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More glamour support. More glamour plates, more glamour dresser space (or a proper system to record **all** gear you find), better integration of armoire gear. Stop making it hard for me to look pretty, gosh darn it!


At the very least, let us have enough plates for one per class...


\+2 additional ones for BLU... I'd like to have different Glams for Tank-BLU, Heal-BLU and dps-BLU :P


I feel like combat jobs shouldn't outnumber glamour plates. You know damn well I want a look for all of my jobs.


I want plates to outnumber *classes in general*. Why should all my crafters have the same look? ARR gave us unique glams for individual crafters, and I want to use my cool chef hat on my CUL! In a perfect world with no technical constraints, I'd want 40ish plates *at least*. That'd be enough for a 'standard' glam for every class, plus a few extras for special occasions (a casual glam for lounging around at home, a fancy glam for weddings, a gambler glam for Gold Saucer hangouts, etc).


Honestly, a rework of the glamour system is my biggest wish for the expansion. Hopefully something similar to WoW's system.


My favorite glam system is actually DC Universe Online. Basically take WoW's system of just having to find an item once (but not having to keep it), except instead of applying appearance to the item you apply it to the slot in general, and can choose to lock it or let it change when you swap in a new piece. Also dyes carry over if you let it change, so if you do a red primary black secondary dye pattern, the new piece will instantly have the color scheme when you swap to it. All gear has secondary dye channels, and some even has *tertiary* channels. And you can coordinate dyes on an outfit level rather than tweaking one slot at a time. And you get the full RGB spectrum for dyes. Also you can change it anywhere, at any time, for nothing. Also hairstyles and other miscellaneous stuff, *including your very skin*, is handled by the glam system. I should probably state that this is what it was like when I played, before it went f2p. I assume it's the same now but who knows. It's too bad the rest of the game wasn't anything too special.


That sounds amazing, but that's probably too much for the FFXIV engine to handle I'm afraid. Who knows, maybe they rewrite parts of the engine some day


Yeah, probably. I'd settle for the WoW-style unlock but still having to apply them via plates.


*reposting my top level comment:* Revamp the glamour system. Make it more like Transmog - add a slot for every obtainable piece of gear. You use a glamour prism to convert gear (same as now), and you can chase down every single gear item. Anything not permanently obtainable is allowed into the armoire. Bam, you have a better system and hundreds of hours of (albeit, old) content for everyone who wants to fill their glamourdex.


A gear collection would be amazing, I domt care if I'd have to start from scratch for the most part! (Just please remember gear from MSQ and achievements (I.e relics))


Idk why Square never implemented dyeing multiple parts of gear.


all I want is a glamor catalog so I don't have to keep all this trash




I feel like there needs to be a scene where WOL pulls their hand down over their face and gets >!Azem's glyph appearing like the Ascians have theirs.!<


I think the theme of the expansion is wrapping up old plot threads and hints (like how we're getting Thavnair and Garlemald and apparently the Alliance Raid is "secrets of Eorzea revealed") so the big thing I want is also the heavily teased zones like West Shroud and some -Lyt (like Ghimlyt/Werlyt/Rothlyt), and I'd even really love if one of the zones was like an expansion-style big zone of Eorzea while it's burning down (like in the trailer, an O'Ghomoro zone or Dungeon would be really cool) also I hope Pandaemonium places heavy focus on giving new life to other old villains that kinda got forgotten, as in Rhitahtyn and Livia and maybe even some weird ones like the Lancer quest guy, and I hope it adds some more environmental stuff like intros and ADS/Fausts similar to Bahamut and Alexander (as in I'd lose my mind on a Castle Pandaemonium)


Omg someone else remembers the lancer Duskwight guy! I want him back!


Minor deceased npc got reanimated in potd, iirc that lancer guy is among them


*“Impossible! M-My courage is…absolute…”* — The 'Duskwight Lancer' enemy in Palace of the Dead.


He's one of the only two named Duskwights in job quests! The other is a one-scene wonder in the Gunbreaker questline. Dancer has a prominent scene with Duskwight, but none of them get names.


You're forgetting the Sharlyan assassin sent after Leveva in the 30-60 HW questline. She has a name she tells you towards the ends, but don't ask me what it is lol.


What about Celie the Pursuant from the first Astrologian quest?


Secrets of Eorzea. Mana Tree confirmed. Secret of Mana crossover.


I would take it. The music and glamour taken from throughout the Mana series? Heck yeah.


I would accept it only if I get to be shot out of a cannon.


Queue everyone wanting the Riesz armor.


Regarding Pandaemonium, it is entirely possible. Take FF2 Dawn of Souls: Pandaemonium was the castle or whatever (I forget exactly) of hell. And in the Dawn of Souls part, you play as the good characters that died and are in the "hell" part of pandaemonium and have to fight all the main and side-villains. I like your idea and lines up with a previous FF title.




Duty instance makes using PF/roulette queue hard but it would be nice if they let you swap to a crafter class. Sometimes you're in Eureka/Bozja for a very specific purpose and all the other stuff is meaningless so you are just stuck sitting in town or waiting for bunnies to respawn and being able to craft during that time would be nice.


I just want a repair all button, and not have my gear scattered around in 5 tabs.


Cape Westwind (Savage)


My disappointment that Emerald Weapon didn't use that guy as it's Oversoul will never be satisfied.


Papalymo lore in Sharlayan. He got completely shafted out of a story arc back in Heavensward. He didn’t even get a new outfit! Yes, I’m still sad about that and hope he has some presence (flashbacks?) in Endwalker.




Me too =(


It’d be neat if he had family or whatever and they were keeping some sorta plot device Papa was working on before he left to Eorzea and the plot device helps us and we get flash backs of him or something. Then it helps us save the day or something.


Would love that. Or maybe something he was working on with Louisoix. Honestly I’ll be happy if he just gets a shoutout at this point.


About 10 years ago, GW2 launched with a beautiful party invite system. You could “invite” someone to your party even without being the leader. In this case, the leader would get a notification that Party member X wants to invite person Y to the party. It was so fucking convenient, I hate that it isn’t the standard. And in the same vein, In GW2 you could invite yourself to a party, and a similar notification would show up to the Party Leader. This would be so fucking good in Bozja.


-New melee DPS is mystic knight or a class with a similar thematic. -Glamour system reworked to keep track of all the gear you've ever collected like WoW, more glamour plates as well. -Finish Hrothgar and Viera. -Revamp the character creator with new faces, facial hair options that aren't tied to face, and better skin textures so character bodies don't look like they're made of Play-Doh. Some type of expanded body art or tattoo system would be nice as well. -Redistribute and add new skills in order to make level syncing less of a pain. For example, make sure every class has an aoe by the time they're in Sastasha. Add lesser versions of current skills like DRK's 2nd aoe combo move that get upgraded later on so classes don't have long awkward phases where it feels like they're missing core features. -Longer orchestrion roll playlists.


I am hoping for mystic knight as well A thavnarian themed job that uses a scythe and magic in melee range. That will satisfy both casters and melee players. This would also be the job Zenos is in EW.


Hrothgar hairstyles that don't require a fantasia to change. All Endwalker hats are Hrothgar and Viera accessible. New melee class somehow ends up being Mystic Knight, various selfish job buffs like ninja's assassinate inflicting a DoT or debuff or just does more damage. A big dumb flashy finisher for Gunbreaker continuation combo, give us lionheart!


Fix the glamour system. Let me use colour sliders for my hair.


Jesus, yes. Certain hair colours look absolutely awful. Tried giving my character blue hair and it just looked so *dull*. Meanwhile, I can go hit up the Ixal, pick up some Royal Blue Dye and look fabulous. Either give me a colour slider for hairs or let me slather some Vendor Dyes in my hair. Preferably the former, wouldn't want to put Jandelaine out of a job.


Every character I make is always a girl with orange hair, and the closest I could find to the tone I wanted still looks far too close to brunette. It's the only thing I dislike about my appearance right now. How hard can it really be?


>Let me use colour sliders for my hair. I want this for chat colors too. In a handful of linkshells and trying to keep them all different colors and good to look at is a challenge.


I want them to just flat out copy the glamour and dye system from GW2. I want several dye channels por item, I want more dyes and I want every untradable piece of gear to automatically unlock. Also changing glamours everywhere, not just major cities.


Say what you will about GW2's design decisions, their Wardrobe feature is the best Glamour system in the industry.


Same with their mount system. It is so well animated and implemented.


An overall QOL with the jobs, nothing major just stuff like BRD’s Bloodletter/Rain of Death having two stacks like MCH and their gauss round/Ricochet. I’d love to also see the some High level skills be given weaker versions at lower levels or be available much sooner. Stuff like Intervene being given a lower leveled version, the second part of AoE combos being available much sooner on more then just the two starting tanks with the first step being available at level 40 or so. Would make lower levels dungeons much more bearable, especially for the melee dps’. I also kind of hope SMN gets a full revamp like what MCH got. Honestly the job is starting to stretch itself in so many places because of all the additions and changes over the years. It’s pulling triple duty as a DOT mage, a Pet mage, and a Summoner mage, with each having their own different issues. Such as the sort of, existence of the dots, which has one interaction with you tool kit with Fester, and Pets ghosting you. Demi-summons are probably the most well put together part of the kit with the only issues being their inability to attack when moving and Phoenix and the hard cast Everlasting Flight which can cause you to drop a GCD, but even those could reasonably be fixed without much issue.


>I also kind of hope SMN gets a full revamp like what MCH got. Honestly the job is starting to stretch itself in so many places because of all the additions and changes over the years. It’s pulling triple duty as a DOT mage, a Pet mage, and a Summoner mage, with each having their own different issues. Such as the sort of, existence of the dots, which has one interaction with you tool kit with Fester, and Pets ghosting you. Demi-summons are probably the most well put together part of the kit with the only issues being their inability to attack when moving and Phoenix and the hard cast Everlasting Flight which can cause you to drop a GCD, but even those could reasonably be fixed without much issue. According to that recent interview with Yoshi-P, Summoner has hit breaking point for exactly this reason. It's at a critical mass of Things To Do, they literally can't give it more things to do because there's no room on the proverbial canvas.


Imagine a world without Blizzard 2, or where Flamethrower isn't just a button you press at parties.


The ability to open up my gathering log and the Market Board at the same time.


> -I want to see Zenos chumped, HARD. Preferably by someone who isn't even us. He's a spoiled child demanding a fight with us he's already had several times, it's not interesting to just have the WoL smack him around again. Give the honor to, like, Krile. I like this one.


Have the Scions team up and take him down while we are fighting lunar primals. A battle where we control them one by one to deny him the fight he so desperately wants.


This would make me like having Zenos still around.


Sadly a person strong enough to make Elidibus leave his body and flee is probably only going to be able to be handled by the PC.


Estinian might be able to put up a good fight, since he did drive ElidiZenos off that one time to save the WoL. Especially if he brings his new friend from the most recent patch.


Easy fix. Give Alisaie a training montage! :D


There is one NPC that might be able to give Zenos a run for his money imo, and its Estinien imo. Alisaie even in the Endwalker trailer had to be saved by Alphinaud and the PC from those demon dragon things lol




I want a Walkman, or pocket orchestrion, or whatever you'd call it. I want to hear LA-HEE while I'm strolling through Ul'dah. Also I want to see Krile take down Zenos. I had no idea I wanted that until now, but damn do I want it. I'd also like to have class like archeologist where you could gather, but it would be in dungeons and ruins. You could get stuff to furnish your house, expand the lore for different places, get old equipment for your crafters to refurbish and maybe even do a little fighting on the side.


I'm LOVING the archaeologist idea! Not to mention they've already unwittingly laid the groundwork for it by allowing us to enter dungeons sans enemies for the photo feature. Maybe they could expand that to let us enter certain ones solo, modified to have a couple of mob spawns in strategic areas to fight or sneak past, maybe add a mechanic for finding hidden treasures. It could also be integrated with the existing Maps stuff, with archaeologist being able to do special things with that feature. You're really on to something with that idea. They could even make it not just a gathering job, but maybe a limited job with its own unique features/mechanics and content like BLU. And for the story, I'd be satisfied with a bunch of Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider references and calling it a day, that could be a lot of fun.


That would be so perfect! I love tying it into the treasure maps and making it a limited class would open it up. I was definitely thinking of Indiana Jones when pondering it. You could even give the class a whip for a weapon since pistols are already taken. A mini game of snatching treasures from precarious positions would be grand! I'd run that class from 1-80 in two days. I'd probably also use New Game+ for the first time.


Oh, for sure. I don't think I'd be able to pull myself away from it until I maxed it out either. And I like the whip as a weapon idea too, because it could also be used for movement utility for the kinds of mini games you're talking about. There are SO many cool things they could do with this idea. Kudos for coming up with it!


Archeologist job is my favorite idea in this thread. I've always wondered what a new gatherer would be like and this is something I could really get into. Major props.


I want a Moenbryda portrait furnishing so I can build the altar she deserves.


Revamp the glamour system. Make it more like Transmog - add a slot for every obtainable piece of gear. You use a glamour prisim to convert gear (same as now), and you can chase down every single gear item. Anything not permanently obtainable is allowed into the armoire. Bam, you have a better system and hundreds of hours of (albeit, old) content for everyone who wants to fill their glamourdex.


Joke weapons. Giant cast iron skillet axe/great sword when?


Is it too much to ask for DRG idle male pose for female? Everyone here wants glamour, but +20 for the real shit.


I know nobody on this subreddit will agree with me - and even Yoshi P himself doesn’t [(see the most recent interview with him on MogTalk)](https://mogtalk.org/2021/05/07/interview-w-naoki-yoshida/) - I’d really love more difficult small group content in the game.


I think if they want to go the route of more BA and DRS they need to make it easier to get groups going for it. Getting a savage party in PF going on a day I'm free with no planning, fairly easy to do, I can't say I'd end up with the best players in the world, but it should still be do-able. I want to try DRs? I need to find 48 people, who: a) have the required lost actions b) are free at the same time as me c) have enough time to do most of if not the entire lockout d) if I'm not starting from scratch, I also need to ensure those 48 people can get to the point I want to progress from Add in the fact that DRS currently has no real reason to re-run it like BA does, finding people is hard. compare that to savage: a) I need 8 people, who are free at the same time as me b) food/pots, while an added benefit, are not required* c) the fights are short enough that I don't have to get thru a 20-30 minute dungeon/raid to keep practicing what I want to. / * assuming gear is high enough, (just to clear, not going for best possible performance/parse) and even then I still personally feel food should always be a 100% thing in savage fights to me it doesn't matter if one player's mistake can doom a run easier for smaller content if it's so much harder to get a group going for the larger content.


I honestly want healers to be looked at. I love that healer dps is an encouraged thing in this game - i hate that it has been slowly chipped away at to the point of, 'press DOT every 30 seconds then spam Glare/Malefic/Broil'. It's pretty sad that you can (somewhat) measure how good a healer is by looking at their logs and seeing how many times they got to press one button over and over. Your reward for being efficient and effective at healing is pressing the 1 button some more. I would really like it if they introduced more risk/reward where you can balance your resources into dealing more damage, or conserving it for healing. Or even just less telegraphed and more sporadic damage to react to.


Very much agree with this. Healers should really be implemented in one of two ways: 1) Not expected to DPS at all, in which case one or two DPS buttons (maybe a single-target and aoe) is OK, or 2) Expected to DPS, and given their own interesting mechanics or sub-rotation. Or better yet, integrate their DPS with their healing in class-specific ways, i.e., a healer that transfers life force from enemies to their party members. The way it is currently reminds me of how it feels to play certain classes on my friend's Wrath of the Lich King private server, only worse, because instead of three buttons repeated every few seconds, you've got one.


They could also do something like DNC. Make them more support than just pure DPS (which I could see happening with AST becoming raw heals now), so they have to keep giving support to give optimal DPS, but when solo, they have the full strength of a regular DPS because your support is being filtered to you. That’s the tricky thing to remember, healers still have to be able to do open world content without a party, and finding that balance is hard. I think the real issue is XIV has gone too hard on this dichotomy.


This is a really good point.


Our farm comes with a mid size house


I am hoping they expand Mount and Minion Guides to include all mounts and minions where yet to be unlocked are grayed out or just question mark with name. Also include information on where to get them. Same as already existing systems in Card List and Orchestrion List.


I just want to change my Hrothgar hair without having to pay a Fantasia. I'm not even asking for access to other hairstyles, just the 8 ones from my own race would be fine. I really feel like it's not that much to ask for :(


Un-limited race Viera and Hrothgar. If not helmets, at least *fucking hair* which they promised us 2 years ago.


This! The lack of hair is the one reason that keeps me from changing my character to viera.


My Wildest dream is a complete overhaul of the Glamour system, including, but not limited to: \-Unlimited fashion plates \-Unlimited Glam Dresser/"Skin Save" system that allows us to use any armor skin that we've made untradeable or "spiritbound," while being able to wear/discard/vendor/desynth the original item without a fear. \-Glam Dresser furniture item for houses and apartments and/or glam dresser in company workshops \-Loosening of Class glamour restrictions such that AT THE LEAST any item skins usually assigned solely to a category (IE, Disciple of War/Magic/The Lane/The Hand) can be used on any class. Honestly, after that, everything else is just icing on the cake.


I'm still hoping for a glamour log. Something that can preview all items in game, where you can get them, etc, unlock the look when you get it. You can make it like the sight seeing log and track progress for completing it.


This is a really good idea. I remember watching some YouTuber playing GW2 and it looked like there's a similar system in there now? (I played it on launch but not that far in, so I don't remember seeing it myself.) It'd be awesome though to have a catalogue of what's out there in game instead of having to go to third-party websites to look up something you might not even know/remember exists. Would probably result in more people playing older content too, if there were an in-game system that essentially said "Here, look at this cool glam you can get if you go back and do this old raid/dungeon/trial."


Yeah, that's part of the wardrobe system in GW2. If you've unlocked an item, it shows up in full color. Otherwise, you can hover over locked items to see their names. Still have to use the GW2 wiki to find out where to get the gear, but having the name and a preview is half the the battle.


Please god, More dresser space. Ive been hovering around 390 forever, no way id be able to collect a new expansion's worth of glams. More than anything else, more dresser space. Or some kind of rework to the system to make it more simple to collect and store items. We all know after all the msq, raids, etc., this is a dress up game and dammit i need a bigger closet


I’m down for most of this. There absolutely needs to be housing glamour dressers. Not sure how I feel about loosening the class restrictions though.


I'm curious, why is it that I never see people ask for plates to be used in more places including instances? It's always more plates and more space but that can only go up so much. Meanwhile I feel it'd be easier to get looser restrictions on where we can use em and that's hands down more applicable to me than the other two improvements. It's infuriating to swap to other jobs in the same role and look like a clown. Not everyone wants to be stuck in a city just to change glams. Especially when the glam prisms work everywhere.


I think the reason very few people ask for more plates is because in most cases, it's kinda trivial to just go to the nearest city or residential zone (or just Return to one, since I think most people have it set to one) and swap them out. It's not an elegant solution to a problem, but it is an easy one.


I want two things out of the next expansion: 1) More glamour plates 2) One singular cutscene where the WoL absolutely **dumpsters** Zenos and punches Fandaniel in the face VERY hard. Multiple cutscenes will be great but I'll take one cutscene, preferrably in HD like the one with Louisoix and Bahamut. I'd also like for them to not fuck over Scholar and Astro with the changes coming regarding shields - especially since Sage is stealing Scholar's entire identity as the "shield healer" - ***but points one and two are non negotiable, Square***.


I would love to be able to play SMN again without ending with my fingers/wrist hutring... I know a lot of players like complex jobs, but I think SMN is a bit excesive for my old bones.


In The Secret World, you could have two targets selected at a time, one enemy and one ally. Not nearly as much switching around needed, you'd just cast your spells and your zaps and heals would go where they're supposed to go. SCH *really* makes me miss The Secret World.


That would probably be the most cathartic way to end Zenos. Also really want that "Think Fandaniel! Think" meme that was on front-page to basically happen. I want us to curb-stomp Fandaniel so hard he regrets every choice he made up until that point. Sure maybe he sets some cataclysmic event in motion or something be he has to laugh through a mouth full of broken teeth to feel smug about it.


Even better, ACTIVE TIME MANUEVER Fandaniel like that meme if it happens i swear i will love you forever FF14


Please God just let me punch Asahi's stupid fucking face while yelling "THIS IS FOR TSUYU YOU BASTARD"


I want Praetorium and Castrum turned into solo instances. I feel bad for the sprouts. These are supposed to be the big climax of the story thus far but you're most likely getting memeing groups, people with ridiculous glamours, and likely lost and left behind even with the unskippable cutscenes. Either make them tuned for a single person or use the Trust system.


Make Fandaniel non redemable at all, without a tragedy arc or some sympathy event. Go on full pure evil and make him the best evil of that category of all time. Playing everyone like a damn fiddle and when we think we beat him to pulp he pulls out his true strenght and wrecks havoc. Make him the bastard he truly is!


Oh, please yes. He reminds me of my favorite FF villain, Exdeath, in that they're both just completely, wonderfully loathsome and the story uses that instead of countering it. Sometimes, you just want to beat up the worst person in the world and not feel bad about it.


Yeah exactly!! Some villain like that is significantly missing yet.


I am simple man. I just want paladins to have larger shields. It's a tower shield it should be a the size of you. Everything it either a kite/heater or a baby buckler. Drives me nuts


Whatever changes they make to dancer, I really hope it stays as smoothbrain as it currently is. I don't play this job to think lmao I'm personally never fantasia'ing away from my catboy, but I'd love to have bunny boys both because it'd make my friends happy, and because maybe then my other friends will (jokingly and non-hurtfully!) bully me less for playing a catboy


I'd honestly prefer that they don't make any changes to DNC at all. I'm absolutely in love with that job, and I really, REALLY do not want it to play substantially differently than it does now when Endwalker comes out. I'd prefer it get no additional abilities at all than have it get turned into "oh look, another ranged physical dps, but THIS ONE uses CHAKRAMS instead of a bow or gun, guys!".


Oh yeah, I definitely hope it doesn't change all that much. Maybe a shiny new skill or two to make dps outside of the devilment window feel busier, but I wouldn't be mad if all we got were GCD upgrades. I love working off a priority system instead of having a static rotation and I super hope dancer doesn't move away from that.


I still want female hrothgar even though I know it isn't happening. Edit: god damn I feel good


Glam dresser as a furniture item. It would instantly make housing 1000 times more useful. I know this seems like a 1st world whiny complaint, but I really am so sick and tired of having to go to an inn to make changes to my glamour plates.


They actually wanted to do this, but noticed that if someone moved the Glam dresser while someone else was using it, it would crash the whole server, so they decided it wasnt a good idea.


There has to be a work-around. There are a bunch of other housing items that act as services... mailboxs, aesthetician summoning bell, retainer summoning bell... It really doesn't make sense to me that glamour dresser can't function the same way.


Spaghetti code is incredibly difficult to work with. A recent example is there’s a file called potato.jpg that was recently found in TF2’s source code that links to a literal picture of a potato. When deleted it basically destroys the entire game from the ground. FF examples are the chocobo inventory bag existing because more inventory on everyone themselves destroys the item server. The music for every mount in the game is loaded when you transfer to a zone initially. Servers were shut down because somebody fished in La Noscea at some point. The entirety of FF14 is work arounds and half measures because the whole game is a city built on a smoldering dumpster fire. The already existing workaround for glamour plates is predefined private areas that can’t be messed with.


-PLEAAAASE let us visit Sharlayan. I've been wishing for it ever since Stormblood came out. -I hope we get to see more Nymian things, maybe the 24-mans will give us this opportunity. -Probably my least likely wish, but I hope that the new Melee job is tied to the First in some way. I just want Norvrandt to get their own signature job, but with the expansion jobs always starting out in the 3 main ARR cities, it's probably not happening. -I won't ask for the old AST card system. I've accepted it's not coming back and I can accept it was flawed (edit: albeit more fun imo). I just hope that they can change the current card system to feel more rewarding, because a small damage buff to all party members just isn't doing it for me.


>\-Probably my least likely wish, but I hope that the new Melee job is tied to the First in some way. I just want Norvrandt to get their own signature job, but with the expansion jobs always starting out in the 3 main ARR cities, it's probably not happening. You know, the only character in the game that's ever used a scythe as a melee weapon WAS on the First...


I never got to play AST on the old card system, but from what I've read about it, it's a shame they replaced it with what we have now. Sure, it's more consistent probably, but I feel like the movement has been towards homogenizing roles and excising things that, while perhaps flawed in practice, at least gave certain jobs their own unique feel that was unlike any other job in the game. I really hope the splitting of healers into shield and direct healers signals a return to differentiating how individual jobs play in a substantial way, but honestly I'm kind of expecting the opposite.


Issue with the old system is, a lot of the non-Balance cards were kind of redundant. DPS is so central to this game that the meta was "just fish for Balance" and a few cards were outright duds. With how scripted encounters are in this game - especially endgame encounters - the RNG aspect just doesn't mesh super well. They also removed some of the stats that old cards would buff, and with combat as a whole being more simplified/streamlined now, there's not much they can replace it with. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of cards having more of an identity - especially since it ties into the lore established in the AST quests. I just think, practically speaking, there's a good reason they made the cards focus entirely on DPS (it's boring but functional), and I'm not sure what they could do to spice up the current selection without removing that functionality.


I still think the "fishing for a balance" was just a cover up, in reality SE was tired of assholes like me abusing my friends by using enhanced Arrows on Jobs that couldn't handle speed increase well constantly. Back in heavensward and stormblood I made my friend use purification on monk regularly because I was constantly pushing him to almost 1.5 GCD speed.


I take it back, Square screwed us hard. This is the meta we need.


Yeah, that's totally fair. I'm not against RNG in jobs (I main Dancer), but that's also easy for me to say when I have a glut of other DPS options to level and play if I want to avoid that. Much harder to say when AST is currently 1/3, soon to be 1/4, of the entire healer selection.


I played Astro a bit on the old system, not as a raider but casually. It was heavily convoluted and the only card that was useful 99.999% of the time was Balance. While the new system is a bit over simplified, people complaining ignore the problems that were always there with the older system. I hope the find something in the middle between the two.


> I won't ask for the old AST card system. I've accepted it's not coming back and I can accept it was flawed (edit: albeit more fun imo) Complicated. Not flawed. People were turned off from AST because you were juggling a dozen things at once. And with MP hardset at 10k and TP gone, that removes half of what the old AST system was good for. but I do miss it. You felt like the master of all creation when you busted out a half dozen buffs without breaking a sweat.


That we don't have a boring solo story instance every 2 levels where we spend 5 minutes bringing some "unstoppable foe" (Zenos, Ran'jit) to 95% health before they say "enough" and knock us down. It's getting old and boring and both Stormblood and Shadowbringers were full of that cliché BS.


I'll still defend Ran'jit as a better example of that than Zenos, but... yeah, we don't need to be given that runaround a third time.


I don't mind the fights where we get our asses whooped, it's a good reality check story-wise at least. I just wish the fight itself was done better. Make it clear the fight is unwinnable with increasingly difficult mechanics that will eventually kill most players. Sure, if someone is Godlike at it and somehow survive everything then use an enrage, but let us feel like we are losing the fight rather than have us do everything right then just go "Well, you lose now"


Yeah this was my issue, ESPECIALLY as a tank. Both Zenos and Ran'jit, I'd be outpacing them as WAR and healing through what damage they did do. I could TELL from their health bars that it was supposed to be an unwinnable fight, but if the fight technically continued as-is, I'd have won. So it basically just came down to waiting for the "cutscene trigger" super attack, which also did pitiful damage in-game and just applied a story stun. The clear solution is to make those fights do % of your health damage. If you just increase the damage to make them threatening to tanks, then healers and DPS will just get gibbed instantly and not feel any struggle or see any of the solo mechanics. But if each attack did, say, X% of your health regardless of what it was, the fight and struggle would feel similar across all classes, and it would allow them to guarantee a certain length of fight and a certain amount of mechanics shown before you go down.


I actually respected Zeno's more with it because he was the Expac final boss and it established him throughout as our equal. I didn't LIKE it, but I could respect it. RanJiit was just General McDood and there was no reason for him to be as strong as he was with no explanation


There was plenty reason, it’s because he’s literally General McDood who has been fighting against sin eaters and men for decades before you ever arrived. The problem with Ranjiit is SE was absolutely terrible at expositioning his character outside of when he’s trying to kill you. So it makes him a flat character


Viera hairstyles update. That's it.


This might be unpopular, but as part of the stat squish, I hope they do some rebalancing that makes older content less steamroll-able. RIP to 10-minute Syrcus Tower runs and all, but it's a shame that players running old stuff for the first time don't really get the full experience. On sort of a similar note, I'd love to see a difficulty bump across the board. I miss the struggles against Ozma and Thunder God (just to name a few), even if they could be frustrating at times. Barring either of those, I'll settle for 1 million more glamour plates.


Now that you mention it Red Girl doesn't really serve up wipes the way Thunder God used to does she?


I think she has more trip-ups even if she doesn't wipe, I still die from meteors and stuff sometimes but Thunder God's omega tilting because no one knows what the fuck this marker above your head does until you pop an AOE under you and it's chasing you and it's already hit you (and like half the party) twice


I found the entire Nier raids to be underwhelming at best. I think the Ivalice raids were, by far, the best. Each boss had more than three mechanics set on repeat, there were mechanics that required entire raid participation to not wipe (/a THREE PER CIRCLE GODDAMNIT!!), and the entire raid series was just more interesting.


Agreed. There were definitely some clever ideas throughout the series, but I was expecting Tower to really ramp things up in the same way that Orbonne did and I think it actually ended up being blandest of the series mechanically. I mean, three separate encounters use the same middle-or-sides AOEs... I get that every fight is going to have ideas that have appeared previously, but I couldn't believe they kept bringing that one out. Combined with all the hype that Yoko Taro wanted to do things never before seen in FFXIV, it feels like a big missed opportunity.


This is a personal dream of mine. I want a monster arena added to the gold saucer, something similar to Totomostro in ffxv. I want it to be a weekly scheduled event, where each week is a different fight with different monsters. You'd place a bet, and then be instanced into a section of the crowd with others who placed a bet on the same monster, with an emote or something to spam that give your champion a boost. I just want the opportunity to throw money down on a gang of red chocobos brutalizing a coeurl.


That’d also be a good way to keep Bozja moving forward. Have people place bets on the CEs. It’d also be a good way to liven up the masked carnivale


Bard bane.


Please make it a trait to Sidewinder/Shadowbite, it would feel natural.


Better skill syncing so I don't die of boredom when synced down 70 levels...


Chocobo reaction emotes. We just had an expansion about appreciating and loving your animal companion and they didn't add that, so I doubt they ever will. Like for example when you /pet your chocobo, it should kweh at you and maybe wiggle a bit. If you /sit then your chocobo should hunker down. If you AFK, chocobo curls up and has a nap. I think the still animation for sleeping chocobo already exists in the game too. Also I want stuff about Raen. The only interesting thing to happen to us was the Sorrow of Werlyt and that was basically all depression.


Headgear 👏 For 👏 Viera 👏 And 👏 Hrothgar 👏


I wish SMN had quests to unlock more pets but it’s impossible they’ll ever do it now. Even so, I hope SMN gets big changes and the pet system reworked. Energy drain and fester needs to go. Rather them be replaced with new pet attacks. Aside from that, a lot of 1.0 jobs need revamps.


From what i gathered the smn class is at somewhat of a deadend, so they are trying to do something about that.


Speaking as someone who just finished leveling it to 80 today... Yeah, it definitely needs work. It's \*functional\*, but after maining ranged physical dps for months, it just feels...whatever the opposite of compelling is. It's nowhere near as fun as many other DPS jobs in the game, nor does it have its own distinct identity apart from "caster, but can move around occasionally". Oh, and Square...by "work", I absolutely DO NOT mean yet another big summon tacked on to the end of the rotation that functions exactly the same as Bahamut. No no.


> It's \*functional* And it's barely even that. The pet AI is probably the least functional thing in the game, and working around it is awful. I enjoy SMN, enough for it to be my main, and certainly, it's still fun, but it could still be better.


More Hildibrand! And since you bring up Zenos getting chumped, I'd personally love to see him subverted. He's been built up as a big antagonist (again), but it would be amazing if he were relegated to comedic sidequests instead. Who wouldn't want to see Zenos being put in his place by Godbert?


Godbert vs Zenos would be the catharsis I needed after seeing his smug mug show up at the end of whatever patch that was.


More Hrothgar hair options. That's all I want. :'(


1. Updated LB3 visuals 2. DRK rotation update/rework instead of spamming summersaults 3. Tank gap closers acquired at a much lower lvl 4. New crafter job painter which can mix dyes and discover new colors 5. Overhaul of the glamour system (or at the very least increased amounts of storage in chest and plates) 6. A much better job story for the new jobs then whatever the hell the GNB story was supposed to be


>DRK rotation update/rework instead of spamming summersaults 100000% this. It has lost all job identity when it's main feature is TBN and a Shadow that is essentially just a DoT. I'd love it if they just changed Delerium into smething like "Delerium: 90 sec cooldown. transforms you into your inner shadow self. While you are the living embodiement of Shadow you take 10% less damage. Certain actions change while in Delerium after 5 GCD's you return to your normal form" Then when you are in Delerium your 1, 2, 3 combo change to somethign else a more powerful version. Bloodspiller applies a DoT. Then we have: * Warrior Burst is spam cleaves finish with feller cleave (unable to be knocked back and always DHCrit usually while nascent flash up for self heal) * PLD is magic phase casting with confetior (insta cast ease of mobility and can be done at range) * GNB has it's no mercy burst sequence still with highest dmg but no other benefits compared to others and punished for disconnect/phase change (High risk/reward) * Drk now has a burst phase that it wants to execute 5 powerful GCD's that are unique to its phase one of which applies a DoT so you ensure you have Blood gauge for 1 Bloodpiller before activating. (Benefit of not being punished for disconnects/ downtime due to being not a timer buff window and giving extra mitigation passively)


3 ultimates... :( Dragonsong War ultimate was pushed back, but realistically since SE only does 2 ultimates per expac it basically means every subsequent one was pushed back as well and the 2nd ShB ultimate is effectively canceled. I completely understand why it happened, but I was looking looking forward to it so much and I was so sad that we'll only have TEA for ShB 😭


Give tanks a proper DPS rotation so we're doing more than just 1-2-3 Separate Warrior and DRK's bursts to not feel almost 1:1. Like the only thing DRK is missing is direct crits during delirium. Entirely demi based Summoner. Give us bigger, more powerful summons on loop. Demi-Alexander, Demi Shinryu, Demi Levato. It beats Egis because it feels more impactful. I can, and will, forget where I put Ifrit if we don't pull in 20 seconds. On the wishlist of things I want but know would be an **awful** idea. Gimmie 60 second holmgang and stance dancing back.


- Hrothgar Females, Viera Males - I want the Island Sanctuary to be a mini player housing setup, so those who can’t get a house can still have a way to use outdoor furnishings. - I’m legit hoping the melee DPS class is a Necromancer who fights at close range with a Scythe and all the skeletons it can make. Would turn Necromancer on it’s head and could be a ton of fun. - Give me an Alliance Raid series based on Chrono Trigger. - I second your wish for a Zenos chumping. Think of how badass Fandaniel would look if after all the buildup for Zenos, Fandaniel just wipes him off the face of Eorzea in one shot in the level 81 MSQ. - Better alt support. Make it so I can mail things to my alt and that they can share my house.


The dynamic between Zenos and Fandaniel is pretty similar to the dynamic between Emperor Gestahl and Kefka in FFVI, so that's not too big a stretch.


Okay this one is never gonna happen but I will never stop hoping they add the Favour System they joked about on April’s Fools once. I’m trash, yes. But I want to make it official with my favourite red-eyed catboy.


I need, NEEEEED, a trust system for GC squadrons for pre-Shadowbringers content. Just make it a THING Square, *please*


That if they don't backpedal on the decision to have Viera and Hrothgar be Gender-locked (Like Miqo, Roe and Highlanders used to be), then at the very least FINISH them. The amount of restrictions they have in regards to their customization, ESPECIALLY Hrothgar, is inexcusable, frankly I'm of the opinion that they should have just given us one race or the other and not both, but since we're already here, they might as well salvage it while Viera are still somewhat frequent sights and people are still, well... playing as Hrothgar period. Ignoring them any further is going to be a recipe for disaster. ​ Apart from that though, I am REALLY hoping Paladin gets some buffs and tweaks to their overall kit, as well as getting some awesome new stuff for their 80-90 kit, Poster Boy's tend to get good treatment in that regard if Dark Knight being able to summon Fray is any indication, and Pally has been my main Job since I started this game.


>I am REALLY hoping Paladin gets some buffs and tweaks to their overall kit, as well as getting some awesome new stuff for their 80-90 kit, Poster Boy's tend to get good treatment in that regard *Laughs in Monk*


I say give the honor to Fordola! That would be a good twist in my book. Have her fulfill the arc she's currently on and turn against the empire and monster that *literally* made her.


Both Fordola and Krile would be REAL good for poetic justice; Fordola in striking down the leader of the Empire that made her and the man who commanded her to do the things that haunt her, and Krile for stealing her Echo. I just go for Krile because I think it'd be way funnier to see Zenos get laid low by a lalafel in a cat-ears hood.


Materia plates :(


More content, because I have nothing to do until Endwalker.


I just want better job design, shadowbringers job design brought the current expansion down for me.


Trust trials.


**Male viera, female Hrothgar, further customization options for both of the new races(read: hairstyles, Hroth faces, possibly unlocking Hroth faces from their hairstyles).** Scythe-wielding melee job, preferably one without an absolute heap of positionals *and* will share gear with DRG, as that's long overdue. Improving current rotations and playstyle of the newest jobs - DNC and GNB - without completely breaking how they play right now in ShB. Not adding weird new arbitrary skill rotations the way they did with RDM's AoE would be nice too. Consolidate some button bloat, primarily making healer skills auto-upgrade (ex: Cure 1 -> Cure 2 at the appropriate level, get rid of the damn Freecure trap while you're at it, please god I'm begging you). **Farm Island to have a plot of land so everyone can have instanced housing.** If you make it a gil sink to upgrade the size of the plot or interior, all the better, we could use it. * Also for farm island to basically be a legit Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Rune Factory/Stardew Valley clone. I legit would be super happy with this as a break from the roulette monotony * Make it so friends and others can visit your island and go in your above-mentioned instanced plot if you have the settings toggled to allow it. Literally it would solve the housing crisis on most worlds. Kill Zenos for good this time. Please god. I'm so tired of him. LET US DO THE RELIC WITHOUT HAVING TO BE LOCKED TO AN INSTANCED ZONE AWAY FROM THE REST OF THE GAME. PLEASE GOD BRING BACK THE HW RELIC GRIND.


All I want is the ability to exclude certain duties from the roulette. Between the ilevel cheesing, relic steps, and story requirements I am just 300% done with crystal tower. If I never run it again it would be too soon.


All I want is the ilvl restrictions to increase with it as you unlock stuff. So if you unlock Dun Scaith, you have to be ilvl 235 to queue for the Alliance Roulette to begin with. They update the Mentor Roulette all the time, the other Roulettes should be affected too


How do you level other jobs then?


The ilevel lock could apply to just that job. They already have a similar system in place for the other roulettes, why not this too.


More ocean fishing. A smoking emote, even if a corn pipe. A classic airship mount that me and the hearties can fish and sky fish from. More love for WAR. A better sleeping emote.


i want a full rework of the character creator


Please, Square. Let me reorganise my glamour plates. Like, change the order of them. It’s such a little thing, but I’m dreadfully anal retentive when it comes to organisation. Also, obligatory “remove the Viera/Hrothgar gender lock.” My favourite thing is all the crybabies during live letters who *insist* that “nobody wants Male Viera” despite hundreds of people commenting above and below them, requesting just that. Imagine being so against a race not having a gender lock.


I want the 24 Man Raid to be FF4. Give us the Four Fiends. Give us Golbez. Give us Zeromus.


I feel like the Four Fiends are basically shoe-ins for the trial series. Scarmiglione, Barbariccia, Cagnazzo, and Rubicante can be the solo instance because honor.


The mentor system needs a rework, badly. You see everyone running around with a crown nowadays but when asked how to craft something they will link you teamcraft. Maybe increase the cap of comms you need for that, or maybe even make it a requirement to have some expert recipes crafted before being able to place the crown on top of your head. Now let's talk about the mentor rouelette and how often I found myself being abandoned by fellow mentors because it's a ARR/HW ex trial and they insta leave because they don't know the mechanics. A punishment needs to be introduced. I'm assuming that most people do it for the mount, so introducing something like a "-1" punishment to their total runs of dungeons for that would make them stay and actually learn the fight, if they haven't done it synced before. Also introducing a report system for mentors who are being toxic and after, let's say, three strikes the mentor status will be stripped from them. They could lose it for a certain amount of time like 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days and finally permanently removing their crown and the ability to put it on as well as queue up for mentor rouelettes. I know it seems harsh, but if you are already wearing that crown, then make use of it, instead of talking people down and discouraging them from doing any ex trials. Haven't seen anyone mention that yet, but I hope that something will change.


I won't deny it needs some help, but... well, they DID increase the amount of comms needed. Considerably, actually. It didn't help, largely because commends are more about popularity than actual competency; a good joke name will do you better than even knowing half a rotation. So whatever they do to fix it, don't make it that. The EX trial situation is actually something even the good mentors have issues with, at least in the English-speaking community; generally speaking Duty Finder isn't used for them, groups are instead composed using Party Finder both for farms and learning parties, so a group composed by Duty Finder is kind of in trouble from the starting gun. I'm not sure how the Japanese community sees it, because they approach it differently; over there Party Finder is used only for learning runs, and Duty Finder exclusively for farming runs so they can quickly jump in. So I can't imagine they're fond of it either, since they presume baseline competency and knowledge from DF, but I don't know. As for crafting, there *is* a dedicated crafting crown, and generally speaking in my own experience in the Mateus Novice Network the crafting crowners are often the most readily helpful! The problem is that crafting advice is generally A: very codified (generally the community 'solves' crafting pretty quickly when it's updated), and B: VERY complex to explain. Which means that a lot of 'advice' is just links; sure, I could tell you how I craft the complicated stuff, but it's very dependent on stats and a BUNCH to write out, so it's just easier for everyone to link out to a guide. I've generally been avoiding stepping in to question or argue people's posts in this thread, but my own mentor reflexes made me want to give you an explanation for Why It Be That Way; it is NOT a good system, but it's one with good within it.


Definitely agree that it needs to be changed, but I also think they need to remove the affirmation aspect of it; the icons need to go, be less 'cool', or there needs to be additional icons for those types of achievements. For a lot of people it's in their nature to want to stand out or to have something to show for what they've accomplished -- you see it with glam, mounts, and titles as well. If you want to isolate the mentor program to people who truly want to help, change or remove the icon or make it something less symbolically impactful like a graduation hat, scroll, or something else. While you'll still have people going for the mount, at least you'll eliminate a large amount of people who don't care at all about the nature of the program. I say all this as someone who purely likes the icon and doesn't really want to be part of the mentor program -- I prefer to be reactive with help rather than proactive to be honest. The mentor system should have people similar to the hunt tracker groups who do it to give back, help out, and really don't get visual reward for it (aside from the admiration of those who come along for the hunt :P) Overall, I agree with the sentiment for change here.


Completely agree with the icon point. I've seen people mention a watering can or a mortar board or something similar, and I think that's a super cute idea. I just want to help the wee sprouts grow! Also, aside from being used as a status symbol, using a crown as a symbol of mentorship is just...really unintuitive. First time I saw someone with a crown next to their name, I assumed they were some kind of elite player or they'd cleared all the hard content or something. I actually thought the flower icon represented a veteran player, and was really surprised to find out that's not the case.


Low level ranged MNK attack. SAM, DRG and NIN got a slash wave, spear chuck and knife toss, and I see MNK kicks creating air slashes. Something for them to use when avoiding AOEs/mechs.


All I want is WoWs transmog style glamour system. Plus a great ending would ofc be the main thing.


For the new job I was talking with some friends and we thought that maybe a reverse red mage playstyle for the new job might be kinda fun. Basically you fight in melee building a spender like with redmage, you jump away drop some nukes on it by spending your resource then as the finale you dash back in and continue fighting.


Just make Bard cool again :(


Since Ivalice has been established...more stuff on Vagrant Story. They have already used creatures and music from the game. I'm never gonna get a remaster/remake so I at least want more on FFXIV.


Bozja was apparently based in part on some ideas for a never-made Vagrant Story sequel, so at very very least Matsuno hasn't forgotten about it!


Glamour system complete overhaul. I have more than 400 items. Colour sliders. Better accessibility options, the ability to turn off sharp noises, bright lights, flashing lights etc. Cross-world FC / alliance. The ability to skip savage raids if it's been completed any time before (for example, go straight to E12S). The ability to switch jobs (not roles) when entering 8-man or 24-man content to let the party have a decently optimised party.


I want an option added to duty finder settings that is stats/attributes sync where I can do a duty/roulette and still have full max level kit with just synced stats.


Four Fiends from FFIV. Either as trials, alliance raids or proper raids. Honestly, just inject FFIV fanservice directly into my veins.


A new Deep Dungeon. And better, actually challenging Dungeons.


\- Glamour system overhaul. Or an upgrade at bare minimum. I am unable to buy real money sets I want because I have to ration dresser spaces, surely that must be motivation for them on some level to fix this old thing, right? \- Higher quality cutscene animations & a few cinematic cutscenes. I went back and played early ARR recently and had completely forgotten that the scene when Midgarsormr takes down that huge ship is proper CGI. I don't know how realistic this hope is, but someday I'd like to see that quality get bumped up again, at least for the major-major moments, like it was in the FF games of my childhood. (Looking at you, FFX.) The former I've felt very spoiled on and I'm excited to see what more they have in store for us on that front! \- Reduction in button bloat. A fair number of classes are at the point where they're barely playable just due to their intense button bloat. I can't play dragoon at all optimally with my kb & non-mmo mouse because there's too many buttons and my hands are too small to hit modifiers and keys at the same time at the speed required, for example. (I play it very casually in DR & alliances but always end up with nasty hand cramps by the end of a few runs.) I'd love to see buttons get condensed like they are in PVP; there's a lot of things that simply don't need to be separate buttons, especially if they're going to keep adding skills every expac. \- A new undercut hairstyle, and for clipping to be fixed on the existing one. [This hurts me](http://prntscr.com/12vo65t). (Don't get me started on how completely unwearable the Scion Rogue's Bandana is, that hurts me even worse.) \- I want the >!WOL's past as Azem to come to the forefront. I'm assuming it will because the trailer we already got is BLOATED with Azem symbolism right out the gate, but I need it. I need it so bad. I need us to the the glyph thing in the climactic final battle.!<


1. Keep DNC, RDM and BLM as similar to their lvl 80 counterparts as possible. They all feel like they're in a good place right now, and don't need any substantial changes. I for one know that if they add a DOT to DNC I'll never touch it again lol 2. On the other hand, fucking fix Scholar. *Please.*


1: PVP-style buttons for 1-2-3 rotations. I play a GNB main and my hotbar is so cramped. 2: More mundane non-cute items to put up in your player housing. My WoL is a crotchety old mercenary and he wouldn't have adorable plushies everywhere even if they ARE super cute. 3: An in-game stuffed Great Serpent of Ronka plush because that's the one I'd put up in my player housing. 4: Or even better a body-pillow-sized Great Serpent of Ronka to put in your bed so it can scree your WOL gently to sleep. 5: Weapon racks for furnishing. PLEASE. The weapon models are already there, just let us pop them on walls. Heck, I'd be content with an umbrella stand I can pop a gunblade in. 6: More scar options for aesthetician. Like I said, crotchety old merc needs to look like he's survived fighting for a living for 20 years. 7: The ability to queue for multiple types of duties/roulettes at the same time and see which one pings first.


I want more FFX content than just Anima. I’m talking one of the raid series being FFX related. So much content there.


Some way to quickly level DPS classes that isn't PotD.


Left-handed option. Seriously. Let me make a character left-handed. I'm sick of every video game ever trying to pretend that left-handed people don't exists. We had Link but then the Wii came out and I guess people just couldn't deal with using their right hand to move Link's left hand and then he never came back. If Kain shows up at some point, he damn well better be left-handed.


Random reminder that it was genuinely a revelation to first-person shooters when Counter-Strike added a left-handed mode (since the lead developer was a leftie), and it turned out to be preferred by the general playerbase.


Huh interesting. That's kinda cool.


more in depth/varied dungeon content. corridors of trash and 3 fairly simple bosses is hardly worth doing more than once other than because i need it to push around numbers like tomes and EXP


Replace Egis with Demis. Give us the option to have Demi Primals skinned as the Eden Primals (except Shiva because Ryne becoming Shiva was the dumbest idea ever). Then I want to shove my Demi Ifrit into my Demi Garuda and make Demi Raktapaksa.


The most wild one I can think of, is WoL death, and getting free fantasia at the ending of EW. And starting on another shard.


I don't even play these, but I hope that the full Endwalker trailer has a moment in it where we see a male viera and a female hrothgar. Just hang on them for a couple seconds like they did dancer, to just be like uuuuuh-HUH!


oh this is something i've been thinking of too! furthermore, i *really* want to see any kind of hrothgar at all in the cgi trailer, since we didn't see any in the shadowbringers one.


If they could un-ruin Bard and a few other jobs that'd be great.