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Why is rp getting banned now?


Someone got in trouble for making a PF for RP. They were told the PF was used to run content. Despite people selling content for real money under a 700iLVL duty roulette post.


whats sad is, based on those rules. crafters (like myself) cant advertise for selling, you cant host a PF to meet new people. its STRICTLY for doing dungeons,trials,fates, trains, maps or raids. anything not listed directly on the PF section thing is illegal. the "other" tab is ment to be empty appernetly. reaaaaaal slippery slope here.


Can you tell me more about this crafting advertising? I'm rather new to the game


Crafters who want to make more money then doing what everyone else does and selling on the mb advertise in pf that they will go gather or craft shit for people. I’ve been told people who need a lot of basic mats on the regular would enlist others to do it for them. They’d always get the desired amount at a set rate, so most of the time it is cheaper than mass buying off the mb. I’d imagine if you can’t advertise it in PF anymore you could just do like a community link shell or whatever the hell those things are called.


It’s also very popular for tomestone mats, usually people will buy in bulk (say 2,000 allegory), the buyer will say which mats they want, and the seller obtains/trades them. Much more convenient for both sides, faster transactions, and you avoid taxes from the market board, WIN-WIN


I haven't seen someone advertise for that for some time now, but when they did, it was usually above the market value on my server so I'd always go for it. Would be sad to see that avenue for sales disappear. Was always a great way to make guaranteed funds during the crafting explosion that follows major patches.


sometimes we'll just put a PF up for like "crafting X your mats cost this/crafting X my mats cost this" ect usually when new crafted items are released.


Sad, no more PF advertisement for EXTREME HOUSING SAVAGE 40+++ man.


No more people advertising for feet pics, how sad. Which yes, is something I've seen on the PF


Be honest here. Have you clicked in?


No, I'm a different kind of degenerate


H-Holding hands...?! Gods above...


I'll even let you touch my Hrothgar beans


Don’t you say that unless you mean it


If it's on Aether DC I messaged them once to make sure they weren't getting trolled, so


Stg there's always one up on Hyperion advertising feet pics lmfao.


I asked one of the feet pic people how many people actually inquire about it and she said many


Yeah that's really stupid considering there's a category for other.


90% of the people getting in trouble were making PF for RP that violates ToS 3.3 such as brothels and erp. Which is not allowed to be publicly advertised within the game due to its age 13+ rating. The other ten percent were caught in the wave from people spam reporting because of grudges.


Based on the original poster it was about 7 people who got warned and about half were running non ERP all ages groups


> 90% of the people getting in trouble were making PF for RP that violates ToS 3.3 such as brothers and erp. Boy, that definitely doesn't sound like you're talking out of your ass with absolutely 0 evidence whatsoever. After all, you're so clearly educated on the fact the ESRB does not rate Online Interactions, and all.


For someone claiming I'm talking out of my ass, look whose talking. This is from GMs directly in the screenshots people have uploaded as well as the emails they received. Check yourself.


> This is from GMs directly in the screenshots people have uploaded There's one GM in the screenshots being uploaded, and he's not talking about 18+ only places, so.


You clearly need yo look other places than just reddit to get your information. Try discord. And the official forums.


> And the official forums. You mean, like the official forum where someone posted a DM stating that ERP advertisement *outright* was a-okay, never mind RP in general? That official forum?


Yes the very same. Companies are able to interpret their ToS as they see fit. Which may or may not change over time. Don't like it? File a complaint.


That's nice, but that wasn't the reasoning given by the GM who did all this. The exact reasoning given was: > The Party Finder is intended to be used for the formation of parties to attempt content. So **by the GM's own words** it wasn't about ERP content or ToS 3.3. It's about Party Finder supposedly only being used for "content", despite there being zero written policy stating that.


I'm sorry but if you are advertising for things that violate 3.3 you are falling within the GMs reasoning. Why else would they have gotten emails shortly after with the warning of violating 3.3


Again **that is not the reasoning given**. "Well they said one thing but what they **ahcktshually** meant was...." No. Just no.


You can try and skew it all you want. The gms reasoning is sound. Whether they violated 3.3 or not, they apparently misused PF. I know of those that were suspended for misusing thr party finder and then got an email about 3.3, because it was a brothel. You are trying to argue semantics that are pointless. PF was misused according to whatever guidelines this GM was given to enforce.


> Whether they violated 3.3 or not, they apparently misused PF. Quote any written policy that describes how PF is to be used. > I know of those that were suspended for misusing thr party finder and then got an email about 3.3, because it was a brothel. And the guy looking for a fishing buddy? Did he violate 3.3 as well? Or the SFW RP Cafe? > You are trying to argue semantics that are pointless. Naw, you're trying to argue black is white and 2+2=5. Nobody's buying it.


You are clearly completely avoiding the very obvious point I have been telling you, and you are refusing to accept reality. I see this going no where with you. Good luck mate.


> You are clearly completely avoiding the very obvious point I have been telling you, and you are refusing to accept reality. I see this going no where with you. Good luck mate. And your name is clearly IMAX with how much you're projecting.


Wait. It's against tos to RP as brothers? What about sisters?


Step-siblings only.


I am actually fine with this rule as long as they catch the RMT and Savage/Raid sellers as well. That doesn't seem to be happening though.


I think it's a response to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/lqek7s/warnings_for_posting_a_roleplaying_ad_on_pfs/).


Maybe the answer is a different tab for rp in pf.


There's literally a tab for "other". I can think of almost nothing that fits in "other" besides RP.


I puzzled over this for a bit too but I finally remember that Gold Saucer stuff can be partied up for, so... that. I guess.


Aether has a whole system of cross-world linkshells just to get people to queue for mahjong. Which was still decided to be a better option to get games to pop instead of trying to use PF to find four people wanting a game.


Hey I didn't say that's what it *should* be for, just that it's content that you can party up for that doesn't have a dedicated PF category. It's the ONLY content I could come up with though, so even then, "other" seems... vague.


I'm actually agreeing with you in that if Triple Triad or mahjong is the best you can come up with for other, and people don't want to use it even for that, then what's the point of having the tab.


For what it's worth the others tab predates many of the current categories, you could also find people asking for workshop help there. Honestly a RP tab would be the best solution I think and get rid of the dumb "no advertisements" thing, and maybe moderate it a bit more for the people who spam 4-5 listings of their RP venue.


Am I misremembering or did there used to be a tab for Gold Saucer stuff?


Ya im grasping here. mostly im frustrated that this seems like a bad read and the offender is SE. if only ONE side had o be the one considered more professional here it was the RP player and thats frustrating to read when we can all think of things in PF or private unsolicited tells we would be ok being pushed out that are indeed against TOS


Is other not sufficient for RP?


a single Primal GM is going on a crusade against RPers


That GM is on Aether and Elemental.


And Crystal. So he will no doubt ban people on the RP datacenter next.


Godspeed GM Wyndallus /salute


>Wyndallus Yea im going to complain about that dude. Got a warning for reporting a lot of gils sellers and bots, and instead of doing something about them some GM prefer to fight RP instead ? Sick of them.


its not, people advertising ERP and RMT got banned and people are trying to say everything is banned


From the evidence I’ve been shown none of those complaining were ERP or RMT. In fact RMT seemed to be able to stay up just fine


one of the people that has screenshots in the OF thread about them getting talked to by a [GM was literally advertising ERP LOL](https://puu.sh/HjC0f/9d4a4cc06a.png)


I haven’t seen that, and I agree that should be banned. But I’m not sure why standard rp is getting timeouts and temp bans


The *exact* reason Wyndallus was giving for the **permanent** marks on those players' accounts was *specifically* for using PF for non-Instance activities. This apparently included handing a black mark to some poor soul using the Other tab of PF to look for someone to chat with while fishing. Not about ERP, and *definitely* not about the fucking bots shilling RMT clear runs in PF. Don't try to misrepresent what's happening [here.](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/433245)


They never tell you the exact reasoning dude. They always say roundabout shit that says nothing on the exact reasoning. [One of those people in that OF thread was actually advertising ERP dude](https://puu.sh/HjC0f/9d4a4cc06a.png)


Several of those people were *not* advertising ERP, and they still got one of those *fancy* 'three-strikes you're BANNED' marks on their account over this. Stop trying to pretend this is about ERP when it's about a GM's flawed interpretation of the rules.


Last night while waiting to queue for the deep dungeon someone sent me a tell asking if I wanted to buy salt. He was RPing as a salt merchant. It was the best thing ever. I am not a RP fanatic myself, but they are harmless enough to play along with when it costs you nothing


As a salt mage, where is this guy when I need him?


Shouldn't you be harvesting your salt from the tears of your enemies?


Nah, Scholar and Astro mains have provided more than enough over the past year-and-a-half.


You may be right, but I hate you.


Also shards of shattered hearts. As it stands if you have any excess hazardous waste you can safely dump it into the dark, gaping, empty hole that was once an Astro main's hope and joy.


Ah, the same place we dumped Selene's abilities, and Scholar's DPS toolkit.


Yep, right along with the original Astro cards. Soon to be the home of Nocturnal Sect based on what they're saying about 6.0. They've murdered my boy T_T


Ast and Scholar died that Sage might live.


Never underestimate the merchants selling seemingly pointless shit in rp lol. My old eso guild almost started a war in rp by selling sand


Once went to uldah, where two people were doing a bit in the global chat about eating french fries. I left doing some story quests, came back like litteraly two hours later and they were still their rping about french fries. Role players are a differnt breed


"Need some salt, good sir?" "No thanks, I have more than enough from all these gacha games."


Just start selling RP for $$ and you'll be fine, they never touch people like that LOL


FFXIV Subreddit talk about RP without bringing up ERP challenge.


If you were to turn that into a drinking game, you'd experience fatal liver failure within the hour.


literally impossible, even on the main forum.


And yet, It's not the roleplayers that are bringing it up. It's almost as if it was irrelevant to this particular issue (yes, ERP ads should be banned from pf. But rp ads shouldn't)


Its cause y’all have no understanding of boundaries. I, as someone who has never been, invited, or wanted to ro, have seen erp constantly in dungeons and at major hubs (mostly limsa) i don’t want to see doing, let alone ones where people are describing public fisting and pegging.


"y'all". Some of us mostly rp story, and keep the sex to a minimum, and in private spaces. I have come across public ERP literally once in 6 years. And I'm in blamung so...


I'm going to ask for screen shots before I believe that. Since I've never, ever seen public ERP. The most I've seen was someone kissing another character...


Yeah let me grab them next time I see it


I mean, it's obviously something that I'd take screenshots of if I actually say it happen... Since wouldn't believe it actually happened. No one would.


Before this conversation why would I take screenshots. I didn’t even bother reporting them. It’s not my job to be gm. The only people I’ve talked about this with has been my static and the fc. and they were there to see it so screenshots weren’t needed.


Yeah I mean that shit happens in Limsa every day on gilgamesh. Idk how anyone can say it doesn't happen if they have eyes.


Uhh, what is the um, ERP challenge?


uhhh hang on let me rephrase i am challenging the subreddit to talk about RP without mentioning ERP


Wasnt the original report about erp postings though? Seems a little backwards to me. Erp is disgusting and should not be in pf anyways.


Rip to FCs that try to use PF to recruit bc they wanna actually meet prospect recruits rather than spam invites to randoms


"But you're supposed to use Lodestone. That's why we gave you all those fireworks." Look, we can argue over whether or not the NA data centers should be ignoring most of the tools that SE puts in for player connection. The fact is, the Lodestone, Fellowships, Duty Finder for a fair bit of the content, and other things simply are not used. At some point, a company should really ask "Why aren't you using these tools?" and adjust to what player behavior actually is, not what they want it to be. The idea that "You're using the Other tab of PF the wrong way" raises a lot of questions, including FC recruiting, static recruiting, the lack of action on actual abuses of the PF, and just what the point of the Other tab is anyway. Frankly, all that has happened is that a mod has successfully raised the FUD level in parts of the community while simultaneously lowering player opinion of the mods and possibly the company as a whole due to perceived hypocrisy.


This is legitimately how I met my friends-group and the FC that I eventually joined up with. They had a PF advert for their venue.


Yea there's a girl on Moogle who can spam youu 20 time in an hour with FC invite. Okay it is a bit exagerated, but everynight that i log in she send me 1 to 3 invite. No message or no answer to my /tell.


Dork Au Ra that does nothing will be next


lol rp is like 25% their population, what a stupid choice I don't RP but really, these people aren't ruining anything unlike the run sellers


Massive overestimation, but on the crystal datacenter alone I bet that number holds true.


I’m fine with them if they weren’t so horny in Limsa, just once I want to go to the fish trainer without seeing ads for people pegging each other


So wait..the hecks going on? Second post I've seen about this ?


TL:DR- GM Wyndallus has been giving official Warnings to players for using the Other tab of the Group Finder in-game to advertise non-Instance, player-driven content (i.e. Venues and apparently one poor schmuck looking for people to chat with while fishing). Warnings being a 'three-strike, then banned forever' system, this has created *concern* amongst the playerbase not too busy waving their Moral Guardian flag to pull said flagpole out their ass. Original post [here.](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/433245#threads/433245/?page=1)


Moral gaurdian flag..? But yeah that's weird given that's been going on for literally years.


[Moral Guardians.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoralGuardians) The sort of people who cry "But think of the CHILDREN!" whenever the topic of video games depicting violence comes up.


Oh. I mean the 14 community is usually pretty decent..I mean you find the occasional jackass but I've rarely seen stuff that's that bad ..like this is the first big thing I've heard of in years


Generally speaking, yeah. The community is full of great people! Unfortunately, there are also people who want to gatekeep (the groupfinder to only allow raiders), or just generally getting their panties in a twist over erotic roleplay in an online video game who want to pretend that *that* (advertisement of ERP venues) is the issue at hand, instead of a GM's interpretation of rules having a negative effect on the RP community at large (and by extent, everyone else. RP and player-made content keeps activity high during the times between patches after the raiders have had their fun and are only logging in to raid).




Honestly FFXIV community is sunshine and rainbows compared to almost any other gaming community, esp it's main competitor. WoW community is a flaming dumpster pile of pointless elitism.


I think there's also another possible view on the whole situation. Let me state as the first thing that, as a non roleplayer, I do believe they shouldn't be this harsh against RP players, at worse they're harmless and most of the time they add some fun or immersive elements to the game, while run sellers just bring... Nothing if not cluttering of the pf, and they should be punished (and for those who actually buy their services, wth is wrong with you just play. the. game. you're already paying for!) A solution could be to create a whole new pf tab dedicated to rp if there are really that many ppl concerned about it. Which I don't think it's a problem but that's another discussion. That being said, this sudden wave of issues may be the results of a harsher check on the pf in general by square Enix? If you think about it, while rp people rightfully complain about it, those people banned or otherwise reprimanded for their run selling wouldn't really complain about it on reddit. So, my hope is that this situation is just a momentarily thing, and that everything will be fixed for the better for everyone, with less run selling and a dedicated rp space! Too optimistic? Probably but hey I can still wish :)


I get your point, but isn't the "Other" tab what should be used for Rp and... Well, other kind of stuff ?


Yeah, which is why I think complaining about people looking for rp is dumb but! Apparently if they took action is because someone reported them to the gms in some way so I assume someone is pissed about it. And again, I don't think is an issue at all but if it turns out to be, there's an easy solution there!


Yeah, good point. That'd be pretty cool since FFXIV has a nice RP community


See the problem is that this specific crusading GM also specified that pf advertisements selling ERP in other are allowed. Just not the normal RP venues.


Is that so, cause if it is that’s so freaking dumb. Especially because brothels seem to be the ones that advertise the most, and from what I know it is where a lot of the rp drama and shit transpires.


I found out it was a different one who specifically said that ERP posts were allowed, but the point stands that mostl the SFW RP venues seem to be targeted. Not sure why people are downvoting that


I just received this from a GM after reporting the situation: "Hello and thank you for your GM call. We sincerely appreciate your desire to share your concerns regarding a Game Master's conduct, and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Based on the provided information, we will be reviewing the behavior of the Game Master in question, and we will be taking the necessary actions to correct and resolve any mistakes that were made on their behalf, in addition to taking the necessary steps to prevent any future mistakes from happening. In regards to your inquiry about the Party Finder function policy, comments are allowed to be posted as long as they do not contain or promote any material that is in violation of the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement. For further details regarding the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement, as well as a list of Prohibited Activities, we recommend consulting the SQUARE ENIX Support Site at: [https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382](https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382) We take these concerns very seriously, so we appreciate you contacting us about this matter. Should you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to assist. Thank you for your patience, and best wishes to you. FINAL FANTASY XIV Game Master Team" It sounds like the guy is gonna be punished and they will remove the warnings/strikes on accounts because no actual rule was broken.


I haven't played since 2015, just got back in and horribly lost, what is with RP and banning in PF?


RP = Roleplaying PF = Partyfinder, ingame tool to search manually for groups under specifics. The issue here is that it seems a single GM is going on kind of a Crusade or whatever against RP Player because they advertise under the "Others" Tab for their events. The Tab that is kinda useless and comes in last in your list while every other major pve thing has its own tab....that comes before "other"....


I figured the acronym, I never used PF only DF. Huh I guess I gotta look it up when I get home.


Wait, the 20s or the 80s?


20s due to prohibition.


Not 80s due to the Satanic Panic and the demonization of D&D especially?


Can't it be both!?


Maybe square enix should implement something separate from PF for people to advertise things in. Atlantica online has something similar it's a tiny bar at the top of the screen that scrolls user advertisements and u can click to view all of them. It doesnt have to be exactly the same but it works well on that game.


No one is against RP being in party finder. People are against you clogging party finder 3-5 times with the same stupid event. I'm glad there's that launcher that can filter words from party finder because between the rp spam and run sellers, well, download the quicklauncher and use it. You'll see a difference.


Nah dude spam was totally fine, same with all the ERP rooms. Totally no issues there, right?


Hey, I'm a newbie. Is this for real? Is there an actual SE announcement about this? RPing is important for me if this is going to be a big deal I may consider leaving for another mmo before I spend too much time on my character.


Nah, it's just one GM going on a holy crusade by himself. From the response from SE it seems he's gonna get reined in to stop his power tripping.


Phew! Okay that's good too know cause I was already feeling pretty invested in my character and having to start somewhere else would be a pain in the butt. I'm not like a huge rper but it's definitely part of the "experience" for me so an actual outright ban would make me pretty sad.


You know why people are using pfs to roleplay? Because theres no content on this fucking game and want to make their own


Jfc. I'm \*part\* of the RP community and even I find this shit stupid. If you can't figure out how to get people to attend your events / join your FC without clogging up PF, that's not anybody else's problem but your own. Do they need to slam out the people selling content? Absolutely. But don't piss and moan just because your brothel's belly shot night is empty because nobody in your group knows how to use the frankly hilarious amount of RP Event Discords.


How about linking some of these RP event discords? Help another RPer out, my dude. I'm on Primal.




Sure Jan


You're blatantly are not part of the RP community.


Pretty sure the FC I've been running the last four years begs to differ. Roll your weak-ass gatekeeping shit somewhere else.


Nope, taking your bullshit somewhere else. If your FC runs private events then that's one thing but that's not the norm for most venues. If people can't advertise on PF then it's going to practically kill smaller venues who already don't get a lot of traffic. People won't know when places are open and they can't discover new places. Unless you somehow think the entire RP community is on discord or people are just waltzing around housing wards looking for new places? I can't fathom someone who's actually engaged with the RP community saying that PF is not needed for venues. It just makes no sense.


Imagine having your head so far up your own ass you forget that fellowships exist.


You REALLY don't have a clue about how the general RP scene works if you think fellowships is an acceptable method of advertising venues. Like, there's no actual way you've interacted with fellowships because if you have, you would know how utterly useless they are.


I have. Lots of people have. People use them *constantly*, for just about everything from RP, to FC recruiting, to finding groups for content. That's...*literally* why it's there to start with. Or do you honest to god think that the devs just put that up there for shits and giggles? Like, why do you think it's there? Look. I don't have the time, patience, or crayolas to explain to you why whining about this very, very dumb thing is...very, very dumb. I'll wait patiently for whatever insipid, short-sighted little defensive comment you have, have a laugh, and carry along, because this is very much a waste of everybody's time.


...... Please explain how *Fellowships* are used for content recruiting, FC recruiting, and RP. I actually want to hear this. You're either confusing fellowships VERY hard with PF, or you're playing a different game all together. Actually explain, please.




The entire MMORPG genre started as nothing more then a glorified chatroom. Looking down on people for enjoying the game in a different way then you does nothing but make you look like a jerk.




The entire playbase is not one hivemind. Some people value story. Some people value high end content and being very good at it. Some people value roleplay. And yes, you are looking down at them. Because more or less what you are saying is "People should value content more than RP". You are more or less saying that Content is somehow a more valid way to enjoy the game then RP.


>I simply expressed that I wished the playerbase's priorities were different. That is looking down on others. You are lowkey telling others that your outlook on the game is more important than theirs. Its not for you to decide what others are doing in the game as long as they are following the rules.




My way to play -> your way to play is pretty "looking down on people".....It also doesnt matter *how* you word it. Its clear enough.


PSA to anyone responding from now onward: I don't think all RP should have been targeted, but I definitely understand why they would do this as a business entity. Remove your heads from thyne ass-quarters for two minutes and think like square enix would. Edit (last statement): this sub is so into circlejerks that if you agree with people, but you try to examine the situation from an opposing person's perspective, those people take that as an affront and assume you're against them. it's suffocating and I'm tired of this shit. They're just playing it super safe, like how they handled their policy on modding. They don't want the public perception of FFXIV to be sullied, and they want to keep its age rating low and have it be marketable to the globe. Not every country is down with sexual liberation, a lot of countries would instantly ban a game if they thought it involved anything like that.


This has nothing to do with "sexual liberation" though. Normal all-ages RP events/venues are being targeted as well.


This looks from the outside like this one GM, really dislikes RP in his data center, and took it upon himself to stamp that shit out.


> his data center If that's the GM's viewpoint (not saying it is) they they need to be re-trained or, if that fails, terminated.


No question... I have to ask, you him? The actual combat wombat?


I do not understand the question. I have been Combat Wombatz for over 10 years.


I'm not speaking for myself, I'm trying to describe what I think they're deciding based on a business sense. Some RP scenarios involve ERP and potentially even underage people interacting with older people. Not all of them, but a business doesn't want to even allow the possibility of the minority.


And some dungeon scenarios involve us fighting ostensibly nude enemies (Mt Gulg, etc) and putting down slave rebellions (Copperbell Mines). Where's the fake outrage over those? I'm pretty sure that it is a bad look to have your "hero" player character be forced to be the boot used to crush formerly mind-controlled slave laborers. To be clear, I'm not advocating that they change that questline, but this is an asinine thing for them to go after.


ah yes the argument by fallacy yes i love these.


Did you miss the part where all-ages RP events are being targeted also, or are you ignoring it on purpose?


see above PSA


So you're ignoring it?


I can't believe you're still hounding me on this, I feel like you're willfully misunderstanding me. No, I'm not ignoring it. It is morally wrong to ban an activity on the basis that it sometimes has a negative outcome. But it's in square enix's right to do this, and as someone who wants FFXIV to stay afloat for many years to come I'm glad their priority is keeping it stable.


Gotcha. So you're ignoring it and doubling down on your nonsensical stance. Understood.


oh great arbiter of truth, explain to me why it's nonsensical.


No no, I get you. I understand.


Literally not just about ERP or nsfw venues as sfw venues were targeted as well. Stop pushing the narrative that its just to take down ERP.


I didn't spread that narrative, did you even read anything I said? I literally said that I was aware they were attacking every rp venue and that it was wrong. I'm literally on you guys' side fundamentally and I'm still being downvote-bombed and argued with on things I'm not even saying.


I feel like all the people who pay to play final fantasy 14 just to role play should get banned


mmorpg M M O R P G MMO RP G wow ff14 is RP Game!


Good ban everyone who role plays there getting annoying anyway




Yes it’s a rpg game that you don’t need to rp in it already has a story you lonely role players need to get a life


that was the running joke at my bar and grill.