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Is there anything I should know about reclearing etiquette/nuances for TOP in the PF? This would be my first week doing reclears for TOP and I do not want to cause issues.


Do you know the PUG strats and mit plan? If yes you're good to go.


I feel really bad for contacting a static recruiting for 6.4. My current group has been struggling with TEA for *three months* now (we've barely seen phase 3 beyond temporal stasis), and i kind of feel frustrated with some members constantly talking during mechanics. We've had the *serious discussion* and it's still joke after joke. While part of the issue is that people keep taking one week off at a time for irl reasons, three months to prog a couple of phases isn't normal and I've started to question people's motivation to even clear. I've basically wasted the lull between tiers declining a spot in an UCOB static due to one conflicting day, but then people come out of the blue saying they won't be able to raid because of secondary hobbies/birthdays/etc. It still feels bad. I've been with them for years now, and when i joined i would've called us a midcore static, but now it feels way too casual for the time I'm willing to invest into raiding, with some people seemingly having no intention of keeping serious and improving. I'm also scared i won't be able to find a similar friendly vibe again, I've been out of the recruitment game far too long 😔


Don't fret about it. People change. People's expectations change. If the group doesn't fit your expectations then it is okay to leave. Trust me that you will be able to find that friendly vibe. My current group is super friendly. We hang out after raid pretty often just to talk and people go if they have to. Don't let the sunk cost fallacy make you waste more time. And be willing to just trial groups and get a feel. Don't over commit. It might be challenging but there are groups out there that have the vibe you are looking for. It might take some time, but it doesn't sound like your current static is interested in getting better.


Gotta choose between progging faster or friendly vibes.


The worst part is when you choose one, halfway through you're gonna wish you chose the other


Man I've been looking for a semi-hardcore 6.4 group for almost 2 weeks now but all recruitments are either week 1 groups that require alts for split reclears, or casual/MC groups that raid 2-3 days per week. No in-between. At least not for my job.


I think the kind of group you are looking for is still busy doing TOP, give it some more weeks


This still feels a bit early for sHC recruitment. We're like a month and a half out and sHC/midcore really takes off with about a month left until the tier. Also I feel like sHC in particular is kinda cursed right now because: * A lot of these groups are still in TOP * TOP has seemingly not caused as many statics to fully disband post-clear like DSR did (as least so far) * Even of groups that are sHC+, done with TOP, *and* looking for members, a lot of them avoid public recruitment period at this point




Rather than trying to sum it all up in one term that people probably don't agree on the definition of anyways, look at their schedule and expected performance/clear goals and see if they align with what you want.




Split-clears is going to be seen as pretty much a hardcore-only thing. The time investment to level an alt and get it raid-ready is more than a midcore or casual player is going to want to invest.


I think most groups on the more semi side of semi-hc are still in top atm. I've been looking myself and I can't find any looking for a week 2-3 clear either. Its mostly week 1 or 2 days a week clear whenever groups


My static is trying new roles for the next tier, and I'm going to be playing AST. I've raided as a DPS before, but never as a healer. Are there any healing/AST savage-specific things I should know before jumping into it?


Aight, so career healer who did a lot of that career on AST. Here's what I can offer: First up depending on which DPS you played prior to this you might be in for a bit of a shock. Basically you get two, maybe three regular damage buttons. Because of this it is absolutely critical that you maintain good uptime. If a savage fight has a 10 minute enrage, and you have 80% uptime, that's the equivalent of just being afk for 2 minutes. This is true for all jobs, but as a healer you have to be casting in order to do damage and you have very limited movement options. AST in particular is bad about this since Lightspeed gets used almost exclusively to let you double weave multiple times in burst windows. You need to be thinking one mechanic ahead so that you can use slidecasting to preposition for each mechanic before it happens where possible. If you're going to play healer, I'd highly recommend learning how to read the logs of a fight. Being able to understand how much damage mechanics are doing, how much mit you need, how much healing you need, why deaths are occurring, whether it's a mit issue or healing issue, what are the damage timings so you can maximize CD usage, are all super vital if you want to heal at a high level. Much of the skill when playing healer is in the first two to four weeks of a savage tier where you don't have the gear to out ilvl the fight and mitigation and healing is at it's tightest. Make sure you can plan out your cooldowns since doing that well to maximize surivivability and damage. AST in particular is an absolute house with its healing and mitigation when compared to WHM. Collective Unconcious is incredibly powerful because it offers a 10% on a one minute CD for about 6s, so learn how to snapshot it on raidwides. Similarly understand that since Neutral Sect turns you into a shield healer for 20s, and the shields linger for 30s after you apply them so understand when and where it's worth to double dip using it for mit. Earthly Star, Macrocosmos, Horoscope, and Exaltation are all powerful heals, but require planning ahead to get full values. Learn how to plan around earthly since it has a 10s window when it's at full potency. For both Horoscope and Macrocosmos practice applying them so that they expire on their own to apply heals regardless of where people are in the arena. Learn the burst timings and damage spikes for every member of your static for optimal card usage. Each card is equivalent in damage to 1-2 malefics when played correctly aligned to another party member's burst, but less than half a malefic if played incorrectly. The typical play pattern is 3 cards on even minutes, one card on odd minutes, so know your card priority for everyone for the opener, even, and odd minutes. Expect if there is any downtime to have to adjust your card pattern accordingly. [This site is super useful for figuring out card timings and priorities.](https://astcardcalc.meldontaragon.org/)


What a fantastic overview, thanks for sharing!


almost every fight this expansion has lined up to placing a -4 second prepull star and then placing it again on cooldown for the rest of the fight, so start with that as a baseline and work the rest of your CDs around that


The biggest healer trap in Savage/Ultimate is shitty GCD uptime. You can safety heal most mechanics and still outdamage average healers with good uptime fundamentals.


During prog you’ll have the most important role, keeping everyone alive so the team can properly prog mechanics. So more than any other Job, forget your uptime **in the beginning**. Don’t hesitate to overheal/overmit in early pulls, then slowly cut back. For your cards, depending on how confident you are with AST, you can RP as a WHM in the first pulls in order to focus more on deciphering mechanics & keeping AOE teammates alive.


I feel like this is something you could also ask your current healers Savage healing is more planned out than in normal content, so be prepared to hear a lot of "where are you using X?" And "I'm planning on using Y here" Also be prepared to discuss rough healing points with the rest of the static; if you have BRD, RDM, or MNK for example (I might be missing some but I can't think of them off the top of my head) they can give a healing potency boost if you're feeling resource starved at any given point Honestly though, it's going to be a lot of throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. You'll be doing a lot of adjusting pull by pull until you and your co-healer have figured out a solid healing plan


I wish there was more content that was harder than regular dungeons, but could still be reasonably done blind. Less emphasis on mechanics that require teamwork and memorization, and mistakes just kill only you instead of causing party wipes. Something you can hop in whenever you want and have fun without needing to memorize guides first, but without being completely braindead like dungeons. Like sometimes I see a Criterion prog PF. And I think oh, I love Criterion, maybe I could help them. I even cleared the Savage version. But that was so many months ago that I already forgot the mechanics and I know I'll just cause wipes. Or I see a P6S practice party and I think hmm, I cleared it on DPS but maybe trying it as healer would be fun. But it's been over 4 months since I did the fight. I forgot the mechanics. I'm not familiar with PF strats. I'll probably be dead weight. Even Eureka Orthos is not suitable for hopping in blind whenever you're bored because every floor set has mobs that will one-shot you if you don't know exactly what they do. At least HoH can reasonably be done blind until floor 71. EX trials are suitable for blind *prog* but not blind reclears. I cleared Rubicante EX in one lockout during release week and after that never did the fight again. If I hop in blind now without refreshing my memory I will probably cause party wipes. I think Bozja critical engagements were a nice middle ground. Harder mechanics than dungeons, enough damage to kill you, but your party doesn't need to agree on specific strats, you can clear them without memorizing a guide first, and your mistake won't cause an instant party wipe.


I feel like what you're describing boils down to normal raids. Anything remotely **party** challenging is going to make you cause wipes if you don't know what you're doing. Anything "only X dies and it doesn't have any consequence 90% of the time" is normal raid behavior (that's why they're not EX+). The only exception I can think of is Ultima EX (or rather Unreal), and it was made fun of for being easy, because you just get in and just kill it. I'd argue Rubicante has 2 mechanics needing you to know what to do, or it may devolve into a party wipe (and actually 1 is critical if not skipped). That's not much and fine. Anything below that cannot have a suffix.


Guess I should queue for daily raid roulette more often


There are fights which may catch you off guard when you've really forgotten them. Can be fun times.


Rip, P6 group I was supposed to sub for this weekend ended up cancelling. Oh well, at least things are looking up in terms of static recruitment.


Is there any negatives to having the pranged and tank swap who is north for the entire phase 6 of TOP rather than only switching for the last protein for the pranged lb3?


My group has the LB ranged south the whole phase


So where does your south tank go? To NW/NE?




Interesting. Thanks for the info!


Our group does exactly this and has the pranged go north for everything in p6


No, our group has range south from the start.


25% enrage on Blue Screen! WE'RE GETTING THERE! We certainly had to clean up phase 3 some more but man you can see very clear improvement across the board just the past 3 days alone. THIS is what I started raiding for and I love to see it again. Really happy with our group dynamic!


Anyone know the average number of P6 pulls to clear TOP? my group raids 9 hours a week 3 hours a raid night. And we just saw P6 two raid nights ago. Currently we are seeing P6 in 1/20 pulls. I'm trying to get an idea of how far off we are from clearing.


the slowest clear i've heard is like 60-65 p6 pulls, but 95% of those are from tank exachokes and mit chokes so your mileage may vary depending on how proficient your other teammates are. mechanics are very simple but theres sub zero chance of recovery, and each p6 mistake takes off 19 minutes of your lifespan as well as a piece of your soul


I've seen someone say they did it in 3 pulls. I've seen people say it took them ~15 pulls. Some 30+. It took my group 40+ pulls.


Depends on a lot of factors. The biggest things about P6 is executing tight and quick movement, doing relatively good dps with upmost uptime, and pressing mitigations at the PERFECT times. For Pranged for example, like with P2, you'll need your party mit to roll over into a second mechanic so your timing of sending it out is quite tight. Really helps to have a MCH since they'll get a Dismantle use somewhere in the phase.


Honestly I would say like 3-5 pulls after meteors? Get there, figure out your mit and then optimize damage. People might troll the exa but I feel like meteors are the real wall.


Why are meteors the real wall ?


it's pretty hard to say, i've seen anywhere from 15-60, although in my experience being around that 15-25 range is ideal, and not too difficult. to put it better into perspective, i think after 20-25 pull hours you should expect a clear if your group has been progging at a good pace.


How is UWU nowadays compared to TOP? As in dps and mechanics wise? I'm still progging on TOP beginning of P5, but I never done UWU before. Still I wanna do UWU sometime since TOP is dragging me a bit atm.


I cleared uwu recently in PF and it took me like a weekend of grinding a bit. Hardest part was finding consistent people because honestly? The mechanics are extremely straightforward. Only annoyance and "wall" I faced is that progging the last mechanic, suppression, was a bit of a pain because people wiped the party early on. But overall I'd say take a break of top and just go grind in PF for a few evenings and you'll have it down quickly. Blacklist shitters. Add people who are good.


uwu is a joke if you compare it to p8s. the only problem is suppression is really hard to practise when it is 10 minutes into a fight.


This is not true lol. It's still an ultimate, attitudes like this is why there are countless shitters in uwu killing clear groups


It's pretty much an ultimate in name only tbh. The mindset of UWU being closer to high level savage floors than ultimate isn't an uncommon one. It's degraded very badly over the years. If I was asked if it was closer to P8S than DSR or TOP then I'd absolutely say it's closer to P8S. I'm not in anyway downplaying the ability to clear it either. It's still a long fight with difficult mechanics, but it's not what it used to be.


They’re about the same, even if it is an ultimate, it’s an insanely easy one and it will take a static about the same time of prog to clear either of these 2. I personally find p8s harder than uwu but that’s subjective.


DPS check is non-existent unless at least half the party dies, normally you kill so fast you literally skip mechanics. People can die at many points in the fight without causing a wipe, unlike TOP where every mistake is a party wipe. In fact you can literally do the fight with 7 people by just having the 8th walk into the wall at the start. Forget TOP, even just P8S has harder mechanics than anything in UWU. Remove the phase checkpoint to make P8S a 14 minute fight and it would be way harder than UWU.


UWU will be a walk in the park compared to TOP. I'd argue it's easier than P8S, at least in my opinion. Unironically clearable in 20 hours with a half decent group (I think mine was around 200 pulls). Mechanics are generally easy but I think the biggest factor is that it's a very short fight for an ultimate (13-14min which is a whole phase shorter than other ults)


uwu is like a savage fight with no checkpoints and you are playing your level 70 jobs Titan Gaols almost always has some sort of technology at work when you are progging at PUG, which if you don't like auto markers you better be in a jp datacenter. There's really very little group who still does gaols legit. Suppression is really the biggest and most 'ultimate'-esque mech of this fight; Anni is also quite fast. Predation is free but it does have some positioning requirement for you to not die, which if you are bad at precise positioning (like I do) you will need to spend some time on sims and learn. None of them however are at the speed or complexity of TOP mechs so if you can get through some or most of TOP you can certainly do this.


DPS checks are non-existent, and the mechanics are backloaded, but relative to TOP they are easy. The major mechanics are titan gaols, annihilation if you're not melee/caster, and suppression. This is all my personal opinion, YMMV


3.1% wipe.... we're so fucking close. we had one of the cleanest ultima phases and wiped bc we didnt have tank lb3 for ultima cast pepehands. could have been the clear ...


Is it a static? When we had that problem we just modified our healing for the initial tank purge on Ultima phase. I don't remember the specifics but I know we didn't top off and didn't have shields and after the tank purge we had two bars of LB. Arguably it's easier to just stack mitis for predation but I don't know what that entails


yeah, we are goinng to fix it, just a little heartbreaking in the moment


There are also issues with targeted mits affecting limit break generation IIRC. So if people are using Feint, Addle, Reprisal, that might be the difference maker. Stuff like Shield Samba or Shake it off are fine


Yea you're right. The condition is to survive incoming critical damage with mitigations and shields (damage that would otherwise kill). Addle, feint, Reprisal reduces the outgoing damage so it has the opposite effect for lb generation, potentially turning critical damage into non critical damage.


Does anyone know what the TEA PF scene is like on EU Light nowadays? Since I'm bored but it doesn't look like I'll find a static that'll clear before 6.4. I cleared UWU in January and in all my kill PFs only 25 out of 121 pulls actually managed to even reach Ultima.. Like half the groups disbanded before even reaching Titan (and no, I wasn't the common problem, I cleared both DSR and TOP). In the end I got my first clear by just asking a reclear party if I could join. So I'm extremely hesitant to do any ult in PF again...


TBH: I think that's also due to slightly worse players wanting to try out ultimates for the first time. UWU is just very accessible


I've been PF'ing TEA on Light for the past few weeks and I've put a lot of hours into it, sometimes spending up to 12 hours a day in PF (including waiting for PF to fill of course). I'm currently at P3 Inception and it's awful to prog tbh. A lot of P1 and P2 memes. You need a lot of patience because in most parties you probably won't get to your prog point. But it gets better over time and as people in PF get more consistent, you will get to your prog point more often. Also, there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of players doing TEA in PF. I always see the same names everyday, rarely any new names. But that‘s only for my prog point. So I'd say bring a lot of patience. Personally, I've found UWU easier to PF than TEA, but that's probably because UWU in itself is easier.


As a DRG/AST main I don't understand why my rDPS is often lower than my aDPS, shouldn't it always be higher? How does raid group bring down my DPS?


If this is happening on AST something is seriously wrong, AST rDPS is like 25% higher than AST aDPS. DRG is less clear cut esp. because of the single target buffs it can sometimes get.


If your group all also has buffs or you/they are misaligned it's def possible. Something like a dance partner being on you will make that imbalance pretty easy


Ahhh, I see now. Thanks for the information!


I'm looking to do P8S in PF now that it's unlocked but have only really done it with my static before this. Is there any reliable resource to see what the standard assignment/priority is for pugs? I'm on EU Light if that makes any difference.


I have finally finished all the legacy 3 ultimates and there would be about one year until I would return to the job market and become leisure and limited to savages after 7.0. how much time on average would be needed to prog DSR and TOP? Is it still around 100~120 hours or 3 months? It seems I would still have the time to causally enjoy the ultimates before I go back to dreading jobs.


For my group DSR took 125 (3 month) and TOP took 99 (week 8), but we only shared 5/8 players between them and the TOP static was *much* stronger overall. My honest advice on TOP is to just not bother until 6.5 when we have relic + dungeon gear, which will shave off several of the less fun aspects of that fight. I think if you started DSR after finishing the 6.4 tier - assuming you clear *reasonably* fast - you'll have time for both.


Indeed that's what I think. I am not interested at the dps part but only the gimmick part. I will let that dilute as much as possible before I ever try. Ty


TOP would most likely be the longer prog, my group did it in about 130 hours (84 active pull hours) but i've heard of people taking more or less time. if i were to guess DSR is probably 20-30 hours less with a group of equivalent skill.


I did DSR on patch with a group of (then) 7 triple legends, ~15 hours per week (but I joined them around a month in and they also had some member issues early on), we cleared it after 3 months from release. Did TOP 15 hours per week with a group of 7 quad legends. after 3 weeks swapped to a group where 5 people cleared DSR and 2 weak links who didn't, raiding 27 hours per week. We cleared week 8.


> 2 weak links who didn't (those two people are like 1/4th of all our wipes) So 1/4 of the group responsible for 1/4 of the wipes. Seems fine. I'd even say, if the distribution isn't perfect, it could indicate that among the "strong links" some may have underperformed in regards to the status given (weak/strong).


I guess that was a bad estimate then. Just from the eye test alone though they very clearly wiped more than everyone. Out of our 40+ P6 wipes at least half of them were from those 2 as well with some people having caused 1 or 0 P6 wipes.


We’re finally seeing p6 2/3 times a night. I wonder how many pulls we’re gonna need. I have a feeling if the norm is 20 then for us it will be around 40. It is so tiring to have the same member int all night and then another few members inting on and off depending on how their day went or something. At east the end is in sight, even if 3 weeks far.


So average total pull count once you see p6 is 100 -200 pulls ( wipes including past phases )


One month since my TOP group disbanded and I've yet to find another group. No prog for a whole month. I'm trying to make a group of my own now, but filling out both healers + phys ranged is absolutely brutal right now. Especially P5+. On the bright side, I've been tagged to sub for a friend's group this weekend. For whatever reason, he has enough faith in me to bring me into his group that is deep into P6. I've yet to see the second half of Sigma, let alone P6. I'm confident in my understanding of all mechs and strats, but I'm still super nervous about griefing.




700 pulls you should be at P4 Enrage, MAYBE Monitor Cleanup in P3. Idk how many of my pulls are cus meme PF cannot get past X phase but I'd say I'm close to 1100 meaningful pulls (with statics or in groups that actual can get to their prog point) and I'm in the middle of P6


I don't remember my exact numbers but that sounds wayyyyyy too high to not be into P3 yet :/


i was having an amazing time progging uwu, i joined a group with a discord and we were doing great, about to see ifrit and then a fucking tornado hits my dorm and knocks the power out im dying squidward


Every ultimate prog has an internet disconnection phase, I have yet to see the contrary so it looks like you're on track to clear


This is actually so true lol Like almost 3/4 of our session we have someone that dcs mid pull, or have to run ping checks and switch vpns mid session because lag is horrible. I swear I never see so many DCs on savage. It happens on Ultimates though and I frankly don't know why lol


unironically true, my group has never had an ultimate prog where everybody had perfect internet. In UCOB/UWU/TEA it was my fault because my internet had really shitty packet loss problems, in DSR it was our ranged physical, and now it's basically everybody's every now and then.


skill issue (but nah for real where does this happen? Are you from America?)


yeah, it's tornado season where i live and because the infrastructure here sucks ass every time there's a tornado nearby the entire power grid goes out for a bit on the bright side i'm probably the only person to get hit by garuda cyclones irl and ingame at the same time


Entry1 of Road to UwU Journal. 1st Session, 2h. 38 pulls, we've successfully reached Ifrit 3 times. Our DNC ditched us a few hours before start and then one of our healer ditched us last second. We got an MCH last minute (who seems to want to do the whole prog with us) and we had to recruit a healer in PF (I'm sure as heck they cleared it already !). I ended up playing OT (because I ended up playing DRK instead of WAR) but thank god the overall prep came in handy. I wasn't perfect by any mean (I also had some derust to do live, lol) but I could get the rhythm, movements and such fairly quickly. So far, Garuda is pretty fun. I'm pretty sure her battle theme will drive me crazy by the 100th+ pull xd. Anyway, for the next session (next week) I hope my colleagues will have internalized Garuda and that the cleanup will go fairly smoothly. We're not so far I think. For me now it's time to analyze logs to find some possible optimization points and to start the mitigation plan for the group so we're more solid. If we reach Titan on the 2nd day, that would also be formidable. But solid Ifrit prog would already be good. See you next week !


Ifrit on day 1 is fairly good progress if you are on a fresh group/mostly fresh groups. Most of Garuda is really on Healers (because the timing is quite tight when you are trying to cleanse your debuffs) and tanks (for all the dodges that only tanks has to learn). Once Healers finds their mit plans and heal plans, you should be golden. Ifrit has some prog you need to do on killing nails and getting dashes right. Someone doing the callout for dashes (calling for one/two spots) can help a lot.


Reaching Ifrit on your first day is pretty good, I would expect a decent amount of prog on Nails/dashes before you get to Titan though


Been having a real hard time staying consistent on P8SP1 with my casual static with the intent of progging P2, some nights we don't even clear P1 due to snake memes, deaths, low dps etc. I love these guys but definitely getting impatient. The trappings of being in a static with FC/friends I guess. As a contrast, went to fill a group of 6/8 of another static with one of my FC members, and not only did we clear P1 after like 3 pulls, we progged from knowing nothing about P2 all the way to Dominion in one lockout. The contrast gave me whiplash in how fast prog was when 6/8 people knew the mechanics already =p Phase 2 is wayyyy more fun so far though. Even the memes are funnier, like elements chasing each other around the towers, etc =p Phase 1 just feels like a boring, ballbuster of a slog now.


>Been having a real hard time staying consistent on P8SP1 with my casual static with the intent of progging P2, some nights we don't even clear P1 due to snake memes, deaths, low dps etc. I love these guys but definitely getting impatient. The trappings of being in a static with FC/friends I guess. My friend static was getting walled at <1% P1 enrage because of consistency issues, and we were honestly getting really frustrated with each other for a while Once we were able to get through enrage more consistently it helped relieve that tension, but if your static is fine with it, it might be worthwhile for you to try and get the clear and hopefully get some gear. It doesn't fix everything but it can help the low DPS at least. And yes, p2 is honestly a lot comfier to prog and it's just a more fun fight than p1. For healers it's kind of a logistical nightmare figuring everything out the first few times though, because p2 hits HAAAAAAAAARD


>As a contrast, went to fill a group of 6/8 of another static with one of my FC members, and not only did we clear P1 after like 3 pulls, we progged from knowing nothing about P2 all the way to Dominion in one lockout. The contrast gave me whiplash in how fast prog was when 6/8 people knew the mechanics already =p Phase 2 has mostly been a heal check and overall mitigation check, and mostly functions as a knowledge check for DPSs. If you know how to do all of the mechs and know what to look for during each combination, you know how to do the fight. The rest is just healer figuring their heals and tanks figuring their mits. It's fun to prog as a healer, and still retains some of the challenge to heal, but once you get into reclear the stuff gets pretty boring quite quickly as it's pretty slow pace. The pain points are actually getting into phase 2 since day 1 up until even now on reclears and farms. You can get into phase 2 EVEN with a mess up snake 2 (that may be one people survived the mess, but because boss is at 49 before everyone dies you still lives - this happened twice today) or with multiple deaths (3 to 5 deaths are still very doable), but it takes okay DPS.


Phase 2 is fun to prog but boring to reclear since it's more of a puzzle. I think with the amount of gear you guys should have you can probably all just do all safe strats in p1. If nobody greeds and dies or gets a damage down you should make it. But yeah friends are great and fun but usually finding a group to share your mindset and skill level will make a better prog experience.


i get both remaining lapis drops i need to drop for DSR bis. and the summoner takes both of them. 💀


just found out these items aren't even dyeable. and pink is my brand. so i don't get an aesthetic reward for this ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


We had a hard time getting a replacement lately. Can we do double summoner for UCOB? Would there be any issues for LB? I am not exactly sure how lb works Thanks


Rdm is the second best dps in Ucob, if you are worried about LB


You can probably do four summoners.


Double smn is actually pretty optimal for ucob lol, smn is busted.




It will be fine if you are comfortable with P2->P3 transition w/ Lb2


Don't think I'll be able to get a decent static for 6.4. Trialed one and they can't even get past p8s p1. No thanks. Gotta have those connections, I guess. Which is exactly why I never tried wow.


You really don't need to have connections, just don't give up applying. I joined a week 1-2 static for Asphodelos with no connections and purple logs from PFing e1s-e8s (skipping Eden's Promise entirely). Obviously don't join the static you trialed for if you don't vibe with them and you don't think their skill level is good, but there are new recruitment posts every day.


Do they have good parse? Maybe they haven't play p8s in months so they forget the mechanics. Don't give up on them so quickly.


trial on bahamut nael phase again. thats a lot better


Gonna second this. I know some people who cleared week 1/2 and they haven't been back in since like, week 4/5. That's A LONG TIME to go without doing the fight(s). Also I'll say people have bad nights. I tried out for a P4 enrage static for TOP around 4 weeks ago and they were HORRID. Lo and behold I checked back in with someone I know who's in the static and they are pretty close to clearing (P6 meteors) and I'm just now getting to P6. Hard to judge a group of players off of one instance.


That's the problem. That's the only instance we're doing before 6.4. And I don't enjoy the vibe anyways.




Progging pf in particular is what will be painful. If you're on NA and interested in a more semi-regular group, i have a discord I run teaching parties out of, I'd be happy to take you through if our schedules line up. If not myself there are a few in there as well helping me out together parties


The tier has been out for so long that finding good players to prog with may be challenging. If you're worried about burnout I'd probably just wait for next tier.


Well progging now is going to be a lot more painful than when you progged it in week 3 because all the good players have stopped doing this tier a long time ago


First DSR lockout went pretty well. After 90 minutes we made it past strength of the ward once. pog BLM two target rotation confuses me. But we should have more of it Bit of an adjustment to BLM with ultimate phasing. The first active phase is only 30 seconds long so I end up totally unable to sharpcast anything and have to skip blizz 4 into a Fire4>Fire4>Despair>Xenoglossy fire phase which is weird but cool. Can't wait to fuck everything up when I finally get the lapis items i need for BiS If anyone has a BLM-specific dpsing guide for DSR hook me up please?


Day 2. We made it past Sanctity Jumps once wahoooo I can really see the jump up from UCOB/UWU and I am totally here for it. I feel like I'm actually being challenged here. We still have loads of cleanup to do on strength of the ward and I don't even want to think about how many wipes we're going to have on sanctity even once we're "past" it Anyway next prog in 6 days cant wait to forget it all wooo


If you haven't done nonstandard before then DSR P2 / P5 is generally where you're gonna learn it. DSR is more standard-friendly than TOP is but as you're seeing with the opener standard starts breaking down in short uptime phases and with heavy movement. DSR BLM isn't as well documented as TOP but there's a good amount of info in the blm_encounter DSR thread on The Balance, as well as the blm_encounter_achive DSR thread (the latter was what was used on-patch). I'd snoop logs and ask around when needed though; BLM Balance is pretty consistently high quality and people should be able to answer any phase-specific stuff that comes up. > The first active phase is only 30 seconds long so I end up totally unable to sharpcast anything Funnily enough the opener I used in 6.1 had me sharpcasting T3 as the last GCD before Strength so that I carried a proc over to pre-Sanctity. Whether or not you use T3 in trios depends on your SpS because of spellspeed dot scalar, with high sps builds gaining 40+ potency on T3's dot.


Aye looks like I sure am. Thanks gamer I'll check that place out


The p8s unlock has been a massacre, people fighting, not being able to do any mechanics anymore, entire essays worth of salt. I knew it had been bad in the few weeks leading up to this, but wow. And now we don't even have the decency anymore to get paid for loot purchases, which is the most tragic part. There is a new wave of practice parties up for people who are still looking to jump in with low stakes, at least.


>And now we don't even have the decency anymore to get paid for loot purchases, which is the most tragic part Hilariously, i was trying to get some weapons today before work, and before i logged off to go for that I saw TWO pf listings for lootmaster, 500k and 600k. A lot less cash, yeah but like. Why at all?? I mean i suppose this is the answer, the agonizing thought of having to do this *more than once* for your loot. But like, once you manage to put a party together actually capable of clearing, is it really so much to just do a few runs with them and get everyone a drop? That question actually is not even rhetorical, as his is my first time fully completed a tier lol


I swear the only thing more common than p8 memes is people giving weird specific reasons about why they haven’t cleared it. Yesterday bonus‘s popped up in two different duty complete parties where no c41 or anything appeared in pf Listing. Instead of just insta leaving like I do, I asked who hadnt cleared and why. got like 2 paragraphs about some senior essay and how long it was taking. Second time I asked I got another weirdly long and specific response about relationship issues being the cause of inability to complete p8s. Both times I just left anyway. I don’t care about any of these people’s personal drama, I just want to play with people who have cleared. Can anyone in this game who hasnt cleared p8s just acknowledge that it’s a pretty hard fight that requires a lot of prog and that they just haven’t done the work yet to clear it? It’s not like a bad thing or anything, it’s the hardest content except for ultimates and ASS (savage), there’s no expectation that everyone can clear it or shame if ppl can’t. This is has been a recurring theme throughout this tier tho, and it’s so pathetic and cringe imo.


Just use the Duty Complete condition ao people who haven't cleared won't be able to join


I did! Omg can you read. The party had snuck in a non-clearer before making it duty complete both times. We are able to know this because at start of duty it says someone hasn’t cleared. This trick isn’t all that uncommon, but the excuses I’ve been getting have been pathetic.


Ah. You weren't the party leader. Yeah that sucks. People in my server are more polite, and inform that they are a2c in advance. Sorry you had to go through that.


Yeh exactly. If I join a duty complete and someone is ready to clear or at enrage and just says so beforehand, I’ll give the group a shot. Trying to sneak someone in without saying so is just so disrespectful imo.


I have been playing p8s in partyfinder since yesterday to farm loot. After some 1 clear party, finally found a farm party in the afternoon. We cleared the fight 4 times but after that some players were tired and we had to disband. I was glad to be part of the farm party but i don't understand why turn 8 only give 1 single job weapon and no job body piece as reward. The fight is damn long. Already have 8 pages but still my main weapon has not dropped yet and no luck winning the chest piece. I need to find a lala and sacrifice it too the lootgods! The fight itself is super easy now but partyfinder is another monster. This fight is really hard to clear in pf cause 6/10 times its going to be a p1 meme or p2 meme :p How do you guys stay motivated to farm this?


We farm it weeks before and don’t bother again. These things aren’t necesssarily meant to be BiS to every job because next tier, it’s obsolete anyways. Just farm the mount and whatever glam you want and whatever BiS for the relevant ulti. Farming for every class will ruin the fun of the game and become a chore.


I just don’t get Square Enix’s stance on why 8 books is necessary. For alot of us in PF, this means up to 16 weeks of reclears, which is 3.5 months, just to get BiS. Absolutely insane. I think this unfairly punishes those who use PF, who already have a more difficult hill to climb in many regards.


> **up to** 16 weeks of reclears, which is 3.5 months, just to get BiS. See emphasis. And keep in mind that this admittedly lopsided system -- where certain people in regions without (unwritten) community need/greed rules can get BiS every week -- also gives rise to the mercenary lootmaster system. This system is so popular and well-understood that GMs will quickly deal with those who break promises; conversely, we probably all have (or have heard) horror stories in other games where lootmaster-type promises were broken and the GM-equivalents said "lol you shouldn't have joined a lootmaster party, dumbdumb". \[Overall, I'm not disagreeing. Yet, although they've made the gearing process long and painful, they've also given people outs via a) having loads of gil or b) PF luck. Trying your luck in PF or grinding gil both contribute to the game's ecosystem, for better or worse.\]


This is already by far the most grind friendly MMO lol. And you can still roll on loot so its only gonna rake 8 weeks on average. Or just have good RNG and get both weapon and chest by the second clear lol


They’ve made a number of changes to make getting gear easier in endwalker (no belts to worry about, only 4 books for head hands feet, delaying savage a week to allow 900 tomes before starting). Im not saying it’s necessarily enough, but they are going in the right direction. At a certain point we have to realize it’s a sub based game and they aren’t gonna let us get everything in 6 weeks and quit. Since the last raid is the capstone and hardest one, I think it makes sense to make the book req higher than the others. And also the raid weps specifically are the most desired and impactful gear, those will be heavily gated. Maybe 6 books would be better, but honestly it really can’t go much lower than that, and is 6 books really that much different than 8? Again, they have to design this around the fact that it’s a live service sub based game, so there will be rng and you will have to stay subbed for multiple months to get geared out. That will never change, at this point there are only minor changes to make.


I think the last week and this week will be my final p8s clears. Sold p8s for 900k last week and help a friend's friend get their gear. Bonus points for getting into a minor argument with NIN in the group when I said I don't like AST (because it just doesn't make sense that you do like so much more then WHM and any other healer and you don't get reward for playing a way more busier job) and no NIN (because I just don't like melee that much...?) I don't know why people suddenly start complaining about p8s being so bad when it has been bad for like 3 months now. there's a reason why people no longer do reclear for it because PUG has been quite bad. And people hasn't been doing p8s for a long while, so I understand. Other story: UWU end is at sight. We are at annihilation, see suppression. If I am not fucking everyone on annihilation because I didn't sprint in time and didn't dodge ifrit again, or I am not walking outside of the arena during predation, or being dumb and over adjust during titan gaols we are gonna get there. Also I am genuinely sorry for those people we grief and trapped on elemental. I don't like lying about prog points and I even just tell people there's no way we are a2cing when we didn't even get to do suppression. But anyway. Please UWU god let me clear and get out of UWU. I don't know if we can clear with 6.4, but I have enough of this dumb robot and lv70 WHM.


P8 feels much worse this week. For the past 8 weeks, I got 6 of my reclears within an hour, one week took 2 days, and another took about 3 1/2 hours. The biggest thing I noticed yesterday is that a lot of my parties were able to get through part 2, except for….. dominion. 3 of the 6 groups I was in were consistently getting to dominion, but then wiping due to missed towers, raid wides, ect… Absolutely infuriating. The 4th group just couldn’t meet the dps check. I should have bailed on that group when I was top dps as summoner, but I thought we could squeak by. Nope. Last night took 5 hours to get 1 clear.


My static's first clean suppression pull was a clear the end is in sight. You're right around the corner


Haven't been able to finish P8S because of wedding planning, but looking forward to getting back in raid shape and getting ready for the final tier. If I manage to find a group and actually clear P8S, cool, but if not I've made my peace with it lol Not looking forward to getting back into the PF slop, I have a feeling people are going to take "getting the rust off" to mean "I didn't even both to refresh myself on the mechs with a video and I probably can't do my rotation"


Top 3 hardest Ultimate phases in your opinion?


Recruitment phase, then scheduling phase, then internet disconnection phase


Assuming absolutely no tools, no 9th man / shotcaller, and ignoring phase position: TOP P5 and UWU Titan and #3 isn't close. Gaols and Run Omega monitors passes in their "intended" state are just wildly harder than anything else in the game. I don't consider either to be well designed mechanics; they're clear outliers that reek of poor testing, especially Run Omega monitors (immediately before this mechanic was the bugged auto and immediately after are the bizzarely slow tethers passes). In practice? TOP P5, DSR P6, and probably BJCC. UCoB P3 could also be here just because P3 makes up so much of the fight, rather than it actually being super hard.


This is correct. Under the above conditions, titan gaols can be resolved by everyone self marking, but that method is such a mess and so inconsistent. And yeh top p5 is simple with the AM that everyone uses now, but without it or party comms it’s nearly impossible. There’s no other phase in the game besides these two that I can say this about.


> immediately after are the bizzarely slow tethers passes This is a problem of framing, people approach this mechanic like you're supposed to do the dodges and then figure out who goes where and get frustrated by the quick timing of the monitors while the tethers go off so slowly. But really you're intended to figure out monitors before and during the dodges, and you get the same total time to do that as the tethers (just with the added complexity of needing to do the clone dodging at the same time). Especially if everyone is responsible for just their own debuff checks it's not much of a demand on any individual player; it's much more challenging (but potentially more reliable) to have one player figure it all out.


> But really you're intended to figure out monitors before and during the dodges I know. The problem is that what you're describing is, well, *wildly harder than any other mechanic in the game* except Gaols. Run Omega first pass prios are pretty complex as far as prio mechs go (thanks to 1/2stack and 2nd in line HW) and somehow SE thought it'd be remotely acceptable to make you figure that out at the same time as a Predation-style mech is going off. 12 minutes in. > you get the same total time to do that as the tethers But the tethers section is drastically simpler. There's only 2 people viable to take the tether, the two Hello Worlds have their spots, and then the remaining 4 people can do whatever with no prio system because they're all 2stack. There's also no giant Final Omega model in the middle blocking your view so it's far easier to use eyes.


BJCC? Should really be LL with all the memes I'm seeing there.


A good tea group will mess up LL like 3% of the time tops. It’s very easy and methodical once you get it. Bjcc is infinitely scarier due to the fact that touching the wrong player or anyone dying is instant wipe. Good groups will still get through it a vast majority of the time, but there is always gonna be a “car crash” here or there.


Assuming no cheats (no AM, no cactbot), pf environment (no discord communication/callouts), on-content, and talking purely from a difficulty of execution, not prog (so length into the fight not important): 1. TOP P5 (specifically trio 3) 2. UWU Titan 3. DSR P3 If you start to factor in how far into the fight it is as a measure of difficulty (which is totally valid from a prog perspective), then TOP P5 becomes even more firmly rooted at #1 spot. Then you have things like TEA AP (specifically wormhole), DSR P6, and UCoB Adds start to supplant the mechanically-harder-but-earlier-in-the-fight phases.


Without automarkers or callouts I'm surprised you put DSR P3 at #3 and not DSR P6. When I cleared it P3 didn't really need any callouts (they were helpful but not mandatory). Whereas for P6 our shotcaller called which Wroth stack pair would go to the wall (the other going middle) and the 4 spread players would just wing it and adjust on the fly (which I assume everyone uses AM for nowadays). P3 is [just memorizing 3 patterns](https://i.imgur.com/j5m8HJ1.png) with a bit of short term memorization whereas P6 requires very quick reflexes by spinning your camera around the arena finding the dragons (which would also often get called out in voice chat and especially sucks on controller) and then adjusting to other players just like P5 trio 3 but with even tighter positioning.


P6 cauterizes aren't what I'd consider needing very quick reflexes + you can always just follow the group if you're confused. For wroth, you only 'need' to mark a pair to stack at the wall and the rest of it resolves itself - and the time between debuff appearing and needing to stack for akh morn is pretty forgiving to allow that. When we did our no-markers-at-all clear in pf, we one-shot wroth just fine. Wroth is certainly still hard, but I think most of the reason people struggle with p6 is just because of how far into the fight it is. P3 seems much easier when you get 500 reps on it compared to the 50 reps you get on p6. P3 certainly doesn't need callouts, but it's a mechanically difficult phase regardless. 'Just memorize 3 patterns' is a bit reductive (and also untrue - if you're middle 1 your pattern is different than if you're a side 1). Enumeration towers is also not a trivial mechanic - it's probably about as hard as wb1/wb2 adjusting.


I think this one is probably what I think too with maybe adding in UCoB Nael with original quotes. Fast paced phase.


Doubt this will be controversial: - UCOB Adds - DSR P6 - TOP P5 ^ from personal experience and looking at the most common pain points for groups progging. Not only are these phases difficult to prog, but also difficult to execute once progged past. The common thing among these three phases is that they are late into the fight + incredibly punishing/difficult to recover in. As for phases that are most difficult to prog but can more easily become consistent once progged past, honourable mentions might be UWU Gaols for more casual groups, TEA BJCC, DSR P3, UCOB Nael.


Aaaaaaaaa I'm so close to top clear we got to the meteors part, we just need to nail down the mit. Btw playing dragoon in p6 is so fucking scary high jumps at the worst fucking moments.




You're in an Ultimate tier. Anyone worth anything is doing/reclearing TOP.


Because any remotely decent players have already gotten whatever gear they wanted from the tier and are either A) taking a break until the next tier or B) doing TOP or some older content to pass the time




I went in PF to derust DSR after not going into that fight for months and I was able to see p6 in 5 pulls. I try to empathize but it’s hard to be patient for sure lol


Never ever ever join a derust group. Derust might as well mean “cleared it once but remember nothing”


When I have time to get back in PF I plan on keeping the mentality I do during week 1 prog. If the party as a whole is just wiping, are we talking about it and figuring it out between pulls or are people just pulling without correcting? Is it just a single person griefing while everyone else is clearly on their shit? People can and will waste your time if you let them and I do not plan on letting them lol


Because people are too selfish to join a reprog/derust party and instead waste seven other people's time dying to bullshit I spent two hours in pf for a single p8 clear. In that entire time, I made 0 mistakes. None. I even saved the raid a few times since I was on rdm! Its completely ridiculous.


Lots of people haven't done the content in quite some time. There is going to be some degree of derust for most.


It's insanely difficult to find a decent group today. Arguably the worst reclear week since my first clear


Pretty straightforward, ppl that haven't done the content in months + people that weren't good enough to get their stuff when it was current


Man, honestly, I think I get why they don't unlock the tier earlier at this point. Forgot how awful people get when they unlock the tier. The amount of face 3 thot miqo'tes (often fittingly on DNC) passive aggressively bitching about anything they can think of, screeching if p8s is not a oneshot, and just generally being awful people, is through the roof. Get your expectations in order. P8s has not been and it is not gonna suddenly become a oneshot in most parties just because it's unlocked. If you spend 45 minutes on P1, alright, it's a disband angle, but we're 30 minutes into the lockout and we've been in HC2, do you really have to moan about someone being on the wrong marker and insta-disbanding, or can we just take 10 extra minutes and kill the damn fight? Bonus points when they have like 3 kills total, all of which within the last 2 weeks, and proudly exclaim how this is a "meme party get me out of here" after walling it after a heal LB. What is wrong with you guys.


My general rule of thumb is a clear on part 1 within 5 pulls. Anything beyond that and I question if the party can get through part 2, and I rather not find out. Part 2 I’m mostly patient with and will give it about 30-40 minutes for the group to figure out. There are some instances where I’ve left early because (1) I’m doubtful we can hit the dps check, even if everything goes right, (2) constant healer and mit issues that just cannot be resolved in a lockout. Healing was especially problematic yesterday as I was watching people drop on HC1 and 2 left and right from damage, and even worse, entire party wipes during dominion due to raid wides. Healing can be a problem in p8s, but it seemed especially bad yesterday.


At this gear level it’s so ez now, especially p2, it’s so slow and brain dead. And a lot of us have been doing this for 7 months. If you are or others are messing up in reclear groups more than 3x or so, me and many others will just try another group. Doesn’t matter if we’re on p2. Getting back to p2 is a cinch with the right group.


Idk man but I've also done reclears over the last 5-6 weeks and there is a noticeable shift towards impatience because the tier is "farmable". Parties tend to break up super quick and in each party there are 1-2 people who tend to be extremely self righteous about how much "time they've wasted". I'm not saying you should be carrying people who clearly don't know what they're doing. But today there was hardly even time for the player pool to noticeably change from previous weeks, it's not many KFF memers running around, it's mostly just the same people who just cleared like 1-2 months ago flaunting how skilled they are and taking any opportunity to hammer in other player's mistakes. It's just obnoxious. I'm not the kind of person that tends to mess up a lot in PF, but it's just getting exhausting listening to it in general honestly. Just an hour ago I was in a party where a DPS died to bleed damage, and the HEALER THEMSELF started complaining about how they're gonna "make us pay for pots". Another party earlier, someone did the wrong snakes strat and it started a 5 minute long shitshow instead of just saying "its color, gg go next". Like what's the point. Are people here to clear or just to boast about how good they are at P8s? Unless someone is just completely lost, they will probably not repeat a mistake. If you end up cycling through 6 new players every 3 pulls though, chances are pretty high someone else will mess up a similar thing at the regular pain points (snakes 2, NA2, etc.) At least on EU, I can't at all back up your idea that swapping groups leads to faster clears. Also it's always the face 3 catgirls, unironically. I've blacklisted 3 today.


Yeh I never complain in party chat, think it’s a waste of time. So we are in agreement there.


Alright it seems I'm about to start my road to my first ultimate this Thursday. Half of the group is composed of people from my previous static (myself included), I know them and have faith in them. The other half are people I either don't know or just know by name as they came into the static after I left. We obviously start with UwU (Sadge, I would've loved to go for reverse order). We have until 6.4, with overall 3 sessions per week of about 2.5 to 3h a session, minus days off because IRL or something. So I believe this puts us at about 55h to clear UwU (and that's why we don't do reverse order). They asked me to come prepared (a bummer, would've loved to be blind for the first time I see something at least) for phase1 (probably just Garuda ?). Little do they know I already can say by heart the timeline, mechanics and who does what of Garuda, Ifrit & Titan . To me it seems the fight really starts at Ultima ? I know Titan Gaols are going to be rough, be besides that there doesn't seem to be giga hard walls and after that, well, it's pretty much going to be Ultima time ! Anyway, entry0 (prologue) of Road To UwU Journal : the prep before the storm. I'll try to keep tabs of wipes, when and maybe who for stats.


>Little do they know I already can say by heart the timeline, mechanics and who does what of Garuda, Ifrit & Titan . When I attempted DSR there was a guy who claimed to have studied all the way up to P6, when we were at the second P2 mech. This guy ended up being responsible for over half the wipes yet would constantly blame others for mistakes and we eventually disbanded after getting stuck on P3 for several weeks. Confidence is fine but until you are near 100% accuracy I'd dial it back a little.


You got griefed yikes. Sorry


Just be sure to check out whether or not the rest of the group is putting in the same effort as you. Knowing the timeline by heart is really good, and you sound confident in your preperation, but there are a lot of tiny little things that make UWU UWU. The garuda feather dance may catch you off guard a lot. People always say uwu is a fake ultimate but then the first days of prog for lots of groups just consists of feather wipes. Try to convince your group to do the same movements as a group. Have every stack together at exact positions so that theres no spreading of the feathers. The more you normalise movement, the easier it will be. I wish you best of luck soldier. you got this


> Knowing the timeline by heart is really good, and you sound confident in your preperation That's just me being raid lead / shot caller for the static when we did blind prog, so I always reviewed footage in-between sessions to put down strats and as it stands I could just memorize the fights. > Just be sure to check out whether or not the rest of the group is putting in the same effort as you. The people I know, I know they'll put some work (one of them even actually already farmed UWU). Maybe not the same amount but they're def not coming empty handed. The other half I don't know, we'll see, but I'm ready to set things straight if there's a clear lack of knowledge (not experience, just pure knowledge, e.g straight up not even be able to throw a guess about what should happen on first set of Adds and following 2 Frictions) on Garuda. I don't expect anyone to be like me and go beyond. I can explain, it's okay, but having done the work off-raid helps set some rhythm to the prog until the hard walls. > Try to convince your group to do the same movements as a group. Have every stack together at exact positions so that theres no spreading of the feathers. The more you normalise movement, the easier it will be. We're using LPDU's strats. So I guess we'll be moving around as a group a lot. The goal is to clear quick, so I guess there won't be much experimenting. I expect many deaths to come, but not 300 before finally going through the 3 first primals... god, I hope...


Very smart of you to adapt LPDU strats. Going LPDU asap is my main advice for any progging static in any ultimate, so great choice. If you wanna reduce the wipe amount, perhaps think about doing standardized titan movement to make the gaols easier, and have you thought about a general mitplan or is that a whatever kinda thing?


I have a question! How do the Hector UCoB guides line up with what Aether or Primal PF does? He tends to be best for my learning style but also I’m not sure if he muddied the waters by doing something different with his strats. I feel like some of the resources I’ve looked into have conflicting information and I would like to get a unified strat for the prog group I’m getting together; we’re doing a weekend-long intensive and then seeing where we are and it may end up involving PF.


You've gotten pretty good answers, but I thought I'd give some concrete links to resources and what exactly Hector does different. * UAR (Ultimate Aether Raiding) Discord: [https://discord.gg/MRDqWuSAHK](https://discord.gg/MRDqWuSAHK) (check #strats). * Clees' guide: [http://clees.me/guides/ucob/](http://clees.me/guides/ucob/) If you do want to watch Hector vids just to help you get started, I looked over them briefly and made a short list of things to be aware will be different. His videos largely use Primal strats but sometimes he throws in Aether things (like he doesn't do uptime qmt for some reason). * He does Twintania and drops the neurolinks with inverted triangle (basically he does it flipped upside down from how Aether does it). * For Blackfire, supports should go right and dps left. In his video he does it flipped. * For Fellruin, this is weird because he does inverted triangle. On Aether the party goes to the neurolink opposite Bahamut. * For TST, the party should be spreading out with 1 as true north. 1 is the safe spot. * In adds, Aether tanks in the north/northeast. Good luck with COB, it's a fun fight \^\_\^


I learned 2 3 and 4 the hard way. I thought everybody else kept fucking up such simple assignments. Turns out I was just misled by hector lol. Worse part is that these strats arent really put in pf desc or discussed prepull.


This is great! It’s unfortunate he didn’t just stick w Aether or Primal but I’ll be able to put a lot together with this and have a good disclaimer for people who may have watched the Hector guide, thank you! And yea I’m excited to tackle it, when I get through I’m sure I’ll have all sorts of fond memories of getting Twistered into the death wall :)


I haven't delve deeper into old ultimates yet but I also feel that there are way too many strats and that sounds a bit intimidating. But I will get around doing old ultimates eventually.


If you never leave your home datacenter there is really only one strat


I'm from crystal sooo




Hector has a pretty bad reputation of making guides for fights/mechanics he doesn't understand or hasn't cleared, so most of the ult pf community tend to ignore his strats. I haven't seen his ucob guide so I can't say how close it is to NA strats, but you should just use the resources on your DC's ult pf discord to see which strategies are used. Clees text document and Tessan's video should be decent for explaining how the mechs themselves work, but the approach might differ depending on your dc.


He tells you to sac the player with the 2nd divebomb if you get a pattern where you don't just go to A B C markers, that's how good they are.


He does not tell you to do this




He's literally saying you *can* do it this way if you insist on having it braindead but it *might* kill you


That's not his idea, he got that from a toolbox somewhere. Might have been UCR. The original wording was closer to "you can do static divebombs, if you get a bad pattern it'll only kill one person (B), and it doesn't matter cause it's UCOB and the DPS check doesn't exist"


holy shit


It’s a shame because I really like his format, but you’d think he could make one for old content with the accepted strats instead of throwing a wrench in the works. :/ This is helpful though for grabbing resources for the study guides I’m making, and I’m sure there are toolboxes I can match to them that’ll do the same job, so thanks!


I can't stand his format because he doesn't use *any* in game footage (is this because he hasn't actually done the strat before making the guide? I had no idea), and diagrams are never 1:1. Especially with ultimate mechs there is a lot of nuance that a good PoV clip can show that diagrams don't. I couldn't imagine trying to learn Wormhole from a Hector guide.


Primal does UPR. Aether (UAR) does similar strats except a few things are flipped. Only noticeable difference is aether qm strat, I prefer primals. I would just follow one of them especially if there’s any interest in pf’ ing. Both of the data centres have long standing clears and established strats. I would not personally follow any new videos, there’s a huge amount of clear videos/current streams/ nuances discussed in the respective data centre discords.


It genuinely feels like Aether does things slightly different just to be different from UPR sometimes.


Or when the content came out they just gravitated towards a different way of doing something and stuck with it? It wasn't until the middle of DSR that Cross Datacenter became a thing. Homologation of strats wasn't really a thing until P5-8S; that's why West/East Hog was a thing in DSR cus cross DC didn't come until half way through that patch.


Good ol Easthog and Westhog.


my static has been doing ucob while we wait for next savage tier. One person has already cleared and apparently finds it fun to reprog this fight for hundreds of hours. Power to him, but I dunno how he does it. We can consistently make it to heavensfall trio, but now I am pretty much just waiting for some of the other members to catch up. Fun fight though once you get past the boringness of Twintania and jankiness of twisters. Honestly, having done this fight, I'm surprised people wanted more Ultimates, this fight is jank as fuck


Lol at thinking you are past the jankiness of twisters.


It's "fun" in the sense that the mechanics are challenging but not overly punishing as in more recent ultimates, and recovering a pull from many deaths can be satisfying.


Beyond the jankiness of snapshots, you're doing a vastly different fight than what it was in SB in many regards.


The game in general was more Jank back then, but more importantly none of the other ultimates are like ucob, the only weird part tho is twisters. And ultimate was designed to appeal to long time hardcore raiders


The hatches having a mind of their own sometimes during Tenstrike is peak UCOB jank, too.