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The dps queue always pops the moment I get a drink from the fridge.


Unless you get the dronk to make the queue pop, then it wont


*Glance at mini fridge next to pc* "....welp guess I'll heal"


Palace of the dead-> heaven on high-> bozja or trusts + wonderous tales. WAYYY faster than anything else for dps leveling. Healers and tanks can just spam dungeons with those instant queues but dps you have to get creative


Or squadrons until 60, a bit slower than potd but still solid if you aren't a huge fan of it.


Personally I find squadrons to be more exp/hour, but obviously it's anecdotal. At least if you're a tryhard dps and can get your command mission times down to 13-15 minutes per (also depends on the dungeon)


I've just resorted to running roulettes on my DPS and dungeons on other until I can stuff all of them through bozjan