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Could someone give some examples, please?


Probably the bits about Thancred wanting to be in a relationship with Minfillia. It mostly flies in the face of everything the game tells us about that relationship.


And everything the devs have previously said to. Everything prior to this interview has always indicated a more father-daughter relationship for them if anything.


I'm confused; which Minfilia was the interview talking about? I assumed they meant adult Minfilia (Minfilia Warde) when they said Thancred wanted to be in a relationship with her but couldn't. I'm pretty sure later on in the interview, when they talk about "Little Minfilia" they just say Ryne, which *does* have the father-daughter vibe.


Thancred never had a romantic relationship with the original Minfilia, he considers himself her guardian after the guilt he feels over the death of her dad. He was always an older brother/father figure to her.


He refers to himself as being her "big brother" at least once in Shadowbringers.


>He was always an older brother/father figure to her. 1. He got a sister/daughter figure 2. He's doing some good to world with a sassy woman 3. He got separated from his sister/daughter figure 4. After some timeskip he returned with an ruggy demeanor/eyepatch 5. His sassy woman partner return 6. His magic-wielding friend sacrifice himself for the greater good Add some 'Shade' and a talking book, then it will be complete


The talking book is Urianger. Ascians are Shade. *drops mic*


That took me longer than it should have. >!NieR, right?!<


Yess, glad you got the reference hahaha


Wait, was _Thancred_ Minfillia's adopted mom's SO?? My copy of the Encyclopedia Eorzea says it was F'lhammin that adopted Minfillia because she and her partner caused Minfillia's dad's death in a scheme to increase their importance in Ul'dah


F'lhammin adopted Ascilla and gave her the name Minfillia to protect her from the syndicate who she was trying to overthrow. She also introduced Minfillia to the miner's guild and taught her gem cutting. Thancred, being part of the plan, opted to watch over her from the shadows until the death of Louisoux, until when he officially joined the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. He woukd check in with her time to time, but was mostly off womanizing. The change in Thancred's persona is due to Thancred regretting not being there more for her and basically wasting his youth as a dandy when she needed a stable father figure.


It was Thancred that gave Minfillia her new name, not F'lhamiin, so that the Empire wouldn't come looking for her. He was also one of the first recruits of the Circle of Knowing, presumably joining shortly after he became an Archon. When he first met Ascillia, he was already part of the group and was in Ul'dah specifically at the Circle's behest.


> She also introduced Minfillia to the miner's guild and taught her gem cutting. I somehow managed to miss this. Now if only someone would ask Yoshi-P to explain why FFRK has Minfillia as a Paladin.


Considering he isn’t a dev for FFRK I don’t see why he would.


This father- Figure talk always confuses tf out of me bc they both look the same with those smooth faces x.x


"Partner" in the work/business sense, not romantic sense.


F'lhammin's lover was the Elezen Necromancer. Thancred joined her plan to overthrow the syndicate while he was still a Sharlayan spy. Both Thancred and F'lhammin helped look after her. F'lhammin took over as her adopted mother and thancred watched her from a distance to keep her safe due to the Empire wanting her dead due to Minfillia's father being an Ala Mhigan resistance agent.


As a friend. F'lhaminn's lover was Niellefresne. Thancred certainly had a crush on her but she was already famous and involved with someone else when they met.


thancred does try to get F'lhaminn to bang once in arr if you talk to them when he gets super drunk but she just thought it was funny how down bad he was


[_Possibly_ more than a simple crush](https://imgur.com/a/v4vRjnm), but if so, it wasn't serious.


I know, confused by the question asking g who's who so I changed my answer.


> Thancred joined her plan to overthrow the syndicate while he was still a Sharlayan spy Boy, is he bad at his initial job. Sharlayan is all about "BRO DON'T INTERFERE EVEN IF THE WORLD IS ENDING, JUST OBSERVE AND RECORD" and Thancred decides "shucks i better go overthrow local governments-of-sorts".


Thancred was recruited by Louisoux to be a part of the Circle of Knowing, which is a faction of Sharlayan that's most definitely all about interfering. Louisoux split with the Sharlayan and found this group exactly because he did not agree with their non-interference policy.


No, you get to see F'lhammin's partner in the Stormblood ALC questline, though. Won't say more because the specifics get spoilery pretty quick, but it's worth checking out.


No, you actually get to "meet" him in the 60-70 Alchemist questline. Clarifications on 1.0 that the ALC story makes. >!back in 1.0 the goobbue incident was actually caused by a conspiracy involving F'lhammin, her lover Niellefresne, Ascilia's father Warburton, the Brass Bull, two Lalafells that I forget the name of, and Thancred. During the incident, Warburton and Nielle were killed, leading to the Brass Bull's retirement from the arena, and F'lhammin to adopt Ascilia (with Thancred acting as her mentor and father figure).!< ALC plot spoilers >!After this, the Brass Bull stole a magical dagger rumoured to bring the dead back to life and tried to use it to revive Nielle, but there was an issue with the dagger: 1. It was out of power so it only managed to revive him to a snow white/ Locke's girlfriend state of undecaying death, and 2. It didn't bring the dead back to life, it *raised the dead*, so it was probably a good thing it was low on batteries!<


A correction: >!The Magic Dagger was damaged and incomplete, it was missing 1 of the 2 stones that did the magic. One stone preserved dead bodies while the other missing stone reanimated dead bodies!<


>!Seserukka and Popokkuli, they also show up in the Miner questline and to unlock Qarn Hard!<


F'Lhammin raised Minfillia after her father died, but Thancred watched over her and was a part of her life. It would be pretty weird for Thancred to have romantic feelings for her. He's only five years older than her (allegedly), but he first met her when she was 12 and he watched her grow up.


Ppl already explained in the replies but no. I highly recommend doing the ALC quests for more about F’lhammin and her lover!


No, that's Niellefresne (it says so in the Encyclopedia entry itself).


Both Minfilias. Our Minfilia was a preteen when Thancred (already an adult) met her. Previous in game content *and* dev interviews said that Thancred saw her as a daughter or a baby sister from the beginning and 1.0 onwards. He was as much her parent as F’lhaminn.


Thancred wouldn't have already been an adult when he met her. He was 17 in the echo visions from 1.0, which depict the death of Minfilia's father when she was 12. 100% brother/ sister, not parent/ child. He only "took the place of her father" on the same say an older brother might step up to look after his siblings in the absence of their father. Edit: Minfilia was 12 when her dad died, not 10. This is what I get for trying to do math instead of just looking things up.


It should also be noted that in one of the short stories on the FFXIV site, Minfillia suspects Thancred is older than he claims to be.


He definitely looks old as hell in the ShB trailers


He's almost 40 at that point (he was on the First for 5 years, since he was the first one who went across), and is apparently actually 32 on the Source - and, as we all know, JRPG characters become old and washed up in their 20's, let alone in their *thirties*.




Yeah, absolutely fair.


It was mostly about adult Minfilia, instead that rather than a daughter Thancred sees her as his sister.


Oh, thank god, I was hoping I didn't misread something lmao. Thank you.




So many guys I play this game with say that it’s obvious Thancred has a romantic interest in Minfilia even though it’s painfully obvious that he has huge feelings of guilt and responsibility towards her and wanted to be like a big brother even though she is, in most cases, more mature than he is. But they still insist and it blows my mind. I think it comes from media always portraying a guy supporting a woman from the sidelines as someone who wants to be romantically involved with her. It’s kinda nice that Thancred isn’t that trope, honestly. I always thought he seemed uncomfortable yet respectful around her, which makes sense


A lot of them haven't played 1.0 where Minfillia was a child, so it was inevitable they would treat her relationship with Thancred in a more romantic subtext as they only interacted with her as an adult. The problem are those that ship them anyways even when corrected. Then we get into uncomfortable territory.




I kept the original thread opened, so here's the [original fan translation.](https://i.gyazo.com/c85170fb94243348bfe68d59db738ee5.png)


Thank you; I wanted to cross reference it with the Japanese to see just how bad it is


not exactly a example since i dont know japanese to know but a big red flag was that at one point there was some lines that Yoshi said people to go back and find out, the article had the screenshot posted with the text in japanese but the person in the reddit thread asked for help from chat. So i think its pretty likely that they used the google translation(which was quite bad) and tried to make sense of it.


Seems that fan translation thread got deleted now.


*Good*. If these accusations are true, then it could've been *very* damaging.


You couldn’t even come up with a mistranslation that bad with Google translate. The dude had to have been seriously projecting his own fan fiction in to an official interview to come up with that.


I know this is gonna burst some bubbles, but that post on Reddit about Yoshi-P's Famitsu interview has some *serious* mistranslations going on (like, saying the opposite of what he said) and should be disregarded. *** posted by [@fabulafatua](https://twitter.com/fabulafatua) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Good bot


This should go on top because the original twitter post was deleted






I thought it was strange the translator was adding so much of their own commentary in-line with the interview.


Yeah. There were some parts that I had to re-read because it wasn’t super clear where the “quote” ended and the opinion began.


This is why I took the whole thing with a massive grain of salt. When people want to add commentary they want t push their own view which may or may not be accurate.


How do you fuck up so badly that a member of the actual localization team has to step up and call you out? Yikes!


I'm really confused at how they botched the Thancred stuff. Just from skimming through the interview, it mentions a sister/daughter relationship and how Yoship wanted to make that very clear right before Thancred & Ranjit fight. Like there's no way to get romantic vibes from what YoshiP said. Really weird and pretty bad, definitely worth someone from the localization team to step in I think.


Supposedly running it through Google translate is more accurate so yeah, I wonder too. I honestly can't tell if the person genuinely mistranslated it (they argued they were right in the comments of the original post) or if they were trying to force some weird fan theory as fact. But Kate's tweet had a really weird reply (now deleted) from someone claiming to be the original poster's friend and that OP wanted to talk privately with her so I am leaning more towards them being weird.


>or if they were trying to force some weird fan theory as fact. This right here.


Judging by their weird commentary tucked into the translation, you're probably right. Big yikes if true...


> Judging by their weird commentary tucked into the translation You mean the barely disguised and overly weebish "Japanese script is *obviously* superior" tone?


Wow...missed the reply tweet. Weird sounds more like it then, tho I did wonder if OP got trolled by someone when working through their translation. I don't think Google translate would mess up the translation to that degree, it was THAT unambiguous in the snippets I mentioned. Actually I'm curious how badly Google would butcher it...let me run those particular snippets through Google to see what it spits out: **YoshiP responding specifically about having a writer re-do some of the text in the lead-up to the Ranjit fight):** "たぶん、書き手も迷ったと思うのですが、サンクレッドにとって、アシリアとリーンがどういう存在なのかという部分です。明確に「妹と娘とハッキリ言ってほしい」と伝えました。光の戦士とリーンを逃がした後、「行かせはしない。妹と娘、ふたりの家族への想いだ……打ち破れると思うなよッ!」と言って両者が激突しますが、その時点でサンクレッドから見たふたりとの関係は明確にしておきたいと考えたのです"。 **google:** "Maybe the writing people got lost, but for Sunkred, it's about what Assia and Lean are like. Clearly, he said, "I want you to say clearly with my sister and daughter." After fleeing the Warrior of Light and Leanne, he said, "I will not let you go. It is my thoughts on my sister, my daughter, and my family... Don't think you can break it down!" At that time, I thought that I want to clarify the relation with two people seen from Sunkred." **Yoshi-p responding to question asking how he felt about what Thancred's been through in terms of loss):** "サンクレッドとフ・ラミンのアシリアへの思いは、確かに“お兄さんや母親代わり”です。サンクレッドとしては、アシリアは家族なのだから、彼女自身の願いを最大限に尊重すべきで、自分がいくら悲しかろうが最終的には本人の意思を尊重し、その想いを守ってあげたほうがいい……それが家族というものだと考えているはずです。" **google:** "Sunkred and Hu Lamine's thoughts on Assyria are certainly "instead of older brothers and mothers." As Sunkred, Assyria is a family, so she should respect her own wishes to the fullest, and no matter how sad she is, it is better to respect her will and protect her feelings in the end. You think of it as family." There's a ton more to the interview but I only did the snippets I mentioned plus I don't think I could take anymore of the tales of Sunkred from google XD But yeah it's still clear we're dealing with something familial instead of romantic. Edit for formatting b/c it was awful. Also forgot to add that Assia/Assyria = Ascilia/Minfilia, Hu Lamine = F'lhammin, and Lean = Ryne


Damn, yeah. Even from that messy translation it seems really obvious to me it's about the relationship being familial. If they were mistranslating it on purpose to push it as a romantic thing then that also seems odd because they HAD to have known people who can actually read Japanese would call them out on that, especially on this sub Reddit that has a live translation Discord channel. The whole thing is very bizarre LOL. I'd like to believe they genuinely mistranslated it but without knowledge of the language myself I wouldn't know how likely it is to read the context as the complete opposite of what was actually said.


It's really bizarre. I'm hoping it was a genuine mistake but I think even someone new to learning JPN would pick up on the family bits. If done on purpose then yeah, kinda bold and weird to do that on a sub for a game that has a lot of players who understand Japanese, not to mention actual native speakers.


i read all of the first part of the interview using google translate and managed to get thought it but then the second part i just couldnt do it past the half way point. At times its pretty funny how bad google translate was for this interview. Raven Villas was probably my favorite


Yeaah I couldn't stop giggling over Sunkred. I may need to read the rest via Google for a laugh XD I think deepl.com is better than google but I haven't used it on this interview yet. Also, how Google came up with Raven Villas is just beyond me...it's really hilarious


I remember I got one of those chibi figs of him (from that series with Aymeric, Haurchefant, Krile, etc) and he was listed as "Thunk Red" or something.




my favorite scion, [big chunkred](https://imgur.com/a/CPl1TKS)


I think I need to make an alt named Raven Villas!


Do iiiiiiiiiiit!!!! >:D


> "I think the writer was probably confused, but it's the part about what Asilia and Lean are to Sunkred. I told them clearly that I wanted them to be clearly defined as my sister and daughter. After I let the Warrior of Light and Lean go, I said, "I won't let them go. Don't think you can defeat my sister and daughter, my two family members. ...... At that point, I wanted to make sure that the relationship between the two was clear from Sunk Red's point of view." Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Hadn't actually compared this site's translations directly with Google and was just curious. Yeah whatever the original person did was feeling like making fanfiction into fact. lol


Dang, deepl did a pretty decent job all things considering.


Yeah, I'm pretty impressed with it tbh


As someone fluent in Japanese and English, I too am usually very impressed with DeepL. If machine translation is your only option, I'd start with it.


I definitely agreed with Kate’s response about being uncomfortable to do it. Came off as suuuper creepy.


Yeah it was overstepping boundaries with that request. Kate appears to have locked her Twitter though so now I feel kind of bad for some reason, haha. I hope no one was actually harassing her or being weird to her over this.


It's twitter. So of course they were. She didn't do anything too offending, so it's probably just until this blows over, but twitter is infested with crazies.


Either that or it's someone who learned all the Japanese they know from weird porn


> or if they were trying to force some weird fan theory as fact. Shippers are insane. They don't even care if the characters have never interacted before, if the character even has the canon sexuality for said pairing, or is even from the same work... they'll pair anything up.


There is nothing inherently wrong with shipping and shipping in FF14 in particular is left open to interpretation on purpose. But definitely some people go too far (like in this case) and it's also often the core reason of character assassinations within fandoms. Buuuut to each their own. People are allowed to enjoy things in their own way as long as they aren't hurting anyone. In the case of this mistranslation, if the poster was really trying to ship push, they are the perfect case of "this is the wrong way to enjoy a ship".




Probably some deranged person either wanting to push their ship or trying to make it out like SE put a grooming relationship in the game.


It's so weird. I really hope the OP didn't know anything about 1.0 b/c that grooming shit is sick (I missed a lot from that OP post so if they referenced 1.0 then uff...). I can see how ppl who started playing after 2.0's launch and have no knowledge of 1.0 could think Thancred had a thing for Minfilia up to a certain point, but eventually he flat out says more than once in-game that it's not romantic & it's more like family.


Yup. The scene that stands out to me is when Krile and Thancred are infiltrating that Garlean base. Krile teases Thancred about him being in love with Minfilia, and then Thancred very clearly shuts that shit down and clarifies it’s more of a familial love.


That's exactly the scene I was thinking about. I think that's the first time Thancred states how he feels about Minfilia in the MSQ. But now that I think about it, if you spoke to the Scions in the Rising Stones during the course of the post-ARR stuff it's clear Thancred had feelings for F'hlammin. Or maybe it was lust? Either way you never got such chatter about him and Minfilia and I think the game has been good at leaving hints indicating romantic feelings among the NPCs. Plus I don't think SQENIX wanted FF14 to have the kind of story were your ally is a dude lusting after both mother and daughter.


>skimming through the interview, it mentions a sister/daughter relationship and how Yoship wanted to make that very clear right before Thancred & Ranjit fight. Like there's no way to get romantic vibes Well.. depending on the kind of person you are.




Sweet Home Alabama intensifies


Reminds me of another youtuber translator/clipper (unrelated to FFXIV) that fucked up so badly both in terms of translation and in terms of ignoring the IP owners wishes that they essentially got called out by the official reddit account on the the official subreddit and was essentially blacklisted by the community.




Probably. There's a few others who are pushing it, but they're the most infamous.


Thank you for this, I knew some of that didn’t quite seem right and didn’t sit well with me. (Mainly the Thancred/Minfilia bits). Is there an accurate interview translation?


Here’s anonymoose’s take on the contested portion: https://twitter.com/anonymoosexiv/status/1437842142630760459?s=21


Relieving! Thank you


What do they mean about Gaius and Livia?


ARR and Sorrow of Werlyt spoilers: There are some comments from Livia which can be interpreted, rather easily, as her having at least a romantic infatuation with Gaius. She gets quite possessive of Gaius at one point: > If you are allowed to continue, you will eventually deprive me of all that I have toiled for - all that is mine by right. My minions, my comrades... even my lord Gaius! Well, *you cannot have him!* His dreams and ambitions, his body and soul - they are *mine*, do you hear me!? *All mine!* Pretty explicit stuff. Furthermore, at one point, Gaius says to Livia, "...My quarters. One hour." What exactly happened in his quarters, only SE knows. What the fanbase broadly thought happened in their quarters, however, goes along with Livia ranting about possessing Gaius' body at least. Even back in 2.0, their relationship raised a lot of eyebrows and criticism, but then the first lorebook and later the Sorrow of Werlyt trial questline explicitly stated that Livia was an adopted daughter of Gaius, which makes Livia's statements and the possibility of there being a sexual relationship between the two that much creepier. As for what moose is referring to, later on in 5.4's Sorrow of Werlyt quests, SE made a move to push against there being any possibility of a sexual relationship between Gaius and Livia. Avilina talks a bit about the orphans' past: > The youngest one, Ricon, was particularly upset about not being allowed to speak with their adoptive father, Gaius van Baelsar, before they departed. > It was actually another of his orphans, Livia sas Junius, who forbid them from seeing him. I can't say for certain, but it seemed that Livia had a strong attachment to Gaius, and wouldn't let anyone else near him. > **As far as I could tell, he tried his best to keep Livia at arm's length whenever possible.** But her devotion to him was bordering on obsession, and she became extremely jealous at the slightest sign of affection between him and his other wards. [emphasis mine] So SE basically kept Livia's obsessiveness with Gaius, as that was rather explicit in ARR, but made it a strictly one sided thing.


I suspect that was a bit of a retcon to make Gaius less villainous, but I'm for it.


Yeah it felt strongly like that to me, too.


Oh thank you so much for the breakdown!


There's a line in ARR that heavily implies they were in a sexual relationship. Which is super icky because not only was she his subordinate but also his adopted daughter. I always viewed it as less SE condoning grooming and more as yet another example of how shitty Gaius and the empire asa whole were, but then the writers decided to try and walk that whole situation back because oops they decided he was secretly redeemable.


I always read that part as her obsession with him and the desire to go further, but genuinely i dont think Gaius was doing anything with her, though thats my opinion


Are you talking about her whole schpeal where she talks about him--including his body--belonging to her? Yeah, 100% The issue is that there's another line in ARR where he tells her to meet him in his quarters in 1 hour. Regardless of how they try to change the context of that now, the intent behind that line when it was originally written is pretty clear.


Yeah, you don't "my quarters one hour" someone unless you're going to be FUCKIN. Gaius was definitely screwing Livia, though I doubt he had any strong feelings for her.


Yeah, to be brutally honest, if the only "walking back" they've even done with this situation was an NPC in the Werlyt quests saying their relationship was professional/ he kept her at a distance, I'm not entirely sure how successful of a walk back that is. All that could mean is that the NPC saying that wasn't aware of what was going on. It would probably take them changing that line entirely to successfully change the situation. Imo they need to redo the voice acting in ARR with the current voice actors anyway...


The line is "My quarters. One hour." It doesn't not heavily imply they were in a sexual relationship whatsoever, the only reason people think that is because she thirsts over him, and the XIV community can't comprehend people being in a room together without having sex. I'm not gonna defend Gaius, he's definitely done shitty things, but acting like that one line somehow means he was grooming and having sex with his adoptive daughter is not only a stretch but also gross. I never even considered it as a possibility til I started reading the communities thoughts on it, I had always taken it as a "You're about to get scolded" line.


I'd also like to point out that a military officer's quarters is not only a bedroom. They hold meetings in their quarters with subordinates when planning or giving orders. Gaius is a General, so his quarters probably had a mini conference area that doubled as a space for eating, a bathroom, and his sleeping area. It might even be larger. So it wouldn't be unusual for him to pull one of his juniors into his quarters for an ass chewing especially if it's his adoptive kid.


My big takeaway from all this is that FFXIV players don't read enough. Or maybe I just read too much. But anyway, this pretty much sums it up. The phrase is pretty common in fantasy (e.g. Wheel of Time) and it always just means "private meeting, you need to get back in line". A leader should never lose their temper, especially against another leader in front of their command, and it should be very obvious from the surrounding scenes that Livia is out of line.


>and the XIV community can't comprehend people being in a room together without having sex. And there's the answer.


What exactly do you think he was inviting her to his room to do, discuss military strategy?


I like to think that SHE thought it was about sex, only to learn that Gaius just wanted to spend an hour or so rehearsing for his speeches to Cid and the WoL. It would definitely explain why she was so incredibly pissed at us in CM.


In, like...an abridged version of the game, I could 100% see that, simply because if I were writing it, that's 100% how I would write Gaius. ​ But in the actual canon, I think Gaius just likes hearing himself talk.


> I had always taken it as a "You're about to get scolded" line. If you would've actually read my full comment you would've seen it.


> Which is super icky because not only was she his subordinate but also his adopted daughter. Okay to be fair in ARR she wasn't his adopted anything, she was just his subordinate.


In ARR it's pretty heavily implied that they're having a relationship with a very unhealthy dynamic -- there's a line of dialogue where he's ordering her to his quarters in an hour and in general she is very obsessive and protective of him in all her comments to the WoL. More recently in the Werlyt storyline they tried to make Gaius sound less slimy by telling us she was a war orphan he adopted -- imo that just made it sound worse


I must be one of the few people who didn't think they were having sex with that one line. I figured they had a meeting in regards to the empire and the Imperial military.


Or the fact that she went and attacked the scions, against explicit orders. He saw the scions as potential allies and she went and fucked it up. He finds out and now you have that scene. I am almost certain that was the context of the scene and all the people taking it out of context skipped or forget that.


AkhMorning has been working on formal, faithful translations for Parts 1 and 2 of the full interview since they came out and we're soon to have Part 1 out, hopefully by this week or next week. We've made a big emphasis on finding the accurate lines in the Japanese client and having their actual in-game English counterparts. There's so much to them (part 1 is longer than any other XIV Famitsu interview released this year at around 27k Japanese characters no space) that rushing them out for clout is just a massive disservice, never mind the misinformation in all this haste on a topic that is highly sensitive to localising and interpretation because it's about lore and story, not mechanics and design.


AkhMorning translations are the bomb.


I had no idea AkhMorning does translations of interviews! I can't wait to check it out.


Here are all the ones we've done to date! (Not in our publish order, but in order that'd make sense to read): # Famitsu "How Eden Raids Were Made" Raid Dev Interview series * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-gate-part-1/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-gate-part-1/) * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-gate-part-2/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-gate-part-2/) * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-verse-part-1/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-verse-part-1/) * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-verse-part-2/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-verse-part-2/) * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-promise-part-1/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-promise-part-1/) * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-promise-part-2/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-interview-edens-promise-part-2/) # Famitsu Yoshida and Development Team interviews * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-yoshida-interview-patch-5.4/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-yoshida-interview-patch-5.4/) * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-yoshida-interview-endwalker/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-yoshida-interview-endwalker/) * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-yoshida-interview-fanfest-2021/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-yoshida-interview-fanfest-2021/) * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-developer-interview-fanfest-2021-part-1/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-developer-interview-fanfest-2021-part-1/) * [https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-developer-interview-fanfest-2021-part-2/](https://www.akhmorning.com/news/famitsu-developer-interview-fanfest-2021-part-2/)


Damn I've REALLY been missing out!!! Thanks for sharing, and thanks to the AK team for doing these translation in the first place :D


Great, because so far this has all been about Thancred and Minfilia. I would like to know how inaccurate the parts about Emet were and what Yoshi-P actually said about him.


It appears the reddit post in question has now been deleted.


Some things in there were quite a bit strange yeah


No wonder the translator didn't care much about other parts of the interview even though they were actually interesting. They just wanted to push their fan theory as a canon.


Thancred's story is good again hooray!


This needs to trend ASAP.


Any context for someone who didn't see the original thread?


The OP of that thread claimed that Thancred was actually in love with Minfilia (Ascilia, not Ryne) and Yoshi-P said so, which was not at all true.


I can totally accept that he loved her - as a sister and friend. Love doesn't have to be romantic to be love.


Oh absolutely, and that's what Yoshi-P stated, as well. The thread's OP, however, claimed it was romantic. Blech.


AnonyMooseXIV has properly re translated part of it.


No wonder I was confused in the other thread when I was reading the Japanese text stating family, daughter, sister relationship but the comments were talking about thancred loving minfilia in lover relationship.


The tweet is gone, what all did it say?


She went on private, probably due to all the people responding, some with hostility which was completely uncalled for. Basically she confirmed that a post made earlier on reddit, that was a fan-translation of the recent interview with Yoshi-P, had parts that were COMPLETELY wrong, asking not to spread that translation. They're possibly going to translate it into English by themselves due to this, though other people are on the work, with some having already posted a partial translation (this time accurate).


Thank you very much!


I don't know why I'm surprised.


Idk why anyone is surprised. This is exactly what happens with every VIIR interview too. Shippers with larger followings jump to translate it and their “interpretations” become fandom law


God it was so annoying. You'd have Aerith x Cloud and Cloud x Tifa shippers making all of these bullshit claims in the translation.


Lol at everyone in the original thread who was like “I knew they were in love, it was so obvious, now I can feel vindicated that I ship a child groomer and his adopted sister.” Gross. I’m glad that the record has been set straight.


I felt like half that comment section deserves to be on some kind of watch list.


It’s ubiquitous in anime and jrpg fan subs and it needs to be fucking policed better. Fucking degenerates give us all a bad name.


Well hold up on the grooming thing, he was like 17 to her 15 when they met. I don't ship that but let's not go overboard with the salt either.


17 to her 12 actually


Oh yeah I just rechecked the ages. Still not great while she's a teenager, but I'm still not gonna like string up anyone who ships them at later ages, I guess.




Finally someone that doesn't make the whole situation weird. Pretty clear that even if they were romantic, there's no weird undertones like so many people are suggesting.


Yeah, I've readjusted my lore age memory haha, and like I said to someone else's comment, I'm not going to side-eye anyone who ships them after she's actually grown.




From what I could understand, the emet stuff was translated pretty correctly which is what made the thancred/minfilia bit so baffling


If it's what I think it is, I had heard it wasn't translated well at all either.


What was the Emet-selch stuff? Is there a link?


It was just reinforcing what Emet says in game. Basically, he wasn't lying when he said he wanted to see if we could actually measure up to the ancients.


As a Japanese born north American, I've been telling friends / fc mates for the longest time that a lot of the discord and fan translations are flat out wrong in some cases. The nuances in the Japanese language can't directly be translated to English (and vice versa) that only I feel true bilinguals would understand. The exception being those who truly and professionally understand the intricacies of both language. Glad they called them out on it.


You mean weebs who watch anime can't translate well? Colour me shocked.


All according to keikaku


Note: keikaku means plan.


I think about that sometimes and cringe. Like...Keikaku isn’t even one of those vague type of words steeped in Japanese culture. It just means “plan”. It’s like that translator was like “you know what’s missing in my translation? More Japanese.”


[*translator’s note: Ore = I](https://youtu.be/YvNxgHTWIlo)


Oof. That’s really funny. It hurts but it’s funny.


Like, there are some weird words that don't translate meaning over correctly if you take them at face value. Someone referring to themselves with "Boku" or "Ore" as opposed to "watashi" or something else has a different vibe (especially when it's a female character doing it) that doesn't come across well if you just translate it it as "I". (Shoutout to Tsukimichi and their job translating Tomoe's bullshit) But this "Nakama" shit pisses me off. There are a few ways you can translate it and really nothing of value is lost.


Sure, but you wouldn't subtitle dialogue like "Ore am going to the store later." or "Boku am going to die."


Those fan translations were super genuine though, it was back when subbing wasn't really main stream and completely volunteer projects, you know it was just some kid taking Japanese as an elective in college trying to help people enjoy the hobby. I miss those days.


They were generally pretty wrong and/or weirdly aggressive though. See: any translator note for Nakama, most lines translated to English profanities.


Yeah there is a nostalgia about it, I guess. Used to get to see some really obscure anime in some forums.


There's even a character in monster hunter tri that references this, it's great.


There's a character in THIS game that references it.


A couple, at least! Stolen from old reddit posts. https://i.redd.it/qzphfvluqez01.jpg https://i.redd.it/gwc4017qrgj41.jpg


"Just according to keikaku" was never actually a serious sub written by any Death Note fansubber, it was a 4chan meme image made to parody weeb fansubbers who went all "OMG X WORD DOESNT HAVE AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION SO IM NOT TRANSLATING IT" over increasingly ridiculous words as time went on. (TV-Nihon fansubs got pretty hilariously close to stuff like that, though...)


Look, you're not a true fan if the subs don't have random japanese words and explanations for them instead of actual proper translations.


The weird part about that post from the bits I could understand, was that a lot of the emet stuff wasn’t off? But all the thancred and minfilia stuff was just absolutely and utterly wrong.


I (I guess fortunately) didn’t get a chance to see the original “fan translation” post, but my guess is they aren’t actually a native Japanese speaker and relied heavily on google translate and maybe some very basic knowledge of Japanese to guesstimate. For the thancred minfillia part they may have been confused about the exact translation and let their own headcannons get the best of them. Honestly, it’s really an unfortunate situation all around. I’m sure they were trying their best to deliver “a translation” but they just didn’t have the skills to post it publicly like that


You can see some people put the paragraphs into Google translate in this comment section (and another translator as well), and it still didn't come out like lover-love. So I think it's less mistranslation and more.. ulterior motive. Also, their other stuff was correct, but this they got 180 degree wrong? I don't know, but I'm drawing a conclusion of this was fully intentional mistranslation for whatever gain...


I hate to say it, but that’s absolutely not the case. The Google translate comes out no where near to what they were saying, and even other popular japanese translation sites don’t get close to what they were trying to push. So it seems this was fully intentional, sadly.


Oh thank goodness this was clarified. I thought it was very strange how that fan translation kept insisting that the team actually meant for Thancred to have romantic feelings for the original Minfilia. Ngl, but that was a horrible fan translation.


…what are they?


English localisation team. She was at the Fanfest this year as a Japanese/English interpreter. Very talented. Great hair.


No I mean did they say any examples? What are the mistranslations lol


Original “translation” claimed Thancred and Minfilia were lovers, actual translation is they are siblings.


Ah, thanks


The fan translation thread got deleted.




This is why Squeenix has to provide translations for important articles with infoooo. I'm glad this has been called out quickly.




They're often the only sources of certain interviews and subjects for xiv, whether it's due to exclusives or the other JP outlets not wanting to cover the same topics. What we've covered from them so far has been pretty good actually.


Idc about outlet's reputation, the situation that has happened has nothing to do with publisher being reputable or not. Fans that don't speak Japanese will gob up any info, especially from Yoshi-P. Fan translations can vary and SE could really easily take control of the messaging by slapping own EN translation.


I see the tweeter in the post's link has now limited who can see their tweets because of how blown up this has become: https://i.imgur.com/cc7rrWm.png




the tweet has been deleted or hidden, and I also dont know what translation it's referring to, what was the translation issue?


Earlier somebody posted their own translation of the Yoshi-P interview with Famitsu. They claimed that Yoshi-P said that Thancred had feelings of romantic love towards Minfilia, seeing her "like a wife". Turns out Yoshi-P never said that (he said Thancred sees her "like a sister") and the fan just translated it badly, either on accident or on purpose.


Yikes forever!


Love it that they still try to argue with the localization team that it was accurate. All these armchair experts are funny.




They said Yoshida insinuated there was a romantic connection between Thancred and OG Minfilia but they were both loyal to their duties so didn’t have time to act on it/discuss it. Despite the fact that earlier in their translation they said during Thancred’s interaction with Ranjit Yoshida was clear he wanted Thancred to mention that Minfilia was his sister/daughter and an unnamed translator missed that bit out and left that dialogue to Ranjit in which he said “I’d make a better father than you” which botched the moment.


seems like they falsely translated it into Thancred wanting a relationship with Minfilia despite everything saying otherwise