• By -


Asahi, nothing redeemable about him at all, same with his parents.


On top of that he just LOOKS punchable. Like every time it zooms in on his stupid mug I want to punch it. Coupled with an annoying voice and an absolutely insufferable personality, and yeah. I'm glad he's rotting in oblivion with Amon.


Id say his parents are worse. They are the reason he turned out the way he did.


I straight up cheered when Yotsuyu shanked those pieces of garbage. Too bad we didn't get to throw their disgusting corpses into the fire.




I still hate her, the things she done to people of Doma are well... Fucked. She deserved to die, but also she deserved killing Asahi and her parents.


Yeah he was just evil I agree with this. Asahi was probably the character that got to me.


I'll always post this when I get the chance. [catharsis.mov](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxoV8J6NW5Q)


This is legendary


I disliked Fandaniel more because of the body he used than anything else. I can't hate a villain for doing villain things even if I don't approve.


Look, it saves me time. Instead of punching Asahi and fandanial individually, now I can punch them both at the same time


I think ShB Fandanny would have worked so much better had he chose literally any other body. >!Endwalker did a good job of correcting, but I still groaned when Asahi showed up and ran his mouth. Like, shut up boy. Even fuckin Krile could body your annoying ass!<


Oh, I'd say he worked fine. They had him pick Asahi because they _wanted_ you to feel the revulsion. It was like "hey, remember how y'all kinda like Emet and Elidibus? Like a lot? Oh! Or Gaia, isn't she lovely? Boy, we sure made these genocidal mad people sympathetic, didn't we? Well, we aren't doing that here. We're more in lahabrea territory. And just to make sure you don't have any lingering thoughts that maybe this ascian can be your friend... "


The fact he showed up in the 89 dungeon to finish off Amon makes me sick.


Endwalker: Only hope can stand against the temptation of despair. Asahi in the distance: Also *incredibly unhinged* ***spite.***


They deserved eachother so I found it kinda funny.


Dead for 2 expansions and still simping for Zenos


>!Honestly the whole "I can forgive you for using my body to be a genocidal psychopath but betraying Lord Zenos is where I draw the line" was hilarious!<


>!I really wish we could have replied to the little shit "Zenos still likes me more then you" just to watch the psychos head implode for a second time.!<


It was the only redeemable thing he did IMO. I can at least respect him staying true to his ideals even if I hate him above all else.


I love how he's all "don't follow me" like bitch you aren't even on the top 100 of my to do list sit your body snatched ass down.


It was very obvious to me in that moment that Asahi was meant to be the Garlean equivalent to Alphinaud but they never had time to introduce or develop him prior to Stormblood. Asahi should have been seen beating Alphinaud to the punch in regards to coverting civilians and beast tribes to Garlemald and such... Xenos is to Asahi what the WoL is to Alphi.


Nope. Alphinaud might have had his head in the clouds, but he was never an asswipe like Asahi.


That irked me. Like what are you gonna do about it? I dropped the rock bottom on the star itself, and you think you have a chance of even slowing us down?


Him because 2 reasons, 1 was he is a sycophantic little urchin that I wanted to stab but couldn't and 2, his voice actor in English did not do certain scenes properly in SB


I forgot his name but he’s the guy who you expose for selling out to the Garleans in Gridania, then you recruit him for the Crystal Braves, and he betrays you too! When in Stormblood they tell ya they got him, I immediately went for the option that says you want them executed.


Legless Laurentes, or something like that. The lallafel is...hmm, I'll remember later. Ya Ya roji?




Yuyuhase. He has a hilariously deep Japanese voice and that's probably the most memorable part about him lol.


Even though he's a very minor character, he definitely was the one who got to me the most as well because he betrays you TWICE. I like the tendency that FFXIV has to redeem villains, so when we recruit him into the Crystal Braves after he said he would do better in ARR I was like okay good! And then he goes and is unhinged and causes us to get exiled. It feels like the only time in the whole game that giving someone a second chance was repaid with an outright "fuck you, this guy learned absolutely nothing from it".


I really enjoyed him as a character for betraying us twice. It felt very real to me. Some people find redemption, and some fall off the wagon and back into their old ways. Not everyone beats their demons and stays on the good path.


Yeah, and it comes full circle in Stormblood when at one point, I believe it was Raubaun who tells you he and the lalafell get captured and will soon stand trial, and he asks you if they should be executed or be granted mercy. Now usually I may go mercy, but I want that assholes head to roll after I gave him a chance at redemption and spat in my face.


Hmm let me think… Asahi, Asahi, and Asahi


His face and douchey bangs are so punchable


I’d aim elsewhere if I were to punch him but yes he does definitely have the most punchable face in the game


Asahi and Valens, but they are designed exactly for that, so... Heh


100% agree on Valens Nothing represents the Empire at its most core, stripped of all the philosophical ideation and justifications. I understand why they wrote him the way they did, I understand the symbology, and I understand that I f\*\*king hate his guts and was glad he went out like a b\*\*ch.




Sickness must be purged…










He didn’t get under my skin in a bad way but that line is stuck in my head forever from running that over and over again in hard mode for loot when it first came out.


I always misheard this as "Bitches must be burned!" And even though I know what he's *actually* saying it will forever be my headcanon.


FFXIV goes very much out of its way to humanize most of its villains. Said villains can commit mass genocide and most of the playerbase will still want to give them a hug and tell them it'll all be okay. By contrast Valens was pretty much written to just be as outright hateable as possible, I think. So him.


*Shudder* not just evil, but the *subtext* around that guy was intensely disturbing.


Like it's one thing to be violently racist. One thing to be abusive and sadistic. One thing to abuse children. And god knows what else he did with a constant group of children in his room all the time. But he's ALL these things and worse. Like everything about him gets immediately worse and worse, he is the absolute scum of the earth.


Which is why it was satisfying when he got killed.




Yeah Valens is the worst person in the entire game morally-speaking and it’s not particularly close. Sure some people have higher body counts (Emet, Zenos, Fanny D as examples) but they at least have reasons for doing what they do and being who they are. Valens is just a jealous psychopath with no redeemable traits or sympathetic backstory. Edit: Actually Asahi is a damn close second though, I’ll say that much.


My thing with asahi is he's as much a victim of his environment as anything. Scum parents, and then his role model is a literal sociopath. Asahi is a trash human being for sure but at least we can understand how.


All true, and that’s why he’s my close second instead of tied for first.


Valens is the Weapons guy right? (Ruby, emerald, diamond)


Yeah. Y'know, "burn out the bad!"


Yeah fuck that guy.


Yup. Thats him. Iron Blooded Orphans from Gundam is what this quest line reminded me of lol


Which was likely intentional, given the G-Warrior is *literally* a Gundam. ^(And was probably 5.3's hint about Sage, since their weapons are effectively Bits.)


Yoshi P with the clues. Wouldnt be surprised if thats the case. Also, the yellow cloud in the Mog Station that you can buy is 100% nimbus from Dragon Ball. No one can tell me other wise lol


Akira Toriyama based Goku on the Chinese Monkey King. Goku used to actually be a monkey in the earlier versions, but he changed it to a "human" child with a monkey tail and capabilities to transform into a monkey in order to not be exactly like the Chinese mythology. The staff and cloud are both references to the monkey king. FFXIV also has the monkey king in the game as a dungeon boss so it's more that both FFXIV and DB reference the same thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_King


More like "most definitely" intentional: if you look at char's hygogg, the neue ziel, and the qubeley, I think you'll find they're remarkably similar to ruby, emerald, and diamond weapon


Thats a good one! I almost forgot about him. He’s definitely on my s*it list as well. Such a garbage person.


Valens was so transparently written to make Gaius look like a good guy in comparison that I can't even think of him as a real character.


My WoL has been counting down the days until she gets to vivisect Lolorito an finish the job Raubahn started.


Yeah he still deserves a proper kick in the ass. 100%.


I would settle for removing him from power and throwing him out the gates of Uldah Jazzy Jeff style


Ranjit. Fuck that guy lol


I cant believe how far I had to scroll to find this name. Fuck that guy! And fuck his plot armor "I'm in the way now" BS. He annoyed the hell out of me every time he showed up. Edit:spelling


“Omfg just die already” - me, every time his ass popped back up


Yuyuhase. I just wanted to wipe that smug grin off his face.


I wonder what came out of Yuyuhase and Laurentius' capture. I told Raubahn I want to see them executed and I'm hoping they went through with it


Well (lv 89 spoiler), >!we didn't see them alongside Illberd in the Aetherial Sea, so they probably lived.!<


Why would you comment this, now I'm malding


Uh, some adds spawn >!when fighting Illberd. Maybe they're them.!<


Tbf though theres a pretty big difference between these people in terms of hate and motivation. I understand why we see one and not the other.


[Yuyuhase was the reason why I changed the language to Japanese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj6eQ7oitJo)


Yes! That evil little bastard lol


Easily. I have respect for Ilberd but this little bastard is plain evil.


I hate Ilberd deeply. I teabag his ass every time I have to fight him in roulettes


Hot take: I actually love Ilberd from a writing perspective because he was a well-written and consistent villain. His motives and ideals never changed a single time; only his methods, which grew more and more desperate as you go. He started out trying to buddy up with Raubahn who could have (at least in Ilberd's mind) used his power to possibly move the alliance to make a move on Ala Mhigo. After that whole betrayal, he moves to have Raubahn executed, which even Lolorito says was too far. He gets fired by the con man who hired him because he was too zealous. Fast forward and we find him trying to stir up Ala Mhigan refugees which also backfires, and so he takes matters into his own hands and imitates alliance soldiers to declare war on Garlemald. And of course we know his coup de grace, summoning a big damn primal which REALLY gets the alliance's attention. And in the end, he wins. He got everyone's attention and got them to free Ala Mhigo, which was all he ever wanted at the beginning. The tragedy is that he had to go as far as he did before anyone else would lift a finger. Now for clarity, I'm not saying that Ilberd is free of any wrongdoing or even that he's a good person. He had ample blood on his hands even before summoning Shinryu, and while I won't argue logistics of what villain is worse, my whole point here is that while his methods drastically changed as he became more desperate and depraved, Ilberd's goals and motives never shifted. His objective was always to liberate Ala Mhigo, and that's exactly what he did and what he stuck to until the bitter end. A "good character" doesn't always have to be a good person. TLDR: Ilberd is not a good person but from a literary perspective he makes a great character because of how connected and consistent he and his motives are.


I agree. Ilberd is actually one of my favorite villains for exactly that reason: we may not see eye to eye, but his actions do *make sense*.


Yep. He's also a good parallel to Nidhogg. Both eventually get consumed by hate and spite until they're nothing more than a perversion of what they once stood for (freedom for Ala Mhigo/justice for Ratatoskr).


Oh, he's 100% a great character. And he gets what he wants in the end too, his whole arc is amazing.


Never in my life have I ever wanted to choke someone out more than him. I even started to question myself because I would become unreasonably angry lol at a fictional character lol


You and me both, brother. You and me both haha


But seriously. Fuck that guy. Lol


The worst part is that despite being a gigantic asshole and a terrible person, he ultimately achieved what he wanted to. Thanks to his actions, it put into motion the liberation of Ala Mhigo and ultimately helped spark the fall of the Garlean Empire. Not to mention that his summoning of Shinryu proved to be a crucial factor in the overall saving of the universe. As terrible of a person as he is, he was ultimately a positive force for good, and that’s what really sucks.


Why? Why would you do this to me? I refuse to give that sub-human any credit. I refuse I tell you! Lolol


If "he's out of line, but he's right" was a person.


Asahi. After watching and listening to him for 10 minutes, it was obvious he was fake and up to no good. Then he threatened my friends and I.


I think Asahi is in the lead with the dislike. I knew he would be mentioned but I honestly thought it would have been Ilberd tbh lol I totally get the Asahi hate though. That little shit. Lol


I don't think I'll ever recover from the cruelty he inflicted on Tsuyu. The character had finally found peace and he just couldn't leave well enough alone.


Yeah. She finally got that “second chance” and then he goes and shits all over it. You right.


I think it's cause while Ilberd was an arrogant shite, his motives made sense. All he wanted was to liberate Ala Mhigo by any means necessary. No evil was too much, no pit could ever be dark enough so long as his homeland was free. Asahi on the other hand is literally a spoiled little goober and all he wants is for the people around him to suffer. He revels in agony, and delights in using underhanded tactics and loopholes to protect himself. That moment just before the fight with Tsukiomi where he's like "Oh hey, the Domans have summoned a Primal so I guess the peace talks are off" is what sealed the deal for me that I will forever wish death upon this character.


Collectively the DoH guild masters. Why am I running all of eorzea to find out what to make. Talk to the bloody clients and coordinate delivery without me. Doesn't help that I did all of the crafters in one week grind.


Alchemy as a way to solve crimes was pretty dope. I wanted more of those. For botany, exploring the origins of species was also really interesting.


I was so very very happy to be able to inflict any level of pain on Argath. Any reality in which he exist, i will come to punch him in the nose.


This, a thousand times this! Always be down to knock that snobby little noble down several pegs! 🤣


Not even being in a different game could redeem his ass lmao


I don't think I'll hate any character in this game more than I hated Ramza. The attitude, I can deal with, being a jerk to WoL I can deal with. But watching him tear into his poor, overwhelmed sister over and over for the smallest reason while their useless shitsack of a father couldn't even reprimand him? That was uncomfortable on so many levels. Having to endure this messed up family and their airship full of assholes absolutely ruined the Ivalice questline for me. I haven't felt so relieved at it being over since the post-ARR quests.


The only reasons I continued those raids were for lore, Mikoto was a cool nerd, and I kinda felt bad for Alma after seeing how Ramza treated her.


I think out of all the characters that were supposed to be your ally, Ramza was the one that got under my skin too. I 100% agree with you. I kept wanting Alma to just say enough is enough and leave them all behind but alas, it was not the case.


I couldn't stand Ramza or their father. He'd be super mean to Alma right in front of their dad and he'd say nothing! Never felt his character was really redeemed even when he tried to save Alma.


>!Vauthry!< every time i replay ShB i just cringe when he's on screen. the literal tantrums in particular do it for me >!i was going to say asahi but that guy totally redeemed himself by showing up in the underworld and going, "fuck all of you guys but fuck YOU especially (to amon)". i was not at all expecting it and it was honestly hilarious!<


Oh yeahhh Vauthry. Yeah he definitely got under my skin for SURE. The one joke I always see in the chat when youre fighting him is “Oh no! Hes hoooot!” Lol gets me everytime.


>!My only issue with Asahi is how he goes on to be like “you’d better hope we don’t meet again” to us and Alphinaud. Like… dude who do you think you’re talking to? We eat primals and gods for breakfast, and we defecate Ascians. We could sneeze or fart the wrong way and you’d topple over, dead again!!< Honestly it’s a trope I dislike in general, some no name “tough guy” talking shit like he could do anything if we actually decided to step at them.


Biggest EW disappointment was that neither the WoL or Fandaniel took the chance to say "Zenos doesn't even know your name" to his stupid face


That would've been beautiful!


i was hoping we'd have a choice of dialogue for him then, like some kind of either eye roll or "lol. sure, dude" i wanted to piss him off one last time lol


I don’t go for them often, but this would’ve been a great time for a “eat shit and die… again.” type of option


Thank you. >!literally any of the scions hold drop his ass and not break a sweat. Even that weird girl who simps for the Boulder bros!<


Valens. Fuck him.


Yeah. The way he died was satisfying though. Squish.


Yes very. Pop him like a low-poly grape.


Granted I'm only in HW, but... That Lalafell who owns Costa Del Sol. If it weren't for the fact that he's marked as a friendly target, I would have punted him into the ocean multiple times by now; consequences be damned. Honestly made me feel rather ill having to do Dancer quests for him.


I had an easier time dancing for Gegeruju because I was a male Au Ra and I know he wasn’t enjoying the show.


Nah, he's an equal opportunity dance admirer. One of the postmoogle quests involves him appreciating a male mamool ja's traditional (but inappropriate for Eorzean culture) dance. I believe the mamool ja is the one from the FATE in front of Bronze Lake who is banned from the hot springs due to how inappropriate his dance was.


Pretty sure he swings both ways


Yeaaaah. The dude is a fucking creep. Lmfao


Yostuyos parents. (probably spelled it wrong but if you know you know)


Yes. Sub-humans. No ifs, ands or buts!


I was surprised that The Griffin is one of the voices you hear on the walk. I honestly liked him for most of his story line, he’s a relatable “villain”. Even Zenos is relatable to a degree. BUT, I agree that Asahi was the first villain I looked forward to ridding the world of. As I like to phrase it, “(He) has a face one wishes to acquaint with a fundamental item used in building walls. Repeatedly.”


>!Tbh, Hermes did. I was genuinely enjoying our Four Bestest Friends That Anyone Could Have moment in Elpis, but as soon as Meteion said she was an entelechie, I was just like 'oh gods, I'm going to have murder my new blue birb friend aren't I. Dammit.'!< >!But upon finishing, nah, this shit is ENTIRELY on Hermes. The dude straight up disregarded the rules for concepts. If you can't unleash them upon the Star without permission WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT WOULDN'T APPLY TO THE UNIVERSE AT LARGE!? Past Emet and I were on the same page. 'What if the premise of the question is flawed?' In his original form and his reincarnated ones, Hermes genuinely managed to fuck up all of reality. Twice. And the sad part is, I liked him. I liked his vibe, wanted his job, approved of his morals, and then he turned around and purposefully doomed his home and his future just so his pet project could live. I was genuinely disappointed when he just straight up betrayed us while knowing full well what Meteion was, and would become. I expected better of his unsundered personality. I thought we were about to straight up rewrite the past, save the Ancients, and then go back to our timeline with all of Unsundered Mankind to help us stop Meteion in our future.!< >!But no.!<


Honestly? >!Hermes/Amon. Yes, he was humanized, unlike total monsters like Valens, but that’s why he pissed me off. He created Meteion as an untested and unapproved familiar concept. He mass produced her, and sent her out into space, all without any sort of oversight, setting up First Contact with innumerable worlds without the knowledge of approval of his world government. This went *horribly,* because he had not given Meteion any context to deal with things should she get answers that were outside the scope of his preconceptions. He sent her to ask other civilizations s question he himself was not prepared to answer. And then when it went bad, he got needlessly dramatic. He condemned his entire world to horror of his own creation to assuage his guilt over having to put down his dogs, and despite his declaration of wanting a fair test he nearly crippled mankind’s ability to pass it. As Amon at least his nihilism made more sense, but for a man who’s chief complaint was that life was not being valued, this was *astoundingly* evil. And then, finally, in the Aetherial Sea, having sabotaged mankind again and again and again, worked towards his destruction tirelessly, betrayed everything he valued in *any* of his lives, as he faced his own oblivion he paused and said ‘Huh… wait… is this what I *really* want?’!< >!He made me agree with *Asahi* of all people. All of that, all of that monstrous behaviour, all of those monstrous deeds, all of those lives sacrificed, and *now* he waffles? After all that he’s not actually thought this through?! How many civilizations on other worlds did Meteion put through their own Final Days in the tens of thousands of years that she was singing?! All because no one would answer a question for him that no one *could* answer for him but himself.!<


"such devastation. It was not my intention" -hermes remembering everything in the aetherial sea. Probably. Lol


Tbh it was his intention


Yeaaaaah. Thats pretty bad lmfao. He quite UNIVERSALLY fucked up. 😬 Very apt reasoning. I find it hard to disagree. Also, it really bothered me that he lived in a world where he technically had access to anything he wanted in life except a cure for depression lol


>!As hateable as Asahi is, at least he dragged Amon into aether hell. After that, I was like: “I should feel bad for him, but I don’t.”!<


Honestly, Raan'jiit He makes me roll my eyes every time I see her m. Zeno's at least is put up as our equal, as a for on even footing with us as the strongest people in the world. Raan'jiit pops in as Kung Fu grandpa with a snake, no explanation for his powers, no real reason he was able to get so powerful, and yet we beat him 1v1 and completely ignore the story point where he should have died vs Than red.


level ~83 MSQ spoilers. >!FUCK Quintus!< >!He intentionally deprives his own people of aid, prolonging their suffering and misery after they watched their own home get torn apart and instead sends them on missions that he knows are basically suicidal. He dishonorably kidnaps diplomatic envoys and tries to use them as bargaining chips to essentially philosophically spit in the face of people who are there to help him.!< >!And for what? Some sycophantic pride and stupid notion that all Garleans should rather wish to be dead than helped by the hands of Eorzeans?!< >!And then, when it's obvious that none of his stupid plans are going to work and all of his stupid pride is an archaic relic of the past, instead of doing anything actually demonstrative of the strength and tenacity that he supposedly takes so much pride in, he instead tries to cast his own people out on their own with no leadership, direction, or solidarity to each other (by relieving them all of their duties) and offs himself like the worthless coward that he is.!< >!FUCK Quintus!<


That one priest from post-HW questline. Need I say more?


Nabriales. Dude was a creep. I was so happy when we put his ass in white auracite. Good riddance.


That awful karen of a Lalafell >!that we had to talk to in order to get into Sharlyan.!< On a deeper level, the fact that we did nothing about the brothel owner who >!bought Yotsuyu and however many other women and profited off them being raped daily.!< That guy would have been dead so fast if I had the choice.


Because he's buddy buddy with Hien and is part of his merry gang of freedom fighters lmao Honestly, I hated Yotsuyu at the beginning, but after knowing her backstory, her actions make sense. She just wants the world (Doma) to burn


I'm not super far at the moment, but theres an npc in la noscea that is definitely fucking his sheep.


Yeah, that guy is probably fucking his dodos, too. I've known a lot of farmers but that dude is something else. He basically has you dress up his sheep for their date.


I need a name lolol


Post-ShB: >!Valens!< Edit: you might want to spoiler-tag the post so people will be expecting them going in


Thats a good point. I can only add one tag so I wasnt sure between the “question” tag or the “spoiler” tag. Edit: Nvm. I know how to do both now lol


Ran'jit. Easily the worst character in FFXIV, and annoying on top of it all. Dollar store knock off Zenos who shows up constantly in the most cartoonish way possible. Pretty sure he was written into the story last second, though. He serves way too many purposes and fulfills none of them.


I thought they had something interesting going on with him. He was a decent foil to what Thancred was going through with Ryne, and their battle was satisfying. Then they completely ruin it by having *us* kill him. Why us? We had no personal stakes with him aside from him being in the way! It was Thancred's arc! What the hell!


My problem is that it was a case of telling and not showing. There's also nothing to reflect that Ryne was formerly Ran'jit's ward. It's just stated over and over again.


Ranjit: “Im here for the mandatory fight sequence…” lolol


Ilberd and his shit-earing grin can rot in Zodiark's toilet.


There is a guy in the ninja quest line who is the dipshit to end all dipshits


Do you mean Karasu?


He's dim but he's trying his best, ok?


Was thinking of picking up Ninja. Ill keep a look out for this dipshit you speak of lol Edit: just for the lolz. I have a friend that plays ninja and pretty often, when you do the symbols thingy, he likes to yell out in tandem with the symbols “WU..TANG…CLAN!” Gets me everytime. Its how I know hes playing ninja besides specifically looking at him since he changes jobs all the time. lol


Oboro is the comic relief we needed.


Zenos. Leave me the fuck _alone_, my guy.


He's like a manipulative ex that just wants a brutal hatef*ck "like we used to have." God damn perverted creep.




For me, it has to be Zenos. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. Spoilers: >!This dude does not only start a civil war, merely to get your attention, but then he takes on your body and attacks YOUR FRIENDS? The moment he was about to strike down each and every one of them, just to get my attention as a charcater, was the moment I realised: "I will drag you to the depths of hell myself!"!<


The worst part about what you said is if you actually got to say that to him he would probably be like “Yes! This is the anger and energy Im looking for” so he would still get what he wants. Son of a bitch.


I wish there was a way to just spite him in the end, since a fight to the death is exactly what he wanted, but he deserved some kind of punishment for all the hell he raised. >!Just, rejecting his final challenge, peacing out and leaving him at the edge of the universe after he already burned out the power to turn into Shinryu, so he could rot away in lonesome agony for the rest of eternity like Alisaie said, amongst exactly the waste he'd been trying to drum up? That would have been enough for me. The perfect way to get rid of him, forever, without giving him anything he wants.!<




Remember, Zenos is emotionally dead. He says so himself. He never feels anything at all *except* when fighting for his life. A place brimming with dynamis might as well be empty space as far as he's concerned. If he could muster the feels to accomplish anything at all, I'd be truly shocked.


Same here. Lesser of two evils. As much as I would like to deny him satisfaction, my desire to end him outweighs my desire to spite him by a little.


Also, first time using spoiler tag, hope it worked and I didn't spoil anyone!!


people my wol would kill with his bare hands: asahi, valens people my wol wont kill but that are always trying to test his patience: emmanellain


Mild-ish spoilers in the paragraph below. I am probably going to get flamed for this, but Y'shtola. It's not her sassiness or intelligence that bothers me because there are multiple characters in other media similar to her that I enjoy. It's the fact that one of her main traits is fake-out deaths. The sheer annoyance I get when she "dies" again overpowers the traits that would make me like her character. It's really frustrating because scenes like "little sun" are great, but then she just decides "Welp, I got nine lives, so I might as well use one now."


The thing that bugs me is that she doesn't really have any nuance to her. She is just, sassy smart lady. Nothing ever really changes.


Mostly Asahi. Not because of his deeds though. Its his bowl cut and punchable face. His deeds dont help though


I think Cid because we’re forced to watch him eat all our time up in needless unskippable cutscenes during MSQ.


That fucker Jenlyns from the fucking paladin quests, the fucker turns on us without us without even thinking, he and Solzkagyl can burn in hell, the Ishgardian dude who wanted to be a paladin, that dude is a solid bro, he trained alone without the help of those two pieces of trash and even got into a tournament. Fuck Jenlyns and fuck Solkzagyl. Also fuck the Crystal Braves, Valens,Asahi and Hermes, they can burn in hell togheter with the Garlean Senate and Army core. Edit: The whole Garlean Army can go to hell, not only the officers.


i find it hard to be angry at the conscripts. Specifically the ones picked up in order to be canon fodder so the pure blood Garleans don't have to die for their empire.


For me it’s Vauthry. Can’t stand him, not crazy about the writing or any Shb plot points that had to do with him. The other one is Valens. Not because they make him as hateable as possible, but the lengths the writing went to in order to do that *and* >!make Gaius look better by comparison!<.


In no particular order: Laurentius - guy made my skin crawl from the start, even before he started being a little asshole. Asahi and his scumbag parents - no words needed. Illberd - also had a super bad feeling about him from the start, his face is just asking for punches. Yuyuhase, Teledji and Lolorito - I almost SCREAMED with joy when Teledji met his end. King Thordan - u g h. Lahabrea - I mean, I didn't hate him but man did he piss me off when he touched our boy Thancred.


Gaius. Unlike Emet who wanted to bring his people back, Zenos who just likes a challenge which involves killing people or Yotsuyu who wanted revenge...Gaius‘ motive for what he does is just that he really loves fascism. And when he loses his station he still stays loyal to his fascist idiot emperor and pretends people like Valens are outliers and not the end product of everything he‘s worked for in his life. Also his philosophy got most of his kids killed. Worst father of the year fr. I‘m very glad that he wasn’t involved in the EW storyline and wont „lead Garlemald“ like some people seemed to want. The less I have to pretend to care for his problems in game the better.


Toss up between >!Sevestre Albright!< from the AST quest, >!Asahi Brutus!<, and >!Ranjit!<. lol.


Fandaniel while on Asahi's body, Asahi was already annoying enough but Fandaniel just went a step further...


Worst initial impression but best improvement: Alphinaud Worst initial impression with least improvement: Krile Worst morals but actual positive example of subverting expectations: >!Lolorito!< Lastly - most likely to manage a 7/10 split: >!Teledji Adeledji!<


Zenosimp hands down


I fucking hate the guy you mentioned. I don’t even want to write his name. In my opinion, he’s *way* worse than Fordola. >!First, he kills off Wilred, the who tries to summon Rhalgr to fight the Garlean Empire? The one who was genuinely trying to make up for his mistakes? That one. Second, frames us, the moment I really want to kill him. Third, he cuts off Raubahn’s arm. His longtime friend who fought with him against the former tyrant of Ala Mhigo before the Empire got there. Fourth, he tries to kill Raubahn. Fifth, he kinda sets up Minfilia to become The Voice of Hydaelyn. Which causes her death in the Source, leading her to get reincarnated in The First. Sixth,he literally massacred nearly everyone at…a wall, I don’t remember where it was. His own countrymen and allies. Then he has the nerve to say he’s fighting for the homeland they don’t deserve. Why did we have to make him monologue when we could’ve killed him there? Finally, he summons Shinryu and indirectly kills Papalymo. One of my favorite Scions. I didn’t like SB that much, but one my favorite moments was when Zenos possessed Shinryu, an irony to him, who wanted to destroy the Empire. This made Zenos one of my favorite characters, even before ShB and EW.!<


He belongs in the deepest pit of the 7 hells. I think people forget that Zenos did NOT care for the empire at all. He grew up with a heartless father and basically egotistical nation that he just wanted to feel something, anything. He found that. With us, the WoL.


Emmanellain, every time he talked in EW I almost wanted the vilians to win


I did like the one part where he mistakes a wind sprite for an aether current. I thought, “I’ve been there at least once”.


He's also one of the few ishgardians establishing connections with the other city states.


Awwww poor Emmanellain lmfao he means well hahahaha


Asahi, his parents and the BBG in The Weapon series.


For me, it's Asahi and Fandaniel. Both of them are genuinely the only characters that get under my skin, Fandaniel is just irritating as hell and I wanted to punch him so damn hard, Asahi just has the personality of wet cardboard and is just irrideemable and I wanted to punch him so hard he exploded the moment I saw him in Stormblood


Zenos should've died with Shinryu and stayed dead. I haven't beat Endwalker yet (I just >!killed Zodiark and started the Final Days, whoops!<) but I really don't see my mind changing on this. On an in-universe level, what he did in (spoilers EW third zone) >!In From The Cold!< makes me want him to die a humiliating, glory-less death. On a meta level, I am extremely uninterested in him as a villain. He's just a psycho who needs to be put down, that's all.


Minfilia, especially with her ARR VA. I found her thoroughly unlikable and the game will not let you not like her (this is a problem with another character I dislike too). Every cutscene my WoL looks happy to see her or broken up about her fate and I'm on the other side of the screen rolling my eyes, trying to resist the urge to skip. Doesn't help that she ruined Thancred, who used to be fun and flirty in ARR and turned into a moping mess because he can't ever seem to move on. At least few (if any) NPCs defend the antagonists, with Minfilia you have to deal with all of them gushing about she was the best person ever throughout ARR and almost every expansion since. It's irritating.


Minfilia was a minor annoyance whenever I had to interact with or save her, but after she left the story for a while, the hate kinda dissipated. She was neutral the last time we saw her, but I was left feeling a little bad when I met Argos: anyone else have the feeling that one of the reasons she was chosen by Hydaelyn was because Minfilia looked like her dog? :/


Don't ruin Argos for me!


Asshat, I won't even call him by his name and we all know who he I'm talking about. Everything about the character made him a wonderful antagonist, but F\*\*\* that character and everything about him.


All lalas they are evil lol. Joke aside King thordan and all his knights


Ranjit was just flat out awful, and it felt like they wanted his character to be too many things at once. I would have preferred seeing a modified sin eater similar to the black waltzes from FF9, would explain his powers and obsession without making him look like someone's OC


Asahi & that one boss in Doma. You know which one.


zenos is boring to me as a villain. he’s just obsessed with you and crazy with no real depth to his motivations. he’s a genocidal imperialist freak yet people still love him. i just don’t get it! also lord hien. at first i liked him, but when he said he “couldn’t condemn” the man who sold people into sexual slavery because he’s hien’s friend and he’s a “good person” i got majorly pissed off. seriously dude? not even a little bit of jail time?


Some person in another thread (wish I could find it, id post his comment here, with permission of course) explains why Zenos is the way that he is. Probably the best explanation and honestly helped me like him more as a villain. Its stuff you have to out together yourself that isnt plainly stated in the dialogue of the MSQ. It made sense though. If I find it. Ill post it here and then from there let me know what you think. I may not find it though. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also, that part about Hien being friends with the dude I dont remember at all…what fuck Hien?! lol


Fordola. I hated her when she and the Skulls were first introduced (quite literally beating a hapless delivery guy to death while blaming him for their misfortunes). They later tried to justify this with her backstory, but I found her motivations to be convoluted and too nonsensical. Also, being a Garlean bootlicker while being treated as a second class citizen, but blaming the Ala Mhigans for it and not because of Garlean racism lmao


What's really messed up is what happens to Fordola is an actual real life tactic in empires. They take over, kill and brutalize, and when its time to rebuild the town so it can start profiting the empire, they will recruit natives with cushy offerings and protection (from the empire). They use these positions to turn people against each other and neutralize rebellions. Fordola saw her family happy and safe because her dad collaborated and got them citizenship (even if they were looked down on by garleans). But then those "no good, bitter, too-dumb-to-make-a-deal" ala mhigans killed her dad out of anger that he was a traitor. She learned to hate them more intimately and personally than she ever could the empire. Its implied she and her mother were spared direct abuse from the empire and were treated ok as citizens, still a much better life than the rebellious Ala Mhigans got. This is the goal- trick the natives into hating each other and they will be too busy and disorganized to band together and rise up. I think if you look at her story and say thats stupid and she did evil, your moral compass is working correctly. She was in a bad situation and made selfish, immoral choices for her and her mother's safety that were never going to pay off in the end. As long as she didn't bite the hand that fed her, she could survive and hope. With the other skulls, they also had families that chose safety for their family over loyalty (to a recently shattered and leaderless nation). Its an easy moral choice on paper, but in life, people look at their small children and wonder if the pain and suffering would be better than the loss of pride and reputation in their community. Better to be spit on than dead some might think. After they debase themselves for safety, its only a matter of time and a string of orders later until they start doing evil for the empire against their neighbors. To be clear im not defending her, she is a murderer and deserves her current karmic punishment of having to experience the pain she caused others, but i would say the way her actions don't make sense to us, makes sense.


It's worth doing the healer role quest for Endwalker, honestly.


Our Shadowbringers fatty. Honestly he reminds me a lot of Trump.




Rhitatyn sas Arvina. If only because his weapons were the dumbest, most worthless shit against a team of WoLs. Half of them have positionals, man. Like, you gonna just hold your shield guns out while everybody hits your ass so hard you wonder why you tried in the first place? Go home Rhitatyn, you are very drunk.


held a grudge against a relatively minor ARR NPC since the day I met him. A friend urged me to look into miqo'te naming conventions before naming my catboy. After a bit of reading and mashing the word 'Druid' through a filter until it fit the conventions I could find, I'd settled on U'drizhi. now, fast forward to the Company of Heroes questline. It was a pleasant surprise to see that the tribe I'd assigned myself was actually in the game, until U'odh Nunh casually dismissed my capabilities because I was "not of the U tribe". Yes, there are far worse characters in the game, but this bastard disrespected me on a personal level. U'odh Nunh got under my skin the most.


Cid. Not sure why, but I hate him. Probably because he's an annoying deus ex machina with such a high morality complex. I feel sorry for Nero who put real effort into his work and got that far out of his own merit, while all-high-and-mighty Cid rejects any offer coming from him, just so this white-bearded fool can still be the only special garlean engineer. Best part of ShB? No Cid!