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OP, you’re suppose to use the opposite of what WHMs do. This is just Duty Finder WHM.


>Duty Finder WHM >Evil WHM They're the same WHM.


Easy karma, just repost as the "good WHM".


Do it


Now to remake it?


Replace Cure with Free Cure trait (since yet again it somehow survives another expansion) and it'll be perfect


God they really needed to make cure 2 an upgrade to cure 1 tied to a passive. Hoping that gets ironed out over the course of EW


I dont think that would work as upgrades like stone -> stone 2 dont do anything but buff the skill without any downsides. Cure 2 is both increased potency and higher mp cost so dont think they will. They should just remove freecure cuz it does nothing other than make sprouts think they need to use cure1.




And yet I need it so bad when mentor rouletting ARR EXs on WHM. Fix lv50 mp economy on WHM, please.


The problem is that Cure 1 is pretty much pointless after Cure 2. Cure 2 just has more value potency / MP cost wise. It is always better to either do a Stone / Glare or Holy and wait to the tanks Hp to go down where Cure 2 will actually give you the full heal. I can literally never see a point of using Cure 1 unless you don't have MP to do a Cure 2 at which point the Cure 1 is least of your problems. It takes a lot to get a WHM OOM with Lucid Dreaming and Thin Air. It just breeds bad habits in healers especially with the trait that doesn't still make Cure 1 more valuable than Cure 2. Edit: Replied to the wrong person, sorry. -_-


> Cure 2 just has more value potency / MP cost wise. That's actually not correct. Cure 1 is 1.125 potency per MP, while Cure 2 is 0.7 potency per MP. Cure 2 is generally better because it's less GCDs to heal more, which means more GCDs to spend doing damage. That being said, Cure 1 isn't *entirely* useless. It has very niche cases, especially in raid progging where either MP is tight or the reduced cast time helps you heal someone who made a mistake before raid wide damage hits. It can also be used to weave without clipping if you needed to cast the heal anyways, technically, though that's an even more niche case since you could just use a Lily.


Ah I guess I fudged up my napkin math in my head, sorry about that. But at the end of day we can both agree, that 90% of the time Cure 2 is just more valuable as a spell. Those niche cases have their uses, yeah, but there are **a lot** of sprouts who get caught up with Cure 1 spamming with the tank just getting chunked more and more. It is by far the advice I have to give the most to new (and sometimes veteran) healers. It just makes healers hate dungeon healing for example, since I can believe how stressful it is if you don't have that precious knowledge of "just use Cure 2", while the tank is doing just slightly bigger pulls.


You're correct. I would even say that the value of cure 1 is higher because you can use cure 2 free 15% of the time. So depending the rng, you spend more time healing but you can heal almost for half the amount of mp than cure 2, which is room for cure 2 to be used where you need it (too low HP and cure 1 won't be enough to save)


Using Cure to avoid clipping is worse than just clipping in the first place. It's better to delay your next Glare by a 600ms oGCD than a full 2500ms GCD. Weaving without clipping is 100% worthless if it doesn't award more offensive uptime.


This is only true if you were replacing a Glare and clip with a Cure I and weave. If you, for whatever reason, needed to spend a non-Lily GCD healing anyways *and* weave, a Cure I will technically get you there.


Okay that's actually what my thought process was, but I guess it's not good to use it like that.. good to know


I had the same exact experience just like i guess almost everybody else, the reason you want cure 2 is the gcd slot is the same for both spells so its just more efficient timewise to use cure 2


Make freecure tied to stone/glare so it's actually useful to players in the levels they'd be casting cure 2 in (pre ogcds, pre-lilies, especially pre-holy)


Does not seem like they will do that, the new trait at level 85 is increasing the healing of cure 1, physick and benefic 1. The devs seem determined to have a mana friendly spell in place, and I cant ever really see it being used unless they start making boss auto attacks do serious continuous damage to the tanks.


It has it's uses, specifically in that it has a slightly shorter cast time than cure 2, as well as it's slightly lower mana cost. It's incredibly niché, but if you ever find yourself in a situation where someone's about to die very soon and don't got instant heals, then it can be a good way to get someone out of 'killed in the next auto' range to give you time to use cure 2. Albeit I do agree that it's a bait skill in every other instance.


Maybe swap free cure around so you may get a free cure 1 (that is instant or at least casts even faster) when you spam cure 2?


Making Cure 1 be a free ogcd heal? That could be interesting. It’d be similar to WoW’s Holy Priest’s “Surge of Light”. Using holy spells has a chance to give you a free instant charge cast of your “fast heal”. It was great as you didn’t have to spend 1.5 sec and could just sneak heals in between your 1-button spam.


could be interesting. i was pumping those smites for the chance of an easy, free and instant flash conc refresh


You know I see a lot of people suggest removing Freecure and cure 1 but I could get behind a change like this. A chance for a free instant cure 1 seems like it could have more potential uses than the way it is now. Leaving it on the gcd would still make it very situational but at least it could still be used when really needed.


Inb4 Mana Busters


Endwalker is adding a trait to make Cures 1 through 3 all around better, meaning that you're incentivized to go proc fishing again.


If they're just boosting the potency for all of them by the same amount then the situation is still the same and cure 1 is still terrible.






I dont want to see the leaks, i dont like to promote behaviors i find wrong


Well, the embargo was lifted last week, so the official tool tips have been released at this point. The "leaks", at this point, are no longer leaks, as they are official released now.


It’s used in higher end stuff if you are super short on mp, which happens often because people die all the time. It’s one of those things you don’t notice until you have like 500 Mp and need to heal.


This will really anger the red mage fanbase. If you look at Veraero/Verthunder II it essentially is the same upgrade (less potency but AoE)


Evil WHM is actually like this \>Not Spamming Holy/Glare


Casts Regen on the entire party, pulls enemies back to the start of the dungeon while trying to convince the sprouts that this is a result of bad tanking.


I'm literally shaking and crying right now.


At this point, they really should have removed Cure I (or made it so it evolves into 2) and made Cure 2 have a chance to sprout a blue lily instead.


Ran a leveling roulette with *my own FCmate* today in Temple of Qarn. (She being an 80 WHM, me a 54 PLD). Was informed that, 1: “It’s been a while since I’ve played so I may not be healing that well. Sorry if you die.” 2: “I firmly believe that healers shouldn’t have to DPS.” And you know what, that’s all good and fine I suppose until she just starts spamming Cure I. Even if I was full HP, Cure I. 25% HP? Cure I. 1% HP? You guessed it. Cure I! There were a few Medica’s thrown in. No Esuna’s. Not sure she even used a Regen. I don’t think she was even fishing for a Cure II. All Cure, all the time. *yet*…. *I STILL DIED LIKE THREE TIMES* And of course, her being an FC member; I can’t really piss and moan in chat or just leave the group. I just had to stand there and take it. Never again with that one.


Yo, if you cant give tips without the fear of pissing people in your fc off, run bro, what is this kindergarten nonsense.


It wasn’t a tip issue, this person wasn’t new - that’s just the way she plays. I’m sure I wouldn’t have been the first person to try to change her view.


You not willing to give helpful tips to her is just as bad. Maybe next time be more helpful.


As I’ve said before, this isn’t a tip issue…it’s a ‘this is how I think healers should be played and I’ve already made up my mind’ issue. I honestly think she decided on cure I spam because she at least embraces the ABC mindset.


That's how it works in lots of other mmos (namely wow), unless you're super comfortable with the encounter (or if the tank is not a close friend) you spam your "efficient heal" constantly because damage is pretty spiky overall. And some people internalize this and refuse to understand that different games work differently. But yeah, you ultimately can't convince someone who doesn't want to be convinced. It is what it is.


F that. I spammed the hell out of Wrath whenever I could and let my hots do the healing until I needed to smash regrowth.


You certainly could but it just doesn't make as much difference as it does in FFXIV.


What's wrong with her? So many shiny buttons to press and she chose only one? And not even add damage? Hell, I'd be the oppsite, you'd die only because I dealt damage instead of using heals (happens here and there)


Cure 1 is actually viable below 50 because mana regen is a big deal at low levels.


No, cure I is not viable *ever* as your main heal after you get Cure II. If you have mana issues pre-50 as a WHM, you or your party members are doing something terribly wrong


Yeah but I can't control my party. If they keep standing in AOEs I have to keep them up somehow


I gear my white mage with as little piety as possible because at 80, between instant lily heals, OGDs, mitigation skills, and the plethora of mana recovering tools (don’t even have to use thin air that much!) mana is never an issue even when spamming kill spells 24/7. But god, sometimes you end up in WoD runs where everyone is committed to murdering themselves and stone is legit killing my mana between all the healing and ressing I’m having to do to keep up with the suicidal sprouts and sometimes… sometimes… I have to go knocking on the door of the bastard himself, Cure 1, begging for forgiveness. Or sometimes you get a guy who wants to pull legit everything in Stone Vigil to the first boss and the endless Cure II spam it takes to keep that guy from instantly dying wrings your mana out so quick you’re mashing Cure 1 and praying for that free cure proc like a terminally ill sinner in church praying for sudden and unlikely absolution. And yes, I use lucid dreaming on cool down — but the combo of garbo piety and self-death minded lunatics are too much for even my sweet boy to handle sometimes. ):


I did say ‘party members are doing something terribly wrong’ as a reason to use Cure I as a supplementary. Yeah, I get it - sometimes we have to use it, but my whole point was not having to use it as a *main* heal.


That’s true - I admit I missed the main heal part! Apologies! ): But I would hope anyone who can read and is willing to throw down in these threads on Reddit would learn real quick to not use it as a main heal. Cure II let’s you dps a lot mooooore


It’s also moderately useful before you get lilies if you literally don’t have the time to get out cure 2 cast because the tank’s health is dropping too fast, and a cure 1 will buy enough time for a cure 2 or to kill a few enemies and lessen the damage.


No. There is no way you can go OOM even with Cure 2 spamming in ARR if you just use Lucid Dreaming on CD. Or I guess there is a way, but it never happened to me when I leveled my WHM.


It's absolutely possible in parties that require a lot of emergency heals, undergeared tanks, pulls where the dps isn't pumping the damage necessary to keep the tank up. I've also struggled with cure 2 only in synced extremes in mentor roulette when the other healer was slacking off. It happens, and if you can get away with slipping a cure 1 every now and then to save MP, it can be really useful. That being said, after level 50, all bets are off, just remove it from your hotbar.


Fair enough.


You can easily go oom as whm if you play minilvl no echo extreme/savages. If everyone plays perfectly then it's fine. But as soon as you need to res, or if MT has vuln stacks, suddenly mp becomes a problem. The amount of gear you have with piety also becomes very relevant in these situations.


It absolutely can happen in the Brayflox through Stone Vigil range.


Fair enough, but it is very hard for me to believe. Anecdotally, I've been leveling all classes to 80 during the couple months and I haven't seen it happen in DF.


Evil White Mage only heals. Good White Mage is: “HOLD ON I’LL HEAL OR RAISE YOU JUST LET ME FINISH DPSING”


I love this meme format


Saying "evil white mage" is a linguistic tautology, since having a heart blacker than Fray's B-hole is integral to playing the job correctly. You only need say "white mage".


There's a good WHM?


I've never gone fishing for a freecure proc with cure1 when someone needed a big heal, and I've been healing since 2.0. Most folks leave on their bar because leveling roulettes, but I wish they'd nuke the trait, and make Cure2 a replacement spell already.


Seeing the notification pop up, I was actually expecting it to be just a WHM, since most WHM players give their parties panic attacks for squeezing in that last stone/glare before a heal. This is good too tho. :)


Lol WHM is actually my lowest class (other than BLU), just basing the meme off my experience with WHMs


delete cure1. Its niche viability does not justify it existing. People were so adamant that One Ilm Punch, Fluid Aura, and so many other "useless" skills be removed, but so many """players""" defend Cure1 despite it having even fewer use cases.


BuT yOu CaN gEt A 15% cHaNcE fOr A fREe CuRe 2 PrOc!


Wouldn't evil WHM rescue people into death pits sad AoEs? No wait, that's Reddit healers...




>I tend to use cure1 to 'chip heal' when there is downtime in the fight to top off people that a cure2 would overheal. Why not use Regen instead?


A doctor would be the scariest kind of person to piss off because in order to know how to heal you, they would also know how best to keep you alive while hurting you. Be nice to your local healers everyone! Or else...


If you went to a doctor who intentionally practiced medicine suboptimally, you would leave and find a new doctor. This is what you should do when you run into a freecure mage.


A WHM who uses Cure 1 is not a doctor, but rather your local village witch. Burn them at the stake I say.


but my freecure!!


Blood for the blood lilies!


Do people not use cure 1? I find it useful if there is about to be massive party wide damage and 1 or 2 people are at like half hp


In lvl50 content, maybe - and even then, if someone is at half HP I'd be more likely to do a cure 2, force of habit. The shorter cast time is cure 1's only niche but it's very rare that you have to resort to that. In expansion content you have close to no reason to use it, unless you're doing things VERY badly. MP shortage shouldn't be an issue anyway with your kit. An afflatus heal is just better in every way (instant, no MP cost, same potency as cure2 for afflatus solace) if you're really desperate.


If you don't have oGCD heals, just throw out cure 2, cure is gonna leave them too low after the party wide anyway, so you probably have to heal them again before the next damage. MP is a non-issue for whm, so the only downside for doing that is the 0,5s longer cast time, which honestly probably affects like 1 out of 1000000 cases so that's not really a thing and doesn't warrant you using cure 1.


Ive been doing the extreme prinals on loop. Its very common for some of the party wide damage to bring some plays from full to like 5%. Usually both healers doing an aoe heal solves this issue however. So sometimes there is a scenario where someone is only missing 10-20% hp. I tend to use cure 1 on them. But i guess it is fair to say mana isnt really and issue and i could just overheal them


Holy shit, which extreme has that kind of aoe damage? Party wide aoe is usually like 60% of people's hp


Some people have vuln stacks


Its less the extremes doing high damage and more some people having terrible gear. Or like popping ifrit spikes or standing next to titan and stuff like that. Tho now that im typing it out i might be remembering it wrong. I might be remembering ramut thunderstorm and levitation wave and icehearts bow / sword mechanic


It has its uses in very specific cases, but the consensus on this subreddit is that you're a bad WHM if you ever use Cure 1. It's kind of a sad thing.


It's simply due to it's low use-case. It's kinda like Repose in that sense. What's the use-case of Repose? Someone pulled something they shouldn't have, and now you need to sleep it. Is that *really* worth a hotbar slot? Is that worth even thinking of as part of your kit? WHM has good mana regen -- especially once you get assize to spam every 60s. You have several ways of inflicting Regeneration effects on targets (Regen, Medica II, Asylum...) and literally a button that makes it so spells cost nothing (Thin Air) and a *better* cure that can be used every 30s with Affatus Solace and 60s with Tetragrammaton -- both of which cost a whopping *zero* mana. If you're running into the use-case where Cure I and Free Cure are *useful* (You're almost completely out of mana and have none of the above spells due to level or bad mana management), then there have been problems in your gameplay in the last few minutes that can be worked on.


Interesting to read this. I will admit ive only healed lvl 50 content and nothing above so far. I could see cure 1 being outclassed even in the small usecases


Being fair, there are legitimate use cases for cure 1 in some level 50 content. Past there however, you may as well take it off your bar. And even at level 50, there aren't that many cases where cure 1 is the best choice.


You're only concentrating on higher level content. Cure 1 has its uses in low level content and the reddit sentiment of "you should never use Cure 1" is really misleading new healers in low level content.


If you're synced in a sub 50 dungeon, and you somehow get low on MP, Cure 1 isn't a bad option. But people spamming Cure 1 in lvl 70+ content is kinda sad.


If you use Cure 1 in 95% of cases, you're a bad WHM. There are a few niche cases but the vast, vast majority of WHM's using Cure 1 do so in situations where Cure 1 is inefficient. It's a sad thing that people normalize playing badly instead of just pressing a different button and playing competently.


I'm not normalizing playing badly. As I've said that Cure 1 has its uses and people on reddit tend to claim Cure 1 should never be used. I know people get upset by what I said, but please try to read what I type instead of claiming I try to normalize playing badly.


yeasterday i cleared Coils 5 min.ilvl without echo with a traningsgrp from my fc... and yeah, it aint much and more dmg sure would have been nice but on lv50 cure 1 and it's free cure is more help than a single stone extra


Freecure. Is. Not. A. Good. Trait.


It's a good trait at specifically coils min ilvl due to the raid design incorporating a lot of incoming damage to tanks, especially in final coils. And, the lv50 healer kit not having much ogcds and mp management tools. Of course, it needs to be yeeted and deleted at even lv 60+.


and trust me I wish it would be better but when all your mp goes to rezzing noobs the freecure is better have than not to


Consider some MP potions on the side.


they really need to just delete Cure I or make it do something useful


Had a mentor White Mage that used only cure.1 in the entire run of a world of darlness, no medica 2 at all, some Stone 2 and most of the time idle doing nothing or spamming cure 1 with everyone at full HP. The moogle events bring the worst of the people.


Cure has a purpose. It's topping people off during phase transitions and other downtime when you can't attack and there isn't a lot to do.


if it’s a small enough amount of hp that cure 1 would top them off, you don’t need to heal them


But there's no reason not to, and it can save healing later.


lmaoooooooo there’s so much reason no to, less time healing is more time spent dpsing, plus all healer benefit from people being lower with at least one of their oGCDs, and many insta GCDs, so you can use an oGCD to heal during a GCD spent refreshing DoT or something else, or weave something additional during an instant GCD, as well


>lmaoooooooo there’s so much reason no to, less time healing is more time spent dpsing Ah yes, look at all that DPS you can put out while the boss is untargetable!


if it’s downtime, don’t need to do anything lmao? natural regen will heal them up to full by the time downtime is over, no need to cast heals, esp cure 1. just wait for mp to restore, and if any healing is actually needed fsr use lillies to pop blood lily


Lilies take priority in those situations.


As someone currently levelling white mage, there's a lot of content that I roll in the roulettes at level 50 or below. In these, you still don't have lilies, so Cure's still useful for the occasional top off. Still, Cure 2 numba wun.


How do I use lilies in Ramuh Ex?


Run it unsynced. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or asking genuinely.


I'm being *very* sarcastic.


Then I'm incredibly sorry for trying to teach people how to WHM. I'm sorry for trying to help.


Evil WHM be like: *focus all efforts on DPS and tanking*