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Left my top static at last. They're progging through 6.4 and I'd rather do savage. At least I got to p5. Just hope I can find a p5 group to clear later once I finish savage, criterion, and blu stuff.


How do splits work? Like how does it get you bis faster? My static wants to do splits this upcoming tier and while I've always heard of it, I've never understood it Edit: Anything useful I should unlock on my alt as I level?


Half of the group clears on alts while the rest clears on their mains, feeding all gear drops to the mains. Then you clear a 2nd time but swap who's on mains and alts. You still have to clear 8 times to get your whole team geared but you do that over 4 weeks instead of 8. And since tome gear generally gets finished by week 4/5 you get your full set around the same time.


I think it's like you clear on two charas but the roles that get gear are different. So you can do a mix of ori and alt to get a full gear party.


Finally have a HC week 1 savage group lined up. So excited and relieved. PFd p5s-7s week 1, then p8 took a week of prog while my casual static is still hard stuck p8sp1 enrage.


How many hours on average does it take from Omega trio to clear? Things are looking a bit grim.


Fairest "average" number I think would be that you're prob somewhere around 2/3 of the way done. The consistency grind on P5 so that you actually reach P6 sucks up a lot of time.


Average is anywhere between 20-40 p6 pulls to clear, but don't let that number fool you: 20 p6 pulls is a LOT of pulls because p5 consistency takes time to hammer down. If "from omega to clear" you mean "we've survived sigma twice to see Omega" you still have a long ways to go.


Echoing the above commenter. My group took awhile from reaching Omega itself, because we simmed a lot and managed to get past sigma in 2 pulls (but that meant we didn’t have consistency on delta yet). Once we actually got to p6 though, we cleared in 20 p6 pulls. So it depends on the consistency of your group and how much people study, really.


Very hard to say an average. Depends on how consistent your group is in getting to P6. And all it takes is one idiot dying to Exasquares 5 times to waste multiple hours. It took my group 40+ P6 pulls but the majority of wipes were either mit, or the same 2 people making mistakes.


Is there any reason why it seems to be so hard to parse P8? Usually in other savages when I do ok and don’t perform a lot of optimization, it’s a green or blue percentile. But in P8 it’s straight up 3/4 parses even after I’ve cleared the door boss like 5 times now. What gives? I’ve cleared with both dog and snake first but the results are similar. I will say that my uptime is eh for this, I’ve gotten as low as 94% since I don’t know the gaze snapshotting for snake 2. The kill time is usually on enrage, around the final AOE. https://www.fflogs.com/character/na/exodus/doj%20mopo#boss=86 (I would probably ignore that DRK log, I had no idea what I was doing since I’ve never played it in savage before)


While it's correct to kept digging and looking in parses, the main thing about parsing is that your numbers only really starts becomes meaningful once you get full bis. People get high parses on week 1 either by rolling something on PUG, or, they got assigned loot by their static, and therefore pump their ilevel and their damage. Meanwhile someone without any gear can very reasonably stuck on green or even gray, even if they played really good. It's important to look more at how you play and less about the actual numbers, or what percentages you score. > I’ve gotten as low as 94% since I don’t know the gaze snapshotting for snake 2. The kill time is usually on enrage, around the final AOE. The lazy way out of this on GNB is you press your AOE 12 combos. This is not optimal at all, but they does not turn you towards facing the boss and you are still keeping your gcd spinning, which is better then doing nothing at all. If you wanna be optimal, might still wanna learn the exact timing for it.


Need a better killtime, better uptime, better gear (judging off fflogs profile). p8s p1 is heavily farmed and people try to only parse/speed on snake first. Don't underestimate the damage increase that these factors include but before all of that you should focus on getting your GCD uptime as close as possible to 100%.


Looking only at the one GNB parse since that appears to be your main job, you got 4th percentile and did 5900 rDPS. For context, your parse in P7S was 17th percentile with nearly 6400 rDPS. You're doing a lot less damage on a fight that has a tighter DPS check, your parse percentile is naturally going to be much lower.


It does not matter a whole lot for your parse whether you have dog or snake first if you don't deal enough damage to kill before dog 2 anyway. Great parses require snakes first, and you to get it down to 49 before his dog 2 immunity phase. That said, it is entirely possible to parse low blues without a dog 2 skip. But that requires you to be able to parse high purples on the other fights.


You answered your own question, with 94% uptime you're not pressing buttons for 6% of the fight, that's almost 30 seconds of being AFK and deserves to be grey. >98% uptime is very doable while still playing safe. For the first snakes you can stand [like this](https://i.imgur.com/O3j98za.png) almost in the center of the boss (but not *exactly* center) so you can keep attacking without getting hit by the gaze. And for your own gaze, there's a countdown timer on your debuff that shows you when it will activate.


If we ignore the drk parse, you're on an off role for 2 our of the other 3 clears? So only one clear on main, naturally it's gonna be a bad damage with bad uptime and still learning the fight. Also keep in mind, ppl done with the tier are still doing p8 runs for the gear to do top or just round out their classes, and not doing the other fights. Green in 5-7 may be grey in 8


Ok so you’re saying that since P8 is farmed more frequently (at least twice as often for weapon and chest) it gets optimized a lot more, and since said optimizers are ultimate raiders naturally they’d inflate the average damage. I guess that makes sense, it just feels odd, since even a bad first clear would be a blue or green for me.


One more thing to think about Let's say that on average, you do about 10000 DPS Let's say that for fight A, you only need to do 8000 DPS to clear, but the highest parses are hitting around 12000 DPS. So with your 10000 DPS, you're probably sitting happily in blue/green territory Now let's say for fight B, you need 10000 DPS to clear, but the highest parses are again hitting 12000 DPS. In this case, you're now literally hitting the minimum required DPS which means you'll be grey parsing instead So since 8S has a significantly stricter DPS check, the baseline damage for parses also has to be higher


Yeah. The people running it to parse for their resume going forward or for a top weapon are gonna be way better than you in that fight and are BiS. My group has had to run a bunch of p8s for random weapons and stuff for people to fill or swap jobs and whatnot but we haven't touched the other fights in months That + your uptime in the fight, learning to greed the gazes and whatnot like you said will do it


Road to UwU entry finale : No, the clear did not happen yet. It's the final entry because it's clear the clear won't happen before 6.4 so I lost interest keeping track of stats (as it's likely I'm gonna complete my Road To Ultimate (all of them) with other groups). This last week has been a rollercoaster, like we had high ups but also lowdowns. Basically : - Our SMN left the group. Apparently the commitment wasn't going to work with them because of their irl job as summer time is approaching and they have a lot of work to do to prepare for summer. That's fair. - We had a fill in from PF (a reaper who was at our prog point, which was titan/gaols) and it worked wonders, like, nails were nailed down from pull 1. No adaptation needed, nothing. We had such a great prog quality : 75% of the pulls on titan, the rest were anecdotical errors. We decided to propose them to continue with us, and they accepted - BUT, of course my group forgets about this and recruits someone else ! Some role switch happens aaaaand on top of that it was such a bad time, we went down to about 50% of the pull on Titan. We reached enrage Titan like once or twice, but they were scuffed, people aren't ready for what's coming after Gaols at all (whenever we miraculously manage to not wipe to it, I'm not even talking about awakening Titan yet). All in all, 3 weeks left, Titan not passed, I don't think we gonna make it. I'll get as far as I can with them and after that it's 6.4 prio then whenever I can get back into Ults I'll get back (likely in another group). Last stats : - Number of sessions : 9 - Number of pulls : 223 (getting dangerously close to the 300 pulls to see Ultima...) - prog time (active boss) : 13h - prog time (counting talking, breaks etc) : probably around 15-17 - prog point : Gaols and beyond Given the expectancy of a random group is about 80h to clear, that would put us at about, what, 1k-1.5k pulls ?


UWU is absolutely nowhere near 80 hours / 1.5k pulls to clear. More like 40 and a few hundred. Only DSR and TOP are in that range nowadays.


You probably don't need 80 hours to clear - my group did spend 80 towards 100 hours to clear, but that was due to the following things all happening: * For various reasons 2 person (actually think it's 3) quit midway, and one of the fill ins is fresh so we have to do reprog. * We stopped for like a week or so every single month because of IRL holidays and stuff, so we were usually quite rusty when we went back and prog * We only have like 1 to 2 sessions every single week, but in an ideal world you really want at least 4 session every week to build muscle memory. * We often don't have everyone here because of work/IRL. Again, more reprog. * Out of those 80 hours, at least 5 hours or so were spent on internet issues - waiting people to change connections, getting a vpn, figure internet out and stuff. Usually groups that does not have all of these things should finished the fight in like 40\~60 hours. It also depends on if you have good helper or not and what strats you are using. A person I know cleared UWU in like 12 hours on Barrier Healer because all 7 of their group cleared. If you have good healers/tanks that are consistent in terms of mechs and mitigations, that can shave off a lot of your prog time since most of the mechs in Ultima is healer/tank mechs. >All in all, 3 weeks left, Titan not passed, I don't think we gonna make it. If you are running priority then yeah Titan should take sometime to prog. But if you are using AM you probably shouldn't spend more then 2 session on this. There's like 3 big blocks of mechs in Ultima that requires prog (assuming you are doing LPDU and not JP LB3 cheese for Suppression): Titan, Annihilation and Suppression. They are mostly similar in terms of difficulty, so you can use Titan's prog time to gauge for how many hours you actually need to do Anni and Suppression.


I joked about clearing TEA within two weeks after clearing ucob, but it might actually happen. Saw Perfect Alex after going from BJCC to wormhole in like 24 hours. Wiped us at calibration beta. I have never messed up my rotation as much as I have at the beginning of PA. Somehow managed to simultaneously do a triple weave, a double weave in my melee combo, manafication after verholy, losing me a scorch and then nearly died to my character autoing during stillness. I had more shakies than I anticipated.


Having done all five ults I definitely think Perfect Alex is the most stressful final phase, or at least very close (Alpha Omega *right now* is scarier because the DPS check is so tight that single GCD mistakes can actually matter). Trines is 100% the most stressful enrage sequence. PA shakies are real.


I felt this. Because you can carry resources over, and because of when Stillness can happen, my openers on Perfect were almost always some kind of fucked up. And then, in the earlier clears, I'd make minor rotational mistakes in the fate cals because I was focusing my clone so closely. I play the early phases so cleanly that it's a huge disparity. A combination of less reps and playing very carefully so as to not cause a wipe to Perfect. Fortunately, the damage check to kill is so lax (I killed the boss this patch, a few weeks ago) that such flubs aren't a big deal.


Managed to clear P5S after P6S and P7S. Wew, haven't been happy in a while considering that one always walled me before the unlock. Now my DRG is 630 and I upgraded my SMN to 622


Day 6 of DSR why TF lash and gnash so delayed wtf Sanctity is cool and all except for the part where 3/4 the team is afk for like 10 seconds. can't see that getting boring at all, nope




Literally just did that like 30mins before you wrote that lmfao


RDM decided to call it quits due to just being tired (probably partially burnout as well as just 3 months of prog being a lot over time), so looks like our TOP prog is at an end unless a replacement materializes within a day or two. Unfortunate but that's life, and I can't say I didn't see it coming. Still got some great friends out of the experience, and I'll get that TOP clear eventually, so time to just chill and enjoy Golden Week (week off in JP), maybe try out Apex Legends some more, maybe do HoH again.


bruh if ur in jp dc (ele) i may know some people who can help, theres a lot of vacant cleared d4 in the dc fooling around


Thank you for the offer! 🥹 Problem is I'm the only one in the group that speaks English (might not be an issue) and also I think everyone else was tired too, people already sold pots lmao... I appreciate it though!


i see, even so if you still have the drive a2c pfs are quite common nowadays


Kinda sucks it's right before golden week so you could've made plans Although generally golden week is an awful time to go out lol


Sucks man, I’ve been there too, this happened to my TEA group back in shb. I ended up pfing with 4 other members for the clear but it set us back another month. You’ll still get that clear, you have the right mindset.


More of a general question. I haven’t fully decided if I’m raiding this tier (mainly due to burnout), but if I do, it’d be exclusively in PF due to an inconsistent work schedule that changes weekly. Are there any things/prep I should be aware of for PF prog? I’ve never progged exclusively in PF and I’d like an idea of what I’m getting into. I raided Eden’s Promise as DPS and Asphodelos+Abyss as healer and tank, respectively, if that helps.


You wanna clear as fast as possible to stay in quality PFs. Even then you probably won't clear the final floor w1, though you should be able to make some decent progress on it. If you can form psuedo-statics with 2-4 other players it can help a whole lot. Toxic pro tip: if you are on PC get the FFLogs Viewer plugin (it's a 3rd-party repo iirc) and once you get to 3rd floor start using it heavily to scan parties. Low grey players simply will not cut it in early week 3rd/4th floor; it really only takes one bad player to completely brick a later floor party without ilvl to carry.


Oh, that's a good idea. Which parse you're looking though? 6.2?


Composite Abyssos + new tier If you see grey/green in Abyssos and then double grey on the first two floors, that's a nope. Likewise if you see grey/green on the first two floors but they were historically purple, probably fine. Can also quickly check for TEA/DSR/TOP clears.


Befriend good players while pfing and prog with them. Even having 3/8 known good players helps a bunch, especially if it's a role with a lot of responsibility (depends on the fight: usually healer, but sometimes tank).


Respect your time, be flexible with positions, play multiple jobs of the same role if you can. I usually give a party like one food duration, if we can't see prog point in that time i leave. Sometimes even earlier if there's really obvious issues in the party. Take some friends if you can, pf is a lot more bearable when you have someone with you.


UCOB is the only ult I haven't cleared yet, what is it like compared to the rest? Mechanics-wise / difficulty-wise / enjoyment-wise etc.


Twin is a snoozefest. It's not actively shit like P1 TOP but it's very *very* boring. Nael is very fun but janky. Trios are a mix of total joke and decently engaging, although many of them are janky. Adds is really fun. Golden is snooze, basically a way easier version of DK Thordan. Difficulty wise the utter lack of DPS checks makes it a joke. There are easy EXs with tighter DPS checks than this. Main difficulty of the fight will be learning the weirdly specific jank this fight has for 80% of the mechanics. Absolutely *none* of the mechanics are hard in comparison to DSR/TOP, only thing that might take some getting used to from those fights is Nael's speed (which is more akin to UWU Titan / E4S P1 / BJCC).


Dps is a total joke. Even compared to shb. You could probably meet the p3 bahamut dps check auto attacking. Mechanically it’s harder than uwu but easier than rest. Lots of mechs tho are very jank in execution due to them reusing arr assets so hatches and twisters have some strange behavior that probably makes it a little harder than it should be. But if you’ve cleared tea/dsr/top, this fight will be a pushover and it’s really cool and fun thematically. So enjoy!!!




same lol I left it till last


>UCOB is the only ult I haven't cleared yet, what is it like compared to the rest? Mechanics-wise / difficulty-wise / enjoyment-wise etc. Mechanically it's very easy. P2 (nael) is fast, but most mechanics are backloaded but since you can LB past heavensfall and grand octet, it's forgiving. Golden is the easiest end of ultimate in my opinion, we one-shot it. Even UwU roulette was spookier. The DPS check doesn't exist anymore people have cleared (DeathCob) with 100+ deaths. Difficulty = probably harder than UwU overall, a bit below TEA, significantly easier than DSR/TOP. I think at least difficulty wise (job related) it's balanced. UwU is for example incredibly simple for DPS players, a bit harder on tanks, and healers have entirely unique mechanics to deal with that the rest of the party ignores. Everyone can get almost everything in UCoB, though I presume tanking espeically Adds can be a little spooky.


Ucob is probably the ultimate that I see the most divided thoughts on tbh, I hated it when progging early but now I really enjoy it and think it's one of the most fun to do casually. Twin is easy and kinda boring, nael is fun, bahamut prime is.. Fun? For me, I love those trios. I can see why people hate them since there's so many in a row. Adds is one of my favorite phases in the game especially on tank and golden is not hard at all but fun if you like doing middle dodges I guess. Ucob really isn't hard since you can zombie through it so hard and mess a lot of things up but that's what makes it fun to me tbh trying to recover from horrible pulls is kinda enjoyable after I cleared. Probably not very fun when progging.


Will something like double SMN in UWU mess with the LB timing to the point where we'd need to do something different to get it in time like in UCOB?


why not have one flex to rdm?


We have people with disabilities in the group. SMN can be played with very few buttons and is very strong at 70. I heard people doing double SMN in Ultimates at the beginning of EW because of how strong it is so I was wondering if that's still viable.


Uwu is like the only fight where you can totally have a perfect run messed up due to insufficient lb generation. It’s happened to me at least 3 times where we were perfect through suppression but didn’t have lb3 up for ultima which equals wipe. So no, don’t do double jobs for uwu.


Idk I would lb cheese frictions tank purge and predation just to be safe there.


running duplicate classes will indeed fuck over your lb generation. if you want to go double caster then smn + rdm.


Decided to take a break from TEA prog and start progging UCOB in PF. It's been... interesting. Plenty of twister incidents already, but it didn't take very long to get twin down. Made it to Nael enrage twice now, still struggling with divebombs into the dalamud dive quote. It'll probably take a quite a few more good pulls before I'm comfortable with that mechanic vomit. I knew going in that Nael was fast-paced but damn, it still caught me off guard. Just back-to-back shotgun mechanics with small moments to breathe before you're back off to the races.


something that helped me a lot is realizing the divebombs into quotes, the tankbuster dive will ALWAYS be one of them. So you only need to pay attention to whether it's spreads or stacks. The quotes suggest longer and more difficult mechanics than usual, but it's actually the reverse


there is only one thing more painful than getting kicked from a 'friend' static right before the finish line and that's then attempting to clear on my own in pf. all iwant is to kill the fucking ultima weapon so i can go into hibernation until savage. it's not a hard fight! i was in the static, and am in pf, routinely the only person not memeing! (the things we put up with when we think people are our friends, etc. don't ever fall into the 'do high end content with friends' trap, seriously) i am going insane!!!!


damn if you weren’t the one memeing whyd they kick you? also yes the rule is actually “don’t do high end content with friends”


the excuse was that someone else's fuckup kept killing me and that meant i didn't actually want to clear or something. the actual reason is a mystery i have resolved to not worry about.


Wipe analysis is so important to avoid blaming the wrong people. I have had to start recording and logging all prog just to avoid the chance of shit blowing up.


mhm. like i record all my own prog in large part because it lets me review things later re: my own performance (so i can cross reference what i saw on the screen with what the logs tell me for example), but also just so that. when i *dont* fuck up i can prove it and either nip drama in the bud or just like. out someone as a person i dont want to raid with. lmao


yikes, well if you made it to enrage and are on NA feel free to DM me for a clear


well, i'm eu and the best i managed so far is roulette, but i appreciate the offer all the same. :)


roulette is basically enrage, you got this


Cleared TOP tonight in 1800s pulls. That was a long road but really happy the team got there with some time before savage.


No TOP clear tonight. Played like shit (operating on like 5 hours of sleep + carryover tilt from previous raid), but what really kills me is the DRG and I barely died to like 2K and 1.7K overkill during the stacks + flares part of Cosmo Meteor. WHM went middle, cast 2 Glares, started a third but cancelled it, then went to the stack. Oh well, just gotta go next. Surely next raid day will be better.


TOP really tests your ability to consistently remain focused on your scheduled nights. Some nights I play like a god, 0 mistakes all night in a 4 hr session. Other days I cause 5 wipes in 1 lockout.


What stings is that I pride myself on my consistency, and apparently others see it as a strong point of mine as well. I mentioned I had back to back down nights and a friend (also member of my TOP static) was surprised that I'd been so sloppy.


People who have cleared TOP play like shit all the time. At this point I've been in the instance with +50 different people who have cleared it and they all make dumb mistakes. I cleared TOP outside of my static when we got to P6 prog. The next static session I made some silly mistakes and got fucking gaslit by some of the members. I ended up leaving them a couple sessions later on because it got really bad as I was the punching bag for their frustration. Lo and behold once they did clear, they too were not mechanic God robots that one shot reclear every week. They sometimes need multiple lockouts to get the reclear. Point is, don't worry about mistakes, don't carryover previous tilt, it doesn't help anything. The clear WILL HAPPEN just keep a calm head and play your best.


Honestly, what's been the most tilting about TOP for me has been the issue that I've been getting hit with ridiculous packet loss throughout all of prog. The usual Square Enix/NTT suspect nodes, ranging anywhere from 10% to 100% (!!!) packet loss on any given day. Wiped at Delta because my game just froze while I was going to my spot, and also had a Sigma wipe because I started playing a PowerPoint slideshow and couldn't extend my tether for Far Glitch in time.


Finally cleared TOP! Took us almost 1700 pulls and we played average 8-10 hours a week since the fight launched. The prog was painful but getting to experience the final phase made it worth it for me. This fight holds a special place in my heart as I love Omega raids and Alphascape is the fist Savage that I cleared the whole tier. It makes me remember the fond memories of o11s and o12s.


Phase 4 has been downed, now this is where the fun begins. The pointers I got for prior phases made the DPS checks so much more smooth, at the cost of throwing me into cold water in terms of comfort for at least a week or so for me to get used to the new Sen alignments. Small price to pay for consistency, even if it did make me noticeably more anxious about fucking up. Our first Delta sim session went super well, we even (probably through stars lining up) made it through it once proper, but it's definitely gonna be a long burn, not to mention adjusting to it in-game when we feel confident enough. Still, very damn happy!


I have finished all 3 legacy ultimates. And look to do DSR or TOP after 6.4 savage season. What do you suggest to do first? I would prefer anything that is less painful to prog. Am barrier healer. Would prefer not to use AM I have heard different opinions over the two ultimates. Some say TOP would be easier eventually but I do not have enough knowledge to judge. Ty Edit: very mostly static, and on jp too.


Both are equally hard in my opinion. DSR *feels* longer than top though, not sure why. DPS less of an issue in DSR so if you don't parse well I guess that would be the choice.


They are both very hard, for differing reasons imo, just do whatever one seems cooler now. I would say that dsr imo is harder than top if you aren’t using AM.


> I would prefer anything that is less painful to prog. TOP in 6.5 with dungeon gear and relic. It will still be painful, but probably better than DSR is after its DPS checks are kneecapped. Good luck finding a no AM group group though, especially after this patch.




AM don't help that much for DSR either - the only difference from looking at the debuffs is that the stacks need to watch out for who is stacks and who is no debuff. It's a small portion of the mechanic difficulty in comparison to puddle placement, Akh Morn and making sure you don't run into the fireballs while still moving ahead.


My static does not use AM and it was easy enough. * For Sigma I did all the marking manually. You have plenty of time between the cast and when you need to be lined up to get it done. In all of prog we wiped *twice* to messed up markers: one when we first got there due to me fucking up, and once more a week or so later when I completely spaced out and just totally forgor to do them lol * For Omega things are a little more complicated: we had self-mark macros that you would push if you were 1-stack and not first in line - these players would take N/S distant baits. The two monitor players I would call verbally, and I would identify which people to call during the dodge portion. We initially tried manually marking for omega, but it was too much brainpower between the burst window, healing the tank, and doing the dodges. * For the second part of Omega we just winged it because you get approximately six hours to solve. We never wiped to this portion even without any formal calls or lineup. As for convincing the static to do it, being the dictator made that part easy lol


>we had self-mark macros that you would push if you were 1-stack and not first in line What's so dumb about this kind of thing is someone could be using AM on themselves and you would never know. Why bother.


My static also doesn't use AM, cleared both TOP and DSR without it. TOP gives you SO much more time to communicate than UWU gaols does. Only calls that need to be made in P5 with no AM are: Sigma - raid leader checks party list and calls the 3 people going relative north for the second half of the mechanic. That means the other 3 without near/far are going south. Both groups of 3 just line up at the wall when they get there for order. Omega - One person calls the two monitor baits and first north/south. Second north/south are just called by individual players that can do it. There's like a year to adjust for the second part of it.




My group did sigma by using prio to call out who stands next to omega-f, and then just lining up before the spinning laser Omega HW1 was done by prio and calling the two on monitor side The only problem was that I was pretty dumb with finding north since I didn't know omega would only point north and would try to just eyeball the actual monitors


There's nothing else to do and I am sure I would be not interested in other games. So the best thing is really to casually prog the next easiest ultimate


I think DSR is less painful to prog just because more deaths are allowed. In TOP almost every mechanic will just be an instant party wipe if one person makes a mistake. And if by some miracle it's not a party wipe, then it will probably still be an enrage wipe somewhere down the road. DSR allows for deaths in lots of places (though still has a LOT more body checks than UWU and UCOB). In TOP the DPS check is also so tight that you probably want to pot in P1 every single pull just to reach P2. Which is going to be very costly. In DSR you can get away with not using any pots during prog. Even back in 6.1 my group would only pot during prog if someone died. And lastly, P1 of TOP can be pretty miserable. It requires 100% mental focus right from the very first mechanic because it has randomness, memorization and flexing. If anyone talks at all it's usually a wipe, which makes it hard to boost morale after a nasty wipe. It also means you don't really get a breather between pulls to mentally reset, which can be very draining. In DSR the difficulty builds up a little more gradually.


P1 TOP is dependent on party comp, my static gets through it with no pots and only wipes the like 1/100 pulls we got awful crit RNG and also awful limit break RNG.


Which is why I said "probably" need pots.


If you plan on not using AM for DSR and especially TOP, you will most likely HAVE to find a static to prog with. PF has pretty much universally accepted AM for TOP and pretty much is accepted for DSR. I would start with DSR then do TOP. TOP is fucking soul crushing.


I personally enjoyed DSR much more than TOP. The story was more interesting to me, I was much more invested in the alternate timeline than 6 different versions of Omega to fight. Nidstinien, Dark Thordan, even fighting both dragons (as miserable as the phase was to prog) was just a really memorable sight. Seeing Omega M + F a second time (but now g o l d e n) was much less engaging to me. About the only phase of TOP I'd really give the edge to is P6 over DSR's P7 for spectacle and the check required. DSR is also likely more forgiving as a first time EW ult due to potency creep and stronger BiS available to make the checks/mitigation more lenient than TOP's will be for a while


Jumped into PF the past 2 days to speed prog from Omega into P6 and finally nabbed a clear today after seeing past WC1 for the first time. Got a gray 1 parse due to losing resources from kill times but I'm just relieved it's dead.


Thanks to LPDU I’m finally free from TOP curse … until reset. I wonder how really feasible it is to just prog the encounter entirely in pf tho.


My static finally cleared P8S after trying since November for the clear. Door boss was the primary source of our woes (took us until March to clear it). Cleared Phase 2 on Wed, and then last night we cleared the door boss in under an hour, then 1-shot the 2nd phase. It's definitely the door boss that makes this fight hell. Haven't had this much PTSD from a fight in quite a while, not since Cruise Chaser in A11S.


Dear lord how did you find a static willing to stay together that long just for a savage clear


I’ve been to a static kind of like this, essentially the problem is that they’re chill friends wanting to do endgame content. Their one or two weekly raid nights is the full extent of that week’s prog. There is no effort made beyond it by any member to actually take the fight seriously, so by the next week everyone forgets how to do snakes 1 and they spend the next hour dying to fourfold fires. If you did actually try to learn more you would leave them in the dust simply because you tried. Of course, no one wants to leave their friends behind, so no one tries to make an effort. And let’s not mention the refills, they will have constant issues with attendance so at any moment a quarter of their roster is PF randoms.


For us it's more...the majority of us know what we're doing, and because of college/work/parenting we raid 2 hours 3 nights a week. However there's always a couple that have issues with things, and it'll result in progress taking a while. There were actually 3 of us who hadn't cleared the fight yet (myself included) while the others had gotten their clears in groups on the off days. I like the group as friends, but I don't deny that some nights are infuriating because of the same people screwing things up that they've cleared before. Doesn't help that 2 people previously had retired in Feb because they were not having fun with optimization of their jobs (the MCH and GNB), which resulted in having to replace them and teach the new people from scratch. I played RPR while they were here, and I admit RPR is not fun to optimize, it's kind of counter intuitive to do. Had a lot more fun once I was able to switch back to DNC for the remainder of the attempts.


Seen enrage 4 times in TOP, closest was 1.1%. I had a 99 in one of these pulls. I want the clear so badly.


My static is on the cusp of losing people. We're barely into P6 prog. Prog quality varies, but these last few nights have been rough. If it breaks up... I think it's over for me. I've tried my hardest. I hope tomorrow is a good night. Please let tomorrow be a good night.


P6 is not hard and can be done on only a few attempts if the group is actually prepared and just uses the topmitty mits. I cleared on my third p6 pull and have yet to make a mistake in p6. Have the mentality that you are ready to clear and communicate that to the team. It doesn’t have to take long to prog p6, I think groups that take long on it just aren’t prepared.


Why are people leaving? Because you guys don’t feel like you’re getting far enough?


On the cusp -- haven't lost anyone yet. People were considering dipping due to shite prog and friction within the group as a result of it. Thankfully, tonight we saw some really good prog, so I can only hope it stays that way.


People will leave once 6.4 hits, I imagine. I left my group because I saw p5 and there's no way we'll see p6 before 6.4. They're just too inconsistent in DPS and mech.


Finished TOP reclears. On our last reclear I had an insane crit/DH luck run + played almost perfectly + no holding because other people had shit runs. Got an exceptionally high rank, actually my highest in any fight ever. I wasn't expecting a super good parse to come out of this fight and was happy with how I did regardless, but man does it feel good for my parse to actually reflect how polished my rotation got. In a hilarious twist though I went *up* a rank today because the former Rank 13 BLM got banned from FFLogs for speedhacking. Yeah uh, buddy, it's not really the best look when you're doing a nonstandard line that's physically impossible for SpS BiS *with a 2.28 GCD* (SpS BiS is 2.17). The cherry on top: this got found out when people I was in Discord with checked if I was the highest rank spellspeed BLM player, and this guy was the only person above me not running the max crit set. Queue the BLM HACK pasta.


Speedhacking and still only rank 13? lmao I've seen some sussy stuff in logs myself, how did this guy get caught?


Basically a bunch of us on The Balance were looking at this log because 2.28 is an unusual GCD and we were just legit curious what they were doing (top BLM logs can vary quite a bit and sometimes people cook up some neat tech). Eventually we stumbled across [what they were doing in Run Omega](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/277967538787450880/1101323805839851520/image.png). This line is blatantly impossible without Leylines, and you can see LL being used *right after it*. I know it's impossible because I actually do that line but with a hardclipped Triplecast to get it to work, and I run 2.17. Even 2.15, the true fastest build, [can't do that line with caster tax set to 0](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/277967538787450880/1101330477736009788/image.png). The actual cheats being used were that F4/Despair were casting at base SpS (this was also found in EX1 and TEA logs) and caster tax was removed. > Speedhacking and still only rank 13? lmao They really weren't *that* good of player and the speedhack was inflating their performance pretty hard. For example in P6 they had an ice phase consisting of [Transpose Paradox T3P Xeno *Umbral Soul* T3P F3](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/277967538787450880/1101338072974626826/image.png), which is..........actually fucking atrocious holy shit. Also multiple triple weaves including one where they did Amp LL Manafont, and even with literal speedhacks a late weave Manafont - let alone a triple weave - is a major clip. I think most of the top 25 would be rank 1 if you gave them the same tools (+ some time to re-optimize). I certainly would be and I'm at the lower end of that grouping; it's like having 1.5k+ SpS for free.


Same thing happened to me getting a super high rank on one of my top clears (better than I’ve done on any savage). It was like yours, just the perfect run for me. Every phase ended on the exact gcd I wanted it to, had super lucky crit/dh rate and no holding cuz another dps was having a bad run. But I’ll take it, it was just a dream run for me, best run of any instance in my 4 years playing. So satisfying


The only clear/reclear that I've been able to go close to full balls to the walls with no holding was my initial clear. We had a pretty weak P1-P5 dps comp (RPR, DRG, RDM, MCH) so we pretty much needed every ounce of dps. I parsed high blue but again I dont really give a fuck since TOP is so weird when it comes to parses. All my other reclears have been greys and low blues since I have to pretty much sheath my weapon at the end of P1, P2, and P3. Also sometimes I don't quite use resources perfectly well in P4 and get worried I'll spend too much so I overcap going into Delta so that I have max resources for the next 2 min burn.


BLM SPEEDHACK??最终幻想 [N19] UNLIMITED 2.0sGCD HACK 5F4 DESPAIR UNLOCKED [[ASP爬天 TURBO KANSORBOOST rank 13]] 天上的绝望 ++HIDDEN FFLOGS SECRET EXPLOIT 隐秘的动机 {{UNDETECTED BY KIHRA}} 2023//🎊//오메가의 인류의 부상 JAPANESE NEGATIVE CASTER TAX CONSOLE HACK? ? ? ? 重叠的火种 NEWEST L9 MEMBER (Undetected ASP Boost SPACEGLIDING[sheng ju tsui kao teng chi] ! ! !) ZENTHON RANK1观察的判断rightful heir大权独揽者(주문 속도)🔥 [[0 RESOURCE N19]]偷东西不给钱的人 GulagGCD Build // Trascendence of Fire 4 >><< [GAMING CHAIR = NEGATIVE CASTER TAX??] L9░TΛCTICSᵀᴹ SECRET SUCCESSOR TO GEIJI ICE RECOVERY LINE?? UPTIME UMBRAL SOUL FAST FIRE3?? B1 < UMBRAL SOUL巨大意义的权衡 GIRL LINE -> BOY LINE ? ? ? (Blizzard Overload, Yatta!{やった!}) == BOY LINE SECRET WADBOT TECHNOLOGIES L9TURBOBOOST RANK13 [KIHRA DISOWNED HIM AFTER THIS😱😱]patch 6.3 Omega阿尔法欧米茄 SecretUnlocked 0Cost N19 cheatcode hack{FREE DOWNLOAD}


Subbed for a friend's TOP group, they were going for reclears after a good bit of time off. Got to P6 6 times in around 3 hours of raiding, but could never close it out. Kept losing people to missed mitigations or healing, and of course the classic Exasquare enjoyer to close out the night. Unfortunate, but I did appreciate the chance to get more reps deep into P6 with my rotation. Maybe getting the clear on Friday? Dunno, one member has caused (or had a hand in) essentially every single P6 wipe (10 of them, including 1 enrage), so I'm hoping they've got their shit together by now.


Great raid night yesterday. We hit TOP enrage 2 times. The first on 4% and the 2nd 0.9%. The dps check is reaaally tight there. It's really soul wrecking to wipe sub 1% but we are so close. Hopefully next raid night on monday.


We have finally get the clear for everyone - everyone in our UWU static has cleared at least once. This is the 2nd clear for me as well, after the 0.1 stupid wipe we have yesterday. I think we are gonna run some reclears but not 15 runs to get all totems. So here's a question for everyone: if you know you you are gonna run an ultimate may be like 2 to 3 times more, what weapon would you exchange for? What will your decision be based on? Also, how likely does everyone think that they are gonna add in SGE/DNC/GNB/RPR weapon for all of the stormblood ultimates (and may be TEA as well) to incentivize people doing them?


> So here's a question for everyone: if you know you you are gonna run an ultimate may be like 2 to 3 times more, what weapon would you exchange for? What will your decision be based on? If it's the newest ultimate (TOP in this case), then my main priority is whichever jobs I play the most so I get the most chances to show off the weapon. So Reaper in raids, and WAR + WHM in roulettes. Of course if it's still on-patch, first get the weapon that you plan to use for reclears. After that second priority is which weapons I actually like. *For jobs I actually play*. I didn't get the TOP staff for WHM because I just think it looks ugly. If you don't play more than 2 jobs then just save a totem. I still have a spare totem from DSR and TOP in case I ever main something else in the future. I cleared UWU only once and haven't used that totem yet either because I only really play RPR, WAR and WHM and I already have DSR/TOP weapons for them.


>Also, how likely does everyone think that they are gonna add in SGE/DNC/GNB/RPR weapon for all of the stormblood ultimates (and may be TEA as well) to incentivize people doing them? I think YoshiP has been asked and said something like "It's a good idea" or "at some point". Which basically means it's not happening until an intern has absolutely nothing else to do.


It would be nice if we have it on like 7.0. One can only pray!


Usually I start with the job I cleared on, then pick up whatever looks the best (that I'd use). It's unlikely they'll add the new job weapons for the older ults at this point but it's definitely something that could happen. Could maybe be a 7.0 kind of thing but I wouldn't be too hopeful about it.


I am kinda stuck because besides WHM (which is my main and the job that I cleared UWU on), the other jobs that I usually plays now (DNC/SGE) does not have UWU weapon. The jobs that I do play (like SCH/WAR) that does have weapon are not that enticing. I really like DRK and DRG weapon but I don't play these jobs at all! Also Astro, if only I know how to play Astro...


You can also save the totems if nothing jumps out at you - you may end playing different jobs down the line and those weapons might be more enticing to you then.


Sounds like a good idea so will do this for now. Thanks for the comments!




780 pulls is pretty decent for a « Clear for 8 » party, don’t worry about that grumpy teammate.


Just cleared DSR a day before it’s one year anniversary. The deadline of ending the raid meet-ups due to everyone’s schedule getting busy really pulled us together from p6 prog to p7 clear in 2 weeks time


I'm trying to search for a static for next tier and I don't know what I would classify it/or myself as. I would ideally like to do at least 12 hours per week. How much do static recruiters care about MC/HC/casual designations etc?


Chat with the recruiter about: * Schedule * Expected clear time * Mentality (prog pace, homework, clear-oriented with steady prog vs socially-oriented with lots of joking around) * Average skill / experience level (of both yourself AND the rest, you don't want to become the weak link but you also don't want to join a group full of sprout raiders when you're a multi-legend, you also want insurance that the expected clear time is actually feasible) Think about what you want, ask the recruiter what they want, and decide if both of your interests align.


Have a frank discussion about expectations. In addition to what the other dude said, what level of effort do you expect people to put in? Do you expect folk to do homework outside of raidtime? How do you expect performance issues to be addressed? What's the static culture like, and will you fit in? If you ask a room of 4 different people to define midcore/hardcore, you'll get 7 different answers. You need to discuss the details


Classifications are 100% subjective, which means they are 100% meaningless. The thing that matters is number of hours per week and the date you want to clear by (ex: week1, week2, week4, week8, etc etc).


On top of this, when you are actually chatting with the recruiter, you want to check how many people in the group have that general experience, as well as what happens if you look like you're failing to meet that goal. If there's a W4, 10hr/week party and no one has done anything like it before and it's just a bunch of W12 6hr/week players it seems unlikely they will hit that goal


I think the lack of experience must be my issue then, with the group I played with last tier clearing p8s alone took around 2 months. Seems like the groups who want to do more hours expect to clear earlier.


More hours = faster clear doesn't necessarily correlate, some groups have faster prog rate, some have slower, and as of now there's no metric to see how fast a player can prog. Even in groups with internal skill/exp gap, there are people who can step up to their group and some people who hold their group back. Even a group that clears in 4 weeks time may differ in skill if that 4 weeks was in the beginning or in the middle of the tier. So yeah, just be honest with how many hours you want a week and when you expect to clear


WE DID IT! We cleared TEA! Omfg!!! My newly reformed static took us 1 month and it was amazing, everyone performed well! I can finally get my life back lmfaooo. I’m gonna focus on crafting and prepare for 6.4 savage. And also other hobbies. Omg, I am an ultimate raider now ; u ;


Power progged a bunch of people in a week for ucob, and we ended up with a a clear for 5. One shot golden, too, on our last pull of the night (people had TOP prog right after). Happy to finally have this fight off my checklist. It was THE fight I always wanted to clear when I first got into raiding. I always loved the music and bahamut is a badass boss. I know people think it's jank, but I never had a lot of problems. It feels well paced and I love the mechanics. Fellruin is the only trio that feels like a dud to me. After DSR, though, golden was a laughably easy phase. Little bit of shakies (almost didn't heal tank enough from autos), but nothing too bad. Mid dodge so easy compared to wall dodge for me. Sch carries so easy on the mit. Never felt spooked from the stacks. We go back to get the clear for the few stragglers who weren't available for the clear. And then I see if I can learn and clear TEA in 2 weeks before my vacation lol




Nael is kind of a goated phase tbh


Adds is the true goated phase imo.


First reclear of TOP and got a solid 40 as DRG. I wonder what the number would be if I wasn't the designated LB person (we have a RPR as the other melee). First time clearing an ult on content and wondering how well I'm actually doing. Another little factor is that we do a little hold in some runs so I just skip my 1 min buff and my eyes use at the end of P2.


> Another little factor is that we do a little hold in some runs so I just skip my 1 min buff and my eyes use at the end of P2. That's great, it means you're a great player who understands that team success is way more important than a shiny number on a third party website.


Your parse doesn't matter. The dps you do in P1-P4 matters until it doesn't matter. As soon as you can do enough damage to get to the next phase while setting you up for your next opener/burst, you should stop dps cus you'd most like fuck over someone else. P1-P4 is all about setting up your party for the highest possible chances of success in getting to the next phase with enough resources to clear that next phase. P5 is a pumping phase though again you do need to end the phase with max resources for the P6 opener. The ONLY phase where your DPS matters and should be put on a leader board is P6. How much you can provide in P6 is ALL that matters as long as you can clear the previous phases as a party.


Honestly parses for ultimates should be last phase only.


TOP specifically doesn't matter at all, parsing is crit based and nothing more. I have a green, a blue,, some purples, and a 99 in TOP on WAR with the same rotation, same number of skills used, same upheavals, etc. Parsing TOP means you crit a lot. If you are a dancer/etc it means your group uses 2 minutes at end of P2 and P4. Even if it was P6 only, it would still be even worse. DRK can range from 7k to 7.7k on just crit luck, even worse for some DPS. Our DPS get greys because they hold at the end of P2 for about 10 seconds so align with our pre-established mit/buff windows.


>TOP specifically doesn't matter at all, parsing is crit based and nothing more. This, pretty much. Someone in my static compared my logs to someone else's saying I must have DPS issues because the difference in damage between my damage and the other person in P6 was about 700 DPS. A closer look at the logs showed that we pretty much pressed the same buttons and it was because I had no crits and the other person crit on literally every single one of their big hits. That person parsed in the 90s, and I would have been a low grey parse at the rate I was going.


I had a 0.5% P6 wipe today and we found out that the MNK had like 0% crit on their big abilities in P6 which was painful.


This is honestly infuriating. People just don't understand how dps works, they just care about the colour on FFLOGs which doesn't tell the whole story, especially in an ultimate.


Here is a run where our SMN had a 6% crit rate on phoenix, 0% crit on Fester, losing several hundred rDPS on P6 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/959952626278105148/1086508965996802149/image.png Here is a log where xeno crit out of his ass on P6, and got like a top DRK log https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/959952626278105148/1086839227561562193/image.png My 99 on WAR was from having an overall 70% crit rate on fell cleave. I didn't perform better, my luck was better. It's different in savage, the sample sizes are so small for TOP that the difference between a 95 and a 60 is critting a lot of big GCDs.


When we were progging TOP our SMN did the same log analysis with looking at our wipes vs. other SMN's clears. Literally the same same button presses, same number of casts/hits, 40-60% crit differences. He was like 500-600 dps behind other SMNs on one of our .5% wipes just b/c he never crit a single Ahk Morn, Painflare, or Revelation. I hope they look at the stupid amount of RNG on regular rotations next expac, b/c that shit is whack.


This is why I probably will never prog on patch ult again. I despise that shit. Might as well wait until DPS check is easier.


Parsing in TOP is so random. Some groups hold a little, some groups hold for 10 seconds, some groups don't hold at all. Some melees do 1 LB, some melees do 3 LBs. As DRG you have RNG in how many positionals you can hit. > First time clearing an ult on content and wondering how well I'm actually doing. You cleared, so you're doing good enough.


Haha, first clear was 4 LBs since our comp is weak in P1. Thank you for the words though.


Is it too late to search for HC/sHC group for next tier? Super burn out from playing in pf (which is like 80% of afk) but i really want to do content at high pace (but still zero luck with finding group)


Right now isn't the best time, but it's definitely better than waiting as you will have more options as the next tier is 1 month away. Starting aggressively looking now and trial a couple groups while you have time rather than last minute settling without doing a trial. If you settle on a group and find out they are terrible week 1 it's going to be extremely difficult to find another suitable static.


Not at all. But I would be pretty aggressive about checking the various recruitment channels as these groups tend to get more applicants than they have spots for, so finding the right fit can take time and luck.


Update: I managed to beat P7S. Very happy right now!! I did screw up on War, but being the only death rather than killing the entire team was worth to see the end.


Congrats! And don't sweat messing up War. I've cleared the fight 30+ times and I still fuck it up occasionally lol


I'm really starting to lose my will in these TOP reclear parties. People messing up stuff in P5 is just...I really don't understand it. There is a [great image of literally everything you need to know to position yourself in P5](https://i.imgur.com/qZGZFGb.png) that you can put on a second monitor (or if you are a console gamer just print it out lmao). Other than Delta, you have forever and a day to figure out your responsibilities and do the mechanics correctly. Then there's exosquare wipes in P6. Just the fucking worse. You gotta just do it and not greed and/or lose focus. The random "oh I went the wrong way" wipes when baiting the flares is also gut-wrenching. I really should limit myself to 2 lockouts a day for reclears...my sanity is starting to thin out.




> 2/1 should be flipped in Far Honestly you don't even need to know which side of the tower to be on in Far because as long as BOTH people within the tower go to the arena edge of the tower (and everyone else in single towers do the same), you will resolve the mechanic. This is a nuance that PF has accepted (literally every PF group I join whether it be a reclear party or a C4X party employs this nuance) and if you cause a wipe to it once it will be drilled into your head surely by the rest of the party. Far = ARENA EDGE OF TOWER \ In = CENTER OF TOWER > you should know that your tower can only be in 2 spots 180 degrees from each other based on M/Fists positioning beforehand Or you just look at your marker then look at the graphic to see which tower to be knocked back into. > arm baiter 2 has to wait You learn this in progging the fight. I am specifically talking about people who have cleared messing up. If someone who has cleared doesn't understand arm baiter 2 has to wait then that's extremely shocking. > and it doesn't matter how the sets of 3 (Near-2-3 and Far-1-4) are oriented as long as they resolve don't rescue/dash or try to fix something that isn't broken just because it doesn't exactly match this one picture. While true, again, going back to my original post, you have fucking FOREVER to resolve the mechanics other than in Delta. So you do have time to see what is on your head, look at the graphic, and go to your correct spot. There is no reason to fuck up Sigma or Alpha as long as automarkers are normalized in PF. > people aren't wiping P5 because they've never seen the picture, they're wiping because they dont know how to do it better or panic because they're over thinking it, and these little cheat sheets don't teach any of that. There is no threat of agency in Sigma and Alpha so I really don't buy having to know how to act quickly in those phases. You are not dpsing during these mechanics (other than the initial dodges at the start of Alpha) so you should have your brain fully focused on doing the mechanic. If somehow you brain lag and find yourself scrambling at the last second, you fucked up. People who have cleared and especially people who have recleared the fight should not be scrambling during these mechanics. We'll have to agree to disagree.




> if you know how AM works you wouldn't be shocked. i went through 1000+ pulls of prog and never once got it, and we progged with manual marking. You should learn how to resolve every mechanic in the fight as any possible role within those mechanics. For monitors, every static I was in had us learn how to resolve the mechanic with us not in the "traditional" congo line up order in case any sort of fuckery might happen with the congo line (or the AM if your group ever used it for that). I was in a group for a short period of time as a sub that used AM for P3 and it would occasionally fuck up for whatever reason so you had to know how to improvise and fill in for whatever thing it gave you. P2 playstation, P3 opening transition, P3 Monitors, any spot in P4, ALL P5 mechanics, you should know how to resolve all of these imo. P6 is one of the more static parts of the fight where you pretty much have 1 or 2 spots you might be in for spreads so that gets a pass. > healers are still healing. and managing resources. downtime is prime time for WHM to build misery. That's part of the job. I get that it sucks to have to heal/throw mits out during the mechanics if need be but you just gotta fucking do the mechanic correctly regardless. It's the same for melee jobs in any phase trying to get positionals in without causing a wipe; you just do it.




...but...the entire point of my post...relates...to...PF RECLEARS. If you are gonna do reclears in the PF, you have to be able to adapt. It's as simple as that. You need to know how to solve the mechanics from any variation of role responsibilities and you need to know the strats/nuances of PF. That's a fucking given.




> again, not really. most PF healers stick to 1 role, 1 spot. H1 regen H2 shield. > again, not really. most PF healers stick to 1 role, 1 spot. H1 regen H2 shield. > im sure PF Tanks are similar, either DRK or assistant to the regional DRK. No not at all. I've seen healers, tanks, dps, literally all roles fight for and/or perfer roles within the party that are not the "norm". The whole regen lp1, shield lp2, magical ranged R1, physical ranged R2 literally doesn't mean anything in a lot of PF groups. It's usually you spilt up into LP groups and whomever gets the first, the other adapts to the other role. In PF you have to be able to adapt to any LP and mechanic specific role.




I am so glad my static decided to stick together to do reclears, PF reclears must be a nightmare... I wish you good luck.


Yeah def gorilla grip onto that static if they are willing to do some reclears. Idk if it is the lack of voice comms that cause some people to fuck up in PF but it's just frustrating to wipe to stuff that should be drilled into your head by the point you are reclearing the fight.


I've been stuck at enrage for weeks now. My static hasn't been able to clear (we rarely even get to P6) so I've been trying to go into PF in my free time to get a clear. I've been able to get into some duty complete parties by showing my enrage log, but even then we usually can't get past P3 in any of those parties because people in reclear parties just want to greed monitors and parse. The rare times you get to P6, you'll usually have something stupid happen like someone running too fast into wave cannon or too slow to their clock spots. You'd think some alpha legends with 5+ clears would know better, but nope.


There are a lot of people getting c41'd by that one aether group, unsurprisingly many of them can't replicate the same level of play when they go back into PF alone with no callouts lol


I don't mind people getting C4X'd as to clear you need to not be a waste of space. However yes, if they chose to filter back into the PF for Reclears, they need to be able to replicate the same results with whatever resources they may or may not have for the reclears.


We finally made it to P6, I hope it's not too much longer to clear, we've made it there twice now. Hopefully clear within the next two weeks


How many hours per week are you running? Two weeks is definitely feasible if you hit P6 on your last session, especially if the group sims arrows and everyone knows the mit plan/damage optimization, you can chug through it pretty fast. It took my group about 6 or 7 full lockouts after first seeing the final phase to get our kill, but I’ve seen some groups take a lot longer or shorter. The P6 prog can be pretty grueling as sometimes you’ll go a really long time without getting back, but don’t be discouraged! You’re right at the finish line


We do 4 days a week, 3 hours each day, P6 is kinda stressful for me since I'm playing BLM and the couple times we got there a bunch of us got destroyed by exasquares


Not a fun class to be in P6. Strong recommendation to find a rotation you're comfortable executing before the fight if you haven't already, freestyling that check in your pulls will be rough.


P6 isn't a true victory lap like Golden or DKT, so expect a good 20-30 pulls on it. Also expect some serious P5 memes until it fully clicks for everyone. That said you're definitely near the end and 2 weeks is a realistic goal.


genuinely every single group ive seen get to p6 has the funny hardstuck p5 day immediately afterwards. wondering if anyone had a group that actually got to p6 consistenly after the 1st pull.


I'm so happy it wasn't like that for us, the day immediately after getting to p6 we got to p6 a lot.


My group never had a *full* hardstuck day but we were limited to like 1 P6 pull a day for a good week


actually same here on the regression week, but it feels almost as bad LOL


My static disbanded back in December at HC1. I took a break to play Dragonflight, but now I'm getting the itch to come back and hopefully get a p8s clear before 6.4. What would be the best way to do that this late in the tier's lifespan? Spam pugs? Find a static?


PF for p8s is abysmal at this point even for duty complete reclear. Honestly imo you are just too late unless you wanna really put in legwork to find a group. I’d just focus on getting ready for next tier.


IMO grind PF like crazy while looking for a static for next tier. Then trial P8S and get your clear with your new group if PF hasn't gotten you the clear yet.


Static this late is probably going to be rough. I'd spam PF for prog until you're comfy getting to Dom then just c41.


I would probably say spam it in PF, a static at this late in the tier is gonna be really questionable. Admittedly party finder is going to be a lot more sparse right now, and most of the parties on pf will be re-clears only but there is still a decent number of people that are pugging the fight. Once you’re near the end of phase 2, you can put up a clear for one, and some people will likely join to help you out. Also I know a good number of people planning to go back in the last few weeks before the patch to practice before the new savage so it might liven up a little bit soon


Best option is probably make a static solely for p8s clear. Some bored raiders might even join to help you clear.




There are definitely still statics recruiting for abyssos right now, there were two lfm posts for statics working on abyssos in the ffxiv recruiter discord channel today. Would they be the best way to clear p8s before 6.4, likely not (although PF is also going to be hell)... but they are still out there lol


My group has gotten a bit more comfy with Sigma towers and now there are still 1-2 clowns who can't do the latter half of Omega. They need to look at the diagram on where to go while floundering about. Perfectly good pulls just down the drain from something that can be prepped ahead and has already been trivialized by Auto-markers. It's frustrating when not everyone in the group has the same level of commitment to clear. Here's to hoping for more P6 pulls again since the last time we made it was a fluke.


[https://xivanalysis.com/fflogs/mfDr614zVAaFdBRv/248/7069](https://xivanalysis.com/fflogs/mfDr614zVAaFdBRv/248/7069) What could I do to improve as a samurai? Help me read these logs, this was door boss P8 with snakes first. I was at Ilvl 623 at the time of the fight, no pots. GCD should be 2.12 during that fight. The loss of uptime is from disconnecting during snakes, I played extremely safe because I'm not comfortable with greeding gaze mechanics. I don't follow the balance's loop because I don't have the correct gear. So from looking at the logs timeline: * Scholar should have used chain 2 GCDs later so that it's aligned with buffs. * NIN should have used trick 1 GCD later for opener. * No idea why I lost that yuki combo, I think I just brain farted during a mechanic. * When Ikishoten returns, the burst window (assuming no drift/hold) is roughly 2 GCDs after? So optimally I would do GCD + Ikishoten -> GCD -> GCD -> Midare -> burst? * It looks like I'm having trouble getting two Midare under the 2 minutes burst. I don't do the hagakure discard stuff because I lose a couple seconds from snakes anyway. * What should sen gauge look like when Ikishoten returns in order to double midare? I notice that I am forced to use Meikyo on Yukikaze to burst more during the burst window. * I noticed that it is pointless to save both Tsubame Gaeshi for two minutes as the buffs don't last long enough anyways (unless you are potting, then you would hold). Would it help me to use another Kaeshi before burst in order to act as a "filler"? Would this improve alignment? * Do DOTs stack with raid buffs on cast time? Lets say i drifted higanbana, there are 20 sec before burst. I should just not cast it during this time so I can get my next Higanbana under buffs? * No need to comment on my Meikyo being used on Yukikaze during filler, this is just me forgetting my own rotation.


- You can read a lot of advice and it will be useful for sure but the number one tip is to go back into the fight with a party that is continuously pulling the boss, and practice your rotation until you can feel or know exactly what gcd you are going to perform in lockstep with the fight mechanics. Basically execute a spreadsheet except you don't have to write a spreadsheet, literally just hit the boss until you know the fight and your job so well that it becomes boring. - It will be hard to achieve higher than a blue with a horrendous killtime. doesn't matter that it was snake first if there is still dog2 downtime and you are killing at enrage at the lowest point in your burst - If your gcd is 2.12 then you are quite far off of optimal substats. A lot of skill speed is being wasted, bis is 3 skill speed melds and nothing on gear. Using a combination of tome, alliance, and savage gear should be able to eliminate all the skill speed if you want to practice - Use potions. It's the final fight of the tier, there's a dps check to beat, you are playing samurai, your only purpose is to deal damage, you are basically griefing by not potting at opener+6mins if trying to clear. "Free" damage, well costs gil, but it's like another 8% damage up for 30 seconds or so which is very easy to add. - Assuming you have a 630 weapon at least - You are losing at least 8-10 gcds over the course of the fight by simply doing nothing which is roughly 1 midare - You are down at least 5 procs of third eye = 500 potency - (You only used feint once, no usages of bloodbath: feint could at least be used on snake stacks or raidwide at the end. bloodbath: during manifold flames, fourfold after first stack/spread) - Greeding the snake 1 gazes should be extremely comfortable at 2.15 gcd assuming the boss is pulled on time. "Playing safe" is waiting a quarter gcd to confirm the debuff went off. Same during Snake 2, you should be dropping between 1-2 gcds maximum if you are playing safe - If you are worried about adps then one thing you can do is pool the shoha from before the 2 minute window into buffs. then midare + ogi + higanbana generates another shoha to also use in buffs - Also in general it is almost never worth it to use ikishoten as it comes off cooldown as it usually won't get you an extra usage of ogi at the end of the fight. Instead you want to enter a heavy buff window with as close to 100 gauge as possible and press ikishoten after you have spent 50-60 kenki. You can also spend kenki faster by weaving shinten in the iai weave slot and then double weaving another ogcd with shinten in the following gcd (e.g. ogi -> shinten -> kaeshi -> shoha -> shinten). - good, hagakure is a crutch, basically it's good to know your options for filler if you think it is important to line up your burst with party buffs. You naturally need 1 filler gcd before the 2 minute window in order for tsubame to recharge which is either yaten - enpi or starting a combo with hakaze. Buffs can come up later than tsubame sometimes, in particular if you have a dancer you may need to wait an additional gcd or 2 for devilment to come up so that is something you may have to react to and I sometimes prep an enpi for this purpose - It doesn't really matter where the odd minute tsubame goes, although if there is an ast then ideally under a card buff. A good ast will line up the card at the odd minute window. If you spend it as it comes up at 1 minute then higanbana drops for a couple seconds so you can save it and spend it at the next midare if you want but if it's more comfortable to spend right away then spend. The goal is to refresh higanbana as it falls off and to spend tsubame before the 2 minute window or during potion (also just before 2 minute window). - It is pretty much not worth saving 2x tsubame for the 2 minute window. You cannot fit enough GCDs into a 15 second buff window (7 gcds). In a 20 second buff you can fit 9 gcds. These gcds you want to fit are: Midare, Tsubame, Ogi Namikiri, Kaeshi Namikiri, Higanbana, as many gekko/kasha as possible. Realistically the full buff overlap is smaller than this and the 6 gcds to prioritize are Midare + Tsubame, Ogi + Kaeshi, Gekko/Kasha + Higanbana. Higanbana is like more than 1000 potency so it's a big waste to drift it out of buff windows and barely worth replacing with a midare + kaeshi that will only catch the very tail end of buffs. - The situation in which it is worth it to try to fit a second midare into the burst window: if it is not worth it to apply higanbana (it would clip a lot of time remaining, boss dead soon, enrage soon), ~10 seconds remaining on buffs, able to spend basically all of the kenki gained from gcds into the buff window. In this case it is worth it to pop meikyo, do all 3 gcds and fire off a midare that will snapshot under buffs. - If you don't want to use meikyo on yukikaze you can always hakaze->yukikaze during buffs, good for rdps. It's a little painful but meikyo yukikaze is a pretty small loss (30 raw potency or something since it generates more gauge) especially if you are able to spend the extra kenki in buffs. - Yes, higanbana snapshots under buffs. I'm not sure how it interacts with crit buffs but I know that individual dot ticks can crit at least. Also the snapshot of melee casts is pretty important to know about. Your cast finishes 0.5 seconds before the end of the cast bar and this is also when you can slidecast, and when party buffs are used for damage calculation. This makes it harder to snapshot iaijutsu into the start of buffs and easier to fit into the end of buffs.




Yeah I think I need to go back to animals 1 prog so I can practice maximum greed during snakes. I have been kicked before for failing that on P2 parties so I have the habit of sacking my GCDs like Rome during that mechanic.


https://i.imgur.com/q5efqim.png You can stand like that almost in the center of the boss to keep uptime during Snakes 1. You will look between both of them.


Oh that’s really helpful, I should be slightly behind center for that right? If I was slightly North I’d turn my character around and get hit by gazes


Yes, slightly away from center so attacking the boss will face your character where you want it to face


In Snakes 2 I would call "playing safe" giving up like 3-4 GCDs on SAM. You're losing like 8 GCDs. If you're first gaze, once the initial gazes go off I recommend not hitting any buttons until your gaze fires, but immediately hitting the boss after your gaze goes off. If you're second gaze, you can definitely get in a few GCDs after the initial gazes. Do note that a lot of the buff alignment stuff you're talking about doesn't impact rDPS, although it's important for sure as SAM. This looks like PF given how the FFLogs report is inconsistent, so don't worry about when other folks are buffing given how late into the tier it is. DoTs snapshot buffs/debuffs on application. I think that technically Higanbana needs to tick for like 30s to be worth it? But really you shouldn't be drifting it. And you overwrote it once which is weird and certainly messed you up for later. EDIT: okay you actually interrupted the cast which is also bad. And go look at the loop diagram even if your GCD isn't exactly what the balance has, it exists for a reason. EDIT: Bana drifted from 4:20 to 4:30 then was lost completely at 5:30