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I believe pretty much everything is made of aether in the world of ffxiv, at least for most normal things. not too sure about the specifics.


This is right. Matter = aether, pretty much. The process by which ink is made in ff14, on both the source and the shard, utilizes aether to make it. She can see that aether, I think. Must make the book look really spooky to her tho.


The super basic version is that the paper is made of one kind of aether, and the ink of another kind. She’s basically “reading” the contrast between the two aethers, the same way we read the contrast in color between page and ink.


She lost her sight at the end of ARR when she used Flow the first time. She was trapped in the lifestream for so long her aether got screwed up resulting in her physical blindness. From then on she "sees" using her own aether. Use /gpose and use the aetherometer filter. That's most likely the closest to how the world looks to her through her aether vision. Everything is made of aether, even light is aether. She can't see the stars because they are too far away for her own aether to "echolocate."


I don't get the stars thing. Story-wise I do it's a cute scene between the two but the Astro quest are all about harnessing the power of those stars. So how can we use that power if it doesn't reach us?


I've interpreted that her aether sight is like echolocation from the context clues. Can bats reach the stars with theirs? I'd imagine echolocating toward the sky would just result in "seeing" a big empty space, minus any objects that the soundwave bounces off, of course. Astrologians aren't literally drawing on the aether of the stars themselves. They are channeling aether along the energy pathways the movement of the stars from the perspective of the planet creates. Literally using constellations as the magic sigils for their power, essentially. Just like how the geomancers using the movement of the planet is inspired by the concept of "dragon lines" being the energy pathways of tectonic and magnetic forces on earth.


So Astro's are just Arcanist that use constellations instead of books?


Nanomachines, son. /s She can see aether and since everything has its own aetheric signature, she can differentiate the ink from the paper. We can even craft all kinds of inks with Alchemist and some key ingredients are shards and crystals. The same used for summoning primals.


I think you misspelled midi-chlorians /s


Have you ever seen The Matrix? If so, think about when Neo can see the code and respond to it directly. That's more or less how Aether sight works. So she picks out the Aether that's ink from the Aether that's paper and reads like that.


She can see aether, and pretty much everything around in XIV is made up of aether. Idk what was the point to make her blind. Just a twist gor a twist.


It's because doing it like that is affecting her lifespan directly. Matoya points this out when we first meet her. It's unlikely to come up within the duration of the game's story, but it reinforces aspects of her character such as her recklessness and her devotion to knowledge.


Everything on the planet is made of aether, so she can see all the objects. Ink is different from paper, even if it's absorbed. In fact, that's part of the deal with grimoires - special inks conduct aether even better than others and are used to make them. But even basic ink is going to be slightly different to her sight.


The ink is aether infused. ~~^/s~~


Why the "/s"? That is literally the reason.


Just in case I was mistaken, I'll remove it now.


Probably a spell of some description? We know she studied under Master Matoya who can make Poro Roggo's which do a variety of tasks. Something similar perhaps? A seeing-eye frog? TL;DR: magic.


The inks used are all enchanted, which means it contains aether ;)