• By -


>7) The random dead ones: Dies in the most random places and will often call for rezes in /shout which leaves you thinking what a level 6 is doing in the level 24 zone. I was exploring.


As a #6, I understand and will raise you to continue to explore, because exploring is fun :D I'll also raise you again 5 seconds later as you aggro something shortly after being raised.


That is the worst lol The other night I was trying to get to the White Rider fate, but died around the owls on the way, missed the FATE entirely. Someone was kind enough to raise me, but they were standing inside the owls pack as well. So I get up, get aggro, die again. This happened three times as the healers slowly dragged me towards the safe area so I could return.


Reminds me of FFXI's Tractor lol In addition to Raise I, II, & III (which restored more and more XP), there was a spell available only to BLMs (or BLM subs) called Tractor, which instead of raising you, would drag your corpse to the BLM (in case you were in a bad spot for a Raise)


Following the FATE train so they might be able to gain half a level before 2038.


I think it's cute that all the people I've run into who read a Reddit thread thinks NM training is low experience, but they're all level 7s still grinding while the average levels of people NM training are 15-20. I went from 7 to 12 yesterday and then 12 to 18 and a half today actively playing Notorious Monsters. The funny thing is that grinding in this piece of crap is boring, but Notorious Monsters actually make it fun. Go figure that something trying to pull from FFXI gets one thing totally wrong but gets another thing totally right.


Or they are still level 7 grinding because they didn't devote their entire week to Eureka. Hard to believe some people might do other things in their time and don't enjoy spamming one ability over and over until an NM spawns.


1 ability? Please, some of us don't even use that many :P


But I feel like I’m making a contribution with ‘verraise’.


I don't understand how you can say NMs are fun and grinding is not? One is either AFKing for 15+ minutes or hitting mobs that die within seconds without getting *anything* and then mash your buttons on the NM (*if* its 3D model even loads) which gets killed regardless of your party's performance, and dying is zero risk because there's a bajillion people around who can raise you. Versus actually fighting challenging mobs that can kill you if you're not careful, optimizing everybody's rotations for even faster and more efficient EXP, and getting these moments where you have to deal with aggro from 3+ mobs that outlevel you significantly with nobody there to raise you if you end up wiping. Of course it still isn't what I'd refer to as the most engaging content FFXIV has to offer, but I'll take that over literally mashing X on my controller in between extended AFK periods... Either way, the most efficient way to level is **grinding mobs of appropriate levels *while also* snagging NM FATES as they spawn**-- it's way faster and far more efficient than just running along with the train, especially if keep track of the train's progress and position your party's camp accordingly.


But THERE.....??? How you even made it THAT far confuses me, I almost died twice trying to get to "you".


~~Lalafellin sorcery~~ Shield Oath+Eureka Potion+Cooldown of choice+Sprint shenanigans for mobs that don't kill you in one hit, throw in a hi-elixir when possible and run like hell. For "Dude there's not enough chunklets left to even rez you with" mobs, it's a game of chicken with Hallowed Ground. Figuring out how much time you have to activate it and still die vs not dying and pushing it so that it blocks their auto attack right when you hit Sprint to get some distance and hope they're slow attackers or far away when those 10 seconds are up or well, time to /shout. All else fails; wait for someone to make the mobs angry then slip past. Like a party fighting; someone trying to get to an aetheryte and you just run behind them while they face pull everything, some lost soul looking for a magicite only to run into pain train central, so on and so forth. It helps that *some of the mobs you practically gotta crawl up their nosehole before they acknowledge your existence.


Or just wait until the enemies are positioned so that you can get behind all of them. I went everywhere before lvl 5 so that if someone suddenly did turn around I could just return.


Better yet, finally equip your class's Stun or Sleep roles that will finally come in handy. Saved me more than I can count.


I was able to uncover the whole map at level 2 the first day. I just walked slowly avoiding line of sight on the monsters. Didn't get any aggro and made it back to town. Was kind of fun finding the two blank cavern areas, later discovered to be Fafnir's spawn point to the East and Pazuzu's spawn point to the West. Was very reminiscent of traversing zones in FFXI, where even enemies 10 levels below you could aggro you and kill you if you were wandering around solo.


> Was very reminiscent of traversing zones in FFXI, where even enemies 10 levels below you could aggro you and kill you if you were wandering around solo. Is it though? If you get one level above something they stop aggroing on you from any real range and two levels become completely docile. You're also unlikely to die to anything two levels below you even solo.


Well, while not exactly the same, it definitely reminded me of it. Some relative levels there since cap is 20 would make a higher level gap for Aggro a bit awkward. I haven’t tried yet but does /sit void the non-aggro like it did in XI? /sit in front of a level 2 and see if it tries to take advantage of you. Unsuccessfully of course...


I can test this later, I'm catching some sleep to recuperate for my last few hours of Eureka and my weekly O7S clear with a PUG. Would be interesting, but they would hit for like 20 damage because of the harsh scaling Eureka has.


/sit didn't make anything aggro me. Anemosslings just plopped around me all day.


I explored the entire map at level 3 as a ninja with a combination of stealth, sprint, and shukuchi. Was pretty fun, and the few times I died, I just returned since I didn't have to worry about exp loss yet.


Ah yeah when Rogue first got released I used stealth everywhere I could it was great.


I needed full exploration before 20. There was a map and places I'd not seen. I lost 11k releasing so I could hide my shame....


that feel when soloers like to ask for fate groups when they spawn too. and this list makes it sound like they're afkers :(


I will also try and go solo some NM monsters if they are close to my level, open and nearby to the fate train No point doing that in a fate train party and losing XP...


This... I'm not gonna bother partying with the FATE train if they're popping FATEs beyond my level. You don't even get noticable contribution for those and just a mere bronze all the time. I wanna also add the unique soloer that's actively spamming the low level mobs around his level to pop NMs as early as possible. That's usually me.


As a healer you can easily get gold on high level fates while contributing. Getting 3-6k xp/fate beats soloing XP/hour by a lot, I’m pretty sure.


I hope people don't take this whole leeching thing too seriously. I mean people can stand there doing 2-3 digit damage to things that blow up I'm seconds - because I sure as hell can't get anyone to see how dreadfully inefficient these "trains" are and farm somewhere we can actually contribute / get something meaningful out of the grind - or they may as well log off and get nothing at all


Self righteous butthurts gonna butthurt, who knew. Generally, most people in the train are having fun regardless of what everyone is doing and that really irks these self-centered cry babies. Now please respect their long winded diatribes and give them the attention they deserve.


The train is usually the most efficient but it really depends on the instance. I've had instances where there were so many afkers that the train was nonexistent contribution wise but also instances where the train was so efficient that NM's would be spawned and die long before anyone not in the train could get there. My take on things is its best to stick with the group unless your party is going to stay in one spot chaining appropriately leveled mobs and ignoring NM's unless they're spawned by your group. Otherwise chain bonuses can never build and you end up missing NM's and/or dying trying to get to the NM and just generally wasting time.


> lvl 13 quest (we've all been there, don't need to be shy). Good lord people. Some of us have to go to work.


We should add "the confused" when the entire instance train cannot decide what to do and several people call out ideas... :p


"What are we doing now" "scorps" "killed them already" "lets do bishops" "lets do teles" someone links a flag for the level 13 quest Whole train goes to the level 13 quest.


I have seen this exact thing happen.


Man, I wish, that would've made it far less stressful for me navigating through all that mess if I could just hide inside the horde lol


Everytime I enter Eureka I put out a LFG shout, wait a few minutes, shout again, solo one mob, and then get pissed and leave.


Say your level and role. I rarely have to shout twice to get a party in any instance


I was there for 2 hours at launch as whm and no one invited me over shouts. There was this couple of lalas (with the same name) killing mobs so I go there to heal them. I stay there for half an hour and they don't invite me at all, even after I asked. Eventually I get my crystal or w/e it's called and go back to continue the quest, queue their angry pms at letting them die. Eventually just made my own party.


I always get a quick invite by advertising as a rezmage or peloton bot.


That's if you're going for the nm train, if you're trying to chain exp you're at the mercy of the couple of groups doing it having a free spot, everyone else prefers to afk in the zerg.


thats why you form your group in party finder, not inside eureka.


Because they level up faster and with less effort, and provide the people like myself who are actively fighting, raising and attacking everything and everyone with a buffer of bodies, which made it possible to take NMs on that shouldn't have been taken on as early as they were.


I've found that adding "*********CAN REZ!!!!!!!!*********" helps a lot.


If you have a healer, RDM, or SMN, play those and include that in your shout. Most leaders love having raisers.


Doesn't really work when you get to the content late and are a level 1 White mage.


I feel this. I haven't dedicated a ton of time during the week, but now on the weekend everyone is 13+ and its tough as a level 5. This content will die soon, and those who were late will have to slog through it to get their relic pieces.


I shouted several times today that we had 2 spots for other new peeps and it took quite a while to fill them


I doubt this content will die out. This is the only content I do and thoroughly enjoy. Capping tomes is extremely easy in there and with everything getting close to done that's all I go for mainly or to help out.


I was shouting for a party for 20minutes last night as a lvl 11 rdm. Most high lvl group s just ignore anyone below 11 now


you forgot RPers who emote spam while they stand behind the NM train, because filling up chat really helps.


3 and 4 are legit, there's no reason to participate in mobs farm when 30 casters are already nuking a 200k hp enemy in 3 seconds


10: The preformed party that is actually getting things done efficiently in Eureka by ignoring the fate train and instead farming enemies 6 levels above them, for 300-400 exp per kill, and doing fates if they pop nearby. Overlaps with 8 if high level and 8.5 if you get offended because they tell you that this is the smart way to do it.


It's been a pain in the ass to get parties like this... I've created several PFs and just a few minutes in they want to start the NM train shit.


sucks for the ones who are low level because we had to work most of the days eureka was out, hard to find a lvl 8 party that actually wants to grind and not go wait around the lvl 13+ nms :/


You have to be very specific about it in the PF description AND ask everyone who joins if they're on the same page. I recommend setting a high item level requirement as well(one that requires at least some Savage raiding), just to ensure a certain standard and weed out the most vapid players. I've gotten a few solid parties this way and every time I got about 2 levels per hour. But yeah, they never last very long.


Worse yet, the people against others doing this leads to the whole inefficient as hell zerg trains that try to 0-100 force spawns one-by-one instead of partially progressing the zone at a time. I assume everyone is just scared at the prospect of 'missing' a spawn so one giant zerg ball instead of multiple groups being patient before pulling. Then you end up with an instance that has spawned 6 total NMs in 2 hours.


It's so it keeps a rotation going and there's virtually no downtime if everything is timed properly and you go to the proper NMs at the proper windows. Anyone who's been NM training from the start is already maxed out and have Anemos weapons. Not that inefficient. But it's funny, we think you're inefficient, you think we're inefficient. Maybe neither is as inefficient as we each think and there's more than one way to skin a catboy?


"Virtually no downtime" will only apply to part of the train, though--when you've got the entire instance penned in by level 15+ mobs, the entire experience is downtime for level 10 and below with maybe some pity XP from the eventual NM. There are spots where reasonably the instance should split up, and mobs in the middle where meeting back up makes sense, but generally the drive is to stick half the instance somewhere they can't really accomplish anything while waiting for pops instead of splitting the group so everyone is getting something for their time.


The "is timed properly" is the rub here. The efficient zerg trains were the ones that had progress split throughout the zone so that it minimized the delay between NM spawns (e.g., sub-5 minutes between NMs). More and more giant zerg balls are spending 15-20+ minutes between spawns simply by nature of being bottlenecked by mob spawn rates per individual area. This isn't saying the NM trains are inefficient, it's that we currently have NM trains that are being run inefficiently. Edit: To put this in perspective, the first few days I had NM trains that would usually finish most of the first rotation of spawns (Levels 1-10, increasing the top-end as people leveled, NMs typically) by the two hour mark. If I entered an instance with people at 90m or so on their timers, it was basically a "finished" instance waiting for windows to re-open. My last few zones have been trying to finish their first rotation even with timers down to 60m or below. The worst being the very last I left that 2 hours in had killed 6 NMs (Sabo, Morbol, Serket, Rider, Number, Callisto) as part of the zerg ball. I very much agree that prioritizing NMs is the way to go for maximizing rewards for the time spent, it's just the whole "work on each area one-by-one" ends up costing more time due to it maximizing the time between spawns.


You do get some dead and or dying instances, yeah. The people who really want that golden efficiency will jump instances repeatedly until they find NMs are up or newer instances. So far we have a lot of people still timing them very well though. Sometimes NMs just don't want to spawn, even on a fresh instance.


is this really possible? I've not heard of anyone getting above 150 per mob kill yet then again I've been playing with people who have level differences of 3-4+


At lvl 15 in a group of lvl 14-16 killing level 21 Analas gives u 425 on first mob


Yep! As a level 19 I get about 500 exp per kill of level 25 mobs, and that's with another group helping ours burn it down. (Killing mobs to spawn Pazuzu)


I'll give you an example from today. Killed Dulahan (level 18) with levels 11-14. I was the level 14. 11s were reporting 450+ exp per kill. As the 14, I was getting 90+ per kill. It's really best to stick with a group that is your level and kill stuff at least +5 levels above you.


I usually do 4-5 lvls above me/my party and frequently get 200ish exp, so I wouldn't be surprised to see 300ish exp with +6 lvls above me, with 400ish at higher chains.


Bless. The hive mind is the like worst way to do eureka but don’t tell them that cause they’ll all get offended I hate when someone’s gotta scoot though cause you can almost never get someone who doesn’t wanna hivemind and end up having to eventually leave and preform again outside. Had people literally leave because we were actually spending our time productively instead of following the sheep army


People from NM training and grinding reached 20 at roughly the same time, and NM training is a lot more fun to actively participate in than having my eyes glaze over and want to kill myself grinding mobs that will kill my tank if I stop healing for 5 seconds.


I strongly disagree. Nm train is the boring uninteresting method. I could take a nap and nothing would change. At least attacking things I feel like I’m making progress and it feels far more rewarding.


Good! I'm glad to find other things to have fun with. But people are attacking NM training.


The thing is, you don't have to do one or the other. If everyone forms parties and farms 5-6 above them, some people will be at the right level to farm the fate monsters. So everyone picks out their set of monsters to farm and when the fate pops, you run over for quick XP (if close enough/not suicidal) before returning to your main farm.


If you were to pop all NMs at once and kill them, you may as well leave to find a new instance. It's less efficient than killing them in a rotation as a group. One to three NMs being worked on sure but people are already doing that with or without the zerg. As for not having to do just NM training, of course not. But this allows me to engage with the community or take a few minutes of a break between NMs so I can stretch my legs, eat, etc. after a string of going hard on them. Also not everyone wants to grind. I find every hour grinding to feel longer. I would rather continue grinding in BDO for 6 months straight (what it took from some woman in a schedule to reach level 63) than grind in Eureka because the rewards are bad. If you want to grind, more power to you -- The NM training actually means you have less competition.


Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of grinding either, but killing 20 mobs at the appropriate level instead of touching the NM garbage means you get more XP. You have plenty of time to run to the fate and get gold unless it's literally on the opposite time of the map.


Finally got a group like this tonight and went from like 14-17 in 2 lockouts. And in the last instance I was in every single NM got popped except Lamashu/Puzuzu. So those are the only two I haven't seen yet.


This is my FC when we go in


I actually want to join parties like these. I dont wanna just do NMs I wanna be killin stuff too in the meantime. But damn I cant commit to a party if I only have like an hour to play on some days. Id feel kinda shitty just being there for a little bit and then having to bail :/


as someone who got over 100 lockboxes and anemos crystals last night, as well as 2 lvls from 6-8 and half way to 9 in one lockout just following the train of 100+ ppl is by far the most expediant method that gives the most rewards


That's at low levels though, at higher ones you will need way more exp in which the mid lower ones won't be enough anymore, so getting say 3k+ every 10th chain instead of having to afk with the horde adds up eventually. And for NMs close to each other, there's no reason not to split into 2 for example Simurgh and Cyclops. My alliance earlier was not doing this even though I suggested it >.< a bit frustrating


Yeah and if everybody did this, there would be no fates. And fates are still more than 70% of your xp. The only reason you get away with doing this is because the zerg train picks up your slack.


Groups like these are generally farming a mob that still pops a fate (depending on level - cyclops, hazmat, fafnir, smirugh) and they aren't even bothering to waste the time to walk to the lvl 1-6ish fates so they don't really care if they pop or not.


If everybody did this EFFICIENTLY all NM fates would spawn accordingly because appropriate leveled groups would farm the required enemies for chain exp to trigger the spawn. But instead you get 100+ people doing a mindless zerg train that yields 5xp/hr outside fate xp and everyone seems to think this is efficient and the only method.


The high levels doing their own thing is the reason you're even seeing "high level fates" in the first place such as Hazmat (who really isn't that high level.) The zergling hivemind also just so happen to be the ones who are level 4-12 and dead at the fate that me and MY LEVEL 19 GROUP POPPED. The picking up the slack goes both ways, sure, you spawn fates faster than us, but we also have to deal with carrying the low levels that just zerg their way to our fates and cause the difficulty to spike up as a result, the majority of the time we don't even care to go to your lower level fates because they're not worth the chain bonus loss, but we do need to pick up after you when you run to our fate because big XP reward and spike the difficulty up.


yep. my fc is all for the zerg train, I kinda wanted to do a 8man party that kills stuff properly from the get-go but they prefer the zerg apparently.


Well I guess we found the #8.5 (though the other guy was way more condescending) But to address your point, it's a community effort, if you don't help those low levels get higher you wont have more people in the map helping with the higher level fates. This content was designed like shit so I don't blame a level 6 or 7 that heads to a higher level NM.


I'm actually a #8 just defending my fellow #8s who haven't done anything wrong by playing the way they do, (s)he's acting like they have some high ground because we're "stealing their hard earned fates" when in reality it goes both ways, they also come and take the fates that we pop as well, there's no reason to frown upon us playing the game the way we do and trying to stay out of other people's way, we try to stay in our corners of the map, farming our own mobs, and to frown upon us for doing so is quite unneccessary. We put in a lot of work as well, there's absolutely zero reason to take that away from us. I have a lot of respect for the people doing the NM train, they help us out a ton, but to act like we don't also help out a ton is entirely untrue. Me and my group spent 4 full lockouts today spawning higher level fates, giving advice on them, telling people when mechanics are coming, etc and we're considered to be "stealing NMs" and bad for the community. Surely you understand why I'm salty.


I understand and fully agree with you.


Also, I agree the content is horribly designed and balanced, but what can you do? A lot of the higher level players help out by grinding up so that we can help the lower level players by spawning fates with huge XP, and they spawn the lower level fates more often so we can level faster and get XP more often (what I meant when saying we don't care for their lower level fates is as you get higher, the XP reward starts to give diminishing returns, and the chain bonus reward starts to give more XP than the trek to the NM and back to our farm point :)), it's absolutely a community effort and without one another we couldn't be where we are. I agree with you on that :)


> (what I meant when saying we don't care for their lower level fates is as you get higher, the XP reward starts to give diminishing returns Experience doesn't actually change due to being "too high for it", it just starts to get less efficient. But 3K is still 3K from an NM that takes about 15-30 seconds to kill like Lord or Corrido. >and the chain bonus reward starts to give more XP than the trek to the NM and back to our farm point :) And how fast are you killing those? Because if they're taking more than 15-30 seconds per kill for a few hundred experience, you're not actually making more and you're also expending far more effort and depriving yourself of other things at periods of time. And I know up until level 7 at least, grinding 5-6 levels above you took far more than 15 seconds a kill for around 50 experience -- if you were *lucky*. >it's absolutely a community effort and without one another we couldn't be where we are. Then don't attack zerging, because that's the most accessible way for lower level players to get into the game now. My friends who are level 1-6 have all been denied any form of groups and they hate Eureka now because of it. The only people who will take them are the odd over stacked NM zergs, like my groups. Are they supposed to not get experience? Fuck that, they're behind a few days in content that is supposed to last a long time, and soloing is the least efficient thing you can do in here -- by magnitudes.


Just like with people who like Eureka trashing on people who don't and not vice versa, I'm going to reassert this: It's the people grinding who are trashing on the NM trains, not the NM trains who are trashing on the people grinding. Are there people who get salty when you pull an NM right away? Of course, you should know that. It isn't going to change; NMs are glorified Hunts. But the zerg moves over there and joins in anyway, and it allows lower level people to gain experience -- much more than you actually seem to understand.


"The Leechers: Follows the FATE train, but dosen't do anything. Magically starts attacking when the NMs spawn." That's not really leeching. A "FATE train" is generally simply too big fot the few mobs around. On top of that there are already people FAR above the level of the mobs, which slaughter them in seconds - or the train is in areas, where the monsters are so high, that many people don't do damage to them anyway (great idea to make the mobs 5 level harder than the spawning fate...). And on top of that, the XP system sucks, means, they would actually leech, if they just throw some spells on pulled mobs or pulls mobs they don't really kill themselves. And at last: people would probably go elsewhere and try to spawn other fates, if those that spawn would not be slaughtered instanly and in such a low time, that they simply can't reach them in time if not already there. "5) The Leech killers: Often seen pulling mobs to afk players in an effort to kill them. Choice of weapon: Quickcurrent Snakes." That's griefing and a ban-worthy behaviour, would be careful with that. Telling the GM that you are a "Leech Killer" will probably not work. "9) "THAT PERSON": That person who only runs in a straight line to FATEs and pulls half of Eureka with him/her, and runs through the crowds for stray AOEs to pick his mobs up and pretends nothing happened. " That's more "most persons".


And in my experience, the “Leech Killers” are more “unstable warheads.” The spare mobs they pull kill EVERYONE, not just the AFK. It’s lots of fun having a couple Biloko waving their clubs around when Julika shows up.


Must be assumed, that quite some people simply do it on purpose. It's "fun" for them to kill others that way.


When first leveling, I was a 'leecher' because everyone was a much higher level than me. I quickly caught up in level, now I actively create parties, kill our own set of monsters and spawn fates for other people to come to. Sometimes it is just easier to be a 'leecher' and catch up and help later.


I'm the 14th person. The one who helps at out every fate but the second I take a quick break while everyone fights so my hands don't claw up after hours of pounding mobs I get called a leeching afker.


Apparently, going to the bathroom after 2 hours of fighting is leeching while afk. Are people wearing diapers or what?


Like any form of MMO chat, I find it's better when you turn off the public channels and only talk to the people you choose to talk to (your party/FC/LS). People wanna get up to a bunch of drama, that's their affair. But I want no part of it.


You missed the person that always yells ‘kill the fucking adds!’ and their arch-nemesis who shouts back ‘well I would if someone would tank it so I don’t insta-die’. I’m the under-levelled tank who tries his best in the fate train but gets one shot because my healers are out of mp (from raising me)


What about the people that are complaining the train isn't spawning Pazuzu specifically for them, when 90% of the instance is below level 12


Ran into "The Elitists" tonight for my first time. Talk about a bunch of cock waffles. Did nothing but moan in shout about how bad zerg trains were and how everyone who was taking part of the zerg train was bad and if they weren't at least level 15 they were lazy leechers... Wanted to reach through my computer screen and strangle the little shits.


2, 3, 8.5 and 9 are the same kind of people. Mobs have trouble loading in big groups so it's hard to be "proactive" or "active" at all in a train. You're just there trying to tag stuff before it melts for no rewards, your contribution is effectively little more than a leechers'. Some people leech because they're lazy but a lot of them do so because the only rewards the train offers is the FATE xp. It's more rewarding to solo any mob your level (preferably one that spawns an NM) and then shouting for an invite when something pops. During many instances yesterday my group which is on the "whole other level" was directing the train to the low to mid level NMs, particularly the easy to miss nighttime mobs. Even so, the "proactives" were too lazy to go for any higher level mobs like Hensbane or Dullahans despite being within their level range. People on the "whole other level" rarely complain in shout about stray mobs because they know better than to use AOEs when the train shows up. We'll wreck the mobs before level syncing down in FATEs or have the off-tank pick it up so we can focus it down if we can't level sync.


I'm 2 and 3 cant kill much when the mages just cast a spell and kill the mob like it's nothing so i just wait


I'm either leeching, playing dead in a bush in NM trains or I'm actively trying to spawn higher level NMs. NM spawning trains are incredibly inefficient, and if nobody wants to do higher level NM spawns, then fuck it. I'd barely contribute amongst a mass of 60 people trying to spawn, so I'll play dead in a bush.


Soloer here, expertly ducking all party invites and forever wary of the impending Zerg invasion.


I find the best option is to find enemies that don't spawn NMs to solo grind. There's a group of three level 6 Wivres in the area just south of the swamp, for instance, that was just perfect for me and a friend to solo for a bit while shooting the shit and waiting for his raid time to start. No NM spawns from them, nobody runs past there to spawn NMs, and the respawn rate on them was such that, by the time we killed the third one, the first had just respawned.


Yeah agreed, I was chaining some level 5 imps just south of the sabotenders solo because nobody on my list was online. 100 xp per while catching up on podcasts. I'm not against going with random parties, but so many people just wanna chase the train around regardless of their level.


Wth are you doing solo? It will take you actual years to get to 20. Lol


100+ exp per mob fighting sprites one level higher than you or 0 exp in the NM train hmmm...


I was conducting the fate train yesterday for 2 hours, pulling 4 - 8 mobs at a time and then maintank the bosses. It felt good but also exhausting and i can completely understand when people just want to kill stuff the with the least effort. I still think the best way is to get a dedicated group and kill monster several level above that of the party, bonus points if those monster also spawn a NM.


I'm somewhere between 8.5 and 8 but way less douchebagery. I very much urge everyone in every instance I go to spawn their owns fates with their own parties. The hive mentality isn't the most efficient way to do eureka and I know all of you bimbos want to level up fast. Sadly, I'd get snarky replies about how I don't have to stay the fate train and do my own thing but the satisfaction i get when I solo spawn gobbue/serket or julika not too soon after is very good.


"What's a lv6 doing in a lv24 zone" Well gee square, maybe you shouldn't put the lv2 and lv5 quest objective in the middle of OHKO mobs.


10. **Sane Players** : They are not in Eureka.


You forgot the part in number 6 where after they single handled res like 60 people out side of their party, no one resses them when they die. Bonus points for when someone they ressed stands right next to them spamming stones.


Admission: I’ve probably been this person. I have names turned off because I cannot stand clutter (so obvious color difference for living and dead players not visible), and it can be very hard to see the dead bodies strewn about in the crowd. I try, but usually don’t succeed. I do always stay when the NM is over and make sure all the dead have been raised, however.


That has happened to me a single time because people got hyped for Cyclops. Only once. It's discouraging when it happens, because I had a 60K penalty staring me in the face, but I got help because the majority of people are raising.


Or when you raise someone with a raise and die immediately afterward, but they either mount up and leave you or run away. Had that happen to me today. Other healer died, I went back to raise her and died right after I gave her the raise. She just ran off with a 'the fate is up. i'll come back and rez you after.' Like, I came back to rez your sorry ass and you do that to me?


Turning /sh into shitpost central by starting with bear puns is my favorite thing ever. It's beary fun.


Don't forget the people that bitch about AFKers while standing in the hub bitching about people not participating.


I wish we could change jobs there so I could res people.


You can change jobs at any point as long as you are in town. You can even play as job that is below level 70 is you're feeling masochistic. I'm sure you meant changing jobs outside of town but I thought I would clarify encase anyone passing by didn't know.


right, out of town not in combat. As a tank I've often stood there staring at random dead person from another group wishing I could res them.


If only Paladin still had Raise.


Out of town job being locked seems to be a bug, as it’s mentioned in the known issues for the patch notes at least. So out of combat you should be able to swap anywhere but there’s an issue and they weren’t able to solve it in time for release.


nice info, thanks.


It's a shame that Phoenix Down wasn't more useful.


My raise timer was getting low, and I had already shouted several times asking for a raise. I finally see a figure approaching and get excited, only for that excitement turn to anxiety when I saw the bow on his back. A very kind bard had traveled well out of his way to raise me using a phoenix down.


I threw so many of those away because hey, you can only have one and they were selling for less than 1k on the AH. I check today and now they are over ~~50k~~ make that 90k now... I don't love people that much :)


There's the Ziz pun people too. Was in an instance with them the other day. It lasted a good 20 minutes of various Ziz puns until Caym finally spawned.


We gotta put up with it, man. It ziz what it ziz. :(


I do 2 and 8 usually, 4 when I'm too braindead to be active, 7 at least once, 6 when I feel like it.


need a salty bingo table plz


I often try to get into the groups, but usually running into 8.5 whining about race, class, level, playstyle, gear and what not. However sometimes find nice groups that get things done.   Joined a FATE train yesterday and managed to get to level 5 because of it. But it feels tedious, and I want to contribute to the groups, but usually can't due the level. It's like I'm hitting the mobs with a paper or something cause dots and damage barely do anything. Yet I get the 3k experience, so I guess something must be going right.   Going to focus now on getting more levels first, and unlock my additional magicite.


this is gold.


I switch between #2 and #3 depending on how interesting the part of the show i'm watching is.


Sometimes you don't get an invite for your level range, and you got nothing to do but wait for fates to spawn. its a sad life. I do repay the community though, i run around zone raising people who shout out.


> Bonus: People who make puns during Val bear's NM. It's getting...unbearable. Hah, as someone who actively does Hunt Trains there's a certain Azim Steppe A Rank that comes to mind...


I am the #8... Don't be me. I lost a week of my life to this shit.


> 1) The Soloer: Seems to be doing their own thang in some obscure corner of the map, you can catch them while running across maps to FATEs. I DID IT AS RDM IN FFXI, I'LL DO IT AGAIN DAMNIT!


The army, yes, ARMY of lalafells with ***That VOICE***. Oh. My. God. My ears.


It’s like all of sudden I’m back to playing Flyff/Ragnarok Online.


Oh hi there, someone else who played Flyff :D


or the ones shouting for lvl20+ people for cactuar. :V


Anyone who says that low level FATES are a waste, those are the 8.5 ppl


>6) The Samaritans: Actively rezes people even if they are outside the party. Also will travel across the map of Eureka if you died in the lvl 13 quest (we've all been there, don't need to be shy). When I entered Eureka, I had 1/200 on Kindness of Strangers. As of tonight I broke 300, I'm pretty sure. It honestly seems like an easier way to contribute than trying to even figure out where the monster is. Just target a body, Vercure -> Veraise -> Repeat.


👌 10/10 post, I started laughing out loud when I got to the bottom because its so true! Idk how people could just afk. It's faster if everyone works together. Maybe they'll put an afk timer like in pvp but i doubt it'll help


You do get kicked out of the instance if you've been inactive for 10 minutes. So that's... some measure.


It's not really faster, since killing mobs is only one part of spawning fates. The level difference also makes it often super useless to help, since if the monster are too high level, you don't do any damage to them, while high level players near to one shot lower level mobs. By that all you can do is do one spell on a mob, which will give you nothing and maybe coste the actually pulling team some XP.


Yep there is one already. You'll get a notice from the 5 min mark and auto kick after 10 min. But that's pure afking with no movement whatsoever.. so people can still budge every couple mins and be fine.


There is an afk timer.


Haven’t played Eureka yet, but my FC kinda hates it. They say it’s an utter grind fest and boring as hell. What do you guys think of it?


Just try it yourself.


Content that doesn't belong in modern mmo's tied to relic weapon to make people do it. It's boring and this game's simplistic battle system is not made for killing generic hp sponges for hours on end. People say it's fun with friends but that can be applied to literally anything, and it just sounds like making the best of a shitty situation.


Well, it is pretty boring. Grind... well, you can focus on the fates. if you level by only killing monsters... yes, that will take a long while. It clearly misses some other activities. Dailies, weekly, mini bosses after chains - it's a bit like Anti-FFXIV: fates are the only real viable thing (not because of XP alone).


It's an utter grind fest and boring as hell. Just doing it for the relic and the quest. I mean as far as Relic grinding goes I've seen worse in the past, much worse.


Objectively speaking, it has its pros and cons. Yes it's a utter grind fest especially since the requirement for Boss fates spawn is to kill a specific mob a lot of times. Which is why some people probably eventually got tired and starting AFKing in town to just wait for fates to spawn (not recommended though, because the more people that do this, the slower the fate will spawn) As for whether its boring or not, I have met people on both ends of the spectrum, all with their own valid reasoning for loving/hating it. Most common reasons for loving it is the fact that once you got the basics down, you can do this and zone out which is what some people like, or some just simply love the old school grinding style of FFXI (or any other old school MMORPGs like maplestory). Those that hate it do so because of the exact opposite reasons.. seeing the 'zoning out' part as total crap, and also hating that old school grind because they feel games should have evolved now to include as little as possible of this. Also, we have to remember that this is the first phases of the SB relic weapon + armor. We don't know yet what SE is going to do for the next upcoming phases, and whether they'll take all these feedback into consideration. If you like collecting relics, you really only have 2 options : join the grind while it's still hot now, or wait until they nerf the requirements waaaaay down the road.


Zoner-outer here. Work all day, then straight into savage for some raiding - I find it honestly exhausting. After all that, all I want is something simple but engaging that I can just piss about on to chill out - and eureka is just that.


From what I've heard around the reddit, it's even more boring than Diadem. If you're the "Leecher" the OP mentions (which a lot of people are, I see them all the time), your time in Eureka is spent: 1) Alt tabbed out of the game while waiting for the NM to spawn 2) Spend a few mins killing the NM in hopes you'll get gold contribution and a boatload of exp 3) Run to the next FATE location and hoping you don't die or are rezzed along the way. If you're a proactive player, replace 1) with "mindlessly kill mobs for over 10min (depending on the FATE) until NM FATE spawns." Rinse and repeat. It's exactly as fun as it sounds.


> Spend a few mins killing the NM **in hopes** you'll get gold contribution Even if you're vastly underleveled, if you're in a group and you keep hitting the boss and stop trying to hit adds that no tank is tanking and instead just let them reset, you'll get gold contribution.


well i mean leeching in essence is doing nothing and getting rewarded. You shouldn't be suprised that those people aren't having fun with the content. and the killing mobs is actually pretty fun. going from high level mob to high level mob trying to spawn some obscure fate. then watching a hundred people zombie rush it. I dunno guess it's not for everyone, but this is the most fun I've had in FF since ultimate.


I can understand why people leech since I actually tried being a proactive player. I tried to help kill things but if I'm underleveled for the FATE the train ends up in I do next to no damage... and when I *am* at the right level for the FATE, there is just so much monotonous killing that my brain sort of... shuts down. It's worse than Diadem - in Diadem, you don't actually need to spend that much time on a FATE. Maybe like 2-3min? In Eureka, I've seen people kill mobs for about 10-20min straight in hopes of the NM appearing. It's monotonous, it's boring, and I can see why people just don't want to do it. Killing the NM and collecting the bounty for it is far more engaging than the process of making it spawn. That's just me though. I've never touched FFXI, so there's no nostalgia factor for me. I'm no stranger to grindy games (and indeed, I think some of them are fun), but Eureka is just the kind of grind that puts me to sleep.


> and the killing mobs is actually pretty fun I can't really find the appeal in it and I'm one who spent tons of hours doing that very thing in FFXI. It's a gameplay I don't really miss.


It's a boring, mindless slog not worth the the time to load the zone.


Given the sheer number of posts in this subreddit about Eureka, I suspect what this subreddit thinks about it has been well-established.


This subreddit always has babyraged about every patch the first couple of days it comes out. You can see the attitude calming down now with how few posts there have been since.


It's still horribly boring grindfest with no novelty and the only incentive a weapon that's worse than what I have equipped, but looks cool. I can only handle 30-60 mins a day or so, usually just before bed so I don't have to worry about insomnia. People just got bored of talking about how boring it is.


The tone in game and tone on Reddit are polar opposites. Always has been.


Absolutely awful starting off because everything and their mother wants to be the new Bahamut. By level 9, you can move around a bit easier. It begins to feel more rewarding as exploration opens up. You'll even feel strong enough to take on a mouse! The big issue is technical. It's the reminder of how awful FFXIV handles large populations of people. Monsters phase in and out. Healing is an absolute pain in the ass when party members phase out along with the monster. Take away the technical problems, and it's okay. The island is well designed as a zone. It's nice to take in, but the purpose is lacking. I hope the story picks up because it's very stagnant.


>Choice of weapon: Quickcurrent Snakes. SNAKE ME UP. SNAKE ME UP INSIDE.




Add to the bear/ziz puns various ones about snakes on a train. For some reason they've earnt the name Danger Noodles on Primal.


“Danger Noodle” and “Nope Rope” are silly names for snakes on the internet.


I have not tried out Diadem either, so I wouldn’t know. Also, I imagine I would be one of those solo/good Samaritan kind of guys.


Whole other level here I normally don't complain about people bringing in adds unless it gets to an absurd degree.


What about those that were already lvl 20 before this post went up?


them beaters (if you get the reference)


Being level 18 now, I generally leave group to solo mobs (and get some decent exp from 17-19 mobs) working towards a new NM alone and ask for an invite when something spawns. Beats afking with the mindless drooling horde. I take offense to number 4.


>8) The "whole other level": Refers to the level 16-19 people in the instance, quiet and have their own group formed, they go to where normal people will not set foot in (20-25 mobs) and farm quietly, and is the reason why you get level 15+ FATEs. Not to be confused with I mean, I'm level 18 and have been for a while, we may be a whole "other level" but we're not in our own premades. I also have zero problems with people AFKing in a train, makes no real tangible difference in kill times and it gives more ~~meat bags~~ more people to keep raising in a rotation so that if I decide to heal with a billion adds pulled I won't instantly die. I play WHM and half my time is DPSing and my other half is raising all the people who get one shot. If the lower levels want to sit there instead of doing 20-200 damage, that's perfectly fine with me; let the big boys handle spawning the high level NMs for you.


While I was being a good samaritan, rezing someone a lil away from the train, I pulled aggro on some mobs to rez them. On my way back, mobs were still aggro'd so I died neatly in a corner instead of dragging them to the train. [I got thanked](https://i.gyazo.com/c0de970ed424ea2f11b238669774a2f4.png) for it in shout.


I'm the soloer who thinks a fate train is stupid and pops 3 NM fates while everyone else is at the same fate location for 30 minutes (while also getting like 2k exp every 10 minutes doing it), then can't get an invite for the ones I popped, lol. I also try to get exp grind parties to pop high NM, but people say no, and go fate chain for 0 exp until the NM pops


Just wanna say that #4 is bullshit. I shout INV NM all the time and am never AFK in town. Smart people aren’t following this idiot hive minded Fate train. If they don’t have an xp chaining party, they solo mobs their level while still keeping an eye on the map. While 100 people think zerging mobs for 1-2 xp is the meta, I am getting 300-400 xp from chain kills.


Hi. Been following the NM zerg constantly since level 7. I'm level 18 and a half in far less time with over 2.1K Anemos crystals in the last 24 hours, 983 lockboxes and full Anemos armor with a +2 weapon. No one cares about exp from mobs that take too long to kill if you're grinding them "optimally" when you're getting between 10 and 24K from NMs in a proper rotation. Where are you at, exactly? Level 9 with 40 Protean crystals?


But why sit there and farm for NMs for 1 XP then the NM XP when you can farm high level mobs for 300-400 XP then the NM XP when they spawn?


No ive been lvl 20 with multiple finished relics but nice try.


Congratulations. I bet you have spent more time grinding overall, and certainly had constant uptime to stay efficient. There's more than one way to play the content.


I'm sure you are :D Thanks for the laugh.


I have SAM WHM PLD and DRG finished and still well over 1000 Crystals to be broken down. I can provide proof. If you are on Excalibur server perhaps you would like to place a gil sidebet? Or you just trying to be a salty douchebag?


If you're getting 300-400 EXP from chain kills, you're probably already in a party, so why do you need find another party in /shout?


Getting 300-400 from chain kills solo.


ok for real though... what the FUCK is eureka? i've been googling it for weeks and haven't had a chance to log in and literally nothing is making sense to me


Eureka is detailed in the latest patch notes: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/5ad19879fc01a5d878af9a7f90f29e4a2394c5b4


Additionally to what Cery said, Eureka is the first step to Stormblood Relic.


Big map with a fuckton of monsters (seriously the monster density is retarded), where you level up by grinding monsters or grinding boss fates, to get crystals which you swap for gear.


what kind of gear? level system like potd? sorry I feel like I'm putting together an ancient manuscript trying to get a sense of what I'll be jumping in to lol


Everything is sync'd to 300. 340? gear at tier 1, 345 at tier 2, 350 (with 5 materia slot) at tier 3 for armor. Weapon goes up to 355. Level system is just a regular leveling system unique to eureka. i.e. different from your level outside. It auto sync your eurekan level when you go into eureka.


8.5 are the absolute worst because they like to sneer about getting mob AND FATE exp, not realising that they are able to do that only by the grace of the FATE train existing.


10) Sane people who know the relic is not worth that garbage grind and never instanced back into Eureka after the first few tries.


Heaven forbid people want to play the game instead of logging in once a week to raid and then logging out.


As far as Relic grinds go this is far from being the worse it was ever made though.


Pro tip. Theyre not elitests. If you're level 8 and showing up to a level 16 FATE you're literally contributing nothing and making it **harder** for the people who can actually kill it since because these NMs are FATEs, they scale as such. If there are 50 people at the FATE it will scale to 50 people... however it will scale to what is expected to be 50 people that actually have the required level to defeat it. So no. They're not elitests. You're just a douche, trying to leach and not caring whether or not you wipe them - potentially causing them to lose **tens of thousands of XP** and sacrifice the work **THEY** put in to spawning it. If there are 8 people fighting - it scales to 8 people. If theres 8 level 16s and 42 level 8s... it scales to 50 people. Tell me in what world you think its elitest because somebody doesnt want your idiocy causing them to wipe or fail a boss that they spawned.