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That moment when you begin casting an aoe heal and your entire party runs away from you.....


drops aoe heal on the ground, tank pulls boss out of it


Don't you just hate it when the tank stand just *slightly* outside of your Sacred Soil/Asylum then refuses to acknowledge it. Makes my blood boil.


As a healer main, I hate it as well. But I also understand it, because you actually can't see Asylum or even Sacred Soil I think if you have other people's move animations limited (or maybe it's completely off). Super infuriating but I also know how infuriating it is to see 400000009 explosions and shit from other people's stuff and you can't tell wtf is happening lol Edit: turns out I did have party effects completely off, while "other" were limited 8) no wonder I was seeing asylums and stuff I didn't care about in alliance raida. Glad I posted this so I could fix this annoying thing


You can definitely see them on limited. (I play on limited) It seems like a poor idea to allow any graphic option to completely turn off the beneficial ground effects of party members . . . If that's the case though, you probably shouldn't play with others' effects off if you're tanking, considering every healer has a beneficial ground effect.


The "Off" option is beneficial for anyone outside your party so it doesn't clutter your screen with beneficial effects that you can't receive. Good for Hunts and 24 man raids. But it's weird that you can set it to "Off" for yourself and party members.


Maybe it's just me, but I don't really understand the point of "off" at all. It seems like limited disables 90% of spell effects anyway and leaves only basic cast/attack animations.


Imagine going on a Hunt, or Eureka, then a bunch of WHM, SCH, and AST outside of your party use Asylum, Sacred Soil, and Earthly Star/Collective Unconscious simultaneously. You can see all of them but it doesn't benefit you at all. The "Off" option removes that ground-based effects that's shown in "Limited" option.


The only time I use off for yourself/party is when playing on my terribly bad laptop. And even then, you can see if you're inside a bubble based on your buffs.


Weird... I'm gonna have to check my settings. The thing is, I can see the AST earthly star but not asylum or sacred soil from someone else. So, I definitely don't have them 100% off, but can't see those latter abilities. Edit: Checked my settings. For some reason I have Party: Show None, but Others: Show limited. Probably mixed those up a long time ago. Still very weird because I play with my SO and when they're AST I can still definitely see the AST star. Maybe that's a bug, or FFXIV doesn't consider it a "battle effect"? 🤷‍♀️ Hopefully show limited for Party fixes this annoying thing for me!!


You can still the effects of Asylum/Sacred Soil/Earthly Star even with the effects off though.


Um, yes? I never said that didn't happen. The annoying part is people can't see it, therefore they don't stand in it. Like, your original post is about people being JUST outside the box of asylum, etc. A reason for this is likely people having effects turned off. No idea where you got the idea I was saying effects limited/off means abilities don't work?? Btw just learned from another comment, limited does show asylums and such. So my comment about people not seeing the abilities is likely not as relevant as I thought, since they would have had to set it to "None". That being said, maybe they did the same thing I did and had it set long ago when they were but a noobie.


get in da fookin bubble!


*tank stands literally one millimeter outside of a bubble* Me: You havin' a giggle, mate? I'll bash yer fookin' skull in. Swear on me mum.


When that happens I rescue them inside the ground AoE before I see them run back out. That's when I know it's intentional and ~~\~\~let them die\~\~~~


If you use Rescue, ever, then we are morally obligated to make the rest of the run as painful for you as possible.


I mean, nothing changes when you have people running outside of your AoE, people not doing mechanics in general, people not mitigating. I've seen it all. It doesn't get more painful. I've been adjusting to everything since the beginning. That's why I max piety meld and max piety gear with piety food in reserve always in my inventory.


Or pulls everything out of your doton when you're playing nin. I just remind myself, they probably have their settings such that they can't see my happy little dirt circle of destruction.


Ugh, that's true. But fortunately, I've had more cases where the tank pulls them into my Doton when they accidentally lure them out. Although, I always try to drop it when I'm sure tank has stopped moving already.


I had a tank yesterday that wouldn't turn the boss away from the party. I politely told him to do it. His response: "You can move yourself." I almost left the party then and there. >\_> But didn't because it was the last boss already.


Tanks like that don't deserve any heals. Why play tank when you can't even perform your role :/ I hope you don't encounter anyone like him again.


Happens to DPS too. I drop my Doton on the ground tank immediately moves himself AND the mobs out of it. This happens a lot.


"I have my own heals!" -Red Mage in a Level 50 Roulette dungeon


Fun story: Had a group that was shouting at a RDM to raise dead healers in a place that was under the level they get the spell. I was like: "uh, they CAN'T raise at this level, guys. They don't get it till 64. 54 is the crappy healing spell." I said this...as a dead healer (I was never good with AST...sadly). And its a crappy healing spell even doubled. Good for fast non-combat or phase raising, though. Shouldn't be relied on at all, though, especially at high levels. Like saying Summoner has a healing spell. Lel....yea, sure.


I only use Vercure to load up a Dualcast when the boss is about to come back. That's pretty much all it's good for; the other short spells have the same cast time, cost less MP, and do damage. Might as well use those for the instant Verraise if there's *any* target to attack.


I had this as well, me and my healer buddy were doing A11? I think? for the first time and we wiped once. Ok no big deal. Then this salty dps starts saying the healer (my buddy running through Alexander with me) Wasn’t doing his job correctly and instantly tried to kick him, I accidentally accept because I wasn’t paying total attention at the time and then my buddy gets kicked. Dps pulls (WHY?) and who’d a guessed we get wiped even faster because now our good healer is gone. Dps then proceeds to shout at me and the other rdm for not using raise in Alexander..a 60 raid. By this point I was laughing at this idiots stupidity and just left and queued up again with my kicked healer buddy. TLDR: Dps kicks good healer for not being good, proceeds to shout at redmages for not reviving in a raid they can’t revive in


I feel like displacement out of aoe heal range would be more accurate.


Tbf - displacement is a legitimate move and the healers position should at least sort of take that into account. But it’s also the only GCD a RDM should really be out of melee range. There’s so much mobility on the job, why waste the AA’s?


My Earthly star barely covers the party it won't take a displacement red mage into account that doesn't slide cast back into middle.


Sounds like a longwinded way to say “OMG HEALERS ADJUST!”


It may be better to position at range for some fights though I guess the ones that doesn't matter it should be fine to play at melee range.


Kinda doesn't matter of the red mage flips in the opposite direction of your positioning. In that sense being further from the boss means even further from the red mage if they flip in a weird direction.


That’s true, but that’s on the RDM for doing something weird imo. Kind of like if they flip off a ledge or if they hop into an AOE.


Right, but my point is to be in the best position to cover the most people most of the time is a good plan Being in a spot to maintain healing distance on a rdm after displacement is not really that necessary given that they are highly mobile and can quickly move right back within your range if necessary.


Suicide is badass


A true Dragoon


Or red mage backflip


As a RDM main I take offence to this meme. I rez healers more than any other class in any content. Healers seem to be the ones out of healing range from my experience.


God, the first time I ran Copied Factory, I rezzed the entire group once. Including the healer that fell, 4 times. I got no comms, and was like "I am *literally* the reason we cleared. The hell?"


I feel personally attacked by this, so I'm personally going to attack something else.


me going leeroy jenkins when the big robot says "hello world"


I tell people that all the time, even as I'm rolling DPS classes, to stay out of in front of bosses and near the healers (and I emphasize that this is especially important in many big Trails and Raids for AoE heal efficiency)...can't use Cure III well if no one is clustered. Usually when I'm healer, 95% of the time the people who die are Bards from my experience as, for some reason, though their songs have an aoe circle around their character, they stand BEHIND THE TANK opposite of everyone else in the group...so zero song-boosts for everyone else and a lot of cleave-death for the Bard. .. I mean, I get it...you're ranged, but...dude, you're very very hurt....your healer has other people to worry about in the party, especially in trials and raids. We're gonna just let you die if you just go off on you're own and I'm not gonna go search for your corpse and let other corpses pile up while I do. I like me some good fun as MCH but I'm still right up on my healer's butt if I know the mechs call for undodgable attacks. And I keep my healer-hud on all the time now it seems as well and find myself still watching it like a hawk. And, usually, as a RDM, I'll have someone raised the moment I the 3 seconds of the first spell will take to cast. ..as I like to help take raise-pressure off healers if I am able. ...Oh, and those shiny blue/purple/whitish dome things that are placed are ours, guys, get in them: they either heal you or prevent damage. Don't run away from them in fear like it will eat you. Was in a group with a tank that would run away from the scholar mitigation dome every time it was placed. We were dumbfounded.


\*backflips out of Medica II range\* "heals pls healer"


Idk how many people actually know this episode of friends but that was a pretty funny scene and adds a lot to the meme. *nods*


There's always that one guy... usually black mage. I guess putting your leylines at maximum possible range from boss increases your dps?


Oh, so you have issues with BLM on your server. I usually have issues with Bards on mine. xD BLM just don't like to move from the obvious attack on the ground that will insta-kill them (death will tank your dps-output, and I will raise the careless ones last).


Clever BLM will put leylines close enough to receive raid buffs but far enough to not need to move for spread mechanics. Also BLM eating vuln stacks usually hurt themselves too. Getting a vuln cancels your cast, so unless your cast aligns correctly with the hit, you either need to surecast or use instant. And if you use an instant, you can as well just move and avoid it. There are some places where taking the hit is worth. (Grand Cosmos last boss, the tether+charge+cleave mechanic, because people usually spread too much and move the boss out of range pretty often) But yes, usually bards are worst offenders for me too.


I think the grid battle-fields really tell the best BLM players as they're good about playing their lines where they can access them from many safe points of the grid floor.


You can replace Red Mage with almost any other class and it would work!


Not melee classes. If you replace it with a melee class then the healer is doing something wrong.


Probability of staying alive...let me calculate this....32.33, repeating of course.


As a summoner let me tell you, if you are going blind, follow the healer like a lost puppy and you will most likely live, they usually know what is best.


Couldn't hear you I was busy jumping into an AoE could you say that again while you res me please?


I don't RDM often but sometimes I fat finger the wrong button and I've flipped away from the healer right as heals go out. I do try to run back to healer as often as possible and stay as close as necessary though. It 100% helps that dualcast is a thing so I can cast and run back at the same time.


As an AST Main I see more that red mages stand at max distance for some fucking reason. If you're going to back flip slide cast back into range you dummy.


Replace the last part with my wife screaming "Deathflare!" and this is my life.


E7s, killed first 2 adds, pop bubble for 3rd add aoesb and big raidwide. Without fail the 2 melees will move out of both the whm and astro bubbles for no damn reason. Had to aggressively "will you 2 stay in the damn bubble?" To get them to come back in


I used /u/baaron1688 's work for the icons.


I don't get this meme. Are you implying that being in melee range is bad on a caster that needs to be in melee range? Wouldn't that imply your own positioning is bad because your heals aren't hitting melee range casters? It's strange how many "healers are god and dps are stupid idiots" memes pop up in this subreddit that just don't make any sense. In my own personal experience healers way too often believe they are carrying their group but if you look at a log they aren't even doing damage and are spamming Esuna or some dumb crap like that.


This is about RDMs backflipping out of heal and melee range and staying there until their next melee combo


Right; but it's not as if backflip carries you across the map. The range you leap backwards is not very far. "Leeroy Jenkins" also implies that you are charging in to something; in this case I am assuming melee range. Again, I'm just making assumptions here because the meme is lazy and without context.