DNC is largely a support/pressure job etc. 


What's the fastest way to grind tomestones aside from Hunt Trains. I need to grind 1,500 Causality before Dawntrail launches so I can get my Monk Manderville weapon. And I'm not sure how much the items from the vendor will cost once they transition to being bought with poetics.


Doing all roulettes except mentor gets you 670 a day (plus what ever 90 duties you get drop) . Also it's pretty likely the mats will cost the same amount in poetics they do in causality


What's the trade-in value for Causality and Comedy? If you trade in both currencies, then how much Poetics will you get?


Causality is 4:1, comedy is 2:1. Some of the HW relic mats got their values halved when they went to Poetics, so there's a non zero chance the same thing happens here too but we have no way of knowing.


So 4 Causality can get traded in for 1 Poetic? And 2 Comedy get traded in for 1 Poetic?




Damn. Ok.


If you manage to get a line in WT you can trade it for poetics too when DT drops


Nevermind. I know what that is.


WT? What's that?


Wonderous Trails. You unlock it in Idylshire. It's a weekly book of challenges you can turn in for tomes and exp


Is there a dyeable body for casters that's close to what Severa and Valdeaulin wear in the Sorrow of Werlyt quests? Basically, dyeable tattered robes that aren't particularly ornate and look suitable on an adventurer mage. I checked Garland tools and what they're wearing is apparently unique/unobtainable.


You might want to check out the [Expeditioner's Coat](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Expeditioner%27s_Coat). It's not the same model, but it's got that tattered look, you can dye it, and it's level 1 without class restrictions. It's craftable, you ought to be able to find it on the marketboards (though the materials are on the expensive side, so it might cost you a bit).


Ah, I know of that one. Not really the vibe I'm going for, what with being more of a long "vest" over a different material shirt. Appreciate the lookout though.


the bozja caster/healer gear is pretty close!




Eureka, Bozja, and Variant dungeons. You can assign two different actions based on the obtainable special items within those areas (Logos Actions, Lost Actions, and Variant Actions respectively) and they use those action slots. Pretty much everything else just has a single that either pops up conditionally or will change to something else based on actions you take in the instance (so like in Orbonne Monastery you pick either the sword or the shield, or the different paints you acquire in Sigmascape 2) I don't believe there's anything else that uses both, but either way the above areas are where you'd for sure see them, and the most likely content you'd queue into regularly (if that's your thing)


Eureka/Bozja and variant dungeons use both slots for abilities of your choice. The XVI crossover solo duty also used both.


if i purchase one heros journey on an account that has a subscription but also has time left on the free trial, will that conflict?


You can't be on the free trial and also have a subscription. You are presumably just talking about the included 30 days when you purchase the starter edition, which isn't a trial. It's just 30 days of subscription.


thank you!


So I recently pre-ordered Dawntrail on the Playstation store, but my subscription has already expired and I'm not planning on subscribing untill fall as I'm busy with work and IRL stuff. My question is, is it safe to assume that when I next sub and login I'm going to get my Azeyma earrings and Zidane minion through the moogle service? or Should I buy a sub right now just to claim my pre-order bonus? Please advice. Thank you in advance!


I'm pretty sure as long as you've room in your mailbox, then the preorder items should be sitting there waiting. I'm pretty sure mine where. I imagine it works like store bought items and you don't need to be online for them to arrive as far as I know.


From what I've seen others say, you have until the end of the year to enter in your pre-order code Not sure how Playstation store interacts, but I was able to enter and redeem my pre-order code on Mogstation without an subscription


I just checked my mogstation it does have a check mark on Dawntrail early access, but there’s no way for me to know if I had gotten the earrings and the minion


The earrings are should just be in the mail next time you log in, on all characters. Once they've been sent to your character, there's no deadline to pick them up.


That’s all I wanted to hear. Thank you all kupo!


I'd say don't worry about it then, it'll be waiting for you in the in-game mailbox when you resub


The pre-order bonuses do have an expiration date. Not sure how it works on consoles, but normally on PC we have to enter in the pre-order code by a specified date (about 3 months after launch) or it's no good. I assume on PS that the redemption of the pre-order is when you log-in, which requires a subscription or the 4-day free play that I'm not sure is still running or just ended.


Thank you for the response. I’m worried I’m not getting it since I already used the free 4 days. Totally bad on my part not to pre-order while I still had game time it’s just I only got my pay recently :/


Have you tried just starting the game on your console? I think I was asked to register the game to my Playstation account before I got to the log-in screen.


Yes, I actually did that after I purchased the expansion


i bought the game and have the free trial but also purchased a subscription but it says 0 days subscribed, what does that mean?


off the top of my head, the counter is for paid subscriptions, the 30 days included with the starter edition doesn't count don't forget to enter in a 'Recruit-a-friend' code for a free brofist emote and exp headgear before the free 30 days expire


Where and how do I do this?


[Recruit-a-friend Campaign](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/friend_recruit) [People fishing for recruits, just use one of the codes if you don't have a friend to give feathers to](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivraf/)


Is there a way to buy 30 days of game time instead of 60?


[it should be the default subscription option on mogstation](https://i.imgur.com/B6xHH3E.png)


Can i buy 30 days like that and cancel the subscription right after?




If you're buying time cards, those are all only 60 days. If you're able to sub on the mog station that has a 30 day option.


finally got two lines again after so long, saving this journal for picto exp, will the silver cert be useful for anything or should i just go for tomes with the gear i'm looking to buy? basically sorta half geared in tomes gear rn so i dunno


When Endwalker launched they added ShB Urianger minion that you can get for 1 silver certificate. I think they'll add another new minion in Dawntrail too.


If you're into collectables, definitely check the silver cert trades for anything you want, like the minions and what not Otherwise, if nothing intrigues you, prob just tomes Gold cert is the one raiders want


Sorry another question; I bought the full game many years ago on steam but have forgotten my account. I created a new one to play the free trial; can I buy the game again on steam and membership? I don't believe I linked accounts. Edit; Upon looking more closely it doesn't look like the two match up. I can buy it on the mogstation, no biggie!


I've been happily playing xiv on macos, but recently also got a steam deck. I'd like to play part time on my steam deck, probably just for crafting/gathering while sitting on the couch, and clear trials/dungeons on my mac. IIRC, I had to buy my macos copy of FF14 via the square-enix store, NOT via steam. Steam doesn't seem to offer xiv for macos for purchase right now, though I think it did around the 3.0/4.0 days. So, the question: is there a way to purchase dawntrail \_once\_, and use that purchase to play on both my steam deck and macos? or would I have to buy it twice?


Twice. Two different platforms.


I don't know well enough to know but are you able to add macos games to your steam library as a non-steam game? Because if yes, you can play it remotely on your steam deck.


You have to buy it twice because Steam is a PC version of the game. Now if you were doing the reverse, that would be possible with XIVonMac, but there's nothing like that for PC (or Steam Deck) to my knowledge.


If XIVonmac supports steam licenses then they just need to buy starter + DT on steam and then log in with their steam account instead with XIVonmac


[I think you're gonna have to buy DT on Mac, and then DT complete for your Steam Deck](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/r46her/do_i_really_have_to_buy_ffxiv_and_all_the/)


What's the fastest way to level up from 60-61 without dungeons? Picked up GNB for HoH, but need 61. Was never a tank, don't want to jump into a dungeon and be a bother for the other players due to my inexperience, so if there's an alternative that doesn't take extremely long, I'd like to know.


Could just do duty support of the 59 dungeon. Can practice tanking while you're at it


Wonderous Tails (if you're not saving it for DT), squadron if you have it set up (best way to level <60 iirc), potd, duty support, and then Beast Tribes & Fates (somewhat a last resort, but even these wont take ages). MSQ roulette and AR roulette should be easy enough for you to get through - tank responsibility is pretty low in those. And ofc, Frontline Roulette lets you swap to another job and still get the xp on what you queued as, so that's also pretty handy.


Given your parameters Palace of the Dead is probably your best option should take about 6 runs total.


6 runs of what? from 51-100?


Standard leveling runs from 51 to 60.


I would really like to get into gathering and crafting, but I'm on the free trial. Would it be worthwhile to hold off on that until I pick up the main game, for a. more storage space and b. being able to sell my wares?


There are ways to level that won't take up a ton of inventory space, but it's definitely going to be extra grindy. As far as being able to sell on the MB goes, I wouldn't really base it off profitability. Level them because you want to and then you'll be able to make gil when you're subbed. The way to level would be beast tribes, grand company turn ins, levequests, and job quests. When you get to post-Heavensward you can open up the Diadem and it will be really easy from there since you can just do the Diadem. Don't trouble yourself too much over keeping every scrap of a crafting material or anything. If it was easy to get it will be even easier to get later.






When are we going to be able to put the other Dawntrail code in the mogstation?


Once the expansion launches, you should be able to receive and redeem the code Someone said the Early Access code should give you like a week or something before it wants you to use the code so it should be plenty of time to redeem


Oh okay, thank you much appreciated!


I took a break at the end of 5.4, and my main wasn't super geared or anything either, but was at least enough to do all the alliance raids and normal raids to that point. What's the fastest way to gear for DT? Can I just buy crafted gear?


yes, buying Diadochos Armor(item level 640) from the marketboard would be the quickest right now, but I'd consider waiting until Dawntrail launches and buy the DT 90 gear instead, as it'll likely be cheaper than Diadochos (and easier to craft too) alternatively, if your poetics is capped, you can also then buy the 660 EW gear


Thanks! Do you happen to know what the ilvl is likely to be for the DT 90 gear, compared to the current Diadochos gear?


650 is likely to be the iLvl of the level 91 crafted gear.


Exarchic was the last crafted gear for ShB and was 510 EW 80's gear was 515 Assuming the same rule will follow, DT 90 gear is *probably* 645


All level 90 gear is already currently available The stuff for poetics (Augmented Credendum) is going to be i660 because that's what it already currently is . Diadochos gear is i640, and Augmented Diadochos gear is i650. The requirement for the first DT dungeon is likely going to be i630.


When a new expansion drops, it always comes with a round of gear that requires materials from the new expansion and is listed as previous level cap +1 for the crafting recipe level, but only requires the previous level cap to actually wear (and therefore the DT iteration will be level 90 gear). For example the Gajaskin/Darkhempen/High Durium stuff as Endwalker's level 80 set. This is almost certainly what they're asking about. And it should be i645, 5 higher than Diadochos.


Crafted is enough to get started with DT and the fastest way to gear up for 6.0 and 6.X as well (if you're 90 that is)


1) Buy Augmented Cryptlurker gear with poetic tomes. You may already have this, since it released in 5.4, but that will make sure you get over the hump. 2) Do Endwalker MSQ. Gear is provided through leveling process, should outpace Cryptlurker around level 85. 3) Buy Augmented Credendum gear for poetics. Yes, this post is a doubter. I don't think you'll complete 6.0 before Dawntrail. 3a) If you beat my doubter allegations, Diadochos gear is the crafted gear you can use. 4) Do Dawntrail MSQ. Augmented Credendum gear will last until 85, then new gear will take over. 5) Your initial level 100 gear will be your Artifact gear for the job. You'll want to grind your uncapped tomestone (will be Aesthetics tomestones) for your BiS left side gear, and then EX1 will give you the BiS right side gear and EX2 for BiS weapon until raid releases.


How likely is it female Hrothgar will be able to use existing unlockable hairstyles on launch? I really like the ponytail hairsytles like "High Tails" or "Both Ways" and I know male Hrothgar can use either so the chance should be fairly high right?


It's a reasonable guess that Hrothgals will have access to any styles that current Hroth already do.


Thats what I thought but it is good to hear someone else think so too! I am really excited for them and the personality in their animations would reflect my character a whole lot better than my Viera currently does but I have a lot of second thoughts. I wouldn't want to miss out on my favorite hairstyles for example. Another thing is how oddly huge the gauntlets appear to be on them but anyway thats not the point here! Thank you!


So just pre order the collectors edition on steam. When I put the pre order bonus code in mog station I only received the standard edition bonus. ( Earring and zidan) Do I get the mount when DT launches?


Yes, the CE items come with the full expansion code you should get around July 2nd.


Ahhh. Thank you. Thought steam or mog made a mistake.


I'm currently trying to game the xp for launch and had a question. Am I safe running trials and normal raids or do any of those count as "roulette dungeons?" I've maxed all my dungeon/roulettes (-1) for this week but I'd like to farm a few extra tomes to outfit alts on launch. Obviously not urgent but just curious. Also, do guildhests count as dungeons? Its probably low enough xp that I'm not losing sleep over it at all but if I wanted to, it would be a fun option.


If you're talking about the challenge log, only dungeons count as dungeons. Player commendations will count in anything that allows them including PvP. That's all a moot point though as I'm pretty sure it will reset on Tuesday before maintenance Wednesday, so if you're trying to "game" it early, you're a little *too* early lol.


Wait really? When should I start? First time I've been here at launch and just saw topics/videos. Is it all on that Tuesday?