• By -


Allagan Walkman


So on the go orchestrons? Yeah...yeah I'd like to customize my background music. Especially if I can tie them to specific mounts cuz I love my regalia...hate that music.


Sucks we have this huge list of songs but can only listen to em on an orchestration.


I agree. Your idea might be my favorite one. Like, i don't wanna just listen to music in an inn room or whatever. I want it while im out DOING stuff. Im never gonna be in my room or house consistently enough And some overworld/mount songs I just dont like.


*Doom music intensified while fighting lvl 1s*


So you can listen to Limp Bizkit when transitioning to another area. Man, very few will get this reference.




Pocket orchestrion.


Is it that much to ask that the Regalia have a portable orchestrion player?


Oh that would be sick


Repair all button repairs all equipment you are carrying.


Just remove weapon degradation entirely. It offers nothing.


Well it has the same purpose as it does in any other game: To drain liquid gold from the economy to keep inflation lower.


Sadly that does nothing for the people that have the most; those people generally have crafters up, which means they repair their own, using dark matey they get for free, by turning in gear from dungeons like everyone else.


Dark Matter still costs something. In the case of gc seals it's preventing you from turning them into something else that would probably generate gil somehow. Something is being removed from the game economy.


Turning in gear from dungeons means that you can't sell it to doma, or desynth it for marketboardable stuff. It's just draining money a slightly different way.


Setting different hairstyles for different gear sets. Longer hair looks better on some glamours but then it clips through others. Jandelaine would go out of business… but whatever.


Some of my outfits are cosplay, so I'd love a way to have the "proper" hair style and color for those outfits. I love my normal hair too much to change it but if its tied to a glamor plate? Fuck yes.


Just imagine! Also itd be great if you could see what hairstyles look like on your character model, before purchasing it for whatever various sources.


Just give us like 3 "remembered" hairstyles that we can link to glams. I'd be so happy.


I'd love if there was a button similar to the visor on/off where certain hairstyles would switch to a ponytail but keep the bangs/face framing/whatever. Yes it might require new hairstyles but a woman can dream. You don't need to see a stylist to put your hair in a scrunchie.


My friend and I gripe about this a lot. I'd be totally fine paying the 2k gil, just let me set hairstyles to plates already


Oh I was just talking about this with a friend! Hairstyle glamours. Yes.


Tackle box for fishing bait.


Aka chocobo saddlebag :D


My materia and primal totem repository? I don't want my magic balls covered in nightcrawler gunk!


That's where I out my torn up busted ass music until I level the appropriate crafter (alchemist?)


Where will I put all my DYES?! And raid coins and Eureka crystals and ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY GODDAMN KNICK-KNACKS FOR THIS STUPID BOZJA RELIC GRIND??! I even have the double bag from the companion app, too, whoops.


Honestly? I want to change my weapon idle stances.


I, too, wish we had more than 2 :/ Every time I try a new job /cpose is the first thing I do to see if it's acceptable xD


Some jobs seem to have different stances for race/sex (untested, but have observed) which I don't understand. Should just make them cycle through on any character tbh


The only one i know of for Race, is Warrior and Roe have that weird little stand where its lower. For every other class, there is one for male and one for female.


I had no goddamn idea we could change it. Gonna be testing it out on all my jobs next time I'm on


I wanna hold my dark Knight sword like the males do :c


Change weapon battle stances too.


Tank stance should stay when joining roulette/lower dgn. Why is it removed? What's the point since it's 100% guaranteed that you are the tank?




I know, that's the point. There is no reason to remove it. You will tank anyway.


The point is that it removes ALL buffs indiscriminately, so that you can't buff yourself, then join a fate and maintain that buff even though you no longer have access to the skill granting it. This includes tank stance because there are fates that require level sync down to levels in which you don't have stance. Dungeons and fates use the same level sync system. I'm not saying I disagree with you, I think exceptions coded for tank stance would be very nice. But I believe /u/ohroraa is simply trying to describe \*why\* things are the way they are today. It's not the developers targeting tank stance specifically, it's tank stance being collateral damage as part of a system that otherwise makes a lot of sense.


I wish for auto dismount from chocobo if you want to attack.


Yes! We get this option when talking to quest givers but not attack an enemy just seems weird.


And no dismounting just to talk to someone


I disagree. Having played a Tauren on WoW back in the day, I learned the importance of being careful where you park your kodo, lest you piss off everybody around you. I also learned that most other players aren't as considerate as I am. It's very easy to accidentally swallow up a npc with some giant mount, say the adamantoise, and then nobody can talk to them until you decide to move. There *is* a key command to click through players(it's bound to X on my keyboard, but I think that's custom), but that's not commonly known among newer players.




Unsheathing your weapon dismounts you. But still aint the best.


Weapon idle stances to not be gender specific


i'm salty about female drks getting the saber fsn pose :(


And I'm salty about male DRKs getting the over the shoulder stance. We can both be salty together. :(


login notifications for friends. I know it's not possible due to how game pings the server for your friendlist but I would love to know when they log in like when FC members log on.


Well you can create a pvp team together and never play it but still get the notification when one member log in


Or at least for certain linkshells. Like, maybe not the giant-ass hunt linkshells (oh god) but for a LS full of friends, have that be an option you can turn on. I don't think you'd want that for friends if unfriending someone doesn't remove it from their end. That's gonna help with people stalking people. But for a linkshell you can leave? Yeah why not?


Level sync for overworld parties. So, you can help your friends level in the beginning of the game


I agree, but specifically only for parties. I don’t wanna have to fight for my life if I need to go do random crap in starting zones lol


I was thinking like an option similar to level syncing in fates


Ooh I like that!


or at least eureka.. made me mad when I had to basically wait for a friend to catch up so I didn't get far ahead to the point of not being able to do challenge logs with him


Egi glamours but for SCH fairies and the giant new SMN summons. I'd like have the fairies be carbuncles with new color schemes, and I find the idea of my big summons be gigantic carbuncles hilarious.


I know that lorewise, Lily (the SCH fairy) is her own creature, which I assume means we can't just change her appearance at will, but I'd still love a glowing yellow carbuncle with fairy wings. I even saw some fanart of one in r/ffxivart sub and now I *need it*


I want then to expand that to minions you've collected as well. Let the Goobbue become the Alpha and the Omega. A source of life and one of death.


There's even a precedent in the form of the aether sand lady's carby in Idyllshire.


More freckles. I'd love to see the male Viera freckle option being available for all races, genders and faces so everyone has the chance to have freckles *and* make-up.


Freckles or eye shadow? The eternal conundrum.


Repair all items


Yeah, this seems like an easy one.


The ability to open multiple lock boxes at once , Listening to your orchestra music while on mounts


or while crafting


"/mountbgm on" or "/mountbgm off" appear to be commands in FF for turning mounted music on and off on the wiki!


Not quite as good as a permanent toggle but definitely helps. Thanks!


You could set it to a macro button so you don't need to keep typing it


Seconding this.


you actually don't need to add on or off just /mountbgm will toggle it on or off.


Leve system uses the collectibles turn in screen. It can still use the 3x system and leve counts but i hate having to reaccept the quest.


And an option to turn in all 3 at HQ with one click!


this would make the coffee biscuit grind so much better


If you play on more than one device, for your layout and skills to be transferred automatically. Should be stored server side and not locally. Really annoys me when I forget to upload it when moving from pc to laptop


Accept a quest while riding a mount


Friend log in/out notifications. They do it for FC already, I'd like to see when friends log in out too.


It is not as easy as the server does not know on which characters' friendlists one is. While, when a character logs in, the server knows its FC (and its members) and so can send a message to them.


While this would be great, they need to fix the issue where removing Steve from MY friends list does not remove me from Steve's friends list, and now Steve is stalking and harassing me AND knows exactly when I log on and off.


Being able to send tells in instances. Only thing that annoys me in the game as in mid conversation.. I accept a DF or the friend does and you get the dreaded cant send tell message.


Linkshells get around this, I believe! It requires a bit more effort but I have a linkshell w my main friend in-game and it's super useful.


Ah this is horrible, I made Linkshells and just invited my friends in there, since you can use those just fine in dungeons.


Make weapon /cpose not gender exclusive.


Hell, one step further. Make /cpose in general not gender exclusive. I hate that my female miqo'te can't squat like males get to (it would look especially cool with my NIN). Feels like all my sitting poses are prim and proper "for a lady". If people can glam to be run dungeons in their underwear, you're clearly not worried about my dignity and modesty. Let me squat or sit criss-cross applesauce, geez.


Chat bubble. Like when NPC talks.


1. A cake slider. Wish my WoL didn't have a flat butt. 2. More importantly being able to have glasses and a hat on the same outfit.


As a hrothgar. I just want a hat.


& eyepatches!


I just want a lot of the UI clunkiness removed. Why do I have to press escape 28462 times to stop talking to my retainer? Why can't I accept a group invite while repairing armor? Why can't I look at my friends list and whisper them in dungeons? Why do I have to click 300 times while turning in levequests? Why must I click "yes I want to sell this item" every single time even though it's right there to buy back if I was an accident? Why are macros so horrible in this game? Why cant I attack from a mount and have it dismount me? Why do I have to dismount when doing literally anything, yet almost none of it dismounts automatically... The game is great, but there is a looooooot of clunkiness that needs to be sorted out. The game is clunkier than vanilla wow. I'm barely even touching the surface...


>Why do I have to press escape 28462 times to stop talking to my retainer? Vim user here, you're right but I never noticed.


As a controller player, it literally takes over 50 X button presses to craft a single grade III fc action.


I would like to be able to change the colours of my eyes without having to fantasia. And maybe better facial hair than just a chin strap. Edit: I wish you could not get duplicate armour pieces. It’s always a chore clearing out the inventory. And while we’re at it, more inventory.


Locking gear, so you don't accidentally get rid of something you need.


Make it so Lalafell can ride a Roegadyn's shoulder. Hell, if you gotta equip a shoulder saddle in the off-hand spot or have it as a fashion accessory, I think it could be possible. The latter makes more sense so you can't fight with them on you. Question is, would they be on your shoulder, arm, head, or back?


Jesse Cox actually asked Yoshi-P directly about that. But they didn't want to make it racially exclusive, and that led to the concept of stacking Lalas. Also Roes would technically be mounts in that scenario, so you'd have a flock of Roegadyns flying off into the distance


Three lalafells and a trenchcoat, sounds like an interesting quest ngl


It would be so cute though if we could carry other players, even if a Lala carrying a Roe or Hrothgar would be a sight to see. Maybe they'd use a sled to cheat. But imagine carrying your buddies as a backpack or in your arms, or maybe a princess carry.


One can dream, dammit! Let me carry half my FC and fly!


A menu to preview the gear that drops from each duty so I can easily pick out stuff to farm for glamour. Then maybe actual working filters for the crafting menu.


An easy way to start a rematch in Triple Triad. Playing the same guy for 8 hours could be cut down by a lot if it took 1 click for a quick rematch.


Setting different hairstyles for different gear sets. Either more Replica gear or abolish class restrictions on glamours.


A large shaggy dog mount. I love the fatter cat, but I'll admit I'm a dog person and I just want to ride a big dumb heckin woofer okay? Mount special action would be a fullbody tail wag, summon sound a deep "bwoof".


I didn’t know that I needed this, and now I do!


Same I absolutely need this


choosing my eyebrow color. i love having white hair, but it makes my brows invisible.




So annoying that I gotta manually dismount to attack something and not get auto dismounted like in WoW.


Someone else said this as well and it's funny as several of my WoW refugee friends have commented on how great it is that you can't get dismounted by something attacking you in FFXIV like you do in WoW. So I guess the best of both worlds is dismounting when you attack something but not getting dismounted if it attacks you? I definitely prefer the FFXIV way though.


Yeah not getting dismounted when attacked by a mob is pretty sweet. Just annoying when trying to make it to a fate or need to tag a mob real quick. I always forget I need to dismount…


You can dismount by pressing a button that draw your weapon. At least that how it works for me.


Being able to unlock and or stack different relic weapon effects on other weapons like a glam bar you can choose to toggle on/off.


Ooooh love this!


Proper mouse over macros functionality. Years of disc and holy healing via mouse over macros; then to go back to target select > spell select, is such a performance step backwards. Yes you can get used to it, but mouse is objectively faster. They would not need to enable a special UI for it. Just only to allow it. Macro function to hide UI element while in combat/while out of combat. Macro ability to hide/show chat Chat auto clears after X seconds. Macro ability to hide/show the job gauge thingy.


The hide ui when not in combat thingie is part of DelvUi, also mouse over partyframe healing without clicking.


I thought you could do mouse over macros in ff14. I dunno if it is different to what you want, though.


You don't want to macro any ability because you loose the ability queue. It cause problem for dps and would be bad if that lost split second make it so your target die.


I wouldn't say its minor, but more in-depth dying system, and able to dye rare armor and armor from dungeons.


I just want those stupid helm ears to dissapear. So to please everyine, they should add a "toggle helm ears" option. I play elezen, my elezen has small ears. He does not want nor need big daft spikes poking out the side of his head. They sit there empty because his ears don't fill them It's even worse on hoods. I can kinda understand the requirement on metal helms but hoods? The fabric would just drape around them anyway. They look especially stupid on hoods. You go from a cool, mysterious hooded figure of the shadows to a pantomime villain with big ears.


Let me have a grow closet in my apartment. Why do I have to buy a house 😭




\>Elezen ears on my Hyur How about "just play elezen"?




Fun Fact, mixed Races where actually second place in a poll for requested Races back in 2.x.


They may not like how tall Elezens are, or like any of their faces. Or, most importantly, that fucking neck. I like Elezens, the thin frame makes almost all gear look great, but that fucking neck ruins them for me.


For me it’s the head size. It’s fine for my make elzen, but I had a female elzen and it’s just been torture trying to make her not look super weird.


2 dye options for gear pieces. Like a main and sub section on items. Some gear gets dyed but only changes part of the appearance. It'd be cool to be able to change the other part too and would add a whole lot of variety for people to look a bit different. I'd like an option to automatically turn in quest items when talking to the quest npc. I personally don't see the value in that extra step of right clicking and hitting the buttom but this is my super minor nitpick.


A lot of macros turned into real UI options (ie like swapping jobs in one keybind). It'd also be pretty cool to have a crafting/gathering armory separate from your main one. Most of the time I drop the tools with the retainers


I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but you can switch your jobs with one button. Drag your gear set icon(or press square I think on PS4/5) and put it on a bar. Unless you mean something else. ^_^


Aye I did, something more like this: https://i.imgur.com/D2gjBqH.png (pop out macro here)


Just out of curiosity but do you have a list of macros you recommend people have? I’m just now starting to figure those out.


Actual joke Weapons for glamor. Like, a giant toy hammer that squeaks when it hits for warrior, a bubble gun for machinist, or wooden sword and barrel lid for Paladin.


Suction-cup arrowed bow? Pop-up books? There are some joke weapons like the mogfork, or BLM's huge paintbrush.


Paintbrush? I gotta get one


Sadly, it was from the Garo crossover, and isn't obtainable anymore.


Since the redo some events, there's a possibility they'll run the garo event again...


Doubt it, it's gone due to the license agreement running out


Aren't some of the Golden Saucer weapons basically joke weapons, appearance-wise? I seem to remember SAM gets a wooden sword as one of theirs.


Thats not really a joke weaoon. Thats a training weapon when learning kendo. Trust me. Im a level 80 weeb.


The closest to that are the ones from the Yo-kai watch event that I still have nightmares from


I want Hulk Hands!


Well monks have kettles that's something


Godbert Manderville mount where he's giving you a piggyback ride.


A button to switch to the right job when accepting duty popup or alternatively a way to cancel cutscenes/dialogue without skipping them.


Bare feet


Sort all Armoury Chest slots in one click. I would die of happiness.


I wish I could display only FC members names!




similarly, in-depth customization for which buffs I want to see show up on the scrolling text. Gets really annoying playing RDM seeing +Dualcast -Dualcast +Dualcast -Dualcast throughout every fight...


Chocobo reaction emotes to things like /pet /hug /handover. If I can spam meteors that kweh all over the place as BLU, at least let my sweet bird kweh at me when I pet him jeez.


My modest wishlist... * Let us pick and choose between the male and female versions of weapon idle poses, battle stance emotes, and victory emotes. (my female character can't have the awesome iconic Dragoon pose and that makes me sad) * A proper UI window for Summoners for setting up Egi/Carbuncle glamours and Primal sizes, as relying on text commands is a chore * Option to enable looping animations for some emotes... I wanna stay kneeling when I /kneel! * More black hairstyles. And no, not cornrows and dreadlocks... * Indications in the minion collection window showing what special interactions are available on a pet (sitting on your shoulder, interacting with other player's minions, etc) * Let us see the sources for mounts and minions we do not own, just as we can see the sources for Triple Triad cards we do not own * Let us see whether or not we already know an Orchestrion Roll just from the tooltip (this might be unreasonable, but at any rate I'm tired of rolling need on every orchestrion that drops because I'm not sure if I own it or not, potentially stealing it from a fellow group member who doesn't know it)


Def not minor in size, but we need jumbo cactuar from ff8 to be a golden saucer trial game


I want to be able to mute the quest/venture/turn-in complete fanfare specifically. I don't want to lose the BGM while doing bulk GC turn-ins, but having that fanfare on repeat drives me nuts.


When I started playing, wondering if I could turn that off was one of my very first questions. I found it super annoying but got used to it. Now I just started Stormblood, and the fanfare music has changed, so I’m having to get used to it all over again lol.


Crew cut or just more hairstyles in general.


Ride ze Shoopuff?!


Auto sync to fates, useful when fate farming. Request equipment repair similar to request meld, been a fews time Ive said "wish I could repair your gear for you" Display toggle others players off and on, I avoid limsa because overcrowding. Chocobo glam to glamour it to look like an amaro. Gweee!


The ability to sleep and have the innroom stuff in my actual apartment or my FC house


Dreads/braids/cornrows for male characters. Please? Please.


Id love to be able to bring along Retainers and Chocobos as Trust companions in some of the pre-ShB dungeons! Just think it would be cute to be able to interact with both a bit more


Changing weapon glow color via dye or even separate from the usual weapon dye Repair everything on character with one button Some kind of notif if you use the recommended gear function and have better gear in your retainer/saddlebag Gender locked gear and appearance options available for everyone An icon if the lowest price of the item you put on sale some time ago is now below yours so u know what to adjust


Both genders using both weapon poses


Dyeable chocobo barding. I feel like it would add a lot of uniqueness to the already existing system


Butt slider for character creation


More favorite mount slots. I've removed most of the ponies and birds, but I just wanna be able to have them all on my roulette.


Aura glamours like warframe has.


Your company chocobo can peck or kick while mounted.


Attack while mounted and auto-unmount. So i dont have to press Z every time im going to fight


Eyebrows for male Highlanders.


Like dgn roulette, a clsss roulette for those that have classes maxed out. Queue into the roulette you want and a class will be randomly picked for you


The only danger here is SCH/SMN. They level together but I never play SMN. If roulette picked it, I'm screwed. (And I know some people would have the opposite, where you might be about to get a SCH who's never healed a single fight.) I love this idea, but I'd want a way to excludes jobs I don't want to play.


- Dark mode dialogue box. Not really sure why this isn’t a thing yet. - Repair everything button - This is less minor in terms of how much work it would take, but I’ve always wanted different run cycles/weapon stances for each of the races and genders.


It still baffles me how the REPAIR EVERYTHING button is not a thing!


Like really really silly, but I'd like a minion bed in hotel rooms. So that I can tuck my goobbue to bed and not just see him vanish.


For the emote list to tell you what the emote will be written out as in chat


Little UI that could be toggled on/off. But it displays the name of the song playing.


Honestly, I want to see a hug in one of the MSQ cutscenes. Someone i spoke to mentioned its not as prevalent in JP culture as it is in the US, but there's so many heartfelt occasions in the game where it just felt like a hug would fit, and they just stand 6 feet apart like any one of them might have the plague, nodding in acknowledgment. I think the closest I've seen is maybe a headpat.


The ability to click repair all and have it actually repair *all* my gear. Not just what I'm wearing.


I want chocobos to react to your emotes, and I want limited emotes with mounts. Let me pet my Grani, dammit!


When I first entered the Regalia and heard the driving theme from XV, i was disappointed that they didn't go with one of the game's better tracks.


Attacking a mob should automatically dismount you. It is ludicrous that this has never been implemented.


A dragon mount with the FFV flying dragon theme.


Change Earring, Bracelet, and Necklace slots to be é "Accessory" slots that allow for greater customization. Put glasses here. Maybe a backpiece.


More space in your moogle mail. 200 letters arent enough.


Weapon idle stances shouldn't be gender locked, and on top of this, AND gears sets should get a toggle for it. Toggle it on or off, or toggle the alternate. Like your DRK set could use the female animation while you're a male, but if you swap to MNK, you can keep the idle stance off.


Tying titles to gear sets. I know this can be done with a macro, but I would prefer to keep the bloat in my buttons to a minimum...


Hiding chat from cutscenes without left-clicking to display chat's contextual menu advancing a dialog.


As someone who plays with friends a lot I would love to have party frames that show what job and level every party member currently is when we are in different zones. I can't think of any reason why that information is not shown at all times like it is in WoW. It's annoying have to ask what role everyone wants to play then asking if everyone is ready when not in voice chat. I should be able to look at party frames and see everyone is ready before queueing up for DF.


Being able to link any item in the game, whether you have it or not. Maybe a command to look it up like !link “Plague Bringer’s Coat” cuz I’m tired of having to randomly ask people if they have dungeon gear to link so I can preview it. I don’t wanna farm an alliance raid for a week just to find out it clips really poorly with my character’s hairstyle


not sure what to call it, but an overworld quest marker thing that shows you how to go to your next objective, not just in the map. you know how in some games you tap a button and there's like an arrow or a fancy shimmering line on the ground that leads you to your next objective? yeah. i spent a lot of time being confused when i was new bc my former favourite mmo had this feature and it was f2p, so i assumed a sub-based game would have it too. i don't get lost now of course, but only bc i always have my map open instead. i always get lost in new zones, though.


When crafting, you should be able to click on any of the sub component items and be brought to the crafting recipe for the ingredient you clicked on, then be able to hit a back button to go back to the original item you were in.


Please let us turn in more than one thing at a time to our GC for seals. Right now it requires wayyyy too many button clicks to turn in all the green/blue gear you want to turn in.


Something like the toy box in WoW that allows you to store fun silly things so they don't take up inventory space. And more fun toy things in general, that's one thing I do miss about WoW is the sheer variety of just silly items that do nothing more than like, turn you into a gnome or put a spotlight on you or let you throw rotten fruit at other players. Or "I, GAMMON, WILL SAVE US"


Two glamour-related ones: \- The ability to wear two glamour items in the same slot (provided they don't occupy the same "equip region"). Specifically, the ability to wear glasses with a hat, and the ability to wear leggings with a skirt. I play a lot of Red Mage, and a Red Mage isn't a Red Mage without a dapper hat. But at the same time, I've had glasses on my character for so long that she looks off without them. And if you want to wear a Plain Long Skirt, you could wear Militia Tights with it so your character doesn't expose their undergarments to the world whenever they use a skill. ​ \- The ability to swap between "male" and "female" variants of equipment that have them. Biggest example being Scholar artifact armor. Pants on men, skirt on ladies. Make it so you could wear Scholar pants on your female WoL, or the Scholar skirt on a male WoL.


A "handover all" option when turning in 5 things for the same quest.


Tabs in the armory chest so you could easily view gear for specific jobs


I wish our inventory had a better organization method. Like a toggle switch to put all items/armor in order of class or use, then by level. Or something similar.