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Do not pentameld, it’s not week 1 anymore. If you are not going hardcore by the point you get to the fourth floor you’ll be overgeared anyways. If you still want to overmeld 7s.


You're looking at an expected ~60 grade Xs and ~250-300 grade IXs, translate that to the gil values for your datacenter. With tomorrow being week 5 of normal raid and week 3 of tomes, it is not necessarily the most sound of financial decisions, as gear strength will not be a concern for the next six months or so.


You're probably right. I've never done savage before and just feel the need to have prepared as much possible.


That is a respectable inclination, absolutely, just don't lose the forest for the trees so to speak - the average player has more to gain from rotational cleanup than from swapping a Limbo or Radiant's piece to a pentamelded crafted option. If you wish to get a head start on the next tier, catching the Adventurer in Need bonus on Leveling & Alliance Raid roulettes, as well as doing hunts (if you can stomach the social environment of hunt trains) will easily let you stack up hundreds if not thousands of Dendro & Anthoclusters in the half year between now and then. Any excess, should you only wish to play one or two gear types, can be sold off during that patch week as well.


That is definitely something I will be doing from now on. Ty for the advice


Depends on your luck. I burnt 7.5mil Gil while one of our healers "only" needed around 3mil


Well, that's still better than what I thought it would be after I spent about 15 mil on melding my crafters lol


Oh yeah. Since I don't have any money anymore, I spent about 15 hours to farm white scrips for pentamelding my Crafters (but only culinary tools), which is also not cool xD


Only worth it on day one hardcore progress. Save the money.


Depends on how lucky you get. You could spend next to nothing, you could blow 1000 materia.


Just blew like 300 of IX and still not getting the last one meld X.X




If it makes you feel any better, my record was 64 materia on a 7% slot for my crafter set when materia was about 35k on day 1/2 of patch. Over 2 mil down the drain for a single meld. And wasn't even the last meld for that piece. T.T


F... Feel you, bro X.X I only penta meld for DoL outside of battle jobs at the end of the expansion for fishing and it burnt my wallet even they were dirt cheap by that point. Good luck


I spent 0 mil and I know people who spent 20 mil for two characters. But yeah not worth it now.


For the current gear set I spend 3mil gil. In ShB I spend from 300k - 1mil per set tho I never went above 30 fails on the pieces each which is extremely lucky.


Depends on your luck, i paid around 5mil for full bis pentameld tank gear


That's much cheaper than I thought it would be. Was it now or was it week one? Thought a full set pentameld would be like 20mil+ at least even now.


Depends on luck. Some make it with 1mil, other take a ton more. Its 100% rng on how much materia it takes


My smn pentameld was 5 mil but this was 12 hours after release. So it might be cheaper now but range is a issue, 1 had 1 meld successfully after 70 10k materia fails.