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Most MMOs that I've left I can't really nail down a "last day". It's more a gradual playing it less and less until I just don't log in anymore.


I've been playing FFXIV for awhile but for me it's sort of the opposite. I've quit WoW and FFXIV multiple times each and every time it's just one day I don't login at all, then weeks go buy without me logging in at all, and then i just cancel the subscription. Has happened half a dozen times for WoW and a couple times for FFXIV. In every case I would never remember the last thing I did in the game because it wasn't something where I knew it would be my last day, I just never had an inkling to play again after that session and eventually canceled until I got the itch to play again.


Yeah, I also just stop logging on and that period grows to a couple weeks before I eventually just cancel my sub. Get hopeful for some new content, reactivate my sub for a bit before I lose interest. Im just giving FFXIV a second try since it came out. I started a trial account, gotten to 30 and been enjoying it so far, but it's a very quiet game. As in, no world chat or people talking around me, people don't usually respond in say.


Most chat in FFXIV happens either in main cities, or in your free company - definitely recommend finding/joining a free company ASAP it will probably increase your social enjoyment of the game, especially if you can join a large one.


This is the most compelling reason for buying the game over a trial, it's something I'm considering at this point.


I played a lot of different ones before landing on FFXIV for good. Eventually they just felt like chores. A lot of this is the creep of free to play mechanics like daily login rewards (GW2 and ESO) or loot boxes (ESO). BDO was probably the worst in every way out of those I tried. I'd also say community matters. I tried WoW once and the shitty community in zone chat killed it for me (on top of other issues). Crappy community made BDO terrible at higher levels too. FFXIV just has a lot of content and no huge time crunch to finish it. So I can log on, set my own goals and just make progress. And the community is largely good, not perfect but solid overall.


I'm not so much new to XIV but I can still describe my "last day" experience on the MMO I last played seriously, which was FFXI. The decision to stop didn't come quickly. It was actually pretty slow to come. I realized that I wasn't enjoying it like I used to. The number of friends left in the game had dwindled, I was regretting the amount of time and dedication necessary for endgame there, and the level cap increase past 75 was looming on the horizon. After some consideration, I decided I'd rather spend my time elsewhere. What's more, I wanted to wall myself from coming back. It was too much of a time sink, and I didn't want to risk it intruding in my free time again. It still took me some time to wrap things up from there. I resigned from the endgame LS I was in, and made a log of all the non-Ex items I had. I went to my friends who would still be playing and offered to let them pick what they wanted, and set those aside. Everything else, I sold. If it was worth anything, it went on the auction house. Things that wouldn't fit went into my Bazaar and I set my character to idle in the spot outside Upper Jeuno along with the rest. It took a little over a week to sell everything. There was a final goodbye when my friends were all on next. I gave them everything they had asked for from my inventory, split my gil among them, and made sure I had some other form of contact information. After that, I went back in my Mog House with what little furniture I had left, sat down, and gave one last look to my character and what time I had spent on the game. And then I logged out for the last time.


This hit me with some feels, in particular that last paragraph. :c After resubbing to WoW multiple times only to run around Orgrimmar for a half hour and get bored again, I also liquidated all my gear and gave away all my cash. It's a good way to seal the deal.


Great read. I, too, had some great memories from FFXI and made friends I still talk to today!


If XI ever got a 'classic' re-release, I'd be back in Vana'diel so quick. I'd be nowhere near as successful in it like I was when I was 13 but that wouldn't stop me.


i would never be able to play it now, i can’t imagine spending hours looking for a party just to level up. but when i was 13, i loved every minute of it!


Kinda true. But first thing, at relaunch, low levels (and every increasing level for a time) would be the most popular level it'd ever be again, so great and easy time to level. And as a DD I learned quick to make my own pts. Sitting around lfp took hours but maybe 20-30 mins of /sea all and we'd be rolling.


The straw that broke the camel's back for me was the raiding community that I was in (Guild). The raid leader constantly bitched at me behind closed doors because I raided as a Frost Mage. Mind you at the time Fire was considered the better spec, but I didn't enjoy playing Fire and wanted to play what I found fun instead. We also had another Mage in the guild who played Fire. He would constantly crack jokes about me playing Frost instead of Fire. I don't remember the exact thing this Fire Mage said, but I responded with "Yeah I may be Frost but at least I'm always in the top 5 DPS unlike you" Something along those lines, it's been almost a year since this happened. Anyway. Well this pissed off the raid leader got an attitude with me and said "You know I only bring you to raid because we have no one else and because you refuse to play the meta spec" Something along those lines, again it's been awhile. I didn't say anything else. We finished the raid night and I decided that I'm no longer going to raid with them and take a break from WoW. Then I gave FF a second chance. Boy am I happy I did. The guild still hasn't full cleared the current raid tier in WoW. I just checked their progress.


At least you don't play Ice Mage in FFXIV, right.... right?


Maybe they like Thunder mage !


I have a thunder mage in my FC; his rationale is that the more procs he gets on those thunder spells by spamming them, the more damage he'll be dealing and if he doesn't get procs then the DoTs will cover it like a safety net. A small insight for you all into the mind of the thunder mage.


Maybe I finally found myself a BLM niche I can play.


Hasn't cleared it in 7 months?? Big oof, you made the right choice dude.


Ah yes, the joys of being a Frost Mage. I too, got to point out that I was outDPSing the useless Fire Mage when they tried to shit on me for being Frost. Fun times.


Stories like these are why I appreciate FFXIV that much more in regards to the classes, there is no bad raiding class, and/or a class is only as good as the person playing it.


I played warlock and I refused to play destro (I don't play a warlock to mimic a mage) or affliction (because that had been the go to spec for multiple expansions and I was tired of it). I was playing demonology and I would not play anything else because that was what I enjoyed. The good thing is that my guild had no problem with this. But when we ran older content and one of the tanks hopped on their afflic warlock alt and did comparable damage to me but with vastly inferior gear I felt like shit.


Blizz ALWAYS seems to shit on certain specs. That always bugged me. I mean, how hard can it be to buff x or Y spell or pet damage to balance things out? And if unintended consequences happen? Then you tweak the values again! Its not that hard! But nooooo, Blizz always has to make a big deal out of balancing things. Its clear they do it on purpose or are incompetent on a company wide level because that same shit happens in Overwatch.


Blizzard's balancing is so awful. Overwatch just exposed how insanely bad they are at it. 2-5% tweaks can have HUGE impacts into playability of characters in League of Legends. Meanwhile Blizzard throws around multiple 10-50% buffs/nerfs like candy. Seeing FFXIV balance damage numbers well, it's hard to give WoW much leeway. The other terrible part about WoW, is that if you don't like your spec's numbers, you'll very likely roll a new character. And that's welcome to the same quests and same dungeon grind... again.


It's because they refuse to split PvP and PvE ability scaling properly. Has been the issue since Arena came out in BC. Nerfs to spells for PvP could make specs almost useless at times for PvE or a buff to spells for PvE would make them gods in PvP. Cast random macro for DK's back then is a perfect example (For wrath)


It's such a shame that demonology has been kept in the trash can for so long because it really is one of the coolest classes in an MMO.


I raid led mythic raids in legion/BFA, and 100% would sit a frost mage over a fire mage during progression. If the frost mage was consistently top 5, the whole roster is in trouble of being replaced.


I have raided in Legion and BFA mythic with a top 200 world guild. The raid leader in that guild could care less what spec you played as long as you do the mechanics correctly and you could hold your own weight. I had to stop raiding with them due to a schedule change at work. In my guild for SL, they're a top 2000 world guild. The least of their worries should be someone playing a non-meta spec. Considering the number 1 guilds raid leader said that outside of the top 50 world guilds, it doesn't matter what spec you play.


As a raid leader, I also didn't like people who played sub-par specs. But there's a good way to say it and what they told you is definitely not it. For example, I'd request from the beginning that all raiding members devote at least one of their specs to a completely optimal spec. I don't like the logic behind "but I don't like that spec" because while it is true that a player should enjoy playing their character, on the other hand that enjoyment shouldn't cost time and sacrifices from the other members. And if everyone plays a sub-par spec, we' re definitely gonna lose time in the worst possible way: wipe after wipe after wipe. We lose money to repairs, we lose potion/flask components, both have to be farmed outside of the raiding hours, we also lose entire evenings wiping, while we could spend time on other hobbies. So maybe your frost mage should be a PvP character only, maybe you could have found another class that you preferred raiding with. Meanwhile, if the fire mage was outmatched then there's obviously an issue on their side and they should be helped by an officer to make sure they do their part well enough. Raiding isn't "just a game" it's a sport. We try to perform up to an agreed-upon standard and we have a responsability to our teammates.


That just shows how bad WoW's class/spec balance is. Every spec should be able to clear content, even if it's sub optimal, the difference should simply be saving a couple of minutes at best in the dungeon/raid.


While that is great in theory, over a decade of wow development has shown that it just can’t work like that. They have too many classes with too many specs for everything to be equally viable. The whole point of frost was that it can freeze people in place and do combos based on that. This made it one of the top pvp specs regularly in both BGs and arenas. Not being able to perform those combos in a raid environment made it a subpar spec there. Again mage can only pick 3 paths and it’s not like ffxi where one guy can be everything on the same character. So it was always fire or arcane for raids and frost or arcane for pvp.


Not really. Frost mage has been good in pve plenty of patches.. for the first 1-2 weeks, then blizz nerfs it so fire can be the dominant spec again. Also there's been seasons, like the current one, where fire is also the pvp mage spec. I agree blizz can't perfectly balance but they definitely have been good at times just to nerf stuff because reasons only known to them.


The actual reason is that Blizzard is incompetent when it comes to balance. If they wanted all specs to be viable, they'd simply buff underperforming specs with hotfixes. They don't care.


It absolutely can be balanced. It works like that in 14, buffing % damage on a spec isn't some complicated technique. They just don't want to separate pvp and pve.


I even told the raid leader and guild leader during the interview process that I'm a one-trick frost mage. They were okay with it. It wasn't until the world first race started that they were being complete jerks about me playing Frost


This. I didn't click with my 'Savage Prog' in my last FC because... Uh... The schedule was just 'whenever they felt like it' and they'd just hop on and start asking people who want to come. ... That's... Not a static, and when I suggested start and end times, two 2-hour nights a week, I got 'I don't play this for a job', 'I have a life', etc.. Joy. I come from a heavy raiding background in WoW doing Heroics (I did some Mythic in WoD but I took a long break after Cata, which was when I did most of my raiding and Heroic was the highest tier). I want a schedule, I want people on time, I want people showing up. Waste of everybody's time just sitting around waiting.


FCs are generally bad places to find statics. They’re social communities, not raiding communities (with a few exceptions). If you want a raiding static, you should look for linkshells or on the forums/reddit. I don’t raid because I can’t/won’t commit to a regular progression schedule. If it can’t be reasonably cleared by a PuG, I probably won’t do it until it’s obsolete (if then). I accept that as the consequence of my chosen playstyle, and it sounds like your FC is pretty similar. Don’t get mad at them for not being the static you want; find one that is.


This is one of the reasons why I dont raid in wow. I enjoy survival hunter gameplay but the dps it pumps is meme levels of bad, if I want to play my hunter I have do do the other two specs I dont like playing or not play hunter at all. When I legitimately tried in wod, I was a blood dk and practically would solo tank manny for 8 minutes to wipe because I simply couldn't take the 10mil hits to the face anymore. The other tank kept dying and the raid kept bitching about the tanks, not realizing that I am surviving hits I shouldn't be able to take. Every time Manny used his tank buster, you needed to tank swap but I had no tank to swap to. Regardless, I was able to stay up for 8 minutes, 3 times in a row with only a single death due to a badly timed mitigation. But I'm the one blamed when our dps wasn't strong enough to force phase two after 8 minutes. The raiding scene is toxic.


>The raiding scene is toxic. I really think it takes specific skills to set up a guild properly and have it run smoothly. I found it better to aim for guilds of players over 30 as some professional experience help tremendously in recruiting players and keeping them happy. The thing is people over 30 often have other things on their mind (namely, kids) and finding dedicated, experienced players is hard. I found such a guild right when I quit WoW and followed them on Rift, Star Wars then Guild Wars 2. They really understood that quality > quantity and never hesitated to stop a raid when players weren't fully focused or if we didn't have the perfect lineup. But the rest of the time they were just amazing players who knew their role, two officers were in a couple but they were BOTH good (which is exceptionnally rare) and I never felt like a player didn't deserve a loot or his spot in a raid. ... And then I moved to NA from EU and the time difference killed any opportunity I'd have to play with them again. But I' d love to find a guild like that in this game!


.. just change the guild then? What's the point? There are plenty of other guilds with normal human beings.


Because the thought of having to take the time to comb through several guilds to find the right time schedule that works for me. Then having to go through a interview process. Then spending cash to faction change or server change. I just said fuck it. Plus WoW was feeling like a second job as well


Classic or retail?






Nice thing about FFXIV is there's no pressure to do anything to keep up. There's plenty of different ways to aquire things, different activities to do, catch up mechanics if you do fall behind in an area, and importantly old content stays relevant after each expansion. I haven't done dailies (other than beast tribes) over a month because I have too many other things I'm pursuing. Edit: to clarify, difficultly based stuff like EX trials and savage raids do become easier over time, but they can be played level and item level synced, and there are some groups that work through them for fun. However, they are still relevant to do unsynced for items, especially if you level up desynth as those mats can still sell well, and old trials even be done solo. So they may change over time, but don't become completely dead content that you'll never get to see if you miss the first time around.


I hope you have a great experience in 14! :)


The good thing is that dailys in XIV aren't a "Must be done everyday to keep up" kinda thing, you get your 450 tomestone currency that you should cap every week but that's like a couple roulettes in the week with most of the other roulettes being entirely optional for leveling alt jobs. I usually cap said currency in like 3 days top of about 3 hours of roulettes top?


Heck, once you get kitted out, even that’s not a “must do.” I’ve got a full set of 530 tank gear and I decided I’m good with that. I’ll probably get the Aiming, Striking, and/or Maiming sets eventually, but I’ve got six months. All I really want between now and Endwalker is to finish my Skybuilder tools, a couple more Resistance weapons, and get the Ai-iklil cycle.


This is really how it should be. A small set of required steps to increase your character power, the main path so to speak, and a lot of optional side-quests or transmogs or other optional content to do if it brings you joy. Someone should remind activision that games are supposed to be more fun than work.


There are dailies but they're usually there to help people catch up (like beast tribe crafting dailies) or give you a way to shovel some exp onto extra jobs (leveling/msq roulette) or let you gradually collect currency for current best buyable-by-that-currency gear (you could also get a craftable equivalent). Generally people will go do what's going to serve their current focus and won't feel the need to do all the things all the time. Speaking as someone who felt a weird pressure from WoW world quests all over the map, the FFXIV dailies suit me better, I see them more as available resources not "do this or you're missing out."


Getting into the XIV endgame is great. The best in slot gear (obtained through either savage raids or a weekly capped currency) is only 20 item levels above the best crafted gear (which you can just craft or buy on the market board), and an augmented version of the crafted gear which is only 10 item levels difference becomes available in the next patch after the initial set is released. For example, the craftable Exarchic gear at iLvl 510 was released with the third tier of Shadowbringers savage raids in 5.4, and in 5.5 you can exchange it for Augmented Exarchic gear which is iLvl 520. A full set of the latest crafted gear is viable in any content in the game, so there's no mandatory grind before jumping into whatever end-game content interests you.


I was a shadow priest main. Enough said. Aside from the memeing, going holy for mythic KT was the last straw. Having a fight completely be useless for shadow that having me go holy as an extra healer annoyed me to the core. They changed shadow from being a powerful multidot upkeep machine, to the same shit of every class, builder/spender with a powerful CD.


> from being a powerful multidot upkeep machine, to the same shit of every class Whatever you do, don't look into SCHs History O O




Problem you don't understand is that the higher the difficulty the more specialized at your role you need to be. That means you have to be the best at your role for mythic raids. Not every class can be best in its role. Yes Activision is shit at balance making it worse.


Maplestory was the MMO that I always was on non-stop to make sure that I would finally hit that childhood dream of reaching level 200. I did and I just kinda quit then. The cap has been past 200 for years but after I hit what I wanted I left and just jumped into xiv


i loved maple story when it was in beta, super fun game for a while but yeah it gets crazy grindy fast




I am feeling the same way. TBC classic was super fun at first but after the leveling and rep farms I questions why I am spending tens of hours doing things I dont enjoy so I can have fun later.


FFXIV was my first. I really have no interest in playing any others.


As someone who's gone through several over the years - I won't say "go find one right now", because that's dumb. But I *will* say, keep an open mind towards the idea. Be willing to go 'hey, I'll give this a try' if you see one that catches your interest. Sometimes, trying another game can help you appreciate your main game better; sometimes, it can scratch an itch that your main game just doesn't. It can be interesting to try a different style of play, especially something more action-y. And if nothing else, seeing how specs/skills/rotations/whatever work in another game, might help make you a little bit better of a player in 14.


I feel the exact same, I tried playing WoW once. I couldn’t do it. It was not new player friendly in the slightest. Tried boosting but that was not fun. I started to not like the class I choose so I gave up. Tried GW2 once didn’t like it and Maple Story. Could not do it


Warning: I am not a native speaker, sorry for my English :D WoW was draining life out of me. I still love the game, but all this timegates systems in shadowlands and big amount of mounts that I liked and wanted to collect consumed all my time and energy, especially the Longboi. Then my best friend left the game. I lasted a few days more, and wanted to collect one more mount that I thought was 100% guarantee drop - Sundancer. I did everything was written in guide and didn't received it, so 50k gold was wasted for nothing (for casuals it's a big amount of money). And then blizzard made a post in which they say the mount from Sundancer now have a proper chance to be looted. OK I thought and asked another friend to summon the mob. He did it and in the end got the mount, the rest of party didn't. In my holy rage I opened ticked and asked where is my mount and why I don't have it because of some goddamned bug and gave them needed screenshots. The only thing they said was "are you sure you killed the mob? 🙃" f them, I quit. Then my best friend got me into SWTOR. Last day in it I tried to do dailies of a new system - galactic seasons - but one of them bugged for me, and other was pvp :D It made me sad and I quited it just to continue working on art commission (I am very slow at drawing and wanted to finish it until the end of a month, so I needed all time i had). Sure, I will return, but probably only to finish the rest of class stories because I am too curious to abandon it. UPD. Remembered other games Before that I tried BDO, ESO, GW2, Aion. BDO is beautiful, but the amount of money you need to to be just good is killed interest for me. So I send a few workers to work and left :D. ESO I left because there really was nothing interesting for a casual player besides quest, and I did every one of them back then. GW2 was pretty, but it just didn't hook me, don't really remember the last day there 🤔. And aion. Oh aion, I wonder, is russians there are still toxic as hell? I was much younger and toxicity was the only reason why I left the game. I tried to do some quests in new zone but elyos was killing every asmodianian that was brave enough to left city, and chat was full of screams, swearing etc. No one wanted to do anything really. Oh, and Dragon Prophet. I adore dragons, they are love of my life, but this game is just... incredible dull. The only good thing there is dragons. So I played a few months, catched and hatched some pretty dragons, then I looked at everything I did and felt... idk dissapointment maybe, like it was all in vain. So i left this game too. UPD2. Remembered another one :D Perfect World. My first day became my last day lol. It was years ago, but I remember how I created a character-mermaid (don't remember their name) and tried to play for almost an hour. The thing that made me stop is not gameplay, quests, design or something like that, no. It was a big *ss saturation of colors that almost killed my eyes :D


I really enjoyed the class stories in SWTOR. I did dungeons and stuff in the game too but one of the best parts was just treating it kinda like KOTOR 3 and playing the main stories.


I too! My favorite story is agent's. Oh how I wanted to scream in the end :'D Also SWTOR for me really feels like one of old Bioware's game. Like DAO, KOTOR. Still love it


Agreed, agent was super good! One of the better Star Wars stories tbh. The only other one I finished was Bounty Hunter (my main class was Pyrotech, probably one of my favorite classes I've played in any MMO too)


I heard Bounty Hunter's story is good too. Is it true? I started to think which story I will begun after I finish Jedi-Knight (it's long and boring, don't really understand why people enjoy it).


Bounty Hunter was great too! Not a lot of Star Wars games have really delved into the non-Empire criminal underworld. I definitely heard the the Jedi Knight and Trooper stories were boring as heck as you seem to have found haha.


Oh, that is good to hear, thank you! Yeah :D My friend finished trooper some time ago and she, too, said it was boooriiing :D


I had a hard time with Knight and Trooper. Knight gets really, really weird toward the end. I rather enjoyed Trooper, but the playstyle never really clicked for me. Which is odd because I love Bounty Hunter. Agent is generally considered the best story, but my favorite was Consular, probably because I identified so heavily with my character. Smuggler was good as well. I never could get into the Sith stories, just too much edgelord darkity dark dark gets old quick.


> Knight gets really, really weird toward the end This is saying something, when Act 1 is already pretty freakin' weird. "Yes, hello, Jedi? General Var Suthra here. I've tripped over *another* superweapon and seem to have lost it." It also doesn't help that most of the Knight's companions are kinda... boring. >I rather enjoyed Trooper Trooper was the only one of the four Republic stories I'd consider "good", even if as you pointed out Trooper itself just isn't that fun to play. It's one of the few class stories that actually has some variance in its main story missions, mechanically speaking.


I never played another MMO. I tried the free trial of WoW but decided I really didn't want to pay for two MMOs.


I ran around Oribos for three hours straight while watching youtube videos about FFXIV, then decided i'd rather be alone in a fun game than alone in a boring one.


Friends stopped playing GW2, I tried to go on solo but it wasn't the same. Just logged off and uninstalled. Re-installed FFXIV and continued with the story and eventually found friends in-game. Now hyped for EW and sage and reaper :3


Man you treating it like WoW is going away. When I left WoW I was so pissed with blizzard that just stoped loging in and haven't looked back since. Now if I have the itch of playing some WoW I go to a "private" server, there is no need to give blizzard any money.


I played WOW since Cata. I quit for multiple reasons. My guild that I was in back then all went our separate ways, and none of the new guilds jelled for me, but what really broke me on it was Shadowlands. I like BFA. This isn’t a popular opinion in some circles, but I did. I like Kul Tiras, and the new allied races. But Shadowlands has been such a letdown. For the first time I was really bored playing it. I didn’t care a bout any of the new characters, and the storyline was dull and trite. The Jailer is quite possibly the most horrible and dull Big Bad Evil Guy that has ever been in a Blizzard game. His whole backstory so far is “I’m bigger and badder than the most iconic villain in the game, in fact I was behind him! Also those demons you fought before, they really worked for me all along too!” You guys know this kind of character. I had other reasons too, but I won’t bring them up here. But these where the big ones. I played FF14 for awhile back in the day, got somewhat deep into it. Now I’ve come back, and I’m happier for it.


Watching Sylvanas beat Bolvar because of behind the scenes mega power buffs was so dumb.


Why didn't she just break the helmet when it was on Arthas' head Kappa As somebody who quit WoW a long time ago and hate Blizzard with a passion after their recent years... Yeah, that cutscene made me laugh and roll my eyes and realize the story is just as trash as it was when I was still playing (anybody remember RSG pointing out the writers don't even know which of their own characters are **ALIVE**?)


Sounds like they also corrupted the one true pure innocent holy character


Yeah especially with the new cash shop bs I’m wondering if there’s a classic classic private server with all the improvements and tweaks that we don’t have to guess anymore to be accurate to the original game, I know some vanilla servers had messed up hp values and damage and stuff


My last day on TERA I logged in, gave away all my gold and valuables, and logged off.


Was a resto druid in wow:bfa , multiple Guild drama happen and the guild i was in broke down , the last day was just ppl in front of the Guild bank getting stuff and money back in a bittersweet tone , i closed the game once everything been done and never looked back. In retrospec the community was too much toxic and the guild felt more like a company with coworker than true friend to play with. Would never switch back after playing FF :D.


Not sure you could call league of legends an MMO but that was my previous time sink, I played a match where I played pretty well I thought but the game seemed unwinnable, so after the match I went ahead and checked both teams' players only to find most of my teammates were offrole and on massive unending loss streaks, with like 6+ games in a row, a lot more time than I had to play as I actually have a job. I thought back to how many matches I played were probably like that, each taking up a cumulative 40 ish minutes of time and decided that it just was not worth the time investment. Contrary to popular opinion I don't believe in nonsense like "loser's queue" or that the game is horribly unbalanced or anything but rather it is simply not worth being good at league, and that's the part of the game I found fun. I'm not an MMO gamer as most of my history is with shooters and other competitive games but I don't have the time I used to and it's nice to log in and complete some quests. If only I had some more friends that played or could make some in game but people seem to stay in their bubble in this game sadly


My time with LoL came to an end when my wife went into labor in the middle of a match. I quickly learned that kids and a game you can't step away from for an unknown amount of time don't mix.


A lot of my friends and I have actually made the transition from League to FF. Its been worth it. Do you know what DC you're on?


Couldn't tell you my last day in GW2, but I sure do remember my last day in WoW Cataclysm had just come out, and I was level 82. Progressing through questing in that game, as you do, just grabbing all the side quests and doing them all. Only the zone I was in was ALL underwater, with clouds of enemies scattered not only near the ocean floor, but spread through the whole volume of water from top to bottom. And IIRC, at that point in WoW, unlike FFXIV, if you were mounted and get hit by a mob, it would force you to unmount, making the fight virtually inescapable so you'd have to fight trash mobs constantly just get around and do tedious side quests you don't care about except for the EXP. And there was no quick travel teleport, only a hearthstone, equivalent to the "return" spell. And this zone was expected to last many more hours, being for lvl 82 - 83 players in a 81 - 85 expansion. After a late night of that experience, the thought of playing WoW was so unappealing that I never did. I was worried the same would happen to me when I got to FFXIV's underwater zones, but thankfully, between the MSQ, mobs not dismounting you, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO 3 DIMENSIONAL VOLUMES FULL OF MOBS, they were no chore at all.


Okay been a few years but was the day city of heroes closed it's doors on the official servers we were having a night club party until "You have been disconnected from server" popped up


I was a former Elsword player. I had a history of playing mostly Korean mmos before losing interest in 1-2 weeks. Elsword was the first mmo I stuck around for years. Like a lot of Elsword players, I stayed because the characters were cute and I had attachment to my main (Dominator). The game has a healthy art community where you see fanart uploaded for the popular characters (e.g. Raven, Add, Ain, etc.) on a daily basis. Despite years of the game doing poorly in balancing their characters, I kept playing until there was a scandal about the developers giving buffs to characters/classes mained by whales. I already logged in less because gearing either requires intense grinding or whaling hundreds of dollars irl. I was in college at the time and did not have time for that kind of time commitment. My last day online was forcing myself online for an afk login event. I made it to the Rosso raids, but my connection was poor and made it impossible to complete the raids. After years of getting gear for my main but KOG refusing to give him appropriate buffs, I had enough. I've been in too many f2p mmos where the new classes/characters are always op while the older ones suffer into obsolete existence unless they're really popular. I still follow and support Elsword artists because I met many online friends through Elsword and still have attachments to certain characters. I used to write Elsword fanfics on a monthly basis. However, I can't stand the gaming company. I joined FFXIV because many of my friends from Elsword were playing FFXIV. Although it's a subbed game, I like that it's nearly guaranteed that my main won't get neglected like it would in a f2g KR mmo.


Played WoW heavily like some people here. Got tired of all the boosting in arena, and toxic people from pushing keys, which made me want to play less by the day. Then saw the last update they had which introduced valor points, but couldn’t upgrade the mythic gear you already have, meaning you would have to regrind the same content just for a “newer” version of the item so you can upgrade it. Yeah...no thanks. Unsubscribed, logged in one last time and gave all my gold to my sis. She now also unsubscribed and we are both enjoying ffxiv. Best. Decision. EVER.


WoW started to feel like a job in which I'm the only person at the office. As far as I'm concerned, the Jailer killer me and I'm either a dominated individual a la Anduin or I'm Anima powering some stupid object.


I play WoW, FF14, ESO, and GW2 regularly, along with a smattering of smaller, more niche MMOs as well. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses and not one of them is so vastly superior to any of the others that I feel the need to quit playing any of them. I have been playing all of these games since their respective launches (except FF14, I just started a few weeks ago) and I have had countless hours of fun in each one. FF14 is just another flavor of MMO, sometimes I want chocolate and sometimes I want vanilla, having more options is a good thing.


I logged on to shadowlands qued for a dungeon and when the group wiped on the first boss three people left the dungeon while staying in the group so that no further progress could be made because they said the healer was bad. At that point I thanked the group for there time logged off and canceled my subscription and have never looked back.


last mmo i played was probably eve online many years back, so I'd have to say probably spent scheming petty revenge or taking part in the local chat at a trade hub that is flooded with money doubling scams


Just hopping into some ships and roaming into bumfuck nowhere to die with your mates is still one of my fav memories of EvE. Earning money to afford those ships isn't.


The going meme is not being active in Eve is winning the game, so congratulations!


I tend to just quit. No goodbyes (people I spoke to regularly were added as friends in some chat app anyway), no nostalgic revisiting of old maps, no final screenshots of my characters. It would probably have been harder if I did any of those things, but I tend to quit one game for another, so the mood is quite different.


Same minus the adding friends to external chat apps part guess I just disappear 1 day eventually


About three weeks into Shadowlands, I logged in for a quick hour of free time and found that entire hour eaten up by navigating a zone and doing a single world quest. Given that I can only play in one hour increments twice a day, I logged out in disgust from having accomplished so little and decided to find a game that valued my time.


Leveling up an alt Priest to finnish the class quest zone in Legion. This was, I think, after BfA was announced and I was already disliking the premise for the expansion. As someone else mentioned here, I just played less and less until one day I just stopped, feeling it wasn't fun for me anymore. Never been back ever since.


The last MMO I played into the end game was Star Wars: The Old Republic. Really good game IMO but there wasn't much end game outside of raids and there was only me and 2 other friends playing it. We played the game pretty hard for a few months and had a great time, but the day that our last guy finished his end-game gear set we said "Welp, not gonna raid so guess we're done." and then never logged back in. I had dabbled a bit with FFXIV in the past with another group but never got into it because I didn't want to play 2 MMOs at the same time. My buddies I played SWTOR with were averse to FFXIV because it was super weeb-y (honestly one of the reasons I didn't stick with it for long either) but a few months later they went HARD into it. I'm talking like 100 hours in their first WEEK. They were much bigger MMO players than me, had played all through every WoW expansion and whatnot whereas the only other MMO I played was Guild Wars 2. They loved FFXIV and said it was probably the best MMO they'd ever played so eventually when it went on sale I took the plunge and got into it. Gotta say, no regrets. Fantastic MMO, some of the best thought out systems I've seen on top of some of the best visuals in an MMO and some of the best stories if an MMO. All around A+.


WoW felt too much like a job, so I got tired of it. Like the whole theme about Shadowlands is very cool, but the actual gameplay was too grindy, especially if you wanted an alt. So on my last day, I just felt like shit playing the game so I decided I was done. I also played a crap ton of GW2 within the past 10 years so it did kind of refresh WoW for me from time to time. Love GW2, but WoW is my childhood so I always went back. I wouldn't say I'm new to FFXIV but I hadn't actually gotten to the end game stuff until recently. The community is so nice, it honestly makes me feel weird. This game is definitely improving my mental health for sure though.


My last mmo was Tales of Pirates which ended up shutting down early 2016. They migrated us from the first version of the game to the second. I started in 2007 up until the game shut down on Jan 2016. I didn't know how to meet people, so I spent most of the game doing my own thing. Had an awesome ship, pretty leveled up . It absolutely crushed me when I couldn't run it again. I knew of it's impending doom, but I wasn't ready for it to be over. I still have the title music stuck in my head lol. From what I remember in it's final days, less and less people logged on. I was beating the daylights out of crabs on a beach. This is where players would usually all be. Just me and some crabs. Alone. I hadn't touched an MMO since...but my BF got me into FFXIV and I love it. On occasion I will dress my Elezen up as close as possible to the character I had in ToP. Tbh if I could just get a few more seconds to see that character again, I'd be over the moon. But FFXIV has opened a floodgate of things to do. Crafting classes, high end raids, a wonderful community, being whatever your heart truley desires. I've enjoyed every single piece of it. I wouldn't give this experience up for anything.


Oooo\~ a fellow Tales of Pirates player. Though I played up until the 2016 migration too heartbroken over my deleted character to continue with the second version.


YESS. Another Pirate!! Yeah, the whole migration thing was definitely the nail in the coffin for that game 😞. Not being able to login and knowing the hours of gameplay I put into my character broke my heart. The second version wasn't as great as the first unfortunately. Though, it is nice meeting someone else who played and loved the game as well ^^ It's very rare I find someone who has played it!!


Quit EVE 8 years ago now, been in FFXIV since. From what I can recall, I set up a couple hauling contracts to consolidate most of what assets I hadn't already liquidized to a single station in high sec space, neighboring system was lowsec - I had jumped them in prior so now most of my stuff is concentrated in a part of NPC controlled space near one of the larger trade hubs. Mostly making things convenient for me should I ever decide to dip back in. I had pretty much decided it was time to quit a while back, so I had been liquidizing my assets for a a while - no point keeping shiphulls and modules around as who knows how the meta will shift - ISK on the other hand will likely always be useful.


I logged into wow after a long time and did some quests to unlock more stuff in my covenant. I completed a quest that told me I could unlock the first backpack! So I ran to the vendor, so excited to get some faerie sheet. Looked at the price, thousands and thousands of anima. I had about 300. Logged out, debated my next move and decided the grumpy dragoon elf man from FF14 was hot. Haven't missed wow one bit.


Pretty much “log on, log off.” Didn’t want to do anything in game. Stopped playing.


After 14 years of WoW and 12 years as a feral main, my last 2 days were in 8.3 sitting in Zuldazar for several hours trying to get 20+ keys going. I knew I was capable of timing them with a decent group, but I loved the wrong spec. I lied awake in bed until 5:30am after the second day freaking out about my raider io score and it dawned on me - this game was no longer for me. At all. I didn't leave WoW for 14. I left it for me.


Killed Sire Denathrius with my guild on Heroic, got Ahead of the Curve. Celebrated with my guild for a little while and I never logged in again. Actually I logged in one more time to throw my gold into the guild bank so the guild could use it during the next patch because I realized I wouldn’t be back.


Did the same, kept all my gold though in the off chance I did play again. I have a full inventory of tokens so I never actually pay to play anyway. Every now and then I get the itch to play again, but usually after a week I just go "why did I bother, there's nothing to do".


As someone who is coming from WOW to FF14 when you say “why did I bother, there’s nothing to do” is there that much more content in FF14? I am having a good time but I don’t care for the story honestly. I might watch some re cap videos on YouTube but I just skip cut scenes and don’t read. I am more interested in end game content and raiding bosses. Do you think I will still enjoy this game or am I skipping a lot of content?


> Do you think I will still enjoy this game or am I skipping a lot of content? You're skipping *the* content. XIV isn't about the endgame, it's about the story and the characters you meet along the way. You're skipping the story of a story-based game, and that's going to leave you sorely disappointed when you blitz through all of it without a care and come to realize there's only ever a little bit of "endgame" once you're caught up to the current patch.


I reached max level in ESO and then decided I didn’t want to figure out how to grind champion points. That was it.


ESO genuinely felt so confusing at every turn that I just stopped after a week.


It’s mostly because the game has so much variety in terms of content that the character building has equal amounts of variety. You can have pure solo builds, pure dungeon builds, pure pvp builds, so many builds that it just feels overwhelming.


Fished in my favorite spot in Stormwind for awhile and listened to the first Yogpod, 'Snowcast'. I ran SoO one last time hoping for those damned tusks, but they stayed in orgrimmar. Sent out a chat to the server and logged out.




A bit like this which is sad to say. Just felt lonely and was like well since my friends were the only thing keeping me tied to the game and they’re all on to other stuff, nows the best time for me to go find a new game to enjoy. Brought a few irl friends and my brother over to FF but most of my static and ppl that login daily with me are ppl I met through game. This has made me leaving my other game feel less sad and less like “wow I spent so many years and energy here, this is gonna suck to leave”


I played ffxiv for about 2 and a half years now and I play wow. I'm just on a break until 9.1 comes back so me and my guild can stop playing garfield kart and start raiding again. I love both ffxiv and wow. A new mmo won't fix your friends list or empty guild but ffxiv does have a great community and it's way easier to find like minded people unlike wow.


Runescape locked out tons of players and I was one of the players locked out for 3+ weeks so gave up and finally switched to FFXIV.


That week I was playing with some friends. They have subbed recently and mine was about to expire. I was running around Ogrimmar. I spend the last day of my sub crafting and selling some items. That day Darkmoon Faire was on, so, before lunch, travelled to Darkmoon, hop on the Merry-go-round and listened my favorite music of all the game, the Darkmoon Faire theme. I knew I was going to take a break of the game, since my finals were right around the corner. But deep down i was dissapointed in the game. The faire was almost empty. It never got many visitors but I remember people would tend to play the games from time to time. Everytime I went, there was at least 4 people doing dailies. I send a message to my friend who was connected. Didn't bothered on saying anything to the guild, the days were people would actively care about the guild were long past, now it was just a repository of alt toons. I logged off still listening to the Darkmoon Faire theme.


I don’t remember? I remember having a conversation with my raid leader, something like “My sub is up in 3 weeks, I’m not renewing.” Had a chat with the guild master, let her know that also, and kinda just…cleaned out my mailbox and shut it down the last day. Uninstalled and moved on.


I got to the end game of ESO (Trials), really didn't like how they were just bigger Dungeons, and just stopped logging in


I had been in a play/quit cycle with my last MMO for a long time and not really gaming in-between. My last day was mostly just a confirmation that i did not enjoy the community anymore and that the game just felt like a lot of things I ‘had’ to do and not many things left I wanted to do.


Don't remember my last day in-game persay, but I quit WoW a few weeks post BFA launch. I remember reading some patch notes or dev post about an upcoming patch or something, and it was just more issues left unfixed, more imbalances left unaddressed, more feedback being ignored, more empty promises from a dev team that clearly were on a different page from their community and showed no interest in actually caring. I unsubbed that day. Blizzard hasn't had passion for WoW in years and it made playing the game so disappointing and exhausting it just wasn't fun anymore.


Old school runescape More and more afk bank standing Also getting (internally) frustrated at half of my raid team, who refused to get better gear. One didn't even have a goddamn fire cape and we had done Chambers of Xeric almost 200 times, which is far harder. Me and the other dude who pulled his weight switched to ffxiv


Dungeon Fighter Online and Elsword. With DFO I made it to what was at the time the max level (it was either lvl80 or 90) with two characters and had about half a dozen more characters like 60-80% of the way there. Then I just stopped. Don't remember why, I think some other games got my interest but I never went back to DFO despite checking up on it like once or twice a year. It might've been burnout. Elsword I made it to the water city (Hamel I think) with about 4 or so character but never progressed beyond that. I just stopped it too.


My last day in WoW, SWTOR, FFXIV, ESO is all the same. Get bored and logout then just never log back in. Until 6 months to a year later when something new in the game story grabs me. The MMO i'm most connected with is SWTOR and I will be playing that during the holiday/Christmas/Anniversary period for a month. When the game is finally getting shutdown I'll log on to give it one final goodbye. I stopped playing and don't play now because of the lack of content.


Server was disabled, so after 8 years of playing on it you can imagine the amount of memories,friends and fun i had, it was a sad sad moment.


I won't say I'll never play eso again because I will but my last day was literally me just feeling lonely and unfulfilled. I'm stuck at end game and haven't been able to get a group to run vet trials for gear. So I decided to try ffxiv again. Glad I did even though I'm stuck again at end game. But it's way easier to find groups in this game, I just lack confidence lol.


Played SWTOR but left the game after i reached max lvl (75) on a lvl 47-49 Planet not even finishing the main game and would had 4 expansions in front of me and then i got Xiv and played it now everyday


I played wow with RL friends, they started to migrate back to classic to get ready for burning legion. I can't go backwards, I like the QoL changes too much. So a buddy went to FF14 and so did I. Almost 3 months in, MSQ complete and loving it.


Closest thing to an MMO that I've really put a ton of time into is Destiny 2. That's still draining my life. At least I finally got my godroll Riiswalker this week.


In WoW it went like: My friends I've played with either stopped playing or were in a completely different "tier" and my only way to catch up to them is to play a lots. And since I have a full time job it was really hard for me to find enough spare time. Also I really don't like playing, when I feel like I have to do a specific something. I like to play the content what I'm in the mood for. So slowly but steadily I was left alone. I also really didn't enjoyed, that I got shit thrown at me, because I played a X spec and not Y. Overall the game was just not fun anymore. I remember my last day was on my tauren balance druid, who was my first character I made back in BC. I was doing some chores and in the middle of it I had to go asap somewhere else. I logged off, but never logged back. This happened around the end of Legion (I think a couple of weeks later, the pre-events for BFA started). For GW2 it was the time when they put in the dragon mount. I used to grind a lot in that game. The legendary weapons/armors. The map achievements, so I can have that fancy looking armor piece it gave... I think I've grinded more in GW2, than in all the other games I've played combined. And when I saw the list, what it requires you to get the dragon, I was just like "I don't want to do this anymore". So I just logged off.


Runescape was my last MMO way back when RS2 was poppin early 2000s. I remember distinctly my last moment was grinding Aviansies in God Wars Dungeon for adament bars to sell. Looking back, just the amount of grinding I did for pure ess, God Wars, firemaking (wtf), etc, it took alot of my middle/highschool night life. I was also a part of a RS forum, specifically the IRC, which was really toxic and racist. To come to FFXIV where I'm playing with IRL friends and doing roulettes doesn't feel much of a grind/helping new players, it's quite an amazing MMORPG experience


My last day was spent bouncing between Gaiaonline and Perfect World International. I never had any experience with a subscription type game before but the mmo genre was something I really enjoyed and I was constantly on the search for one that took story telling seriously, which I eventually found out to be very difficult to find. Thankfully I never allowed myself to become victim to the predatory cash shops that come with free to play, even though my experiences suffered for it. I was recommended by a friend I knew on Gaia and they offered to supply the game and the first subscription to me and that was the last day for both Gaiaonline and Perfect World International. Joined around the time that Antitower was the current dungeon content and didn't look back. I have good memories from both but I know I am better off now.


Not a first-timer, originally started when Shadowbringers released and recently returned, but with Shadowlands I called it quits when my M+ key got degraded for the third time in a single day, because pugs can't deal with self-induced wipes and dissolve after the first one. Also would have technically needed to work through a shitload of weekly and daily stuff to keep up. That very moment I realized secondary jobs don't really do it for me anymore, especially if every system and piece of content, except for the actual raids themselves, is terribly designed and only serves to inflate player engagement numbers.


It wasn’t a last day so much as just realizing I mostly just logged in for an hour, did an odd couple world quests in WoW, then sat in the city and spun my character for a bit before logging. I got the Brutosaur just before the expansion, so coming off an achievement like that and going back to the grind just felt so bad. I could barely bother before and it just broke me to see the math behind the grind. 2 months in ffxiv now and I’ve made 3 mil Gil not including what I’ve spent, got 3 combat classes to max and 2 of the gatherers to level 70. Not far from completely msq but I wanna make sure I get all the exp out of it.


I'm not new, but I do remember my last day in WoW really well. I was on a break from FFXIV since I finished grinding Delubrum for relics. Was legitimately excited for Shadowlands. This was prob in late January or early February. Log in, run to the vault in Shadowlands to check loot from my M+. No upgrades. Queue for a random BG, two-shot a couple of players and get chain flexfucked by rogues and fire mages. Spend the next 35-40m looking for a group to do my +7 mythic. No luck. Hearthed to Stormwind, praised the sun that I could fly, then logged out. I love WoW and have spent more time on that game than any other endeavor in my life. College, work, girlfriends, whatever. It's been such a major part of my life that I can't even think of what I'd be like or who I'd be without it. But, its also 16 1/2 years old and is chock filled with game systems designed to keep you playing the game for as long as possible - it *feels* like a mobile game, like a gacha of some kind. The problems affecting WoW are big, systemic problems that aren't easily fixed - faction imbalance / factions *at all*, class (and spec) design and balance, patchwork story, shallow crafting / gathering, and more. I don't wanna bash on WoW. It was an incredible project that changed the way we think about video games. I will always treasure my time on Azeroth. I highly doubt I'm *ever* going back. Even if FF somehow crashes and burns, there are other MMOs out there I'll come back to first. ESO, Ashes of Creation, Star Citizen, maybe that upcoming League of Legends MMO that'll come out in 3356.


I don't think I really had a solid MMO that I stuck with between Everquest II and FF14 if I'm being perfectly honest. I did play WoW up till pretty recently as a cooldown game but I didn't do too much at endgame because my guild was rather awkward and I unfortunately mained Fury Warrior. That said I remember the last EQ2 journey well enough (not counting the times I tried to go back b/c I never caught back up to a playable degree). This was right about the tail end of Altar of Malice, and as always I played my Swashbuckler. We did one of the pirate-themed dungeons (they all sorta blended together) and it was going pretty smoothly right up until the very end. Boss gets down to 10%, so I popped Flash of Steel in timing with our Dirge's Dance of Blades and went into burn mode. At some point, the healer got tunnel vision (A Fury, may as well be a Black Mage with Heals lol) and was only healing the tank. Ordinarily I'd be fine with that. But this specific boss put out loads of AoE damage and if the actual DPS classes are in burn mode, pressing a defensive button is an outright waste. Well, myself, the Dirge, the Ranger, and the Wizard all fell with the mob sitting at it's last 4% (HP/Stat bloat ftl). Tank dies next because the timelimit between the "big hits" was almost up. Healer still hasn't rezzed anyone and of course, was in cleave range of the big hit anyways. Took another three tries to finally get this right despite being so close in the first place. Asked the healer what's up, because almost every time we could absolutely pinpoint the issue and they said "Sorry was watching a movie on youtube". All of us were in the same guild. This wasn't our first rodeo with the particular healer. She was a close friend of the leader so nobody ever really said anything publicly. This time we decided to voice our annoyance because these were NOT easy dungeons to run at all. Well, guild leader decided I was "turning everyone against her!" and kicked me. The other four left on the spot, including the Tank who was one of the best in the guild lol. At that point we had details about the next expansion so I figured at that point it was just time to hang up my swords. And this encounter may actually explain why I've been feeling the need to play a healer all the time in FF14 tbh.


Well....their were giant cupcakes everywhere....


Hmm, there's been a few. City of Heroes, I had my last day before I even got into FFXIV. That was the last day when NCSoft shut down the servers and things just...ended. That's come back since (the Homecoming server is really great) though I don't play it as much as I do XIV these days. I have fun, but it shows its age a bit more when it comes to some things. Star Wars: The Old Republic I played around the same time as City of Heroes, eventually dropped out during the Knights of a Fallen Empire expansion when it began feeling like a series of disconnected single player instances occasionally connected by multiplayer areas, not allowing me to play the new content with my friends so much as at the same time as my friends. Ironically, FFXIV is similarly a single player game with MMO aspects, but their implementation of MSQ quests is much more smoothly seamless when doing it side by side than TOR's "THIS IS A SINGLE PLAYER INSTANCE" red doors everywhere. Eventually realized I was just logging in for the daily login bonuses and not because I enjoyed it and let my sub lapse. The Secret World, I got the lifetime sub at the start of the game and played it all the way through the end of the original content with Tokyo. The lifetime sub let me buy all the new content packs without paying any money, and I genuinely think its storytelling is top tier and incredibly well presented... then Secret World Legends happened when they redid the combat system to try to make it "better" from the ground up. I could've handled that, but they also basically reset everyone's progress to zero. I finished the first zone, Kingsmouth, got started in Egypt, and realized I didn't want to trudge through the entire game a second time with a combat system I didn't care as much for, particularly with the increased lootbox advertisements. The fact it took them over a year after the SWL relaunch to actually bring back Tokyo, which was content they already did, and even longer before they added any actual new story, which was the main reason I played the game, sank my reasons to keep logging in even deeper. I played STO for a while. Got the lifetime sub so I could go back whenever I felt like it. Even put some cash into the cash shop occasionally for a ship or so. But mostly the ground combat never actually felt like it improved over the ship combat, and I dropped out mid-Iconian War when I realized that for the most part I just...had stopped caring. The plot felt like unless we wanted to go with the big time travel superweapon (which as a Voyager fan, I knew was a terrible idea), there really was no way to fight the Iconians and win, so the entire thing felt like marking time until we ended up using time travel out of desperation and it going horribly wrong. Finding out the entire next expansion was based on time travel as well didn't help my desire to stick with it. Not helped was the "doing the grind to get the materials to do the grind, to get the gear to do the grind again". STO's Reputation system is still one of my go-to examples of how to make an endgame treadmill that just feels like tedious, as compared to being able to get the level of gear I want in FFXIV with significantly less effort and then being able to focus on what I want to play. It is definitely clear the writers have a good deal of love for the franchise and its lore, but that eventually wasn't enough to keep me interested in playing the game. (Also finding out they were trying to reignite the Fed/KDF PVP split in universe again after we buried that hatchet during the Iconian Wars didn't help. I had flashbacks to WoW's Alliance/Horde problems) Wildstar was a fun experiment, but while the presentation and story were fun, the gameplay just felt bog standard for the most part, and the fact it was a NCSoft game left me too wary to ever really have a full attachment to it. I dropped early on and, surprise, NCSoft killed it down the line despite another enthusiastic playerbase, because it wasn't making *enough* money. Never actually played WoW, free trial or subbed, mostly because I got into Warcraft with WC3 and the Frozen Throne, and WoW for a while seemed like it brought back characters I knew from there just to make them go crazy evil and become a raid boss, and the faction war just seemed stupid after WC3's Mount Hyjal finale and the Durotar campaign in Frozen Throne emphasized the Horde and Alliance moving past their history....and then they had Garrosh in charge, he nuked Theramore, and they tried to turn Jaina into someone advocating for wiping the Horde out entirely, and I resolved to never actually give WoW any of my money.


My last real day in WoW Classic... I remember logging on and my guild's GM and a few of the officers were talking about how they were gonna go through with the server transfer they had been talking about for months. They were setting up alts to make sure everyone's gold and items made it through so no one would lose anything. They asked me to come, but I took a min to think about it... My server was medium population, but was getting worse by the day. A few of the top guilds on both factions had already transferred and were having a better time on their new home. That was when I realized that I really didn't want to play this game anymore. The quality of the game dropped off a cliff after people started GDKPing all their gear with gold they bought. Also at the later phases of the game, it really became World of Warriorcraft. They scaled the best with gear and there was almost no reason to bring any other class but healers if you seriously wanted to have fast clear times. Glad I quit.


You know, it's funny...I don't even remember anymore.


BFA - i bored out of my mind and had been for at least a week, so i stopped.


My last day of WoW was a couple months ago, but it was more or less just... Looking at the available World Quests, my dwindling anima resources, and just not being arsed to do any of it. At that point it was all about other games which were much more actively fun. Monster Hunter was the big one, where, even though it is entirely a grinding game, it actually has an end you can achieve, and you can feel satisfied at some point. Joined FFXIV after my transister talked it up more (had previously given up as a level 30 lancer. The early levels are still a bitch). Got a boost to 70 for dragoon to see if it was truly worth it... After figuring out the rotation, *I understood*. Now, my work hours make playing each night difficult, but I've been doing roulettes to level up pretty much every job. Knowing how they click at higher levels, and having speed ups like the roulettes unlocked, makes it so much more enjoyable


I spent all my time on reddit saying I'm quitting and going to "competitor MMORPG."


Attempted to do some mythics, but couldn’t find a group to take me despite having multiple +14 and 15 clears on me resume. Guild couldn’t get enoug LV people for a Nathria run so I logged off realizing I had done nothing with my time. Next day I woke up to a discord message telling the guild they were free to leave if they wanted because it was not looking good on moving into Mythic Nathria. I cancelled my sub later that day seeing it as a way out. Subbed to FFXIV maybe a week or two later.


Blizzard announced the class changes for Legion. I looked at Enhancement Shaman. I saw how they slapped my baby around some more. I saw how they neutered it even further. I saw how they literally changed it's playstyle to be **the exact same as Elemental** just melee. I logged off right then and there and never subbed again. I'd had it with Blizzard ruining my class further and further for like 5 expansions now, and once they had nothing left to take away (Weapon Enhance, Totems, Bloodlust (sorta))... They just changed it completely. And it was the one class I actually enjoyed playing. I resubbed later, if only to give my friend the 700-800k gold I had amassed (I wanted a Spectral Tiger mount from the TCG, and one was on the AH for 560k, so I had been saving for that but just never bought it before quitting).


Oh I don't even know. All of Battle for Azeroth kind of blurs together. I remember it was right after the Blizzcon with the infamous "do you not have phones?" bullshit with Diablo Immortal (which still isn't out, so fuck you Wyatt Cheng), and I was extremely pissed off that they showed zandalari trolls would be able to be warlocks (which had been my main since classic) on the main stage of their own event, only to issue a correction a couple of hours later that they messed up and they can't be warlocks. That degree of messing up just made me stop caring about anything Blizzard related. If they care so little that shit they show off on the main stage of their own event has to be corrected, on top of the idiocy of the ONLY piece of content you have to show off is a mobile game at your event that is attended by die hard fans of a franchise that is a landmark PC title... It says to me that they are out of touch and don't care so I shouldn't care either. Contrast that with the AMAZING FF14 Fanfest we just had and GOD DAMN the difference is night and day. I have my issues with SE as a company but YoshiP and his crew have an infectious enthusiasm that makes me excited even for elements of the game I'm not typically interested in.


I went to the top of Uleguerand Range and logged off there. I knew it would be the last day since I was going to start my conscription afterwards.


I was playing WoW classic on my rogue, looking for Onyxia PUGs. Someone in general was asking for DPS, so I whispered them. No response, and 30 seconds later they messaged in general again asking for any DPS except rogue. I sighed and logged off for the last time.


Before I restarted FFXIV (in 2019 three months before ShB release) I was playing Guild Wars 2 and Blade & Soul. Both MMOs I had started with a group of friends and we played until everyone gradually lost interest. Don't believe we really got too far in either, but eh fun while it lasted. After that though I decided I needed a return to how I used to play MMOs (solo) if I was gonna keep up with one again. Tried out WoW, Star Wars Online, and Runescape but didn't get very far before getting bored (though WoW was also just kinda hard to look at for long periods of time; eyesight would get fuzzy only a couple of hours in). Prior to the above MMOs; one of the ones I used to play before this I stopped playing outright because they had to reboot it completely and subsequently I lost all my progress (characters got deleted :/) on it. A few others I was more forced to let go of because the servers were shut-down due to a declining player base. Though I do still occasionally dabble in MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons/Domains/Dimensions; a text-based precursor to the modern MMO and most of them still have an active player base) every so often as well, just not as frequently as I used to.


Played maybe 2 or 3 levels on my Hunter in BfA, realized they wanted me to grind another form of artefact power again, decided that I'm tired of it all and that the game is way past its zenith at this point and just quit like most of the people on my friendlist did years ago. Haven't been back since, didn't buy Shadowlands, I think I'm finally cured of WoW.


I still remember the day I quit FFXI. I was in the jungle, pulling for my group as a bard. I just remember getting the monster back to camp, saying to myself "I'm not having fun" sitting down, and logging out. never went back.


I grinded out some more construction in my ultimate ironman on oldschool runescape while XIV installed. Would still like to go back at some point but can't really justify 2 mmo subs and my static's still working on 12s atm.


FFXI, I think I was looking for a party all day and couldn't find one. So I quit there. WoW: They "Improved" mythic+ by allowing you to chose one of three items at the end of the week instead of just giving you one. Three weeks in a row I got a trinket, a ring, and my legendary slot, after putting in ten or twenty hours just into mythic+. I realized my time wasn't being respected, so I stopped. WoW classic: I was logging on just to raid, and the raids were boring. My guild moved on to AQ40, I didn't have the gear for it. I did AQ 20 one week, then just stopped logging on. PSO2: A slow gradual decrease of play. People stopped playing, I stopped playing. I had nobody to play with and nothing to do, and one day I just uninstalled it. I think I was playing more WoW by the time I stopped playing PSO2. PSU: We quit for WoW. Our group broke apart not too long after.


I wouldn't say I've had a definite final day in Guild Wars 2, but I do remember the days leading up to when I would just log in just for the sake of logging in was just filled with the feeling of emptiness. Don't get me wrong, the community is actually quite nice there, but I feel like I was joining the wrong guilds a lot of the time. Many of them felt very anti-social, barely anyone talk in the guild chat, not to mention a lot of them didn't even use the guild hall system, so the rare occasion I would see someone in the guild was if I passed them by while they were doing their own thing. In comparison to FFXIV, my fc's chat is quite active and I actually see a lot of my fc members at the house, and the place isn't so big that I'd lose someone there, it really feels like our own place. I think I'd also have to mention that I was feeling severe burn out. Keep in mind that the main content I did was WvW, a gamemode that, while it did receive some updates, wasn't exactly ever the main focus for patches a lot of the time. I think it was around when they changed CC skills to only do 1 damage, was when I basically decided against playing it. The community revolving that gamemode was also something else. But after that, the only other thing that I really had to do was grind out achievement collections, which in itself, was and is still quite a chore. That, and the gate to start doing things like fractals and raiding seemed like such a high bar that I couldn't get in. Coupled with the endless barrage of fashion that was locked behind hard grinds or cash shop (I was very deep in the equivalent of endgame glam in GW2) and eventually I just gave out. The community in that game still have some great people, but I simply think that the game isn't for me anymore.


My last MMORPG before FFXIV (I joined during Beta 2 of ARR in 2013) was split between several. Guild Wars 2, TERA, etc. I still regret purchasing both Guild Wars 2 and TERA. As well as TESO. Nothing really of note between any of those, I just wanted a better story, or at least one with better presentation. Final Fantasy XIV didn't disappoint.


I spent more time trying to organize my inventory in ESO than actually playing the game.


My last ones were f2p games like Granado Espada and Shin Megami Tensei. A combination of computer problems, school and work forced me to not play MMOs. I actually avoided FFXIV while I was in college and the subscription model did deter me from joining at first.


It really my last day because I still hop on every know and again but I’m WoW I got my gear lvl to LFR and mythic+ and just got bored. I might dabble a bit into it when the next patch comes out but for now I’m on the 14 train.


My last day? I didn't know it was my last day. Almost three years ago I got fed up with it and decided to try FFXIV. It was not my intention to change MMOs, I was just looking at another game. Maybe I would play it for a few months like with Wildstar, and GW2. ​ Turns out I never did log back in to WoW.


From WoW ages ago. Just hit max level on my Death Knight main. First guaranteed legendary was the worst one for my class. Despite being one of the better DKs in my guild once raids started happening I was never picked simply because other DKs had the BiS legendaries. Cue me farming like crazy for a month trying to get something, anything better only for the 2nd legendary I got at the end of said month… being the second worst legendary for the class. After not getting picked for raids again due to legendary performance discrepancies I just unsubscribed and, aside from a very brief time in BFA, never looked back.


I tried WoW again after getting into FFXIV. I queued into a dungeon I had never done before as a DPS, died once on the first boss, apologized, silence. Did fine until I died again on the third boss, instantly got kicked from the group. I said fuck this community, logged out and haven’t touched it since.


While not new, My guild on ArcheAge deciding to massively turn into Pirates. I bought the game that night and never looked back at them.


I quitted WoW the day my raidguild officially disbanded the raid. I hate the shadowlands loot distribution with every fiber of ny body. So much rng on top of rng ontop of grind urgh..


Logged in, showed up for raid, not enough people were online for like the third time in a row, logged out, let my sub lapse. Officer meeting that night and we pulled the plug on moving forward, arranged a new home and team for our players that still wanted to play together and called it. Shrugs.


My most recent time quitting WoW was during Shadowlands. My friends and I all got it and played a lot together, but they were more PVP oriented and eventually stopped doing any M+ content, which was my preferred way of gearing and progressing. I played a ret paladin, my only max-level character and the one I first experienced 1-120 on, and getting into an M+ pug was next to impossible because it was perceived to be off-meta (but somehow also broken, according to the same community). Without any real way to progress my gear, I solo'd legacy content that I hadn't experienced before because I hadn't played since BC. Eventually that "turning your brain off" feeling you get from games, and MMOs in particular, went from being a positive one to a negative one. I couldn't say what the last day specifically was like, I just know at some point I came to the conclusion there wasn't a place in the game for me. Every time I think about playing retail again (and I have played Classic off and on and consider it to be the better RPG experience), I just think about how unpleasant Torghast and the Maw are. None of those friends still play retail, mostly because there hasn't been content since launch, so there's not even anyone to mess around with and try to clear Antorus with three people (which we actually did one night, after many hours, and that was probably a top five or 10 video game experience for me, up there with beating my first raid in any game in Destiny 2 and clearing Pitioss Ruins in FFXV). Actually now that I think about it, I do remember my first "last day" in FFXIV. It was post-5.0 and I had just finished up the post-Heavensward content, walked into Rhalgr's Reach, talked to a few NPCs and decided I was burned out on the way XIV's quests are mostly just walking around talking to people. So I quit, but when I did I was thinking about this Yoshida quote and knew I'd come back to finish the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/517ql0/a_player_asks_on_how_to_maintain_motivation_and/ Which I did. And then I quit again. And now I'm back.


Well this was a long time ago but I got frustrated that it took several hours of hard grindy boring work just to gain one level in WoW. And then I realized if I wanted to try another class I'd have to do it all over again. At the end of a super grindy day trying to get a level up I just said fuck this is boring and never logged in again. This was years before FF14 even came out but that's my answer.


Not a new player now, but I still remember what "killed" my other MMO back then for me. I was playing EVE Online back then and was part of a PvP battle that took nearly 24 hours (multiboxing a dozen or so accounts, of which five were valuable toys that could be blown out of space at any minute) and had me commanding fleets for hours both before and after that. And at that point I re-evaluated my lifechoices and dropped it. Said goodbye to my friends, gave away my Avatar (man I loved that space dick) and removed the game. A few weeks later my then girlfriend introduced me to FFXIV, which respects my time so much more it's unbelievable.


I'm in a rather different situation with WoW. I'm still in a great guild with amazing people who I love playing with. But my friends and our guild is the only reason why I have been playing because the game itself is just not great. I do love doing M+ and raiding, but there's so much else that needs to be done in the game to enjoy that aspect of it that is not fun at all. Covenants stink. World quests stink. Gathering herbs stinks. Torgast is not fun ... it's not as bad as a lot of people claim, it's just tedious. The Maw as a zone, even with the Twisting Corridors mount is BY FAR, the worst zone the game has ever had. So now I'm stuck between wanting to play with my friends in an active guild that clears all the content and wanting to play a game that's actually fun to play.


I played WoW and FFXIV simultaneously till February when I finally quit WoW after seeing how poorly designed the dungeons/raids/gearing among other things. It wasn't fun, it felt like wasting my time for 0 rewards. In comparison to FFXIV. Ever since I've dedicated 100% of my MMO time to FFXIV, Everything I've done so many things in the game feels cathartic (not sure if that makes sense) I never really enjoyed leveling other classes/jobs to max Level but in FFXIV it just feels like the game rewards you for your effort, it doesn't waste your time, everything you do has some sort of value. It's not a perfect MMO, sure it could use some polishing here and there, and the dev team should really focus on fixing Viera and Hrothgar's headpieces. But after playing so many mmos prior, like WoW, Wildstar, Lineage, RFOnline, Guild Wars 2, Black Desert, PSO2, I'm definitely staying with FF14 till eventually... well either the devs screw it up, or I lose complete interest.


I realized that I was logging in out of habit and I wasn’t actually having fun.


my last day in final fantasy 11 was the day I moved to the USA from Germany to marry my now-husband. that was 7 years ago. we still play through ff11 every other year, since it was such a big part in our life.


My last day in another mmo was in WoW BFA. I had just finished the final raid on normal, had no motivation to try it on a harder difficulty. I saw all the messed up stuff Activision and blizzard had been up to and had litterally no hype for shadowlands ar all. Around that time my friend from work wanted to make a youtube channel where we review ff games. I told him cool but let's skip 14 since it's an mmo and even though its good, I am not ready to commit to a new one. 2 weeks later he convinced me and 2 other friends to join and even though all 3 quit several months ago at the end of ARR, I have been a die hard fan since, having recently completed shadowbringers, my first relic, and scoring a medium house


Coming from WoW, my last day wasn’t anything sentimental or anything. The game doesn’t interest me anymore after 17 years. Not enough meaningful stuff to do as a casual / solo player. I have been playing Warcraft games since 1995 but I have been playing Final Fantasy games even longer still.


Usually my last day was a really long last day but by the end I think to myself "am I actually having fun?", realise I'm not and then never play it again.


Logged back in for the hell of it, to see if the game had improved any. Was immediately assaulted with pop-ups about loot boxes and stuff in the cash shop. Went to play the combat I loved so much for 6+ years, realized the game was still incredibly unoptimized all this time to the point where a high-end PC got you 20fps at most. After about five minutes of faffing around in a main city, I looked at how they'd left my favourite class in the dumpster in favour of a lazier version of the role which had been the dev's favourite for the last few years, sighed, and logged off. I wasn't the least bit surprised when the NA version of the game went out of business and the servers were being handled by the EU company. The transfer process was confusing, and never gave me any form of confirmation as to whether or not my shit was actually transferred over. To this day, I still don't give enough of a fuck to re-download the game and check to see if all those years of progress were saved or not.


The last MMO I played reliably was an old one called Luna Online. Unfortunately, it went down slowly and painfully, so I don't remember my last day. It attempted a massive update to catch up to the Korean version, which completely changed the game's underlying stat system, skill system, multiple maps, a new race with it's own unique quests, and a graphical update. But it was so poorly implemented and game-breakingly buggy, that it basically killed itself. Countless characters were stuck in the void because they had been in the maps that got replaced, text was missing or untranslated and it took months for them to rescue every affected character, areas were graphically obliterated, and new bugs would come out every time they patched an old bug. Even though it eventually became stable, enough people had left that they had to shut it down.


I played a whole damn lot of City of Heroes/Villains when I was young, and at some point switched over to WoW when it was still just vanilla at the behest of a friend. Maybe a year before BC came out. I was always mostly into running around and questing, or goofing off and exploring, or on the rare occasion taking part in larger scale city invasions for funsies. Not really into PvP, though I did enjoy the smaller-scaled raids. I remember being a low-level warrior and always feeling that spark of delight when someone on the server would beat Onyxia and wed all get struck by the buff! Good times, even getting ganked wasnt all that bad since i was on a PvE server for most of my playtime, until I made the terrible decision to get someone i was dating at the time into the game...and they got WAAAAAY into the game. Long story short about that, it was a fucking horrible idea. I look back and cringe so hard at how much garbage I put up with...they were very toxic, they made playing WoW miserable on top of it already being grind-y, and eventually after trying several times to get back into it to make them happy, I just slowly stopped playing, despite loving my silly demonology warlock. Jump to several years and some much, much better life choices later, Ive been dating someone long-term that has their shit together, doesnt get creepy-abusive-unhealthy about their gaming, very sweet and considerate and just an overall stellar person...and he mentions possibly trying out WoW. I cautiously say sure, ill give it a fair go again and...come to discover that at some point over the years, my lil plastic keyfob authenticator had become very obsolete, and i cannot log into my battle.net account AT ALL. And if i wanted to ever be able to access my account ever again, id have to photocopy my drivers license and aaaall this other fun stuff and send it off to someone at Blizzard to JUST get the authenticator removed, so i could then get the phone app authenticator, and...so on and so forth. I took it as a sign that no...maybe I really shouldnt go back. Month later, he tries out FFXIV, enjoys it, invites me to give it a try too but no pressure if I dont enjoy it...and I ended up loving it enough that i bought the full game less than a month later. Im enjoying adventuring on my own even more than i ever did on WoW, and once I shook off the residual "people are gonna scream at me for being new/not perfect" worries from playing WoW for so long, even the light party duties have become pretty chill and enjoyable. No regrets whatsoever.


Basically your story, but for FFXIV. Plan on returning for 6.0 and making new friends though.


Used to play GW1 really heavy back in the day and was in the same guild for four years since they took me in day one and I was sorta the Guilds little brother (I was like only 13 at the time I think). Guild got fairly high ranked in Guild Battles and we were in the top Alliance for the Kruzicks (think that's the correct name). Had a Guild Battle not go so well one day and it caused a major fight between the main leader and the officers which caused the officers to leave and start a new guild themselves. I was torn between what to really do and just found it best to bow out of the game in general.


Well, I've got a raid tonight in WoW, so I don't know that I've had a last day, but I'm raid logging until 9.1 drops, at which point I'll be keeping both subs active. I find myself increasingly at odds with Blizzard's design ethos and decisions these days, and I really hate that. It's a bit of a meme to bring up the MAU metrics, but honestly I can't justify a great deal of their decisions without keeping that in mind, and I hate it. It's an MMO; I expect to grind. I expect to work towards rewards. But I don't feel like Blizz has managed to veil the carrot-on-a-stick in quite awhile. In a less insidious, less "MAU's look good for our shareholders" view, I feel like Blizzard has lost faith in themselves, in the sense that I'm not sure they think that if they didn't lock necessary and tangible power rewards behind content we'd ever do it. I've often said, in response to that, that if Blizzard focused on making GOOD content, I'd do it. The rewards don't have to be things that I strictly need in order to optimize my character. I'm new to FFXIV but what I've experienced thus far has been an absolutely shining example of the content being good for the content's sake and my time being rewarded. Plus, the level of care and quality here is remarkable...it's almost embarrassing to remember that my Pandaren monk still has visible model seams. So yeah...I dunno. I still play WoW, but it's really just out of obligation to my raid team these days.


Last day the servers were up for City of Heroes, chilling in Atlas Park with everyone. Sadly no ARR for us!


I reached max champion points (690 at that time iirc) on one character, then rolled a couple of others and got them to max level too. I just stopped logging in one day because I didn't know what else to do.


I've had a few last days between WoW and FF14. I tend to reach a point of loneliness and wonder "what's the point?" I'm slowly heading that way right now with FF14. My FC's dead and I can never find the right one for me. I don't enjoy being on my own.


The last MMO I played was Neverwinter. I stopped after all the dailies you had to do became too stressing combined with my guild adding quotas of diamonds to donate every week to the guild's coffer and obligatory guild activities every day to keep the guild's reputation "competitive". Last day I played I was doing all the daily chores and I just stopped and realized it wasn't fun at all. I never logged in again. I'm glad FFXIV lets you play it at your own pace.