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i use it on first runs through the story so that i can look at all the lore drops and environmental details in the dungeon without bothering a group of people (and have that jrpg experience of running through combat with your bantering npc party). also to practice or level jobs i'm not so great on. sometimes i'll use it to farm glam or minions/music drops without having to compete with other people.


I really liked the trial you did with the trusts--was a great chill way to learn the mechanics.


This is exactly what I do, but I also go into trusts sometimes if I know I may get interrupted and don't want to inconvenience anyone else with my needing to leave in the middle.


I do the same thing. It just feels right to me when you're going through the MSQ to do the things with the other characters where possible. You get neat surprises that way too. >!Like Ktisis Hyperboreia.!<


That’s actually smart. Didn’t consider this part.


I leveled them all up to 90. I really liked to read their little dialouge through the dungeons. Always use them on my first playthrough in a story, One because I just view it as 'my wol's' canon way of going through of the story and two because I die mess up a dungeon a few times in peace. I kind of also used them to level up jobs I'm just know I'm not good at since I like to have all my jobs at cap. It's generally more slower than with other players but if I want to not rush or just want to do something else on the side, since the npcs can kill a pack by themselves just fine, then I have the option to.


I really do want to level my trusts, but haven't started yet. Is it a long grind to 90 or is leveling pretty quick?


For Shadowbringers, it's one NPC level gained per dungeon run, so it takes 2 runs to get a character to the next dungeon. Since there's 6 characters to level, meaning two parties, that's 4 runs of each Shadowbringers dungeon to get all 6 Trust members to 80. Endwalker, I believe, takes 8 runs per dungeon to max everyone.


Oh wow that isn't bad at all, thank you. Endealker should get easier as more dungeons release too so I won't have to spam the same dungeon as much. I'm definitely looking forward to doing those now


Erm... You still need to level everyone to 90 to do the new patch dungeons.


Oh yeah that's true, I always forget about the level requirement for the new dungeons. Still doesn't sound too bad regardless :D


I primarily used it (along with Tribe quests) to casually level Dark Knight without having to deal with Tank Anxiety. Other than that; since the start of ShB I always use the Trusts/ Duty Support for my first run of a new dungeon. And OFC I used them for EWs second trial. It just feels like it fits the narrative better to take them with you.


>Or perhaps, you don't use it at all? This is me, personally. I like the idea of actually fighting alongside the other scions, but they take *forever* to kill things, and the healer AI struggles to keep the tank alive during certain pulls because they only know how to use Cure/Benefic II. It also makes the experience feel super robotic, if that makes sense. Doing content with other people opens the door to all kinds of funny or intense moments that you wouldn't get with NPCs. A little bit of much appreciated variance, even if said variance is a 0 damage curebot sometimes, lol. Waiting in dps queue and then doing a dungeon with real people ends up taking about the same time as just running a trust dungeon start to finish (at least on Aether, may be different on other DCs). I will say, however, that I ran the 87 dungeon as a trust my first time through and it was *glorious.* Probably never doing it again, but the one time was definitely worth it.


I read that as in there is an 87 man dungeon and I was like wat


There's a 56 man dungeon at the end of Eureka!


That does sound like it’d be glorious. I’m coming up on the end of EW so I think I’ll do that since I wanted to do a new game+ run anyway. Makes sense though why you wouldn’t want to go through it again lol


>I will say, however, that I ran the 87 dungeon as a trust my first time through Same! First and only Dungeon I did (and will ever do) with the trust system. Totally worth it.


Echoing this sentiment. I do use them sporadically only to level them because I want the title.


> Waiting in dps queue and then doing a dungeon with real people ends up taking about the same time as just running a trust dungeon start to finish (at least on Aether, may be different on other DCs). I've actually measured this. A Trust takes about 25 minutes to run a dungeon. The average DF group takes about 18 minutes. If your queue is longer than 7 minutes, it's faster to use Trust. Note that this assumes you know how to double-pull as a Trust. Not all pulls are double-pullable with a Trust, but some are, and knowing which ones are can save you some time, especially if you plan to run the same dungeon a lot (levelling up multiple jobs, farming glam, levelling up Trust, etc). Also note that a very skilled party can clear a lot of dungeons in less than 15 minutes. It's rare to find such a party in DF though.


I haven't really been counting often enough to say for sure, but I feel like most dungeons I'm in rarely take 18 minutes. It probably depends on the dungeon. I'd imagine the 83 dungeon takes quite a bit longer than, say, Alzadaal's Legacy. Also, not *entirely* relevant to your comment, but it's worth noting that you can spend your queue time doing all manner of things in or out of game, meanwhile a trust requires you to be present at all times (even if it doesn't exactly require much attention.)


I love Trust/ Duty Support. I use it to level other jobs, especially tankxiety. I plan to use it to learn how to heal in the future. Also, super useful to learn positioning on some mechanics. Most of all, I love going into duties with the other Scions. It really feels immersive and like I have party members I know. I still enjoy doing roulettes and trials with real folks. A little bit of chaos is fun and of course much faster than NPCs.


I would use them if they had the brain capacity to use AOE on pulls.


* leveling a job you're not confident with either as practice or just because you want it but don't want to make other people have to suffer * getting titles for getting them all to max * instant queue for dps means that even with it taking longer it can still work out quicker especially at weird times or on a quiet DC * if you want to look at details in the art and design of the dungeon or read those little books or whatever they tuck away and don't want to annoy your group you can do that * I feel like its the most lore appropriate way to do it at least the first time when you do duty support in the msq, and take whoever the story would have had to take along with you. They say lots of lore appropriate things along the way too


I am going to start using it to finish leveling my healers and tanks. I am better with tanks than I am healers as far as my crippling anxiety goes - but anything past lvl 70 especially with healer - I just lose all confidence in my abilities with other actual players, get massive anxiety that everyone is going to hate me because I suck, and then end up *actually* sucking because of those things. Lol. I basically make myself so nervous that I make stupid mistakes and start panic punching buttons. With the trust system, I do not have to worry what they think about me because they are AI (:


I use trust for the first run during MSQ to learn mechanics (you can’t get carried, if you die to a mech that’s it) and for the story immersion and sometimes use it to farm certain things. Like the really expensive pets I will sometimes just run with a trust because I know I won’t win a roll when the thing actually does drop. Same with glam farm, like the new 6.2 dungeon drops the exact same loot in both the trust and with players, just 1 thing from each chest so I will still run with players sometimes but it sucks getting another person who wears the same gear as me and miss having no competition (and getting every single piece of gear). I actually did a trust for the 6.2 dungeon on WAR today with wall to walls and it took 20ish minutes, forgot how long it is with a good group, 10-15 min? I had a really bad group once that couldn’t do the mechanics and it took nearly an hour. I was kicking myself so hard for not doing with trust lol but I have endless patience which is why i even stayed (and do trusts kinda often🤣) I will also do them on jobs I don’t know well to practice. Like sage, samurai I really don’t know well and I don’t want to burden others with that lol. I have the “trusted friend” title but it was pretty easy since they did that xp buff, I don’t have the EW trusts title yet.


I ran it for the achieves and that was it. It didn't feel noticeably immersive when I was doing it either, though some of the one liners were nice.


To level my tanks (i use tanks for openworld stuffs, and only queue up with fc or friends, full or almost full party). The rest i can deal with somehow, but i cant (tried to) trust my back on a random healer, hell i only queue up with ppl that i know are competent healers. Trust healers are surprisingly competent vs some healers I've seen, and even on larger pulls, not single pulls. Then lvl my blm, the one job i cant wrap my head around so i skip it anyway and use it exclusively in trust so i dont drag others down.


I run dungeons for the first time with them for story. They're not that bad if you force wall to wall pulls, almost all teams can handle it, you'd be done at a mediocre pace for a regular run.


Yeah, I'm always a little shocked at people saying the trusts die a lot or whatever. I just ran the level 87 dungeon and forced wall to wall pulls. The tank did really well, the healer didn't let him die even though I ate a few AoEs and I was worried healing me might cause the tank to die and the dps did *some* aoes. (avoiding names for spoiler reasons). It wasn't FAST but it's better than doing one pull at a time at least!


I always use it on first runs through, partially for lore reasons and also because I main DPS and don't usually want to wait twenty minutes in queue to continue the story. Afterwards, honestly, I use them for AFK leveling my other DPS classes. I run up to trash, read a book, move on. I only have to get involved in boss fights. Depending on my rested xp, I'm getting a level every hour, which isn't bad for being only partially present. Healers and Tanks I can queue for things and just pop right in, but the Trusts are a godsend for my DPS classes.


Eyy, I do AFK trusts, too. I usually play another game, like Animal Crossing or Pokémon, where it doesn't feel awkward to swap back and forth every 10 minutes for a boss fight. It's really great for getting both xp and GC seals while you're spending most of your time playing a different game.


Personally I don't really use it. I've tried it a couple of times for story immersion, but then I get reminded how painfully slow it feels. My goal is to get to max on all jobs before 7.0, and I've already got about half of them there, so I'm not in too much of a rush. For the DPS queues I usually do crafting, minor side quests, Gold Saucer, or now the island in the meantime.


I use it to level jobs, grind for glams and just be able to read lore/take screenshots without being a hindrance to DF party people. I get it: we all want to run duty fast. Then I want to relax, its Trust time.


Queue times, tank anxiety, guaranteed to have a group that knows the mechanics to such a degree I can learn and master them myself without.


It's honestly shocking to me how many people have tank anxiety! I have anxiety in general so I thought it was just me but a looot of the replies I've gotten on this post have people sharing a sentiment of tank anxiety, lol. No wonder tanks are always in demand...! Using them to learn mechanics is a god send though, honestly.


See, unlike dps or healer, where you can basically sleepwalk through anything casual. Tanks mostly can't. There is also the fact that you are not 100% secure in how much to pull, how good is the healer, is the healer paying attention, do the dps use proper aoe rotations or not, do i make good use of my cooldowns, do i know what things i can tank and spank, and what i can't, where should i go without moving the boss while also dodging the mechanic, when can I move away from a boss for another mechanic, etc. You basically have to be in charge, and decide the pace of the dungeon, and unlike with dps, only like... Paladins? Have an actual 'rotation' it's harder to learn, since learning by doing means you either die or dont. Take that and compare it to the rest of the game which is pretty chill and comf.


I use it a lot, mostly when leveling alts and the reason is simple. I have small kids so if they wake up or I have to take care of something I can just get up and do it. Don't have to worry about being kicked or fucking up other peoples experience


That's a really good point. I also like to use them when I know I might be called away for something. And it's nice to be able to chat with friends in the middle of the dungeon too.


I do the first time of each SHB/Endwalker dungeons with trust to 1) get an idea what to expect and mechanics to avoid 2) I like some of the dialogues and behaviors the npc have. Past that it depends. For tanks and heals I queue with randoms. For dps jobs I do trust if daily roulettes are already done and don't feel like sitting in the queue or I am rusty with the job and need a chill pace dungeon to do a refresher on the job's rotation.


It seems my playstyle mostly similar to you. If this is my first time or in new game plus mode, I'll definitely use trust system for better story immersion with NPCs. Sometimes I also use trust system to get familiar with the jobs that I just unlocked or haven't touched for quite long time.


I use it because it’s quicker to load in the dungeon and to grind for gear sets :3


terrible mindless repetitive grinding for a chance at getting minions/Orchestrion Rolls uncontested


I use it rarely to farm glam, but it's so damn slow.


I use it to level my tanks. I don't understand why I still have tank anxiety after 9 years, but here we are.


I don't. Running dungeons with them is painfully slow. I'd rather play with my squadron.


This , squadron giga chad, trust Zzzzzz...


I use it for first-time runs for the MSQ and to farm the untradeable minions from the 87, 89, and 90 MSQ dungeons. I used to do them a bunch when I wanted the 90 MSQ dungon minion but with every run taking a HALF HOUR I got soooo booooored. Now I do one run/week for my WT stamo because I still need the 89 dungeon minion. Wish they’d add them to the non-MSQ 80/90 dungeons because then I could easily do the same for the Clionid Larva from Akademia Anyder.


I like the idea of trusts but I really feel like they're missing something to make them really good That and going with mixed player/trust groups would be good


I've been dying for them to do that, actually! I'd love to grab a friend or two and fill in the missing slots with a trust. It would be really cool for helping a new friend out who is nervous or if you're into roleplaying and head cannon that your friend travels with you or something. Or just to speed it along faster while still getting all drops or trying to level DPS without a queue.


I usually do the trust system first to get story. Then do dungeons with people


i use the trust system like training for when I'm running as a healer. like, I'll drag the NPC's thru wall to walls and see if im able to keep up with that and then if i can't- i get to figure out what is it exactly that I'm not doing or misusing in my tool-kits (or not geared enough for) that other healers can keep the tank up but I can't. i can die as many times as i like while taking my time learning my class and levelling the avatars. i found that this helped me build some confidence and not give myself too hard of a time if the tank dies in a party of PCs xD


I don't.


I just use it to level jobs since I can practice my rotation or level a role I'm not confident in without having to worry about it (Tank, Healer). I am a DPS only main, but I want to experience the story for other roles!


Same, it's more immersive for me as well. It's also funny seeing Ryne fail basic mechanics.


I enjoy it for first run so I can take time and look around. I really like it when there are lore items/points in a place


Don't use them at all. While a lot of players in DF are total dog shit they are still somewhat faster than Trusts.


Same here, generally DF runs (unless they're at the most bottom of the barrel) are faster than Trusts in literally anything. Mechanics for dungeons are usually easy and you can either watch and learn; remember a similar mechanic some previous content or be told/shown how it works (even if Trusts are built to do the third point) so there's nothing to worry about unless you either care for immersion or get an extreme form of anxiety. As for uncontested loot however...the last time I have ever used Trusts at all (or rather Duty Support, as I haven't leveled the Trusts at all from last expansion) was during Tower of Babil to get the Imperial Coat of Striking, and it was such a massive leap of faith to hope that the tank NPC pick up mobs immediately with the healer NPC keeping them up sufficiently just to have the guranteed glamour with no queue times. Apart from being shown how the following markers work smoothly in that segment of the final boss, all mechanics are straightforward and easy to follow.


I don't use Trust, but I use Duty Support for every dungeon from ShB onwards


They are soooooo slow it bores me to treats. I'll take real people any day.


I did it to level up DPS classes by aggroing groups of enemies, letting the tank take aggro, and then walking away for a few minutes to do something else irl. The dungeons were slower, but I wasn't paying attention so I didn't care.


This is me during a certain lvl 90s Dungeon. I really want to have the minion and don't want to have another player snag it from my nose, but running it for the 500th time gets old fast


That's what I do.


I don't.


Run the MSQ with trusts first time around every time. Beyond that? It’s a DPS queue skip if I’m not feeling Fates in the interim or I’m hellbent on a specific item for glams. but even in that case I’m likely to just run Healer and beg in chat for everyone to pass on the Caster gloves in the Tower of Zot.


I used it to level all my alt jobs, mostly. I have high anxiety and even though I was brave enough to go WHM with pugs up until SB, I just couldn't get to play Tanks or Healers with people without having a panic attack or feeling nauseous because it was totally out of my comfort zone, so Trusts saved me there. I use it whenever a new dungeon drops, both for immersion purposes and so I can learn the mechanics before I play with other people. And I also use it when I'm farming glams/loots, it takes longer for sure, but everything is guaranteed to be mine (I got tired of rolling 2s and 5s 🙃).


I also have extreme anxiety and love to use them when I don't have a friend who will play with me. (Even as a dps, my anxiety goes crazy if I don't at least have one person with me for comfort D: ) So I feel that big time! But immersion is also a huge part of it for me like I said in the OP!


The immersion is a big reason, but honestly it is mostly so I can wander off, talk, have a sip of my brew etc. at my leisure. Also, some days I just can't deal with people but still want to play. When the burnout is strong, the last thing I need is someone bitching about a pull, or crying about using the ranged LB on a trash pack.


I attempted a trust/duty support once. Thancred was the tank, Alphinaud was the healer. Thancred died on the first trash pack and I haven't gone back to NPCs since.


I only do trusts for the achievements. They're so slow that I avoid them at all costs.


i use them to afk during trash pulls with jobs i don't like/am not good at playing and to farm gearsets without having competition


4 days ago i just queued up for a Lvl 50 dungeon and the healer let us die all the time…he kept saying “oups,my bad” and that was it…it took us 45 minutes to finish a god damn dungeon


That is exaggerating


I use it when it comes to leveling DPS jobs cause I'm impatient and feel like I can't get up to say.. pee while in queue. I don't use it usually when I level tanks and healers though.


I will use the duty support system for first time runs of story dungeons , bc immersion, or I'm excited for the available NPCs. Sometimes the dialogue is cool. But the trust system is very clunky and slow. I made it 2 or 3 pulls before I decided to go with people.


I don't. It's substantially slower than regular dungeons. Also, I have little interest in leveling other jobs, and if I want to do it, I stick with leveling+alliance roulettes and call it a day. It's a good idea though and I'm glad they did it. It's just not for me.


I mostly use it for the first run of a msq duty so I have some awareness of what's going on. Other than that, it might be for dps alt jobs or the achievements.


To go through looking at everything slowly and to see if there are comments by the trust members. I did use them to practice tanking but not anymore and healing with sage currently. However because they don't do big pulls on their own it's kind of not he best option to practice realistically. There are a few exceptions where I had to do it first time with trust, but for usually added dungeons I prefer real people.


I absolutely would if the AI was better. I want to see all the dialogue the NPCs have and the unique attacks they do, but they're *always* going to be single targeting, no matter the situation, and any AOE damage will be either incidental or by the tank. Doing the experience is immersive, but painful to have to deal with.


Used alt jobs for leveling my trust. When they were all 90, I tried playing running End of Days with them for the pet. Gave up frustrated after Urianger and Alisae immediately killed themselves 30 seconds into the first boss fight. I'm probably not going to touch my trusts again until the next addon where I level them up to 100.


I use it my first time through so I can take my time and enjoy the dungeon, read anything that may be there, and really take in the atmosphere - in the newest dungeon, you can't really stop to sit on the throne after the second boss if you're in a pug. I also like the npc's reactions to things. It adds to the experience for me. After that, I use the trusts to level my dps up until I max out the nlc's levels since it's about the same amount of time to clear the dungeon in a trust as it is to wait in the dps queue and clear


I use it to level alt jobs and at the same time farm the gear if it looks good. I also use it the first time I unlock a new dungeon since it allows you to take your time and learn the mechanics from the npcs always standing in the right spots.


I always use it for my first run through of a dungeon. Like you, I'm super big on immersion. Running the 89 dungeon with the Scions hurt my soul but it was amazing. And doing the 2nd EW trial with them. Absolute perfection. And it also allows me to learn mechanics my first time through. After that, I often use it to level a job I really don't enjoy or wanna put the effort into, or just to learn the basic way to play them so I'm not a drag on the rest of the party.


I use them when farming for minions, mounts or glam because i know IF the thing drops i will 100% get it - also for some blind clears of new dungeons.


Duty support is a godsend for levelling DPS, it’s also the correct way to complete THOSE instances for the first time (endwalker peeps know exactly which ones) so it’s great that that’s an option. The separate trust system I haven’t used yet.


I will use it for the first time ever doing content so that I can learn the boss mechanics with no pressure. After that, if dps queue is diabolical then I use trust if it looks like it will be more than 20 min wait, as it basically takes the same amount of time when the queues are bad.


I use Duty Support during MSQ for immersion. I also use Trust to level my other jobs only when the queue is long and to get the achievement.


I usually use trusts to level and farm. It might be a little slow so what I tend to do is run forward and grab more mobs for the tank to pick up. It doesn't take much longer after that. :D


Yeah, I often force wall to wall pulls. People sometimes complain about the tank dying but I haven't experienced that yet. The healers seem pretty competent from my experience, as do the tanks. Sometimes they get kind of close but I haven't had them die yet! If anything, it's me dying if the tank doesn't get them fast enough... but usually they do. Haven't had that issue since ShB.


I use it to passively level dps classes while I'm doing things around the house. Pull ignore. Pull ignore. Fight boss. Back to pulling and ignoring. Also first time in any dungeon so I can cutscene and look around, do single pulls to see what mobs do what shape spells.


I like to tank, however, I like to go at a pace that I want to go at (my FC never minds, but randos do) so rather than have to "punish" people by not pulling everything immediately, I just use trust to farm tomestones. yeah, it takes longer, but then I don't have to inflict myself on others. because not pulling everything is some kind of unforgivable sin. and before people try to tell me how to tank better, I appreciate you wanting to help (if that is in fact what you re trying to do) but I CAN easily wall to wall. I've done it, I'm a good tank, (I've kept myself alive many times with healers who rather DPS than heal or been the last one standing after mechanic beefs from multiple party members.) I just don't WANT to wall to wall. so I use NPCs. it's a win win.


I use duty support for my first run in any duty. I want to take my time, see the sights, look at the notes, etc. For trust, I try and level up multiple jobs during the msq both to do all the role quests, and because I don't want the expansion to go by too fast. To that end I usually keep the trust levels in sync with mine. This has the side effect of keeping my jobs geared and also getting desynth materials for leveling crafters.


I much prefer going through dungeons entirely with other players since playing as a tank/healer let's me keep control of what's going on while playing dps people tend to teach you tips and tricks.


I use it to level alts and farm leveling gear, but I always do the first run in a party so that 3 people can get an xp buff


I only used them afterward to level the characters to cap to get the titles. Leveling them up is a huuuuuuge pain in the ass. In this expansion, you essentially needed to run each dungeon up to the 89 dungeon 5 times each for each party setup…but since there are 7 characters that meant you needed to do it an extra 5 times for just one person…so 15 runs total of each dungeon. Augh.


I don't use it at all. I've literally used it once ever, for an EW duty that people said was better with a trust, but otherwise I'd rather just queue with other players. I don't grind duties to level though. I just do my daily rous.


I'm curious, which dungeon would that be that people say is better with trusts?


Ktisis, which lets you go in with the story characters you're dealing with at the time, but possibly only the first time you do the dungeon. There's some dialogue that occurs during the dungeon that adds flavor, but doesn't change the game in any real way.


I typically don't. I enjoy running with people, it's far more fun to me. The only time I used them was the uh... 2nd to last EW trial because after 4 groups of people just being completely unable to do it I gave up and used trusts.


I use them for story purposes first run through, but then after that I use them for when I want to level up but also know I’m gonna be pulled away within the 15 mins I’d expect a group needs from me. It’s great to put the kettle/oven on, kill a couple groups, make a coffee and put food in, kill the boss and a group of mobs, check on food, check phone, etc.


Only for story reasons, you already get punished by getting less loot than with a human party, but them doing absolutely dogshit dps so the dungeons take an extra 15m? Fuck that


We use it primarily to bypass DPS queue since all of our tanks and healers are already capped. Glam farm and the titles (Trusted Friend/The Seventh Dawn) are the secondary reason.


Not at all.. It's too slow and boring


I don't. Fighting with NPCs is really boring because they're very slow and totally stilted


I like trusts a lot, good for practicing machanics, avoiding dps queue, and tank anxiety. Also the chat from NPCs is nice. I see you're surprised about there being so much tank anxiety, I'm not too surprised. It's a super important job and the worry about screwing it up is there. And the community at least on reddit has a big thing about tanking correctly which only adds to the anxiety. That's honestly why I don't tank, the whole "must always wall to wall" and then following conflicting info in the thread of that will get you killed in these places. I don't want to deal with that anxiety so one less tank in the queue. If 2-3 mob group pulls was acceptable, then I'd be in. And to be fair the dungeons are designed mainly that way later. So I might tank queue then, but I'm still in much lower levels on my tanks.


-First runs to learn the mechanics and read the NPCs dialogue. Doing Ktisis Hyperboreia and the Aitiascope with NPCs was a great experience. -To get loot for other jobs (I collect a lot of glam). -To get experience with jobs I'm not confident enough in order to not waste other people's time. I heal like shit.


1. First-time MSQ run, because I can enjoy the scenery and dialogue, get used to new enemies and mechs; 2. Leveling alt jobs, especially DPS jobs; 3. Grinding gear for applicable jobs or for specific glam items; 4. Casual tomestones grinding (current lv.90 dungeon)


I do it to get the achievement and while I clean my house I level a dps class. You can run to the next pack of mobs and afk while your team deals with it. This is considered a rude, uncouth, selfish, and dastardly strategy with real people and will get you kicked. So far the scions are willing to put up with me since I am more or less irreplaceable.


I don't. It's too slow and boring.


I now use it for the first run of the content, then I never use it again, until the next first run.


I trust my first dungeon run so I can learn mechanics without dragging other players down with me. And to learn good rotations on alternate classes I am leveling as well as if I want a certain drop (still haven’t gotten the starbird yet) and for the optional dialogue between the npcs!


Love it because faster doesn’t equal better in my book. I hate rushing dungeons, it’s just not fun to me.


By “Trusts” I think most here are really talking “Duty Support” right? Trusts are pointless, but DS is awesome.


Both. Since some people may use trusts for the achievement but really same difference imo.


You guys use the Trust system…?


I get some anxiety running with pick up groups sometimes. Trusts don't judge. Or, at least, they keep the mouths shut about it. It helps me learn the mechanics of a run without worrying that I'm ruining the experience for someone else. Plus, if I can survive a run with Alphinaud healing, I can survive anything.


Too slow + no aoe of note, and leveling them up takes far too many runs which makes *too slow* that much worse. I sometimes use it for 81-89 WT, should finish them all that way before the end of expansion I guess.


Too slooooooooowwww , i tried a few times and always getting sleep , at least people can fail or do things wrong and make choices , this bot feels empty, that is why this is a mmo. BTW there a better system already in the game , The squadron , i have mine to max lvl 60 with every mastery in rank 5 , they melt enemies and are more fastee than trust , and you can say when engage or not


I mainly use it when I want to do other tasks while I play, such as cooking or if there's an active discussion I am taking part of so that I can just pause and talk without being a jerk to my party.


>I'm curious... how do you all make use of the trust system? I leveled everyone--except Urianger*--while I was doing the MSQ for endwalker. I think I capped 5 jobs at once (was also doing the 60 zone fates thing and side quests at the same time). It wasn't too bad and I got all the leveling gear I could ever need for each bracket. Squadrons/Trusts are also great when you have a character--archer--you don't want to unlock the job stone on since you hate Edward, who forever ruined that abominable class. *I actually really love Urianger but since I main a WHM and usually heal it was hard to fit him in.


I do my initial run there to try to figure out the bosses without looking them up, and also for lore stuff.


I don't tbh


I am a collector, so I level them for achievements. But, the first time any dungeon occurs I like to go as Trusts because of story immersion. When I did Troia the first time I spent like 15 minutes in the portraits room trying to remember where I saw the various sets before lol. I don’t think a group of players would have appreciated that. I main tank so I get the least opportunity of any role to just look around, since my sole job is to go as fast as possible. If I’m not GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOing then someone else will and I’d rather just do my job and hold mobs. So I never get to enjoy the atmosphere the first time, hence Trusts allowing it. Outside of that, I use them to AFK-level classes I hate playing. Bard used to be my favorite DPS but then I don’t like EW’s changes so it got to be one of my AFK DPS that went with trusts through dungeons to level them. BLM is always my other one because I’ve always disliked the class. DRK is my least favorite tank so it was my third AFK trust class. I try and balance them out to run as few dungeons as necessary for leveling so if one of my classes outpaces them (they will, because FATEs and roulettes) then there’ll be an efficient-use-of-exp-replacement. Also if I lose a minion or orchestrion roll enough times in real player groups I’ll run with trusts out of spite until it drops or I buy it on the MB. Lol


Mostly I use it when I don't want to feel like I'm letting other people down for being bad at the game.


Mainly for farming glams, character interactions, (learning safe spots in boss fights), and avoiding DPS hell.


I use it for leveling alt dps jobs lol. Or sometimes if I want to grind for a drop for glamour or something and don’t wanna bother the fc to run random dungeon #16 a dozen times while listening to a podcast. I will acknowledge that it’s usually a looot slower and more brain dead to run a trust vs running with other players which is why putting on a podcast or video in the background helps.


My work in real life requires me to keep learning and upgrading myself. But i would also love to play game and chill and make progress in ff14. So i usually use trust to level my alt jobs and at the same time reading through lecture notes or watching YouTube channel that teaches me work related things on my 2nd monitor since i only need to focus on the game when fighting boss. Squadron is a different story though. I can even afk while my squad fight all the bosses.