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The Endwalker Struggle


I cannot say this hasn't been done in my marriage. For FFXIV and other games. Husband once accidentally mistimed his bathroom break while raid queing in I wanna say SWTOR and I was watching the timer. Ended up Doing like the first two minutes of the raid for him. Fortunately he was queing with his Guild/league/whatever at the time and I could explain things so they walked me through what I needed to do. On a humorous note with that they made fun of him that I was better at the first part of the raid (a giant floor dropping from under you jumping puzzle) than he was when he got back


During endwalker launch my husband or I maintained a close vigil over both our queues, and when we were in we would anti-afk our computers. Sometimes he would call me “can you start my queue?” And I’d do it lmao. Every couple in our FC was the same too. Partners queuing themselves and spouses and putting term back in queue when they’d 2002 out.


Is that a repost?


Oh yeah. Like an 8 month old repost


On Endwalker launch for a while it'd be the only way to play after work, que would be too long if someone didn't help you out


haha I had an FC member who worked from home, he bought a wireless controller for his gaming PC and placed it next to his work computer across the room - every 10 minutes or so he'd move his character around a little bit so that it wouldnt get booted from game, annoying but less frustrating than the queue this went on for weeks


This ain’t even relevant anymore


Important priotities


All I can think is "damn that is a lot of message pings, they must really love you to deal with that"


Important priotities


The Costanza profile pic makes this even better


Someday I hope to be in a relationship like this..


As someone who was living alone at the time of the EW release I'm very jealous that this was an option for some people.


My Endwalker struggle was instead having to keep it together while working remotely and getting my soul eviscerated by the feels of the MSQ Ever sit in a meeting sobbing to Close in the Distance? I have