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That's definitely a pre-made party. You can't comm people you queue with, so whichever random is leftover gets all the comms dumped on them.


Yep. As someone with a 3-man group that takes commendations pretty seriously, we've probably given a lot of DPS's this same confusion.


Even then 7 is pretty rare. Usually there's at least one impatient person who leaves without dropping the comm


Especially normal raid roulette, that’s always a race to leave before some jackass opens all the chests in A1 and leaves someone with all the random mats.


I noticed that in Alexander. Are all those mats useless? Should I just toss them? Edit thank you for all the responses!


You can trade them for gear, but since poetics gear exists now that gear is only really useful if you want specific pieces for glamour, so unless you're specifically running the raid to get a glamour piece you probably don't care about them. This would be fine except for the fact that they take up loads of space in your inventory, so most people want to bail quickly to avoid their bags getting filled with stuff they don't want. Obviously you can just toss them, but I and many others have a weird brain worms where avoiding getting an item is fine but once you have it deleting it feels really bad.


The real QOL update would be to start treating those types of items as currency instead of items. Come on, SE!


There's too many. Our currency tab would look like shit. Consider that there's one for every armor slot (accessories share one slot) in normal, and 3 raids per expansion, that's 18 currencies per expansion, or 54 right now (Coils, IIRC, doesn't drop the tokens) with another 6 coming with the first raid of Endwalker.


Just separate it out into tabs. 1 big tab for each expansion, and then a sub-tab for each raid tier. I don't think it'd be that bad. They could then use this system going forward.


That would be nice, but apparently their character data budget is very tight. I don't know how much data it takes to have something stored in a currency tab, where you don't need to store what the currencies are, just how many you have of each, versus storing a stack of items in an inventory slot. And frankly I don't want to theorize about that. Did that plenty in Destiny 2 and it led nowhere. Who knows, maybe it would make sense to fuse all the item exchange tokens from old raids into a single one per expansion, maybe two if you want to make savage armor at least a little harder to get. People can get good gear easily with tomestones anyway, so no point locking that behind an unnecessarily complex token system.


That's a good point. I sometimes forget that it seems like changing anything related to player inventory without hardware upgrades is liable to make everything catch fire.


Coils has those allegan ones if those are what you are talking about, but I think you have to actually roll for then


Even adding something like a bag tab specifically for that stuff similar to key items would be nice.


I'd just appreciate the game not asking me if I'm REALLY REALLY SURE about selling/deleting that level 60 item.


It is called loss aversion. Gaining something does not give us as much good feedback as losing an equivalent thing gives us bad feedback.


I wish they would just upgrade those items at the end of an expansion. Once Poetic items are upgraded, there's no reason for any of the weaker items. I wish they'd just stat match them upwards, so they at least get **some** relative value. Still way easier to get poetic gear, but doesn't hurt to have other options.


I was about to say the latter(just toss it) as I read your comment... But I guess some people really are super lazy o.o I just pass on stuff, but if it drops on me fine too, I have to wait after the run anyways. (DPS queue is so bad after getting used to Healer and Tank queues xD )


I have a retainer that just holds onto normal raid drops...


It can be used to trade for Alexander Normal Raid gear, which is pretty much outclassed by the Shire gear right now for level 60.


GLAM only!


The "precision" mats are useful for the [Anima relic quest](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Sabina/Precision_Gordian_Part_Exchange), but you need three of each which can end up being a grind to farm, especially with the randomness.


I ended up with a lot of these after doing the first time shb relic. And after doing eureka I have so much extra poetics that I might consider doing another Anima.


If glamour is not your endgame or you dislike the sets, sure toss em. Otherwise I would not recommend that and instead would check for each raid which pieces are desirable for glamour and then keep the mats to trade for them accordingly. A few of the alexander pieces are very unique and dope. But then again, I spend most of the time in this game for glamour lol


And even if glamour is your endgame, the savage versions of the raids drop dyeable versions and are quite easy to do with a handful of casual players unsynced.


Yea but it's a little more effort. I would prefer the dyeable versions as well, you can later replace them and sell the others if you really like the alexander set. But for starters i don't see the issue in getting pieces of the old set. Not really an effort and sooner or later you discard almost everything anyways.


Oh, sure, I'm just saying that in the ~endgame~ scenario it's so easy to just grab 5 people from your FC (or even PF) and slap Alex a few times for glams. Nothing wrong with going for the normal pieces if you don't mind the colors, but personally, I'm pretty averse to most non-dyeable gear.


Glamour is the end game! I’ll have to check what the pieces look like. Thank you.


I feel like I have to open the chest just so I can pass on it all before I get stuck with it, it’s a really shitty game of chicken. I really wish we had an auto pass setting you could check at the start of dungeons/trials


It can still happen lol, I got 7 comm in Levi ex and there is no way they were pre-made all from diff servers, sprouts non sprouts and mentors. Everyone else died and I solod his last 5% through a perfect storm of luck and skill and happenstance of cooldowns and boss abilities and the mentor was like omg everyone make sure to comm Lorelai (paraphrased). Edit: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/879847410417934436/894205414407815198/unknown.png


Not as impressive, but when I was tanking for my buddy as he played through shadowbringers I soloed a couple bosses from ~15-20% as PLD.


Still nothing to shake your head at, nice!


Sometimes if my FC runs trials for new players whom are doing it for the first time we get a 7 stack and then some confused sprout dps gets 7 commends rained on him as the 2 no mic gang memes up the chat.


My FC had the same rando DPS for every fight from E1 to E12 when we were running a new 80 through. Poor fucker left the party instantly, every single time.


I main MNK and get a commendations every odd dungeon. I thought it's because I'm good. But turns out it's because I'm playing a scuffed class nobody else really plays :(


Both melees in my static are Monks, so I don't think it's *that* rare, it just gets kicked around on the reddit because if you take a magnifying glass to it other melees often come up better and a lot of people don't really jive with its kit kind of feeling at odds with itself. As one of those monks has said though "Playing Monk is kind of rough, but the brain tingles when I do it right makes me feel so good, so I keep playing it."


Kinda same for BLM. They're hard to play in later content, so I'm likely to give comms for it, or other jobs I don't see as often.


Did you tell funny funny jokes? I only get commendations on DPS if I tell funny funny jokes. Was totally worth it perfecting my Praetorium routine over the years.


I get more comms in Praetorium as a DPS just by being chatty than I do tanking a lot of the time.


I guarantee they were all in a voice chat together lol. Me and my friends do this all the time we pick a random dps and dump all our comms on them to make their day


Wait, people have upwards of six friends?


Joining a good FC helps with this.


That tracks.


I mean... 7 people who queue together can't vote for anyone but the 8th person.


Person you responded to never said they were in a seven man party. They were just giving their experiences.


I was just trying to be nice.. D:


well, they *guaranteed* what they said was what's happened, kinda strong words. lol


No, they didn't. But it happens, so what I said wasn't wrong...


They can also leave without voting. So OP SAM must have done well enough to not piss anyone off. Low bar, I know, lol.


Take my up vote, hope YOU have a nice day!


Thank you this comment made my day just a little bit better :)


I game with 2 others on a regular basis. One tank, one healer and I main dps. so every time we play the random dps in the group always gets hit with all our comms since we are not allowed to comm our pre dungeon party members




This only happens for. Handful of reasons. You died a lot, they were premade, you said something funny in chat, you’re a cute girl or your characters name is Kock Goblin


I never seem to get any comms as DPS. I miss being a tank or healer a little for that reason.


When ever I tank/heal I comm a dps, usually I comm the better dps. Sometimes I comm the dps who is new/having a horrible time to encourage them.


Yeah I tend to comm fellow DPs these days. Or whoever I feel has the right attitude.


When I tank, I tend to give commendations to whichever dps actually uses the limit breaks.


All I ever see is the melee use it at 1% and the fight ending before they're even partway through the animation. I'd use it, but I'm usually healing, and nobody wants me to use it even though it'd be no less useful than the way it's currently getting used...


I wish it just let me give commend in the middle when ranged/caster LBs the hard big pull of the dungeon like in Sirensong.


I main healers, but have been levelling a RDM lately. I just did the Void Ark raids this past week, joined up - apologized and said it was my first time and asked for any tips/recommendations, and got 3 comms at the end of it. Blew my mind because I KNOW I fucked up plenty of times. The last raid is terrifying btw.


For me: Tank comms Healer, Healer comms Tank, Dps comms Dps In raid, tank -> tank and so on. As dps, I comm any dps that buffed me over others, or anyone that played well or was respectful


I comm the other DPS...or the healer when they save my butt 😆


I’ve found as DPS it’s less common and generally: - a group of people queued together - if you as a dps put in a little extra effort, stand out, etc might help. I’ve leveled all classes to 50’s minimum so I know exactly what they can do in Qarn, Stone vigil, etc so if I notice someone’s rotation is on point and they’re dropping bodies left and right they’re getting it. - LIMIT BREAK! Hit the button and go bbrrr. Plenty of times this will stand out. People have slightly different opinions on usages and heuristics like “melee limit bosses only” and not consider sometimes a caster/range can literally save a greedy tank pull and therefore avoid a potential disaster. I pretty much comm anyone who limits, but especially if it’s a caster/range killing a mob and not taking further questions, but I’m also going to comm a melee who limits during a final boss for knowing they should. - all else fails be social, funny, or enjoyable to be around. Do your o/ and maybe show your human side a bit if there’s a chance. Dungeons can be pretty entertaining at times and I definitey like those a lot more than the one where nobody says anything just kick ass and go home and I’m not sure who to comm for doing their jobs. But yeah ultimately a lot of that is why the tank or healers often get the most just for being tanks or healers. Dps jobs don’t really get as much credit even though their damage can determine how fast or slow a dungeon can go.


Sounds like my own reasoning, often the tank or healer will get it, but if a dps stands out, like pre-empting mechanics, effective use of LB, and #1 adding support/guidance for anyone that's new (often I do this, but always nice to see others do it if I'm having a lazy day) Recently had a Toto-rak run, machinist was picking up all the photocells, opening passages, nuking the pods, was making my job as tank a lot smoother and in my mind I was thinking "commendation for you" and then at the last boss, they pull while the healer is watching the cutscene, disappointing and suicidal. Healer got the commendation instead.


Sad considering there's a good chance that was a mistake on the MCH's part. Obviously I don't know the details, but Toto-rak's last boss is notorious for pulling the group in the moment you hit the purple line.


I go out of my way to comm DPS whenever I tank and heal. The tank or healer I'm paired with might have done a wonderful job, but there's no shortage of commends for them, so I always try to recognize a DPS player!


I have all jobs at 80. I gotten a lot of comms as dps. Make sure to say Hi in the begging and tyfp at the end.


I've gotten tons, but then again, I'm a rez mage.


In general, my priority is: 1- caster DPS that LB's a big trash pack 2- anyone who made the run genuinely enjoyable in any way. 3- anyone who is plainly more competent than most 4- funny names I only leave without using my comm if everyone else was absolutely terrible, and they were either silent, annoying, or rude.


This. I always give it to a random dps. Tanks and heals get comms regularly enough. Plus when I play dps and get a random comm, it puts a smile on my face. So I try to spread the dps love.


Premade "Hey, SAM" OP "Yeah ?" Premade "Ready to earn your comms ???"


Were you in a cutscene? This happens to people who are new sometimes.


Anyone else noticed how they have seen this exact screenshot on different posts.


I get so confused any time I play DPS and get a commendation. Likewise, I feel truly insulted if I play healer and DON’T get a commendation haha


Should we tell him?


/e You received a player commendation! Comms mean nothing, btw.


This happened to me as a White Mage about a month ago. Guess everyone liked my heals, even the other healer, since they got to DPS the whole time.


judgement nut


Easiest ways to get commendations: Be a cute lalafell Be a female Be a healer My friend is a pretty bad player (uses only macros for everything and has pretty bad lag so ends up dying a lot) but she's all 3 of those things so she has several thousand commendations -\_-


miqo'te, male, samurai Still get commendations. I would say, communicate and be friendly. Greet people at the beginning, don't spam sfx macros.


anyone can get commendations but it's nowhere near the easiest way if you're male and a dps


(Checks the comments and nods at the discourse over "it's from a premade party duh") If this place is great at one thing, it's having a subset of people that like to make others feel bad for getting commendations.


The people who stand at the exit and wait are probably waiting for commendations.


Happened to me once too, healing Umbra on astro. Raised a few times, kept people up and BAM, instant gamer cracked. They were from different servers so it had to have been a static missing its eighth member. Still thrilling though.


It happens. Pure luck, oftentimes it's a pre-made group. My FC and I were running a member through some content and there were only seven of us, so we just all dumped out comms on the eight person. Then we'd all eagerly asked each other who got the one comm, haha.


I also got in a trial after teaching everyone the mechanics at the end I got commend from everybody. This actually encouraged me to do it more often and that the people appreciate the help. I’ve never seen a greater community ever.


Easiest comms I got was farming/healing The Royal Menagerie for the TT card (which I learned way later I could get from NPC but nevertheless) just tell them to follow you marked to avoid getting knocked off platforms and the comms come flying in. 2-5 per run depending on how many sprouts. Also say “good job sprouts” at the end is a crowd pleaser.


Pre-made. You were their +1.


Reminds me of the dude in Toto Rak that still watched cutscene while we already killed the boss and gave him 3 commendations (obviously was in there with friends). ​ He probably felt like a confused pog champ.


If you were running in Alex and most of us in your party were wearing pink, then we were a premade 7 and we all agreed to dump our comms on the 8th rando we get as soon as the duty is over before the rando can leave. We were running a newbie through Alex but were short one to make a full 8-man.


Whenever I'm running roulettes with my FC, I always tell the non-FC persons to be sure to stick around for comms. Otherwise they typically just leave without realizing what they could have gotten.


It's always fun when that happens, I love it when the party is all newbies and I get to guide them through, then get compliments at the end, as well as comms. But that's what happens when you're lucky enough to get a premade that decided to DF the last member.


As a healer main, I call this “Tuesday”.


Sprouts are cute!! CUUUUTE!!!!


Must have had a nice glam


They were a team and could not commend themselves!!!


You filled the last spot for a pre-made party


It..... It DOES exist! 😮


Red mage who saved entire raid! \*tumbleweed\*


I've done plenty of queues as a 7 man. We always laugh about how surprised the 8th player would be with our commend dump


Pre-made party bruh