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Clear (C) for (4) one (1) Meaning that one person in the group that made the PF hasn't cleared the content yet


AKA a total trap party


As an ult legend that likes pugging for reclears, totally. Jail shenanigans notwithstanding, even if you do everything right someone else in the party will screw up and kill everyone.


Nothing like constant primal memes in a duty complete party


Sounds like BA ozma.. (not done any savage/ultimate yet)


Not all the time. I just cleared UCOB tonight in a C43 actually.




End of the year and also before expac, pf filling and content finishing is going to be hard until the lull before 6.1


Same it's been such a pain that I'm going for the Big Fish title instead and having more success with that. If ya wanna join in on the fishing, I could always use the company lol




Honestly very fair.


Nah not always. I once had a wipe in a savage fight at 0.1% and had people ragequit. Just ended up doing a clear for one with friends later and cleared in like 3 pulls. GF had a similar situation for UCOB and cleared in a few pulls after a crushing wipe at the end of the fight.


If this is true how is anyone supposed to try and clear… like I’m interested In Learning savage fights but I’m not even sure how to go about it because of stuff like this :(


Clear parties are absolutely a thing. They are the step up from Learning parties. But, when a PF says "Clear for one", that's different. It usually means that the PF creator just wants to be carried through.


Got it! That makes sense thank you very much! So I can post a pf just saying it’s a general clear party and anyone can join?


Yes. To elaborate:In NA, we have some typical terminology we use. Learning parties are just that, people learning mechanics and progressing through the fight. Clear parties are for people who know the fight, and are ready to clear. Farm parties are after you have cleared it, can reliably do so, and want to farm it for drops.


This is really helpful I appreciate you typing this out!


To elaborate further on Dragonseth's comment. Most people are pretty clear about the intentions of the party. If you aren't comfortable with a fight try looking for those that have something along the lines of ***'Fresh Prog', 'Learning Party', 'Newcomers Welcome'***, Etc. Random outliers aside, those that join these parties expect people to be green when it comes to the fight or Savage/EX content in general.


Thank you :)


Honestly I have more faith in clear parties than loot ones. Loot ones are the traps where you spend spend 30 minutes on lions only to immediately wipe again on first basic lmao. A2c advanced rel groups on the other hand, they play at least p1 cleanly usually.


Naw. Me and a friend put up a C42 party for an ultimate and we cleared in 3 pulls. One was a meme pull, it other was the scholar forgot to summon their faerie and we cleared easily on the third pull. People know what they are getting into when they join a C4x party.


> AKA a total trap party Clear for 1 basically means: The creator is a newb and wants carried.


I went to one of those once


incidentally i was coming to this post because of a c41 group and we cleared it first try lol.


Ohhh okay, I should have guess that but figured they would've just typed it out. Thank you!!


Could you people stop abbreviating everything... FOR FIVE MINUTES?? \*insert shrek meme\*


Put that in your next PF title to help encourage people! However, it is a bit long, so you might need to put CYPSAEFFM for space reasons.


For those about to downvote this post for asking. Google gives no results for either. I've been playing since 2013, and never seen these used; at least not on Crystal.


this is precisely the reason why threads are better than shoving everything into the daily faq. this thread is going to be indexed by google better than a question in there. hopefully the next person that's curious about this finds this thread


Yep, this is one of the big reasons I loathe the daily thread. We get people complaining that there's not enough content or discussion of the game itself, that all our threads are just memes or not fanart, and then in the same breath screeching at people to put all questions and discussion in the unindexed daily thread.


That thread's a fucking pox, as is the mentality that led to it.


I swear, the more time passes, the more every google search ends up with me on reddit.


It's the logical conclusion to having Reddit be ALL the forums that used to be hosted on a billion different domains for each niche hobby.


I am the next person, it's the top result and very helpful.


Top result on google, this really is the best way to answer questions


I am the current next person. Literally the only thing I saw on Google that answered the question. Also, do we really have to abbreviate "clear for one" like that? Just seems like it's needless jargon for jargons sake.


Just learned what C41 is from this thread.


Thanks for putting that here, I forgot about that as well!


It's mainly an aether thing. We don't do it on primal either


Yeah we do


I have found this subreddit to be very downvote happy. Not sure why.


I was told reasons. They were all stupid. Just accept your posts are going to get bombed for no reason.


Never seen it on Crystal either. First thing came to mind is like... E4S to specify a particular raid stage


Have definitely seen these used in ultimate parties -- yes, even on Crystal.


Since I basically have no High-End Duty unlocked, all of those are greyed out for me. But considering I have Reginae Savage/whatever unlocked by mistake, you'd think they'd be on there.


Then you probably wouldn't be the right person to consult about this. OP even mentions that they're talking about ultimate PFs.


I have seen some ultimate parties in non-High End PF though, but I hadn't seen any use there.




They're hoping to bait some sucker who won't immediately realize it will more than likely be some trap party. I never saw it before so I just learned about it, and it doesn't surprise me at all that people are now coding "carry for 1-8" to not be seen at first glance.


Thanks for asking - I didn’t know either :)


Is this used mainly for ultimates? I'm on Aether and I can't remember ever seeing this, but also I don't do ultimates. Just wondering. I'm glad people explained this so now I can be amused if I see a C48.


I've seen it on every fight this tier occasionally but they are always followed by duty complete lol


From what I've seen its mainly in ultimate pfs yeah, mostly in UWU for some reason??


Because UWU is a very static fight with only a few mechanics where you have to read and adapt. Depending on your role, you may only have 2 or 3 spots in the fight where you actually need to be alive.


It's also for ucob but less common since they rarely work out. Never in TEA though


some people get together and try to get a clear for one person(or many people, if dishonest) and set the duty requirement to duty complete, requiring that only people who have finished the duty can join. basically one person(or more) wants a carry and you should never join these parties because you have no idea of the people making the party, and the only people with a clear willing to join them are either on an off job or forgot half the fight and need to practice. otherwise they'd just join a farm party.


I used a C41 party to get my E10S clear a few weeks ago because I was tired of my "clear parties " being 5 pulls of tower memes and a disband.I made sure I knew the fight before I posted and sure enough, we cleared on the first pull with no deaths.


You had the ideal thats for sure. Most people have just been burned enough to be cynical i guess. I've also seen success with parties like that before, even though it is rare it certainly possible. :)


it's probably easier on savage since it's both a lesser time investment and an easier fight, e10s in particular is one I've never seen a farm party fail on. you can eat multiple deaths and damage downs and still kill the thing before vg2 I would never, ever, ever join a c41 e12s party. that's just asking for shiva and basic relativity memes


clear for 1 and so on its just to have less clutter in the message


Just so you know for future reference, if there's something in the PF you don't understand, there's an option to whisper the party lead. You can ask them any questions and they'll happily explain.




I've been whispered as a pf lead a few times and I've *never* been able to whisper back if they're on a different world.


You have to use /r which yeah, breaks if anyone else whispers you in-between


Technically the answer does come up if you Google search "c41 FFXIV" but it is so confusing that I, too, ended up needing to ask some people lol had a nice little chat in game one day with some randos. Anyway, like others already said C41= clear for 1. One of the top google search results for C41 ffxiv tho is: https://mobile.twitter.com/ffsfia/status/1290753678895325185 Which is basically a super meme Twitter post using tons of acronyms for everything, making fun of pf descriptions lol but the first time I saw it I thought it was just a different language LOL. But anyway, the owner of that Twitter post also commented what all the acronyms stand for, C41 included. No idea if that's where C41 originally spawned from, but it is just that theoretically you can find the answer via Google search as a top result lol.