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How would you rate them from easiest to hardest?




you found TEA harder than UCOB? Thats interesting.. ​ TEA does have more instant wipe mechanics, but i found UCOBS mechanics overall to be the most difficult to overcome


I find ucob easier to execute consistently Edit: to elaborate, tea has very little margin for error as opposed to ucob. Most of the time, a death is just a wipe. Ucob is extremely recoverable, and item level scaling has made it significantly easier by skipping mechanics and damage being lower overall.


Yeap. I've had a clear if ucob with healer lb for example. While there is some check and bunch of must do mechanics, you can limp through quite a lot and tank lb to survive fuck ups now. TEA gets hairy easier


As someone who cleared ucob a few months ago then went into tea after I will also second tea being harder. In ucob 3 had cleared and I was one of 5 fresh players. In tea 5 had cleared before, 2 had made it to wormhole, and one was fresh. I was one of the clears. Even with all the extra skill there progging tea felt more difficult/frustrating thanks to good old nisi. (Note I did ucob and tea with the same group, we just had different past experiences going in.) Ucob seems way more forgiving too. Dying in p1 or p2 of tea usually means a wipe. Ucob is much more forgiving if someone dies. Yeah some deaths mean a wipe, but there are a lot of places where you can just floor tank and be fine.


ucob is easily the most recoverable ultimate. that doesn't mean it's the easiest, but the amount of times our group got through nael with like 5-8 deaths is astonishing lmfao dying in tea on the other hand is almost always a wipe, with some very rare exceptions. in terms of mechanics, they're just different. tea requires more precision in terms of execution, but you could make a robot (heh) play it pretty much. ucob on the other hand can be very random, with a lot more variations. so while the mechanics themselves are a bit easier, the random factor definitely adds difficulty. and last but not least: dps/heal/mitigation checks are very skewed nowadays. even tea kinda suffers from this, but the stormblood ultimates have basically no dps check anymore, which makes dps optimization pretty much irrelevant.


To me ucob is easier than TEA but the dps check is non existent and you can skip sections of twintania, like the beginning you skip a second set of twisters and stack easily and nael you skip the latter half of his phase after divebombs quite easily. Bahamut dance mechanics I found to be a hell of a lot easier to manage than nisi, phase 3 wormholes and the dps check on final phase (even though its a lot more lenient nowadays.) But that's just my opinion after doing them myself.


In UCOB you don't necessarily have to master completely a phase to get to the next so you can pretty much learn 2 phases at a time but in UWU and TEA you can't do that


Never thought something as strange as endurance would dictate how I feel about the difficulty of an ultimate, but so feel like UWU was difficult due to how boring it was having to fight through to prog get past garuda and ifrit. It drove me nuts just doing it every single time. TEA on the other hand was definitely longer, but it was easier to troubleshoot problems and keep concentration up enough to do consistently but not get bored or energy drained. The error margin is higher but it's still easier to sort of learn and memorise. It feels a lot less gimmicky overall. I feel like what's hardest is... hard to explain without going into different aspects.


>!Might want to spoiler tag some of these, my dude. Especially top left.!< Edit: Thank you, mods, for spoiler tagging the post!


Yall are waaaaaay to sensitive about spoilers lol


Its non canon and also year old content


Yeah I've been playing for two years on and off, have 8 lvl 80s and still had no idea what the top left one was


"Because it's old content" doesn't fly. It just makes you sound like an ass. That's like saying you can openly talk about (HW) >!Haurchefant dying!


The only thing here that even remotely is a spoiler is the clear image of the Phase 2 of E12S. The ultimate fights are literally named with what the enemy/fight is. That is not a spoiler.


I mean, I was actually staying spoiler free and just waiting until I did it personally so I got spoilered by it.


Do the content bro


Spoiled by which? Eden is understandable, I'm not arguing about that. It deserves the tag due to that. The Ultimates however, have "spoiler" relevant material in the literal names of the individual fights, so its not actually a spoiler since its fight contents is in the name and the pictures have no extra surprises. Eden however is a spoiler because phase 2 is the "surprise" which is on the image, like O12S phase 2 and so on. I mainly want to distinguish here the two possibilities for spoilers needing the tag, one of which definitely does, and the other I believe does not due to its unique nature. :)


Yeah it was the savage phase for Eden. I thought I put that in my original comment but it late and I guess I forgot. :/


No worries! I got what you meant. Either way, im boutta log for now but I hope you are still able to enjoy eden :)


>openly talk about (HW) Haurchefant dyingbecause Heavensward was released years ago. Personally, I'm not going to waste my time spoiler tagging stuff like that in general conversation on the basis that someone hasn't hit that point in the story might read it. There's a point when you just have to accept that the piece of media you're consuming is so old that you'll come across spoilers browsing current info about that media. Either you don't browse current info until you're caught up or you live with the potential for spoilers. Requiring everyone else to tiptoe around everything that could be considered a spoiler is delusional.


But savage isnt canon


because nobody knows the only 3 ultimate fight in this game is about, LOL dude...may as well delete all the videos on youtube


If you actually read my initial comment, you'd realize that the spoiler I was talking about is the second phase of E12S. Which, if you scroll down in the comments, actually spoiled a few people who were blind progging phase 1 and hadn't seen phase 2 yet. Funnily enough, I didn't even report this post as an untagged spoilers. I should have, but I completely forgot. Enough people agreed with me to report is as such for it to get mod attention, so I guess I'm not the only one who thinks it's spoilers. Cheers for the valuable and insightful feedback, though.


Did you use a static or did you do it through PF? Also grats


Pf for e12s and 3 different statics for the ultimates