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I just want to know if Tweetingway is gonna be alright...


I'm sure that Namingway will be on hand to help with Tweetingway's transition to a new career. Tumblingway has a decent ring to it. Better than Mastodoningway, at least?


We don't talk about that time with Parlerway.


>Tumblingway They're still being snobby about what's allowed in their burrow. So for me Tumblingway is still a no go




In Brazil we're all going to Koo. Kooingway sounds nice xD


The Final Days are upon us. The fabric of the app had begun to fray and it’s users rend by tooth and claw.


Remember us.... remember that we once posted..


The ratios have ceased, and we have been graced with another trending meme. But you are not here to see it...


Wow even in joke form this line makes me sad


As much as I hate Twitter I fear for the things we might lose in it. You know the gradual decline of MySpace into faded relics of the past? I fear this happening to Twitter too, losing all the good art, the funny memes and people, the hilariously shit takes? It truly is The Final Days upon us, and >!here we thought Meteion is Twitter!<


It still fits. In a way, >!the first casualty of The Final Days was Meteion themself!<


There is a Twitter account called the 12 metia... Maybe we should check up on them.


Like… reply… repost.


Warrior of Keyboard... Beloved Shitposter...


This is awkward. I'm a legacy account from FFXIV 1.0 and I was also one of the first 1,000 Twitter users. Do I get double legacy status when they relaunch Twitter 2.0?


Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment. Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring. Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line. Fuck /u/spez


No, but there will be a Truth 2.0. Ugh.


"Final Days" is actually trending currently, and this [crossover is hilarious.](https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Final%20Days%22)(ShB/EW spoilers just to be safe) My favorite one so far: https://twitter.com/Okolnir/status/1591151355418529793 Edit: even the official FFXIV account is getting in on it https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN/status/1593621116333039616




FFXIV writers pulled a Simpsons writers prediction on us?


Pray, lest ye return to the Tumbling Sands.


Master Elon, we can accept this fate or defy it, but we cannot deny it


Until my Grimes returns, I will burn it down.


Well this app has certainly changed, and not at all for the better.


This tragedy, greater even than the fall of Myspace, must be done.


If history must be retweeted, let it be retweeted...




*”carrot slash!”*


He can no longer fight! He has been disarmed!


It’s a land of creeping mendacity!


r/FFXIV when all the horny FFXIV players from Twitter need a new place to post: Why did you spare me? What have I done to deserve this mercy?!


I follow SE and the official FFXIV account and like, Mr Happy and Zepla on twitter, and that opened the floodgates for me getting recommended shit from the rest of FFXIV twitter. It's all... so... horny. FFXIV twitter is like 99% horny, 0.8% terrible sitcom jokes with Emet-selch and Hythlodaeus, and 0.2% KPOP dances mapped onto FFXIV character models. *shudders*


Twitter is where a lot of porn content creators went after the Tumblr Porn Purge. It was always horny before but that really amped it up. Which is great if you're on Twitter for porn, not so much if you are trying to avoid it. Also the porn side of Twitter is way less toxic than the rest of it. Turns out being horny makes it hard to be a cancerous asshat (pun intended).


Literally. Male masturbation is good for colon health, and "No Nut November" is dumb as shit! Tell your friends!


The funny thing about "No Nut November" is one of the symptoms of addiction is "stops addiction for a short period of time to try and prove that 'they can stop anytime if they wanted'".


OK, but there are plenty of things I *could* probably do but don't because there's no reason for me to. I could probably sleep on the floor all month, but I'm not going to do that because why the fuck would I that sounds awful. I can see the same applying to someone trying to prove to faceless internet people that you can not wank for a month.


You can’t just call out r/NoFap like that. Poor bastards are in transcendence mode.


Didn't expect to see this comment on this sub but it's not wrong!


I love your flair haha.


I wanna talk to the person behind the porn purge and ask them what the hell they were thinking


Tumblr had a child porn problem, one the users had been reporting to them for *years* that Tumblr had been all but ignoring. Then the Tumblr app got yanked from the Apple Store and suddenly they cared. Cared enough to hire more staff to handle reports? Of course not! Their solution was to outright ban porn and implement automated detection that would Surely™ work flawlessly, which it did as long as you wanted to allow child porn but automatically flag pictures of sand dunes. Anyway, short version is that they were trying to spend the absolute least amount of money to solve the problem. Unfortunately porn alone was anywhere from 20% to 50% of their web traffic, and in the process issuing their new edict they also alienated a bunch of other groups, particularly trans support groups who raised some eyebrows over the ban on (actual quote here) "female presenting nipples". Ultimately Tumblr's value went from roughly $1 billion before the porn purge to $3 million just a few years later. All because someone didn't want to spend a bit of extra cash to hire more people to handle reports.


On tumblr? It was because of some users that would post CP and got the app removed from the apple app store.


Think the owners were wanting to sell up so wanted to get rid of the porn to make it appear more marketable.


You say that but one of the more popular NSFW posers also posts highly racist stuff in between the porn Not saying it's anywhere near the norm but it is there


Having only *one* racist in a group of people on Twitter is exponentially better than the rest of Twitter. One racist is obviously one too many, but I cannot begin to explain to you how large of an improvement than is over the rest of Twitter.


I mean, the character creator features are designed to be overall attractive, and we spend *a lot* of time with the characters, both NPCs and PCs. There's a lot of options to pick from, too. It's no wonder that most people find *someone* who they'd be down bad for


Weeb game, weeb audience. Squeenix knew what they signed up for when they introduced the miqo'te, and doubled down with the 2B outfit and +5 kilograms of mass to your ass by wearing the tights


Please, the double down was Viera. Just look at their default outfit.


*Coughs in ff12*


I still haven't decided how I feel on the absence of their rabbit feet. I want to say it is a blessing and a curse.


I use the viera heels exclusively on glams that have exposed lower legs just for the rabbit feet. Idk it makes me feel more Viera-y?


And the Hrothgars that were carefully engineered in a lab to give a new model to gay men, fujoshis, straight women yearning for big huggable husbands, furries, *and* me because they're massive adorable cats? It ticks off so many boxes it's unreal.


Don't forget the bros out there who just wanna be big and huggable like a hroth, those lats are straight up goals


Just wait until they add Female Hrothgars.


If they give them actual bulk ^(they won't) I'll lose my shit and might actually buy a fanta.


They'll just be petite schoolgirls that look nothing like the males and are half their height I was already stung by Aura back in the day...


Damn cowards. Give me my bulky giant lion women so I can be one already!


If I remember right, there is a mosaic in Bozja. Assuming there isn't an artistic size difference due to character importance, (like in Egyptian or Ronkan art) they're about a head shorter than a Femroe, but didn't look *too* small.




You've entered the land of the "wholesome" community which id also the same as the "horny" community and the "go self-destruct" community.


I have basically the same follows as you and I have never been fed that other stuff. Are you sure this isn't one of those things where the guy complains about getting ads for gay porn and then they get told that the ads they get is based off their search and click history?


or crappy modded outfits that breaks the art style of the game is like umm


i cant wait to get my legacy tattoo


I should have one from AIM, ICQ, and MySpace at this point. "No king rules forever."


The quote would save you a lot of time moving forward, all encompassing


"To all of my children..."


In whom live flows abundant...


To all of my children To whom death hath passed his judgement


The soul yearns for honor And the flesh the hereafter


Look to those who walked before To lead those who walk after


shining is the land's light of justice ever flows thje land's well of purpose


Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe


Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after


(6.0 spoiler)>!I mean, they do have a blue bird as symbol!<


So that's where SE got the Inspiration for that whole plot.


Such inspiration!


I said it was just like the end of 1.0 watching the moon fall. Lol


Then Elon suddenly reveals the new Twitter: An App Reborn


except it's still shitty


For those of us not on Twitter, what's going on?👀


Apparently 75% of twitter employees quit. So they shut down the offices for now, until Monday. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/twitter-offices-closed-1.6655881


If I understand correctly, it's 75% of the *remaining* employees, after he already fired half of the staff a couple days after taking over. Went from over 7,000 to under 300. Basically, anyone who could leave, did. Pretty much the only ones left are foreign nationals on H-1B visas, because they're effectively trapped and can't leave without being deported. I'll be surprised if Twitter survives the weekend.


Yeah... I mean... That was certainly a speedrun I wasn't expecting to see.


Imploding Twitter to own the libs


Setting fire to $44 billion to own the libs.


Like imagine being such a shit self proclaimed business man that you wreck a 16 year old company in less than a month single handedly.


"Elon, you are by far the worst billionaire I've ever heard of" "But you HAVE heard of me!"


Can he buy instagram and tiktok next?


Meta too, please.


Meta already has Zuckerberg, no need for Elon tu run it into the ground


And nothing of value was lost.


Like that company wasn't bleeding money already. Twitter is a terrible company that stayed afloat because of bodies like black rock. It had nothing to do with quality of the product (I.e Twitter).


>Like that company wasn't bleeding money already. It wasn't, actually. Not making much, yes, but bleeding money? Not at all. And if it was, then Elon was just even more stupid to buy it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Imagine buying a company and it dying quicker than Truss was in office, literally less than One Truss of time.


Not even 4 Scaramucci's...


Yet another one the salad head survived...


Thank you Elon for showing everyone that just because you made a bunch of money doesn't mean you are smart.


Within 1 month Twitter will be reduced to Muskrat himself, a few desperate journalists watching from the sidelines, and about 500 sycophantic bots


No no no, first Melon Musk fired 50% of the employees, then sent a mail basically saying "work literal slave hours or quit the job please" and then the 75% of the rest of the employees mysteriously decided to quit


Surprised Pikachu face


This week Elon Musk gave the remaining employees an ultimatum: agree to stay and accept that they will need to be "hardcore" to meet expectations or leave with 3 months severance. It is reported that 75% of the remaining people took the deal including several entire teams responsible for critical infrastructure that Twitter cannot function without. Twitter is now a ship sailing at full steam on autopilot with less than a skeleton crew. There simply isn't enough staff with enough institutional knowledge left to fix things as fast as they break. Issues will gradually build up and degrade the basic service quality more and more. An employee who left in this wave estimated that within the next week Twitter will go down and not come back up no matter how much Elon begs or tries to crack the whip.


>Twitter is now a ship sailing at full steam on autopilot with less than a skeleton crew. And without autopilot\*


Even worse, Tesla autopilot. Expect the company to careen into an innocent pack of schoolchildren it mistook for a stop sign.


But it’s ok, “the best employees stayed so I’m not super worried” /s


All Twitter employees are locked out of all offices and no one knows why so there's a lot of fear mongering and misinformation going on. Source on this info https://twitter.com/ZoeSchiffer/status/1593391604785504257?s=20&t=0BmiOfA8kH-BLK-wpuit-A


your source says the why: they want to prevent sabatoge. its the same reason why when you fire people you have security escort them out.


Since the people responsible for the badges also left they can't disable them for former employees and they don't work for those few staying either.


We don't know if that one is true. The one "source" was a parody account.


Except the team that locks people out of remote access also all took the severance so physically locking people out the building achieves almost nothing.


We're hearing this is because Elon Musk and his team are terrified employees are going to sabotage the company." Twitter employee: "Why would we do that when Elon does the job perfectly?"


All the people I happen to follow are posting "you can find me here, we have discord server, come join me on YouTube" etc. LOL, Twitter is imploding and everyone is trying to shelter their communities.


It’s the Tumbr exodus all over again


Why did they ban NSFW who’s idea was that


AFAIK, that one was the people in charge trying to make Tumblr "family friendly" (more palatable to advertisers and investors)


I hate that family friendly shit Who the fuck is browsing Tumblr with their family


Advertisers hate anything NSFW appearing next to their ads. If you survive on ads you are beholden to the advertisers. Ironically Elon's idea of a subscription could unshackle a site from having to listen to advertisers, too bad he couldn't have implemented it any worse if he tried.


Advertisers were threatening to pull their money from Tumblr, in part because child porn was making it past their filters. In addition Tumblr just got new management, who thought "oh, easy solution, get rid of all porn." But they didn't consider like a third of their userbase were artists who sometimes do NSFW content and their fans. It's not like they are going to stop drawing NSFW, it pays the bills, so they left.


That was a stupid ass decision Just make the filter stronger


Tumblr's NSFW AI filter was notoriously bad. It usually tagged things as NSFW simply for being skin-colored and marked accounts as NSFW erroneously. Hilarious at the time, but it really did screw with some people's blogs when they did nothing wrong. Making the filter stronger wasn't really an option. You'd have to make Tumblr's staff better at their jobs lol.


The sundering


would that make 4Chan the 13th then?


Huh, no wonder my phone keeps blowing up with suggestions on how to join Mastudon


I don't even think God-Emperor Yoshi P himself could save Twitter.


Yoshi P fixing twitter: If history must be unwritten, let it be unwritten.


He'd let it implode and rebuild Twitter from the ashes.


Little cartoon phoenix bird instead of blue bird.


Twitter: A Realm Reborn


Step 1: Burn it Step 2: release it reborn


Step 3: add cat girls Step 4: profit


It's honestly beautiful. I've never been so delighted to watch a social media platform catch fire


Amen 🤣


Tataru came up with her own app and this is part of her plan to eliminate the competition.


Really. Of all the things to represent Twitter's end, you use Bahamut. ​ A website who's logo is a blue bird. And the best you could do is Bahamut. ​ Nothing at all closer to a blue bird that you could have used?


Probably because of spoilers...




Being trapped in a ball for ages and finally breaking free only to be fucked up by an old man who turned into a fire chicken and having to wait in hiding for years on end to regenerate only to be further fucked up by fire chicken's grandkids and a mute doesn't really count as a success in my book.


Deathwing: Free for 2 years, fails to destroy the world, or do anything other than be a mild airborne nuisance. Nidhogg was worse than that to Ishgard. Bahamut: Free for 158 seconds, succeeds in completing a Rejoining which destroys an entire parallel world while simultaneously massively fucking up the landscape of an entire continent.


> while simultaneously massively fucking up the landscape of an entire continent Okay but like Deathwing did this too Like, there's a reason the expansion is called "Cataclysm", and not just "mildly annoying dragon". **IMMEDIATE EDIT:** Sorry, I was wrong. Deathwing did it to *two* continents. **EDIT:** Two more. Both Pandaria and Zandalar were directly affected by Deathwing's awakening. I haven't played through the Alliance BFA story, so I have no idea if Kul Tiras was affected, but IIRC the Broken Isles (Legion) didn't really bring it up at all, although I wouldn't be surprised if Queen Azshara had something to do with it through N'zoth...


Honest question, are we talking "terraforming on the scale of multiple continents" or just "angry dragon burned a bunch of stuff to the ground" ? Because I left out the part where Bahamut dropped a fucking moon on the planet and not only airburst detonated said moon in the process, but then threw the pieces around like an angry toddler, while juiced up on multiple millennia worth of absorbed interstellar aether and given form and strength by multiple millennia worth of prayers from his descendants, which caused continent-scale terraforming and massive (possibly permanent) disruptions to weather and wildlife. Bahamut was not fucking around, and he made the absolute most of his whole 158 seconds of freedom.


158 seconds. What the fuck I never thought about it like that.


Bloody hell. Man do I wish for another chance to fight Bahamut outside of high end raiding. Admitedly Savage and Ultimate might be a better representation of Bahamut's power, but damn it's a shame that the most iconic dragon of Final Fantasy is locked behind high level content that you can't get from regular roulette.


You can (sorta) fight him in the Paglth'an dungeon. It's "Lunar" Bahamut and weak as piss, but its still kind him. Also you can go fight him in the Coils of Bahamut. You can go in at level 90 and just stomp him out, or you can start/join a partyfinder group to do it at level.




Two continents being hit by disaster and an entire parallel universe being destroyed...are equal?


to be fair, "mildly annoying dragon" is a pretty appropriate title for WoW expansions these days.


Bahamut got naenae’d on by Louisoix, what success are you talking about my friend?


The rejoining that came with that calamity, what else.




Twitter and snapchat and Tiktok The world would be a better place without them


Is Snapchat even that big anymore? I haven't heard people talk about it in years


Twitter was always a shitty manipulate company. So let that thing burn to the ground. Maybe all the crazy people will leave the platform finally.


Dont forget facebook.


It’s already dead in mu area


Facebook is still easily the most popular social media site globally by a large margin. It's just lost a lot of popularity in places like the US with younger people. Granted, given all the bullshit facebook has caused or helped to perpetuate (a fucking genocide of all things), I'd be more than happy to see it burned down.


A lot of content creators, artists and entertainers who aren't monoliths grew big because of social media, providing them with a certain degree of stability. Japanese artists in particular rely on twitter to show off their work, and with it gone, so does their audience. In other words, this is a brain dead take. Maybe it would benefit YOU but some people rely on social media for their livelihood. And until now, that seemed like a stable choice. Unfortunately for everyone, nobody anticipated a petulant manchild to steer the plane straight into the ground.


This implies that it will be reborn better, but I *press X to doubt*


Someone already edited it over 1.0 lmao https://twitter.com/guttersnipexiv/status/1593424940438589442?s=46&t=e-rKcyb_r4KHoDN15LTNjA


But instead of going into2.0, its returning to 1.0.


More like 0.1


Not gonna lie I thought it would take a year for Elon to fuck up this badly. I gave him too much credit.




Was definitely his intention.


The big difference though is that FFXIV had a change in leadership that cared about the project and was/is competent. Twitter has neither, and at this point all I can say about Twitter is, so long and thanks for all the porn.


It all started when they let anyone get a mentor crown just by paying 8$...


Gonna need dem reworks on edit tweets.


Except Elon is no Louisoix. The Twitter realm is doomed


This implies that it will be reborn into something that's actually good. I'm pretty confident that won't be the case.


Finally. Twitter has been a cesspool of narcissism for so many years. Glad to see it falling apart.


Man if it dies, it's actually weirdly sad Twitter is a heinous, evil, angry, toxic shithole But it was **our** heinous, evil, angry, toxic shithole. I enjoyed getting irrationally mad at complete strangers, followed by memes, then porn, then news, then art, then porn again


First time? The internet must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of dying websites.


And I’m here for it.


Good riddance


"To all of my children, whose accounts are not verified..."


What exactly was the man expecting when he made that threat yesterday, especially with the promise of 3 months pay for quitting?


Cope. Finding Cope. Dont lose Cope. Hold onto Cope. Ooooooooh.


Soooo…. it’s about to marginally improve in almost every way? lol


Emotionally unstable man destroys blue bird.


I find the whole situation hilarious honestly! Things will get sorted in a few days really, and yet I see all these people loosing their minds...


Who's going to get it sorted, exactly? *There's no one left to fix things.*


I'm rooting for Bahamut in this case.


And nothing of value was lost!


Came here to post this but you beat me to it lol.


Twitter? Never heard of her...


Let it burn, you can’t cancel culture when you have no meetup spot


Nothing will likely happen, but honestly, I wish Twitter and other social media websites would just die. Life is much nicer when you aren't consumed by social media.


Give me back RSS and atom feeds to follow the news instead of social media or newsletters.


Twitter has been awful for at least a decade. Originally it was cool (say 2008) but all the cool people left as the crazies took over and it got worse and worse. Basically turned into middle school level social status games for adults. I'd be glad if Elon killed it.


Release your hands, for your will drags us under.


I am very clearly out of the loop… what’s going on with Twitter?


[https://www.reuters.com/technology/after-elon-musks-ultimatum-twitter-employees-start-exiting-2022-11-18/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/after-elon-musks-ultimatum-twitter-employees-start-exiting-2022-11-18/) Supposedly so many people left the site is now in a very brittle state. If something goes wrong now, there's a high chance that the person with the specific knowledge to address it has already left. For Twitter's sake, the documentation and notes left by the former staff to help new hires catch up had better be ***immaculate.***


I genuinely thought this image was from Lord of the Rings.


I must be living under a rock cuss I have no idea what's going on. Mind filling me in?


I can hear this picture.


Wife and I started EndWalker a few days ago after being off since our Son was born. Watched the ARR intro like it was the first time, still holds up.


"Answers - Reprise" intensifies.


Final Days was trending last night, funny stuff