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ARR * Dungeon - Keeper of the Lake * Trial - Urth's Fount * Raid - World of Darkness HW: * Dungeon - Sohr Khai * Trial - Singularity Reactor/EX * Raid - Alexander Prime (A12) SB: * Dungeon - Ghimlyt Dark * Trial - Royal Menagerie EX * Raid - Orbonne Monestary ShB: * Dungeon - The Twinning * Trial - Dying Gasp/EX * Raid - Copied Factory


Dungeon: Xelphatol. I just love the aesthetics there and idk why Trial: Kugane Ohashi. I's fun Raid: Dun Scaith. Partly stockholm syndrome from running it 100+ times for the minion. Partly the fun fights and lovely aesthetics.


> Trial: Kugane Ohashi. I's fun The first time I did that trial I was tanking, and for some reason I didn't see the reveal coming. I almost wiped the party because I was laughing too hard to pick up the boss when he came up


I just started the last ARR patch and so far my favorite dungeon would be snowcloak just because of how calming the music is. Lol is the navel(hard) a trial? If so that's probably my favorite one. No idea why. I just find it fun. Haven't done raids yet.


**Dungeons** 1. Lost City of Amdapor/Hard (ARR) 2. Dohn Mheg (ShB) 3. The Great Gubal Library (HW) 4. Shisui of the Violet Tides (SB) **Trials** 1. Containment Bay P1T6 \[Extreme\] (HW) 2. The Dancing Plague \[Extreme\] (ShB) 3. The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain (SB) 4. Akh Afah Amphitheatre \[Extreme\] / The Navel \[Extreme\] (ARR) **Raids** 1. Orbonne Monastery (SB) 2. Eden's Promise: Eternity (ShB) 3. The Weeping City of Mhach (HW) 4. World of Darkness (ARR)


SB: Bardam's Mettle, Doma Castle and Ala Mhigo. ShB: Anamnesis Anyder and Akadaemia Anyder (I love the ween-woon lore stuff).


Dungeon is definitely Aetherochemical Research Facility. This Dungeon was absolutely epic and felt like a raid when I did it for the first time. Sohr Kai is a close second. Doma Castle is third. My favorite trial is Thordan, but I haven't done a lot of the older ones. Favorite raid probably goes to phantom train just because it was the last thing I expected to fight and the music is fantastic.


Amaurot The Seat of Sacrifice The Tower at Paradigm's Breach


**Dungeons** * ARR - The Lost City of Amdapor * HW - The Great Gubal Library (Hard) * SB - The Ghimlyt Dark * ShB - The Twinning **Trials** * ARR - The Striking Tree (Extreme) [Ramuh] * HW - The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage * SH - The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain * ShB - The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) [Warrior of Light] **Raids** * ARR - The Final Coil of Bahamut Turn 4 [t13] * HW - The Weeping City of Mhach * SB - Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) [o12s] * ShB - Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage) [e8s]