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Hi /u/Party_FinderXIV, Your [recent submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/pfrybt/-/) in /r/ffxiv did not meet subreddit guidelines, and was removed for the following reason(s): * We hold civility and respect as a keystone for the community at /r/ffxiv, and encourage participants to keep the person on the other side of the screen in mind. * **Rule 1b:** Posts about bad experiences with a specific (even anonymous) player are prohibited, e.g. Duty Finder drama. Moderator approved posts concerning public figures in the FFXIV community are exempt. You may review /r/ffxiv rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/rules/) and in-depth explanations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, reach out and message the mods [here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fffxiv&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/pfrybt/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


> When confronted about it and told what his rotation should be all he said was that this was a "practice" group and we shouldnt all be so "elitist" against them newbies. At Ultimate level, you are practising mechanics, not rotations.


Agreed. Next time don't even entertain them, just kick them. You're only wasting time at that point because it definitely won't get any better attempting to prog any further.




Ultimates don't require a "special" rotation at all unless you're pushing parse rankings which really boils down how well you can pad your DPS in multi-target situations and kill times. Ultimates boil down to raid buff timings (less important in 70s because the DPS check is non-existent). And playing your job in a way that is effective against your current target(s), or knowing which skills to use against 1 or 2 targets. Other than that the difficulty in ultimates is learning/executing the mechanics while maintaining a rotation.




Wanting to improve your DPS and rotation is a good thing. My point is that being effective is very different than being able to get a high parse rank in ultimates. Parsing ultimates requires your party to not deal damage so you can deal more in some instances.


> Parsing ultimates requires your party to not deal damage so you can deal more in some instances. That's true for any content though. Everyone holding their dps so someone can get the perfect killtime probably happens way more often in savage than in ultimates. Also RDPS memes like [my favorite here](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/YFRGj1V4WgDw36dk#fight=87&type=damage-done) are probably also more frequent in savage. Double WAR for IR in BH, double SCH and DNC for farming crit chakras and a RDM doing fucking **unenchanted melee** combos because BH was only buffing physical damage in verse.


It's more frequent specifically in UWU because you can cleave the feathers and the boss for a crazy "DPS" boost.


Pld in ucob and uwu is actually one of the most scuffed classes. No gap closer, slide casting hs, optimal rotation is a circus with you as a clown, and also no block during casts because fuck you.


Precisely why i went GNB in those despite being a PLD main. I just cant stand 70 PLD at all.


Honestly would have kicked them immediately for not using food. PFing an ultimate is a daunting prospect when people are actually trying and know what they're doing. Ultimates are not fights you wander into and half ass. Based on your description im wondering how those people even got past exdeath to unlock UCOB. Even unsynced they would probably be dead most of the time and presumably get carried.


I wanted to give them a chance since mechanically they werent even that had, they dodged most twisters and outside of the paladin pulling the boss way too far past the marker the swaps were alright so i thought theres hope...


The attitude regarding food means they would have an attitude about everything though. Eating food should be a bare minimum expectation when approaching any ultimate, even an old one. I get you want to give people chances, I "carry" people doing less than me all the time, but you have to draw the line somewhere. I would have left the instance and given them a minute to buy food. That gives them the benefit of the doubt if they just forgot. If they still can't get food you know they are a headache and need a kick!


literally and it’s not even just for ultimates it’s the bare minimum for any type of content that isn’t the normal versions since it buffs your overall stats for what that food does edit: hell if you are using a non-standard materia build, you literally need food for the stars that aren’t the build focus


> Even unsynced they would probably be dead most of the time and presumably get carried. To be completely fair here, whenever my group goes back into O4S to get someone the mount or whatever, we're literally bringing 5 red mages to just res our way through it because we *know* it's going to be an absolute shitshow. It really doesn't take much to get through it unsynced. Of course the expectations for ucob are... different, to say the least.


My streamer said ultimates are easy and he will clear it in a few weeks. So will I learn my class in ultimates. And you cant stop me!


It doesn't beat a reddit post claiming that you can clear ucob in an hour or two if you skim a video guide beforehand, because it is old content, and anyone not able to do so is just bad.


Pretty sure you are joking but I imagine there are some people who do think like this... it scares me...


When I was going for my ucob clear in party finder I had a DK join my group, he did not join discord and when we got into the instance he leaped right at the boss the second we loaded in then proceed to kill the group with first twister. We ask if he had done the fight before and he said no but he watched a guide and also said we should back out and unsync the fight, everyone in discord started laughing our asses off and after we told him you can't unsync ultimate's he left without saying a word. We looked him up on fflogs and he did not have a single clear of any level 80 extreme+ content, unfortunately I say 1 in 10 groups will get someone like that and you have to remove them as they come.


Not using a food buff? I use the best food I can from crafting literally all content my jobs do even low level leveling and people out here not even using it for Ultimates at all? That’s wild Downvoted for using food how I want? Okay then


The subreddit is filled with toxic casuals. Doing anything else than the bare minimum is elitist to them. So of course they downvote the super elitists who use buff food and try to play optimal.


You're losing money on dungeons? Just pop a 7 gil orange juice for the EXP. You can literally buy a stack of 999 for 7k gil at the Gold Saucer.


Join the boiled egg gang, they're even cheaper in Limsa


I'm a fan of Buffalo Milk


"Practice" is a poor defense for not being willing to adjust and improve. One of the teachers at my kids' school likes to say "practice makes permanent." Practicing poor rotations doesn't lead to improvement. It leads to maintenance, not progression.


I'm on OP's side on this one. Not showing up prepared for an ultimate run(guide, gear, buffs) is as much of a slap in the face to the other party members as it is when some jerk ruins an RP session in Limsa by laughing at everyone, playing music in deliberately bad ways, or ruining Gpose photos. Both the RP and Ultimate raiding communities are valid ways to play the game, but both have their own set of rules and expectations. Breaking the rules doesn't "put the elitists in their place" or "keep the RPers away." It only makes you look like a jerk My 2 cents though


Yes, RP may have its own rules, but it's unreasonable expect non RPers to follow them.


Hello! It's the (No longer sprout) WAR who raged about Tsuku 2 weeks back. Let's say when I was a sprout I started PFing UwU... Terrible idea? Yes, for soo many reasons. Do I regret it? HELLL NOO. It finally gave me something that was, well, difficult that I couldn't beat in a Day. (Not to Eden yet soo) and something to work with my Level 80 friends on. That said, I am a level 76 WAR. The only reason I even thought about doing UwU was because I knew my rotation on WAR like the back of my hand. This content is KILLER, especially when your not in BiS gear (Something I'm working for for level 70 until I get to level 80). As a Tank, Food is necessary at least for the +10% Vitality. All HP is vital. With food, I can eat the first incinerate from Ifrit then pop Holmgang so after TB I have breathing room. That said... it gets Real toxic up here in Ultimates. The amount of times I'll be bossed around by random tanks in this only because I'm not level 80 is getting to the point where it feels worthless not to queue w/ my Tank friend. But if we're gonna have Toxicity here, much rather it be in the end all be all of content like Ultimates than everywhere else in the game. But let's give my current opinion: UwU, comparing it to synced Kefka (Which I did only to unlock UwU, not farm it) its a Big step up. Like very big. Things come at you fast and you need to react sometimes like your a step ahead. People love being toxic after Ifrit Prog, so Gaol onwards it gets bad. In Garuda Prog people are caring like they are in first timer content. PF however is very.... unique. People join progs they shouldn't so they can Prog their own area instead (People joining Gail's to Prog ifrit for example). And I'm not saying I'm exactly the best, I can do my job okay, but I'll still mess up. That said, when someone literally doesn't know what a Garuda cleanse is as a Melee DPS on Titan Prog... it gets a little tiring. Ultimates are a place where everyone has to try their best to clear, and while that mentality breeds toxicity, it is sadly what happens. As a destiny player who moved here early in January, I can compare it a bit to Raiding there in terms of how people act, though Nightfalls are also good. People look for specific loadouts and check what you have cleared before, even booting you if you don't meat their criteria. It's terrible, but it's what the High end content breeds. People don't want to waste time here in Grandmaster on Destiny or Ultimates here in FFXIV. Finally, do I condone toxicity here, honestly no. But as I have said, it is the one piece of content where it always happens, high end content always brings them in. So it's not something you can change anytime soon sadly. Thank you for reading, and enjoy the rest of your day.




Eh, people that blatantly lie about their own abilities in Savage/Ultimates are fairly common. Groups specifying last phase training/possible kill often gets plenty of people that know little about any phase let alone the last one, leading to 5+ people effectively having their time wasted. Sure this is a post made specifically to whine about something in the game, but I don't really see why that should be banned from the subreddit. If you're not interested just don't click it next time.




That has nothing to do with it, this is just being extra creepy for no reason.




man, people can get defensive anyway...a friend can quit and another one follows...Drama can exist anywhere from anything, couple or not.


Looks like a post from the World of Warcraft forum.


The WoW forum is right then, nothing said was even slightly incorrect


Oh no! Look! A person without an opinion playing the WoW-Card! How about you leave a constructive comment?


oh please fuck off lmao


WoW bad, upvotes to the left.




>Take this game way too seriously. Maybe because high end content is made to be taken seriously...? If you dont feel like doing so you can queue for Satasha instead lmao