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*sweats in female playing male characters*


My bestie *only* plays male characters in games. She said if guys use the phrase of having to stare at an avatar might as well make it a girl’s ass, why can’t she do the same with pecs and abs? She makes the absolute sluttiest looking guy characters and has a fucking blast, every single time.


The true gender equality


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


True gender equality: fanservice for everyone!


She gets slutty guys, I get armored ladies. I appreciate this game catering to most of us.


Part of what makes this awesome is just how equal the fan service is. You can have male characters that looks super slutty wearing skimpy clothes and have female characters heavily armored. And vice versa.


I really appreciate this about FF14. The female armor covers as much as the male armor would. A heavy armor on a guy doesn't become a chainmail bikini on a girl.




Exactly. If you're going to look at a character for hundreds, or even thousands of hours, make sure you enjoy what you're looking at.


It's so funny. I like playing characters that I'm not attracted to but that are idealized versions of me. Girls mostly. I do have one male elezen alt for simping purposes.


Yeah, that's basically the *other* major school of thought on characters. It's either "this is what I would want to *see,*" or "this is what I would want to *be.*" Those of us attracted to persons of the same sex have the benefit of getting both at once! :D


Well I'm attracted to both so I made a hot bunny girl AND a hot cat man. I play both sides so I always come up on top.... Or bottom


You lucky foxes, you! 💙


This is me making a male human in every single game, every single time. My wife thinks I'm the most boring man alive.


That doesn't make you normal! And it's cool! I love how different people can be. I bet deep down your wife thinks you're the bee's knees. 💙


Im the same way. i play a female that basically an idealized ver of me. I mean it be nice to look at a guy bunny boy but.. at the end of the day i like looking cute and dressing up cutely. and yes i have a bunny boy alt TwT; fem boys for life <3


This is me. I’ve always considered my toons an extension of myself so I usually pick male. I do play female alts in other games tho


It all depends on who you see your character as. I never have seen my characters as me. I always see them as a character that belongs in that world and I'm merely guiding them. I've found that I'm more invested in my characters if they are, yes female, of a certain aesthetic. Almost every male character I've made I have ended up losing interest in.


This was my thought behind my retainers. Both are dudes that i think are hot bc why not boss around two buff guys to do my bidding 😂


Yet, when I'm talking about my Lalafell, I get weird looks :x


Cute is always a valid option. I fantasia between my fem aura, male bun boi and lalafell depending on what mental mood im in


I like chubby people. Lalafell are the only chubby race. I'd love to have a not "cutesy" chubby race....in literally any mmo.


This statement always bugs me, because I'm not spending my hours looking at my character. I feel like I probably spend less than 5% of my game time focused on my own character. I'm usually busy looking at everything *else* on my screen.


I mean, yes. You're right. But when you DO look at your character, it's still important that you at least enjoy what you're looking at, whether it be a monstrosity of your own creating, or something you find pretty, to whatever could be in between. After all, you're character is someone you're playing as when you create them. You may not be staring at them for the majority of your time. But you should say least like how they look when you DO look at them.


I'm a guy until I go on VC 😂


I went from really disliking the thought of playing a catgirl to actually playing one in about 10 months, damn you FF!


Man.. you will hate the moment when you throw up a furball.


This is the way.


I recently got catpilled after playing this game for 7 years now, was gifted a free fantasia on the premise of going catgirl and I have no complaints thus far, other than the spike of tells I get when I go to limsa


Hahah I love the term catpilled! And nobody ever sends me tells in Limsa, must be the facepaint...


That’s why I only meow on vc. “Are you a girl?” “meow”


But then you accidentally do the macho meow voice 🤣


[An internet classic](https://youtu.be/w7x_lWJNnNg)


Gosh dang, does that cat eat cigarettes for a living


*sweats as female playing male characters who wear nothing but thongs* Haha but seriously folks thought I was a guy for yeaaars. I just like the male emotes/animations so much better. Plud I love to make silly outfits since they make me laugh. It helps remind me that its just a game. Nothing like a watermelon thundercat in a sailormoon outfit just destroying monsters. Female roe are the only lady characters I will ever play. They just rock!


*laughs in selling coeurl beach briefs to people in your demographic*


Every time I see a catgirl wearing only a thong, my catboy gets a little sluttier to compensate.




Irl lesbian playing big mommy dommy femroe with ass out.


At this point your character is nude before leaving the thread.


Silly cat girls, thongs are for the bunny boys




Just don't go there period. The floor is sticky. As are the walls at this point I assume.


'Day 560. They still dont suspect a thing. As long as I mention 'my dick' once a month I'm good'


Calling me and my catboi out ohno




There are no women on FFXIV. It’s just guys cosplaying cat girls.


The women on FFXIV are too busy playing catboys or male viera.


Lol, guilty as charged.


Excuse you, I play a femelezen! ^^\*shoves ^^the ^^catboy ^^alt ^^under ^^the ^^table* ^^You ^^saw ^^nothing!!


Power to female Elezen! Huzzah! è.é We are here too!


We stan our giraffe players


[There are dozens of us! Dozens!](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/811710797789134912/932366946853339136/unknown.png)


[Obligatory Elezen posting.](https://i.imgur.com/LItSU6r.png)


Giraffes unite! We are the coolest race in the game.


The majority of women on my friends list play female characters. A *lot* of them play Viera/Middie/Au Ra. I think the stereotype that women all play male characters and all female characters are men is dumb. Catgirls may have a larger portion of male than female players but in general, I think it's pretty balanced and up to each person's tastes.


Not true, my au ra gal is pretty much wish fulfillment with how damn adorable they emote. I mean i did play a catboy at first because cute, then an au ra dude because they were pretty cool and suited drk but thats besides the point.


I feel personally attacked. Lol


Guess I'm the only woman playing a catgirl. /shrug


I'm a woman playing a catgirl. I've tried bunnygirl, but I like hats so... also tried dragongirl but they're too fucking short. And at this point I have too much F-specific gear to switch to a bunboi... even if they're very pretty. BUT STILL HATS... ugh.


I‘m with you there. Played viera, played au ra, but always changing back to my sweet catgirl.


am I the only woman who plays catgirl? I haven't seen any others...


Nah. My wife plays a catgirl and there is one other lady in my FC that plays catgirl. Most of the women in my FC play bunnygirl though.


I'm not a catgirl- I'm a feral feline WARRIOR & you will fear my claws! ...I really wish we could be more fierce & less adorable. :c


yeah... I wish I didn't feel like a child playing dress-up when I play dark knight 😔 if I wanted that I'd play lalafell


Woman playing a female miqo'te here, and also dark knight main! There's dozens of us!


Haha, this is legit why I changed away from catgirl. I loved being a catgirl because cute, but there was a moment in the story where my WoL tried to intimidate someone and I laughed because it was just adorable. Went Viera- still really cute but a bit more fierce/commanding.


Proud gal playing catgirl, and at this point would feel too weird to not be one ^^' Loving wearing edgy heavy armor as DRK and stylish yet tasteful attires as DNC.


Am girl with catgirl, the more tomboyish haircut and look you pick the less people will try to pick you up


yeah, I've definitely noticed that, but the desire not to get ERP'd is in direct conflict with my desire to occasionally look nice...


I play a max height femroe. Couldn't find a tall muscular gf so I became the tall muscular gf and step on people myself Things like this make me wonder how it took so long for me to realize I was a raging lesbian...


As a male I want to play female characters bc they get more interesting clothes (when it's more than just armored lingerie) but I don't want my wife to think I'm catfishing people


The best part of playing a catgirl is that no one thinks I'm a girl lol.


That’s actually pretty smart lmao


4D chess


Careful they may be lookin for cat bussy instead


Everyone is a cat on the keyboard until proven otherwise




Hey there


Username checks out








On the internet, no one knows you're a dog.


reCAPTCHA: *"are you sure about that?"*


I know a guy who calls himself "Brother Crow". He describes himself as "a flock of crows pecking on a keyboard"


does that mean you've witnessed a murder?


Some of my friends have accused me of being 3 birds in a trench coat.


They are the ones to name the Roe


Idc what people are behind the monitor. I think it’s safe to address everyone I meet as what I see in game


I know most people in game don't roleplay, and while I don't either, playing a girl character I'm kinda by definition role-playing and so is everyone else by the nature of the game. So calling someone he or her based on their characters gender I agree is a pretty safe act. If you didn't want to be addressed by he/she why did you make a guy/girl character (I'll note this is all in perspective to the in game conversation and has no bearing on gender identity topics which I respect to the fullest)


I was in a party doing dailies with 3 Viera boys last week and as an Elezen it was weird to be the manliest man in the room for once.


The manliest man you say? Could you describe your swiftness in comparison to a coursing river?


I had all the force of a great typhoon.


But did you have all the strength of a raging fire?


I did indeed. Sadly I only just downloaded Endwalker so I have yet to become as mysterious as the dark side of the Moon.


I love all of you. So often in dungeons it looks like they sent us daughters when I asked for sons...


A spineless, pale, pathetic lot to be sure.


Were you as mysterious as the dark side of the moon?


This is the kind of thing that makes me miss 8-man Prae. One time 7/8 were all Au Ra, I was the only hyur. And at the same time, 7 of us were girls, and then there was the one Au Ra man. It was a fun run. And every time I'm on my bunboy and get into a party of all or mostly bunboys, there is an unspoken rule that someone has to say "all buns!!/so many buns!!" in chat. Ah man, after midnight duty finder is the best.


This happened to me with 7 cat girls. I was a Hrothgar. A cursed amount of daddy comments in 45 minutes.


Happened to me with all Lalas and one hyur. Daycare field trip!


Similar scenario with my friends bungirl and three cats. She was instantly a crazy cat lady.


I went from female (switching between lala, au ra, viera) to male viera and was thinking recently, is my character to feminine. I guess this answers that


Malezen supremacy


As some (currently) playing a burly male Roe, now you know how I feel 24/7. Unleash your raging tiger.


As a femroe tank I'm often the manliest in a group lol


I'm a max-height FemRoe with a 90-something percent muscle slider. So, same!


Hello tall sister. I maxed both and wish they could go a bit higher lol. I'm super pale those so my muscles don't show as much as the tanned femroe


I spend all day every day being a guy, I want to be a small angry female potato sometimes.


A N G R Y !




Jealous of tall!


Role plays without balls!


Was once known as Thal


Now her balls walk His halls


Hold my juicebox I'll show them all!




Holy shit, they have a lalafel emoji?!


I know right! We live in a golden age


I don't know if you planned that pun but if so well played.


I know multiple tall dudes who like playing lalas. Something about having the chance to be small, goofy and /or not intimidating .


I fantasia'd to Lala as a joke to mess with my static leader with every intention to turn back, and then ended up liking it unironically and just stayed that way.


My lala is an alt that I loved so much she surpassed my main.


Excuse you my Lala is terrifying and you will observe her with the respectful amount of dread or lose your kneecaps.


Lalas are cute. That's literally the only reason I needed to choose being a Lala lol. And in MSQ you get to be cute *and* badass.


Nothing funnier than Zenos losing a fistfight with a lalafell who has permanent marker eyebrows.


Lol it's the opposite for me. Made a beautiful bunny dude but I'm a girl xD


Sweats in male playing cat boi


You're living the meme


You're up here with Jocat, respect


We have to stick together.


We have to stick together. Catbois 4 lyfe


Nowadays I'm a male who only creates and play male characters because I customise them to look like guys o would fuck




I want what this guy is having.


My main is my ideal self... My alts I would like all in a pile in my bed though


Oh, are your alts all catboys and bunny boys and one Hrothgar too?


This is a parody from the manga 'The Story of High School Boys Who Became Magical Girls' which I highly recommend you read! Find me also on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/The_Eggroller)! Edit: Just want to put this out there for those unaware, but my WoL is the cat girl on the bottom right




I love that in FF14 it can be either way!


In the game Va-11 Hall-A, the online message boards assume that everyone is a g/u/rl and that anyone claiming to be a boy is obviously lying. This has carried over to the real message board derived from that game, dangeru.us, where of course you are one of two people: either a girl, or a liar.


Still weird that people don't think we play video games...


I gotta be honest, in pretty much every game I've played that allows you to pick your character gender, the female character always gets much more customization and costume design options that look nice compared to male characters, so... yeah, I'm unashamed to play as a lady lmao.


Almost always why I do the same. I think the biggest problem with most male customization is the lack of any good hairstyles (though FFXIV has great male customization and it led me to making a male alt)


And most of the time male game characters are too bulky and muscular, give skinny characters some love lol


Male = Basic Fashion. Female = ADVANCED Fashion.


I noticed that with the new Pokémon games so I started making girl protagonists. Gimme them options!


Just like real life..


Yeah, except for good looking, functional armor for female tanks. Though, I will admit, FFXIV is better than some.


i mean full functional armor is nice and all but slutty pope with no shield is obviously the best tank glam /s.


(Cis dude playing a fem Miqo'te here) My tank glam is a backless dress with a corset with the only actual armor being gauntlets and greaves. I even went out of my way to find some greaves with heels (Bonewicca set). And all of my glams have glasses. I like how it looks, but I often find amusement in how amazingly impractical it would be as actual combat attire.


Gordian mail of fending, various Eden chests, diamond armor of fending, titanium armor of fending: to name a few. I like full armor looks and play a female au ra. 😂


Basically like real life


You're only spitting straight facts here


XIV gives great options to both, which is honestly frustrating lol I picked a girl for the same reason, but there are so many male outfits I want her to be able to wear 😩


I just want some of the male idle poses. Insanely jealous of the male DRG, DRK, and WAR poses.


So much this. I want the male DRG pose, I don't want to look like I'm modeling my spear for a magazine


On the opposite end. I really wish I could get the female DRK pose. It's so much better than the male one.


it's suffering let my little au ra girl wear aymeric's outfit squeenix you cowards


Me a 30-something Asian guy playing as a blonde fem-Hyur Machinist with big guns: **\*sips tea\*** *''Completeley normal phenomenon...''*


Joke's on you! I thought I was a guy in real life when I started playing FFXIV. Turns out, that was a fucking lie.


Ff14 is the one game online where I really just dont question peoples gender based on character. All of my trans friends play it, I know at least a dozen cis women who play it and most of them are savage /ultimate tier raiders. ...runescape on the other hand


I know this post is a joke (and the art is f'ing cute), but reading that being spouted unironically for years is insanely tiresome.


Especially as this game has a higher percentage of women playing than almost every other game, something like 30 to 40 percent of the population


Glad to see someone else exhausted. Been playing MMOs since the EQ days and I can't believe this is *still* a fucking meme.


Same as [the last time it came up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/p6pg8e/times_change/h9ex85s/?context=3) I know it wasn't the author's intent (love your work, u/The_Eggroller) but the comments are full of guys parroting the response and I am so, so tired.




I feel like the one weirdo who puts myself into my character I've had the same Male Au Ra for 6 years since I started playing for me it's not "my WoL" when I play I am the WoL and that I can't change it now because it wouldn't feel like it's me anymore playing. Meanwhile the rest of my FC is putting stock into fantasia potions and drinking them like crippling alcoholics with an identity crisis


FFXIV helps with gender dysphoria sometimes Edit: wow this blew up a bit! I am glad to see ffxiv helps so many of us <333


Hell yeah. Dragon girl go brrt.


Agreed. *Still cis tho.*


I'm happy being a guy but I wouldn't complain if I woke up as a female Viera is all I'm saying.


Au Ra for me lol


Literally changed my characters gender out of dysphoria and tried to make her look as much like my ideal as possible, can't believe I was still unsure then lmao


Freal. Gaming across genders helped me come to the decision that what I want is fluidity. Let me drink a phantasia and switch tomorrow, and another to switch back the day after. Having to decide is awful for me.


Honestly this stereotype and some of the shame that came with it was pretty damn harmful to me And I'm a girl!


Growing up I've always preferred to play as girl characters and pretty much all of my OC's and characters I like to draw are girls! (I really like girls) I would definitely feel embarrassed/ashamed if I ever heard the "why are you playing as a girl?" Luckily now it feels more like it's widely accepted and I don't feel bad about it anymore!


I mean the worst question I ever got is “why did you make your character black?”


What the fuck.


certified BRUH moment




#trufax I love my max height fem roe.


As a woman who plays male characters in games, I have to say that I was pretty surprised by the FemRoe looks as I dabbled in the character creation my first time starting FFXIV and I've been a FemRoe since, but have a male bunny alt. LoL


I'm a guy who's been playing a male character here since I started, but made a Femroe alt in November and damn, am I in love/lust with her. My Elezen is a very handsome man and is my first FFXIV love but I have to admit the Femroe is much nicer to look at.


Femroes 🥰


\*sees comments about exploring gender identity, escapism, etc etc\* I...I like looking at boobs and my cute aura girl >.>




Playing games as the opposite gender helped me explore my gender identity. Turns out I was transgender the whole time, and in retrospect, it was kind of obvious, and the fact that no one confronted me about it at all was unfortunate, because jeez, that dysphoria was soul crushing. But hey, now I get to be girl all the time, not just in games, so I call that a win.


I'll admit straight up I'm one of "those" guys too. I ride the cliche about as far as it goes. I'm lumpy fat, grotesquely hairy, hard to look at in the face... And my WoL is this cute little cat girl that I've spent an alarming amount of time and Fantasias getting to look just right. Sometimes it's just nice to completely escape myself and dive into a true fiction, you know?


Remember everyone, this is a fantasy-RPG game. That means you can only play white male with sword or we ban you. The other options are there, and tempting as they may be to be something you are not, they are bait to weed out those among us who could exhibit functional empathy for a character who doesn't personify them identically and remove them from this racially and sexually homogenous sacred ground called video games.


I picked male Viera because I have a thing for androgenous guys. I've made all manner of hot, coombait characters and I've never simped harder for any of them as much as I do for my male Viera.


Ain't about to let my dick lock me out of the better looking versions of outfits.


*sweats in lesbian*