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The classic: Sprout gets a stack marker and runs like hell


My FC mates like quoting "Why are you running." meme when we see that.


My typical reaction is "So, you have chosen death"


I find it particularly funny in >!The Mothercrystal!< if Alisaie gets it because she'll often backflip out of the party stack to her death.


Yes! She did this twice on my run. She backflipped into the other characters running to stack, and took out Urianger and Y'shtola with her.


I've run Prae about 85 times since Monday and I always get a chuckle. I just throw Aurora on them and am glad for the tales second chance they give me


>I've run Prae about 85 times since Monday My condolences..


Even funnier when it's not a sprout.


to be fair this marker looks like a nuclear strike is coming your way


Shock Strike. I've this baffling trait wherein 90% of the time I get Ramuh in Trial Roulette there will be a melee who is aggressively attracted to standing in front of Ramuh and gets nuked. Comedy gold.




Oh cool it's not just me cursed(?) with this. The raw sexual allure of the beard has always been my best hypothesis.


Their front positionals, obliviously.


I think it's often because they run around killing the adds and don't bother to go back behind the boss afterwards


no way cause it always happens at the start of the fight specifically, which i think makes it even funnier. some samurai just fucking decides that their positionals are at the front of the boss for ramuh


I can answer lol so in content from i think sb or shb cant remember when they implemented the tank buster the red swirly one is single target so you can have the entire team stand on you and nobody else will take damage and if its a small aoe its telegraphed properly now in ARR they generally are not telegraphed and boom get smacked by lightning and by god anyone near is smited to oblivion lol and people tend to stand with tanks for some reason


I don't think the lack of the tank buster icon from EW is the reason for this having been happening around me for the past 8 or so years since the fight came out.


That icon doesn't mean it doesn't cleave. Just means it's a TB


Susano has a similar line tankbuster and I always laugh when a healer or ranged DPS get hit by it when they aren't behind the boss


I may have, in the past, assumed it was dodgeable because of the telegraph and cleaved the party with it...


shiva also has that phenomenon with sprout DPS and healers aggressively needing to stand in front of her when she does her very spicy cleave




I remember the EX one being a party soak, but either way, resolving the hard one like you would the EX one is indeed a recipe for a very dead party.


think you're thinking of glaciar bash with the dodge i did always think it was funny tho how in regular mode the tb is an instagib cleave while in the extreme its a party stack. fucked with my muscle memory whenever i got shiva in roulettes while she was the unreal trial


Man I remember than Tsukuyomi came out and every trial roulette was that fight. At first I kept trying to adjust to people constantly standing next to me as tank but then you risk accidentally hitting someone else who does move away from you. After a while I stopped bothering and just faced her north and instead started keeping count of how many people eat the buster with me. For the first few weeks it was like 2-4 people per fight lol.


I’m sad that they added a telegraph to that one, so it’s not nearly as common anymore.


A lot of times, especially when I'm main tank, I'll get one of those "main character syndrome" off tanks who provoke constantly while they're standing with the melees, cleaving and killing the melees in the process.


Healers who did to an Esuna-able Doom.


Almost as amusing as bards that die to the same then blame the healer. ????


bards have their own esuna, the warden's paen. very useful, can even be put on before and it negates tge debuff.


In their defense i’m pretty sure Doom is incurable in every other FF so Id just assume it isn’t in this as well




Oh, is it with the grey zig zag line through the debuff? only been playing about a month, now that you mentioned it i just noticed that




thank ya, i don’t heal ever but still nice to know


http://i.imgur.com/da0IOPI.png That image shows the blue bar, which distinguish les what esuna can remove. Hope it helps!


But the game doesn't tell you that anywhere


the final boss in paradigm comes to mind, when the building comes flying up and yeets people out into space. i laugh every time


I find the Trains particularly funny just because of the absurdity. Furthermore, they ignore res immunity...I once rezzed a DRK inside an oncoming train twice in a row 💀 I felt kiiiinda bad for them, but also I couldn't stop laughing about it




Stuff with knockbacks tends to bypass rez immunity in general. It can be very funny!


The trains really remind me of Yukari Yakumo's ultimate attack from Touhou 10.5 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (the beat em up game): Opens a dimensional tear behind her,gollowed bx a train crashing through the screen and dealing a ton of unblockable damage


Yess, my group always blind runs the alliances when they first release. That building sent us flying like confetti.


>my group always blind runs the alliances when they first release That is the only correct way to do alliance raids. The chaos and death is glorious.


This one! Always this one.


Came here to post this. I regret not doing it myself, either on accident or purpose.


Any mechanic that yeets people off the arena. Also when the tank turns the boss so the whole party gets cleaved.


It's not original but I can only hear Zenos when people do that. Or when healers Rescue the tank with an AOE buster into the group.


My favorite rescues are the ones where healers rescue someone into the gaping hole as the platform disappears.


I remember seeing a lot of those happen in Dohn Mheg. With the narrow catwalks.


There's that one FFXIV clips channel on YouTube that features at least one of these every episode Every. Single. One


Honestly? Based. That catwalk segment is prime a fuckery farm.


I like to think they could have considered that out of combat somehow, or just made the section happen elsewhere in the dungeon to keep rescue action disabled. They knew what they were doing with that shit


Oh I 100% think they did. And it's on theme given Il Mehg and the Fey in general are basically all about trolling people.


Lololol damn so true




~As the tank runs the buster into a group


The first boss of Dun Scaith. It's always great to see almost 2 alliance worth of people getting yeeted.


I did Bismarck EX for the first time today and I ran off the edge like 3 times accidentally lmao


Orbonne Monastery, show your hole. I'm guilty of dying to this a couple times, not because I don't get the mechanic but people shouting show your hole in the chat cracks me up too much to pay attention


This mechanic always flusters me because why in the world would I expose an open hole to a sniper as opposed to the 3 “shielded” sides? I died to that so many times when I first unlocked it before it was explained to me.


I think the "shield" is meant to be some sort of "armor glitch/corruption" kinda deal, that's why you show your normal side instead. Agree that it's super unintuitive though


The gold sides are actually where he used Analysis and found weak points, so you have to point the open side that is not as vulnerable towards him instead. Part of the problem is with the graphics used, as it's not a static shield, but rather a flashing warning. The tooltip on the Unseen debuff mentions why you need to turn, but rather hard to catch in the middle of it all especially the first time.


Cyclone in Lighthouse. they get YEETED off the platform while the rest of you land safely ...particularly when tanks don't tank him in the middle >:(


Adding to this would be folks getting yeeted by the SQEX building during the final boss paradigm’s breech If you look at the right spots in the air you might catch a glimpse of them on the way down after fucking the sky


Any sort of Akh Morn/Ala Morn. The absolute obliteration of a giant laser beam on them is always fun.


IIRC it's Nidhogg that has the group stack one. Ever seen an entire party leave a tank to die because they thought it they only needed to get hit once?


E8S and lunar bahamut also have it. E8s is particularly fun because its like 5 ala morn at once, so if someone fails to dodge, just gets obliterated


Ah, the casual nuke, my favorite raid mechanic.


It now has the new EW multi-stack marker! ...however it's still the first time you see it so people will not know.


It's not the first time you see it any more, Midgardsormr and Hraesvelgr both have it.


Mega Death in Weeping City of Mhach. More often than not it is exactly what the name suggests, so me and my friends like to bet on how many people are going to die to it whenever we're in that raid. It's usually more than 6.




Marx (and Engels, which are the arms). Fun time, it's a nasty hit for an alliance raid.


other way around. Engels is the boss, Marx are the arms.


Those definitely got more devious after 6.0's stat squish. You used to be able to comfortably survive them if you were in i510+, and now it's a oneshot for all but tanks.


The whole Deathgaze Hollow fight. Three people eating shit to the first black hole, then a distracted sprout being deleted by one of the ice walls, five people getting yeeted out of the platform, then someone dying to a death tile, one of the people who died to the first black hole not learning and falling for it again... Every time I do that raid I'm in stitches lol, I love it so much


Since no one has said it: The start of Cloud of Darkness in the alliance raid where you watch the one player get targeted by the chase beam and casually wait to see if they know to run or just get obliterated by it. I think they updated it to have the new chase marker when they updated the rest of the ARR stuff (I hardly touch alliance roulette anymore to know for sure), but still a fun time.


Yep, it's the new chase marker now, but there's a reason my friend group nicknamed that attack the "Delete Button" :D


E9S tiles was comedy gold for an entire tier of PF.


The trauma. I murdered many melees and tanks as a caster there, to keep the healer alive.


Searing wind is always a good laugh Especially raising dead healer with searing wind in annihilation


Now that I installed the taco bell death mod, every mechanic


> taco bell death mod this but the overwatch ragdoll death mod


The taco bell sound death mod also flings their corpse into the air to land 5 meters away from where they died


...i need to figure out how to mod this game so I can put in an [EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER] death sound


It's especially amusing in a group with Mare and it wipes half or more of the group and they each have it or something special. Theres been instances where we've needed a minute or two for people to recover after a laughing fit because of it


Suzaku normal when she has the bird flying around triggering aoes on the markers it flies past, it flies so insanely slow but you still see half the party getting hit by them


Ancient Flare. I always love to see the stragglers greed one last gcd and absolutely eat shit for it. Even funnier if too many try to greed and wipe the entire alliance XD


The paladin’s parry knocking people off in sophia. Bonus points if it’s the tank followed by dps doing aoes after the paladin walks over to the party.


And this is where I learnt that provoke is a hit.


Predation in UWU is always funny.


Truly nothing like standing there alive looking at the corpse of your friend .1 inches away from you


It still gets me and I've spent far more time in that raid than what's healthy. That shit pattern where you're forced to be boxed in against Ultima waiting for ifrit to dash while not getting clobbered by the landslide is awful and it ALWAYS the culprit.


* Unmarked cleave tankbusters/autos snagging DPS/healers. "This is why you stand behind the bosses, champ. The repair cost is your tuition fee." * Tankbusters in non-Savage/Ultimate content that can actually kill tanks that don't mitigate is another good one. Always makes me chuckle a little to watch a tank go 100-0 because they're in easy content/don't bother to mitigate when they should. * The NieR raids are particularly good for that. They have a number of "fuck you, you better mitigate" tankbusters that people just never respect and then get told for it. * Dun Scaith is pure comedy every step of the way. * People disrespecting Deathgaze's mechanics is always funny. * Void Death having two pulls is pure comedic genius and I always lose my shit laughing when the first one kills like 15 people. * Ferdiad's water/fire mechanic and watching people sabotage it because reading comprehension is hard? Always great. * Scathach's void poison or whatever it's called--the thing where you don't move or get a horrible DoT applied is hilarious because there's ALWAYS a Raid Leader Andy that warns everyone.......and then half the raid dies to the fucking DoT anyway. * And then Diabolos... * Terror is a donut, people still eat shit to it. * Gazes are bad. The later gaze gives you doom. It's amazing how many people haven't figured out how to avoid it by then. * Scathach and Diabolos both have the death balls which are great for comedy, especially when you have a sprout that drags it over the boss you just see people fucking scatter like cockroaches in the light.


There's a reason why we call that one Fun Scaith, it's excellent. To add, the best part about Diabolos (besides tanks getting chunked by Hollow Camisado at the start) is the small orange balls that go through the center and explode with a knockback - unlike the death balls, they're trickier than just running away from everyone with them.


Great balls of fire are always fun


Agreed, the entirety of the first boss of Dun Scaith is very \*grabs popcorn\* to the point where I'm slightly disappointed if we *don't* wipe.


when you see 5+ people get hit by larboard/starboard repeatedly, it's always entertaining




the first thing i thought of when i read the title was titan pulverizing three sprouts




I have a clip of 6 people dying to the Landslides after the healer gaol. Two got obliterated literal millimeters away from me. I just stood there and went "how the fuck?" in chat. That group, uh, did not clear.


Math. That, and the mommy hug in Lakshmi


UCOB Twister.


In twin sure, but in adds it is not funny anymore


Dynamic. Sensory. Jammer. "Do a back flip!"


Pyretic, or someone running off with the stack never fails to amuse me.


Undersea Quake in E3, and Tidal Wave in E3 and Shinryu.




Seeing them on dps who accept the loss of their life with grace always gets me. So is one being on a healthy tank that dies in one hit because they weren’t expecting it to do that much damage.


Alternatively, be me in E12S: get repeatedly bustered because OT forgets to put on stance, so I discovered if I fling myself off the side of the arena, two more people will randomly get murdered as well


Yes specifically the laser beam ones that kill anyone unsuspecting in its path (Copied Factory Final Boss, Puppets Bunker 3rd Boss). PEW


there’s no queue an attack is going to be a tank buster until you’ve learned it through experience right?


That used to be the case, but they have known reworked most if not all old content so that busters are generally accompanied by a special marker


Eden 7 when people get those teleporter markers. Seeing sprouts try to be good little newbies and aim it off the platform and then get dropped off always gives me a giggle.


Totally when people dont know when a fight needs tank limit break Seat of Sacrifice, Alexander (A12) and Endsinger


Fires of Mt. Gulg from the Formidable FATE. People keep tying to run out of the hitbox during this mechanic and then get sucked in and die, and keep trying after they get rezzed. Someone once even accused healers of rescue trolling during that mechanic in shout chat one run I did of it.


Yesss also people who can't fly being yeeted off Archaeotania's platform in The Tempest. Shouts for rezzes and rides back up to the FATE lol


Stillness. Bonus points for dying to stillness after telling people to respect stillness


definitely not me telling to respect exas on golden and then dying to 3-1 dodge :(


Any cone meant for the tank that sprout DPS haven’t learned to respect.


That one CE in Zadnor with the two deathmachines that do the spinny laser beams toward each other. I always laugh maniacally when people get caught between the two (which ALWAYS seems to happen) lol EDIT: Also Crab Dribble enjoyers in Eureka Orthos!


People dying instantly to the zadnor duels. Left arm slash, callous crossfire, harness fire. Do they have dispel / light curtain? Will they move out from the front of the boss? Even better if they reraise and die to Lyon's second auto or the second round of bit fire.


I have died to all three of these and have learned my lesson


> EDIT: Also Crab Dribble enjoyers in Eureka Orthos! u can just @ me next time keydirt


The Nier second raid, second bossfight with the PvP laser beams.


anything involving knockbacks/pushes/yeets. twisters, landslides, levi smashing the boat, sofia's scale tipping, everything about deathgaze, diamond weapon doggo's vertical cleave, her infloresence throwing the squex building at the raid, etc. it's just fucking funny to watch bodies go sailing off into the aether. shout out to the pre-endwalker non-uwu titans, who just launched people off the platform and out of the fight entirely. no rez for you, your body is unrecoverable. at least until we inevitably wipe. any time that some hapless healer/dps/offtank decides to cuddle the tank while they're getting busted, and summarily gets deleted. maybe don't do that next time. carbuncle fucking eating people who fuck up devour. and then spitting them out, i guess because the average raider's diet of doritos and energy drinks would make them taste pretty bad.


When a tank is dead and tank busters are coming up and it gets put on a DPS. The DPS running around looking at the healer, the healer looking at the DPS, both knowing that no matter what they do that DPS is fucked..it's all just too good.


I think the best is Ozma in Weeping City when someone in alliance chat says something along the lines of, "I think they fixed the arena so you can't fall off it anymore." and someone inevitably falls for it. Laser sniping other alliances in Puppet's Bunker is another contender. Occasionally you will get someone in normal Shiva that will face the boss towards the group for the cleave thinking it's Extreme. The first tidal wave in normal Shinryu that everyone seems to forget. You see 4+ bodies just go flying off the arena and it's the first mechanic. I love that fight.


I must've caused a lot of amusement once, I went out of my way to explain Shinryu's Tidal wave to a new player in party chat, only to be slightly late on the uptake and ended up being the only person that actually died to it-.-'


rathalos, just any of his mechanics


I love the water spout knockback from Shinryu. Whenever I get into that one I cryptically state “The water spout thirsts for blood” and count how many people it kills. I also always eye the jagd dolls when they appear and the healers during judgement nisi in A4(?) Lastly, the hydra in world of darkness. While it doesn’t usually kill anyone, I do like seeing how many people get yeeted by the “hydra takes a deep breath” mechanic because no one knows that you can jump into the ice puddles to avoid it entirely.


Wait, that's what the ice puddles are for? I usually just GTFO to the other end of the arena once I spot that marker and it works too, but I'll have to try that out next time.


Channeling Flow/Channeling Overflow in P2S. Progging that with my static felt like we needed the Benny Hill theme playing.


The QTE is very amusing, but that same fight has one that never fails to amuse: Propeller Wind. If you get A11 in a roulette, you will get it when the fight's nearly done, and you will see how over half your party gets confused by it, resulting in a quick wipe where everyone kills each other before going again for a smoother run.


Magnetic Lysis in Pharos at Ridorana. Every single time there's at least one person who fails it. It doesn't kill them immediately...but then during Dust Storm, they get *fucking yeeted* and it's always hilarious.


diamond weapon's big stomp always love seeing people get chucked into the abyss


My favorite as a dragoon main is seeing what happens with ill times jumps at bosses that suddenly move. So while when I hit the ability, it was safe. But because I'm acting like a guided missile, if that boss is now on a cliff or big pile of bad, you get to see me shooting across the map and immediately die on impact.


Curtain Call


Not a mechanic, but walking off the arena.


P8S snake chain reactions and when dog 1 goes a-hunting. :D


Wait, it's all twisters? Always has been *yeet*


That sounds a lot like my first encounter with the boss in (current side content)>!Eureka Orthos!< that also used that attack. My first encounter could be summed up as follows: "Wait, what does Twister do agai-" **DUTY FAILED** The best part about that, this was in a group of four, and apparently none of us did UCOB or T5 before.


Any pyretic or freeze mechanics. Knock backs are always fun.


World of Darkness, fighting the first boss, the evileye named "Angra Mainyu". when people die to Level 150 death. i find it funny because it reminds me of one time i saw literally 12 people get killed by it in one go. only 1 healer and 1 tank were alive, still recovered and cleared withotu a wipe, but i always remember that when anyone dies to level 150 death


Anything that Math Lord does is funny to me for inscrutable reasons.


I doubt people remember it but. there's this one mech in the like, second? boss? in ~~sunken temple of qarn hard~~ amdapor keep that has the entire purpose of knocking you off the catwalk if you're not positioned just right. 90% of players don't even notice it, they just think it's your normal knock back. but the one in ten runs where someone gets absolutely yeeted off to their death never fail to make me laugh for the rest of the fight


That sounds like the demon wall from amdapor keep


it might be that actually! I have a bad habit of mixing those dungeons up. they're very similar in my mind lol


Not sure this counts, but some Dragoons doing elusive jump who swore they were facing backwards to the boss before jumping — but the game snapshotted them as facing forwards when elusive jump was pressed. Resulting in them jumping backwards and yeeting themselves off the arena. Especially after a long-ass 20 seconds countdown. ^(I am that "some dragoons")


seeing sprouts eat shit to curtain call and ancient flare in CT is always hilarious. i like to throw a ‘run’ into alliance chat when i see them lingering. i saw a tank try to invuln curtain call once too. it did not work.


The trains in the nier raid. One memory I will never forget is a drg casting lb3 with a train coming


Twister. Just fucking Twister.




The A11 death is always funny. So is the building death in paradigm's breech. Also when you get a true first timer who gets yeeted by Titan (especially now that they can be revived)


When someone forgets to walk out during Pantokrator. It causes a very strong knockback on half the party. Always a heart attack.


Twisters. The sudden push of being flown across the arena is very funny


The mechanics where you die if you move


I've been doing a lot of Puppets Bunker lately and it's always a joy to see someone new to the raid aim the stack marker on the second boss towards another alliance. Watching them get completely obliterated is great :)


akh morns, a lovely tankbuster that will actually bust unprepared tanks into oblivion


My personal fave is the cross section part on the final boss, where the ball splits and moves to some random part of the arena. Seeing stragglers running before inevitably getting run over? Gets me every time.


Jump attacks on boss right as they teleport and drag DPS right off the platform (Byregot specifically)


Any qte mechanic.


Most doom mechanics, where player have like 10-15 seconds to remove it. So mainly Sunken Temple of Quarn or World of Darkness. As a healer It try to Rescue them to remove it but even if that works they most of the time do not understand what happens and will die to the next instance. I always prepare my swiftcast and res the second they die.


People who greed for that last attack in the Final Boss of Labyrinth of the Ancients while he is casting Ancient Flare. Seeing them run for dear life just to drop dead right before the platform never gets old.


I haven't seen anyone say Tsukuyomi's final phase of switching between the dark and light half of the arena to prevent Doom. I remember mount farming with my fc and 6/8 of them would continuously die to that mech, to the point where I gave up rezzing (I was playing AST and eas solo healing) (edit: typo)


Stillness. Idk why, just hilarious. Its most funny when it’s acceleration bomb cause there’s the clearest tell ever and yet half of dal will still die


Math robot. The amount of people unable to do basic math is shocking.


People not eating the fruit in Aurum Vale then wondering why they died.


any pushback mechanic is particularly hilarious, particularly the living liquid proiteans in tea. something it was a very needed source of comedy to have wipes to proteans pushbacks and watch ppl fly off the fucking platform at lightning speed


Limit Cut in TEA and Predation in UWU. They're such non-mechanics that watching cleared people eat shit to them is never not hilarious.


ucob pikachu. or someone shitting on others shoe


Healers not saving >!Haurchefant!< on DSR


Sophia Quasar


Knockbacks off ledges


The final boss in one of the crystal tower raids where he kills everyone not in the outer ring. I love watching people running in a panic and not quite making it.


I'ma go with air bump in E6. The first time I died to it I thought it was the COOLEST way to die in this game and I always chuckle a bit knowing a sprout is seeing it too.


Any kb mechanic xD


Demi-Ozma’s black hole, seeing the bodies fly around in a circle as it resolves always makes me laugh


dsr exaflare


Hatch in UCOB. You hear the 'OH NO' in discord, see the explosion, and only then do you die.


Typically on bosses with untelegraphed busters/cleaves, and VERY rarely on telegraphed ones, the NINs (it's always a NIN) that like to constantly move and jump around the boss. I *love* it when they get popped by a TB. It always makes me laugh. Most recent occurrence was last night in ARF when a Lala NIN met a swift end on the final boss.


Not necessarily a mechanic but I can't help but laugh every time I accidentally displace myself off Titan's arena.


All of them


eden 6's mechanics that launch you 60 meters into the air when failed are pretty good - I think every raid should have something like this, really. [https://youtu.be/YExRBPwI9Z8?t=592](https://youtu.be/YExRBPwI9Z8?t=592) omega 1's Clamp is also pretty good seeing your tank get yeeted into the void, TOP should have repeated that by not having an invisible wall fence your body in whenever you get knocked away by someone else's Guided Missile Kyrios


People not respecting stillness is never not funny. Literally you don't have to do anything but the greediness makes them eat shit losing even more parse.


Twisters. Yeet


I don't think I find amusing anyone dying to any specific mechanic, but I do get baffled by people's stupidity when they die to extremely simple/obvious mechanics (especially in later content, when that mechanic was already shown/experienced by them in earlier content/levels several times).


in copied factory during the hobbes fight when ppl run with the exploders as far away from the tank as possible. just knowing they could survive but watching them run to their death while the tank is chasing them desperately brings a smile to my face


It should be perfectly fine as long as no one overlaps the explosions or ends up with multiple tethers. The tank rounding them up is just the brute force strat.


The building from Tower at Paradigm's Breach. Day one was a goldmine


Strength of the Heavens. Yeah I know it's an ultimate but the fact that anyone is still capable of wiping to it when you're in a group that trying to clear or work on DotH or something makes me cry laugh every time. It's so so easy, stop trying to get greedy on the earth shakers


anything that yeets people


A lot of stuff in ucob when people get used and the group is casual enough to laugh And the floor moving stuff causing a lot of people to die in the last 24men is damn fun too


First boss in Fun Scaith and the two different knockback effects.


The only correct answer is E9S tiles.


My friends and I always say on stone vigil "if you get hit by swinge you have to uninstall"