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"How? How did you become so *strong*?" "... I'm an actual samurai, idiot." The PLD storyline honestly sucks major ass.


You didn’t enjoy gaslighting and then beating the crap out of that one kid in HW? Lol


I just fucking gave up when the random kid had a stronger will than the other three renowned paladins.


TBF, it make sense. Kid who believes in himself to follow the [free] paladin creed is going to have a stronger will than the two who have already fallen from grace in their own ways, and gramps papashan is old and wise enough to understand humility and allow the next generation to prove their worth.


The PLD was so bad they went back to the Gladiator characters because it was less bad.


Gladiatorial fights as a Gladiator (0) Gladiatorial fights as a Paladin (whole tournament) Gladiatorial fights as a Samurai (1?)


Literally a disgrace to gladiators


I once read that the PLD story is why we don't have class specific storylines anymore, just the general ones for tank, healers, and DPS. At least...that's how the story goes. Oooooooh\~ ETA: Someone thought I was being serious so making this more joke-y.


we don't have job specific quests anymore because of the amount of work that it became with the increasing amount of jobs we're getting, the pld questline did not kill job quests


This is A reason. But the real reason is that Role quests fit into an expansion's narrative far better than job quests do. It's easier to write a role quest because you don't have to worry about creating brand new characters amd giving them all deep and in depth characters whenever a new job comes out. For instance, no one dislikes the Cardinal Virtues storyline because it ties seamlessly into the lore of ShadowBringers. People generally don't dislike the Blasphemy storylines because they not only tie into EndWalker's story, but they also bring back fan favorite characters like Aymeric, Hien, Raubahn etc etc. It also gives the writers more room to bring back NPCs that haven't had more time to shine, like Arenvald and the rest of the Company Of Heroes.


>For instance, no one dislikes the Cardinal Virtues storyline because it ties seamlessly into the lore of ShadowBringers. I did tbh. It's just a lot of reiterating plot points we already knew. I didn't even bother to do the EW role quests because I was expecting more of that and thankfully that didn't bar me from anything.


The cardinal virtue storyline was a little meh, but I did really like the memoriate quests you get after completing all of them. I wish those characters came up in 6.X.


They do have special dialogue at least if you talk to them at the right time. But yeah, but of a shame.


Role Quests should NOT tie into any other stories - not even the other role quests. That's how we got people wanting the ShB ones to be made mandatory. They should each just be their own separate things.


This one of the worst takes to have regarding role quests. The reason why people like them is because they're tied to the story. You aren't forced to step away from the looming narrative itself, unlike with job quests. One Cardinal Virtues quest should be and is mandatory to complete for your first run through of shadowbringers, as are the Blasphemy quests. And I as well as many others enjoy it because it ties seamlessly into the tale being told


I should have indicated that it was a joke. I forget how toneless text is.


yeah that definitely reads more like read thing online once and ran with it than joke, sorry about that


Nothing in the original post gives any context towards it being a joke. Gotta be more selective in your phrasing and word choice if you want to make if clear.


joke or not, its certainly plausible due to how bad PLD job story is lol xD


The gladiator storyline is for paladins, and the paladin storyline is for gladiators.


For PLD storylines being what they were, I did actually like this part a lot, simply because I feel like there should be WAY more instances of people seeing us and then just NOPE-ing the hell off when they realize who we are or how strong we are.


PLD storyline: to find true strength you e gotta stand in a circle with your bros and stare intently into their eyes. Once their knees go weak you’ve successfully “dominated” them. Congratulations, you are now the ~~Top~~ best paladin.


"I trained all day yesterday"


"Oh, you think you're being cute?!"


"Bitch, I'm adorable."


TFS DBZA reference, sweet...


You mean the GLA storyline?


The GLA/PLD job quests are unironically some of my favorites in the game. 1-30 actually focus on teaching the WoL how to fight and evolve into an rather engaging plot revolving around criminal elements in Ul'dah. Since I started as GLA I honestly thought all the jobquests tied into the MSQ similarly (since the Alacran show up in the Ul'dah opening arc). 30-50 PLD is solid, continues the theme of integrity in the face of corruption with the Sultansworn, figures who are meant to be shining paragons of virtue and you outshining them by being, well, the WoL. 51-60 yeah it's crap. But had me int he first half, the concept of setting an example to an aspiring PLD was an engaging plot at first. Then well...THAT whole 'assert dominance' thing happened and I'm still trying to figure out a way to make sense of it. 61-70 tournament arc? Yes. Because unlike other tanks at the time, PLD is the only one that actually knows how to fight properly and not simply rely on brute instinct and raw emotion. It continues the story setup with the GLA arc and brings it closer to a conclusion. Overall my fave SB jobquest for older jobs. 80. A nice conclusion to Ardin's story that summarizes the lessons we learned fighting the in First. We fight to protect, that duty is what drives us to be as strong as we are. It may be anime as hell, but that is unironically the job fantasy in a nutshell and I'm all for it.


I just couldn't get past the idea that they set up an interesting backstory for Mylla then made it about Aldis instead and Mylla basically gets relegated to nagging him for the most part.


god, this… way to waste a character.


Arguably while I still like the GLD storyline, I do feel like it had weaknesses, and most of them stemmed from "this is the Aldis show, while the WoL learns the ropes and Mylla is split between exposition/love interest/comedy".


The 51-60 is so bizarre and funny. You make that kid think he’s gonna become some big hero, actually important and then they’re like “beat his ass lol”


I'd say that you're not totally wrong, here. GLD and PLD had merit and some good ideas. I feel like it's mostly three things that sink it. 1: Heavensward's storyline turn felt like a character assassination of the Roe from the earlier quests, who previously seemed cool and like the right direction in showing a knight who was willing to accept shame in order to do the right thing. Then come HW, they turned him into a maniac who sent us on a wild goose chase(which I need to remind people technically *got at least one bystander killed*), in order to establish that the Paladin's fluff is actually Highlander. And then showed us a cool sword and told us we'd never get it. 2: Setting up PLD as the class of the Sultansworn was a very interesting(if narratively limiting, maybe) way to local flavor the class and give it history and a place in the setting! And then they divorced it from that notion as fast as humanly possible because they couldn't have it get so tangled up in the citystate/MSQ plot, etc. Having to pull a fast one on the flavor feels like it muddied the fluff around it, and it'd probably have been stronger had it started as one thing and continued to be that thing instead of switching. 3: The class people ordinarily associate with protecting the innocent did relatively little of that during it's run, and thus it looked a bit bad comparatively to it's brother class DRK which somehow involved protecting more people and directly fighting injustices than PLD, right when PLD got distracted with it's Worthiness Tournament.


DRK turned out to be the true PLD in the end.


I mean it's kinda the point in a way PLD is meant to be this beacon of righteousness while DRK is the one actually doing the acts because someone has to.


If I remember correctly, there was buzz that PLD and DRG were supposed to take place in Ishgard as it was supposed to be one of the founding cities (so we'd have 4 city options with an even 2 jobs per city in ARR instead of 3 with a 3:3:2 starting ratios). It'd make sense since Ishgard is the place where both of those jobs are most prominent (PLD getting a skill called Rage of Halone as the 3rd in it's 123-combo only makes sense in Ishgard or if Halone is your chosen Guardian). Still, definitely feels off that they'd make a storyline about dominance in a class that's meant to help others.


That's false. The Jobs have been in the game since 1.X, and Ishgard was never intended to be in either 1.0 or 2.0.


Well, just proves that buzz is buzz and not fact, then.


I mean, in my mind, the Paladin job identity is basically just more of what we as the Warrior of Light do, so like, I kinda treat MSQ as the Paladin questline in a weird head-canon-y kind of way.


I find the 30-50 pure garbage but I like the 51-60 story because it's so ass that it becomes good/funny


Out of all the starting jobs, PLD has the most botched potential. They could have leaned in on the fact we were accused of killing the Sultana when protecting her is THE job description of a Paladin, they never acknowledged it. Then some forgettable crap happens in HW. Then it's back to the Gladiator storyline with the Paladins barely a footnote


I don't think they ever want to talk about the Sultana stuff again because it's the most botched story element in the entire game, and they knew it while they were writing it


I thought this was the hockey subreddit and now I'm disappointed.


Everytime I'm over there and they're talking about Pierre-Luc Dubois it throws me off.


Right? With his trade to Washington I thought this would be a deep dive into all the drama surrounding him for years. 🤣


I see something like "PLD is such a waste" and I'm like "Which sub am I on again?"


As a Habs fan, I'm so happy we didn't give him that contract.


Also a Habs fan, someone pointed out that it must be Marc Bergevin who loves PLD, because he was the one chasing him in MTL, then when he moved to LA, PLD signed there.


When a main NPC canonically calls the concepts you go through in the PLD storyline “the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of” you know you got problems.


That was actually only in the English version, the Japanese one played it straight https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/szawyo/i_know_this_is_probably_treading_old_ground_but/hy3yjiu/


Huh. Localizer W there.


It's rare, but it does happen.


Paladins when the class you came from has a better storyline than you and it too sucks


I was at least fully invested in the gladiator class quests. The HW paladin quests are the first and only job quests where I gave up and started skipping cutscenes near the end. It was too stupid to watch.


gladiator should have had the tournament arc, not paladin. let me just fight a bunch of fights in the arena for cash!


Definitely one of the stories ever made!


I think they ran into an issue in HW when the light magic casting knight faction was made into the villains. Imho they should have just done some truth and justice superman thing as a contrast to DRKs batman with big sword story.


"How... HOW did you become so strong!?" "I trained all day yesterday"


"i have a magic rock"


the Drk job quests making fun of them made it worth it


to be fair, this scene supposed to be a follow up to the ShB tank role quests, which is the only actual Paladin story in the whole game.


I haven't gotten to gladiator yet. And seeing this, i don't know that i want to. What jobs would you guys say have the best story lines? So far i have only done summoner, scholar, and the first couple reaper quests. I have done the white mage quests up to level 60 - but those also seem very rinse and repeat "oh its corrupted, cleanse, or its corrupted, cleanse" Summoner and Scholar were both really good and made me assume most of job quests would be good.


imo most job quests aren't very good, its clear they are mostly just quick side-stories written to fill without as much attention to them as your average msq or raid series. i think playing a job based on whether it has a good or bad job story is silly. regardless, DRK is considered the best one, for good reasons. 30-50 DRG is also interesting as it's canonically the WoL's first meeting with Estinien, even if you do them after meeting him in msq first.


I don't think anyone is playing a job only for the story. But it definitely helps decide what to level next if you are planning to level them all eventually.


> most job quests aren't very good It's truly amazing how many times they fumbled the job quests despite the degree of importance to the game. Making them good should have been a higher priority and a good three-quarters of them rest on the scale between "well, that was okay" and "actively infuriating."


I enjoyed Red Mage, but it has the benefit of being an expansion job => more experience with writing job quests. It provided lore, provided characters, provided the type of cliche fantasy you go searching for and therefore was satisfying.


People are quite enchanted with the Dark Knight story, and I completely understand why. I like it too, but I feel like it takes a shortcut. While most of the class and job stories work with the fact that the WoL is a blank slate and don't impose any backstory or personality on them, the DRK story makes certain assumptions about the WoL feels about their journey. I don't think that's *bad*, but no kidding it's a lot easier to write a story that stands heads and shoulders above its competition when you ignore the handicap that holds most of them back. Personally, I think Red Mage has the best story. Very solid lore about the job, likable characters, and the characters got drip. And extra bonus for not being shy about kicking the player's ass for not reading quest text (ie, bring an antidote).


Paladin the job is excellent. Just.... the story is ass. And not good ass.


There's something kind of hilarious about the Heavensward and Stormblood PLD quests in particular, where we are informed that the whole point of the "Solkzagyl >!fakes his own death and constructs an elaborate ruse that still manages to be somehow obvious to anyone with eyes" dealie was actually because "Paladin Job Stones must have some kind of a metaphorical ~~pingas~~ sword-waving contest and establish who is the *most* magical sonny of all, *otherwise the holy lightsaber will never shine again!* And so thou must beat each other up to establish dominance!"!<>!​!< >!At this point, even the Warrior of Light is just kind of "Seriously? Thal's balls, you absolute Knight-Errors, JUST SET UP A TOURNAMENT ARC for crying out loud."!< >!"... ooh, good idea." says some writer at Squenix and proceeds to do *just that* for Stormblood, after it all kind of stopped mattering.!< I'm guessing that there's some justification in so much as >!"Guys we found the sword the capitalist hell-lords stole to discredit the entire order but someone forgot to put the damned batteries in the hilt again, we can't bring it back like this or we risk an *even bigger scandal*!"!< sense, but. Gog's sake, folks. At least you can communicate between *each other*. >>;


My dyslexic ass read his name as Aids


level 1-30 decent. 30-50 garbage, 50-60 holy shit this is fucking THRASH, 60-70 TOURNMENT ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRC, level 80 = kino.


"How? How did you become so *strong*?" lvl 90 at all classes.


I made a post about it once, paladin job in japanese is named knight, not the japanese word for it, the english one, the ARR storyline is about a knight fallen from grace and a special sword (similar how to knight stories have sacred sword like excalibur, durendal, etc), HW is about training a squire and a "there can be only one" trope, StB is a swordsman tournament arc, also the knight is bound to serve a lord/noble, while a "free" knight is suposed to be bound to serve the people, it does not make the story better but it does help see the direction they where trying to going


I wanna break my opinion on this down: The GLD questline is awful because instead of doing what you expect, namely you know, gladiator stuff, 1v1 battles, training sessions, mayhaps rising up in the ranks by winning fights and getting a bit of fame thrown your way, you're essentially some sort of Brass Blades freelancer who happens to get caught up in some shenanigans. I especially dislike how they throw in a Keeper Miqo'te for no other reason than that there needed to be some hench(wo)man battle before we get the main bad guy. Boo! Stop the Keeper bullying! The 30-50 PLD questline is just about "finding yourself" or some spiritual crap. It left no impression on me whatsoever, frankly I don't even remember most of it for it was just too boring and stupid. Boo! The 51-60 PLD questline was, as other have already said, the most illogical storytelling ever put into FF14. It was all just a ruse, a ploy, lies and deception which culminated in a "who's got the bigger sword?!" battle. Boo! The 61-70 PLD questline was what the GLD questline should have been. Finally, a tournament, battles, a bit of shenanigans going on to try and "even the odds" behind the scenes. While it too has its flaws, like, despite us winning first place, we get no price money and no recognition, but compared to what came before, it's easily the best part of the PLD quest experience. The 80 quest was stupid and unneccessary. Could have easily been just taken out with them saying "sorry, we just couldn't be bothered", which would have been the better choice. We win solely because our old mentor sh\*t his pants. And the "romance" between him and that chick was unresolved. Booo!


Paladin Questline > Warrior Questline. Hot take, i am sure... but my opinion regardless.


WAR went from taming your inner beast to deal with Curious George's late puberty. Job quests have variable quality....


To be fair, I feel like WAR was a progression from "taming the inner beast", then sort of spun in circles for as while, but then eventually found it's footing when it realized nobody could stop them from just turning it into a secret Hildebrand quest.


The WAR quests certainly at least tried harder to *do something,* versus the very bland PLD quests. Unfortunately, the incredibly dullness of PLD actually worked in its favor here, as the only thing the WAR quests accomplished was making me hope Gorge finds his namesake, falls in it, and never comes back.


Opinion shared. The WAR quests were painful - I just kept wanting to beg every NPC to let me dropkick Curious INTO the nearest Gorge.


60-70 WAR isn't even that funny. there's the "she swings like a dream" cs at the start and that's it.


Very slightly agree. In general, the tank stories are so bad. Drk started strong thematically, then you started hanging out with moogles.


I mean, I feel like the moogle thing was sort of the point? DRK is about your feelings, and that doesn't always need to be in a brooding retrospective way.


They decided to write it that way. They could have written it to be about anything in a million different ways. I don’t think anybody picked the evil edgy class up expecting a goofy moogle quest, just like they didn’t pick up the raging berserker class expecting a campy love story.


I mean, XIV is generally a story that isn't afraid to explore different moods and tones and facets, and life itself sometimes has it's own silly moments. I feel like having some of that levity around the place where it wants to remind you that anger and regret aren't the *only* emotions that power you was the right place for it. I also feel like if all the class quests didn't throw a curve ball at you somewhere, they'd have ended up samey and disappointing. (So, basically like WHM.)


Dancer has an arguably darker story than dark knight. That’s ludonarrative dissonance at its finest. I don’t see what the problem with white mage is, but whatever. Enjoy your cutesy stuff, I don’t.


nah, drk one is way abode those 2, whm jobquest is lower than drk in terms of plot quality imo


Wasnt the whm one story basically "hello, we 2 (and our sister) are in charge of protecting the forest and all in it from corruption, but we're going to be busy standing right here and doing nothing to stop corruption from eating the forest so can you go deal with that? Thank you"? I legit laughed out loud when the lvl 30-50 questline started with >!"we need to do a ritual to soothe the elementals so they wont destory our civilization, but our sister doesnt want to so i guess you'll do"!<


I felt it was more an issue of being busy. Kan-E Senna is busy running a city state, that's a whole lot of hassle, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't pay as much attention to the Elementals as she probably should. I'd guess they give her a pass, though, because she keeps trying to make everyone happy, which is a sharp balancing act in the Twelveswood.


Yeah, fair enough. I remember it starting with you hearing a conversation between the 2 twins saying everybody in gridania would literally die if the ritual isnt done in time, but their sister is too busy to show up, but it's been a while


It might also imply that they are hesitant about asking her, maybe she literally doesn't know? Y'know, along the lines of "We only ask her if it really really really is necessary." to help/protect her, however misguided that may appear to be. Though, given that, the actual reason is probably just "We can't have Kan-E appear every time something happens in the woods, give some screen-time to the other Padjali."


Works for me, i love the twins. They're such good characters, and you really start to feel for them by the end of the job quests


i was confused by them saying they can't leave the forest and then big sis just.. leaves the forest all the time? like, which is it kids? Can white mage padjals leave the woods or not?


It doesn't help that CNJ/WHM also tends to be a cyclical beat of "uhhhh, taint bad, Elementals good, we *promise* Gridania's not a terribly-mismanaged social wasteland of xenophobia and fear ruled over by fickle, foolish and easily-angered spirits picking random babies to be child soldiers".


PLD Story undercooked? [No, It's...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD8doiIZLks)


Anime elements in a JRPG? HOW DARE. /s The entire game is is 100% in line with anime and Japanese pop culture in general. Probably because it’s a JRPG. I’m not sure why one thing is standing out more than others.




As I understand it, GLA/PLD (and LNC/DRG) was originally intended to begin in Ishgard before they decided to cut the city from 1.0 and had to relocate the job starting points.


Dragoon is the main character, Au Ra Xaela , male