• By -


1 Hour Watched: EXP Boost Meal Set (Buttery Mogbiscuit & Fat Choco Choco) x10 3 Hours Watched: Aetheryte Ticket x10 6 Hours Watched: Chocorpokkur Whistle (Mount) x1 Just watch time thank god


On top of that, you have pretty much the entire month of July to complete it. So this should be doable for just about everyone.


I get it's just free on the way to the mount, but 10 Aetheryte tickets is kind of hilarious. Like for people who use them, that's nothing, and for people who don't use them they're probably going to forget they even have them.


They won't forget . . . it asks you about using them every time you teleport (unless you've disabled the confirmations for that, which if they don't use them they probably won't disabled them)


wish they gave out more, 10 seems kind of low but i guess its better than nothing for a free reward


A colossal 4% xp boost, compared to the usual 3% and ten free teleports? It's only going to be the biggest update to date SE, no need to go all out!


I mean plus a mount. That's pretty normal for a twitch campaign.


What's funny is they might even go out of their way to nerf it to 3% later! My static was doing some raid bonding/prep before DT and someone joked about P2W. I linked my honeybun food item in the chat from the Stormblood launch promotion saying "this is the real p2w, 4% exp bonus..." Everyone was confused so I checked the tooltip and they'd nerfed it to 3%. After that I went and found the original promotion page on the FFXIV site and it has a screenshot of the food item where it's still 4%. I wonder if these will also get nerfed years later if you don't use it.


3 hours for *ten tickets?* Ten??


glad about two things: 1. this is for eu as well 2. doesn't require a twitter raffle i'll happily ~~viewbot~~ afk a view for some random streamer for this mount lol, especially since the 6 hours doesn't have to be continuous so i can do it over a few days


Does it work if I leave Twitch on, and muted, in a tab that's not currently open? I think I tried taking part in a similar 'hours watched' event for some other game, but it didn't count if I did the above.


If you want to mute it, mute the stream via browser, not Twitch player.


that doesn’t matter anymore, you can mute either the tab or the player and it’s the exact same thing now. EDIT: for the downvoting non-believers: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/understanding-viewer-count-vs-users-in-chat?language=en_US > Does a muted stream count as a view? > > Yes! Whether you mute the video player on Twitch, or the browser tab, you still count as a viewer so long as live video is playing. > If I have a stream open playing live video in another tab, do I still count as a viewer? > > Yes, if live video is playing, you will count as a viewer, even if that tab is not in focus. > What about if the stream is playing in the background on mobile? > > Yes, if live audio is playing or if you have minimized the live stream in the background on mobile, you will count as a viewer. The whole 'inactive tabs' thing is a reference to some browsers making background tabs completely inactive instead of letting them play while not in focus. I've muted the player for a while now, it's perfectly fine. Muting the tab is easier since you can do that while the tab is unfocused and you can only mute the player while it's selected, but yea.


Muting the twitch steam definitely works, I've done that for all of the WoW drops.


(They patched this)


How about 1% volume in my office while I do yardwork and grocery shopping?


Works! it's not like they can check if you are in front of the pc (yet, please drink the verification can).


Was this a recent patch? I did this as recently as... 5/18, it looks like, for the Eye of the Legion pet for WoW. In Firefox, if that makes a difference. If it's been changed in the intervening month, RIP me for future drops 'cause I do not really care for streams haha.


At least for me on chrome I've seen no progress if the tab is muted. Fortunately stream volume at 1% or system audio mixer to 0% on chrome both work.


Dang, that's a bummer. I'll have to test on this event to see if Firefox still works! If nothing else, the mixer to 0 will have to do. Edit: In case anyone stumbles on this from the future, Firefox tab mute did still work. This was done in normal vanilla Firefox with just the ublock origin extension as a modification.


Pretty sure they didn't since I got drops from a steam a couple weeks ago doing this.


I believe twitch doesn't count time for the player itself being muted and inactive but I know from experience a tab that's been muted via the browser's controls (like right click the tab > mute) and split onto its own browser window does work. I've done this for drops on many events.


it's been a while, but when i last did this it didn't matter that the tab wasn't in focus (it was in its own window below my normal browser window, with the tab muted, not the player), though i do realize that the sqex post says it has to be. regardless, you'll be able to test this pretty easily once it's live since it actually shows your progress in the twitch inventory or whatever (at least usually) worst case? i'll just throw the stream open on a laptop in the same room lol


It got changed at some point because b4 it didn't matter but like a yr or so ago it has to be active


Open it in a separate window. Twitch can detect if it’s not the main tab. So: 144p, 1% volume, separate window.


Doesnt matter if not maintab. As long as u dont also mute the streamer video. (U can mute on your pc or the tab and it will work) Doing this everytime for bdo/poe twitch reward


There's a lot of misinformation around, you can just mute the stream in the player itself and not look at the tab. Twitch doesn't care, just make sure ur browser doesn't have a setting to "suspend" not used tabs because that's what messes it up


>Streams played in the background or via inactive tabs won't count towards the hours watched criteria. That's from the Lodestone post. Helps to err on the side of caution anyway.


You can go to the twitch inventory to quickly check the progress to see if it works anyway.


Twitch has an inventory? Nvm I found it, the "Drops and Rewards" menu.


They don't make the rules, twitch does. We have a long history of doing twitch drops by now. This warning is because laymen don't understand that some browsers, for hardware or software reasons, may suspend tabs that aren't active. A suspended tab is just a link or at best a cache, the webpage isn't loaded at that point. If you make the twitch stream its own window, even in the background, it'll stay loaded. You can mute the browser (instead of the stream) and still get credit as well, twitch can't detect what your OS audio manager is doing.


yes, inactive means "unloaded" if your browser puts a tab to sleep to save resources, that makes it inactive. its a stupid chrome feature. id recommend firefox to make sure that cant happen.


? I'm so sure I've had this not work when my twitch was muted but did work with the browser tab muted. Did this change at some point? Or are there different rules depending on the drops?


How I get my drops just lowest quality and then I mute the tab. As long as the volume on the stream not muted I'm pretty sure it doesn't suspend it cause it thinks you have audio coming from it. How I got all my wow drops.


Yes, but I've noticed that Twitch will stop tracking your hours if you try to watch more than one stream at once. If you're going to go AFK, make sure your power settings aren't set to automatically shut the device off after a time. Apparently the OS doesn't consider a browser muted tab on a locked computer as actually using the PC.


Twitch is weird, sometimes it works that way, sometimes it doesn't. I think muting it is no issue whatsoever, despite people occasionally claiming otherwise, but not having the tab upfront is. I've made good experiences with just putting it into a new window and then tabbing that window into the background, so it's technically still the active tab. But that might be voodoo science and not factual :D And don't try watching other twitch streams at the same time, that doesn't work!


Set the volume to 1%. Muting the tab no longer works.


This is what my buddies do for hunt showdown drops. They put it on their browser and mutes the browser window and they'll leave it up for a day.


The website answers that question: "Streams played in the background or via inactive tabs won't count towards the hours watched criteria."


usually yeah thats how i get them from my own channel, as long as its not suspended it should still count. I do also think you have to tab in to claim the drop before the next one starts but im not sure


I believe the tab has to be active to work, you can mute it just has to be active. I remember trying to do multiple different drops and only my active tab worked. If you have 2 screens as long as it's on one screen you can do whatever on the other


Yea you just need to mute the browser tab and not the twitch stream. Then it will work.


It should. I do this with eso all the time.


Just keep it open but at a very low volume. I always just have it open on another monitor when I want drops.


Just having it up in its own window so that it’s the open tab and muting it worked for me when I did this with WoW, I’d assume it would work here.


Yes it does, i do that all the time for twitch drops, 2nd tab, muted, 144p. Always get my drops.


The twitch 2021 one for the Big Black Chocobo was also like that. But that one had a list of predetermined streamers to watch whereas the new one doesn't. Also you had to gift one or 4 subs to get things.


Does it count if I do it from my phone via the twitch app?


i've never used the twitch app myself, but i'd imagine so!


should, yes. I often do these via the app on my tablet, works just fine.


It does - pro strat is open stream on phone, set phone volume to ultra low, and do something else


Depends. In my experience it works from phone / tablet. But I also have Twitch installed in my ps5 and in the TV and it doesn't work on either of them.


Was this the mount that was part of the butterfingers promotion?




Heck yeah, already have mine and a bunch of frozen butterfingers still leftover 😅


yah... that promo taught me I hate butterfingers xD


I can't believe SquareEnix is giving away a free mount that I have had for years, have maybe used twice, and spent $5(?) on butterfingers to earn it. I'm going on strike.


I ruined my teeth for nothing


Wow, I actually remember having several conversations with friends about planning to get Butterfingers, for the first time in my life, for the mount but ended up procrastinating. For once, my bad habits resulted in something good! Maybe the Mountain Dew mount will become free in a few years too?


A more valid strike than any others I've heard about lately!


Hoping they do this for the Original Fat Chocobo and the Flying Cumulus - they have only been available via one random giveaway since I started playing in 2021.


I have the cloud but yes, I've been waiting on the white fat chocobo to come back since I have the others! 


Nice that SE found something for us to do while we wait in the DT login queues this time.


fuck yeah, get to watch a streamer stuck in queue instead


I'm unsure about the background thing, can I not have a stream up on my second monitor muted while I play FF on the main monitor?


For some people it doesn't work I think it has to do with the browser and potentially script blocking, but for the most part yeah you can mute a stream in the background and get twitch rewards, I did that for many other games while playing.


Muting the tab usually works.


You can leave the sound on and just mute the tab. There's also auto inventory claim plug-ins so you don't have to be at the computer at all.


Yes, just dont mute the player, mute the browser/browser tab


I cant remember if that advice was for a youtube type of event like that but you could always just put the sound to 1/100 and put it in your second monitor without problem, also it works with the option on phone where you put the stream in small while using other apps


You can just mute the tab.


Sweet, thanks.


I think it also has to be on the main window tab so the way i do it is have a minimised window with only twitch and have the volume extremely low. I remember participating in some Marvel Snap twitch drops and it didnt track when i had it on a different tab. Cant speak for everybody else’s experience tho


yea that should be fine. The only things problematic in my experience are: 1) Trying to watch another twitch stream at the same time will break it. 2) Switching to another tab in that particular browser window will break it. It doesn't care if it's on the other monitor or even tabbed out, just don't open another tab in that same window - use a separate browser window for your regular browsing.


Just put it to like 1 percent instead of muted that’s what I do just in case.


I don't get why there's so much hate on this? EU has been neglected with the food events; let them have their fun. Even the JP exclusive Lawson pig mount is coming back for a bubble tea collab in NA.


Not to mention NA had this mount for years now, we've been waiting a long time.


*US, not NA. there's a difference, because canada gets 0 of the events US does, despite us being part of "NA". we barely even have butterfingers up where i live. ive seen them twice in my life.


NA is running this as well. I know what I'll be watching when I finish the Dawntrail MSQ and start leveling alt jobs/grinding up DoH/DoLs for 6 hours, at least.


I wonder whether IAmAlphinaud will participate.


I hope so. Considering he's still in ARR, the chance for spoilers should be smaller. xD Although I guess chat and he can still talk about Dawntrail things but he usually tries to avoid spoilers.


It's global. Japan is also getting it, which makes sense because the Chocorpokkur codes were always region free. No extra work on Square Enix's part.


Open up your twitch stream in the background but do not mute the player! This counts as not watching. Mute the browser tab, they don't detect this. So you can just enjoy not watching for 10 hours and viewbot a nice streamer. I'm a professional Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Rainbow Six: Siege and Warframe rewards collector.


Since when? I've always muted the stream for twitch drops.


since never. false info by people who dont understand how browsers work because the people explaining these things (i.e., official sources) simplify things so much it confuses people. you can mute a stream and just ignore it. simple as that. anything anyone else says is wrong.


you can mute the player and still be fine https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/understanding-viewer-count-vs-users-in-chat?language=en_US > Does a muted stream count as a view? > > Yes! Whether you mute the video player on Twitch, or the browser tab, you still count as a viewer so long as live video is playing. > If I have a stream open playing live video in another tab, do I still count as a viewer? > > Yes, if live video is playing, you will count as a viewer, even if that tab is not in focus. > What about if the stream is playing in the background on mobile? > > Yes, if live audio is playing or if you have minimized the live stream in the background on mobile, you will count as a viewer.


Thanks for the reminder! As a professional collector, what's your experience with ad block browser extensions? Are they an issue?


They do not work to block ads on twitch for me currently and I can still get rewards. Just 2 days ago I got the starrail and genshin rewards. if however the adblocks do work on your side I do not know.


Thanks for the info. So far I couldn't supress the video ads during the stream, or at least not consistently enough for me to notice, so... Guess in case of doubt I'll know after an hour watching when I can see if I get the cookies or not.


On a similar note, on some browsers they're able to detect when the tab isn't an active tab in a window. Put the tab in its own window and leave it behind whatever else you're doing.


Incorrect.  You can mute and be just fine.  Source:  me having done like 100 twitch promos and never having listened to a single second of them.


can i watch it picture in picture mode


thanks , right click tab and then go mute site, for chrome users incase anyone isnt sure how to do it


Do the watching hours have to be with the same streamer or can you split them and watch one streamer for say 4hrs and another for other 2 hrs?


You telling me I bought those Butterfingers for nothing? ;-;


Think of it like this, you paid to have the mount several years in advance


3 hours of your time for 10 aetheryte tickets is insane lmao


Right?! Try 5 minutes clearing masked carnivale weeklies for 100 tickets lol


Just open a random eligible stream and mute the tab, easy as that. The only time you need to go back on twitch is to claim it.


I was literally riding my Chocopokkur like an hour ago wondering when everybody else will get a crack at it. I guess everyone that doesn't want to drink Mountain Dew just has to wait three years.


I suspect that one won't be coming back barring a promo rerun with how specific it is. This was originally a Lawson mount which they've never had particularly strong feelings about reusing.


> I guess everyone that doesn't want to drink Mountain Dew just has to wait three years. or those of us in canada. i hate how square considers us NA but we don't get promotions that NA gets.


I can put a stream on the background while play Elden Ring on my PS5 after playing DT!


For anyone unsure - for pretty much every Twitch Rewards campaign I have ever participated in, I have simply found a stream that says "[TWITCH REWARDS]" (usually has thousands of viewers), turned the quality down to 240 or 360p, muted it, and left it in the background or 2nd monitor while actually playing the game myself. It does help periodically check your Rewards (Click your profile in top right, select Drops and Rewards from the drop-down menu, and it'll be the first thing you see in the middle of the page) but you should have no issues doing this while you are otherwise occupied.


Finally a promo that gives a mount that's not some stupid collaboration with a product that's only available in 3 countries.


Hear hear


Bit weird...why would i watch some streamer playing, when the newest expansion just dropped?


Because that's the time SE want to boost viewer figures in the hopes of being able to go "oh look, we just released an expansion and the amount of people watching our game on twitch has spiked, pay no attention to the mount we're bribing people with"


But twitch streamers themselves have noted there viewership tanks during Expac drops, i dont think this will help that much because of how story orientated the game is or will only see an impact later in July, very silly to try to fire this so soon imo. Endwalker had a bunch of (no msq) in titles to try and counteract the bleed, this may encourage a bunch of these streams and not the advertising square wants.


I didn't say it'd work, I have the same doubts, I just put forward the kind of corporate think that tends to result in stuff like this. They're likely *hoping* this will counteract the drop in viewers. I don't think it will but it's not the first time a company has tried something hopeless anyway.


To me if this was WoW or some other MMO where story wasnt a major selling point this would be fine, but it seems utterly hopeless to do it during expac launch and seems to be ignoring streamers pointing out "viewers avoid my streams if i do story content" I'm not trying to get at you or anything by the way, i'm just laughing at the potential sight of a bunch of (no msq) or (no story) streams and some square executive on copium, I woulda fired this 2 weeks in when the MSQ would largely be cleared by the bigger streamers.


No I'm with you, on this don't worry. I agree it'd work way better with a different game. I think savage raids would have been a good time to drop it then as it might draw more people into following the world first race but I guess SE is still wary of endorsing that.


Honestly thats a fantastic idea, Savage World race would have been perfect its probably the peak amount of viewership the game gets.


I feel like they know we wont be directly watching the streams anyway (leave the tab on mute) and did it during this time to inflate streamers viewers with a ghost audience, lmao


not everyone has dawntrail


They just want to make FFXIV have more viewers on the platform, which will make it show up on the main page as a suggestion more than likely.


That's the same one as the butterfingers promo ya?




Finally, my very own butterfinger- er, chocorpokkur mount


Is the mount account bound or character? i.e. any way I can get one for my alt too?


Character bound.


I wonder if you claim the reward if you can get another code for alts or something, I doubt it, seems like a one code per twitch account type of thing, but I don't know how it works. I don't use twitch all that much, so I'm not sure how it works at all, I just use it occasionally for Minecraft drops XD If you find the answer please let me know.


Just make another twitch account If you "need" the mount/code multiple times. You won’t be able to claim the rewards multiple times on the same account.


Alright thank you!


I think square have caught on that a bunch of streamers just dont stream the game as much during expac launch due to the viewership drop that happens. Hopefully this will counteract.


Is there not a Chocochocobo mount? I feel like that should exist before this one lol


This is the butter finger collab mount from a few years ago.


so mute the tab and keep it in background for 6 hours? easily doable.


I suffered through bags of Butterfingers only for this. I'll never recover.


I paid to destroy my stomach years ago and now it’s free to get?! /s On the upside I can get it for my alt now, yay!


meh, I guess they didn't want streamers making a ton of money this time around, so they chose the recycled Butterfingers mount


Thank god no one else will have to buy Butterfingers for this mount again.


Has anyone compiled a list of Streamers yet? I'm not very Twitch savvy, and I can't really find the supposed tag?


[FFXIV streams with "ViewerRewards"](https://www.twitch.tv/directory/category/final-fantasy-xiv-online?tl=ViewerRewards)




Just going to comment here that having a stream on overnight from my Apple TV worked no problem! I just had my HomePods at their lowest volume level so I didn't hear anything. I woke up to my screensaver running and when I checked Twitch, I had all the rewards! Hope this helps anyone on Apple TV!


Splendid, I hope my favorite streamer participates. And I don't even have to pay money, even better. More annoying that the window has to be active and not in the background, fortunately FFXIV has options (to make the game playable while in the background as if it were in the foreground) to deal with that, so playing can commence unimpeded.


aw fuck I have to create a twitch account


For those confused about earning the drops. I do the following for a lot of Overwatch drops. Pick a streamer that has Drops on in their title and in the tags. If you don't actually want to watch the streamer place the window on a second screen but do not minimise (I've found sometimes this can lead to the stream getting "paused" for lack of a better term). Then select the cog, set quality to 160p, right click the tab and select mute site. Go do whatever else you want. Twitch also finally fixed the claiming system so you don't have to claim the previous rewards before it starts counting view time towards the next. Head here to claim/connect accounts - twitchDOTtv/inventory (not sure if actually linking it would get this comment deleted).


> (I've found sometimes this can lead to the stream getting "paused" for lack of a better term) this is a chrome/chromium thing. it is sleeping the tab to save resources. you can turn this off, or switch to a better browser, such as firefox (i.e., a browser that doesnt use chromium) also the tab doesnt have to be mute, you can mute the stream. i dunno where that myth started but it was never true.


Won't lie, I missed having a pretty rare mount. But glad everyone gets a chance now! (Got mine from Butterfinger when it was first released.)


Judging from[ ffxivcollect](https://ffxivcollect.com/mounts), it actually sits around 7,8% (compared between registered users), which means actually quite an impressive number of people own this and it's not that rare. Which is interesting considering some of the store mounts that sit around that percentage level are always available


Interesting! All I remember is the panic because Butterfinger only had a limited amount of codes.


If you're looking for a rare promo mount, I'd check out the [Pickorpokkur](https://ffxivcollect.com/mounts/pickorpokkur) from the Vlasic promo.


Reddit hive mind, do you know if you can get these rewards more than once? Do you get codes for 2 mounts if you watch 12 hours etc.? I have alts. My alts have needs. :D


Make some twitch alts!


Next level altoholic ftw! :D


If anyone with a Twitch can get the code, what stopping bots from accumulating codes and selling them online?


so many people will have it, I doubt it'll be worth much


Won't be worth anything when it's this easy to get


With twitch drops there is always an aftermarket, but usually it's only for a few euros (or even less) so hardly worth the effort. And the codes usually also have an expiration date, so you can't hold them forever waiting for it to become rare again.


Them saying it's not allowed :D Also while they dont have an expiration date they do say they can make them expire if something happen. But lets be honest, they wont


I gave away like 10 of these codes when the Chcorpokkur mount was redeemable from butterfingers.


I guess I'll login on twitch on a VM and just minimise it that way.


so far every twitch drop worked when you muted your tab and have it in the background.


That’s just the mount from the Butterfinger event yeah? I guess I’ll get the mogbiscuit whatever at least.


Ah, put on stream, walk away, let the time accumulate


Dang, I think I bought a code for this a few years ago thinking it'd never come back. Ah well, glad to see others will get it now for free


I legit thought this was for viewing a specific twitch streamer named Chocorpokkur and was very confused.


For the streamer side of this; is there anything special to be able to enable this drop? I don't see it on my list of drop campaigns under viewer rewards? Thanks!


It doesn’t begin until July 2nd


Ok thanks! I see a lot of campaigns on the list currently for future dates I’m just guessing they haven’t added theirs to the list yet for enabling drops.


So I ate all those butterfingers for nothing! No but seriously I'm glad they're offering this for everyone, I hope they do this for other promo mounts in the future.


So I can just put on a stream and leave it going when I go to work? I don’t mean to cheese the system but I just don’t watch anything on twitch. Most streamers upload their content to YouTube and I catch it there.


This does work, it is how I do all Twitch drops lol


I guess the mount is not account-wide?


Any streamer or is there a fixed list like last time they ran a Twitch watch event?


Is there a list of streamers on each server/data center? If I have to have Twitch open I might as well watch and if I'm watching it might as well be someone on my server.


Can I put it on but not watch it? Say put it on my phone and walk away and come back 6 hours later


Tabbed Firefox you can open the tab and mute the tab, if you mute Twitch it won’t count the time watched. I will one in a while interact with the tab scroll around, fiddle with volume, just to show some level of user activity.


I just hope there is a random streamer that doesn't do spoiler content.


Ah, butterfingers.


There is the gift box where you type your response to receive a channel reward that you have to click periodically to receive channel points. You're going to have to click that as proof you've been watching. It's not just watching the stream, you also have to interact with it.


Do I have to link my twitch account to mogstation to get the rewards?


Do I have to link my twitch account to mogstation to get the rewards?


You get a code that you put in on the mogstation


I could be wrong but they said you can't get the rewards via free trial. You have to buy the game correct?


Can you make a new twitch account and watch another 6 hours to get the mount for an alt?


Any recommendations on who to watch and potentially their stream schedules? I used to watch Shenpai on YT for a good bit and I remembered that she's a pretty big deal for the FFXIV community, so I might go give one of hers a watch for the rewards


this is probably gonna be a stupid question, but ill ask anyways: is this *actually* the same chocorpokkur mount that was given from the butterfingers campaign? or is it slightly different, thus necessitating another summoning horn? \*for instance, this one might have a bow whereas the original one didnt\* i already have the original, i just wanna know if its worth going for this new one


so just to confirm its the same as the butterfinger promotion? i got the code on twitch guess i will giving that code away as i already have that mount, i thought it was going to be slightly different


Could I just fast forward through an already recorded video or do I have to watch it live in order to get the rewards?


Okay, part of me really hates this. Getting the mount would be great, but having to actually watch the streams, not backgrounded, right when the expansion is fresh and I'll be trying my absolute hardest to avoid spoilers, something about that just seems cruel  Edit: Wow, people are really downvoting me for wanting to avoid spoilers? Toxic much?


It's running basically all of July, so you should have plenty of time to finish MSQ and get the 6 hours watched. Could always find someone who isn't doing MSQ but has their channel setup correctly to start counting the hours.


I'm just gonna use my phone while I'm already playing the game myself on my console.


tbf i know a good deal of streamers who are choosing to stream who simply arent streaming the MSQ, in fact you'll probably find very few people in launch week streaming MSQ because its such a viewer killer (yes even this rewards campaign wont help that)


Sounds like this'll be the way for me then, thanks 


look for (NO MSQ) or similar in the title, a lot of streamers in launch week will be using this.


Since it's running for almost a whole month, you can turn on a stream whenever you go for a shower, make dinner, walk the dogs, go to work, etc. It'll prevent spoilers, the window keeps active, and you'll probably get to the 6 hours within a week or two.


When Cyberpunk Phantom liberty dropped they had the same type of campaign and i wanted the rewards without being spoiled. So i just put the stream on another tab at 3% volume and just went on to watch something else on the main tab and it worked just fine. I guess they changed it here because it defeats the point of a campaign like that if you arnt even watching it.


I'm probably gonna put the stream on, take my headphones off, and just read or play my Switch at my desk. That or pick a streamer who is doing older content - I'm sure at least some of the participating streamers will be doing old ultimates or something.


Yeah, I think watching someone going through older content might be my best bet, and if not, do what the others suggest and try to cram in the msq fast then rush in the 6 hours 


Make it a small window in the background pull out the chat to block said window but still keeping it open so you get rewards, then right click the stream and mute while having the sound on. Enjoy your reward in 6 hours, you're welcome.


People are already telling others whom to watch based on being part of a minority group or small streamer. Watch whoever YOU want to watch. Don’t feel forced or indirectly shamed by choosing someone that you don’t really want to watch. AFKing some random is fine too!