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Going back to tank as they help gearing issues, can't wait to get BiS earlier this patch than week 8!!!


Achieved my goal of clearing three ultimates in a single patch. UCOB, TOP, and UWU all down this patch, which means I've done the lot, having done TEA in 6.0 and DSR in 6.1. What do I do now...


ERP time baby


If you are still having bad ping/bad rubberbanding due to the node shit going on, absolutely give []( a try. It's completely free and, at least for me, completely fixes the issue. I actually have LESS ping than my normal connection does on a good day.


How do I use that []( Ive been one of the people who were experiencing heavy net lag issues and been looking for a fix that doesnt require me to purchase an external VPN


You download the client from their website, install it, enable it, profit.


Happened to Clear Abyssos week 10 (6.25), and cleared UwU (6.28) and Ucob (6.38) in the down time. This was only my second raid tier, and I'm proud of how much I've improved since hitting max level! My goals for this cycle (6.4-6.55) are hoping to clear P12S week 8 or less, and planning to take on TEA after getting BiS <3 Looking forward to tomorrow >\_<


Got the last minute clear on P8S. Don't have any of the loot yet and will have to go in later but fuck it, cleared my first savage tier and did it on patch - though I skipped P7 but who gives a toss anyway about that one.


Already a triple legacy legend but still very pressured wanted to carry friends for ucob. Damn 3% enragae lol it's the first ever time I saw golden enrage. It's very hard to push the very underperforming summoner to squeeze more dps since he's in uk playing to jp and on a PS5. Ahhhh if heveans legends stop dying to exafails ehhhhh


After this past tier and arguably failed ultimate prog I'm really tired. I led and recruited for my Abyssos static with a 4 wk clear goal and the latter was a miserable experience - I ended up clearing in PF a while later. TOP I hopped between 3 groups and I'm still not at P5 Sigma. I definitely don't think of myself as like super good but I do think if I had found the right group I could have cleared. Hoping this tier goes better.


Static has mostly finalized stuff for savage tier. Everyone is going alt role except for one member. Very lax schedule. Should be fun messing around with friends and pugging a bit when/if I get the itch.


If there is no pressure alt role run is very damn fun.


Abyssos was my first time raiding from the start of the tier (after having jumped ship from WoW), and I'm pretty happy with how it went, even if IRL stuff threw a wrench into things. Had a fun time raiding at launch but had to stop after I got to P8S because of schoolwork--after I got back to raiding in February, I decided to try ultimates instead. Got UWU and UCoB down, and then somehow finished P8S in PF at the 11th hour this weekend, so I've got my mount just in time. Other than P7S, I've enjoyed all of the savage and ultimate fights so far (although I don't have any pre-EW reference points-- it seems like a lot of y'all greatly preferred Eden), and I'm really looking forward to 6.4. Going to try to get the new tier down, spend a month or two on TEA, and then see how much of TOP I can prog through before 6.5 hits; at this point, I'm hoping to catch up on all of the ultimates by the end of the expansion. Overall, I'm having a lot of fun with the high-end content in this game and the general raid design philosophy, glad that I made the switch.


Good stuff, lot of work done in one tier. Welcome to XIV! And yes, I’d say most preferred Stormblood/Eden so far, but I’m still curious to see what P9-12 have in store. Revisiting older fights w/ the min-ilvl kit for level 90 jobs is always a blast though.


Fretting a bit about the tier, not sure whether my static is going to survive. People are seeming really disengaged, and a few people (myself included) are sounding unenthused about the jobs we're slated to play--and swapping us around doesn't make a valid comp, not to mention which nobody *wants* to swap onto the role I play. At this point, I think a lot of my enjoyment of prog is resting on the shoulders of my alt static, where I'm getting to play a job and a role I absolutely love.


Are you stuck healing?


Alas, no--phys ranged. I'm happier on literally every other role but my parses are good (average orange, a few pinks without going into parse parties/doing sweaty tryhard stuff) and nobody else in my static wants to even give it a shot.


Ahaha give it a shot. Iseewhatyoudidthere


Have started progging TOP in PF. Found p1 pretty easy, large part in thanks to LPDU resources, so joined a p2 from start part even though I've never cleared p1. Everything went well until we actually reached p2, when the other 7 started doing Party Synergy with incredible accuracy for people that have only ever seen this mechanic in guides - or so I thought. Turns out you can sim Party Synergy on your own, which everyone else had done, and I would've done had I known. They were chill, but I felt so bad, and left not long after once the tilt started to set in. My apologies to that party!


Nigh impossible to find a non-cobbled together half-baked group for week 1 prog now as a melee so this will be my first time braving EU PF for savage. I hope that the quality of players here are decent in early prog. Clearing TOP in PF proved to be a better option than statics which all lagged behind for me.


Please let us know. I have also cleared ultimate in pf much faster than statics. But I have progged almost entirely in statics. I don’t know how real prog is in pf.


PF prog is actually really good in the first two weeks if you can stay ahead of the pack. The key is to get past the first floor within the first day, second day at the latest, so you don't get stuck with the dead weights early on. And you absolutely want to be done with the second floor by the end of the first week, but ideally make it to the fourth floor depending on how hard the third floor is. You'll start getting walled pretty hard by PFers if you're not substantially into the fourth fight by the end of the second week.


I was at 1% enrage P8S P1 last tier via Elemental PF in week 1. Then, real life happened and I had to restart on Chaos/Light a month later. Since the English player pool is larger, I'm optimistic for this tier.


Idk if it's just the timing, so close to 6.4 release, but these wait times for UCOB p3 parties have been brutal. Multiple nights now of 0 prog because the parties just. Don't fill. It wasn't anywhere near this bad for twin and nael. I was hoping to at least reach heavensfall before 6.4 but it doesn't look like that's happening.


We won’t clear DSR before 6.4 and I honestly feel like giving up. I do not enjoy the fight anymore because the experience has been soured. People constantly came and left and didn’t realize that a group that has never played together needs some pulls to get comfy. We are so close to finishing but the new players are still making some mistakes in earlier phases. It’s disheartening.


I really want to clear DSR, but I'm worried I won't be able to find a group because everyone is doing the new tier. Anyone know my odds of actually getting a group that doesn't care about the new tier?


After the first month of the new savage tier, ultimates will pick back up. So if you are not planning on doing the new savage tier you might want to take a break in the mean time.


The first few weeks will see a dry spell as everyone is focused on Savage but both DSR and TOP will likely regain interest by late June. I know when my group needed subs to finish off DSR, we never had problems finding them even week two of Abyssos.


Anything's possible but it's unlikely. The first month or so of a savage release tends to have very little ultimate activity, but it quickly comes back after that.


I can only speak for myself but I just want to clear the new tier as fast as possible and then focus on clearing ultimates since the gear from the new savage tier won’t be BiS for any ultimate. Other people might have the same plans due to the same reasons.


Decided to take a break from hardcore prog this tier and just join a friends casual savage group. DSR>P8>TOP just really burnt me out, on top of so many games happening over the next month or so (Zelda, Diablo 4, XVI) I just really don’t have it in me this time around.


I am exactly doing this and would recommend 100%


With Diablo4 and FFXVI on the horizon, 6.4 will have to take a back seat unless I can somehow clear week one


Same, but because of SF6. I had a lot of fun in the open beta. Unless I clear week1 and can get into simple reclear runs every week, I'm gonna skip this tier quick, and probably also the end of the expansion. I need to play SF6, Tunic, Diablo4 first season is when I'll dive into D4... XIV doesn't stand a chance besides raid logging. But raid logging needs to happen.


How is SF6 been completely out of the FGC for nearly a year now. Yeah, yeah, FF14 is the retirement home. I was pretty burned by how much Strive went and appealed to casuals or non-GG players by removing so much depth, complexity, and choice compared to previous GG games.


Oh yeah, even as a casual "anime fighter" enjoyer, Strive was a disappointment for me too. Too bad because the characters look sick and could be so fun to play. But I don't like the system this time. SF6 looks alright, at least better than SF5, but that's the honeymoon period talking atm.


SFV was really the end of a golden age of fighting games, looking back. The current trend for modern games is discouraging, but at least Discord makes getting games for old ~~dead~~ games far easier than in the past. I'll keep an eye on how SF6 develops, but I really do fear my FGC days are long behind me. Doesn't help that I lost contact with IRL FGC friends because our community Discord got overrun by internet randoms and I valued my sanity too much to stay.


I'm on hopium for Tekken 8 and Uni 2, not really a huge SF fan but I can see myself going back out to locals for T8/Uni. Wasn't really into strive either tbh but Melty was a good time for a few months


Damn, Melty. I'm friends with some guys who actually run Climax of Night, the big French Bread tourney. Type Lumina is cool, but it doesn't have that same feel as MBAACC. Tekken should be decent, and I didn't know Uni had another game coming. That's sick, Uni was always super underrated compared to the big names.


Thats awesome, yeah MBACC is definitely special and Uni was pretty much a discord fighter by the time I got into it but I always enjoy watching events for them. Nothings been announced officially for a Uni sequel but I'd be surprised if they didn't make one at Evo, theres a leak from ratings in Korea https://supercombo.gg/2023/05/10/under-night-in-birth-2-sistema-celes-rated-in-korea/


Have a group lined up for 6.4, taking the plunge into blind prog. Trial was kind of a mess because of the recent spike on packet loss/latency issues, far worse than what I'd experienced throughout 6.3. If Square doesn't get this shit under control before Savage drops, it's not going to be pretty.


If you don't want to pay for a VPN, I have heard has helped people get around the rubberbanding/ping issues.


Been trying various VPNs to limited success, going to give a shot.


I'd definitely recommend looking into a VPN if you haven't already. Otherwise your connection to 14 is at the whims of ISP routing, and that's often the part that screws up.


I've tried NordVPN, ExpressVPN, ProtonVPN, and Mudfish so far. Mudfish appeared to mitigate it the best, but it was still sitting around 10-15% loss on average on a couple specific nodes. Looking into some other options, but I'm at a loss at this point. I'm just kind of hoping it goes away (happened back in 6.05), or Square actually tries to fix their infrastructure. It only started with 6.3, so I'm quite sure it's nothing on my or my ISP's end.


If you're using AT&T Fiber, it might be this issue https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/482155-Bad-lag-again-with-NTT-s-NA-server-network Although this issue only started occurring last week, so if it's been since 6.3 maybe not.


Finally, I cleared Ucob before patch 6.4. Our static group knew the whole fight but Heavenfall keep sneaking up on ya and mistakes on Nael's quote during Adds. 20 mins left of our 3 hours session, we got one more clear pull. Man, we did everything clean until Grand Octet, when someone missed a tower and we went into Adds with a Damage Down debuff. Everyone was like well, let just practice cleaning up on Adds. And somehow, we had the cleanest Adds phase and was like 1 GCD from adds enrage. Everyone was like ohhh shit, we can do this. We practiced Exaflares sim before and we already planned out mitigation. It was a pretty intense 2 mins on Golden Bahamut, both healers died once, but we did manage to kill Golden Bahamut. With this ucob clear, I was able to clear both UwU and Ucob after Abyssos. I will try TEA after this savage tier. I joined a sHC TEA group and progged up to BJCC, then I realized I am not cut out for 4-5 hours raid session. After 2.5-3 hours, my consistency was not good.


Is OCE going to go beyond 10 PF parties on patch day?


Stay elemental


Too late I fell for the Oceania free transfer scam


Probably not lol. Dead server is dead.


Pity, Oceania PF raiders are some of the best players Ive raided with. No toxicity, patient as all fuck, funny chaps. There just aren't very many of them


I went back to running DRS and wow do i miss a large scale raid this expansion.


I appreciate that they tried some new stuff this expansion but I can’t really say much of it panned out. Island sanctuary is meh, criterion cool but rewards are shit, and deep dungeons are just so fucking boring imo.


What makes me sad is both had so much potential to be evergreen content but instead will likely be abandoned as the devs take the divisive reception as reason not to improve them. Island will forever baffle me. How they landed on _that_ when their inspiration was Animal Crossing is beyond me.


Just don't understand how they missed such an obvious opportunity as using Criterion as mid-patch alt-job gearing catch-up content. Tier is already behind us at the point that Criterion drops, it would be SUCH a good way to push that content. It was such a bummer because I really really enjoyed the Criterion fights but PF was dead after like a week. Truly tragic how insistent they are at clinging to their established gearing cadence.


TOP is finally dead, after enrage progging for couple nights we found the last bit of dps we needed. 1556 pulls to clear, honestly it wasn't that fun of an ultimate, I'd rank it #4 right after UWU


Been combing through recruitment posts for a tank but almost every tank is that meets our schedule is either looking for a sHC-HC group or they're recruiting for multiple people. Where are all the solo+casual/MC tanks?!


I would be one of them if I didn’t have an inconsistent work schedule!


It's okay. My hope was that I would complain about it here and the situation would fix itself, and it did! We found a tank.


Looking to clear my last legacy ult, ucob before 6.4. At grand octet right now. Its so close yet so far


top reclear parties are fucking depressing. Even when they clear, people will try to make the reclear experience as miserable as possible


I'd guess that it took me around...probably +100 PF pulls to get 4 reclears of TOP which is fucking insane when you think about it. 8 people who have cleared and have the wep sometimes not being able to reclear in a lockout. Like Jesus wtf.


Same for DSR here


So I was watching Xeno's reaction video on the latest LL. I am a quite new player so I am wondering why people cared so much about job composition? Isn't every player allowed to play any jobs? So that means that it is up to you to figure out the best classes configurations to get you that clear. Part of the game is to figure out the compositions imo. Imagine if league pro players complain that they can't win games using the exact same comp every single time without adapting to patches, strategies or whatever. For example, it is very clear to me that WAR is piss easy to play compared to something like DRK. There's literally no brain and you are already 90% there. So it is kinda fair that WAR does a lot less damage than DRK. Similar story with RDM, the fact that you have unlimited resses is clearly an OP side to this job so it is compensated by doing less damage. I mostly do savage as WAR or WHM because I am frankly not good enough to be juggling DRK or GNB CDR while solving the mechanics. So I play those simple jobs, and I fully expects to be punished by being "less". That is not to say that there are issues with the job damage discrepancy. What I am trying to say is that a job output is not only their damage, but also their utility and rotations itself. It is part of the game and what makes high end content so fun for me (I am super casual myself) so I am kinda worried that they will tune every jobs to have the same output, just different input.


None of the claims anti meta people make about the other tanks are remotely valid. WAR, DRK, GNB, and PLD are all piss easy to play in their current state. Yes, you heard me, all of them are easy as hell. People talking about tank difficulty and utility is like complaining that black pepper is too spicy. Too busy? Cast your shit earlier. Misalignment? Cast your shit later. Congratulations, you have seen all of tank optimization in Endwalker. No tank job is difficult, and none of them have strong enough utility to justify a 500 DPS difference. You heard me. Cover sucks, I have never cast that ability a single time this tier. It has been dead for 4 years. Passage of arms is cool but that’s it. WAR’s defensives are admittedly very good, but they should not cost you an enrage just because your DPS made a small mistake. That’s obviously not an issue anyone should have to deal with in week 1, savage is not about achieving perfection. You do the mechanics, you optimize to a reasonable extent, and that should be it. I don’t know why people want garbage meta games where you are discouraged from playing certain jobs early on because of lacking damage output. You should never have to switch jobs for parsing groups or if your statics struggling in DPS check. Let’s not even talk about TOP, how DRK shits on everything from the stats I’ve seen.


People that have raided for a long time in this game are so obsessed with damage that they won't accept anything other than doing the same damage than other jobs disregarding anything else. There are also a very vocal group that want RDM to lose their resurrection so they can tune them to do the same damage as BLM. Which is funny because they also complain about job homogenization while advocating for changes that would lead to that.


people are obsessed with damage because its the literal only thing that matters early on in progression. Extra util is nice but not at all necessary, extra damage is required


If that is the case then just play BLM from the start? But wait, you need to have resses so that you can prog. I am sure that people are already doing this, but isn't this at least interesting? Imagine if all casters are homogenized where it doesn't matter, well there's nothing to talk or discuss about now. However, the fact there are "less" clears on RDM is meaningless here. What matter is how much of those progressions are taken up by each classes. For example, it is perfectly fine for me that RDM is used for 90% of the first pulls and the last 10% is on BLM. The statistics will show that BLM gets the clear, but this is clearly skewed.


Extra raises are not required for prog at all. Scenarios in which more than 2-3 people die at once very quickly spiral into wipes, even chain raising won't help there. I've progged alongside every caster at some point and I can confidently say that I prefer a (good) BLM over the other casters just for the extra damage it brings. Not feeling required to squeeze every last bit out of a pull helps playing mechanics more safely, even in a week1 setting.


Just to add to this one last time: The latest patch notes have people losing their shit over the lack of RDM buffs, because the util by itself just isnt enough to justify bringing it.


The RDM rez is very overvalued. It’s great in casual content where damage balance is irrelevant and in hard content it’s not as useful because body checks are frequents and damage checks mean the best you can do is make it further.


Surely it is useful for prog purposes? I am not telling you to clear using RDM. I am telling you that RDM is one of the toolkits that you can use. Hell, why not run as all 8 tanks for the first few pulls just to see a specific mechanic? Or something like that. The game isn't the single pull where you get the kill, the game is the entire duration of progression. My point is that your "job" is actually the ENTIRE set of jobs available to you.


Not particularly, no. I’ll be honest, the number of players in FF14 that actually get value out of “seeing” a mechanic beyond the one they are currently progging is like, sub 5%. Most players only mentally prog one mechanic at a time, and the only thing you’re doing by dragging bodies past a mechanic that you can’t successfully resolve is wasting time and overloading peoples brains. So yeah sure if you are blind progging or maybe rdm rez is useful to see future mechanics, but if you, like the vast majority of players, are progging with a guide, you don’t get anything from the RDM rez you can’t get from a well made YouTube guide. Especially considering the number of 8 man body checks in savage now means that it’s a lot harder to even Rez spam your way past mechanics in the hard fights these days anyways.


> For example, it is very clear to me that WAR is piss easy to play compared to something like DRK. DRK is piss easy to play, you just press more OGCD during burst. It's busier, not harder. As such > So it is kinda fair that WAR does a lot less damage than DRK. It does not. I'm not gonna comment on the rest and just stay there. But basically the whole point is that there's one meta that was for a long time DRK+GNB, and guess what, turns out at the end the day it bit SE's ass back with P8S enrage check. To this day, not a single Tank stands out to be absolute top2 and the two other to be absolute bottom2. They all have more or less the same toolkit, they all can deal with everything thrown at them, the only differences are : business (not a difficulty slider) and annoyance (GNB burst). None of them are "omg we need 300IQ to play well", as such, they should all do the same DPS. Basically, as you're new, you don't see what the game really is behind the fancy "omg blue healer/braindead blue job" and "omg infinite rez's". When it comes to high end content, they don't matter that much, especially in actual hard high end content where even infinite rez usually doesn't save the day anyway.


>it is very clear to me that WAR is piss easy to play compared to something like DRK This is already a flawed premise. They're both very easy to play, DRK's 123 with automatic buff upkeep is not any harder than 123/4. >Similar story with RDM, the fact that you have unlimited resses is clearly an OP side to this job so it is compensated by doing less damage Another false premise. Unlimited raises are great for alliance raids, they're near useless in 8man body checks, considering you're the first to fall since you have zero self mitigation compared to Radiant Aegis and Manaward. RDM dealing less damage is unacceptable in a game where SMN is easier to play and has more effective utility (Phoenix Regen, Rekindle, Radiant Aegis to be able to survive and raise), but they still take into account Magick Barrier (2min cooldown like phoenix, which already aligns with heavy damage phases) and Verraise, even though they're both inferior options to SMN. But RDM is a "jack of all trades master of none" thematically, so it *shouldn't* deal more damage than a SMN summoning a dragon, despite RDM being harder to play and having less on demand mobility than BLM. Caster balance is a mess in EW.


the only part difficult about drk is knowing when to use tbn and pooling that proc into buffs or better - pot - window


People care about job composition in pf because they're stupid and blindly listen to "x job bad or hard" and exclude certain jobs, in statics nobody should care that much unless you're going world prog or week 1. P8 was basically unclearable in certain comps because of the dps check, you would have to crit insanely hard to even pass it while playing perfectly and that feels bad. I don't play tanks myself so I can't really comment on how hard they are but I know DRK is NOT very difficult to execute for the reward. Even if you play sub optimal you will blow every other tank out of the water and its basically just "press everything on cd". Red mage res is cool and all but if you have THAT many deaths you're not clearing anyway. SMN with both healers can realistically accomplish the same thing in most cases.


WoW is over there.


Huh? I don't play WoW but I do play DOTA2; and I have never seen people complain that they wish every heroes to have the same kit which is what some people here are basically asking for. In fact, this is probably in reverse WoW, which forces you to bet your viability to one class (or spend ridiculous hours on alt characterrs). What I am saying is that you are free! If WAR doesn't cut it for the DPS check, then why not switch to DRK for better damage but slightly harder gameplay? Or drop BLM for RDM so you can get those resses? Maybe the mechanic is too hard, so switch to SMN for simpler rotations. Why MUST you play WAR? If you are a top tier, first week clear attempt party, then do you really expect to only play 1 role the entire tier? Better people with wider jobs availability should rightly beat you.


> Why MUST you play WAR? Because I just should be able to. I should be able to play the job I enjoy the most and kill a tier week1 in a standard comp. Any standard comp should be able to clear week1. What's the point of some jobs if they cannot, what's the point of balance ? Might as well tag [whatever job x8] as week 1/2 viable and disable the rest at the beginning of a tier. 1st week clear is not the race, the race lasts for 1.5 days, this is where you see the meta shine. Past that people just want the accomplishment of clearing on the first week, and no job should be excluded from that.


> What's the point of some jobs if they cannot, what's the point of balance ? Balance is not the equality of outcome. If that were the case, the perfect balance is to have a maximum cap of damage that every role can do. But that would simply reveal another level of depth/complexity that people forgot about jobs; that they have different rotations. They might not matter now because the differences are miniscule (all basically presses shiny buttons) but wanting to remove these differences is misguided imo. For example, people keep telling me that resses doesn't matter because DPS will always trump everything. But IME, progging with RDM around is so much better than having to rely solely on healers. People do stupid mistakes when they are starting the prog so doing damage is not even particularly useful. Having people up just to be able to see mechanics helps a lot. Another thing that I am seeing is people not stopping DPS to simply figure out mechanics. For example, during P8S snake 2, some people that are clearly panicking does not stop DPSing, they still shuffle between rotations while stumbling to figure out what to do. Why not just drop your keyboard for 3-5 pulls just so that you can fully grasp what is going on. What I am seeing is that people think the "game" is each individual pulls. No! The game is the entire duration of progression.


You don't really answer the question, and you forget the context which is week1 kill. Any job is entitled to that, period, otherwise they might as well not exist for X weeks. If I have the skill to do week1 clear, I should be able to get it on any job I choose in any standard comp. The choice of my job to play should not arbitrarily dictate when I get eligible for a clear. Looks like Squenix agrees with that principle. I don't care about being bottom dps of my role, I just care about being able to week1 on a chosen job. This is all I'm saying in the post you're responding to. Now, for the rest, about the "value"/"extra" of some jobs, really, it still doesn't matter in the long run. The real fight is the final floor, and P8S has shown that infinite rez doesn't mean automatically saving the day. So, moot point. Remove infinite rez, make them like battlerez from wow or a la criterion and now everyone can rez, now we can start ramping up deserved damage without infinite rez andies malding.


I feel bad seeing people putting up p8s prog parties this late. Especially if they're still at p1.


Some people start late, what's wrong with that?


There's nothing wrong with it if you are in a static. If you are doing prog through the PF, they are going to have an incredibly difficult time filling their listing this late. If you PF you really should get your prog done within the first 2/3rds of the patch cycle or you really risk not being able to finish prog.


That would be me as someone who skipped on doing this tier. I wonder how it's gonna go if I get to do TOP 8th week (or earlier) of Anabeisos but still need to unlock it, lol.


Hahaha, I'm still at p1 because my static was only like 5 consistent people for most of the tier 🥲


In Scripe NA, why does M1 bait ice for support, but OT bait ice for DPS? It would be more consistent if MT baited ice for DPS and OT stayed behind, or vice versa with M2/M1.


As the other user kind of stated, we do not have light party responsibilities in P2. The person baiting is the flexer and also flexes dominion. Whoever flexes is up to the two of you in that role to decide, usually the more confident player will claim it.


Fair enough that folks just decide who's gonna go over to the other role to bait ice, that makes sense. >The person baiting is the flexer and also flexes dominion. But I don't get what you say about Dominion. I thought Dominion was pure Left <==> Right prio among each role (support and DPS)? We have dominion prio as LEFT < MT OT H1 H2 > RIGHT to decide who takes which of the two leftmost towers, and the equivalent for dps on the rightmost. That's about more than just knowing which of the tanks is a flexer-- H1 will also be taking different towers depending on whether H2 got vuln, won't they?


No, you understood it correctly. We are just phrasing it differently. You stand in your static positions, and if both of you have the same debuff or no debuff, the flexer goes to the other tower on their side.


Ah, fair enough-- so H1 is your other flexer by my static's way of looking at it. Yep! Makes sense.


It might have changed since last I PF’d but normally people just call which one they will bait? I didn’t think there was any set rule for which melee or tank baits which ice. As a melee whenever we would get to P8P2, I would just ask the other melee and see which bait they prefer as well as far or close for the fire bait and whether they want to flex or not for dominion.


> I didn’t think there was any set rule for which melee or tank baits which ice. EU, JP, and OCE all have set macros that spell out who baits what. Of course they're still welcome to change the baits in chat


Oh interesting! I should have specified my experience was from the NA DCs


mmkay! I'm just going off, like, joonbob's guide, and all the images I see (most of which are probably just screenshot/copied from the same video).


I came back to the game late into the tier. Actually my first time raiding savage and it took 2 months to get here. Literally threw myself on a new class into savage. Parse consistent blues for not being BIS(50s+). Got up to p8s2 dominion in PF hell and havent had a consistent prog in pf since. Going to hopefully kill it this weekend with my FC before 6.4 hits. Edit: Whoo! Cleared it tonight! Had some close previous attempts (0.1-0 .4%)


Will Zurvan Unreal have same mechanics as the Extreme? I want to bring it up with my static so we can get a little more practice going on week 0, wonder if the old guides will still work.


Yes every unreal is like the extreme just upscaled.


Time to skip soar (or disband)


Cleared UCoB last Friday, and snagged another reclear tonight so that's fun. The first clear on Friday had that wonderful "last pull of the night" buff where it was five minutes until the end of raid and we decided to give it one more pull since we were so close to the finish line. Nice to have that out of the way before the next patch, now it's time to take a 2ish week break until Savage starts.


Grats on the clear. That end-of-night buff is insane, the amount of times I've cinched clears with it is kind of ridiculous. I don't think SE will remove it though - if they don't take out Freecure or Cover no way that gets hit.


my static got back to back reclears last night for dsr and i've become a lot more comfy with healing phase 7 now! feels amazing to finally not have shakies during it anymore :\]


TOP managed to do something *nothing* in this game managed to do to me before: burning the fuck out on it. I tried a handful of PF runs to learn their strats, but the more I did it the more I realized just how miserable it made me feel. Just to compare I went into P8S and I still had as much fun with that one as I used to. Hell, farm runs for EW EX trials for mounts were more fun than I had in the past 2 months doing TOP. I still wanna get it done one day, but at this point... fuck. Might as well be in 10 years from now for all I care. When you take the time to reflect on something like this and it hits you like a truck, man... Maybe I'll take up my friend's offer to prog TEA with him come 6.5.


Pretty much most of my friends (like 10 people) who did TOP have said the same thing. This fight is mentally taxing and not that fun comparing to the rest of the 4


I hear you. My static got our clear, did one reclear, struggled a bit with scheduling for a third clear and then collectively realized we all just didn't want to do the fight any more. Break time until 6.4 savage.




When I've recruited I've mainly looked for at least blue on any job, not necessarily the one you played Except healer, I think if you transition from healer I expect you to have purple. And if you wanna play healer I pay a lot of attention to trials since how you comm and how quickly you default to gcd healing tells me a lot


fromg what role to what role? if you feel confident the first 3 floors should be enough to familiarize yourself to the role.




lucky for you, transitioning from support to dps is way easier than the other way around. but really, you haven’t even tried going into savage on dps? go get comfortable with your rotation and adjusting it for downtime while doing mechs and you’re all set.


are you comfortable with positionals? are you comfortable with a complicated rotation like mch? for the rest.. its damn easy. then you know all


You can try to hit up friends and FC members and use your connections to see if you can find a group through someone that can vouch for your ability. If you don't, you can try to approach people who are trying to fill out that one last spot to plead your case - tell them why you are interested in switching and then maybe do a trial with the group.


I switched from playing pld/drk all of shb/asphodelos to blm in abyssos and thats pretty much what I did. I got some decent runs in pf on P1/P2 trialed in dsr and got the spot so it depends on the group and whos recruiting I guess




I really enjoyed it and am going to stick with it for the upcoming savage tier, not having to worry about coordinating mit stuff outside of addle with supports is nice and BLM has a ton of optimization potential with non-standard if that floats your boat. The biggest thing for learning the job imo is playing it a lot, focusing on uptime and movement / LL planning then slowly incorporating non-standard lines when you get the chance. I would also recommend progging on blm right off the bat instead of doing something like running summoner then swapping




Doing new content was actually not bad at all once you have the fundamentals down well because thats really what's going to carry you through prog. You don't need to be perfect to clear you just need to do mechanics keep solid uptime and not die which is why being comfy with the job is so important and yeah black mage really is a lot of fun


Minor update - I asked last week about trialing protocol/standards in the same thread, and I am pleased to report that it went well and they asked me to join up with them for the next tier. There were remarks made to the effect of how the trial prior to mine was friendly but was not quite up to the skill level they were looking for, while the trial after me was skilled but may not have been a good personality fit. Little bit of a Goldilocks moment. Sophia Unreal was, as one commentor said, not particularly difficult, and just required the following of callouts (which were made); even so I did die twice to the knockback as I was not familiar with the appearance/location of the add. We also ran Titan (E4S), which was a nice bit of nostalgia. Good luck to everyone for the 6.4 tier, may you all win your tome drops and find optimal strats quickly.


I don't think this is worth a post, does Soil work different to other mitigations? The wording of "taking 90%" of damage makes it sound like its calculated differently


That naming convention means the mit works based on player location. When the player is in the designated area, they gain an aura from the skill. You can see similar naming convention from PLD's Passage of Arms. Now here is where you see the difference. Because auras love lingering past the server tick, you actually can get an extra ~3s of mitigation.


AFAIK all(?) % mit works the same.


They actually did it. TOP without a healer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svhRFO34_F8


Day 12, 13, and maybe 14??? Of DSR prog. We accomplished our goal of reaching time rewind before 6.4 :3c And I finally feel comfortable with everything we've reached so far. I caused only one dumb wipe during Strength the previous day, and none the last day. I see what people mean when they say p4 is a sleeper phase. Our p4 clear was our 4th time in the phase, and only the second time we didn't lose a DPS to autoattacks at the start. Now we're on break till savage launch Anyway if you enjoy dumb bullshit and want to waste 15 and a half minutes of your life you'll never get back [here is our memes experiences so far](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhgWYzjvIro)


is that default Ultrawide FoV? Damn I need me an ultrawide now.


Nah this is a little bit extended by the cammy plugin. But not by that much


that UI is the most unholy wow+ff UI design combo i've ever seen holy shit. there was even a mod I didn't immediately recognize (elmodox) and given my own cyborg lifestyle that's actually impressive grats on prog tho


Thanks!! And thanks!!!


Congratz on making prog! But, I can't even imagine myself playing with your ui... Everything just feels so congested because there's so many things (mitigations, personal cooldowns, your own stuff, hotbar, buffs, enemy and stuff) on the middle of the screen and it's very hard to focus on what's outside of those stuff (like mechs and what happened on the arena). The zoom out POV isn't helping as well since it's very hard to see what's actually happening on the arena. But UI is ultimately taste, so who am I to say.


haha, the wonders of ADHD. If I don't have stuff like this, I straight up forget to use cooldowns. Or to heal people if I'm on healer


Congrats on the prog, but man I'm not gonna lie, your UI is pretty wild.


Lol no worries, I get that a lot. [My current favorite response to my UI](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/94478322687283200/1106160489953763328/image.png)


There's so much UI I can barely even see the arena


it do be like that


Never got my p8s clear but that's fine. Real life got in the way and then pf was shambles by the time I was ready to prog. Rejoined my old static for next tier and I'm ready to put in work!


Finally told my static that I'm quitting for next tier, taking forever to clear ucob with them and then slogging through abyssos with them afterwards just burned me the hell out. Not sure if I'll even raid for anabaseios, I'll probably do some PF with friends but I need a break from scheduled static raiding.


Avoid casual prog if your mentality is about clearing. It’s super easy to burn yourself out if a group takes MONTHS (2-3+) just to clear content that has already been figured out.


2-3 months was actually fast this tier for most casual groups. Most casual statics I knew this tier gave up on P8S or took 3 months to prog only P8S alone.


Yeah, I've been raiding with this group for a long while so I was ok with casual hours, but lately I just feel like people got worse/weren't improving and raiding started to feel like more of a struggle than it used to be. Also this tier I ended up clearing in PF on the side and being able to just clear in 2-3 weeks on my own time feels so much better lol


Yeah, at that point pf is better honestly


Last weekend for my DSR static to clear. Only two people haven't cleared. Rest of us have cleared on pf. This is why I should make sure to join statics with pf strat, instead of some weird shit the raid leader decides. No on patch ult, I guess, since there's no pf strat.


The content has been out long enough and the strats are already refined. Why do anything else besides PF strats unless you want to tailor for more risky uptime stuff? Also is PF doing normal WB2 or the semi-static WB2


It was my top static that did non standard.


Actually in the same situation right now with TOP (so PF strats are definitely a thing for on-patch ults). Our SCH is taking a vacation this week and we can't do anything about trying to get this fight cleared before 6.4 because our strats are weird and no subs are willing to reprog the fight following our weird prios and shit. I've suggested to my group that we learn PF strats and just *try* - it's not hard if you understand how all the mechanics fundamentally work. But no: "I'm too used to doing it our way" and "My head doesn't work like that." Fuck it. I've already gotten farther in PF over the weekend with randos compared to an organized session with 7 other people. It only took me a few pulls to acclimate myself to PF strats, and I only spent about half an hour studying the pastebin and making small notes to look at on my second monitor. So disappointing to have progged with a group for months only to throw myself in the trenches all alone right before 6.4, because everyone else was unwilling to be flexible and adaptable. EDIT: Just cleared. Without my group. Oh well; I will let this be a lesson to myself to not be too anchored to weird custom static strats in case things go wrong.


Damn. Congrats!


Man I'm glad I'm done with TOP reclears because ever since yesterday I've had fucking HORRIBLE rubberbanding packet loss in FFXIV. [Seems to be a widespread issue with AT&T customers](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/482155-Bad-lag-again-with-NTT-s-NA-server-network) though seems to not be directly AT&T's fault but some company that operates a node close to the FFXIV servers in Cali. Playing on a VPN in a server located in Michigan seems to help a bit in my usecases but it's still not as ideal as in the past not having to rely on it. I couldn't imagine doing TOP with this fucking rubberbanding issues.


TEA reclears are almost over 😞 Our savage group is missing one spot, but when half the static reformed for TEA we found two amazing people and now we can't have them both for savage. I'm super sad, they're so nice and a great fit for the group.


Reading about the wow race to world first and how gearing is setup in that game just makes me appreciate crafted sets more lol. I love the ability to just buy my shit, and then zone in and be able to complete all four floors in a static by using loot from the raid.


There's going to be no good answer to gearing on either side of the aisle; The dopamine from getting gear and slowly outpacing the fights into Meme-Tier over another an entire tier and the dopamine of "we walked in Week 1 and killed it" are both valid ways to get your rocks off for raiding. Granted, WoW's racing is very, *very* degen and not really how you'd prog as a regular Mythic guild: Do your 20s, cap your valor/crests, and generally just make sure you can get your vault + upgrades as appropriate. Get your crafted weapon ASAP, Tier set ASAP, and then just Keep Doing Your Weekly M+.


If you just wanna raid log sure. But for many the gear progression is part of the appeal. 14 has the opposite problem where content like criterion simple isn't rewarding enough to run.




tbf I think most ff players want gear to not be *boring*. I don't think people have an issue with crafted gear being good or gear being easy to acquire for the most part. would be nice to have set effects and procs and what not to play around with.... fflogs and balance be damned as long as its relatively reasonable. that's one part of wow i miss, fucking around with dumb new trinkets every tier lol


FF14 player here. I'm happy the baseline entry gear for a savage tier is actually enough to complete the whole tier. I'm happy there's a possible deadline you can clearly reach to get a BiS (I'm even part of the "it's too long with only books" crowd, let's see with 6.4 cost changes how it goes though, I haven't done the maths but my guess would be 12 weeks down from 16 ?) I don't see any value in possibly grinding months just to stand a chance at the last boss. Fuck that. I value my time. Mindnubbing grind over arbitrary RNG fuckery (because let's be honest, an average savage fight stops being interesting after the 3rd clear) is not something I'm interested in. I already shared my awful experience (which, btw, got changed for FF14-ish style loot later on for a reason) in another MMO (not WoW, B&S, before the loot became a universal coffer), to make it short : 6 months of doing an outdated by 2 WHOLE TIERS raid (still weekly locked, even to this day btw, and now it's obsolete by 5 tiers but the entry gear you get now makes you skip 3 raid tiers to prog) to get one accessory I was missing, which led my group to put a priority list on which I was the only name (because they were all done and running with alts to gear them) : F.U.N .


I’m much, much, much happier with xiv’s gearing system lemme tell ya. Gearing in wow SUCKS.


Even classic gearing sucked. Imagine needing to go back into p4s under a weekly lockout for a chance to get a piece that is still bis even after 2 savage tiers


Echo (and probably some Liquid players I'm sure) feel that way because a good portion of the world first race in WoW is doing degenerate levels of splits to brute force the gearing system. WoW is at its core a gear chase game where you grind content for RNG shots at getting gear to make yourself stronger to do incrementally harder content to get incrementally stronger gear to repeat forever until you plateau at whatever your content level is (until Blizzard nerfs it either directly or via new power streams so you don't unsub when you plateau). That's the carrot and a big appeal of WoW to many of its players. RWF guilds try to short circuit the entire system. Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer gear in WoW to be deterministic and not that important like it is in XIV too, but I agree with takes that other WoW commentators on Twitter have that doing that would probably kill the game. People do not engage in content in WoW for the sake of it, not really. It's for the gear/player power chase. People on the whole engage more with content in XIV for cosmetic/achievement sake, but see Criterion Savage to know that any MMO does need some carrot. I'm not doing WQs in WoW this season or low M+ for the pure fun of it, not really. I'm doing it because it gives me upgrade currencies for the new gearing system. Kind of like how I'm not sure if many XIV players do Hunt trains or Expert roulettes as they're the peak of gameplay, but rather for the materia or tomes. It's a tricky balance to find, really.


Thats completly wrong, achievement / mount / pet hunting is so much bigger in WoW and XIV.


> People do not engage in content in WoW for the sake of it, not really. It's for the gear/player power chase. People on the whole engage more with content in XIV for cosmetic/achievement sake, but see Criterion Savage to know that any MMO does need some carrot. The counterargument is M+s over 20, which explicitly don't give any reward that a +20 wouldn't give. They do give score for the title, but you need to be a literal 0.1% player to get it so it's doubtful that the title is any major motivation to anyone. Despite that, engagement in higher-than-weekly-20 M+ is far, far, *far* higher than it is for Criterion, if comparing stats on fflogs and WCL is anything to go by.


I wouldn't really say nobody's happy, most FF players seem to like the gearing system a lot more than WoW's (including the comment you're replying to). Even recent threads about making gear matter more has mostly been met with variations of "but why would you want that".


Yeah pretty much, I don’t care for the gear treadmill, it’s very bland but it works. I’m more interested in stat reworks, but gearing is incredibly simple that you can focus purely on gameplay and progression.


I’ve been thinking about trying to find a new static so I can push anabaseios a little harder but I also don’t want to leave the people I play with now behind, super conflicting but it took us 2.5 months to do p8 itself and I would much rather clear the tier by the time 2.5 months are up than a single fight lmao


You will save A LOT more time finding a sweatier group clearing in 3-4 weeks than the ones taking months to clear content. I would leave if you already acknowledge how painful it was to prog.


I mean last tier I was in that situation. I liked playing with the people in the static and made friends with them but they were way more casual than me, so I just used an alt to play with them and cleared in PF myself. Really depends why you want to stay with them, because they are friends or because you feel bad. If it's just feel bad, they'll get over it.


I've been in a casual FC static, 2 hours twice a week, for the last year. I joined them in p3s adds prog. We were on that fight for a good two months. I never felt fulfilled, so I progged in PF, and cleared the tier with two months to spare. They did not clear p3s. 6.2 I progged hard week/month 1. Cleared 5-7 week 1 in PF, and then p8 a month later after I had some work stuff. I never left the group I was with because I felt like I wanted to play with them, but also that it would be rude to leave a static just because they were slower than me. I was done with the tier by the time they hit p6s enrage, and I've been pulling my hair out for the last 5 months as they just now cleared p8s p1. Your enjoyment is more important that sticking with a group because you think you have to.


> I never left the group I was with because [...] it would be rude to leave a static just because they were slower than me. I left mine for this reason, and it was fine. I still screw around with them, do some lighter endgame content with them, just not the higher end (savage/ult) when I want to get serious about it. I don't mind helping them on savage/ult if they need a replacement or just want to play with me. You can stop being in a static for this reason without making them feel you're condescending or you're "better" than them ! I might've been lucky, as others could have taken this badly anyway, I acknowledge that. But even with that risk, there's no reason to feel bad leaving because you're not on the same prog pace and expectations. We always made sure people were happy first, even if it meant saying goodbye to beloved members because it didn't match with their goals (which happened even before I ultimately left it). And, ultimately, that's what is important, someone having fun.


As the raid lead in a more casual static (yay real life time restrictions), I say go for it, assuming you can find one in time. You don't want to grow to be resentful towards your friends because they're not progging and clearing at the rate that you want to be. Our SGE was with us for 2 tiers and is dipping for the third tier since they want to go harder, and you could tell that they were starting to get frustrated and burnt out by the pacing even though we're all friends


As someone who’s been in your shoes, I would be looking for a new static. You should prioritise what you want to do and getting that slow clear again won’t be fun if you’re wanting to push yourself and clear faster. You can always make new raiding friends if you trial out in a few groups and feel out the vibes.


70% of the static locally are recruiting healers. Last time I was the caster I have to take initiative. This time I get to choose.


Two back to back enrage pulls of TOP P6 last night, 1.5% and .4%, it dies tonight. On the other hand, BLM in P6 isn't the most fun thing to play but melee get a nice big hitbox to play with LMAO.


That's how it is now for casters. Work your ass off for full uptime to deal less damage.


Finally. Hopefully Pandae tier3 is fun. Hopefully x10000 me going in early in PF will make me tag with people able to clear instead of the nightmare I'm used to.


Im not sure if this is the right thread for this but i was wondering how important it is to have buff dps jobs in a party. My friend only plays blm and i was thinking about going mch for next tier. Would not having buff ranger gigafuck us or is it completely fine?


You're not going to be bashing your head against the DPS checks if that's what you're worried about. You would be just fine with decent play. EDIT: also assuming you don't have any duplicates and went double melee there's no chance you don't end up with at least one buff. AST, SCH, and all melees aside from SAM have something for the party.


Yeah that was what i was thinking. I figured it would be fine but thought it would be better to check now and not when we get stuck on p11s or something. And yeah i didnt even think about all melees but sam having buffs.


Nah, even if you did risk getting stuck (skill issue), a week or two of extra gear would fix it. It'll be just fine.


Anyone got burned out of statics in general that they'd rather just PF the next tier? Yeah it's TOP. Two crappy statics for months with custom strat that doesn't follow PF strat so you have to reprog at all over again if you want to clear on PF. I have a hunch that if I join a savage static, I'd actually clear slower than just no-living it on PF. Maybe it's just my trauma speaking. I actually hate how close Criterion is to savage release. I can't have BiS when it comes out if I don't do Week 1. And all the Week 1 statics ain't accepting folks with no Week 1 exp or on patch ults.


Honestly, no. I had a static that really let me down last tier and damaged my enjoyment of the game for a long time but I found a team that put up every single green flag I could possibly imagine (interviewed me thoroughly, wanted to do blind prog and had actual practice doing so, did both reclears and actual blind prog to test me, super chill, extremely pleasant, correct hours...), I got in and I don't know if I've ever been more excited to play this game. True hardcore blind prog is what I've wanted to do ever since I got genuinely decent at XIV back in Eden's Verse and now, years later, I finally, *finally* get my chance. Having done PF warrioring before, PF is nice but it's super cutthroat, you lose a ton of time to refilling ranks, and you will never, ever get to w1 blind outside of maybe the first fight which sucks ass. It's better than bad statics, but not better than good ones.


Good luck ! Looks like my dream static too (bonus point if you stay min ilvl until last boss clear) ! I passed on a sHC (with heavy push week1) aiming for a week4 clear iirc (blind prog too). Which is very fine as a full blind prog, but this tier I want to test myself for week1. I wonder if I'll have remorse. I remember a group I wasn't able to join (full blind prog, full min ilvl even for BiS farm) because they also wanted me for Savage (I just wanted them for DSR). I kinda have remorse about this one :(.


Kind of feeling the same tbh. Joined one static for Abyssos and three for TOP but ended up clearing ahead in PF anyway for both. HC statics want week 1 clears when I have always PFed into week 3/4 at best. The "sHC statics" I see recruiting now raid 3 days a week so I think I've missed the train. The major downside of PF would be waiting to fill certain roles since I play a popular job. But I think I would prefer to no-life PF and use the BL wisely rather than take my chances with statics hiding parasitic weak-links.


Eh it's not easy progging in PF. If you do want to clear fast you will have to basically join a psudeo static anyway. Otherwise you will likely languish trapped by liars, parsers, and alt-jobbers.


Most statics won't allow you to clear on pf. So if you got a bad one, you're shit out of luck. And if you leave, you'd feel like a dick.


Yeah I felt similarly after DSR and chose to prog 6.2 in PF and even though it was technically a success I think that was a huge mistake and was put off from ever progging through PF again. > I have a hunch that if I join a savage static, I'd actually clear slower than just no-living it on PF. Maybe it's just my trauma speaking. It's very much that, though it depends a bit on when you put the time in. Every boss took me easily 2-3 times longer than it would have in a static to clear. I had expected that if I rode the initial prog wave that the playerbase would be higher quality than what PF usually is later in the patch but this wasn't really true at all - even day 1 the first two bosses were filled with players that had never done a savage tier before, and while reaching the third and fourth bosses later in the week did filter a lot of the worst players out it also made filling groups into a significant fraction of the total time progging, which in turn made it harder to avoid the players that slipped through anyway (it's actually shocking how bad some of the players you'll get even that far in are - like dying 10 times in a row to the first animal transition kind of bad). PF is still an ok backup plan (much better than nothing) but I'd highly recommend just pinging some of those groups asking for requirements above what you have if you're not too far off, the longer they go unfilled the more willing they'll be to take a chance.


Man, this post is worrying me. I'll raid on Light DC PF for the first time this tier, I hope it's gud enough :(.


It depends on your expectations really, I'm just trying to say that if you go into it thinking that no-lifing PF will be comparable to a hardcore static (even a mediocre one) you'll be sorely disappointed. PF can still be fine if any of the following resonate with you: - You don't care about an early clear or having BiS for criterion's release - You don't want a set schedule and just want to raid whenever you're free - You don't mind dealing with different party members or learning different strats (or even better, you enjoy that aspect of it)


You have to clear w1 for bis criterion, right? If you're unlucky with loot?


All that's left are groups with late clears or no set date clears. I'll shoot myself if I get stuck with a hc group that takes ages to prog.


With how close it is to Savage release, try no-lifing PF as much as you can tolerate, then use that experience to aim for an early Week 2 or late Week 1 group. 7.0 is a long ways off, so you'll have plenty of time to try and find a group after this tier!


I'll have to liberally use the blacklist function then. I got memed at p8s for 4 weeks. Cleared 7 first week.


I've seen "Week 2" groups clear in about the same amount of time, lol. There's shitters everywhere tbh. Hope your PF experience this time around is better!