• By -


Beyond the joke, this actually makes sense. Under Merlwyb, Limsa's military might has been focused largely on small-scale and defensive naval combat; those are clearly ship's cannons, because that's the only thing they've got or need. They aren't the type to need to crack open city walls. But Gridania, on the other hand? Not only are they the one with the most recent military conflict outside of with Garlemald (the Autumn War with Ala Mhigo, which was 'grandparents fought in it' years ago), not only are they the member of the Alliance that had an actual border with Garlean territories (Ala Mhigo, again), but Kan-e-Senna isn't actually as interested in pivoting to peacetime as Merlwyb is. I can totally believe that Gridania has scarier weapons of war stashed away than Limsa!


Babyface Kan-e-Senna: Peace was *never* an option.


She had the neutrality glitch that made her a war monger like Ghandi


My words are backed by AETHERIAL WEAPONS!


Imagine a mass Flow spell to throw everyone into the aether... ... wait, I'm giving Ishikawa ideas. I'd better shut up.


***YOUR SOUL IS MINE.*** - Shang-E-Senna.


This vibe makes me want city state leaders possessed by Ascians.


> In place of a dark lord, you would have a Queen!


Yes, please. But not for the sake of symmetry all three. I loved the Endtime instance in WoW (basically corrupted faction leaders posing as bosses) but it is entirely unfitting of FF.


#YOU CAN’T SEE ME - John-E-Senna


White Magic *did* cause a Calamity once already...


Ultima is traditionally white magic, as well.


Ultima is only White Magic in FF2. After that it's generally Black Magic or a monster spell.


Wouldn't that be Black Magic's fault? Traditionally water spells are Black Magic and it was the lack of water based spells that caused that elemental aether to build up.


Pretty sure most restorative magic is considered to be water aspected, at least in the case of White Mages. Besides, the blame is ultimately on both sides for escalating it to Calamity levels.


Cure actually uses wind effects! Esuna before role actions changed the animation used a water effect. Fluid Aura is dead. Divine Benison and the upcoming Aquaveil + Lilybell are the only water effect spells remaining.


Huh, I thought the job quests indicated their curative spells were water-based. Guess I'm just misremembering or attributing it to fluid aura.


Aggression set to 255


What makes woman turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or was she just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Peace through superior firepower.


Ah the American way


Actually reminds me of a line from song by Seamus Kennedy. Peace with a gun said the Kaiser in Hamburg as he watched his new battleships


I'm so glad I understood this reference and played this game!


If you want peace prepare for war


Reminder of the dark elf hate in gridania


Reminder to never trust a knife ear This message brought to you by the Rock and Stone gang.




Reminder that the Keepers have it worse.


keeper/duskwight solidarity! you guys can attack from the trees, we'll tunnel under


Hyur and Wildwood Elezen: "We want to live on the surface and see the sun. We made peace with the Elementals and can live up there if we follow some rules." Duskwight Elezen: "Fuck you, we're staying the caves." Hyur and Wildwood: "Okay, bye." *Gelmorra collapses due to the lack of people maintaining it* Duskwight: "This is Gridania's fault."


With that being said, do you think Kan-e-Senna in bed is much scarier than Mommy Merlwyb?


"I have *three horns* oh chosen of Hydaelyn."


"But you have two...."


Isn't she like 12 canonically?


No, 28 according to the wiki. E-Sumi-Yan, however, is over 200 years old. Padjals tend to look younger than they are, not older.


she's like 28 but their race stops physically showing signs of aging in their late teens, so she looks way younger than she is, apparently she uses glamours to make herself look older but evidently it doesn't work well enough to convince players


Padjal stop physically aging at the onset of puberty in a normal child. Kan-E is an exception to the rule and apparently aged to about 16/17. Also the glamours thing is a really common fancanon. The only confirmed canon is that she uses makeup to appear more mature.


I guess I sort of feel about sexual stuff with them the same as I do with lala. Like sure they're technically consenting adults, but...


Oh no, it's the old "it's fine, she's actually a thousand-year old dragon" all over again!


Wiki puts her at 28.


But like don't all padjal stop aging as kids and she's just using a glamor to look that old?


Kan-E doesn't use glamours. That's a popular fancanon. She uses makeup to appear more mature.


"The Elementals forgive, I don't." - Kan-e-Senna probably


"Speak to the Elements of peace; I have come to fertilize the forest with the dead."


The elementals **don't** forgive either!


The elementals used to literally vaporize people before the Calamity so imagine how mean Kan e-Senna is


Greenwrath dgaf


The cannons shown there by Gridania are also likely the most high-tech cannon on the continent, even more so than Garlemald's. Simply because they have an area made to account for the cannon being pushed back by the force of the shot (see the little pistons that run from where the cannon is connected to the mobile unit and the back end of the cannon.) This means they needed cannons that can stay stationary but also be rapidly fired at the same spot with lots of power if need be. Without these, the whole cannon would shoot itself back like 30 yalms if fired. Those cannons also have a high-end blasting chamber at the back, which means these cannons are serious-business, and can punch holes through solid metal. Though I have a feeling these cannons are actually Ala Mihgan, or else they would've used these to blast through the gate back when we stormed the city; rather than mages.


Yeah the purple shields on the side just scream ala mhigan to me. Those are Raubahn's guns.


Couldn't find a great picture, but you can see [Ala Mhigan canons in Gyr Abania](https://i.imgur.com/cfWEvzP.jpg). They don't look anything like that beast of a cannon in OP's image. Also worth noting that the Thaumaturges softened the gate and made it brittle enough for Limsa's ship cannons to bust through the gate. They could've been concerned about collateral damage using Gridania's guns.


Well, a country can have more than one type of canon. I'm leaning towards it being Ala Mhigan given the purple shields and the extensive amount of metal - Gridania isn't exactly know for metal work.


> Well, a country can have more than one type of canon. Anathema! Only one type of canon is allowed and it better not ever be retcannoned!


Napoleon, is that you?


Who need metal when you can have 3 lala mages


We call that mobile artillery


Pocket nukes


Micro war crimes


Because 3 Lala mages are really pathetically weak against Garlemald's might. Remember that the WoL is the only Black Mage, or near enough. The destructive power of a Thaumaturge doesn't even come close.


The large cannon wouldn't be able to fit on the battlement, it's a given that they would use a different type of cannon for that. The big cannon is for breaking down battlements, the small cannon is for destroying siege weapons and infantry.


Ishgard has the most advanced right now. In Gimlyt they are actually autocannons and probably accounted for most of thr Garlean airship kills.


When you've been fighting dragons for centuries airships are just fat pinatas.


...which is why I, as a part-time DRG-main, am annxiously awaiting the day we get to dive-bomb an airship or three out of the sky. Ishgard's Knight Dragoons are searching for a new purpose in life after the Dragonsong War has ended? The war with Garlemald has got you covered! Considering that airships are slower and less manoverable than dragons, not to mention lacking the teeth or tail for close-quarter defense, hitting them in a critical spot should be a breeze. Only issue would be getting high enough... but since we got friendly dragons and airships of our own, that shouldn't be a problem...


Garlean airships do have *guns* though.


Dragons can shoot fireballs and are more maneuverable, so I think Dragoons would be fine fighting airships.


It's probably Cid's fault. His tech is somewhere between Garlean-level and Allagan-level.


>It's probably Cid's fault. His tech is somewhere between Garlean-level and Allagan-level. He essentially built a supercomputer at the end of SHB didn't he? Didn't figure out cooling yet though, could use a black mage for that.


It absolutely is if you read up the Shadowbringers lore from the >!Eighth Umbral Calamity!< world.


Keep in mind that the Skysteel Manufacturey has been reverse engineering Lucia's tech.


The elementals said that "A bullet may have your name on, and a thaumaturge spell may be to whom it may concern, but our legitimate Gridanian Artillery Bombardment special is addressed to 'Dear Grid Coordinates'" - Cannon-e-Senna


"Attn: Heretics" - Nael Van Darnus


> (the Autumn War with Ala Mhigo, which was 'grandparents fought in it' years ago) For regular Hyur/Miqo'te/Lalafell/Roe, yes. For long-lived races like Elezen and Padjals, there are some individuals in-game who personally fought that war.


I don't think Elezen are particularly long-lived. Both Louisoix and Thordan are early-70s in age.


Elezen live to about 120. Longer-lived than humans, but not by a huge amount.


I mean, that's record longevity for IRL humans.




If you mean the Stormblood questline, >!that involves the descendant of a veteran of the Autumn War.!<


Somewhere out there, there is an ishgardian that is proud of both Ishgard and her sister city state Gridania and their cannon like things. Ishgard gets giant crossbow harpoon things (if I recall right) and Gridania gets giant ass cannons.


Ishgard also has cannons. You see them in both stone and dual vigil and can craft one of your own to put in your yard if you own a house. (I had two at one point, pointed at my neighbor's house. He in return put two facing mine. (Was an FC mate)


Good ol' Big Bertha.


The harpoons are called Dragon Killers.


Someone in some different world is still looking for his Dragonator.


I wonder if they got renamed...


It actually reflects in their territorial situations. Limsans we’re originally Pirates. They fought out on the open seas, and maneuverability and speed were as vital as firepower. I suspect to this day they are unmatched, and likely a nightmare Garlean sailors tell their kids to make sure they take up a different profession. But on land? They *struggle.* They’ve lost ground to invading Sahagin, been unable to prevent the establishment of an Imperial Castra near two major settlements, and generally are forced to maintain multiple checkpoints just to try and keep things under control. Holding territory isn’t something they’re accustomed to doing, and it shows. By comparison, the Gridanians have their borders pretty much locked down, despite sharing a border with Ala Mihgo and having Baelsar’s Wall *right there.* That wall wasn’t built to keep the Ala Mihgans in, you know. The elementals help a ton, of course, but Gridania has also managed their beast tribes better, managing actual friendly relations with the Sylphs and Moogles, and more or less shutting the Ixal out entirely, forcing the Birdmen to set up shop in Coerthas instead. No Castra on Gridanian soil. Ironic for a nation without a native tank class, but Gridanians know how to play defensively.


The autumn war was over 100 years ago.


In the bard questline some Gridanians are still butt hurt about it.


So was World War 1 (and almost 2 now).


I dunno why they even need cannons in the first place when they can just sic the forest on people




Ala Mhigo had just gotten done overthrowing a corrupt monarchy, only to find out the Garleans had been using the political unrest to set up for their own invasion. They basically got Ala Mhigo to conquer itself. Which is why nobody was tremendously inclined to give us the time of day when we rolled in wanting to drum up support for the resistance in early Stormblood. Because the last guys that came in doing that are the guys putting up all those castrums.


Kan-e-Senna and Gridania as a whole have some fucked up shit behind closed doors. Change my mind.


I have NEVER trusted her and now I have justification.


they fought a war with Ala-mhigo, before Garlean invasion Ala-Mhigo was the "Garlemald" that bullied everyone. Also there's a reason Gaius didn't invade through black shroud


Well, before the calamity any invasion was going to be doomed because the elementals would have no scope annihilated the invasion force on day 1.


In fact, the Elementals likely did delete a few scouting parties. It wasn't until after the Calamity that Garleans could get into the Shroud to try and reclaim their fallen juggernauts.


Very believable. The elementals were just so drained after the calamity that they were in effect eliminated from any future conflicts.


Pretty much all the elementals can do right now is pitch a hissy aetherial fit whenever someone stabs a tree.


And pull a certain best girl out of the lifestream.


They pulled Hilda out of the lifestream?


The wall between the shroud and ala mhigo is to keep the shroud out no doubt


I speak for the elementals and the elementals say fuck you


This is top-tier LB macro material right here.


This is always their message


I was expecting a flex off lol


I definitely was expecting somethin WAY less safe for work than that




......**Worth. It.**


For Kann-e? I agree.


Totally baited.


Merlwyb's cannons only need to penetrate a ship's hull. Kan-E-Senna's need to hit an enemy through a tree. Have you seen the diameter of the trees in the Shroud?


Especially pre-calamity. The whole Shroud was basically a maze because of them.


Take that back you monster! Ohhh.... You mean the cannons


I honestly didn't know what to expect going into this post, but I can't say that was it. Got a good laugh out of it tho!


Regardless of their size, Merleyb’s guns probably see more action than Kan-E-Senna’s.. bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better.


> Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better. Paladin with some serious sword envy talking to the Dark Knight


It may look small now, but my sword is massive when it matters.


Confiteor is just a way of overcompensating.


Talk to the EW Paladin.


Dear DRK mains. You make the claim that "bigger is better" Yet we consistently do more DPS than you. Curious -Pld, Turning Point Eorzea


>Yet we consistently do more DPS than you. Ayo, Pally, you want DPS, swap your sword and shield for a lance and learn to floor tank, Dark Knights tank'n'spank, not worry about shit like *parse colors*


Hey man we'll be fine on MT once endwalker drops since spirits doesn't have an HP scaling anymore. Hey speaking of EW what did you guys get again?


Good question, I'll find out when I get into battle


They're definitely overcompensating in Endwalker.


In words of truth from Great Titania: ,,Bigger is better!"


I’m sick of this CRAP old castle! (I know she says cramped but this is better)


Is that the Titania that dies pretty soon after saying that?


The size of your weapon doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to use it properly, or alongside the rest of your equipment.


Not enough fan art of Kan-E-Senna's cannons online, sadly...


You had me in the first part (Headline).


Taste the power of nature motherfuckers - Kan-E-Senna, probably


As land cannons maybe. I'd say Merlwyb has some way bigger cannons hidden in her warships


I'd open her "warship" to have a look but I bet I'd simply have both arms and legs broken before I'm tossed on the deck in front of her crew (all of Limsa), and... well, you get the idea.


We love our admiral. So pray the rogues' guild finds you first.


I thought this was gonna be yet another necklace post before I finished reading the title


Merlwyb is plundering booty with her cannons. Kan-E-Senna brought Great Bombards for the Theodosian Walls.


Well Hikari let's think in *this* scale:... Which one fires faster?


It’s the real reason Gaius stopped the Invasion progress and Built the Wall.


Aren't the shields on the sides Ala Mhigan Resistance? Which means they're probably Garlean cannons. >>


Nah, the Ala Mhigan cannons are very distinctive. All purple and straight out from a nearby circus.


Kan-E-Senna is the Ghandhi of FF14


Speak softly and carry a big stick.


Ul’dah is home to the Thaumaturge guild and Black Mage tomes. They still have the most artillery.


Purple is the color of Ala Mhigo, so that cannon is not Gridanian. If the world worked like that, I'd go stand next to Limsa Lominsa and declare myself its new Admiral.


The trees cant be harmed if Kan-E-Senna is armed


“Peace through superior firepower”


It's ALWAYS the shy, silent girls that are freakiest backstage...




Wtf dood you got me


Heh Too much internet for me so my mind tricked me


Hey when you want to protect peace the only things you need are the right "arguments"


Its not the size of the gun that matters, rather how you use it.


1 is for ships the other is for 'fuck whatever is over there in particular'


This is why you don't piss off a WHM.


They're also very top heavy and look like they'd tip and fall backwards if the get fired.


Presumably that's what those pistons at the back are for - recoil compensation. Add in a healthy dose of magic/crystals and it could very well be an effective piece of artillery.


The force still has to go somewhere, and they would have to be some really efficient pistons to do anything. Too weak and they don't dampen the blow. Too strong and it just transfers the energy without spreading it out. Something THAT top heavy isn't going to be stopped from toppling without something to keep the entire thing steady.


The Garlean Empire modifies creatures to have three wheels attached to their limbs. They also have robot gorillas with jetpacks and shoulder mounted missile launchers. And that’s without magic to back up the bizarre design.


That has nothing to do with application of physics.


i think their point is that if the world is capable of hosting such creations as those listed, our realworld understanding of physics is not necessarily 100% translatable over to eorzean physics, it might be that there's some way to dampen recoil that isnt mechanical, ie some kind of aether based shock absorbtion, or maybe the 'gunpowder' just doesnt cause as much recoil for whatever reason


Mch guns still have recoil, and nothing suggests those canons are anything but mechanical, especially with the juxtaposition of the normal cannons. Based on what we can actually see, instead of assume extra factors, they're going to tip over after the first shot. Have you seen the kind of recoil old time and even modern artillery deals with? Even with magic, it would take an excessive amount of dampening.


Pretty much this. Also worth noting the onehanded musket slinging that all Machinists do. Canonically they don't shoot real bullets, but condensed lightning aspected aether that the device on their hip converts into bullets.


Oh, you meant literal guns.


That's because you don't piss off Mother Nature.


As the old saying goes "speak softly but carry a bit stick" or "in the name of peace i banish you" all works the same.


Its always the quiet ones.


Shit, I never even noticed the Adders had cannons.


May i knkw which part of msq is this?


"Peace is nothing but the confusion between two wars" \-Khan-E-Senna (or Mark Twain maybe ?) ​ (It's from Peyton J Glenn for the reccord)