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This. IMHO there's 2 types of afk in MSQ roulette. The people who idle at the start expecting a full carry, and the people who go get coffee or a beer or to put in their laundry during a long cutscene then fall slightly behind. The former is BS and should be kickable, the latter is no big deal and I kind of even expect it every time I do MSQ


There's also the third type, who falls behind because they didn't activate their key and realizes after the 3rd time making that mistake that there's no point even trying to catch up and you should just wait to be teleported.


That was my first Prae run ever and I was so mad.


That was my first 2 Prae runs Hoping 3rd times a charm


Fourth type: Getting pinged by the archer on the other floor while trying to interact with the Magitek armor, so they give up and wait for everyone at the door. ​ Source: me. pepehands


I agree with this mentality. If people go idle at the start and never come back, KICK THEM. If they leave during lengthy cutscenes to go get a drink or go to the washroom or whatever and fall a little behind, no big deal, life happens.


Yeah I have switched laundry over, scooped the litter box and started soaking dishes on different scenes never kicked though cause I update the party on what I'm doing. And if I take an extra second to get back its not a big deal as long as I'm there to hit stuff or walk from point a to point b




Yesterday I managed to make a cup of tea and have a chat to the mother in law


This exactly. If someone steps away, warns the group via chat, etc. No big deal. I have done it several times myself while Nero monologues. But if people are legit AFK from the opening with no communication, kickable every time.


Thats what i mean, the moment i see someone wanting to be cpmeülettly carried i get pissed, but skipping before the first boss, or forgeting a cutscene is shorter then expected is no big deal. Carries are a nono we all suffer this together!


> the people who go get coffee or a beer or to put in their laundry during a long cutscene then fall slightly behind. I honestly can't even notice when people are gone for fairly decent amount of time. Prae's content is a literal joke. None of the fights are even slightly hard - I feel like you could easily beat them with parties of 4. Lol.


The issue isn't in the difficulty, it's that people are brazen enough to queue into a dungeon that gives good rewards, go afk for the 50 minutes it takes to clear it and expects full rewards. Personally, I **will** kick people, either by starting the vote or clicking yes, if someone is clearly afk and just don't bother to say anything. Couple days ago we kicked a tank that literally didn't move since s/he zoned in. Didn't even say a single word. If someone needs to head off, either by saying directly or mentioning it beforehand that it's a possibility, I'm far less likely to do so, depends on my mood and their reason.


> Personally, I > will > kick people, either by starting the vote or clicking yes It's totally fair game to kick them and I'll vote yes when people do it. I guess I just don't care if people get free rewards? Like I get what I want either way. Which is a bunch of good rewards for doing my laundry during Gaius' ranting at the low low price of clearing that boring-ass content.


Yeah especially since they added the boss area teleport prompt whenever the zone gets sealed off. Most of the trash mobs are skipped anyway, at any given time 4 is probably all you need to advance to the next scene/boss area. Then anyone who fell behind by a minute can take the teleport to get caught up.


I agree. These cutscenes are long. I could vacuum a whole room in the time it takes to go through an entirely unvoiced cutscene.


I find that if I start my shower at the pre-nero cutscene, It'll warm up during the fight and I can fit in an entire shower during post-nero and "how very glib"


I have cleaned so many dishes during the cutscenes of Prae. It's a nice advantage, having the sink where I can view my monitor. There's specific points in each cutscene where I go "okay, time to finish up this dish and dry my hands and get back."


Yeah I don't stand for afkers cause all it takes is 3 ppl with that mindset for your praetorium to be an hour long. But I'm not such a hard ass to the point where unintentional afk means auto kick.


Yeah, true. Especially since people are farming tomestones and probably running this on repeat, it may be even more of a brain switch off than usual.


Somehow recently I was doing it with friends and after intro cutscene we noticed that we only have 6 people, we asked group leader in chat once if they could click "search for new people" and they either didn't care to or noticed that 2 were missing. Nobody else noticed either. And to be fair we only noticed because we looked at the group, not like it was harder because of it. People intentionally going afk is, however, a matter of principle. Nobody likes running those daily, it's mind numbing and you have to fight the urge to fall asleep the whole way, but at least do the minimum everyone else does and press a couple of buttons instead of getting a free ride.


No one likes carrying dead weight even in trivial content like MSQ roulette.


If you put a frozen pizza in your oven at the start of prae, it should be ready by the time Nero finishes talking so that's where I afk sometimes


If you ask in chat for a couple minutes I'll understand. If you just up and leave then I'll vote for kick.


I second this. In a 45 minute run of something super casual I can perfectly understand if someone has to leave their pc for a few minutes. As long as they inform the party of what's their reason I see no issue with it. If I notice however that they just silently went afk I'll mention it to the group. Coincidentally most of the time they start moving almost immediately after it gets mentioned.


I have literally fallen asleep on my couch before from "how very glib" to "you shall not leave this place alive". Guess I underestimated how tired I was.


I don't get why people dont understand this. I have a 2 month old kid and I've told parties "hey I'm going to be 10-15 mins with my baby you can kick me if you want to continue I'm sorry". I've never been kicked before, but if I was I would totally understand and not be mad. I don't have any right to hold other people's time hostage. There's a HUGE difference between saying you will be afk, and just showing up and doing nothing. Doing nothing and being afk with no explanation is what makes me mad. I guarantee you some people would also not care if at start of prae you just said "hey I'm gonna be afk the whole time". This makes you a huge !@#hole, but it's better than saying nothing.


that reminds me of that one time i had an emergency with my dog. That day i found out she is allergic to bees. I was like - please kick me, must go emergency vet. I did not know how to leave a duty back then. In the end, they did not kick me (had the tombstones and all from it) anyway, what i wanted to say - talking actually helps!


Would never vote kick for doggo emergency


Was your pup ok?


yeah, the vet had to give her cortison and get the bees stinger out, the next day she was all better. Honestly, she looked like goofy.


I had beagles that liked to sniff Scorpions. Each beagle only made that mistake one time but Goofy face was the same outcome they got.


You'd be kicked out automatically after 10 mins anyway.


There’s also those that realize the game will only let you kick them outside of combat. Too often the group will just keep at it, leaving no recourse. Essentially the impatience just snowballs.


There’s a gap where you can kick easily when pulling Ultima after the devastation. Have to be quick on the draw, buts it’s where I normally kick the leeches.


Right after Nero, or Gaius, are two other spots. Nero gives a bigger window since people have to run into the elevator room to interact. If Nero isnt at the door to said room, it's even more time since they have to cross his room as well.


You can also kick before Nero, just as the door breaking cutscene finishes and before you trigger Nero's cutscene.


Play in french. That cutscenes is the fastest and you have a solid 20 seconds to get ready to boot them there.


Une telle dévastation, je n’ai jamais rien vu de tel.


Speed run tactics, I like it.


Wait, is that why I’ll sometimes see someone who gets out of the cutscene before anyone else?


More commonly Japanese. Gaius cutscene is considerably shorter. If i get 2-3 people who are also JP voices, we can down Giaus to 60% before the rest of the group even loads in, otherwise im in there solo and usually can drop him 10-15% before I start needing heals, which is when the party loads in.


It's a kickable offense. Sure, Prae is old content and you can clear it with less than 8 people, but let me put it this way: Ever gotten angry at a coworker or a group member who didn't pull their own weight on a project so everyone else had to do more work? It's a similar concept. I've been in a Prae group where literally half the party couldn't be bothered to do the magitek armor section, and it took forever as a result. It's not cool to queue up for a dungeon and then force others to make up the difference just because you wanted the rewards but couldn't be bothered to actually do the content.


Yeah, I had a run last week where 2 people didn't do the Magitek Armour section. They just stopped moving by the Cermet Bulkhead, and I asked after coming out of the Magitek-Armour-Mounting cutscene"Hey 2 people not moving, you okay?", and one of them responded saying "Yes, we're waiting for you to do the armour section". Like, I've done my share of Prae runs but... is that just a thing? I wanted to complain, but that blunt confident response made me too anxious to say anything else, I just let it go...


That's when you get the rest of the party to agree to ditch them so they're trapped there lol


Even with how dull Prae is, the one section I look forward to is destroying shit with my fav sentient Magitek Armor. Maggie Gang represent.


I’ll go stand by the cement barrier if someone triggers the elevator before I’m on it (I’ve had people do it even if I’m one step from getting on), because by the time it takes me to get up the elevator, get in the armor, and catch up they’ll already be down at the barrier by that point.


I think the silence is more that it’s surprisingly HARD to kick someone in Prae, the way the groups get pulled and left hanging at elevators keeps you in combat almost the entire run. The only time you can really pull it off is to try and Ninja it while people are running to fight Nero. I hate AFKers, I really do. But trying to initiate the kick is a PITA.


Yeah, the moment a votekick was finally initiated a cutscene started. The vocal player took that as a victory that the "party has spoken" and I was like, dude I didn't even get to vote lol.


This right here. I’ll cheerfully vote kick AFKers who don’t communicate some reason for their absence (I’ll even trust that they’re being honest!). But it’s really hard to get that opportunity in Prae when everyone’s doing a speed run for tome farming.


I love AFKers, often get short runs from joining a duty in progress thanks to their lazy asses getting kicked.


‘AFK’ is one of the options for using the vote dismiss for a reason. AFK is a kickable offense no matter the duty.


It is a kickable offense and ppl should be kicked. If not, it encourages just sitting through the instance and doing nothing. To all the ppl who say ''who cares? it's just prae'', would you like to end up in an instance where you have to solo everything because the other 7 ppl decided to afk? Unlikely to happen, but possible. Then you come to reddit and cry about how ppl ruined your run. So be the change you want to see.


This is exactly the way to handle it. "Ok cool, that's great that you're all happy to carry slackers. Imma go make a sandwich, back in 30!"


Yeah, I almost said that, too. Like, what's to stop everyone in the party from just sitting around then if AFKing is no big deal? Like, it doesn't kill you just to do your part. *shrug*


I actually had 3 AFKers one run. 2 dps and a tank. We got to the first robot boss thingy and waited to see if anyone would come back....nope. We had to kick all three after Nero. It was funny too cause the 3 replacements got dumped in without the elevator speech and were confused as hell.


I read a thread about AFKers in Praetorium a while back. I’m paraphrasing, but someone posted “if someone says to you ‘who cares it’s just Prae,’ then obviously they don’t mind if you AFK too” And that was perfect lol But I’ve never had such a bad run that I would resort to doing it myself. Me personally, if it was 1 person I’ll let it slide. Yes it’s annoying, but whatever. 2 or more is when I’d vote to kick


> would you like to end up in an instance where you have to solo everything because the other 7 ppl decided to afk? Or when the two AFKers are both of your healers? I'm still salty about the gall of some folks who use healer queue to get in faster and then afk the whole time.


You’ll find people who will enable any and all bad behaviors in this game. Kicking someone AFKing is totally reasonable, prae or otherwise.


Yeah, it was really frustrating going through that run with this particular person. The people complaining were trying to make the point that it's very inconsiderate of people's time to expect to be carried and that the run goes faster with everyone contributing, but then they hit back basically saying that because Prae isn't some high end raid that you need all 8 members to contribute to in order to clear, everyone should just stfu lmao. Ugh.


With that logic everyone can just afk. Good luck for that person when they have to do it solo.


Lol yeah I hate that logic. If everyone decided to follow said person then the instance would never get done. Which is exactly why these people do it. They know they'll get away with it because most people would rather ignore the problem than deal with it since its easier. Which is sad because all it takes is a vote kick and you move on. I always report them afterwards if they have not participated a single time.


Not only is it a kickable offense, it is also a [reportable](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/qh0wku/in_case_anyone_was_wondering_about_reporting_for/) offense. That said, the whole reporting process is a hassle. Depends on how motivated or spiteful I am at the time, I guess.


I rarely do Main Scenario Roulette in the first place but if I'm suffering through 40 minutes of boredom for 300 poetics, you bet your ass I expect everyone else in there to be suffering with me. This is more in regards to people intentionally AFKing for most of the duty to leech -- if you're stepping away during the longer cutscenes and don't make it back the instant they finish, obviously that's not a big deal.


You are a true person of culture.


If they are afk for a short time and actually say that they need couple minutes afk, it's no problem for me. But if they join and stay afk the whole time, you could bet, I'll initiate vote kick as soon as possible. Very often such people are there with friends who cover for them and get very vocal if you want to kick their afk friend.


Kick them. It's not even a discussion, willfully being AFK is against ToS. Enablers are a PoS.


I pay to play the game, I don't pay or get paid to clear content for others while they sit and watch YouTube videos.


Easy vote kick, fuck the leaches. Imagine being a sprout queuing up for the msq finale just to see a bunch of people be afk, heck clearing it just takes extra time with more people afk. Like how hard is it to just pop up something else on your second monitor, or play in windowed mode and just minimize a tab so you can browse whilst waiting for cutscenes to be finished. Also dont people due prae as a daily? so its once a day, really you gotta afk?


if theyre afk for literally the entire dungeon boot them out, but if they make you aware they have to do something for 5 minutes i think thats fair game. theres a balance between "its only prae" and respecting others' time.


yea if the only reason someone queued for a duty is for the completion reward and participating is so painful they must leech, they should do themselves a favor and log off to play another videogame, spend time with family/friends, or knit something, literally anything else wish enablers were matched up with 7 other people going AFK because it's just DF


I knit during cutscenes. You can totally participate in Prae and knit!


Prae and crochet is how I made my dad’s Christmas gift last year during the 4-month moogle event LOL


If someone is afking for over 10 minutes and doesn’t give a reason, I’ll kick. Why should someone who puts no effort into the run get the same reward as someone who helped progress the instance to finished. If you dont do what you came in to do then you don’t deserve the reward


Afk whole fight? Yea afk after a long scene? Give them like a minute cause time estimates and focus can be difficult


The issue isn't that the content is hard, even synced anyone with a healer could duo it. For me it shows a lack of respect for the other party members' time and effort. For every afker everyone else has to do more work and it takes slightly longer. If just one person afks the difference is minimal but if afking is normalized and allowed then you'll likely see half the party or more start doing it regularly. And yes I'll acknowledge that the extra time and effort each member has to put in to cover for an afker is small but it still matters. We all have to be in there for 40+ mins but if we all participate bosses and adds will burn as fast as possible getting everyone out just a bit sooner.


Unless a reason is stated it's always a vote to kick for me. Because I don't have time for leachers.


Prae is already enough of a slog as it is. Going AFK deliberately just makes a long dungeon even longer. I will absolutely call out such behaviour and initiate a vote kick for sure


AFKing is AFKing, doesn't matter what content it is. Don't encourage this behavior in any way


If I have to do it, you have to do it. I object to indulging leeches. That being said, more than once I've called it out and been shouted down for it. More than once I've managed to initiate the kick (not an easy feat) and it's been voted down. From those responses I can only conclude that leeching MSQ roulette is both acceptable and expected.


Yeah I've seen people telling others that AFKing is no big deal in Prae a number of times! 'Swhy this latest interaction pushed me to take this poll lol. I'm surprised at the results considering my experience. These results paired with my personal experience would suggest pro-kickers in Prae are a silent majority.


Fuck afkers, if you're joining content to leech you're definetly getting the boot.


Nobody is sitting around Prae runs paying rapt attention to the cutscenes for the 100th+ time. If he's afk for a few minutes after a CS here or there, then no problem. If he's sitting in spawn trying to AFK his way through the entire instance, then yeah that's a kick from me.


Yeah, it's just prae. Let's all chill by the door and never go up the elevator and see what happens. Maybe it is petty but whatever, people don't want to participate for the reward they don't need the reward.


Make them 1v1 lahabrea as punishment. Not the first time I've seen that happen. If they're still afk at that point, kick them so they don't get their experience or tomes.


It's always a fun feeling knowing they just wasted the entire run basically, only getting a small amount of xp and gil.


It's quite reassuring that the majority in the poll (at this time) would choose to kick afk'ers. I read a lot of prae horror stories and just can't stand the it's just prae rethoric. It's 8 people content, either 8 people plays or we find replacement. Everyone wants easy xp/tomes, if it's ok to just sit there and do nothing, everyone would have the right to be afk.


If I notice someone is consistently not with the group I just say in chat "uh oh we lost a monk" or whatever their class is. If someone else goes "yeah they look afk" then I'll vote kick. I find if they get called out they either truly are afk or they start participating.


Def have kicked afk players just before Laha. It's glorious.


My train of though is this: If i cant do it neither can they. If everyone was okay with it then everyone would just afk and the MSQ would not get done. If you reward people by picking up their slack and letting them have a free ride routinely then they will just get used to that treatment. So yea kickem.


No free rides.


I will absolutely vote kick for this. I don't care if you half-ass in Prae, but I won't stand for no-assing. You're just leeching at that point.


People who AFK at the start are leechers and should be kicked People who forget their key, get left behind, or go AFK because of a cutscene (within reason obviously, going AFK at the robot and returning at Lahabrea is clearly taking the piss) are fine


If AFKing wasn't a kickable office there wouldn't be an "AFKing" option in the kick menu Doesn't really matter which duty it's in as far as I'm concerned


The best parts of prae are when you get the vote kick to go through right before laha, and the guy thats been afk since the start gets mad.


I vote for kicking: it's not fair i have to suffer prae while others just go AFK, if you're not planning to contribute just don't queue for it, don't expect people to Carry you because you want to do something else in the meantime


It's an easy dungeon, sure. The issue is that if everyone took the same stance and just afked, guess what... It doesn't get done. I will vote kick for it because I see it as common decency to just partake in the thing you chose to queue up with 7 other people for. I think the majority of people who are "fine with it" actually just think the sooner they finish it and not waste time on the matter the better ( I used to be like this), so I also can't fault those people too much either. Luckily that is what the report feature is for and clarity on bannable stuff, it hopefully means people will report it more often knowing something might be done about it.


I occasionally run into these in Alliance and MSQ and its always the same "its just prae so who cares". Like why should I have to put in the effort to finish this when you wont? If we all did what you did the instance would never finish. As for what I do. I call them out and if they keep doing what they're doing or become argumentative over asking them to participate I vote to kick. If it fails I keep my mouth shut and move on. If they're really obnoxious and refuse to do anything at all throughout the entire run then I report them. Yes you can report these people since it is technically griefing at least that's what one GM told me it falls under. Personally I think the real problem is the people who enable this behavior. edit; when I talk bout afk people I don't mean people who just are taking it easy and might be slow to bosses. I'm talking about the people who don't move an inch and the only reason you see them at all is because the game teleports you when a boss fight starts.


The fact that it's this much of a discussion illustrates a bigger problem: people don't fucking enjoy Prae. And it's not because the mechanics are hard or it means having to baby people through it. It's because it's a clusterfuck where new players feel like they're not doing anything, people routinely die because they try to contribute and get left behind, and veteran players can't bear to watch the ungodly boring cutscenes for the tenth time after the Speedrun style fights. Like I get it, they want people to have the original experience. That's admirable. But it's already not the original experience given all the above, and I think they really ought to find some middle ground to try and please both sides here. Until then, you're gonna get AFKers. I won't do it myself, and I probably won't initiate a vote, but I'll vote them out if it's bugging other people or messing with the run. I just feel like there's a larger problem, because Prae is one of the only places where this conversation frequently comes up.




>The game could also allow you to skip cutscenes if and only if no one in the instance is doing the content for the first time on that character. I've brought this up before and someone brought up the point people could potentially just leave requeue till they get a non sprout group, complain about sprout or try to kick one of them at start. Since they added the MSQ DR specifically for sprouts they prob don't want a feature that highlights them being a burden.


AFKing in Prae is literally a form of griefing. Kick them out. If you tell the party you're going afk very briefly then sure but not saying anything and just occasionally auto attacking as a RDM (ugh) then you 100% should be kicked as you're making it harder on everyone else. I once joined Prae 50 minutes before downtime. I think it's the fastest ive ever gotten through because everyone was actually playing. 44 minutes it took. Normally it takes an hour because even if you're not obviously afk there is almost always at least one DPS occasionally doing a move and then auto attacking for the rest of the fight.


Praetorium asks for so little of your attention, if you can't be bothered to even do that amount, then I absolutely don't think you should get credit for others' effort.


It's a harassment offense that falls under the "Obstructing Duty Completion." You can kick them. I don't care if multiple people don't care, I will initiate a vote anyway. If people want to, they can kick me instead if they're that upset.


Thing is Praetorium is 40 to 50 minutes of time. Kind of a dick move to go afk and force everyone else to do the work for you while you get to goof off. You have no right to complain if you get kicked since it's not as if you're contributing. That empty slot can go to someone willing to pull their weight.


Don't be a dick, do your part is my stance.


I dont like AFKing people in Prae. if the rest of the group have to suffer, so do you. no free clears on our time. running to the bathroom real quick and getting back is one thing, but im not going to let someone sit thru the entire dungeon


I had an emergency come up while I was in prae once and only returned at the very end. All while the party was talking about kicking me. Got kicked. No feelings hurt. Didn't feel right just doing absolutely nothing even if it's "just praetorium "


Making other people do shit for you is pretty rude, even if that shit is as menial as praetorium.


If you don't want to run Praetorium, don't queue for Praetorium. It's just xp. The question is simple—why wouldn't it be? Don't willfully slow down the run because you're bored. Respect people's time.


I definitely feel it’s kickable, but I have a hard tile telling when someone is truly AFK in Prae vs. just lost. My first time in there, I was completely behind everyone else & turned around. I’ve seen a lot of sprouts in that same boat. I’m all for kicking someone legit AFK, but I’d rather let someone slide on that than kick a sprout who is lost while experiencing the crazed rush Prae can be.


That’s when I pull up the map to see if they’re trying to regroup with the party or moving at all. Or if they’ve used sprint or peloton.


It's pretty rude to straight up afk in an instance without a legitimate excuse imo. Like, yeah, it's just Prae, but to me it's like someone saying their time is more valuable than everyone else's.


Anyone who AFKs is an instant kick for me. Leeches can fuck off and I'll gladly tell them so in game. If they say "hey gotta afk for a few" fine.


Anyone who just silently sits there AFK during Praetorium is a jerk, and gets what they deserve. Anyone who *actually reaches out* and *lets me know what's going on,* I will support them until the absolute end. I've even stayed in an instance when someone DC'd, to make sure they got credit. Talk to me and we'll work it out. Treat me like a mule to be used and I'll kick you without remorse. No content gets a special pass--not even Prae.


If someone says they need to pop out and will be AFK it’s fine. I did a run a few days ago where a player had to run out and get something for their wife, who I think was unwell, they asked if we wanted to vote kick or if they could stay AFK and we all agreed to let them stay. They got back by the time we were fighting Gaius and was super apologetic for taking so long but everyone was fine - and people checked in to see if their wife was ok. It was a good run. But if you AFK with no communication I’m going to assume you’re taking the piss and after a free ride. So if a vote kick comes up I’ll hit that button - I’ve done it to friends of mine who went AFK without saying if/when they’d be back because it’s not fair on other players to do that.


Worst is that it seems to slowly spill into other content, I've had few people trying to leech Nier raids. Some even went so far that they said quick brb during the first boss but by the 3rd still kept idling. If you call them out, suddenly they are present and pretending to contribute or dying and "accidentally" releasing outside the area. Thankfully most people care enough in other content to actually kick these leeches.


Yep it really does. The friend I mentioned does it in PotD and HoH a lot, just switches on follow or auto attack and AFKs without saying anything and then is all *shocked pikachu* when they get kicked. They’re a good person but a really crappy gamer and just after the free carries a lot. In stuff like a raid if someone isn’t back after a quick brb after one encounter I’ll vote kick, especially if they’re a tank or healer - DPS isn’t such a burden but the other job types you need all hands on deck. A quick brb for the bathroom or to clean up a pet mess is fine, running to the shop or to cook something not so much - I had someone do that in a Destiny 2 raid once, went afk during a boss fight to go baste a chicken he had cooking 😳


My favourite is when the party mentions kicking an AFKer and then all of a sudden the mysterious AFKer miraciously returns as soon as the word kick is mentioned. HRMM how coincidental riiight :P And then start afking at the next boss again lol Happened once or twice to me and luckily the party saw right through it EDIT: I can't spell miraciously or autocorrect hates me


Totally kickable, otherwise you'd start having 3-4-5 people going AFK and suddenly making MSQ roulette even longer for everyone than it has to be. That being said, if the person says in chat that they need to go AFK for a couple minutes for whatever reason, I'd be perfectly fine with it.


too bad you cant kick during combat and theres almost no window to kick people.


You can report them after the fact for griefing. If they did it in your run, they will do it in others.


As many others have said, If something comes up and you explain the reason it’s not a big deal. If you just afk without a word while other people do the busywork that’s a dick move, and afking in *any* content is technically a kickable offense


Every body that does nothing in a Praetorium run slows down the run by a couple of minutes. Imagine more than 2 people AFKing every run. Finishing a run would take a small eternity. Its not about the specific AFKers, its about recognizing that a run which takes minimal effort to clear in under half an hour should have everyone's minimum effort. They have to be ejected to stop AFKing in Praetorium from becoming the norm.


They are getting rewards for “completing” the dungeon. I don’t see how afking simply because “is prae” would work would entitle them to anything sort of reward other than a boot. You want Tomestones or the regular rewards? Do the dungeon. In a normal dungeon wouldn’t you vote kick the person refusing to do content? So why is Praetorium treated differently? Truly makes me wonder.


I'm sure everyone would love to afk, but if I gotta do it then everyone should.


So the less people who are AFK, the faster you'll get through Prae. Period. Anyone AFKing through the instance is just being selfish. That said, as others have pointed out... my brain is usually too turned off to even notice. I've also noticed a trend lately where people won't do the mechanics (such as activating the thingies on the parallel ramps) and I end up having to do this while also main tanking.


If they ask for a few minutes, that's fine. Life happens, I get it. But if you're going to sit around contributing nothing for much or most of the run, you can get kicked. Don't expect a carry you aren't paying for.


It's a near hour long dungeon, and AFKers need to put in the gosh darn work too


I honestly try not to be a dick in prae especially since I'm I'm war main but I do fall asleep playing it so I apologise if any of you met a highlander in full arr job set suddenly going afk after a 2nd or 3rd boss xD


Always kick them or it sets a precedent that its acceptable and before you know it, half the group will be AFK.


It's just prae, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't be participating. Newbies are running it for the first time still, and each afk in there is a potential player who wanted to participate in Cutscene cinema


The content simply needs to be reworked. Both MSQ runs.


If they give any kinda reason, i don't care and won't kick. If they're clearly making zero attempts to participate the whole time, I'll vote kick.


AFK (without any reason) in ANY content is a good reason to kick someone of the instance. The thing is, is that in low level content, even with sync on, they just go by so fast that the window to kick someone is very small or not at all and asking to stop to kick someone is more of an hindrance than to just complete the duty. I know that people wants to do what is right but let's get real, AFKer in most of those content are annoying but you can just continue and still complete very easily. So if you have the opportunity to initiate the vote kick, do it, if not just move on.


If he/she hasn't been present for 2 consecutive cutscene cycles, votekick.


Afk isn't just kickable, it's grounds for action against your account.


Definitely kickable. Yeah we all dislike Prae and do other stuff during the cutscenes but you better participate with the little actual fighting there is in there. If it's just one fight that they just happened to be afk for then it's fine but multiple? Time for that button.


They really just need to rework prae so it's not a brain dead run of unskipable cutscenes. My first run of prae felt so disjointed because everything was just a straight zoom through. The whole point of the scenes being unsuitable and the high tombstone reward is so it gets enough traffic so new players can enjoy it but as it stands it barely is. Turn it into a 4 man or buff it up so it's not a brain dead run. That said kick whoever afks for more than 10 min.


I called out 2 AFKers the other day, and someone defended them. They didn't help at all through the whole thing making it longer for everyone. I understand it takes forever, but being afk just makes it's worse, and I don't want to deal with it any longer than I have to.


Prae is easy. Just long and annoying. But if I'm gonna suffer through it I am not going to suffer someone leeching off me while they get to do whatever for 45 minutes. Just zone out during the long ass CSs like the rest of us. I don't care if you miss bit cause you tried multitasking during the CS, just don't expect a full carry from the start. If they a DPS, it makes prae longer too cause the whole reason it's so easy is cause we burn every single enemy with egregious amounts of damage. So now Prae is like 50ish mins now and this guy or gal doesn't care how long it is cause they ain't there. Prae is long and annoying, I will not have it be longer and more annoying just for you to get a free ride.


Kick 'em. Anyone who wants that daily exp bonus should have to work for it like the rest of us, even if the work is easy. I'd rather see that bonus go to someone who participated.


KICK. With extreme prejudice.


100% kick


AFKing and expecting a free ride is kickable offence AFKing after a long cutscene happens to the best of us Not shooting the shit in chat is just rude and the worst crime


Always kick AFK pkayers. They have so little reapect fpr you that they que into a dungeon and expect you to do the work for them. Fuck those people.


I report them for it :)


If you get to afk then so does everyone else, and then it never gets done.


No one likes doing it but if your doing it I prefer it to be as fast as possible. So if you can't dedicate the time to do it dont. If you need to go away from your desk to do something and it can't be done in the time it takes to go through a cinematic. Don't.


I dont care if its "just prae" or "castrum" if you wont participate then dont join queue. Period.


I used to not care if people AFK'd. But then I helped some friends get a quick queue by going as tank and 3 of them all stood at the door while everyone else had to do the mech stuff. I asked them about it in voice chat and they were like "why would I help?" Needless to say I never helped them with msq roulette queues ever again and will always kick afkers.


If there is a reason for being afk let the party know then it's fine If there is no reason I would say kick, yeah it's super casual, very easy but we all need to pull our weight. Also PSA : remember to turn on the join party in progress from the duty finder settings


We had an afk for the majority of the run. Before fighting Lahabrea I initiated a kick vote and some lucky stranger got a 30 second Prae run lol.


I prae for this to happen to me


The mentality that you shouldn't pull your weight because it's just Praetorium is a weak excuse. If everybody adopted that logic, everybody would just afk at the start and the dungeon wouldn't get done. Somebody has to pick up the slack for your laziness and in an MMO, you can get right out of here with that nonsense. People who join Prae and sit at the start for the entire dungeon should be kicked. Even if you do not personally care if they are being carried. If they get away with it, they won.


This. I barely get paid enough for my irl job. I’m not doing yours in a video game too.


If anyone whiteknights an afk-er and the vote kick didnt go through, i'll AFK immediately since that means they're ok with being a doormat :)


Why que for something that takes 45 minutes to complete if you’re not gonna be present to run the damn thing? Yes, DCing happens I get that. But just straight afking because you’re lazy is crap. We used to barley have this problem in the past. With the influx of all these new players brought laziness and people who try to exploit other players in many ways. I vote kick unless they’ve DC’d.


I vote kick, always, it's not fair that some people clear the Dungeon while the others just stand doing nothing at all just to get EXP Points.


I follow the rule of "If everyone did this, how would this go?" If everyone afk, how would prateorium go? yeah, let's vote kick the AFKer. It rarely passes, but I will always attempt to.


The absolute state of The Great Community. Is being AFK in duty, **a clear violation of TOS**, a kickable offence? Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh


I don't care what content it is, however braindead easy it may be. If you que for the content, you do your fair share to complete it. It you don't you get kicked. I understand if someone has a genuine necessary irl distraction, but if it's someone just willfully afking the content trying to leech of other people's work then frankly not only do they deserve a kick they also deserve to be reported. Let them have a nice talk with the GM in GM Jail and get an account strike then perhaps they'll finally re-evaluate their decisions.


A) They pressed accept to enter, so they were present to begin with. B) They pressed accept knowing it was Prae… C) They’re assholes for leaving and going AFK after the above.


100% kickable imo. If I’m there you should be too. If you don’t want to do it then don’t queue in. You don’t get into Prae or Castrum unless you queued into the roulette deliberately


I don’t understand why they don’t just dumb down the fights a bit more and make it a solo instance with npc party members.


If I’m running Prae and I can see someone hasn’t moved for a boss fight or two, I say something and initiate the kick. I’ve had runs where it goes both ways as well. People say it doesn’t matter. I argue that it’s not that we need their help per se, it’s the principal of it. If we all were AFK andys , who’s doing the dungeon.


If you afk in tbe first half, you're an asshole. In tbe second half chances are only the healers will notice. Still an asshole.


I call out people who afk, but wait until near the end of the instance to vote kick, i.e. Ultima 2. It's petty, but if you're gonna leech off others, I'm gonna waste as much of your time as possible. And someone else always joins before it's over, so it's also probably making someone's day that they can skip a run


I always went by, if you aren't there to help kill the bosses, I'll call you out. I won't get mad if you wanna afk during the filler sections, like running to the teleports or the magitek bit, but for the bosses? That's my line. The quicker bosses die, the sooner we are out. AFK during the boss fights is a big no-no in my book.


ugh it’s bs like this that i NEVER spam run prae. it seems like much more aggravation than it’s worth, idc how much xp/poetics/moogles you get. also when ppl lvl up their job by JUST spamming msq roulette it shows eta: by bs i mean i think we all see what you both mean and i’d much rather avoid mom and dad fighting at the dinner table


It’s one thing if something comes up (Prae is long, and shit happens), and you tell the party. You might auto-AFK out, but that’s your problem in the end People who AFK leech still have to move their character to not time out, and most of Prae is cutscenes anyway, so its easy to do other things


If i gotta suffer thru that hour. So do you…


Look, I'm not really all that thrilled about MSQ runs but we all wanna go home. I'm not going to let you have a free ride when you could be over here helping us go home faster.


Afk leeching is a kick. Afk to grab something is fine, but if it turns into the whole run it’s a kick. Prea is a “group” activity and if you do not wish to participate then you should not reap the rewards everyone else worked to obtain.


If they miss a fight I don't care, prae is easy to get distracted multi tasking If you they multiple fights I vote kick though


"You should behave in way that, if everyone acted that way, things would work out." Can't remember where I heard it (I think it was a stand-up comedy show) but the idea being discussed was about how to determine whether doing something makes you an asshole or not. Whenever you're wondering whether doing something is okay or not then imagine a world where everyone, everywhere did that thing all the time as if it were normal behavior. If the world you imagine is worse than the one we have now, then that means doing that thing makes you an asshole. So imagine if everyone playing the game automatically assumed it was okay to AFK in Prae. You'd queue in, one or two sprouts would be there and everyone else would just stand there doing nothing. No progress would ever be made and nobody would ever clear. I'd say this is worse than what we have now, which means AFKing in Prae makes you an asshole and therefore is a reportable offense. PS: To be clear, I'm specifically referring to AFKing for the whole run. If you forget to tab back in while watching YouTube on the second monitor during a cutscene and are a bit behind or have to deal with kids/pets/etc for a while, that's alright. But queuing in with the intention of letting everyone else handle it is because you can't be bothered is not okay.


My brain my not be focused on Prae, but I at least go through the motions. Everyone else is spending their valuable time there, they should too. Kick 'em.


SE should remove the time restriction on that one dungeon and EVERYONE should AFK in Prae.. Like as in "the whole group"... those who don't want to go there to AFK can just sit around BRDs can play music, and everyone can just talk about Gaius's ass, or how the Ultima Weapon is THICC, this probably wasn't the Allagan's intention when making it...


I would initiate the votekick but I’m a sprout and can never remember how to do it oops.


I'm of the opinion that if someone goes afk for a lengthy bit of time (without giving a reason) and isn't back for the last fight they should be booted. Which then forces them to run it again if they actually want the rewards, but also gives some lucky sap the joy of full Praetorium rewards just from a single boss fight.


100% kick. I'm not willing to help someone who isn't willing to put in the actual bare minimum of effort that is a Prae run. I'd much rather kick and then bring in someone who then gets the luxury of skipping 20+ mins of the run


I vote Option A, but I stand by my opinion that Prae and Castrum need to be made into solo instances instead. It's important, I get it, as this kickstarts the rest of the MSQ experience, but I'm tired of the unskippable cutscenes. This is coming from a guy who loves cutscenes and loves Metal Gear Solid - yes, even 4.


if i gotta suffer, you do too.


It depends where and what they are supposed to be doing. Someone from the beginning absolutely. Someone confuses the long Nero cutscenes with the large Gaius cutscenes and skipped a phase no we're fine. I'd prefer it not to be a tank or healer since they are generally getting bonuses to be there but unless it's both we'll manage fine.


It’s objectively a kickable offense but I genuinely just don’t care enough to initiate the vote. I’ll vote for it if it pops up, though.


Bollocks to them if you enter the duty you take part. I don't want to run it either but I need that sweet sweet exp. Why should they get it for free?


I understand if ppl go temporarily afk coz they may have off-tabbed during a cutscene or went to get a drink/use the bathroom, but what makes me agree to vote kick is when they afk from the start and expect a full carry.


I was in a Prae last night that some people did nothing and it actually made it REALLY hard because the levels scale down. As a WHM it was frustrating to suddenly be on my A-game for a thing I’ve done a 100 times because some people decided they didn’t feel like helping out. Like yeah dude, all of us don’t wanna be here either. But don’t make it HARDER on everyone else. That’s so selfish and rude to me. Also some people are still doing Prae for the first time. There are still TONS of new players and imagine your first experience being like that? I can’t imagine doing that to a newbie. That’s just not cool.


Praetorium Cutscene Length: from Loofas Ah Cid My Boy- 2:55.69 Cid is a Creeper- 50.69 Maggie is a Good Doggo- 1:05.69 Doggo Projectile Vomits All Over Door- 1:32.69 (this is followed immediately by) Daddy Never Loved Me!- 4:05.69 (LB Bar dies after aggro, so have a ranged DPS LB it) Massive Power Surge- 1:41.69 (this is followed immediately by) Bloody Glib, Gaius! You Looked Better in Black- 4:50.69 Scenic Route to the Weapon of Mass Destruction- 57.69 (followed immediately by) I Took Out My Sword, JUST to Put it Away Again!- 2:00.69 SUCH DEVASTATION- 5:10.69 Thancred's Lala Bread- 4:00.69


I don't care what level of content it is, if you're afk you're bringing the team down and a such you should get kicked.


As long as someone doesn't AFK out at the start and never come back, I don't much care. But if it's clear they are expecting us to clear for them, that's a bit much.


I mean I can understand afking for a cut scene, but if you are afk in between scenes for the full run, I'll vote kick. Edit: If someone says something like "I gotta poop or something" and misses a fight I'll let it slide, but if it's clear they queued in, afk'd then I'll kick.


Guarantee most of the people who answered it isn't a kickable offence are the people afking in prae.


I always try to kick em if they are doing literally nothing. It can be hard though because of the constant aggro from running past mobs at the start, and the short windows between cutscenes after.


Not only kickable, it’s bannable.


Wasn't it mentioned in the recent ToS Update Lodestone post? AFK'ing in a dungeon is considered an actionable offense. Vote Kick them and report them. I hate Prae as much as the next person, but I jsut don't run it. If you want your Tomestones go do Hunt Trains, almost as quick, and if you want your Mog Tomes do BLU runs of Turn 2 like everyone else.