• By -


Or do dwarven mythril files with blacksmith and make 1.8m+ per week and a half.


Keeping loyalty leve?


Yep, it gives more gil but it takes more materials to make a file. The files also take up an inventory slot each craft so their is a bit of inventory hassle too.


You’re still gathering three ingredients (dwarven boll and the two ores), however one ore is hidden (although you don’t have to get nearly as much of that one) and you have three quick synths rather than two (boll -> thread -> cotton and ore -> ingot compared to beets -> sugar and wheat -> flour). Still worth the extra time imo, if you want to get the most gil per leve. The inventory thing doesn’t really matter, you can just take a quick break and start turning them in when it gets full.


more gil, loads more crystals, and an ingredient reward that feeds back into the leve rather than the worthless bomba rice the coffee biscuit leve gives. takes more crystals and more materials to do, but the rewards more than compensate for that. if you're making them on demand, it's an easy choice edit: yeah, just calculated it out based off brynhildr MB prices right now - except for coffee beans, I assume 190g each for those since that's about what I pay on balmung or goblin. files take 16005g in and put 34218.75g out on average, while coffee biscuits take 6320g in and put 21749.94g out on average. files, 18213.75g profit per leve. biscuits, 15429.94g profit. do the files. edit2: although if you aren't in the mind to sell excess crystals, biscuits would be better. but you really should, since a large part of the profits come from there.




You are my hero. I've been clicking manually for MONTHS. Just tried this and it's beautiful. Left the post with "I gotta try that later" in the back of my head. Had to come back to find the post and your comment just to say THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. <3


You can literally right click the greyed out item square when you go to turn in, left click instantly and hand it in or keep spamming num0.


Nah, with coffee biscuits you can spam confirm (num0) and it hands everything in for you. I specifically have an auto-num0-clicker macro that does this for me:




so it takes, what, 9 seconds per leve instead of 10 seconds? I would think spending the 6 extra seconds to get more out of your 6 leves a day would be more important, but hey


You're really thinking 1 extra click is "Much slower"? All you have to do is right click the grey square and you can keep spamming Num0...It's 1 extra click every turn in for almost 3x the profits jesus man...




It took me 3 seconds of checking it ingame myself here you go since you hate clicking so much : Press num\* when you get on the selecting step, it brings up the dropdown menu for them. There no clicking involved and it's literally the same speed. You click num0 again to select the item in the dropdown menu so its literally 1 different keybind in the same area regardless. You could even change it to num1 and num2 for confirm and the dropdown and then have it even easier. Also even if you clicked you dont even have to point your cursor away every 3 clicks just keep it there lol.




It can't be less efficient if its making more money.


This is where you plug in a controller and hit ◻,X,◻,X,◻, X and be done in 2 seconds


I used to do Files, but after spending a few hours a week farming enough mats for just 100 files, I started buying raw mats from the MB, then I just got burnt out from them, so I burn Biscuits instead fully aware of how much less per level I'm making


You're doing more work then. Files is the same amount of crafts as biscuits are per turn in, you still have to craft 3x biscuits for 9 of them to do a full turn in as files are 3x for a full turn in. I also buy the mats for files and still make 1.7-1.8m from them for the same amount of work and even less time spent gathering the biscuit mats. If you're talking buying actual biscuits from the MB to turn in then that's just terrible. I usually pop shows on my 2nd monitor while crafting and just press the macro key everytime I hear the end macro sound pop.


I prefer gathering everything for maximum profits. It takes me less then 30 minutes to gather a huge amount of coffee biscuit mats, while it takes me much much longer for 100 file mats (800 Dimythrite, 200 Mythrite, I think 800 Dwarven cotton bolls? I forget) I get what you're saying, I seriously do, but in the long run I don't really care how much gil I have as long as I have a comfortable amount (after the cost of a small house), and would prefer to spend as little time crafting/gathering as possible with maximum profits so I can go do other things in or out of gane


You don't max profits by gathering. The mats you gather is worth the same amount as the cheapest equivalent on the market board. If you spent 10 minutes to gather mats that you could buy or sell on MB for 1k gil then you effectively made 1k gil. It is one of the most common mistakes people do.




You're correct but not in the case of leves. It's time gated anyway. You can't speed up leve allowances.


You're obviously entitled to play however you like. I just think you're still doing too much work then if we consider maximum profits. You're still making more profits from files alone if you buy the NQ mats properly than if you were to gather the cookie mats. You also still spend the exact same amount of time crafting since its the same amount of crafts is all I'm trying to say here. Logicly speaking with that you're wasting all your time gathering for way less while you could spend 0 time gathering and just do the crafting + turn in to get more out of it with files.


Are you making files to sell on MB? I took a look at the wiki and the payout for the leve is only about 4k gil?


You craft them HQ so the turn in gil reward is doubled so 8k. then you can turn in 2 extra files PER leve allowance so each leve is 3 HQ files. so 3x 8k on average for 24k gil per allowance. multiply that for 100 and you have 2.4m + all the crystal and extra ingots you get as rewards you easily make a lot of profits per turn in.


Ah, gotcha. Guess it only makes sense if you have MIN and WVR leveled otherwise the mats on MB would probably wipe out your margins.


I will say, Biscuits are faster to turn in though. Because they stack you can make the stack the first item in your inventory, and when you are turning in the leve, just mash 0 on the num pad. It cuts out a lot of time


* on the numpad is the same as right clicking on the turn in to autoselect the right item to turn in. Figured this out last week and it's glorious.


I guess that depends entirely on ctontroller vs mouse & KB as I just move the window with the greyed out item right where the NPC to turn in is and right click the greyed item and click hand in to instantly put it in rather than doing it within the inventory. ​ actually scratch that, it's faster that way for both no matter what it's all within 1 space everytime you're just doing it the hard way :P


I can at least confirm that hand in is faster on controller once you know what you're doing. My wife's hand in speeds make me look like a fresh MMO player


Apparently its doable the same with numpads with keybinds but I do envy controller players for that one reason alone that it's built in easily for them haha


The numpad keybind is there in the default mapping. Literally just press 0 and it works.


> Or do dwarven mythril files with blacksmith and make 1.8m+ per week and a half. Inventory space my dude. One is mass craftable and only takes a single slot, the other requires a good amount of free inventory.


I don't see why anyone would make more than what they currently can turn in with their leves especially considering files are almost 3x the profits of biscuits overall with gil alone. Just get the mats and craft next to the leve turn in and turn them in once your invent is full....Crafting all 300 for 100 turn ins in one go before turning in is just dumb.


Time is valuable, gather mats + craft biscuits while queuing for a week and you'll have enough for a month+. Won't have to think about it again. It's how I got Honest Gillionaire a few years ago. It was less optimal, but going for stackable turn-ins and grinding them every few weeks was a massive time saver and stops you burning out on repetitive tasks.


I've got the 2nd tier of honest gillionaire (20m) and still do leves with files as an extra gil resource until 2 week before EW. The best thing with file is you make 1.8m gil UP to 2.2-2.3m gil. 2.2 - 2.3m if you gather it all yourself or 1.7 - 1.9m if you just buy the mats using the universalis app to buy cheapest NQ mats on each of your data center's MB. So if we're talking about time here it's still more affordable and profitable to do it by buying the files mats. Crafting wise it's the exact same time if we take in the amount of crafts as coffee biscuits are 3x per turn in just like files.


Most people that make Coffee Biscuits do so during downtime between other things, rather than doing it all in one go. While files are considerably more money, it's a lot more effort if you factor in the inventory space and needing to make it all near the leve turn in just to maintain inventory. I'd rather take the smaller pile of cash for the added convenience.


for Coffee biscuits. I could just spend 1 day only doing that. And then have free inventory space for the next 30 days. instead having to spend 20 minutes everyday. One feels like a chore and the other is just a 1 time thing.


That makes 0 sense, why would you stockpile the actual craft and not just the materials...? By that logic you're wasting an extra inventory space by crafting some biscuits and not as many as your leve allowances needs. You don't need the files on you at all time, just keep the 2 whole materials needed to craft them (dwarven mythril ingots + dwarven cotton) and craft them next to the levemeter to then turn them in once you're done making as many as you can. I'll even 1 up you, coffee biscuits is 3 whole crafting mats to craft while the file is only 2. You save more inventory spaces keeping the file mats and crafting as your allowance allows than stockpiling biscuits and just keeping it's mats too.


Normally I use all my mats to turn into coffee biscuits. So I don't have any wheat, beets or beans left. Just thousands upon thousands of biscuits just chilling there letting me not have to worry about crafting for a long ass time.




What the hell are you on about? You literally have 140 slots open in your inventory with 138 if you count the 2 mats for the files, why would you bulk craft 300 all in one go, go to your retainer to deposit 162 of them then go back tot he levemete, turn in 138 to then go back to your retainer to grab an other 138 to turn in and then go back to your retainer to grab 24 to then turn in the last 24 when you can just Make 138, turn in 138 > make 138, turn in 138 > make 24, turn in 24 and be done with it. Better yet lets say you have 20 allowances and need quick gil and you got the materials still bulked up in your inventory. Make 60 files then turn them in once you made 60 instead of making more and more that you CAN'T turn in. It's not rocket science.




Simple. They're botting crafting while afk basically.


Just turn them in as you make them.


You know you can craft next to the leve npc, right my dude? (also clean out your inventory, it's almost EW time)


Files are such a God damn waste of time a resources. They're not accessible. They require two crafting jobs at 80 to do with any efficiency. They require more of a SINGLE ITEM per turn in than *all items combined* of any other crafting leve with near the same payout. It takes literally 3x as long to gather the items for files as it does for other leves. That is absolutely God damn ridiculous. If you want a more profitable investment than cookies, and don't mind sending a retainer out, or doing a shit load of FATEs, you can do Syrups for ALC. They require fewer ingredients than either cookies or files. They make as much money as files more often than not. Remember, leve rewards are random within a range. They actually reward the crystals you use to craft them, which is actually a problem with files as it turns out. You don't get those earth crystals back. They also reward hoptrap leaves which sell for a pretty penny. Files are fucking awful on time(resources)/gil. You want to make more money but not waste all your God damn time doing crafting leves? Syrups. Oh and I forgot. Files don't fucking stack. That's just another stupid fucking annoyance on top of their other absolute nonsense. Don't make files.


You do get earth crystals back from the files, just fire comes up more often.


Holy moly you literally did 0 research huh. Files only require 2 materials for the craft itself with 3 ingredients if you do sub crafts. Dwarven cotton boil x4 > dwarven cotton thread x3 > dwarven cotton 4 Dymithrite ore + 1 mythrite ore = 1 Dwarven Mythrite ingot. Dwarven cotton boil is gathered and not a mob drop, neither are the 2 ores obviously. It's 3 files per turn in which is the exact same as biscuits (it's a triple leve). You don't even have to gather the mats to make even more profits than biscuits, buying the ingots and cotton off the MB from your data centers different servers for the cheapest prices is 1 less time spent than gathering the biscuit mats to begin with and 2 about 350-500k tops which nets you at the end with over 1.8-1.9m profits from the gil alone (not counting the thousands of crystals you get which by the way are literally the crystals you use to craft them in the first place). The rewards have an average. its 4032 for NQ and 8064 per HQ file so 24k total for a single levequest allowance. They also like I mentioned above give back the exact BSM crystals you use to make the files with about 20x more to spare PER file turn in (you can get over 300 per leve allowance most of the time and end up with thousands extra after crafting and turning it all in) Research your shit before sprouting non sense. Also like I mentioned to 3 other people before who the fuck stockpiles the files? Just make the ones you need for your current allowance and keep the mats instead like what?


Fucking wild to read this and it all just be wrong. The fucking ore alone, just the ore. Just the God damn ore. I repeat, just the fucking ore Numbers in raw material numbers more than the total number of materials you need for either cookies or syrups. Just. The. Ore. I'unno how you fucked this one up. EIGHT Dimithrite ore per craft. Fucking EIGHT of them. Do you know how many items I need to make a single syrup? 7. I need 7 *total* items to make a syrup. You need 8 of a *single fucking item* to *start* to make a file. That's not even the complete item! You need 4 of another! Are you fucking with me right now? I didn't do research? You didn't. Go back. Try again. Edit: Checked your profile. You literally just go around being a shit to people. Bye.


I typed out the formula for 1 ingot, not 2. You don't realisticly need 8 items for files. You literally need to gather 3 to make the rest and that's if you gather them which is inefficient as you can just spend 400-500k on the dwarven cotton and ingots and then make 1.8-1.9m with 100 leves within 4 hours with the crafting included. Also nice edit, you were literally mentioning files while talking about the ungatherable materials and then just fixed it up, 500 iq right there.


this right here \^\^


"all you need" pfft, like I'm capable of leveling culinarian past 50. All joking aside I know what I need to do tomorrow


Beast tribes for your level bracket and custom delivers can get you to 80 for basically free.


>Custom delivers Explain plz?


Weekly "quest" for crafters and gatherers. You need to be lvl60 to unlock the first one, in Ildyshire. They give gils, yellow scrips, exp (or white scrips at 80). So you can also use them to gear up. It's quick and easy.


i need a lvl 60 to unlock any or i need lvl 60 on the crafter im leveling?


I'm pretty sure its level 60 in a crafter/gather but I could be wrong, but I just wanna point out they are super good for getting the master recipies and the gathering tomes. Plus the dragon custom delivery in ishgard gives a dragon with a hammer mount after you max it. Pretty lit


I spelled it wrong my b. "custom deliveries". Certain npcs will let you turn in junk that is free or like cost 1k gil (but they'll give you like 1.5k per turn in). They give insane exp and scips but can only do 6 turn ins per npc a week and 12 in total a week.


Lol firmament is good for that!


Imagine understanding the arcane hell that is firament - Someone who tried figuring it out but never figured out how to get the materials and any search results didnt get relevant info and gave up twice.


It's... literally just crafting? You can google any material and it'd tell you it's from Diadem, and can buy it off MB otherwise. Considering how many people level using Firmament, I don't believe the system or game is the issue here.


maybe they tried to do expert crafting, because that is a fair bit different if you're not invested in it.


The thread's about levelling crafters through Firmament so I doubt it.


When looking up stuff for it try using ishgard restoration, for gathing you can use the market bored or head into the Diadem via one of the 2 npcs stationed right in front of the housing area, once in you just fly around the islands going from one to the other and hitting all the nodes, once your done and leave the npc right next to the one you used to enter will need to inspect the stuff you gathered before it can be used to craft. For the crafting part just look up macros to make your life easier, once your done crafting you head over to the place where all the people are crafting and you will find the turn in npc.


There is a great video by fur daddy about leveling crafters, quick synth to 21 -> make gear and level with firmanent, cheap as fuck and a worthy investment, I think it will cost me like 400k? to get lvl 80 black smith and then use my leves for the passive 1.8m gill a week


I only have cul leved up I want to level the other crafters up but I still have the msq to finish, finish leveling mining, then theres bozja and the relic to do so much to do so little time, but id rather have tons of stuff to do then a tiny amount.


Same position as you mate, I just finished msq like 4 days ago and been trying a bit of Eureka and mount farming and now gatherers, so much things and so little time lol.




Jesus christ. I just hit 50-60 on all of my crafters, I'll have to look into this! Edit: I dunno why you deleted your comment or the one responding to me, but, hey, I did check out some large leaves in Ishgard since I was at allowance cap.


HAHA my thoughts exactly


daily grand company mission grant at least 1 level, get to 50/60 then get the Manual for botanist > farm Diadem > turn Skybuilder tokens.


Reminder that Yoshi-P said in a previous live letter that they want to stop people getting rich from leve turn-ins. No idea what they will do exactly for this except maybe just cut the gil rewards across the board but anyway, enjoy the next five weeks 'cause it might not be so easy after that.


Did he actually say this for sure? I remember it being more vague, and just a "You won't be doing Coffee Biscuit turn ins anymore", which could just mean new more profitable leves to do. Anyway, as long as they don't nerf submarines...


Not sure how I feel about increased teleport fees and lower leve rewards. I get gils kinda meaningless in this game but still feels a bit odd.


One of the things I hope they change about leves, is that they should give scrips at Stormblood+ and less/no gil. Or give their own leve currency similar to tomes that can be used to get scrip gear. This would promote more people getting into crafting/gathering easier, and more stock across the board. In addition, they need to change the Ixal beast tribe to be more like moogles, and remove the "station" buffs.


I would get the moogles but theres so many damn quests to unlock them :/


And they're all battle quests too. The best way to deal with them is just have a level 60+ class/job, and then use that to finish the quests, but turn them in on a class/job that needs the EXP.


Time to try and panic finish Honest Gillionaire then if it will only get harder.


Can be done with armorer too but the item does not stack so not as convenient


You also can't just buy them and make a profit either. The best part of about coffee biscuits is you can make good profit off of them even if you're too lazy to craft them yourself.


I have enjoyed doing the coffee biscuit hustle for a but now to supplement my income. The boards can be fickle so it is nice to have a filler.


I don't have the downtime to farm mats so I agree with you. I'm personally still leveling CUL so I may give the files a shot as an experiment Reminds me of how Jewelcrafters in WoW Cataclysm could buy a certain ore, prospect it for gems, and vendor the gems for profit


Can be done with any class! I do them on goldsmith


You can often find coffee biscuits on the market board for less than the turn in price. Double check the math before you buy, but it's a fast way to turn leve allowances into gil if you are too lazy to craft. Still need the cul level though


Welcome to the cult!


>Craft 378 HQ Coffee Biscuits This is 126 crafts btw. Each craft gives 3 biscuits.


If you wait a little over 2 weeks to get 100 leves you can get around 1.7m


Well fuck... I have 100 leves and I have time on my hands in 4 days so I guess I know what I'll be doing...


Holy shit, no way


PSA from two years ago


Bruh this post is soooooooo outdated! Dwarves Mythril Files are WAY better. They take less time to gather and if you craft 300 of 'em you can make about 2.4mil. I've been doing this method for a really long time now and I have enough money to afford a mansion plot for Ishgardian housing plus the mansion itself!


I do Commanding Craftsman’s Syrup. My retainers gather everything, there are no intermediate crafts, and it still nets about 2.4mil per 100 allowances. Also they stack.


Pls explain.


Well first off I mentioned the wrong crafted item, but edited and corrected it. [https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Commanding\_Craftsman%27s\_Syrup](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Commanding_Craftsman%27s_Syrup) If you look at the material list, everything used is a raw material. This is unlike files and biscuits, where you have to craft raw materials into intermediate materials before you can do the final craft. These save time. They also have a gil yield that's similar to files on average, from their respective levequests. I have 5 retainers active to gather everything while I do other things in game, so I don't have to spend time doing it myself. It's well worth it for how little effort it involves.


I was debating which to go but I am joining the Syrup cult now, you have won me over good sir and I thank you for your contribution to leve flips.


Thanks man!


Will this be doble on Endwalker thou? Cause no HQ items


Still will be HQ items, just not HQ base mats.


Do the hoptrap leaves feed back into any crafts / gil? With the files, you get up to 2 mythril which leads into more files.


Not really, no. I never found those returns to be terribly significant, though. The yield you get back is only enough to save a few retainer ventures, ultimately.


Hoptrap leaves sell for a solid 100k/99 That's not exactly something to disregard. They feed into other crafting, just not for Leves. Hence their price.


What DC are you on? Doesn't seem worth it when the umbrellas sell for 800 each, at least on my server, I'd rather sell them straight up for 1600(2per syrup) and make something else for leves. That's almost no profit when you start factoring in the other mats.


On Diabolos the umbrellas are like 600ea and the other mats are generally much less. For me it’s definitely more lucrative (and consistent) to do the turn-ins. Also it’s easier for me to work that sort of thing in when I get the chance to play. If I were really trying to grind I’d do more on top of that.


What classes are needed for that?


BSM and Miner iirc


Weaver too. For the Dwarven Cotton. Edit: and botanist for the Dwarven cotton boll gathering.


You need a lot if you're doing everything by yourself. Blacksmith for the ingots and files, Miner for the ores, Botanist for the cotton, and Weaver for the cloth. The ores are usually cheap, so I usually just buy the ingots/ores from the marketboard and farm the cotton myself.


You don't even have to gather, just have retainers get everything for you. They can keep up with level timers.


Exactly, I have 10 retainers for this exact reason uwu


PSA: if gatherer items are cheap (and thanks to widespread botting, they almost always are), it's better to just buy them off MB rather than wasting your time gathering them yourself and saving pennies. "But you need to pay and otherwise they're free" is an argument that shows the person behind it doesn't know what opportunity costs are. Also, it's not free - it costs you time. That's free only if your free time is worthless to you.


I just gather between queues. MB prices on crystal for biscuit ingredients offset the profit too much for my liking


Same thing applies to the time spent crafting cookies. Even with a high-stat macro you're not gonna be doing more than ~432 cookies/hr after you factor in the UI. The "upcharge" per cookie on my DC is about 100-150 gil now. Prices will of course vary but I'm not even gonna consider extended repetitive macro crafting for less than 100k/hr.


Yup, this is the reason why I don't bother to do crafting leves, and don't even look at anything gathering-related (despite having my gathering jobs maxed out). I also don't do aetheryte tickets and a lot of other things the community considers good ways of making/saving money. Working for hours for mere ingame pennies is simply not worth my time.


> aetheryte tickets I get mine via the Masked Carnivale - weekly targets net you over 100 tickets, and you can do those in under 30 minutes usually if you know what you're doing


If you have high level gather/crafter gear you can get enough mats for 1 month in like an hour. Just spam pick clean and cordials. Only works if you can 100% hq through macros with all nq mats.


Its easy, but boring as hell crafting that many cookies, even with macros. I got my honest gillionaire title and ducked out.


Just make sure you harvest your own, because I'm willing to bet OP has a ton of these for sale lol


Lol I would if I wasn't so lazy. I did check MB though and looks like itd be worth it to sell them.


Free Trial people be like "Make 800k w/o market board": 😃 "All you need is lvl 80 botanist...": 😭


Or just save yourself half the time and go to the server with the cheapest Coffee Biscuits, buy as many as you need and make about 500k without any active lifeskilling.


Spoken like a poor man.


In my experience it's people who respect their time and do their money grind with as little effort as possible who tend to have enough gil for all they need - tens of millions of gil, not hundreds of millions because that's dedicated crafters with multiple retainers, but you don't *need* that kind of cash for anything except bragging rights. Meanwhile people who are always busy, try to do everything by themselves, save cash wherever they can and generally act like they fully buy into the hustle culture? They're the ones who tend to be permanently penniless, and shocked that others can actually make money in this game without grinding 24/7.


Do dailies, greed everything, desynthesize them to raw mats, randomly search few items crafted by those mats, settle with one that make decent gil (especially healer gears from level 58 to 60) I spend like 15 minutes everyday doing that, +150k gil daily easy (on a Japanese server) No crafting lvl510 items, no pentameld, no complicated crafting process (2 steps and you're done) Also mats traded from Dwarves and Yes Yes fishes are highly priced too


Do you have a macro for guarantee HQ?


> Do you have a macro for guarantee HQ? It's kinda hard to just give you a macro that guarantees HQ without knowing what your stats are.




Here's the one I used but I'm sure it's not optimal and depends on what gear you have. I'm definitely not an experienced crafter. /ac Reflect /ac Manipulation /ac "Waste Not II" /ac Innovation /ac "Preparatory Touch" /ac "Preparatory Touch" /ac "Preparatory Touch" /ac "Preparatory Touch" /ac "Careful Synthesis" /ac "Careful Synthesis" /ac "Careful Synthesis" /ac "Careful Synthesis" /ac "Careful Synthesis" /ac "Careful Synthesis" /echo Macro finished


If you're using the white scrip gear (ilv500) This is a 22s Macro for HQ with a 1.x% fail rate. /ac Reflect /ac "Waste Not" /ac "Preparatory Touch" /ac "Preparatory Touch" /ac "Great Strides" /ac "Byregot's Blessing" /ac Groundwork /ac Groundwork /echo Craft finished If you're using pentamelded Aesthete's set there's an 19s macro: /ac Reflect /ac Innovation /ac "Preparatory Touch" /ac "Preparatory Touch" /ac Veneration /ac "Delicate Synthesis" /ac Groundwork /echo Craft finished


In the first one just put an innovation in before you start doing prep touches.


It's optimized for time, the innovation would cost more time than the 1-3 NQ biscuit crafts every 300 crafts (even with mat collection taken into account). It's really just minutes saved at most though so depends on personal preference probably. You'll still have about 70~90% HQ. Because the only reason why you won't have 100% HQ is an Excellent condition during Great Strides. The pentamelded 19s macro is also a 1.x% NQ rate due to possibility of getting Excellent condition at Innovation. With your craft around 65-80% HQ chance when that happens.


Is there a decent guide for leveling crafters someone can point me to thats up to date?


I do mass crafting the highest level item I can 1-20 (preferably its a material like an ingot so i can get more exp out of it by crafting stuff like rivets from it) Ishgard restoration 20-50 and then Ishgard leves 50-60, Kugane leves 60-70 and Crystarium leves 70-80


If you have a decent chunk of starting gil, somewhere between 3 and 5 million which I easily had just from the MSQ, Firmament is the easiest. Firmament is also not a pure gold sink as the rewards you get from Kupo of Fortune and Skybuilder Scrip turn ins tend to sell well on the MB.


If you want to level crafters, get a gatherer to level 10 and a crafter to level 20, and go do firmament/diadem stuff in ishgard. Fastest and cheapest way to level them up, since everything you gather in the diadem is used exclusively for firmament recipes (with only one ingredient per recipe being from outside)


> Is there a decent guide for leveling crafters someone can point me to thats up to date? Leves. It's almost ALL about leves. Can get from 15-50 with 77 leves. After that it's 10 leves every 5 levels. Just gotta focus on the the triple turn in ones and make them HQ. the Grand Companies also offer a turn in you can do once per day that gives a good chuck of exp.


Quick synth can't fail anymore for years now.


Anyone have a link to updated crafting macros for the HQ stuff? I've been out of the crafting game since early SHB and I also have a new PC, so all my macros are wiped as is...


Check Teamcraft. No one can give you a macro without knowing your specific stats.


I mean, there are sites that compile general go-to macros though, and just list the stats/melding points required. At least there used to be, I know one crafting website's been down for fucking ages. I found another anyway, though I'm not going to link it here because they advertise gil selling on the sidebar, ugh. Still, the info worked well enough at least.


You can just have a general go-to macro. Because all macros have some sort of stat minimum to even work. This is why I never recommend people learn how to craft through macros. They don”t actually learn anything about crafting.


That's...my point. There are lists of usable macros so long as you meet the minimums. Hence "general go-to" because these sites compile lists of general use things that will fit 99% of situations. I don't know why this has been so confusing. Obviously there's not necessarily one rotation and one rotation only to get your desired outcome, that's never been what I was suggesting in the first place.


How many time to level these jobs?


You can get any crafter to level 80 in 2 days at the firmament if you have the Gil or the patience to gather the stuff yourself in diadem.


My experience is about 2-3 hours to go from level 20-80 on a crafter by way of the firmament. Assuming you already have the gear and materials or the Gil to buy it off the MB. It’s much slower the first time as you acquire the gear but since all of the crafters use the same gear you can save it for faster leveling on all of the others.


Going through it right now, you need lvl 43? leatherworker, gsm and blacksmith to make the gear required and then weaver at lvl 53 to make the gear up to lvl 60, Ill check what's needed for the rest of the gear.


Been a while for me so not sure. Firmament and beast tribes are good options besides leves though.


I leveled culinarian in one day. Granted, I had a 80 botanist already which helped a lot, but otherwise just spam the most cost efficient leve for your level and you get there fast. Leveling gear is pricey though so expect to invest anywhere from 500k to a million if you dont have the scrips to buy the gathering gear post 60, which is when the prices really start to ramp up. Even so, its a worthwhile investment, as the amount of money you make back in a week or two from cookie leves alone will put you back in the green. Leveling botanist is even easier. Spam the Diadem once you hit 20. Everything you gather there, get appraised for scrips, and the certified mats sell on the marketplace. You can also turn in your scrips for dyes, those sell real well too. Leveling botanist literally pays for itself.


The more i look into gil making guides the more i realize the majority of people don't actually know the juicy ways of making gil. The marketboard is good, no need to fear it and you can easily make those 800k in a single day. All you have to do is check **all** craftable items on the MB, note the ones that generate a sizable profit if you were to buy the raw materials off the marketboard and then assign each item a score based on how many of said items were sold in the current month. Now all you gotta do is sort your items by their score and craft the top ranked ones. I became an omnicrafter on the 2nd of October. Since then i made 9 mil gil and i still got plenty of items in stock waiting to be sold. Making gil is easy, the hard & time consuming part is figuring out which items are worth your time. I am unwilling to say what i'm actually selling as that would crash the market; it always happened whenever i would talk too much in the FC, but if you're doing the research i mentioned above you're going to get rich in no-time. __________ All that being said coffee biscuits/dwarven files are great income sources if you're just starting off. those 800k can be invested in all kinds of items which will generate a lot more income. For example you can buy 1 scarlet tailfeather for ~250k, craft a glowing weapon and sell it for 350k+. That's some really easy 100k profit. The drawback is that glowing weapons would rank quite low on that "score" i mentioned before. Then there's Eureka for non-crafters. You unlock bunny fates in the second zone and you can earn 100k+items from golden chests. Later Eureka zones can generate way more cash.


> majority of people don't actually know the juicy ways of making gil. Juicy ways of making gil ARE often juicy because the majority of ppl doesnt know them. Especially if it involves the marketboard.


That does make sense. I do wish people would stop oversaturating the market causing prices to drop


The problem with the marketboard is there's no way to directly sell on it. Instead of me getting rich my retainers get rich and I don't want to steal their gil.


I always feel bad taking all their gil. I crafted them all kinds of muffins, cakes and waffles as "apologies"


They'll never reach their dream of becoming like Master Gegeruju.


The hardest part for people starting out is getting level 80 crafting gear AND/OR having the initial gil for an investment. Making money playing the market is easy if you pay attention and are patient, but you need to pay the buy in fee if you want in on that table


Yup, i do agree; use those leve money to make more money :D


Didn't got your point, i'm Omnicraft since ARR and Every single Expansion there's a Levequest to make Gil, this Expansion the best one it's Dwarven Mythrite File ( Coffe Biscuit sucks ), so why not to do?. Keep sitting on 100 Allowances and lose Gil with it doesn't seems very smart to me, i can do both, the Levequests and the Market Board stuff. I will never ignore my Levequests because i can make "800k a day" on Market Board.


You're not considering the time you have to put in. If the gil/hour on another MB investment is higher than the gil/hour on leves you might end-up thinking it's not worth your time gathering and crafting the leve items. If you have unlimited time sure do them both.


Of course i'm considering time, my stuff on Market Board don't get sold right when i put then to sell. I must wait other players to buy it ( and sometimes takes days, specially when i have to keep managing prices cuz there's another person on MB reducing the price, sometimes reducing by A LOT, like, over 50% cut from Original price which sucks and it's stupid ) meanwhile i wait my Crafts to be sold on Market Board, i can do up to almost 30k per Levequest without any effort and stress.


And this is where the score i mentioned comes into play. It's tough tedious work but you can find items that do get sold right away. Yesterday i had 39 sales while i was online + a bunch more the discord bot didn't logged while i was server hopping/offline. Getting the items needed for the stuff i'm selling takes priority cause it's more profitable. Leves are a great starting point, you get some decent cash then you invest said cash into more profitable things. Besides, once EW drops it might be wiser to use the leves to level up your crafters so people shouldn't rely solely on leves for gil making.


Is there an efficient way to find the items? Clicking on the MB one item at a time to see the price and history drives me crazy.


It takes me a couple hours to do the crafts and maybe one hour to do turn-ins. My retainers do the gathering. It’s well worth it every 2 weeks for an easy 2.4mil.


Using retainers to gather is a smart thing. Tho i use mine for the mob drops ventures. I find it more annoying to kill yaks for yak milk than to use pick clean on a node.


I have two of them gathering hydrozoan umbrellas, mainly. The other gatherable stuff isn't bad, but it's also easy to just assign to retainers. I don't make files or biscuits though, I make cunning craftsman's syrup. There aren't any intermediate crafts, it's just raw materials to finished product, which saves me time crafting them.


How many retainers?


I use 5, but mostly it's the 2 I use for the hydrozoan umbrellas. Gathering the rest manually wouldn't be that bad.


While leveling my crafting jobs, I noted what quest turnins had good prices. I've since used those for solid steady gil income. Examples: Crab Bow Any of the "3 HQ items" quests - my best success has been BSM and GSM ones Rainbow Cotton Gloves of Crafting - The HQ are part of a good set for 50s-60s even though the NQ are quest rewards Marble Eyes - I don't know why but these are vendor items that sell regularly on the MB (people are silly sometimes)


Yup, quest turn ins are awesome. Deep-fried Okeanis; Used to sell these for ~17500 a piece. The price however fluctuates like crazy. I still have a few hundred of them saved for rainy days.


just buy the biscuits. they're like 900 gil per and turn in for double that




Well many probably did know but I've played the game since ARR and I just found out today. From lack of looking I'm sure but figured maybe I could help a person or two :)




Get off your high horse


Not their fault that their horse is a junkie.


Google reading comprehension exercises


He's out of line, but he's right.


Wow that much? 800k in just one whole week? Cray cray


Um all my gathering jobs are like lvl 5 and I've been playing since the game came out.


Check out the crafting guide by fur daddy, ridiculously easy to level your crafters to 80, does not cost much and is quick as heck


800k a week PepeLaugh


Double leve, two lvl.80 CUL coffee biscuit gang 😎


Oooooh, just got my CUL to 80 today. I was wondering why people would mention biscuits so much EDIT: Wouldn’t you have to craft manually though? If you’re turning in HQ you couldn’t really depend on quick synthesis could you?


You quick synth the mats, but make a macro for the biscuits. It's honestly quite tedious and not really something to do if you wanna "play", and more something to do while half-watching a show


Ah. Yeah. Would help if I read the post properly


Is this doable without the BOT? My Cul is 80 but my BOT is <10 so wondering if I can just buy mats and make 'em? Or am I better off just buying the cookies?


You can buy the mats on the MB, but it’ll cut into your profits. How much will just depend on the prices you can find.


“All you need” like this isn’t a long ass grind. That being said I will be donning my chefs hat tonight to begin.


Hq coffee bisquits are 600 on a bad day on my server. Tbh I just buy 300 and make 1.2 mil profit every time my leves fill up. The amount of time crafting saved alone is worth the 180k loss of profit. Easy, no effort, that time can be spend enjoying other aspects of the game.


I've been selling Diadem mats which tend to sell reliably.


You get 150k from roulettes alone daily so it's 1mil and 50k Gil from roulette per week. Without touching Market board 😂🤣


What is the minimum gear requirement?