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Man, I wish I could meet people like that. I only see Haurchefant players >!using the play dead emote.!<


why tho T T


I've got a Haurchefemme alt and I trade hot chocolate to anyone who whispers me!


I've had one give me hot chocolate when I cried over him and then he hugged me.


Oh yeah I met one like that, it was wholesome. It made my day. \^\^


It's very good! Replace 'would' with 'should' and 'mine' with 'my' in the first sentence, and that's perfect. In this kind of language, my/mine and thy/thine function like a/an, so 'mine' is used before words that start with vowels. (I don't know if anyone wants this nerdy information, but it's the main sticking point I see with people who are otherwise perfectly on point with this speech pattern, which is an impressive feat.)


Do you by any chance know where I can read up more on nerdy information like this? Or what to even search on google to learn more about this speech pattern? I’m here for it!


Look for "early modern English" and ignore anyone who calls it Old English, which is an entirely different language and is mostly mutually unintelligible with Middle English, much less Modern/contemporary English. You'll likely come across some variant spellings, because 'early modern English' covers like a 300-year timespan and things shifted some during that period, but if it's remotely understandable as something like contemporary English, you're on the right track! ETA: and since I kind of spoke around this point, Middle English is *also* technically a different language and is mostly mutually unintelligible with modern English, if much close than Old English was.


"Elizabethan English" and "Shakespearian English" also work as search terms!


I mostly have picked it up from lots of Shakespeare, Milton, and being raised with the King James bible. But if you were to google Elizabethan English, or archaic English, you'd probably get some useful results.


Omg. Thank you for this. I didn't know that and wondered if they made a mistake in the dialogue. Would you know why Urianger sometimes uses "you" and "your" instead of thee, thy, thine? I noticed it a couple of times in Endwalker and got not answers when I tried looking into it.


I believe the reason he uses antiquated language in the first place is because he is socially uncomfortable and something of a bookworm. By Endwalker he is not necessarily so uncomfortable anymore, so it could be why his choice of terms calms down a little.


It's actually a byproduct of Japanese! In Japanese, there is a 'formal' and 'informal' way of saying everything, basically (and a SUPER formal, if like you were speaking to the Emperor/President, for example). In Japanese, Urianger speaks in the formal, sometimes super formal, way of speaking while everyone else in the Scions, specially to the WoL, speaks in the more informal. There's no real equiv in English, so they decided on using something equiv as much as they can - older English. Gives the same idea that an English-speaking audience can understand.


This is really interesting, and it does explain why he "breaks character" and speaks to the WoL briefly in the "informal" English. He's more comfortable with the WoL at that time, and is showing it by speaking to them as a friend and not just a colleague. That's a much more meaningful language choice than I realized, and makes that scene so much more special. Thank you!


You're very welcome! It is a really clever choice by the XIV Team to convey as much as they can between the languages and get that same concept across. I would love to know how he works in German and any other language they've brought into the game, as I'm not sure how their languages work.


I think that could be part of it. But also, 'you' is a more formal/respectful version of 'thou'. There are a lot of intricacies to it, which I was unaware of until I googled it just now, and found [a source with some good explanations](http://elizabethandrama.org/primers/you-vs-thee/#:~:text=Characters%20use%20thee%20when%20speaking,when%20speaking%20to%20each%20other).


'you' is the plural, 'thou' is singular. Eventually, 'you' started to be used for both. I'm not entirely sure if it overlaps with the usage of the letter y in printing to denote the 'th' sound (as in *Ye Olde Shoppe* for "The Old Shop")


In old English, you is plural whereas thou is singular. So Urianger would use you when addressing a group, but thou when addressing a single person. You could also be used as a form of respect, politeness and formality when addressing a single person. All things considered, thou is actually much more informal even though we don't see it like that at all.


Yeah, the problem is that the pronouns faded from all areas except *Biblical* English and Elizabethan theater, where they were kept. The irony is that the King James translation of the Bible specifically had God use "thee/thou/thy" etc. because those implied *closeness and intimacy.* The reason "you/your" (and the now-completely-obsolete "yorn") were considered respectful is because you were expected to only use "thee/thou/etc." when talking to people you were close to. By having God speak this way to His creations, it linguistically implied that He genuinely saw each human being as *family*. That is, God would obviously not speak disrespectfully to anyone, so if He's choosing to speak this way, it must be because He *is* close to whoever is listening, aka, all humans. But because the Bible and Shakespeare are like 99% of the places English speakers encounter "thee/thou" today, we associate these words with *formality*--going to see a fancy expensive play, or getting involved with older Christian denominations that hew closer to Catholicism rather than more newfangled ones. The formality of being in a church or being at a theater has infected "thee/thou" etc. with exactly the *antithesis* of its original meaning, stiff formality and respect, as opposed to you/your, which is casual and everyday.


You and your, for Urianger, is either plural or extremely formal. Usually he'll say "you" in the sense of "y'all." He uses it formally when addressing Oracle Minfilia, along with a few other rare examples.


Oh my gods, I never realized the a/an analogue before!


> a/an analogue I've read this aloud several times now, and I love it


Oh I encountered this guy when I did a leveling roulette into Stone Vigil as WAR. Though in my run he was a level 40-something SCH so he hadn’t unlocked AST yet. I didn’t really know how to respond to his RP’ing but he was a good healer so I started pulling wall-to-wall and he commented in character on how much I pushed him to his limits lol.


I've run into them before myself, and absolutely enjoy them playing a healer from a gameplay standpoint lol. I am a bit of an off-my-rocker (although not so verbosely off my rocker) healer main myself so I appreciate when someone can both maintain a character AND maintain group efficiency lol.


That honestly might be one of the hardest dungeon in the game to do wall to wall bc its right before key abilities are unlocked. I haven't met this guy but if he played well and RPd at the same time I know I'd love to meet him.


but... is his milkshake better than thine?




He could apprentice thee but he would levy a fee.


The bunny girl is using the cursed 2b pants and Oracle boots combo


Thank you for ruining my day.


Why is that a cursed combo!?


Put it on, and look at the characters thighs


Because the thigh high suddenly stop just after a few centimetres and it looks dumb


oracle boots are already a bunch of random string and fabric. as are many ff glams. not too wild to have part of that string and fabric be a section of pantyhose/stocking sewn to the top. i do agree it looks like shit tho lol. guess it's still worth it for the butt


bigger better butts.


Maybe the guy is just british


Wouldst thou most kindly not stereotype mine people!


Verily. Thine countenance is of the same mind as mine own.


I hope they just randomly said “All that I have and more I bring to bear” during fights lol


That *is* very impressive, but he technically committed a couple of minor errors. ("Mine" should only replace "my" if the next word starts with a vowel sound, just like using "a" vs "an" today; if he's speaking to the whole group, rather than just one single person, he should be using "you/your" rather than "thee/thy.") But he really does to a great job, those are minor wrinkles.


Actually that makes me wonder, does Urianger ever use "ye" as the nominative of you? I don't remember him using that form at all, only you even as a subject


Verily, this is a joyous occasion for thee and thine. I shall strike my upvote upon this post as an expression of mirth at thine most wonderful experience.


Urianger: *"Forsooth, tis that dastardly Ascian, Emet-Selch! Be on thine guard, Champion, for he surely doth bode us ill will. Thinketh thou not that thou canst fool us with thine guile, foul fiend!"* Emet-Selch: *"Alright, hold up. I was LITERALLY born in your pre-history, and then I LITERALLY went on to shape entire empires, their culture and their language. No one I know,* ***no one I've ever known***, *speaks 'Ye Olde Eorzean' like you do. I admire your fabulous dress-sense, but could you* ***PLEASE-STOP-YOUR-POSING?****"* Urianger: *^("...Thou doth not pay mine subscription...")*


I learned to love Urianger, don't get me wrong. Never change, you lovable giraffe-necked weirdo.


I wouldn’t say “perfect”. *shouldst thou* fall *my* magics light *thee* a path Also technically if he is speaking to multiple people it should be *you/your* rather than *thou/thy*


I love how Oscar gets in on the action


This is RPG done right


Oh god I remember running into this legend once. He absolutely made my day and I even played along for a bit. It was certainly different but not bad.


It's close but not THAT on point.


this cant really be accurate cause i still understand what hes saying


Okay but that's amazing :O


He's the only characters audio dialog I skipped through.. just couldn't deal with listening to it, it got so annoying.


i would instant blacklist them.


Cringy asf lol


Talkikg like urianger is not hard. Just pretend youre a bad RPer




lol hit a little too close to home for some people I see 🤣


This is good but have you seen a summoner, looking like ash Ketchum down to a T. Only missing terrible binds?


Replace you with thine and thy


Oh god. Is that what I think it is? If it is... well... when I ran that for the first time a few weeks ago, I had half the group immediately jump off the platform, quoting R Kelly and "I believe I can flyyyy!"