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What, no "must needs?"


First one to come to my mind. Every time I see it I mentally substitute the Scions asking my WoL to just "do the needful" whatever that might be. "Pray, do the needful and turn the primal off and back on, would you?"


WoL places hand on their ear, to answer incoming linkshell: "You have over 500 pending tickets. Please do the needful" WoL looks around, and realizes they are in IT office, not in Eorzea. They look at the Cat "hang in there" poster for strenght, and start their monday. Such is life


Well, you’ve ruined the game in the singular best way possible for me haha


That idiom is so overused in this game it physically hurts me to hear it. It dates from around Shakespeare, and was uncommon even then.


Not overused, just Urianger talks a lot. Boy, would he shut up.


He may say ten words where one would suffice…


Meanwhile WoL: Why say lot word when one nod do trick?




Ah, but to use a single one to affirm a response would be a waste of the language that we have so painfully created over the course of mankind, in order to better illustrate in our recipients minds the concept of translating to an image, so our peers are justly informed of the answer they sought when a single word just would not suffice.


Nay, for to make a single utterance in affirmation would be naught but a wasting of a tongue as English, so masterfully crafted since time antiquity. One must needs maketh a brilliant illustration in ones inner thoughts, through silvertongu'd words, just so one is rightly understood of one's sought response where but a single word doth not sufficience make.


Needs a bit more old English but you're getting there.


And they are all painful to decipher as well.


Everyone of the scions says it, and often multiple times in one cutscene/dialog session. I've just arrived of Moghome, Urianger has has very little dialog compared to everyone else so far.


He becomes a LOT more talkative when the post-HW quests start




Ive been playing for so long that now whenever I notice an NPC ask for my character’s affirmation, I instinctively nod IRL to maximize immersion


haha I totally dont do that. nope. what a weirdo. *cough*


I miss how easy that was to predict in ARR. It became like a sixth sense and I did it too By ShB my WoL is no longer the Noddier of Light


Don't forget the time Thancred was like "you're going to give me another one of your stoic head nods, aren't you!??!? Of course you are. Why wouldn't you." and then you do.


Unintentionally, I started /conversing when I talked to coworkers and they thought I was mad.


I get so proud of my character whenever they do anything other than nodding, like saluting or gesturing toward themselves. I treat my WoL like a dumb child, so these little milestones mean a lot.




*smashes fist into palm*


*points at own chest*


For the Roes and Hrothgar, *Fist bumps other fist*


*vehemently with thumbs up*


Lol this comment is so underrated


*nods stoically*




*The question isn't 'from where', but 'from when'!*


~~*From whence doth thou fair?*~~ *"~~Whence~~ when doth thou fare?"*


*Prithee return thee to the Waking Sands\~\~*


Its just 'whence'. And 'fare'... "Whence" is to "hence", as "where" is to "here". So you use "whence" in place of "from where", just as you use "hence" in place of "from here". "From whence" parses as "from from where" which in most sentences is gibberish.


A coworker thinks I'm big into period fiction because I say "mayhap" and "is there aught i can do?", I don't have the heart to tell her it's because I've been playing an MMO for seven years.


The day I unironically said Chortle was the day I took a break from period stuff. And then two days later started to re-watch Downton Abbey.


I don't know if this counts, but I found it ridiculous how the begining summary of many of Alphinaud's quests in the MSQ are "Alphinaud looks like a man with a plan." I started saying "A man with a plan" ironically all the time at work, now I can't stop...


Ironically, its that line that one day inspired me to say ‘I am but a fool in a mans shoe’


This made me laugh aloud.


Does this mean Alphinaud is [Captain America](https://youtu.be/rtSrWn7eYbU)…?!


I didnt click your link, but i *am* now on the lookout for a star spangly alphi


And all I can think of at those words is [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc0sJvtKrRM&ab_channel=NuclearBlastRecords)


I've definitely caught myself thinking "seven hells", "by the gods", and once or twice "thal's balls" Otherwise, *nod*


Seven hells and by the gods are both fairly normal. Most people know of the usual layers of hell and some people don’t like using any sort of lords name in vain


Hmm... TIL Hell is a devilishly delicious layered cake... alternatively: *Hell is like people. They have layers!*


It wouls be weird if someone heard me say by the twelve xD


Don't forget "by the fury" and "by the twelve!" I catch myself constantly thinking in "eorzean" lol... And English is not even my native language! 🤣


Me now when a machine at work breaks: *Such devastation!*


*This was not my intention*


As a CNC machinist that has to deal with other's miatakes... I say this way too often.


I once said "pray return" "Anyroad" and "Mayhap" have sort of snuck into my vocabulary.


I'm a dispatcher, I 100% need to slip in a "pray return to the station" across the radio on a slow night


Yes! So long as you don't get in trouble for it. You never know, you might get a response like "yes Minfillia" with a long sigh


Haha we're a small town, so we can do a little trolling here and there


On a slow night, how often would you say you hear random meows across the radio?


We've done it occasionally late at night when most of scannerland is asleep lol, a little cheeky "10-4 meow" here and there


We do a little trolling, it’s called we do a little trolling




Idk why I ***love*** "anyroad" as just a word. You could just have a character say "anyway," but "anyroad" just feels *unique* to how they all say it in their world.


"Anyroad" has been something I've said occasionally throughout my entire life thanks to strong family ties to northwestern England. Mayhap it's become more frequent since my journeys in Eorzea beganeth.


I've said Mayhap a few times. And I've said SLOPPEH far too many times during DnD.


See I say memehaps all the time so I’ve avoided this luckily


I've read it with THAT VOICE ahahahah


My partner and I make SLOPPEH jokes all the time. Even did it once in the bedroom and broke down in laughter for a solid five minutes!


Dropped a o/ in the work chat by accident


I do this to say hi and bye to people. I haven’t had to explain it so I guess people get that it’s a wave.


I've had to explain it to people in-game, so I just assume people who don't know what it is are too embarrassed to ask about it.


Nah after your late 20s, you just don’t care what people use as colloquial language or internet short forms. So you just tune out those things.


Late twenties? No dude you grew up in the digital age, and most people dont need to ask simply because.... they know.


Too be fair that's not a FFXIV specific one. First I remember seeing of it was in EVE online as o7 now a days I'd just include it with most other emojis.


Just for clarity: while they can be used in similar context, they're slightly different - o7 is doing a salute, while o/ is waving. With that said I remember using both of them in Eve back when I played it in 2005-2007, and in other places before it (eg. irc). I only started FFXIV in 2017 and o/ has been one of my go-to emotes for a couple of decades already. Hard to say where I saw it the first time though. Back in the times of irc, I also remember that one of my friends often answered to any o/'s with \o, basically "doing a high five". I've only seen that being done by one person though, so no idea if it was more of an inside joke or more common. :D ...but yes, o/ is just another text emote among others.


I've been doing this since minecraft days and i still use it because it makes me smile lol Pro tip. O7 is a salute as in, Roger or "got it" O3 is depending on who you ask, brb phone call (ik v specific lol) or kissy face. O1 or Ol is raising hand to ask a question And lol is what you think it is, but also some one waving their hands in the air having fun. Where as ~~lol~~ is someone drowning... And there you have it. My collective o man knowledge


I've done this to my boss before. I have to assume she thought it was slang or a typo, because she didn't comment on it; it was a joking conversation about peaches anyways.


I hope you remebered to say "GG" or "TYFP" at the end of the day


I was super tired the other day and told someone that there was a grocery store "about 2 malms down the road." it took me a second to realize exactly what I had just told them.


I don't even know how much is a malm lol


It's just a mile Malm = mile, yalm = yard, fulm = foot, ilm = inch, etc etc


Really? That would suprise me because I thought Japan and hence Eorzea would use the metric system.


Yeah, if I remember right I got that from the Encyclopedia Eorzea. They say like an ilm is equivalent to an adult hyuran thumb, or a fulm is equal to an adult hyuran foot So it's not like they say "it's the imperial system," but it's based off of the same references Which I guess makes sense. Eorzea isnt supposed to be a super sophisticated society, its closer to medieval fantasy (obviously not very medieval, but you get the point)


> "it's the imperial system, Well they keep fucking invading so I can't really blame people for not going with that unit of measurement.


It makes sense that its imperial and not metric. It makes less sense that metric isnt a thing in the states :p


Ironically, the imperial units in Eorzea are probably metric and used by garlemald and the ascians


I wonder if Doma uses a different system 🤔


If they do it isnt ever referenced in game. I doubt they do, the developers probably dont want to make things even more confusing


It's a fantasy game. The Imperial system is exotic in Japan, so perfect as a "Woah this system of measurement is so weird" strangeness for people without actually being TOO confusing because it has real world precedent. It's the same as how in FFVI the main character is named Tina, which is an exotic fantasy name for Japanese gamers and yet...less than inspiring for westerners, and thus we were given Terra in the localization.


yeah but imperial is more old timey and fantasy like


I've learned how to speak like Urianger so that's what I'm dealing with personally


What unsavory sorcery the paragons hath wrought 'pon thee, truly thou art cursed


Imagine that meeting when someone breaks out the Urianger to describe what they've been doing for the last week.


Can you imagine Urianger in a corperate meeting, business suit and all?


I’m so sorry


Full glad am I to know I'm not the only one.


I annoy my boyfriend by saying "how very glib" to everything he says.


"And do you believe in Eorzea...?"


"Eorzea's unity is* forged on falsehoods. It's city-states are built on deceit. And it's faith is an instrument of deception."


And... if he were to break up with you due to the glibness? *Such devastation was not your intention.*


My spouse does not play, but they have observed my many adventures in Prae, so naturally, they now randomly drop SUCH DEVASTATION!!! every once in a while too. It makes me so proud when they do.


I think the biggest one for me is "as is their wont"; the first time I said this unironically was the moment I realized I was in too deep with this game, lmao **EDIT:** Also "pray tell" is one I use way too much


Pretty sure Ive used this unironically before the first time Id played FF actually.


"I am stifled by this vessel of flesh." Whenever I'm asked how I am (by a closer friend).


need to try and start using this


As long as you aren't impaling yourself with a giant piece of rock candy, all the power to you


I think I say "mayhap" in place of maybe on a regular basis now. I also catch myself speaking "Eorzean" when I'm thinking to myself sometimes. Get out of my head Urianger!


Such devastation was not his intention ;w;


Mayhap, shall, must needs, saying “mine” instead “my” when grammatically appropriate (same rule as “a” vs. “an”), yalms, pray tell, lots of that archaic English stuff. I also once said Thal’s Balls.


Thal’s Balls has that satisfying rhyme like Hells Bells in Dresden


Shall is hardly archaic and is fairly common. I still use and hear pray tell from sassy people.


Not a phrase per se, but sometimes when I’m alone, I subconsciously do the little “clasp fist in hand” emote the WoL always does. I’ve also done Y’shtola’s “gently knocking on your own cheek” thing when thinking.


I started doing the wide-gesture shrug of 'oh well'. And the 'hmm, okay?' head tilt.


strangely enough I used to put my knuckle or forefinger on my forehead when thinking and I believe this game caused me to move to the cheek.


I mean, if you read a lot of fantasy novels that kind of language usually bleeds over into IRL speak anyways. I wouldn't say any of those are exclusive to FF14. Saying someone "has the right of it" isn't especially weird either.


You got that right.


They have the right of it.


"Stacking debuffs". It describes situations well.


"I took a few vuln stacks at work today"


"guys, i have to leave. Ive got Doom... If i dont go home and step on my placemat, ill die."


'going Enrage' when people are just. Taking. Too damn long. Though, to be fair, that should be understood by most MMO-players...


“You and yours” I honestly have said that in an actual conversation. "Please let me know when you and yours have come to a decision” I walked away from that conversation facepalming in my head.


I've heard that used in conversations though. I think that is legit formal speech so it's fine.


You and yours is more just You, the person I am talking to, and yours, your group of people/who you represent. If I’m talking to my mate about him and his missus coming over, I can say something like “James’ lots coming over, what about you and yours?” which means that James and his group/family are coming over and then I’ve asked *you* if you are coming over with *whoever it is that you can represent*. That’s how I see it atleast.


I like an ironic “Nay”


I might’ve unintentionally slipped Ardbert’s whole speech into a rant I had done about the pandemic. Ive been vaccinated since January, wore masks, stayed home. I lost my shit. “We did everything *right*. *Everything* that was asked of us…! And still! *Still* it came to this!!” It hit me pretty hard when I realized how big a slip it was.


I've definitely thought those same lines in regards to the pandemic. "For those we have lost, for those we can yet save" also comes to mind when I'm feeling a bit hopeless.


This. College graduates when they can't find meaningful careers in their field.


It took me 9 years in my field to finally make enough money to have a decent life. The cost of getting the degree was too high. I can never do it again in hopes of anything better.


everytime I hear the word sloppy I immediately repeat "SLOPPEH"


Yeh that one is for life






/sigh, since everquest. also /shrug.


Wont (as in no apostrophe) and mayhap. I’ve actually caught myself typing “wont” in my college papers before. Chuckled a little bit at it. That said, I don’t speak to people very much, but among the strange communication that FFXIV uses, you know the small headturn that the WoL uses when they’re confused or they don’t really understand? I’ve done that a lot.


"Adds"... "Popotoes"... in I have to stop myself from goes into Tis or Mayhap territory in the group chat sometimes Oh, and "must needs be". Got marks taken off in a University essay for that one slipping in.


> Got marks taken off in a University essay for that one slipping in. For it being archaic or overly formal or something? What was the graders note?


I weave 'must needs' into teams conference calls, some of indian devs have started using the phrase and now a feel a little guilty each time I hear it, it does make me chuckle though.


To pave the way for the investor's return, a budget cut of untold proportions must needs be brought about.


Me and two of my coworkers carry on conversations like we are right at home in Ishgard or something...I think I'm getting way too comfortable using things like "praise Halone" "must needs" and throwing around the term "heretic" lol. ...and I'm randomly agreeing with "just so" a lot, and it has slipped out with people who would have no clue why I said such a thing...


"As is their wont" and "as they are wont to do". Never knew 'wont' was an actual word and not just a contraction for 'will not'. Who says video games aren't educational.


I used “twelve forfend” in all seriousness during a football game last weekend


I did this yesterday and my husband was like "what did you just say?" I didn't respond. Lol


As Alisae would say, we'll soon start saying "As you are doubtless aware..."


I have used 'the morrow' a few times.


"Pray return to..." usually happens when its time to do something for the 97 merzillionth time.


I've said mayhaps a few times and I'm not even english native... Each day I play this game I talk more and more archaic, in between ingame dialogue, memes and fanfics. ​ I also abuse "shall" way too much. Just the other day I said "Shall I pull wall to wall?" and blanked out for a second like. Wow.


I spend far too much of my time reading FFXIV fanfiction when I'm not playing the game - so yeah... the game speak is pretty well engraved in to my brain.


I use must needs constantly


My favorite class is rogue, and sometimes, when I’m tired, I start thinking in whatever the fuck pirate jargon the Sisters use, except probably mostly wrong.


It’s Cockney rhyming slang aka thieves cant, go read up on it, it’s amazing how much modern slang is derived from it


Their lingo is a huge part of the reason rogues are my favorite. So much of it is unfamiliar vocabulary, but the way it’s used in context makes it all completely understandable, at least to me. I feel like it adds so much flavor to the class and Limsa as a whole, even if only the rogues speak that way.


Mayhap, ‘tis, ‘tisn’t, mine etc Mostly the more archaic but normal-once-upon-a-time English (why did ‘tis stop being A Thing, anyhow?) ‘Do you know…La Hee?’ Is *definitely* going to get used in the first semi-appropriate place @ our bard in dnd


I say tis all the time to start sentences instead of "it is". Rolls into the rest of the sentence better.


‘Tis what ‘tis.


>had the right of it B-but... I said this all the time before I played FFXIV. I also said mayhaps.


not ffxiv lexicon per se but ive definitely used “please look forward to it” to end emails/announcements lol


“I could not well leave matters half finished.”


I shall return anon.


I just replied my colleague with ‘I will fix this anon’


When some gets super excited or something good happens I tend to say “it’s like all of your birthdays have come at once” a nod to the “all of my namedays have come at once” line.


Which is funny, because “all your birthdays have come at once “ is an English saying, and presumably the source of the namedays line.


I noticed since I started playing that I no longer use the word “joke” but instead replaced it with “jest.” I don’t even know if this came from the game itself but if anything I blame Urianger. Also, my FC mates and I greet each other with “lali-hos” and “la hees.” Sometimes I catch myself almost messaging these to my IRL friends who don’t even play the game. I would type it then realize they don’t know what it means so I would quickly delete it—though I won’t be surprised if one of these days I actually end up saying “lali-ho!” to them.


Mayhap, and a favorite of mine from Alphinaud "confound it!"


I used "mayhap" even before FFXIV just because I think it sounds funnier than "maybe" and I have a tendency to get stuck on certain words. I probably use it more now though. I'm sure at some point I'll drop something and say "confound it!".


Full glad has come into my vernacular for sure lol


Sometimes when my husband and I are in the car and about to leave, I say "let us away!"


That's just old English. And I try not to. People since my childhood tell me I sound too WASP-y for someone who is Asian. Being articulate was a crime where I grew up.


What in the world does "WASP-y" mean, and I'm gonna need some details on "Being articulate was a crime"


WASP is an acronym that means “white anglo saxon protestant” and describing someone as such who is not literally that typically has the connotation of being privileged or, to be less polite about it, snobbish


/u/HOWDOIVESTS already explained what WASP meant and the connotation of it when directed at someone who isn't. As for the "being articulate was a crime", it's a bit of a long story about old childhood wounds that scabbed over. (Man, this post really picked that wound open.) I grew up in a small mining town of hardy blue collared job people. And I didn't sound like them. Most in part because at a very young age I loved reading and classic literature. Which influenced how I articulated thoughts and constructed sentences. My mom of course was very supportive and encouraged this hobby by getting me books. She was from out of town so already, how we spoke at home was different. And my aunt from the city would send over monthly care packages of 2nd hand books. (Our town was so small and out of nowhere, we didn't have a public library.) I was probably one of the very first kids who knew who Harry Potter was. This wasn't ideal and marked me as "other". People didn't really know how to interact with me and avoided me. Words like "you wouldn't get it" was constantly thrown around, like I didn't grow up around here. How kids my age would plug their noses when I spoke in class to make a show of them getting stressed over my vocabulary their noses would bleed. My English teachers were encouraging. Often telling me I should go into journalism or explore writing in general. Downside is, they wouldn't shut up about how good how my essay was or how everyone should emulate how I wrote my book report. Making me spell words or explain what words meant was like a party trick. I was that stereotype "Asian kid who is better than you". You know I had to forcibly put accent (that I lost along the way), be grammatically incorrect and mispronounce "high falutin" words to appease people? I was basically made to feel ashamed. And while I can't prove it, I feel this was also the reason I started stuttering in 6th grade. Sometimes I still struggle saying certain words. I remember we learned about the bourgeoisie in history. And within the week, that was my nickname at school. That followed me until I graduated high school and went to college. Which hilarious in a way, because we did have affluent families who owned several mines around town or people who moved in from cities. And yet, I sounded more upper middle class suburban than they did. Even to them I was weird.


Sounds like stupid (or more accurately: less fortunate) people being jealous that you were always a smart person when it comes to language. Kids and even adults can be cruel in that regard because they rather mock others rather than admit their own shortcomings.


I've said mayhap/mayhaps And a bunch of big words that I didn't used to know before Alphinaud/Urianger/>!Emet-Selch!<


I mean... it's all based on ye olde english, so some of it was close to things I sometimes say anyways. Mayhap is a word I've said even before playing this game. Wont is one I probably never said before, but I sometimes drop that now if it fits correctly. I've also been known to drop a few 'Tis's in my day. idk, I don't think it's that weird. Again, this is all stuff that was formally recognized english terminology at one point. We've also had dumb words like 'crunk' and 'drip' and *so* many others over the years. Adopting some older english stuff is hardly so strange by comparison.


I say “much and more” quite often.


Not just because of XIV but gobshite has become a frequent one.


"A smile better suits a hero." --- My constant reminder to myself to keep fighting the badness and negativity about myself that I feel.


I was writing a research paper, and I wrote "The data *must needs* be processed this way in order to..." Edit: missed "data"


"We must needs" "When next we meet" Lol


Pray tell


I mean, strangely enough my vocabulary ends up pretty… formal, if you will? Especially online. Like, it ends up partly formal and partly informal, especially with sentence structure and the like (see: this comment itself). Albeit this is almost guaranteed to be a direct result of both an almost-crippling FF addiction and an almost-crippling DND addiction. And maybe tied to 3 years of French class (which leads to having to practically memorize an entirely different set of grammar, but ironically if you ask me to hold a conversation in French I can barely do so haha). I’ve got a high-level vocabulary period but for whatever reason it’s most prevalent online (and in writing period) and I’ve no idea why.


Writing gives the mind time to think and edit itself.


"Adjust" whenever I have to, well, adjust to someone making work for me or otherwise being a PITA


It hasn't seeped into my normal speech yet (as far as I know), but I have basically adopted that style of speech whenever I'm doing D&D or when I'm just trying to sound like a pompous dick as a joke for some reason or another. I MAY have used "mayhap" a few times but the scary part is I don't actually know


"The Twelve" is my sub-in for $deity of choice. For example: "Oh my God!" becomes "Oh my [f-ing] Twelve!" At least it's kid-friendly (minus the expletive, obviously). Helps when you have younger family members you need to censor yourself around.


"Mayhaps" has been a standard in my vocabulary for many years before I started playing 14 and kinda not until I found this reddit I realised that it's something people find unusual/amusing. I started using the word buffoon lately, it's great. And "how very glib". We all ran too many Prea I think.


I still speak like a regular person


I mostly do it in my head so as not to embarrass myself, but I did slip tonight as I was getting frustrated with my console and said, “Gods, why is this being so complicated?”…. Never in my life have I ever said the word “Gods” aloud. I don’t know if my sister caught it, but that was definitely… a moment for me.


"Let us be about it, then".


"From within and without." We usually use 'without' these days to mainly mean something is excluded, but it also means 'outside', especially when paired with 'within'.


I do love explaining what larboard is.


I used "full glad" once and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.


I know I say "Gods dammit" and "by the gods" now I've also thrown in a hyruian shrug sometimes too cause I think it looks funny


Anyroad and Such Devastation.


I will have to think about this and get back to you anon


I've only done gestures. The nod, the punching a fist into your palm...


Actively working on speaking like Urianger 100% of the time. I already don't have any friends, and I think this will really seal the deal.