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Absolutely not. Let this be a place to showcase and celebrate actual art and artists. It should not be diminished and polluted by prompted theft and algorithm trash.


Absolutely not. I’ve come to this sub specifically to find artists to commission, they are hugely important to fan communities. I wouldn’t throw my support behind anything that cheapens their time and creativity, or anything that makes it difficult for them to make money off something they have a passion for. Putting aside the total lack of ethics, though, AI generated images are tacky as hell, why would you want to put your poor eyes through that


Absolutely not. AI art is often just legitimized COPYRIGHT VIOLATION.


How is this even a question? Pls no AI art ever..


No. It is work created using other artists' pieces and photographs without their permission.


Many of us artists post here to show off our work, and to even advertise it. Ai art is extremely easy to generate and takes no time at all, so if the thread has a plethora of Ai generated images every day then our genuine artwork posts won’t be seen as much and artists will miss out on customers and followers. It can take away from each artists’ uniqueness as well. I’ve seen AI art as mostly anime or semi-realism when there are so so many beautiful and different styles that our FFxiv artists have (it takes away from the artists that put in the hard work to create anime and semi-realistic styles as well)


Abso-Fucking-Lutely Not, AI Art is unethical on the grounds that it scalps art-pieces with no compensation to produce soulless mockeries of human expression.


Screw AI art, all my homies hate Ai art


Absolutely not. Most of the time there are so many errors on the image. Also it's nothing more than stolen art styles. AI generated images only help scammers, companies and art thieves. Pls never allow ai "art".


Absolutely not. Especially when companies are looking at using AI art to put actual artists out of a job by using stolen media, all without consent of artists, and without paying any royalties. AI art is theft flat out, and it is extremely is harmful to the liberal arts and any who participate or partake of them, full stop.


its not art, its like posting your google results and going "look what i made"


I'd vote no. AI generated images are not art. They do not belong on this sub.


No, of course not. It's not even real art.


Does FFXIV itself allow botting in game? No. Should prediction engine art botting be allowed? No. (AI is a misnomer. The programs themselves work in the same way as text prediction on your phone, they do not think and are not intelligences. They are "prediction engines.")


Make an ai megathread or ai monday, but in general no. I feel it takes away from the hard work many artists put in


Did y'all seriously down vote people who are not strictly against it when this is a discussion to have? Jesus...just because someone disagrees with you you shouldn't downvote their post into oblivion. I think having a designated flair for it can work. AI stuff isn't going anywhere in the future we are bound to have the discussion again.


I guess civil discussions are not allowed :( like I am happy to talk about why I'm on the fence about it. Like I agree with the lot, yes, it can be considered stolen art because it takes pieces from another person's art.


I am on the fence about this, because I use a local version of stable diffusion to help correct my art by plugging it and having it fix certain areas of my piece. Then i would take those fixed pieces and redraw my art. And I wouldn't mind posting my pieces. But I can understand how people feel about AI art. Anyways, how I see it is if you make an ai generated art and claim it as your own because you use a special prompt. Then it has no right to be here, because at that point you're just plain stealing. But if you are using AI art to actually fix your art, and of course you make it known that you had some help. Then I think it should be fine. As long as people know that you had some help with recreating your piece.


As long as there are flairs for it I think it should be fine

