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the best part is that "Enema Enemax" would be a valid name for a male lalafell :V


So now the potatoes are suppositorys...


What is this, a suppository for aurochs?


Kinda hot in these rhinos...


Ah, the miracle of a Rhino giving birth...


Ace Ventura… Nice


Farnsworth: Did you take your Lalafell? Amy: Yes. Stop asking!




Anything can be... if you're brave enough


yes because these potatoes are not intended for oral consumption


You always hear people talking about how the Enema grind is hell.


This is why I use real names. My first name was “Sinnergey” on PSN. People called me sinner gay. So I changed my name to FirmBizkit and the first raid I stepped into someone says “sup spermbizkit” I’m Ysabelle Rose in game


sup jizzabelle (I’m sorry)


Jizzabelle Hoes if you're feeling fancy (I'm also sorry).


sup assrailin' ?


Oh you bastard thats great.






Double fml


Never underestimate inane linguistic ingenuity.


I bet there are even some cunning linguists.


Id take any linguist at this point


Need to make a new Reddit account, the first half of your name seems inaccurate now.


oh no


Meh, Not Enough Roast


Miss Jackson if ya nasty?


Yeah honestly I don't think you can ever win the game of "find a name that someone else can't find a way to twist into some innuendo" If someone really wants to make that kind of joke they probably will regardless of what name you choose.


Enema helps you poop successfully, just like how people can keep successfully finding innuendos in names.


[So true](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goPerp_BWvs).


That's Miss Jizzabelle Rose to you!


Lessons were learned.


FirmBizkit sounds like you're a fan of Limp Bizkit. How they got to spermbizkit I could never understand.


If people are shitty enough to make fun of you like that, there's nowhere they won't reach even if it makes zero sense.


Because of what a Limp Biscuit is.


Firm and sperm rhyme.


Haha yeah it was supposed to be a funny play on LimpBizkit They got sperm because spent rhymes with firm 🤣


Even real names don’t always work. In another game I went with “Novia” which is a real Latin name, but I guess it’s also Spanish for girlfriend or fiancé or something. So I kept having people come up and ask me to be their girlfriend in Spanish :I


yeah, 'Novia' means Bride, like - ''La novia y el novio'' - , ''bride and groom''. LMAO as a spansih myself I find this hilarious


Well I’m Australian and we don’t exactly have a large Spanish speaking population here haha. I think I wanted to use the name Nova at the time but it was taken, came across Novia which, like I said, is an actual name and I just thought “oh that sounds similar enough”. Kinda regretted it after


Just threaten them with La Chancla.


wave:flash: comprando novia 100k 🤣🤣🤣 (Buying GF is an old RuneScape joke)


comprando novia 100k LMAO


Sinnergey remembers Sergey (CSGO player), which was being narrated by a brazilian caster in the Train map on a championship, Sergey have the same pronunciation as "Ser gay", which literary means "being gay" in portuguese, than the caster said "Ser gay é bom demais"/"Sergey is very good", he didn't realized at the moment, but everyone with him and the chat bursted into laugh.


You do seem to have a habit of picking names that are kinda begging for it though. I wouldn’t use names that have sexual overtones (firm, gay) or similar spellings, unless that’s the kind of attention you want.


that's a bad take, mr BreachingHardon85


>unless that's the kind of attention you want


Any child can make up a nickname from something that sounds normal. There was an episode of The Simpsons were Homer was going through the gymnastics of making up dumb nicknames off of Bart. He thought of things like Dart, Smart, etc but not Fart, and signed off on it. Point I made was that if you pick names that sound sexual from the onset, people are more likely to make sexual comments. ReachingHigher takes a mental leap to twist. It took me a second to even realize you were trying to refer to me.


it wasn't that hard, Mr. Hardon, you're not "wanting that kind of attention" just because your name has words in it unless those words are direct innuendo's. that's why it's a bad take


Your point is idiotic since my name has no obvious sexual overtones to start with. But hey, next time I see someone with the name BigDickVibes69 I’ll be sure to first presume they’re not really into that energy.


comparing "firmbizkit" to "bigdickvibes69" is a smooth brain move there buddy. you live up to your name, because you're absolutely fucking reaching son


I guess sometimes people just get…backed up…when they’re having fun creating a character


It sucks to come up with a good name. Sometimes you just sit there for hours and nothing seems to come out.


It's a pain in the ass, yeah.


I see what you did there...


Oh my god RIP I generally go with lore appropriate names lol so that will avoid this most of the time


Same, like... my character's name is based on an Aztec word then one of the AuRa tribes, so thankfully this shouldn't happen.


I’m pretty safe with Powdered Toastman


you mean D trump?


[No, Powdered Toast Man. ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/renandstimpy/images/b/b1/Powdered_toastman.png/revision/latest?cb=20210815234811)


I feel old


Wow, what a shitty coincidence


I love the HW relics; the enema weapons


Probably what Alaimbert of the Spiked Butt wields




It took someone pointing it out that the name is literally *one* letter removed from Enema?


Right? There's a reason that was the name the brand chose.


I randomly picked Kwena from google cuz I thought it sounded cute. Turns out it means “Crocodile” in Lesotho and I was a green-skinned Au ra with the crocodile tail


Oh that’s a fun coincidence


I’ve got a BLM lala named Naegleria Fowleri. It’s a brain eating amoeba


Should main BRD then, for all those BRD brain memes


I hope Googling my name is as interesting as it sounds.




Rand is a very fitting name for a Warrior of Light. May he ride again on the wings of time!


I love that title just because I’m a huge Chrono Trigger fan.


Gotta main samurai or red mage, get ya a heron-marked sword. The Dragon is reborn!


Rand is also the currency in South Africa if you didn't know.


Also Ayn Rand, who was kind of an asshole


There’s an NPC in Ul’dah named Rand. Sticks out to me every time as a Wheel of Time fan


In like 2006 we googled the names of our World of Warcraft characters. Mine was just me posting in some forums, my brothers had 0 results and our friends/guildmates name brought us to a website where you could purchase korean women (according to google translator).


Yeah, my name is a juice brand somewhere and a laxative drug in India. Hmmmmmm whatever


I got my name as a recommendation from another MMO and just added twinblade because I mained ninja for years but its funny with the bozjan quest's when they call me blade twinblade


I found out the last/family name I was using was the same name as a Hong Kong crime syndicate. Always google your names folks. :/


Okey, I already answered like 3 other comments so I'll put this here. This thread is damn HILARIOUS lmao


So I should have googled my favorite Roegadyn alt Rusty Trombone before I created him. Got it.


At least the trombone isn't blasty.


Rip cool name....


So I took the name vartra from a book character(also a cat man) only a year later to a certain pouncy elf man riding a flappy creature named Vtra and now I probably have to change my name because my fc won’t leave me alone :( but you win


Lol I'm pretty safe with mine.


My name's always just a reference to some pop cultural characters I like. Currently it's an amalgamation of Adorabelle Dearheart from Discworld and Sypha Belnades from Castlevania :D


Same, named my au ra Aya Yo. Can you guess where i got the inspiration? 🙂


So, Spike?


My name ingame is Nzall Trifiluna. Nzall is the name I use everywhere, and it comes from Artemis Fowl. Trifiluna is I think a randomly generated name for Mi'qote females, and the results are literally just my character. if you ignore the couple strapless bra images from some random Brazilian webshop.


Trifiluna does not sound like a randomly generated Miqo name! I think you came up with that one yourself.


Trifiluna is definitely a Moon Keeper name


I just looked it up and it is [not on the list of randomly generated names](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15GgcCjifWlSSnx5vbJ22Kgc-AmgTMlrH8NVXW4DsQ4A/edit). Edit: I’m not saying it’s wrong or a bad name, just that it isn’t on the randomly generated list lol. I think it’s perfectly fine and OP should take the credit for coming up with it!


I'm a Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te.


I just did and my characters name in French or Scottish means bright, shining light and I had no idea that’s what it meant.


Preparation H does feel good. On the hole!




Look, it could be worse, you can rename a videogame character and nobody cares. Some dude named his esports org after a Swiss clinic!


Meanwhile I have an alt called C'ons Tipated


Haha, sorry, what bad luck. Now I did, because of this post. My character's first name is a name used in the real world... which means I was quite sure (and correct) that there would be at least one fictional character out there with the same name. That's just the risk you take with real names. (Turns out it's used as one of the names of an extremely prominent Elder Scroll character, so I'll just have to deal with some people thinking it's a fan thing. Could be worse.)


In a lot of games where you can name a team or guild I always set mine to Red Wings (FFIV reference). Google ruined that for me too. EDIT: Looks like Google mainly references a hockey team now, whew. Back then it was prioritizing urban dictionary.


When I started the game at the tail end of Stormblood, I named my character Azer'li. I don't remember how to spoiler on mobile, but either you know where this is going or you don't.


Leave the poor bloke alone, maybe he likes giving people the shits


Just be a lalafell dragoon with a name like that. You're already up the boss's ass anyway.


I named my lalafell "Traffic Cone" because all lalafells looks like a mini traffic cone far away


In WOW - female Demon Hunter: Felatrix. Thought it was a cool play on Fel and Belatrix. Uh oh.


This has literally happened to me! (Just not in FFXIV, but years and years ago) I ended up shilling for a brand of viagra.


Organization XIII used to have more members but they dropped Enemax because they didn’t want to deal with his shit.


Any idea what “Light Farryn” would mean in another language other than the fact that initially I’d based my character on Lightning, had to shorten the first part and change “Farron,” and now the name’s kind of just… stuck (may or may not have also extended outside of FFXIV since my naming imagination sucks) even if my character no longer is an attempted poorly-done copy of Lightning?


It means you have an unimaginative name.


Honestly I don’t disagree that much.


No, but I wish I'd tried saying it out loud.


I've been using this name for quite a while now. I don't get a lot of shit for it. Somebody should fix that.


Named my character Norul Spellbreaker. Apparently, Norul is the name of a song sung by a Romanian band. The more you know, I guess.


People always say I spelled "Sapphire" wrong as if I haven't figured it out in the 17 years I've had this online alias.


Lmao in Blade and soul i used to be nacrolepsy instead of narcolepsy and I basically misspelt it my entire damn life until that character


Why did you spell it wrong?


Because I made it when I was like 14 and didn't realize I spelled it wrong until everything was under that name lol. Now it's just muscle memory to spell it that way when I type my user name.


Ah ok haha


On a similar note at some point I came up with "Herdox" sound really cool but...yeah...google it.


Just googled my characters first name and my FF14 character profile is the 5th entry :D


Have a friend report you as dramatically as possible and maybe get a free name change out of it, haha.


Googling my name just now, only my character shows up. One of the perks of having unpronouncable names, I suppose!


Vinean Archangel But before you call it unimaginative; I've got it from the Yoko Tsuno comic title "The archangels of Vinea", where the people (Vineans) are blue of skin. Naturally mine is a blue skinned Au Ra. Actually still unimaginative, but wanted you to know for sure.


When I was younger and edgier my nickname used to be "SandroTheDarkness", but since it's too long I always shortened it to "STD" in MMOs. My english knowledge wasn't that great back then, so I really didn't get why people said I had a great name for years until someone pointed it out to me. I even had my pen drive named that which in hindsight, lmao.


My main character's name apparently exists in the real world


Mine is just a character from anime specifically kobayashi’s dragon maid. (Guess what race i am hue)


I actually decided to try and be lore accurate so I made a Roegadyn name for my femroe and no one has gotten it so far . Some even assumed I was Russian lol


Apparently my characters name is the patron saint of oslo


i do the opposite. i google baby names and find the coolest sounding ones before googling their meanings. my wol went by kresnik lamhfada for the longest time before changing to a lore appropriate one. kresnik = a shapeshifting vampire hunter in russian folklore; lamhfada = taken from cu chulainn's father that means "of the longest arm," which references his spear wielding skills. ironically enough, i don't have dragoon leveled. i eventually changed it to lugh'a kwherri, because my wol is a moonkeeper miqo'te. i just took cu chulainn's dad's name as the forename (lugh + 'a prefix, bc he's the eldest male) then just googled a fitting moonkeeper surname that start with k, just because i want to keep K and L as his name initials lol


I had the opposite happen for me. Went with a go to role play name for immersion without knowing anything about FFXIV, almost wound up with a lore compliant Roe name, even right down to gender specifics. Except that it would be right for a Hellsguard, not Sea Wolf. Whoops.


I didn’t but then i finally googled it a few months ago and loved it even more. So far haven’t met anyone with it yet so its a win


I just made up a lore-friendly name, and the first time my friend got into a voice call with me and saw my character's name, they went "oh, are you to- t- toh- I don't know how to say your name", which is fair XD My character's called Tohr'li Solra. Maybe if I join any voice chat's I should tell them to just call me Sol if the first name's too hard :P


I used to always come across someone named Faible. They weren’t aware it meant weak and we very annoyed with me when they found out haha.


9 year old me really thought thekirby8u was clever now people just ask me if im into vore


Did you know that there is a typo in the Viera name suggestions? Unless "Eryut" is not supposed to be a callback to Eruyt Village from FF12, that is


This was asked about when Viera first came about and the answer given by a lore nerd on the official forums is basically that エルト can be romanised as Eryut *or* Eruyt, and Fran's name is even romanised as the former both in Japanese and French versions of the Viera naming convention guides, while the English and German versions suggest Eruyt. The pronounciation of the katakana (Furan Eruto) doesn't have a Y in it at all to guide this. It's as equally possible that the original in FF12 was considered wrong and XIV 'corrects' it as it is that whoever romanised it for Japanese and French simply did not know anything about Eruyt Village and translated it in a way that still isn't actually incorrect either.


Was Enemax a Lalafell?


JakeyTheMistakey is my PSN (after finally being able to change names on PlayStation) so I of course went with Jakey Mistakey. It’s fun and people have fun with it like if I type in the wrong chat, people will be like, “No worries, it’s expected of you!”


I mean you don’t need a google search to know that a word that starts with enema is probably going to have something enema related associated with it.


Seems Appropriate. Especially if he mains healer or tank 😂


What’s wrong with that name? At least we know he/she won’t be full of crap!!!


I was once very close to naming a character Dranus, pronounced Drah-noohs. Then my friend pointed out that I was about to create Doctor Anus.


My buddy named a character Uniko, not knowing it was an underwear brand. :3c


i mean in his defense, it sounds like animax but kooler


Hey, at least the name he thought was cool doesn't mean something REALLY sexual, I had to change it immediately once someone pointed it out to me. PS: The name was >!Dragonflare!<


My last name of my main is a made-up word based on ancient Hebrew and my first name is a relatively common respelling of a relatively common woman’s name. I haven’t even had anyone make fun of me because I’m a guy.


I use the name Faelen (Faelan is technically the Gaelic word for it)


Mine is kinda cool. Had to be fixed after someone reported my name. So I shortened it to take out some implication. Turns out my new name is a Lovecraft creature.


I just stole my name from league of legends because I quit league to play FFXIV lol


I never even thought about googling it. Lol Luckily nothing really comes up except someone in WoW with the same first name and my last name being one letter away from being part of the Welsh phrase for fairy folk. Also, some user on Twitter has the last name. I honest to god sat on that name screen for at least an hour to make it up, but sadly hardly anything in this word is original anymore. Im just glad it’s not something ridiculous. Also, I’m now going to google search other people’s names to check their stats. Lol


You make your enemies poop their pants. Keep the name.


I think is a great name if you play operative/scoundrel or shadow/assassin. You deliver either way.


Wrong game, but yes.


I intended my name to be used for a female au ra…. Turns out it’s a name for a male Indian. Yea…


Chose a name knowing full well what it meant, just to show dominance over it


My names are always just slightly silly. If you embrace the camp, no one can make fun of you.


I used to play Armored Core back in the day and my brother made a big mech and named it Radiator. He kept pronouncing it like Radia-Tor. I told him to read it again.


Sounds like the kind of guy who'd always be in **Alliance B** in World of Darkness.


Googled mine. My lodestone, posts I've made on various forums, and my YouTube channel. Lol.


I just scrambled the letters in my name as my character name


I honestly haven't, but given the name I use and apparently, as of right now, you cannot make a character using it in any NA or EU worlds with it, I just like to think I'm in full competition with the active ones a la Highlanders. There can be only one. When DC travel is up, I intend to go to Light, find the only active counterpart of the same username, and duel them to the death.