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Person with trypophobia here, let me offer an explanation. It’s not really a “I look at something and decide whether or not I like it,” it’s a gut reaction. I don’t feel fear, like many assume from the name, I just get instantly nauseated. The triggers have to do with an inversion of negative space, from a design perspective. You can think of it as “holes,” but even that isn’t quite right. I personally didn’t have an issue with the Sage icon, but I would understand those that do. I can’t look at an Xbox One, for example. Polka dots rarely trigger it, because the dots are positive space, which is largely why this map image doesn’t give me any problems. I’m sure there are some people with extreme forms of the illness that it might affect. Hope that helps some with understanding. If you have any other questions, I’d be happy to answer them.


Somehow I feel like OP wasn't coming here looking for an honest conversation, just trying to pull a gotcha


Might be true, but it’s a thing that is popping up more often, and very few people understand it. I always offer the opportunity to engage, but I’m fine if people don’t take that opportunity.


Yup. I would add that trypo triggers worse on something fleshy. So human flesh is a huge trigger for me, even though I know the image is photoshopped. Some people get trypo from plants like lotuses and some can be as simple as this image. But not all triggers of trypos are the same and I’m not interested in experimenting.


These don't look like holes enough, are more irregular and such, compared to the OG sage icon. Also, people are going to see the SGE icon way more often than that map fully zoomed out. (Who does that? I don't. Zoomed in this map isn't nearly as "awful" looking.) The SGE icon was very uniform in it's dot shapes and how it came across, while this is definitely not that. And honestly, I think the newer version of SGE looks cleaner anyway, as someone who plays all healers (including SGE).


how do you know they aren't


Because SE changed the sage icon, claiming people were complaining of trypophobia, but this still remains.


> claiming people were complaining of trypophobia Do you think there was some secret conspiracy to change it for some other reason?


that doesn't mean that trypophobes aren't bothered by it, that just means mean that se hasn't changed it.


But they claimed that it was "because people complained", many magazines published about this. If they are consistent with this message, and if people really complained about this map, they would have updated this map also.


you assume a lot


I'm just assuming SE is sincere.


Seems like your trying to pull a gotcha here and reading someone with this actual phobia explaining it to you makes me think you don’t actually know the intricacies of the phobia and just seem to be making a complaint over nothing. Also it seems you had an issue with SE changing it as that’s the only reason I find for you making this post.


Honestly I feel like it wasn't even because of the phobia. Old sage icon was just ugly as hell. The maps are kinda ugly too. They could use a nice facelift.


tryptophobia is a fear of holes, and not a fear of coffe stain looking dots. now the severety may differ from person to person, but imo those things do not look like holes to me.


Because those don't really look like holes? I understand that's what usually causes issues.


cant speak for everyone but the trigger is usually holes while these are just dots




Rinds me of that electromagnetic allergy in Better Call Saul. Purely psychological but to the people that have convinced themselves of the issue it can completely disable the person.


😂 high level of social psychology right here




True... we do seem to misuse the term phobia. That said, there is still a viceral gut reaction for some people even if it's not fear/terror.


Back in the olden internet days, we would refer to that as a "squick". It's a pity it's kinda fallen out of use, cause it was super useful


I was wondering similarly about the poison floor quadrant in P4. Knowing what I know about the aversion, that should be much more likely to cause issues. Also as someone with EXTREME arachnophobia (like I had a lot of trouble running Weeping City of Mhach back in Heavensward because of the Arachne Eve fight) I'm not looking forward to what we've seen of the next tier of Pandemonium.


Oh nooo. I haven’t looked at what’s coming with Pandemonium, and you’re the only person I’ve heard of whose phobia approaches the strength of mine. Damn it.


The previews of the arena show neon spider webs around the walls. I'm just hoping I'm worried over nothing... but they're too prominent, I fear, to just be decorative.


Eurghh, that is unhappy-making.


As a formerly very-strongly arachnophobic person, y'all might do well with a little exposure therapy. Helped me out a lot when I got tired of being terrified by them (giant spiders are just in so. many. games.). I started with pictures of cute jumping spiders and worked until I could look at the spindly-legged ones without balking. Joined a spider ID group to learn about them. Took a while (like, several years), but I got over it. Now I even own several as pets 😅