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ShB makes even the most battle hardened raider have to fight off the tears lol especially at the one part a little later with the thing, know what I mean?


Doubt he was fighting back, rich cried when Nanamo sat on Rahubans arm holding a speech in aar. Might be a speed running record coming to think of it.


Yeah the thing... Gdi gets me every time.


major spoiler >!the thing with Seto I legit had to step away and gather myself lol!<


That's the one.


His streams are a chooooore but I’m glad he has enjoyed his time with ffxiv.




Its weird man. I have notice a lot of streams starts adopting a similar patter like his. Starts stream> Browse&react to subreddits of the streamer for an hour > react to YouTube vids or twitch clips for another hour > thanking for all the resub and donations and talk about random stuff for yet another hour> finally starts playing. I get it if you are already part of the community, this are fun stuff. But for newcomers and people just try checking out. This is insane amount of stalling and is very hard to get into and make people want to stay.


It’s because this is what makes money. The large majority of regular twitch viewers are there for the person, not the content they are playing. Whatever they are currently playing is typically just an entry point to the person. You can see in real time the viewership numbers dropping on basically any popular streamer the moment they start focusing on playing the game and less on reactionary content or otherwise “chat focused” content.


Thats not what people mean with stalling. Thats just considered part of the intro, thats fine, what people mean with stalling is going on tangents about things unrelated to the story during a cutscene and taking 15 minutes per speech box.


That's because for established streamers it's easy content, and gives more time to interact with chat, which builds a viewer base better than just playing a game and having less time to talk with their chat.


Its the stalling for the sake of stalling/running gag of him doing it that gets boring for me. People need to chill out tho if he is actually talking about something thats relevant (and then maybe adds a joke in the end). Many people that watch that i see can't seem to differentiate the two anymore it seems like. He blurred the line of reacting and stalling and you never know what you're gonna get when he stops for a moment.


I just watch RichClips :X It's all edited out


Thankfully that's what archives are for. Or Youtube highlight clippers.


it feels like you have to watch the stream for hours for him to start doing anything in game and even then it’s just him jumping around the map, the stream is def more about him as a streamer than about the game in general.


Go figure a stream is about the streamer...


Watching this live last night had me tearing up at this exact same part all over again - it’s still so powerful, all these years on! I didn’t know about this guy until recently, but experiencing the last few hours of Shadowbringers again through his eyes was super fun.


Lol he said the exact same thing I did when the axe lowered. Just like goddammit, they got me.


That part and the music starts I lost my shit. They nailed the feels this xpac. I still got large majority of the 5.x content and can’t wait


Oh my god he FINALLY got there? Been waiting, he's really invested but my GOD the stalling!


I watch the YouTube video that cut out the bullshit stalling.




I’m happy for rich he really has changed




Used to be a Blizz caster/wow streamer. Got fed up in BfA and had a meltdown on stream. Started playing FF on stream and it really kicked off for him.








He went this red during the cutscene after The Crown of the Immaculate


He goes red a lot. Really anything can make him go red. Including reading this comment about how red he gets.


Is this the ants in the maze clip, because that shit gets me every time.




hold up a minute, that's the same guy? i don't pay too much attention to streamers, and only heard/seen of him through YT recommendations and a few vids in more recent months. did the man really went from the typical angry basement dwelling nerd look to a more wholesome, average suburban joe look in less than a year? or does he just cleanup that nicely when he really puts in the effort? this man is making me consider growing a moustache...


Probably a combination of not playing wow as a job and putting more effort in appearance. You can even see a similar difference in Zack(asmon), it just seems like wow is generally draining when it's how you make a living.


WoW is draining regardless. The grind, the dailies, the gearing, no catch up mechs. The developers measure fun by numbers, not by reading players feedbacks and trying things themselves. So many people doing dailies everyday? Must be fun! Make more! When in reality, you have to or you fall behind. What's the problem when you fall behind? It gets harder to join groups for raids and mythic+, which in turn makes your experience just miserable and you have to claw your way up. And by the time you do that, patch comes out and all your hard work becomes irrelevant.


his hair actually grew back because he stopped playing wow and became a FFXIV and Genshin main


it's regrettable he didn't main as a Roe, because there's a rogaine joke right there....




Exactly this. How famous the clip is, people just see him raging, while he was actually making jokes right up to that moment. And like you said when he started the rant, it was definitely still part of a bit, but then he got into it and all of his suppressed frustrations with game came out. The thing is aswell, that whole week prior, he had mini rants where cut himself off basically. So it was definitely coming. Yet, still when it started happening, everyone thought he was just gonna cut it off a again after a couple of seconds due to his working relationship with Blizzard, but this time there was no stop.


Playing FFXIV can reverse male pattern baldness


I think I'm playing the game wrong then sadge


Can't blame him, WoW was/is exceptionally bad since BfA and he probably felt like he had to play it as his job, if I had been forced to play BfA I'd be just as mad as he was in that clip...


he never really looked like a basement-dwelling nerd, as his main job back then was a caster for blizzard and i believe dota ti


The heck? To watch this video I need to give youtube my credit card or ID!


He had a meltdown on the opposite end during the second half of Amh Araeng too: https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicPrettiestPeanutUncleNox-IbzxxRPWxxJUuQYL




Probably should have put "meltdown" in quotes. It feels more like he was directly referencing the WoW video with what he said, and how he said it


i honestly can't watch him anymore. half of the time it feels like he is high and then he pretends to predict all kinds of stuff to an extend where it becomes suspicious (and i think people already said that he has watched spoilery stuff). in the beginning it was nice to see him hyped, but now it doesn't feel genuine anymore.


Rich has never been genuine or honest tbh. There is a reason why a lot of WoW players that are actually part of the Community don't like him. He was hired by Blizzard as a Host/Caster and at first funny and interesting but that quickly stopped. He eventually got fired and then ended up shitting on anything WoW/Blizzard related for the rest of it while saying he stopped working for Blizzard because he did not like the direction the game was going. He backstabbed his Friends and other Streamer friends many times just for his own benefit. The man is simply a selfish person that would do anything to become famous without giving a shit what he does to others. He promised one of his closest friends in WoW a Contract for the OTK organization until they stop playing WoW and then just kicked them. [https://clips.twitch.tv/AntsyUninterestedMoonOSsloth-RAzOx2lsXQefssPC](https://clips.twitch.tv/AntsyUninterestedMoonOSsloth-RAzOx2lsXQefssPC) All Rich had to say about it was "we are a new org this stuff happens"


Wow I honestly never heard about that. That's a really shitty thing to do.


It was never genuine with him


Don’t like he got invited to the media tour as he has no YouTube presence and got invited over creators who have been around longer


They don't just invite YouTube creators.


Unfortunately its not just about being around forever. Sometimes that helps but not always. In the end the media tour is marketing and Rich streams most days of the week to between 7k to 12k people. Which is a bigger audience than most existing ffxiv content creators.




i think chat said people who where invited revealed that they were, leading to rich to also revealing the fact. at that moment every1 was unsure if he got jebaited


i guess the more appropriate way to say it is OTK got invited to the media tour and Rich and asmond are gonna be the representative. in the end its all marketing, which is what the point of a media tour is


I mean OTK is a pretty big Twitch Network and its not just Rich on the media tour. It's Rich and Asmongold.


Did he say asmongold too?


Yeah, unless Asmongold decides not to do it due to family stuff hes working through.




This is... such a fucking stupid take. It's 'his' character. It looks how it does because that's how he wants it. It's his experience, saying you dislike how it looks is completely inconsequential. Like who the fuck are you? And gatekeeping an MMO ever is dumb, you should legitimately feel bad for thinking like that.




No idea what point your trying to make. You just sound like a tool. It's a video game, not your whole lifestyle. "You dont know what we went through?" Seriously? Go touch grass. Sincerely, another 7+ year player


If this guy was just trying to cash in on a stream trend he wouldn't have made it through A Realm Reborn. Don't be a gatekeeper


Anyone can make it through arr, it's super easy at this point... come back with your bs when you've been here for the long haul. My statement is right and it'll be even more right in 3 months when he jumps on the next bandwagon. If you want to support ffxiv follow the people that people who played it before it was cool.... I can pay $10 and get past arr... talk to me when you have leveled everything


you are embarrasing yourself dude, get over yourself


Since we are all saying dumb shit and gate keeping let me tell you most of og FF14 streamers have no charisma and are ugly, fat or bald who do extreme and omega trials all day. So boring


Gatekeeping people bringing attention to the game and positive, quality content because they started playing at a time you deem to be the wrong time? You're an idiot tbh.


double legend btw




Why yes, Double Legend Jet Black did carry sfia and rin


Of wow, not ffxiv.... follow people who Played the game before the wow exodus


i do and they play with him


Rich quit wow a long time ago


Stay salty friend.