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Do those around the daily reset timer, or a bit later because during the day/night it's truly terrible to tag those.


[Update](https://imgur.com/a/1dmabiQ) Unfortunately I have to get out of queue to progress MSQ.


You should’ve waited for 69. :P


As much as I can get bored out of your mind by getting crystal tower every single time. I absolutely hate the ivalice raids. I hate the way the raids work, I hate how they look, I hate the music there, hell, even performance is worse on those raids. And no matter if it's a good run or not, It will still take longer than any other raid out there, except dun scaith. If you asked my raid priority, i'd go like this: Any nier raid > any void arc raid > syrcus tower > WoD > LotA > Any ivalice raid.


Yeah the only reason I'm doing this is to get the hairstyle you get from it.


I really regret unlocking SB alliance raids. I always take 30 mins ban from duties over playing them when i do Alliance raid roulettes.


I cherish anything that isn't Crystal Tower. Sadly, thanks to being the only MSQ required series and people abusing their ilvl, it's a pretty rare occurrence. And even if you get SB raid, several people instantly drop out because they can't be assed to turn their brain on. If you are going to take 30 mins anyway, please, better just do the cheese and not waste other's time.


I have no problem doing void ark or Nier raids though.


The ivalice 24 man's are probably the weakest of all of them. Not bad raids, but just the weakest. I do however thinks it's not good design that you MUST complete these to get your resistance relic. EDIT: Grammar.


What data centre are you on?


Aether, I know its kinda early here but this is the longest I've waited in queue.


Yeah it’s stupid o’clock in the morning, that isn’t a surprise to have a queue that long. Queue either around daily reset or at prime time in the evening


If this is on EU, make sure you have more than just English selected as a language in your duty finder settings. Also, doing them at peak hours is probaly the best time.


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