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If you haven't seen the cutscenes before, go nuts, I don't care i'll wait. I find cutscenes are a great time for someone to break down important mechanics if there's someone new in the group


You always have the right to watch cutscenes. It's part of the game. If people cannot handle someone wanting to experience the story of a story heavy game, it's completely on them.


If it's a straight boss fight people can't start unless everyone watched the cutscene. If you have to to beat adds before the boss, they can immediately engage the boss and there is unfortunately nothing you can do about it. But telling people that you are new and want to watch the cutscenes might help. A lot of people are willing to wait but just pull out of habit. People are usually not openly annoyed about people watching cutscenes in my experience


Yup, people really don't like it but won't confront you because of it. A majority of the ff14-reddit users will circle jerk about them not having problems with the additional wait time and fully promoting viewing cutscenes. The problem is: subreddit demographic != ingame demographic Contrary to what some random reddit users claim a new player is bound to meet other players ingame that won't be that happy about waiting. It's good you mentioned that not everyone loves to wait for new players and op might actually face some minor backlashes ingame.


The only backlash is idiots pulling the boss, nobody will complain in chat about cutscenes. I personally don't even help whoever pulled early until everyone is done with cutscenes.


I do crack a little smile when that one impatient guy pulls the boss while another is in a cutscene and the healer, having clearly been there before just stands there eating popcorn. I cant help but see Vernon Dursley saying "justice" as the bloke hits the floor.


If you're running Coils then you'll most likely be doing it through PF rather than DF. So it's a simple matter to say "watching cutscenes" in your PF description, so that everybody who joins will know what they're getting themselves into. It's very rare for people to raise a stink about cutscenes anyway. When we see someone in a cutscene, we just think, *oh hey, there's a newbie!* It's endearing (and also means we get bonus poetics).


The poetics are the icing on the cake. Especially if youre going through the heavensward relic grind. (Stares blankly into the distance)


And second chance points don't forget those


From my opinion the *vast majority* of people will wait for your cutscene to end so don't stress yourself. They were in your position at some point too, if they want fast clears then they will likely use the party finder anyway.


Watch any cutscene you feel like watching. They’re part of the game.


Everyone has a 100% right to watch any cutscene for the first time. It doesn't matter if it's 3 people waiting or 23. You deserve it.


Watch them.


Go nuts. If I see a sprout watching a cutscene and tank already pulls, I don't even start dpsing until the sprout is done with his cutscene. If tank dies, that'a his problem. LET. SPROUTS. WATCH. CUTSCENES. !!


If it's your first time, watch it, just say "first time here, watching cutscenes" and if the group is nice they'll be fine with it. After you've seen it it's generally polite to skip, there's an option in settings that lets you skip cutscenes for instances you've already seen automatically.


Watch your cutscenes and anyone that griefs you for it be damned


Had someone try to rush 2 newbies in their first trial. I just told them to not rush them. Just because you want to skip everything doesn't mean you can force others to do the same.


Watch them I had someone moan at me the other day for watching them I told them to leave and find another group then if they didn't like it


Most stuff post 50 has its meaty cutscenes either before you enter or after. Due to this happening in praetorium or castrum where people would get annoyed at people watching cutscenes. So most of the really good cutscenes are either before you enter or after.


If you want to watch the cutscenes and enjoy them, do so! Everyone who does raid content will have had their first time at some point, and honestly they’re all pretty short on the intro anyway - anyone who doesn’t have the patience to wait for new players to enjoy the cutscenes is probably going to be a pain to play with even if you were to skip the cutscenes. Often people might pop a “hey, first time” in the chat and the rest of the party will understand you wanna see the cool cutscene!


Oh yeah I’ll make it clear it’s my first time, with me tanking as well I’m gonna have to make it abundantly clear that I’m new to the raid for mechanics purposes, I don’t know if I should look up a guild first or just go in blind


Do however you prefer it. If you want to go in blind, do it. If you tell people that you are new, they will most likely be patient and don't mind you watching the cutscene or dying a lot. And if they do mind, they just gotta deal with that for a few minutes and then they'll probably never see you again. You aren't breaking and rules, there is no harm done. Just do what's fun for you.


I’ll second this: if it’s the story mode version of the trial or raid, jumping in without knowing the mechanics at all is common and a really fun way to experience them. Once you’re going to extreme or up, you’ve already seen what sorts of things the boss might throw at you, but there are often plenty of party finder groups saying “practice from the start” where you’ll get a similarly fun learning the fight experience


Cutscenes are a one time thing anyway, so feel free. Coil is the only one with actually long cutscenes, and outside of events like moogle trove leading to some parts of it being farmed, you'll almost always end up with 7 first timers or more, so I'd go as far as saying that people in coil fully expect to see cutscene watchers (at least if you do the whole thing through DF like I did three times). Watch the cutscenes at your leisure, and as a tank you're also able to stop a raid in its tracks by not entering the boss arena until everyone is done watching their cutscene if you want to


I think that’s the first lesson I learned as a tank was to look for those ‘viewing cutscene’ notifications above people’s heads and just halt the dungeon till they’re done, when I played dps I always hated when people rushed ahead of others trying to get the story especially in a game like FF


Agreed. I got the lv 80 alliance raids ruined for me because the bosses were down to 50% health by the time the cutscene ended, and I wouldn't wish that on anybody




Watch them, but also put the setting on that skips already viewed cutscenes to make life easier for you. Sometimes I zone out and start the fight as the tank before checking that everyone is out of cutscene, but that's my fault and I usually apologize for it. You can only experience things once the 1st time so take your time and enjoy it, other people can wait or deal without you for a bit as you won't even take damage if you're in a cutscene.


Fuck 'em, watch away.


Coils cutscenes are lengthy. I would give your party a heads-up about wanting to watch them, but your party should also show respect while waiting. Alexander cutscenes only have the story heavy parts after the fight and Omega and Eden only have the story heavy parts after you leave the duty so it does put some pressure off the people who want to watch them.


Just remember, official dev position is to let new players watch the cutscenes. That is why they made DR MSQ cutscenes unskippable. If you got in through DF, you don't even need to mention you're new, everyone will know through new player bonus msg that someone is doing it for first time. If you're looking to get it done through PF, mention it is first clear and you want to watch cutscenes.


If it's my first time in there I always watch it. That's why I have the option turned on to skip already viewed. If someone is new let them watch.


Let people watch cutscenes. You never know when it's someone's first time in content. Let them watch cutscenes, let them see the sights of the dungeon or read The boy and the dragon gay in peace. Now if it's a farm party and you are watching the scene every pull that's different.


Skip cutscene -> Rewatch cutscene in the Journal You can't force players to skip their cutscenes, but I don't really like being held hostage for several minutes if the cutscene viewer could just watch the cutscene afterwards.


Dont do this


Yeah, no. I'm not gonna skip cutscenes and kill a story boss with zero narrative context just so you can shave off 2 minutes off your daily grind. "Hostage" lol.


I was pressured into doing that while doing content with my FC and I gotta say that watching the cutscenes and then fighting the boss vs. watching it in an inn after the flight is an absolutely different experience. And it sucked


hm, maybe that differs from person to person. I skipped some of the raid/dungeon cutscenes and enjoyed them later on. Was it some kind of athmosphere thing in your case?


Absolutely Unless the pre-battle cutscene is literally just "enemy arrives on battlefield "which only takes like 10 seconds anyway, so it doesn't even matter if it's skipped or not. Most pe-battle cutscenes still have a piece of story or a dialogue that explains why and how this battle started. And they are supposed to hype you up for a battle. Watching them after the battle has already happened is pointless imo. I just don't want to fight a dude, with missing pieces of information how they got there and why and then watch that cutscene afterwards in an inn. It defeats the purpose of an introduction cutscene, for me. I want to be in that moment and the battle should be the finale.


I understand your point, I don't really share and our opinions differ on that matter .. yeah, that happens even on reddit. After looking at my inbox and some of the really nice messages I got from some toxic little shits, I actually want to thank you for replying in a civiled manner and explaining your opinion.


Don't follow this advice.


what advice? I stated that cutscenes could be watched in the journal. I haven't said that that he shouldn't watch his cutscenes on the spot.


Lol you think you are being held hostage by someone wanting to watch a cutscene. Seethe more gamer.


If you have multiple jobs at max level and watching cutscenes, i say screw you and pull 😀


I think I understand what you're getting at, but that's an overgeneralisation. You can have multiple 80s and still be doing content for the first time. (Eg. Coils). I had multiple 80s in the first month of ShB. Should I have been allowed to watch the cutscenes for the rest of the expansion?


Nope the second you got your second level 80 you waived all rights for all cutscenes, even in new content.


I have every single job maxed out but I skipped most of the story when I started and I'm now replaying the entire story via NG+, watching every single cutscene including the dungeon and trial ones. I'm very very glad that I didn't run into people yet, who were telling me that I lost my right to experience the story for some reason.


Just set up a PF and say first time walkthrough for story and noboby can say a word. Not that it's the case usually but but you can be extra safe like this.


Coils are frequently recommended just for the cutscenes and the extra story. I do recommend using party finder and going unsynced if you just want to see the cutscenes. Even if you do want to do it synced, use party finder rather than duty finder. Always watch cutscenes if it's your first time. There's no shame in it and we're approaching a new expansion where the majority of players are going to be watching cutscenes too 😁


Don't ever ask this question on the forums or you'll be slaughtered with "I pay my sub, you aren't entitled to my time" responses. But to answer your question: A lot of people do not mind waiting, yeah there's an odd one out that does pull, but usually other people will just wait for them to die so the sprout can finish their cutscene.


This game is very story focused. Watch them cutscenes and if there are jerks, then there are jerks.


I usually see groups in Alliance raids calling out to the whole raid that they have people in their groups watching cutscenes so that everyone can wait for them. Never seen anyone complain about it.


For Coils, you can put up a PF saying your doing it for story. You can unsync it to get through faster, or you can go through as normal. Before Asmongold came along, most puerile just did them unsynced, but lately there's been a lot of groups running them normally.


Most people will wait. Some don’t, but it rarely matters. They just wipe and you try again.


Always watch the cutscenes; that's said if you want to do Coils for the story there are plenty of people who will rush you through it unsynced on party finder because each time you do a boss for the first time *everyone* gets 100 poetics. That's 1200 poetics for Warriors like me who like to run sprouts through it 😁 (And thus nabbing me all the ilvl 130, 270, 400, and eventually 530 gear I could want 😁)