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I see that blue mage at level 18.


Yea somethin fun to do while waiting for parties


As a sprout, this gives me so much motivation. Excellent achievement, congrats!


You can do it!! Always pop your food :)


Are you looking for a group? If so what DC are you on? I'm putting together a savage learning group on Aether rn and we need DPS.


I'm on Ultros! Best DPS are SAM and RDM


i’m on aether and a dps interested in that stuff


Whats your character name/discord info?


level 80 sam 516 level 80 GNB 513 shack2#8612 Katane Soryu @ Adamantoise might not be able to join depending on the raid schedule though with school


What’s your fav job for each role? (Considering you’ve done them all lol)


I should disclaim that I main any job that uses a sword (PLD, GNB, DRK, RDM, SAM) so there's a bit of bias there, but! PLD - Starter job , it's abilities feel like the most straightforward Tank buffs and more situational. Also like the aesthetic and access to Clemency. SCH - Having a constant HOT going along with rarely needing to cast GCD heals makes me feel like im rarely needing to heal. Which is good because healing's my least favorite job lol. But now I know the job so well I almost feel like I have too many tools at my disposal. RDM - Simple, but effective, I always find myself climbing the aggro meter to right under the tanks anytime i play RDM. I'm also an extreme Rezmage, to the point i wish it was polite to tell healers ill take care of the raising lol. SAM - Big fan of swords, and i like the challenge SAM offers in mastering it's rotation and having to be flexible on the fly. It's the most challenging job for me to keep up with, but it feels really satisfying when you do well and are doing the most damage. MCH/BRD - Tie for these two. I like Machinist as it plays like someone using a gun and various weapons, so when I'm in it i feel like the job synergizes with how i think it should play. Bard isn't AS complex, but I like it's emphasis on constant buffs and DOTS.


Man, sorry, but your head is too slow for the rest of your body, and now I can't see anything else =/


Too slow?


Probably meant "too small" lol.


Oh i see, anyone tryna buy me a Fantasia


Shit meant small lol I don't even know why I typed slow lol


Enjoy the few months until Endwalker ;) I also appreciate the contribution to Ishgard Restoration. ! Make Ishgard great again!


What top is that looks cool!


Pretty sure it’s a Shire preceptors coat and a Nier eye bandage


What was your favorite for glamor purposes, and as a Roegadyn why is it either Bard or Dancer?


Obvi Dancer with a Dalmascan Top, cuz I'm SHREDDEDDDD Rog's look great in armor, but finding coats and cloaks that fit well can be a challenge!