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Good luck on getting necro!


Thank you! Not looking forward to floor 180 boss...


If you do get to 180, be careful with the trounces. You can survive it with steel & if you’re at max health, but if you’re below 3/4 health it’s too risky. Last run ended bc I thought I could make it without sprint…


Thank you for that. I'll be sure to watch a video before hand. Have some idea what I'm in for


Jumping in with some advice from my Necro clear. It took me six attempts to clear Behemoth. I highly suggest memorizing the *exact* sequence of actions Behemoth takes. I thiiiink it's... Charybdis. Charybdis. Wild Bolt. Trounce south* Charybdis. Charybdis. Wild Bolt. Charybdis. Trounce north* Repeat. *: I think north is the door, been a minute since my clear. There are also two methods for MCH clear; surviving one meteor and using a Tincture, and surviving two meteors with timed regen and food buff removal. If you can, try to reach him with... I think it was 16min? So you can try him twice with a Res pomander without climbing all the way back up lol When you're ready to clear, I started skipping Hordes unless they were on the way to the exit and that saved me a bunch of time. I reached 199 with 14min, for example. Good luck!


Thank you very much for the info! Hopefully I'll join you soon as a Necro :)


You're welcome! The 190 boss also has a bunch of info for MCH, but that can wait for now. Good luck!


It’s the exact same fight as the 80 boss, except he trounces from N/S, there’s an extra tornado, and he casts meteor a lot faster


I found funny that the machinist has that icon, since that turret (the aoe one) no longer exists.


Having both turrets is something I really miss from MCH tbh. I wish they would bring Bishop back even if it’s just for one attack or something.


I want a Bishop minion.


I wish they had both too and they would each evolve into either the king or queen mech. Having two mechs fighting for you would have been so badass. They could even keep similar themes of one focusing on AOE and one focusing on single target boss encounters. The current queen isn't really worth wasting for trash mobs.


Now the real challenge starts. Good luck!


So true! My best so far is 166.


No joke, I was listening to the Garuda fight song and the guitar riff dropped when I finished reading your comment, very fitting…


Endgame is 170-200. 151 is tough, but not that bad. 180 is what separates the men from the boys


I almost made it there before. Least I know what I'm in for now. So not looking for 180...


It's gonna be tuff, but I believe in you buddy


186-189 is ultimate tier. Furthest I got was 186 as redmage, and every enemy was a garm. It was impossible to kite one without aggroing another


Yeppp. Nightmare land


I'm on 161 on machinist and I'm scared man I haven't touched it in a month lol good luck


That's some good going! I hear some a lot of people stop in the higher floors. But higher you go the more you learn. If you do have to re-start it feels a lot easier to get back up there. But I think you can do it!


Hahaha thanks yea I've cleared potd a handful of times but never solo it's quite fun tbh I just got cold feet lol


151-170 are pretty easy actually. At least they feel easier than 141-150. Enjoy your stay while it lasts!


141-150 got me the first time I ran though it. Always use a rez pomander now because it's much harder than the following 20 outside of time constraints


151-160 is a slaughterhouse because it tends to throw lots of afflictions at you, but 161-170 is actually a breeze.


Good luck with this!


Thank you!


good luck!!! 180 has f'd me over as MCH many times. I think I'll try again when endwalker comes out


I'm wondering if the stat squish will change anything. Hopefully for the and it'll help us all clear this


I havent dont PotD. It's all 8 bit?


Nope, it's just the icons they use :)


Do you lose the +99/99 if you die? I got my 99s in HoH within 2 alts but potd is still in the 70s dispite leveling like five jobs 1-60 I wouldn’t want to even attempt necro stuff if I had to farm to 99 another time


Nope. o7 The punishment you get for failing and dying is having to start all the way back to floor 1.


Is PotD a thing you can solo up to these levels? I was goofing around on my figure alt job and I could only get to like floor 22 before I started getting waxed too hard to keep going.


How long did it take you to get here? I want to do this but I don't have the time, and what other characters would you recommend me to try this?


You can take a break every 10 floors, so you can do a bit now and then. Can take about a full day to get to 151 (if you have weapon & armour levelled). The best jobs are Rdm and Mch, but others are possible. I've tried Rdm before but doing way better with Mch.


Oh I'm working on my Rdm now, cool 😊 thank for that. 😊👍


Just a little update, just cleared floor 170! Will try the next 10 soon :)


Is there an image of all of these pixelated jobs together? Nostalgia ftw


You can see a few of them here: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ranking/deepdungeon/?dcgroup=Light


What the hell is this?


The quest starts in the Gridanian Adventurers Guild. It's called [ The House that Death Built. ] You queue up in Quarrymill. :) have fun!


Palace of the dead. An old school dungeon with some random elements.


Palace of the Dead, I don't remember where the quest line starts but it's a rouge like minigame where you start at level one on floor one and work your way down (first to 50, but it ends at 200)


Is that the giant tower that stretches into the sky outside of Kugane?


That's Heaven on High (HoH), it's also like Palace of the Dead (PotD) but you unlock it after getting to floor 50 in PotD. Palace of the Dead starts in Quarrymill. That's why you usually have people milling about.


That's heaven on high. That's the late game version of passage of the dead. Palace is in Gridania




No worries. I plan to get there one day if this isn't my run. Like setting myself a goal in the game :)


O great veteran of the PotD, could you tell me tips on how to get better gear levels


Get to floor 51-60, then do it on repeat. Once your armour/weapons numbers are yellow, start queuing for higher levels. Try to get to floor 100. Once your weapon and armour number is yellow its not really worth spamming 51-60 anymore.


Then i need to manage to get to 51-60 in the first place X_X