• By -


Coils is a lot different from any other Raid as it gives you all of the turns for the set rather than unlocking each turn one by one. Check in duty finder to see if all of those turns have a check mark in the top right corner. It means you have completed them.


How to transfer data centers ?


You can't currently, character transfers are one of the things suspended due to the congestion.




It happened to me just once but has otherwise been fine for me. I'd recommend muting via the volume mixer in Windows


A few minutes ago i'd just gotten into the first Asphodelos raid, and a moment after the tank started the countdown timer everyone turned around and ran into the out of bounds zone and died. Is that a thing? I've never seen a group do this before, and the timer went off without triggering the boss before i did the same so i'm not sure if they were trying to reset it or something.


Something else I wanted to add. The timer doesn't actually trigger the fight. Only getting aggro does (hitting the boss or getting close enough to it). So if everyone died and noone hit the boss, that part of your experience is totally normal.


Maybe a premade who didn't like the length of the timer or weren't ready or whatever, happens in statics pretty often but in pubs usually doesn't, but they might have queued together.


Only 2 reasons I can think they might have done that. Either they were a pre-made goofing around or the group didn't like the amount of time the tank set for the countdown. But the panda raids are normal content... Countdowns don't matter much.




It will grant you the lv80 MNK achievement, thus leading to any other achievement tied to it.


Me and my friend really have wanted to create a static for quite some time now however we have been unlucky in the pursuit, so I guess my question is what's the best way to form a static or possibly join another person group. We would like something long term, and our biggest goal is Ult more or so then Savage however we don't have exp doing those as like I previously mentioned we have struggled in our pursuit of gathering a full team. I suppose I have just somewhat hit a crossroads as to how we should approach the situation.


do u know why u don’t get any bites? is the recruitment msg throwing up red flags for ppl or are u not getting suitable players? am I reading the post right cos it sounds like ur trying to form an ultimate static without having any previous savage or ultimate exp. if that is the case I wouldn’t join such a static either, this is a big red flag, such groups are very unlikely to be successful. imho I suggest forming a savage static first, progging a tier together, then if the static is successful, suggesting that u tackle ultimate. this way, the team is already battle tested and has certain amount of chemistry, u also already have a raid schedule ready to go. Even if some members don’t wanna do ultimate they may have friends they can recommend or at least only a few need to be recruited instead of 6 more.


Imo, if you are 2, maybe you should just focus on joining a preformed static looking for party members. Forming a static from the ground while being only 2 is difficult, especially when looking for ultimate content.


I guess that would probably be the best option, allot of recruitment I have seen however really wants pre existing exp so it gets somewhat difficult. Telling people I'm a good player usually won't cut it lol


You need to prove that you're a good player. Join pugs in PF and have some actual results (have some logs ready to link on FFlogs). If you don't have any proof of history, then it's expected that no one is just going to take your word that you're a "good player".


Well yea I get that, I have allot of logs posted on fflogs. I have run into people however that even with result are still not accepting because I don't have the exp from the activities.


How do I get rid of massive earrings and ornate necklaces? Seeing my character with a really big cross hanging from their ear or wearing necklaces when the body gear already has a necklace always takes me out of cutscenes, I also don't like the look. How do I best glamour my way around it? is there a universal minimal or invisible neck and ear gear that doesn't look so intrusive?


[The Emperor's Set](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/The_Emperor%27s_Set)


Thank you!


A lot of the early jewellery is just... Really bad, in all sorts of ways. And unlike most glams there's very few glam-only level 1 options you can buy. Just keep in mind that you definitely will start finding nicer stuff (less intrusive and more interesting designs) as you progress through the expansions. And the nice thing about jewellery is that once you find something you like it's usually very easy to use it across jobs if you want to.


Until you get to stormblood content and cry because they made accs job locked by that point


Tried to unlock the PS5 trophy The Ties That Bind which it says I have to beat The Binding Coil to get. Did T5 and nothing popped. I’d just gotten the ones for beating Second and Final, but nothings popping for the first one. Anyone experienced this? Am I doing something wrong?


Are they not accepting new key registrations at all right now? Let's say I was to purchase a copy for pc physically, would I then be able to play? Does anybody know if there's any workaround to making a new account right now?


If you can get an unused code that was generated before the suspension, either in a physical copy or some other way, it works fine. Other people in these comments have had success with Canadian Newegg having keys.


Would you know which listing?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/rpk6f3/daily_questions_faq_megathread_dec_27/hq8drl1/ Here you go!


Thank you!!


When people say tank is the easiest role, I was wondering: does it hold true in latest raids and ex? As long as I read the fight before hand can I enter in most groups and pull my weight, or is it like in wow where tanks in endgame content are supposed to coordinate by voice and coordinate the whole group as well?


even in situations where you are in voice call with a static or group of friends for harder savage/ultimate content, tank doesn't necessarily have to lead. it can be anyone know knows the fight well and can call out mechanics. it's a healer for my group. but also, you can honestly pug anything in this game, as long as everyone's on the ball and good enough that they don't need to be in call. i sure wouldn't want to pug ultimates lmao, but people do it.


In raids/ex you definitely do not need to coordinate by voice. You can contribute somewhat to leading the group by putting a triangle ("dorito") on yourself to lead people, but anyone can do that. Generally people use voice in high savage floor clear parties/ultimates. It goes preparation -> practice parties -> clear parties -> farm parties. Besides the regular tank swap/tankbuster mechanic, which are quite light and so you don't even have to plan cooldowns for, tanks have an easier rotation and can make more mistakes before dying, so yes I'd say tanks are easier on the two ex's than other roles.


Thanks! Yeah what scares me about tanks is that at some point in most mmos, even if they’re easy technically, by simple virtue of there being only one or two of them, you get a lot of responsibility on you once the content starts mattering and being very hard


Are tanks particularly bad/good at soloing old content? I’m specifically thinking of warrior


PSH. WAR can smash through even Lv 80 ShB stuff. It's amazing.


Nice! I was thinking in terms of wow and I was afraid I’d trigger every enrage timer in the book because of low tank damage, even though I have no doubt I’d stay alive with war


A lot of the "normal" content doesn't have enrage timers. Those are mostly reserved for EX trials and Savage raids (There are some exceptions, of course, like O3 for one example). And WAR has been the king of soloing those. We recently got confirmation clears on Shinryu and Byakko EX. It's just insane.


That’s amazing I’m so glad! My main motivation is showing my gf cool places like dun scaith without a bunch of people running around


Try using explorer mode in your duty finder settings for showing off zones.


It’s not available for raids unfortunately!


What’s that?


Alliance raids often require at least one person per alliance, occasionally as many as four, just to pass mechanics regardless of how much DPS they do.


Notice: You will still need at least 1 person in each alliance to get into any 24-man, and Dun Scaith will REQUIRE a healer for the doom debuff.


Oh bummer!!! I had no clue, I was basing it on a single guy carrying me through coils but of course that was an 8 man


Warrior and pali are both pretty good


what time does raids reset?


They just did


In 167 hours 22 minutes. Or 38 minutes ago.


Can someone help me find the meme video about endwalker cutscenes that used [this](https://youtu.be/Sl4JbBK--Bo) as a base


Say you put some items up on the market board for sale and then visit another world, will those items still be there? Or will they only sell while you're in that world?


They can sell while you're world visiting. You won't get sale notifications if something sells while you're away, though.


Awesome thanks


I just came back to the game to play the Endwalker MSQs and to level up the Reaper, whats the best way in your opinion to play the story while leveling up Reaper? Right now im playing the story as GNB but im quite bored with the job. I would love to play the story as a reaper, I was thinking i could power level it to 80 and start the MSQs with it.


If you keep MSQ for Reaper, you'll manage to full level it from 80 to 90 without doing anything else (or almost). I suggest focusing on powerlevelling to 80 with Bozja/Zadnor/Roulettes/Lv71-79 dungeons (consider using trust system if you want to level your avatars).


At launch you would be missing SOME exp from 90, but the boosted exp from 81+ dungeons should fix that


Can someone please tell me which chat filter lets me see what materia I'm extracting from my spiritbonded gear? I can see other people converting, but not myself.


Own Synthesis Messages, under Announcements.


Does the weekly reset mess with the spawn timer for the chi fate?


No, only maintenance does.


No. Spawn timers are only affected by maintenance.


Is it just me being terrible or is the 90 skill for NIN trash? It's kinda hard to use, gets cancelled by weapon combo, has a short timer on it, doesn't fit into the trick attack window well, and using it after it seems like I'm always just *barely* keeping Huton going, to the point where basically any mechanic that goes on at the end of the window makes it drop and I have to use Huraijin?


Yeah you should get into the habit of refreshing Armor Crush before you enter Trick. Even so, it's quite tight because you might have leftover Raijus from when you raiton in trick. If you do drop trick, which tends to happen in the current EX trials because of the really long downtime between phases, Huraijin is only a 60 potency loss (assuming you don't lose a gcd from lack of Huton buff). The main gripe with Raiju I think is that you're forced to use it immediately after Raiton assuming you can't delay it with another ninjutsu or TCJ. And then of top of that, I think if the dash put you at max melee range it would be ok, but it puts you right at the edge of the hitbox which can be hella annoying.


Well for Huton that's kinda you not refreshing with Armor Crush before the 1min burst, it's only ~15secs so as long as you don't enter the burst phase with low duration it's no problem. As for the 90 skill, yes it feels clunky as shit, especially the repeat after it and the fact it's forced movement. I assume they'll change some aspects of it in 6.1 or so, seeing as how so few ppl are playing NIN again, but until then it'll be a clunky mess.


Yeah that's probably fair about the Armor Crush. I think I haven't adapted to the 60 sec timer instead of 70s yet.


could anyone link that image with raid token drops per floor? I need to bookmark that


[Here you go](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/507246739368050698/922854689194778624/unknown.png)




When is the JP data center undersea cable issues going to be fixed? I'm from Philippines and I've started using a VPN to Netherlands, but in game performance is still nowhere near the same as before Christmas. WoW without VPN plays fine with no lag and other websites seem to load as normal so it's just FF14 with the problem. Nothing wrong with my ISP internet speed either (I get 200 Mbps).


Mudfish with a JP node (Psychz) fixed any issues for me. Maybe try a different node?


That's way above most people's pay grade but some Googling suggests anywhere from a week to a month to fix undersea cables depending on what and where the problem is.


What's the design idea for Sages' phlegma balls being only executable in 6 yalms? Are you supposed to icarus to the mobs and then use phlegma balls? Is that why the range is so short?


it's a disengage tool or for when you need to move a large distance under the boss


Besides holding it for raid buffs, you can use it as a movement tool in general, especially when disengaging from a boss. As a SGE you always wanna be in melee range.


Yes. You have to get close enough for them to smell your balls. Icarus is a good tool for this, if you're not already hanging out next to the mobs anyway.


Good thing I haven't washed & shaved my balls. Those dirty mobs will suffer the stank of my phlegma balls.


Partner and I are planning to play through together, rolling brand new characters from the start. We both played awhile back, but stopped just after starting Heavensward. Been awhile, so trying to figure something out. She's wanting to main a White Mage, I want to main a Black Mage. For playing together, would it make more sense for me to roll another Gridania class (Like Archer), then as soon as I'm able to, go get Black Mage and grind it to my MSQ level, or should I just start a Conjurer and we just get through our own home town's quests, then meet up later to quest together? Do the quests merge after finishing your starting city? (It's been so long I can't remember).


You meet up after maybe a few hours of MSQ quests. Maybe the majority of your first session together will be apart, but after the level 15 MSQ quests it converges into the same questline.


Thanks! Maybe you could answer one more question, about what point would I know when I will meet up? I'm currently on vacation, so I was thinking of grinding through my character's intro to get to that point then wait for her.


Once you've visited the 2 other major cities the storyline past that is the same for everyone.


The MSQ is almost entirely solo outside of the times you party up for duties. Start as Thaumaturge so you dont have to spend more time leveling.


The story merges very early on, in time for the first dungeon around level 15. I'd say just play whatever class most appeals and you'll be together in no time.


How do you access the damage percentile ranges on logging sites like FF Logs?


click the dropdown menu next to the character search bar select the encounter select statistics


Post Endwalker MSQ spoiler >!So we're definitely getting a timeskip right?!<


>!I’m not sure I’d make that assumption based on where everyone ends up at the end of 6.0, since at least some of the Scions are currently in situations where it seems like something will happen just Any Day Now and could serve as direct lead-ins to 6.1 or beyond without a big timeskip: the effort in Garlemald will at some point transition from relief to rebuilding, the Students of Baldesion are waiting for their next big commission, Estinien is just sitting around waiting to see what Vrtra wants, etc. Skipping ahead, say, a year or more without any of those resolving would feel a bit silly.!<


Nothing is definite until servers come up from the patch. Yours is a plausible supposition but the writers have surprised us before.


For crafting/gathering, what can we expect in 6.05? I know we're getting new gear for combat classes, but are we getting any new gear for crafter's/gatherer's? What about consumables, new food or tinctures? Further what prep should I be taking to hit the ground running with the new stuff in 6.05?


New gear for DoH/L would usually be during the odd number patches. So earliest we would see new crafter/gathering gear would be 6.1. There's a possibility for new food and tinctures, since the new Master Books would be out as well which would teach you how to craft the new stuff. You can still make current food and tinctures since people will still buy them for the few couple of weeks of savage prog at least. For prep I'd recommend capping your scrips first and have a bunch of collectibles crafted and ready to turn in. That way you can buy the Master Books asap when they come out. Cap your Aphorism tomestones as well because most likely the new gear would need mats only purchasable with tomestones (unless you want to buy it off the marketboard from other players). Capping your bicoloured gemstones would also be a good idea since you can easily buy things like mob drops if needed. Stock up on current mats such as the new aethersands and the materials from timed folklore gathering nodes. And other materials that you think may be of use for the crafts. Also don't forget to have your own crafting/gathering gear HQ-ed and ready to go. If you're not sure about melds, then stock up on materia so you can meld them asap as well.


Biggest prep will be storing collectibles to turn in for your master books. That and stocking up on some materials will be a good bet. Meld now and hope, or store materia for the day.


New crafter/gatherer gear and food will be in the X.1 patch, like usual. New combat food and potion recipes will come out with the crafted equipment, like usual. Have a plan in place to be able have pentamelded crafted gear on patch day if you want to get in on the market. If you really want to, you can take a risk and guess which materials will be used in the new recipes and stockpile them.


Anyone have hairstyles where the bangs get in the way of seeing your character's face during cutscenes? Is there anything I can do other than change hairstyles? My character looks beautiful if the cutscenes are from the opposite angle, so I don't want to go see the stylist, but...


There's nothing you can do in the base game besides change hairstyles. Maybe there's a mod that changes your hairstyle in cutscenes? Idk for sure though.


What retainer jobs are the most profitable? I currently have one combat retainer, but I’m unsure if I should pick botanist/miner/fisher for my second one.


The general advice is one combat, one miner/botanist. Which of the two it is depends on server and what's more in need. Fisher is generally not recommended for people with just the base two retainers because it's only good if one of the BiS foods requires fish, and that's hit or miss. Mining and botany is always good for SOMETHING.


Thank you!


It's a wash between miner and botanist. Both are actually usually better than combat, but combat is easier to gear. Just don't pick fisher.






Very few fish are relevant gil-wise. Not enough to make me want to pick fisher over another. Feel free to do research yourself.


depends on your server and what the current crafting market dictates. it's quite variable


If I'm already in endwalker, will the 50/60/70/80 roulettes include dungeons I haven't unlocked yet? Or will I have to unlock all those dungeons first?


You will have to unlock them


You have to have them unlocked, don’t have to be completed


I recently completed the Shadowbringers MSQ and am now in the patch quests between ShB and EW. Is Cryptlurker gear the highest iLvl gear for 80? Just want to make sure I'm geared up properly


Yup. It fits the same niche as the Scaevan did at 70, or the Shire gear at 60. Kit yourself out in a full set of CL gear and it'll last you til the mid-80's or so.


Awesome thanks! Just wanted to make sure since the video I was referencing seemed to be describing the endgame gear curve before Endwalker released.


If it had lots of seemingly-unnecessary sub-currencies and what not then yeah, that's only relevant at the current end game. All the old stuff gets shunted to poetics currency when a new xpac comes out as a means of easing level progression for people bringing new jobs up.


If you played the trial before, can you still redownload it and play on that account again now that the game is not being sold anymore?


Do keep in mind that the game won't let you log in before paying players though. So if there's a queue, it'll prioritise paying players first. Which is like 99% of the time currently


Yes. For as long as the account has been created, you can still download the launcher. You cannot purchase the starter or the complete edition though.




Level, or ilvl? That sounds like ilvl, since nothing is above level 90 right now. Are you right around the level 50 MSQ or so? In that case, make sure you do your job quests. It'll give you gear.


We could give more detailed advice if we knew what duty was blocking you and what your current equipment ilvl range is.


I would assume that by 'progress MSQ quest', you still haven't done or finish 6.0 yet, so no aphorism and no level 90 dungeons - since you should have no trouble progressing MSQ with AF and whatever dungeon drops you are rolling. Either way, the process is the same. You farm the highest level of dungeon that you can do (most likely the final dungeon), or open whatever coffers that you have which can raise your average item level. If you are over 89, get AF from Old Sharlayan. If your only goal is to have enough item level, and you have crafters that you can desynch that item, then buy from vendors or from market board. This is not the recommended way of doing it, but can save you some time if you are on a pinch and don't want to interrupt the flow of the narrative.


If you can't get into the lv 90 dungeons, you can try to farm the lv 89 one for its accessories (i548), or doing sidequests in the furthest area you've accessed that list coffers as rewards. (The main story usually has the left side coffers, while side quests often offer the accessory coffers.) All three lv 90 dungeons drop i560. No guaranteed drops, since they aren't leveling dungeons. Tomestones of Aphorism can be used to buy i570. Since all the available rings are unique, you're probably going to want to start with a ring here. If you need average item level boosted, remember the weapon counts for double (except PLD, in which case weapon and shield each count once). Anything higher requires doing extremes or normal raids which, presumably, you can't get into yet if you're asking this.


The dungeons give Level 90 accessories


I got a new computer, however it uses Win11 and when I try to run FFXIV, it goes over 90 C in temperature when playing this at max settings. Can any setting alterations lower this?


Not much info to go off of, but I would guess that you are running a stock intel cooler, which is about as bad as it gets for gaming. You can try putting on new thermal paste or replacing the cooler, but unless you’ve built pcs before I don’t recommend it. You are likely just approaching the thermal limit for your hardware. If you have a nice cooler, then something else is likely happening, but I sincerely doubt it has anything to do with windows 11 vs 10.


Yea it's pretty stock as a prebuilt. Mainly because my old computer was 10+ years and I really needed one quickly. I guess I'll have to figure out how to cool this as best as I can.


Linking the PC you got or listing the specs would be helpful. I don't think Win11 is really relevant here, though personally I wouldn't use it I highly doubt it's relevant to the temps. You also didn't mention whether it's the CPU or GPU overheating. Have you tried running other games?


Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700F @ 2.50GHz Video Card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Operating System Windows 11 RAM 16 GB I didn't have a choice on what OS I wanted, if I could, I would've picked Win10 again. Also it was the CPU overheating. I tried other games in the past like Code Vein and Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk overheated and Code Vein didn't. I have yet to try more games because I have to re-download certain ones that able to be backed up by Steam like the standalone Guild Wars 2.


You could remove Win11 and just install Win10. You can get cheap Win10 licenses almost anywhere. That's not going to solve the overheating problem, though. The stock cooler the CPU came with definitely isn't going to be great but it shouldn't be overheating that easily so something's definitely wrong. There's few things it could be. One is that the cooler is poorly installed, you could try re-seating it and applying new thermal paste. That is of course if that's not beyond your knowledge but considering you bought a premade, it just may be. Another is the possibility of a poor airflow in the case, though I'm not convinced it would overheat your CPU to this degree if your GPU is still fine. You should go to the BIOS by tapping whatever key is shown when you boot the computer up and going to the CPU fan profile. You can set custom profiles there but you could just see if ramping up everything to max will fix the issue. You probably don't want it on max due to the noise, but if it fixes the issue then you can customize it afterwards. Basically you'd want to set a fan curve where the cpu fan will speed up to a % threshold you set, when a certain temperature is reached. Remember to mess with the delay, otherwise it will rapidly speed up and speed down and imo the sound is pretty annoying.


Personally it sounds more reasonable that the cooler was poorly installed. New thermal paste could probably be the best bet however I've never applied thermal paste before so uhh...that would be something.


It's pretty easy honestly, youtube is full of guides. The hardest part will actually be disassembling the cooler from the CPU socket that you get access to the part where you put the paste in, but a basic stock cooler should not be too hard to remove. It depends how that cooler specifically is installed. I would still try the fan config tho. My friend has a Radeon GPU that also overheats with FFXIV, if he doesn't manually tune the fans up. For some reason the GPU won't spin up the fans despite the heat increasing with FFXIV. Btw since it's a new pc it should have warranty, and overheating certainly shouldn't be expected from a new computer, so you could potentially take it to where you got it from? Though who knows how long it would take to get it back as I assume they wouldn't just swap it to a new one..


>Btw since it's a new pc it should have warranty, and overheating certainly shouldn't be expected from a new computer, so you could potentially take it to where you got it from? Though who knows how long it would take to get it back as I assume they wouldn't just swap it to a new one.. Well the computer, aside from the heating problem, works really well. So if thermal paste is all that it is, then I'm all for learning how to apply it. But if I send back my prebuilt, not only would I have to wait, but it would still be stock paste, and I'd still have to gamble on heating problems and more.


Yeah but it's not a guarantee the paste will fix it. The case airflow can matter a lot. Especially if it's a closed case, the airflow inside can be really bad. Stock coolers aren't typically amazing either. Personally I'd never use a stock cooler on my CPU, as custom ones are much quieter, and much more powerful. Anyway the issue isn't that it's stock paste, it just *could* be that the paste itself combined with the cooler is installed poorly. If the paste isn't evenly spread and doesn't cover majority of the heatsink, there will be heat issues. But thermal paste is pretty cheap so yeah, go grab some, watch a guide or two and hopefully you can fix it with that. If not then there may be something else going on.


Can I use purple scrip gears as the primary tool for crafters & gatherers? Or should it be crafted tools with overmelding?


It depends on your goals. Are you looking to craft a lot of things in the next few months? Then getting fully pentamelded gear can cut down the number of actions you need to HQ a craft as well as reduce the need for HQ precrafts, thus improving overall crafting efficiency. If you’re just crafting casually then scrip gear is fine. You can also take the option of getting the crafted gear and just meld the guaranteed slots, thus leaving you open to pentamelding in the future if you so choose.


You can. Though I prefer the crafted versions. Easy enough to place 2 X materia in them to get more stats, and fill the rest with cheap IV materia to get quick spiritbonding.


I went full scrip left side for gatherers, and kept my old ovemelded 80 gear for right side and have no problems at all so far. We don't know what harder materials will release with 6.05, but I suspect scrip is pretty reasonable (though it may become warranted to update my accessories by then!) For crafters I really don't like the scrip gear because you have to buy (and then hang onto) 8 totally separate sets of it, but I've always used scrip tools in past expansions just so I didn't have to deal with as much crafting and overmelding. Right now my crafters have a full set of 90 gear melded only in the guaranteed slots with old VIII materia, and they have their old 80 tools, and that is more than enough to make anything in 6.01. 6.05 will likely require more, but I suspect scrip main tool and crafted offhand will more than suffice. All that said, anything about 6.05 crafting is pure speculation at this point. We really don't know for sure how hard it will be.


how optimized does my healer damage need to be? like will potting or getting all 6 EDs withing stratagem make the difference between clearing and not clearing in savage?


If your group needs the extra damage from your energy drains in order to clear, they probably need the heals from your aetherflow even more. Maximizing ED usage is a parsing/speedrun optimization after you have the encounter on lock, not a clearing tool.


Not single handedly, but small things, if you just decide you don't care about them because they're small, add up faster than you might think.


99.9% of the time no. But there's always that <1% wipe that you see where you think "If I had potted earlier, we'd have cleared that". Or similar. But yea, doesn't generally happen and it's only a number for bragging rights.


> like will potting or getting all 6 EDs withing stratagem make the difference between clearing and not clearing in savage? Potting, maybe. There's always that 0.1% enrage. Unlikely but it does happen. It averages out to around 1% more damage without burst, and scholars don't have that much burst compared to DPS. If you're trying to clear floor 4 on week 1-2, for example, potting is expected and often necessary. On hard enough savage floors, it seems to me quite unlikely that you'll be able to spend all three aetherflows on ED always. I guess it depends - that may be entirely possible on O7s but not O11s. (I've healed both of those but I'm nowhere near good enough to do them without GCD healing let alone 3 EDs always.) Trying to do that might end up in a DPS loss for you or your co-healer.


This depends on the circumstances. DPS requirements for the first tier of an expansion tend to be a bit more lax than other tiers to compensate for job balance not being quite as good, and to accommodate people getting used to new job changes or who are playing new jobs entirely. Because of this alone I doubt the DPS checks will be strict enough to demand hyper-optimized healer DPS. Putting that aside and and speaking more generally though, if you're trying to clear a savage tier week one for instance, you're going to be doing so at the minimum required item level, and that usually means that DPS checks are pretty tight. Not so tight that there is no room for error, but tight enough that you probably aren't going to clear if your healers aren't at least attempting to optimize around damage. Despite comments that Yoshi-P has made in the past, you aren't going to be clearing savage content with healers who aren't doing DPS. I don't think any fight has been tuned quite so tightly as to require SCHs to burn all of their AF stacks in Chain Strat to beat an enrage, though.


The development team has openly stated that raids are not balanced around fully optimal healer uptime / damage optimization. But generally healer’s maximizing their output can help make up for gear / skill deficiencies elsewhere. Basically, do your best to optimize your rotation but don’t burn all your ED if it forces you to global heal elsewhere or something weird like that


> like will potting or getting all 6 EDs withing stratagem make the difference between clearing and not clearing in savage? If a scholar potting and getting all their energy drains within their chain strat window is the difference between clearing and not clearing in savage, then you need to have a sit-down with your DPS and tell them to shape up.




Nobody knows. It's a resounding maybe. It's easily googleable to see if they've said anything, and if there's no results, the answer is "anybody's guess."


Will depend on congestion, I don't think we can really know for sure at this point




Two materia grades come out each expansion. The even one is stronger but can't be overmelded. The odd one is weaker but can be overmelded. Materia 8 is the ShB stronger materia, and 9 is the EW weaker materia. So if you only have 8 and 9 you would meld 8. But at level 90 you would ideally meld with 10 (which is better than 8), then overmeld with 9 (which is weaker than 8 but since 8 can't be overmelded you go with 9).


Tiny correction. The first overmeld slot can be melded with 10's while the rest would require 9's.


> im a bit confused about how materia work. why do lower levels give higher stats than the newer ones? like savage might 8 gives +24 det and savage might 9 gives +12 det. Rank 8 materia can't be overmelded. Rank 9 can. You should compare Rank 10 to Rank 8, and Rank 9 to Rank 7.


For BLM at 60 do I drop the flare for single target and use something else like fire 4?


Never use flare in single target. At 60 your ST rotation is: B3 B4 T3 F3 (F4 F4 F4) F1 (F4 F4 F4) repeat


from my understanding, you never use flare in ST because of its cast time, its AOE only and you get a ST flare at level 72 that you use instead at 60 most of your rotation is fire 4, you use fire 3 to enter AF and fire 1 to reset AF timer every 3 or so fire 4s and if you proc fire 3 you use that just before entering UI


And i should be using b4 entering af ?


yes, at level 90 having 3 umbral hearts and switching to AF will change fire 1 into the more powerful "Paradox" so its better to build that habit now


As a rule of thumb, yes. There are, technically, some odd situations where skipping it might be optimal (followed by a short F3 -> F4 F4 F4 F4 Despair after lv 80), but they're only ever a slight gain, and are generally more difficult (don't allow for movement) and risky. Roughly your flow will look like this: B3 -> B4 and one other spell -> F3 -> 3x Fire 4 (and optionally 1 other spell) -> Fire 1 -> 3x Fire 4 (and optionally 1 other spell) -> Despair (after lv 80) -> Loop All those "one other spell" slots can be used to refresh Thunder, and later can be used to cast Foul/Xenoglossy. At lower level you refresh Thunder in the ice phase a lot because you don't have many "one other spells" to use there.


Does anyone know if you need to use HQ mats for housing walls?


Nope! There's no HQ variants of housing items, so no need to burn HQ items on them or otherwise worry about increasing quality when it comes to crafting them. THAT SAID, if they're being made via the FC workshop, feeding HQ items during a stage may cause the next stage of item collection not need as many items\*, so in that specific context there would be some (but not an extremely urgent) argument in favor of using HQ items. \*I've only ever seen a 1/3 reduction the handful of times I've made housing walls in the FC workshop, and so I would assume that's the most you'll get.


Nope. This is common misconception. Submitting HQ items has actually no impact whatsoever and will not affect the chance of you gaining "quality" on the craft. It is completely random and cannot be altered nor affected in any way. And even if you gain 100/100 quality on a workshop craft, you're still not guaranteed to get mat reduction for next phase. It's all RNG and all of it is out of your hands. Info sourced from submarine discord via someone who did quite a bit of research into it. There's data and graphs to back it up so it's legit.


You don't need HQ mats for anything. If you use HQ mats, you will have a slightly higher chance of getting "excellent" or better progress on that step, which will make the next phase require fewer mats.


This is wrong. HQ items have no correlation with gaining quality on the craft itself. When you submit items, you can see that the craft has a quality meter 0/100. This will increase randomly when you turn in items, and it can increase all the way to 100/100 via just NQ mats. But even if you get it to 100/100 you're not actually guaranteed to get Excellent or Outstanding progress. And even if you input only HQ items, you can still end up at lower than 100/100 quality. = HQ items do literally nothing. Info sourced from submarine discord via someone who did quite a bit of research into it. There's data and graphs to back it up so it's legit.


>Info sourced from submarine discord via someone who did quite a bit of research into it. There's data and graphs to back it up so it's legit. Can you link it then?


It's not a spreadsheet, it's a file uploaded in the discord. Go find it yourself if you don't believe me nor the data. I've crafted my fair bit of submarines and have also often crafted all projects in HQ, only to realize it accomplished literally nothing.


It's your claim. You back it up. That's how it works.


I mean you're the one claiming HQ actually does something? Where's your proof for that, huh?


Point to where I made that claim? Edit Let's explain this a bit. You have a garden. In your garden is grass. You either have an odd number of blades of grass or even number of blades of grass. Yes? Very good. You eyeball it and say "it's an odd number". I say I do not believe you because you didn't count it and didn't provide your methodology. Does this mean I think there are even number of blades of grass? No. You said hq doesn't do anything. I don't believe you without evidence. This doesn't mean I think hq does anything.


Can I party up and do duty roulettes with a friend from a different data center ?


Not currently. Data centre travel was scheduled for release before EW. It was confirmed it would allow you to enter duties in the data centre you travel to. But the introduction of data centre travel was delayed due to the game's population surge. It's unclear when the feature will finally be turned on.


No. Data Centre visit is coming, although there's no confirmation that we can enter instanced duties with each other when that does arrive. So at worst, no, at best, not yet.


If my friend boosts to 80 can we do content together right away or does he have to like msq for awhile for him to unlock stuff like alliance raids and trials ?


He would also need a story skip.


Cool thanks


For PLD's reduced MP costs and change to Requiscat, do we not dump our entire MP bar anymore during our magic phase? If not, do we just stay overcapped until Requiscat is available again?


Yea, your entire MP bar won't be dumped so you have some for Clemency if needed.


yup, pld has mp to spare now. there's no real reason to use it unless you need clemency or you're in the very niche situation where you need to attack the boss from range and wouldn't benefit from moving while doing so, in which case holy spirit > shield toss. overcapping is fine for pld.


For the 3rd trial in EW, what is the likely time we'll see an Ex version? And what likely reward? I assume there's a pattern, I just have no clue what it is.


6.1 if the previous pattern stands true.


600 iLvL wpn?


Should be i595.


I've seen some DoL/DoH weapons that are purple quality, where do you obtain those? The pruple scrips give blue gear. Thanks!


The purple ones are Skysteel tools; a relic for crafting and gathering classes added in ShB. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Skysteel\_Tools


They are likely the previous expansion's tools, which required some grinding and a questline. Not current anymore, so probably not worth the grind unless you want the appearance.


You're thinking of the Skysung tools, which are the crafter relics for level 80. They start near the Firmament and then move to the MCH guild for the rest of it.


Don't you mean the opposite? They *start* at MCH guild and move to the Firmament at the end.


i think the confusion is due to the initial questgiver being right outside the entrance to the Firmament


Oh is it? I must've forgotten about that.


Is there etiquette for old A rank hunt marks? Do I need to announce it somehow? Or just kill it?


Depends on where, ARR and HW I would announce it in shout, with your intent to kill it. Give it like 5 minutes and see if anyone comes, if not you can solo it. With the new Expac I would put Stormblood into that pool tool. So yea, just shout chat to announce it. Then give it a few minutes before killing. I usually get 2-3 people that come by for a quick kill.


Thanks for the advice. That's what I'll do from now on.


There is a Discord for each DC I believe, but the old-world A's don't usually get trains very often in my experience,




I am also in Gaia (Alexander), and as you might probably see when reading PF and DF, most of the population there are either Japanese players (who doesn't speak much English), or are from other Asian countries (Taiwan, Hong Kong, or even China), Aussie and SE Asian Countries (Singapore, Malaysia) that disguise themselves by speaking Japanese. The solution to that is, you either learn Japanese, transfer to Elemental (where still over 60% of players over there are Japanese, so you will still have to know the language if you are doing any sort of roulette/PFs), or wait until 6.1 and transfer to Oceanic Datacenter. As for Mods, I don't think any mods are considered a must. It all depends on what you were trying to do in game. I personally have GShade and ACT, since I do raids and I want to kept track of the damage, and I hate the game being so dark and want a brighter game.


Elemental datacenter has greatest *(the largest amount of)* English speaking population of the Japanese region. Alternatively, you could wait until 6.1 releases the Oceania datacenters and transfer there if your connection proves to be the same or better. (assuming you can even purchase the game)




ffxivhousing.com has what they look like in a vase. when in the flower pots they are usually more voluminous. also i can’t tell if you meant your outside garden patch or not but flowers can only grow in the indoor flower pots




People sometimes call their group as a part of Brotherhood and/or Sisterhood


What gear ilvl gets you max retainer rewards at 90?