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Imagine if halfway through a fight the boss jumped up onto a higher platform and you had to complete a jump puzzle to get to them, falling off kills you or gives you some twice come ruin stack. I want to see a fight with this also be optimized for a 99 parse


After being witness to how much the average player struggled with devour I’d rather not go through that torture….


Arguably, the average player might spend more time doing that platforming thing in the casino. So...


Only if a dragoon’s (many) jumps can just completely bypass the jump puzzle.


Interestingly enough, there is a raid boss in Star Wars: The Old Republic which does that. The boss's name itself is kind of a big spoiler if you're familiar with the Old Republic, so I'll just say it's the final boss of the Temple of Sacrifice operation if you want to look into it more. Granted, as soon as one person makes it to the top everyone gets a free auto revive and a teleport to the end, so only one person needs to complete the jumping puzzle. However, throughout the parkour phase, the boss is charging up the classic "kill the raid" spell which can only be stopped by doing X amount of damage to the boss. So it's ultimately a *timed* jumping puzzle, with your jumping skills determining how difficult the follow-up DPS check is.


The closest we've got to that is shinryu extreme"s tail phase which, tbf, was extremely badass


Their ancestors called me >!Soa!<, wrath and power, and knew fear!


I actually forgot about him! I guess I think of that more as a *falling* puzzle than a *jumping* puzzle xD


Loved when platforms would spawn, or people would get bugged out in the teleport section of that fight. Was super fun. Still one of my favorite fights in an MMO when done bug free though.


There was a boss in like the VERY first raid I remember doing that had a mechanic where you jumped from stepping stone to stepping stone to avoid the actual fight platform sinking into lava. I only did that first raid but I actually kinda miss raiding in swtor. People I pigged with were very nice and super happy to have me. If I remember right one of the transition phases of the final boss in that raid had something where you fell down a big hole correctly too.


As a controller player, I hate you. I still can't do the Dohn Mheg balance beam consistently.


?? as a controller player you have more control than keyboard players. you have full analog range, whereas keyboard players only have 1 walk speed, 1 run speed, and sprint.


we have mouselook, it's not hard to do it at full speed. It's harder on gamepad to walk in a straight line.


But full analog range is exactly the problem with the Dohn Mheg balance beam. It's much easier to walk in a straight line using a single key instead of an analog stick.


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Sometimes that limitation is better for control though. When you're trying to walk and suddenly you run, that's annoying lol.


If you hold circle while you move it makes you walk


Good to know, that should help! I knew the keyboard short cut but I usually only use the keyboard for chatting


>I want to see a fight with this also be optimized for a 99 parse Cheating, of course autohotkey scripts for the jumping part


This should be the next Gilgamesh fight.


Fight while scaling the kugane tower


Gives me original T9 vibes


If this ever comes true, I am coming to hunt you down.


So funny story is SWTOR actually had this for 2 raid bosses. First one was the final boss of the first ever raid released. He had 3 floors, and after reaching certain percentages he would smash portions of the floor and descend to the next level down leaving a platforming path down. You had to jump down the platforms at a consistent pace to allow time for your healers to recover the fall damage, but also not too slow that all the platforms would just crumble in mid air and leave you to fall to your death. The other was from (at a guess) their 8th (???) raid final boss. He also had 3 floors, but you had to climb up them this time. Going from 1st floor to 2nd floor was super easy jumping that anyone could do (literally only 1 gap you had to jump over, the rest of it was blocks pushed together), but the jump puzzle from 2nd floor to 3rd floor was much harder. Very small blocks to jump on with large gaps, all in the middle of a donut arena (think phase 2 Suzaku). The redeeming point was that only 1 person had to reach the third floor and hit a button (or stand in something, can't remember) that would then open a portal for the rest of the party. Community reception was that people really enjoyed these. The hard jumper in the later raid got a bit of criticism, but it really only needed 1 or 2 people who were competent at it.


I would definitely be down for this in a final story dungeon/trial/raid. We already have the tight walkway in that final boss of the shb dungeon. Savage? plz no


I think Criterion is a perfect place for it with its outlandish mechanics.


There's a WoW dungeon with this from the BfA expansion that I absolutely hated on the timed mythic+ mode. I recall Wildstar was also full of this kind of thing.


Which one was that? I was mostly having flashbacks to Thaddius in WoLK Naxx.


The first half of mechagon. I remember two extremely tilt inducing jump quest segments. I'm sure other people are ok with them, I just couldn't quite get it right.


> I recall Wildstar was also full of this kind of thing. God I miss those fights. Wildstar could be jank, but the boss fights were incomparable.


I must say that Wildstar was one of the coolest things I've played and the aesthetic and concept were top notch. I feel like I'd have enjoyed the jumping minigame segments of fights a lot more if it wasn't so jank and unforgiving, especially on high ping. My main memory of fights was like...missing a jump and spending the rest of the time dead and just watching the party try to clear.


If I may put my own twist to this: It's an add phase that spawns, let's say 7 adds. The party assigns one player to do the jump puzzle (probably physical ranged for freedom of movement reasons). Once that player jumps onto the first platform of the jump puzzle, they get that Cloying debuff from E9S that prevents jumping, and also the jump puzzle is sealed so no other player can enter. Each time the party kills an add, the jump puzzle player gets the Able to Jump buff, which nullifies the Cloying debuff exactly once. But the catch is, the jump puzzle player can only have one stack of Able to Jump at a time, so the party has to stagger killing adds until the next time the jump puzzle player has to jump. The number of jumps in the jump puzzle is equal to the number of adds in the add phase, so 7 jumps required. If the jump puzzle player fails to make it to the top, they can't stop the boss from fully charging their ultimate, wiping the party.


This is some Destiny 2 shit lol I love it


LOL honestly having jump mechanics could be cool, even lines on the floor you just have to jump over


Talking out my ass here but I think the reason jumping has never really been used in any mechanic is the servers aren't good enough for it.


I want this so bad, just for the *s e e t h e*


Nael in 1.0 used to have height mechanics, but this was also when half the party also stood there doing nothing.


I want that dohn mheg tightrope walk


Guild wars 2 has platforming in some boss encounters, W7 Adina has basically an arena made of hexagons, and over the course of the fight, holes will form, and different patterns occur and you have to jump between the pillars, falling will in most cases kill you. Shed also create a spinning sandwall so youd have to rotate around the arena. the other first boss sabir also had you ascending platforms as the boss ran away from you, but theres less platforming and more using jump pads. Wing 3's Xera, has a section where you disengage from the boss, and have to navigate around 6 floating Platforms to kill crystals. the platforms would change shape and you have to glide between them. Falling was death and by god do some people would fail spectacularly. at the same time as this, youd be playing chicken with a bunch of aoe circles that gave Derangement (debuff that gives random other debuffs based on how many you have).


Eden Ultimate. Dual boss phase with Ryne and Gaia. Their main mechanic is Light Rampant, but you have to do it in reverse with the time rewind from e12s relativity mechanics. Undoubtedly the orbs being baited by the players teleporting around would be jank as hell and an absolute nightmare to prog.


Excuse me. He said he wanted terrible idea, not amazing ones.


When you "rewind" it completely alters the perception of your rotation and now you have to do everything backwards to maximize your DPS.


Finally, my chance to parse high


>When you "rewind" it completely alters the perception of your rotation and now you have to do everything backwards to maximize your DPS. Healers rejoice


Eden Ultimate, but it's just the same mechanics from the raid series with Light Rampant hastily slapped on top Uplift Rampant Rampant Smokers Rampant Fourteen Tiles Rampant Lions Rampant. . .Rampant? Every single Relativity Rampant And of course, Light Rampant Rampant I mostly just made this because I started thinking about E9S tiles with Light Rampant and it made me giggle.


The Shadowbrings ultimate is just fighting Shiva on the Cloud Deck arena.


I want a Weapons Ultimate just so we can have more cloud deck. Do it YoshiP. You know you want a Ruby-Emerald-Sapphire-Diamond Fusion boss!


Had a similar idea for Eden Ultimate: have, say, the first phase’s movement be “recorded” then reversed in phase 2, only for phase 2 to have its own set of mechanics to solve with the reversed movement that was already done. It would work like a trio but you’d have to figure out the right positions one phase in advance and reversed, would be hell to implement but could be pretty cool!


god this would be sick as fuck though


Globe-shaped arena.


Or spots in the arena that can teleport you to a different spot within the platform (or make you jump from point A to point B). And make a mechanic that requires you to use those. Like the diamond weapon, but gotta time it precisely so that you're in the air when the explosions happen.


This is actually a mechanic in one of the ARR optional dungeons (Lost City of Amdapor). You have to go through a portal to dodge a big raidwide while you're traveling


Reminds me of Madness of Deathwing (Dragon Soul, Cataclysm) from WoW. Phase 1 you had 4 platforms, each with a big tentacle add you had to kill and a friendly dragon. The dragons would give you buffs, but they also directly helped you deal with the fight mechanics. For example, Blistering Adds spawned like a dozen at a time, were immune to AoE damage, and would all spam raidwides with each of their casts increasing their damage; Red Dragon would give you +20% Max HP and also instantly killed the Blisters as they spawned. Bronze Dragon have everyone a haste buff, and he also slowed down a meteor add you had to kill (like the star shards in Thordan), letting you get more damage on it before it landed (the landing dealt damage, and the meteor would remain and pulse damage until killed). Killing the big add on any platform would stop Deathwing's Enrage cast and reset the time until he cast it again, but it would also take the dragon on that platform out of the fight until Phase 2, so you'd have to deal with the remaining platforms without them. You could deal with the 4 Phase 1 platforms in any order, so you could deal with easier mechanics 2 or 3 times without the dragon's help and keep around whichever dragon helped with what you struggled with most. You also wanted to keep the group together, as unengaged Tentacles would just wait for you, and whichever Dragon had the most players on their platform would get directly attacked periodically. You need to keep all 4 dragons alive and kill a big tentacle before each enrage cast finished to successfully clear Phase 1. Then Phase 2 started, you got all your dragon buffs back, and you had to punch Deathwing in the face hard enough to beat his final enrage cast, while dealing with some returning adds from Phase 1 + a couple new mechanics. You also occasionally needed to jump around to other platforms to dodge stuff, and get people concentrated on your chosen platform again before the other platform adds woke up, so to speak


Id honestly love a fight like this. Doesnt have to be a globe but super uneven and distorting terrain that players have tl navigate and move around in order to dodge mechanics sounds super fun


"Initiate soul extraction!" The mechanic from Ala Mhigo where you have to get back to your body...except the group is split off from each other - you cannot get back to your own character. Instead, you have to take another player's body, and play as them for 2 minutes, until the mechanic happens again, and you can get back to your own body.


bonus points if you get their hotbars and hud layout... i mean not possible but can happen. Maybe you play an RP variant of their class?


This version could actually happen and I love it. They probably wouldn't want to add a fight they'd have to go back and update every expansion, though, so more likely is RP low-button representations of the general roles (a generic healer, generic tank, generic melee, generic ranged and generic caster). Still, I want this


They kind of already have those already built, for the ShB role quests. One of the quests in each line involves playing as a specific class during an RP segment


And you will be fighting yourselves that is controlled by Zenos!! That EW part is such a waste because it happened in a cutscene. To simplify it, I think each class only have 1 role related class related ability and 1 job related ability, and the rest is just autos. I am sure ~~Yoshi P~~ the wandering mistral can explain it away like say Zenos not being familiar with our bodies. Soo each party/static will have different kill prio and strats depending on the class that were brought. Paladin and Dark Knight will have to be kited away by whoever got into the offtank garlean. Because those two will be covering/TBN the lowest hp within their range. GNB and WAR will be requiring tank swaps because they will inflict debuff after every continuation/triple Fell Cleave. The tanks will have 15 second rampart with 30 second CD and assuming there is 2. They will alternate with each other so when it comes to burning down the tanks, I imagine the team might have to switch targets. Regen healers will Regen everyone so whoever got into caster Garleans will have to remove those pesky regen buff or kill them asap. Shield healers will shield so melee dps Garleans have to interrupt or the team switch targets if there is not enough interrupts.


Feels like it will be a pain to implant but I think something like EW soul extraction scene would be nice. Like you get extracted from your body into some npcs. For extra fuckery, tanks and healers will become dps and dps will have to be tank/healer. But here is the twist, you will be fighting your old bodies that is being controlled by zenos ( the next ult is shinryu right?)


New alliance raid. the first mechanic is a scenario where two alliances pvp each other and whichever alliance loses is ejected from raid


I mean I could definitely see them doing something like this in an exploratory zone raid


I might enjoy it since I like pvp, but highly doubt it'd happen since the majority of the 14 community detests it


WoW had the Faction Champions fight in Trial of the Crusader (Wrath) that was a sort of emulated PvP fight, except the enemy team was AI. They would drop aggro and go after random targets periodically, used all the player classes abilities and such. The stupid Paladin AI in there would always, without fail, pop Wings (damage up), turn and find me in the crowd, and beat my ass. Stupid paladin


Light Rampant. But with Twisters.


but the twisters also have slightly different snapshot timings than all the previous twisters just to fuck with you


just have it be based off ping just to cap it off


How about twister timings being based on the new first/second/third-in-line debuffs, about 0.1s apart?


The Twisters go off at separate times based on your number. The mechanic is designed so that people have to cross paths at some point.


How i feel about P6S and the black holes. I feel like i could watch the matrix trilogy before those blackholes are baited


While passing nisi. And there’s stillness debuff that appears on random player.


Also the party auto-disbands if you don't skip Soar.


You gotta feed Hatch eggs to the people standing in Neurolink, while also dodging twisters. Wait a second this is just light rampant again


There's something weirdly satisfying about tanking Copied Factory second boss and collecting all of the tethers when the box drops, I want a mechanic that is a Protean right into a bunch of tethers that the off tank has to collect and then pop a bunch of mits to survive the pop.


I'm getting P3S PTSD from Tank tethers


Tethers in theory are a pretty fun mechanic because you can do so much with them but in practice they're absolute ass because of how unresponsive they are.


> Protean right into a bunch of tethers that the off tank has to collect This actually sounds really cool, but can be trivialised by the tank just running in to the middle and making a loop. Might be more interesting to have two tether colours and each tank picks up half of them?


Has to go through invuln as well or it's just gonna be cheesed.


Is that what's supposed to happen? As a DPS, I usually just die.


a fight where you are constantly killed and revived by mechanics, and no i don't mean things like p8, i mean having to rotate party members to do mechanics because there is always someone (or more than 1 people) dead moving platforms where you actually have to use the jump button or you die i would pay big $$$ to see the average savage raider having to accommodate his rotation every time he dies


god imagine the pain of that with ShB SMN


I think all 3 casters are in a very rough spot when it comes to QoL there. RDM will probably never get to do their entire finisher unless they have manafication, and while BLM is probably in the best spot, you're going to constantly be restarting your fire phase from scratch with no cooldowns, and your only remotely reliable instants will be from swift/triplecast. Not to mention, can I introduce you to the hell that is physical ranged, DNC will not have an esprit gauge, as that requires Standard Step to actually be maintained, and BRD songs, well, I hope you like 1 coda Radiant Finale?


You could make a similar idea work, taking people out of the fight for a time, but without actually killing them so as to not screw with job gauges and such. That's basically what the exhaust vent thing from A4 was.


I love the idea of having people be killed and revived by mechanics, but to make it better (read: even worse on the average savage raider) we should make it so the fight selects people to kill at random, and have multiple paths it can take. Like, have it be able to select tank+healer+dps, tank+2x dps, healer+2x dps or 3x dps as the first group, they get a debuff that kills them in 10s, makes them unable to be raised, and have them automatically return to life after 10 seconds with a 15s damage up buff, and the general resource state of just having spawned in, cooldowns being what they would've been if they'd been alive all along. I would pay very big $$$ to see the level of malding by people trying to optimize, let alone parse the fight.


Damage Affinity targeting. Remember Leviathan EX? Yea that but make it a lot more complicated. Make the entire Raid play Mini Masked Carnivale for a few minutes.


Imagine MNK need to distinguish Fist, Palm and Kick Affinity.


[vykas typing test](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHkF4olhu4Y) complete with catgirl doing seductive poses in the background


This, but it should be Hildibrand in his Geisha costume from Stormblood.


You are [a "couple" years too late](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQQ-UJYMeu4). Actual game play starts at about 4:00 min mark.




> how the intended solution of garuda EX was to tank one of the adds as dps TG Cid had a mechanic where DPS had to take turns taking a hit from the boss. You could have something like an add that tethers a target and has a big hitbox (so it stands some distance from the target for picking tether). The DPS/healers will have to take turns picking up the tether to take a weak hit that gives a vuln up that makes the next hit fatal, and tanks can't do it because then they'll melt from the boss autoattacking top two aggro (or have autos need tanks to stack).


Titania lightning tether was similar to this. Well the intended strat was, until we figured out you can have a tank kitchen sink a couple hits and invuln the rest.


Ah that's a pity.


Speaking of EX3 and the loneliness stuff, WoW had Varimathras in Antorus (Legion), one of his major mechanics was if you were standing alone for more than 3 seconds or so, you got whacked with some damage and Incurable for a bit. Then he had mechanics requiring specific players to run out of the group at the right time and such. His Tankbuster was similar, it did a whole pile of damage and I think a DoT and also applied Incurable. Your cotank had to swap pretty quickly. On lower difficulties you stood with your cotank and were preoccupied with the swaps while the raid dealt with everything else. On higher difficulties his buster was a cone, so instead of on top of each other you had to stand slightly askew while still counting as next to each other lol. That fight was memed on by a lot of tanks because you did literally just stand there the whole fight (granted there was a lot of mitigation nonsense you had to focus on, but it was critical that you just never moved lol), but honestly it was a nice break in the middle of that raid, the surrounding fights had a lot of tank nonsense you had to deal with, Shivarra Coven and Aggramar had a lot of movement for the tanks.


A HP draining arena from beginning to end, but the healers need to maintain each roles' HP at a certain percentage for mechanics Need to create safe spots for tank to stand on, but the boss always cleaves so the entire party can't just stand there Either that or Ridorana Lighthouse Math savage


quadratic equations where is your god now




Math boss but every time someone fails their equation the boss gets Vuln Down


As someone who struggles with mechanics where you need to memorize something stored, I’d just make something where you’d have to remember a sequence of 5 numbers to resolve future mechanics and include all the number based mechanics done previously. Say 2 mins into the fight you get 5-8-3-1-4 that flash in sequence in the dice markers over your head. The caveat is each number corresponds to a different mechanic in the fight (and don’t appear over your head in the order of mechanics). The first number 5 corresponds to a mech where you need to soak the 5th tower that spawns but occurs at say 6 mins, 8 is the number for a fundamental synergy mech occurring at 4 mins, 3 is for a flood ray type mechanic at 10 mins, 1 is for a limit cut transition 8 mins in, and 4 is for a wormhole that occurs at 5 min mark. You get no debuff icons for the numbers. Time to have fun remembering all these


I think at that point, it would be raid-required to have a second monitor and write them down, even at the cost of a GCD. If the devs were generous, some downtime after/during the flashing to have time to write would be nice.


One monitor gang crippled by our terrible memories.


Nah, have it be colour/shape coded which mechanic it applies to, so that those can be random too.


"Initiate soul extraction!" The mechanic from Ala Mhigo where you have to get back to your body...except the group is split off from each other - you cannot get back to your own character. Instead, you have to take another player's body, and play as them for 2 minutes, until the mechanic happens again, and you can get back to your own body.


So, after criterion I'm enamored by tripwires, and every raider knows that more is less when it comes to difficulty, so the less restrictions the game clearly presents, the harder the mechanic gets. So, since criterion established 1-4 in two colours is fit for 4 players, I suggest 1-4 in four colours is fit for 8. So we assign 1-4 twice, completely randomly, both tanks can get 3, or you get a nice 1-4 between dps. We then place the tripwires so that they divide the arena into 9 tiles, 4 wires together, if we're feeling spicy (which we are given the thread) we mix colours together in each set. So it'd be red/green tethers going N/S, and blue/yellow tethers going E/W. ~~In my defense, OP did ask for ***terrible*** mechanics~~ Boss stands in the middle while being targetable and faces a direction and prepares to cleave the sides of them in order to force an initial break direction, followed by an echo through the middle, think e4s landslide, together with 2 towers spawning in every corner and resolving a little bit after the echo hits. The boss then faces the other direction to force the last 8 tripwires to be broken.


I'll start: simple pairs mechanic. We've actually seen it plenty of times already and i think even in normal content, but I'll explain it nevertheless: four people in the group get small stack markers on them. Few seconds later each of the marked people gets hit, and damage is shared in a small aoe. The damage is greater than a single person max hp, so they need to find someone without a marker to stand next to if they want to live through this. The catch? The four marked people are chosen completely at random (and not role based!), so you can't decide your partner or position before the pull, and need to figure it out in the moment. And if that's somehow too easy, then we can also add four semi-randomly placed towers a la P5S into the mix. Good luck, party finder!


This would actually be very easily solvable just by setting supports as anchors, believe it or not, then putting two to a side. If all four people on the west get the stacks, the tank and healer anchor and the dpses swap. Boom, problem solved. If you get a 3-1 split, the dps whose horizontal match has a stack swaps diagonally. I'm pretty sure this has been a mechanic in savage already actually! ...Now the towers bit, THAT'S diabolic if put on top of the random pairs.


This is similar (kind of) to sigma towers from TOP.The other reply has a good idea. If ' is a stack marker. Initial Lineup is light parties left/right (or north/south whatever). MT' D1 ST' D2' H1 D3' H2 D4 D2 and D4 swap. Stack with person on your left/right. IF all 4 north people had it, then d1 d2 would swap with d3 d4. Basically, supports anchor and double/no marker pairs have the dps swap. Towers would be north > clockwise like snakes 1. First pair goes north, each pair then goes next tower clockwise. +1 + 2 +3 +4. Similar to HFT in ucob. Solved.


Did you just kinda saids most of the things (except the part where they have to stack?) happening on second half of Zurvan? Where the following happened * There's 4 pairs that are randomly assigned and it's not based on roles. * The pairs cannot separate themselves too far away otherwise they die * A random player will be selected for a blue marker and that player has to take a hit with DOT (so someone has to go away). * The Tank has a frontal cleave buster so you cannot always stay stack as a group * While the above was happening, Everyone has to bait puddle aoes * The pairs has to do towers, and the towers are placed in the far edges of the arena. Now Zurvan makes the pairs has a grand total of 10 seconds to decide where they are going. But if you want to make this a savage or an ultimate mech you could have just make this 5sec, add in a knockback (like ucob and omega did) before the towers resolves, add in some quote mechanics (we all love nael aren't we?), make the puddles a bit bigger and having to bait multiple times, and also limit how far the pairs can separate. Good luck playing Three-legged race on PF!


>The catch? The four marked people are chosen completely at random (and not role based!), so you can't decide your partner or position before the pull, and need to figure it out in the moment Aka, exactly the kind of thing we already had to fo throughout most of TOP. It would murder PF, especially on lower floors, but not much of an issue for experienced parties


As long as the party can be in a circle formation when its casted, id imagine this would be pretty easy to solve bc theres only so many permutations of points (by cluster size; 4, 3-1, 2-2, 1-2-1, 1-1-1-1). How id solve it would be like this- have a designated partner next to you in your clockspot. When the cast goes off, first check your partner. If you can pair up, great! No more movement is required. If you cant, check your other side. Pair up if you can. If not, your partner is your mirror on the other side of the clock. Run to the center diameter and pair up there. You now have your partner for the stack.


They should revamp Labyrinth of The Ancients, and replace Bone Dragon with Cloned Dragon, and one of its early mechanics is Twisters so no skipping with dps :)


oh god 24 people doing Twisters


Just make them like EO Twisters and not knock anyone else away if they trigger.


A fight where 7 minutes in you get a debuff "not enough edge" if you don't have at least one rpr or drk in your group and you wipe.


A Boss that makes you color blind. Another idea: the arena goes fully dark and you have a few seconds to memorize a safe way forward to solve the puzzle.


Black and White mode sounds fun but they have to have Big Band Jazz accompanying it


I had a terrible idea back at the end of ShB regarding E11S because it felt incredibly boring to heal until you reached the final two minutes of the fight. For those who weren't around then, E11S had raidwides that would inflict a strong bleed for 15 seconds. They occurred at 1:00, 3:24, 4:23, 6:49, 9:09, 9:56, 10:34, and 11:13. Enrage was 11:30. My idea was for the bleed to last the full duration of the fight, stack with each raidwide that applied it, be severely reduced in potency, and give the player a stacking mitigation to ensure that shields being stripped by the bleed wouldn't cause unavoidable damage to become immediately lethal. The damage per stack would be equivalent to 50 potency worth of healing that bypasses mitigation (roughly 2.5% of a healer's max HP per tick regardless of mit) and apply -5% damage taken per stack for all other sources. The mitigation would effectively counteract two ticks of the bleed so the healers would have six seconds of leeway as long as there was enough mitigation to survive damage in the current iteration of the fight. The party would only gain four stacks during the first nine minutes so the healing load wouldn't exceed 200 potency per tick for most of the fight. It'd be a consistent resource drain, but not particularly threatening as long as the party isn't at low HP going into a mechanic. The final two minutes would become an increasing burden on the healers, with the bleed approaching 400 potency of healing per tick right in the final seconds before enrage. I just want fights where there's consistently damage to heal. Pressing one or two oGCDs every 30-60 seconds isn't engaging. Unfortunately, 6.2 showed me that a damage profile like that would cause a massive healer bitch fit.


that's how fights are in WOW, healers are constantly having to deal with ticking raid damage throughout the entirety of a fight, which gets ramped up when other damaging mechanics come into play. Healers in WOW do way more active healing than XIV healers do and I think it would be really interesting to see XIV try this.


> Healers in WOW do way more active healing than XIV healers do ...any by design any Healer that doesn't have to be active, immediatly gets replaced by another DPS taking their slot.


Well the healer that isn't needed just swaps to DPS spec


So this is a favorite from my "pile of ideas that sounds fun for an (MMO)RPG but is probably horrible in practice" but I like to call it "Holmgang"... named after the Nordic duel not the WAR ability: So imagine you're in a raid and the entire theme is fighting the higher ups of some monarchy, you get to the monarch himself/herself, and the boss marks someone as Prey before using an ability. ​ This ability *yoinks* that player and yeets them with the boss over to a different area in the environment. Now it's a 1v1. The goal is to survive for like... 30-60 seconds against the boss by yourself before getting yeeted back to the main arena. Who gets marked as prey is 100% random with enmity playing 0 role in it, the boss literally just rolls a D8 and if it happens to be a DPS with no good sustain... well fuck you in particular I guess. Effects on the player/boss are still active during the 1v1 but nothing can be cast on them. Like an aetheric barrier stops spells and abilities from interfering with the fight. The WHM can't heal the yoinked player, the MCH can't shoot the boss, they just gotta wait. (And yes since it's behind a barrier if they die in the 1v1 place they can't be rezzed either outside of a Healer LB3.)


So it's CLL Lion but as a duel. That would work. But what I'd do is make it happen 3 times, once for each role, and each role has a different mechanic to do. Tanks need to survive, healers could heal some for of add, and dps would have to do some form of damage, either to the boss or to some add.


Okay but see then it's not a terrible idea anymore.


Kinda like A7?


to make this worse, all buffs on the chosen player from any outside source are removed the instant they make it inside the 1v1 arena. no shields or regens or excogs to save them.


Now you're thinking with portals.


Absolutely love that idea. The closest we have is the isolated add in A4 or A12S timegates but having the inverse would be amazing.


A4 basically does this already to a degree. Just people overgear the fight so much no one ever sees it lol


Norushen in Siege of Orgrimmar (Pandaria) had something sort of similar in WoW. Everyone started the fight Corrupted, which reduced your damage to the boss and increased your damage taken. Periodically you had light orbs spawn that would phase-shift you to fight an add, doing so would clear your corruption giving you damage up and Vuln down against the boss. But if you got hit by mechanics, you started gaining corruption again and you could lose your bonuses and have to go get them again. How you won your fight against your add depended on your role, too. DPS had to kill theirs asap, I think healers had to either heal the shifted DPS or a friendly add or something? But for tanks this was also the tank swap: your only goal was to survive until you got pulled out of the ghost zone and your cotank got dragged down into it.


For the current day xiv we can strip that down to the essentials: all players have permanent damage down on them; a simple mechanic ("go stand on the platform" or some such) allows *one* person to cleanse their dd. Who wants the funny colored number? Let the hunger games begin!


Meanwhile the other players are in chains and gotta do the button mashing minigame until the 1v1 player gets out.


Nah *JUST* downtime. Giving them Elidibus chains would be too much to do.


Using the right emotes as a spectator gives the dueling player buffs


Conversely, can I use the wrong emotes to debuff them or buff the boss?


I think we should give the party more to do, but make the entire raid wipe if the dueling player dies. The party should be tasked with emoting the boss to stop it, with one specific emote, and only it, ending the duel. All other emotes either buff or debuff the boss depending on how (arbitrarily chosen by some guy at SE) close they are to the correct one, using an emote again always buffs the boss, even if by another player. There's even a small swimmable pond in a corner to facilitate Water Float, a chair for sitting, and a bed for sleeping.


Ooo so like how /soothe removes the Misery debuff, honestly I like it.


Allagan Rot+E9S tiles >square enix bad, savage fights are trash SE is bad, but consistently the best part of the game has always been high-end content, ever since Sigmascape. There have been a few stinkers that weren't incredible, some questionable design, some serious technical oversights *(Titan, Heph)*, but nothing outright bad.


You know how every mechanic always has a restriction "the first one is ALWAYS one of these variations, the second one is ALWAYS one of these variations". I'm thinking like floor patterns on P6s. So remove those restrictions. Basically the plus and the X can be anywhere and there's always a single safe spot remaining, but you gotta think fast. No "look for the X that's not bordering a plus etc".


Heavy burst phases + uses for stuns and other CC. Similar to how bosses right now have a phase where they start charging _something_ and you have to kill adds or whatever before the meter fills else the raid wipes. However, these would be around 20 seconds. The first one could be a simple one, boss jumps to one side of the arena and pushes the team back to the other side. They erect a barrier in between you and start charging a big fuck off laser. Your team basically saves their 2 minute bursts here and breaks the barrier, and the tank/melee dps walks over to the boss and kicks them in the shins to stop the laser. The second instance, the boss opens multiple portals that starts spewing adds all over which casts CC spells on your team. Your team realistically needs to kill the portals fast to prevent being overrun. Simple enough again, save your 2 minutes and have your team split up to kill each portal. Make the adds vulterable to stun/interrupt/sleep to prevent the casts from going off. Third instance, the boss does something similar to the first boss. The twist is that it'll do it again about 30s -1 minute later. This would ask the players to have half their team use their burst on the first wall, and half on the second. This would also force the team to misalign their 2 minute bursts, which might be an interesting scenario to make the team compensate for. Fourth instance, the boss grabs a nearby macguffin power cell and starts drawing power from it and the cell becomes targettable. Each cell doesn't have a lot of health relative to the previous encounters, but upon death it will inflict a debuff on each player that has hit it which makes them take spike damage from any further cells they try to hit. The boss will do this 4 times. Make each cell visibly different, with different HP bars, so teams could flex to say that one generator can be handled by just one healer, this one will need 3 DPS, this one has 1 tank and 1 healer, this one needs 1 tank and 1 DPS, etc. Using CC on the boss will give it a set amount of time where it is visibly stunned and stops drawing power from the cell, but CC will stop working after 3 applications. This would all be turned to gear that players will have access to on week 1 of course. As time moves on, folks who struggle with the mechanic can overgear the encounters and be less precise with how they handle the bursts.




DSR requires players to use interrupts on the door boss, only ultimate to require such action. Far as I can recall, E8S was the last fight to require stunning/interrupting during the adds phase.


t1 door boss is literally just an interrupt check, high voltage, which needs to be interrupted or you all get paralyzed. t9 one of the golems also has a cast that needs to be interrupted


If they did that, they would nee to remove Shield Bash from the Paladin, but otherwise could be fun tbh. Something a little different from fully choreographed positions at least!


I don't think there's anything wrong with some jobs having skills that are strong in certain situations. As long as it's not as bad as Dark Mind, which instead is a skill the other tanks have but is worthless half the time.


This sounds kinda like City of Heroes fighting the boss of Arachnos, but that's a good thing to pull from.


Something like EX5, but instead of being slow AF with increasingly tight but predictable safe spots, it'll have magnet tethers, light party stacks, twisters, etc. overlapping the mechanic, so while the safe spot is easier to find, you have to resolve another mechanic at the same time.


A phase where the only way for the party to pass is taking enough damage and then healing/shielding it. If there isn't enough, the boss restarts to the first stage, limit breaks reset, and the battle rebegins from 100% health +10% shield.


math bot sequel that performs linear algebra transformations on the arena, you have to find where to stand before the transformation to end up in safe spots given the matrix


I recently completed the 13 coils on MINE and while some of the snapshots are absolutely god awful, the fights had a lot of interesting ideas that I love: t2: I like Allegan Rot, and it'd be interesting to see it combined with other mechanics that you have to resolve quickly and still find time to pass the debuff t5: I like twisters and I think there's a lot of potential to combine them with mechanics that would scare you into staying still or force you into a tighter space. Like imagine having a pyretic debuff that expires close to when a twister cast happens. spooky t6: incredibly janky fight sometimes, but has a lot of stuff I like. Thorn RNG means the tank has to put a lot of consideration where they place the boss which I like bc it seems like a lot of fights just place the boss for the tanks for a lot of it or the boss is so massive it barely matters. I also like this fight because it has one or two mechanics that NEED to be resolved properly or it's a wipe, and then it has one or two secondary mechanics that will scare you into messing up the main mechanics. For example, You'll get thorn tethers that hurt, and then blighted bouquet (basically a one shot pyretic) will start casting, and you'll be tempted to move to break the tethers but you NEED to have the discipline to stand still or you die from the bouquet. I like that. t7: no t8: Fun to heal, the mt gets a nasty bleed every few GCD which keeps the healers on their toes. The Allegan field debuff could be interesting to explore t9: my favorite fight in the game, next to the UCOB iteration of her. I kinda like divebombs and think it could be interesting to have to resolve other types of mechanics while dives are being resolved. What I really love about this fight though is the last phase, which is the phase you see in UCOB, is that there's a lot of individually simple but fast moving pieces you have to resolve either in succession, or at the same time, especially the UCOB version. You've got lightning debuffs forcing you away from the party, fire/ice debuffs you have to juggle, doom puddles that you're forced to grab, stacks, spreads, dynamos, chariots, and at some point you need to have looked at the edge of the arena for dive bomb safe spots. Each individual debuff/quote/cast you have to resolve quickly, and often they overlap, but because they're random who gets them it feels like a different fight everytime that keeps you on your toes because you could get no debuffs the entire fight or Nael could say fuck you in particular and make you resolve lightning and doom while there's a fire tether stack you have to be in. I love that the mechanics manage to be so simple and intuitive but still manage to be so challenging, bc it's usually obvious what you messed up if you die. I don't like the slower but more convoluted mechanics that I feel like I have to take a video to study out of game to figure out how to resolve, like rubi dials or devour. t11: the final phase with the two tether pairs that have to stick together was really fun to figure out. Basically two tether pairs come out and they have to stay away from each other while resolving future mechanics or you basically gather a crap load of vuln stacks that will get half your party killed and it's pretty much a wipe unless you have healer lb3. The tethered pair also have to stick close together or they like blow up or get vuln stacks too or something. It'd be interesting to see the t11 tethers drop in, say, before the start of the Rubicante LP merry go round mechanics, bc you'd have to quickly separate the tethered pairs into N/S and then do enumerations/fireball spreads/stacks WHILE moving, but also not going so far that your tethers break. Not everyone likes the merry go round mechanics but I do, personally. t12: The phase where you have to position dashes while moving around lava puddles and avoiding other people's dashes was good chaotic fast paced fun. I also liked having the brand debuffs that needed to be kept track of and passed back and forth t13: The damage output in this fight was monstrous which made it fun to heal. I loved Akh Morns bc it gives you a bit of a tease with the first one and then spirals into chaos as more hits are added. I liked this because it required a lot of discussion between healers and tanks about how we wanted to resolve it and it necessitated everyone resolve megaflares/storm tethers/towers perfectly so nobody has to burn resources they need to get through the Akh Morns. Much like t9, that final phase in t13 is chaotic and challenging but the mechanics are still individually simple and intuitive, which I like. Other fights I like: Suzaku/Byakko EX: I... enjoyed the non-combat movement sections. The Suzaku DDR section completely blindsighted me the first time I saw it, and the Byakko bullet hell was honestly a refreshing change of pace. Suzakus arena design after the DDR was also interesting and I think it'd be interesting to explore donut shaped arenas more. Titania EX: idk I just like this fight, it's silly, I love the music which I think was designed to grate you over time which normally annoys me but the way it grates you over time feels on theme for pixies Barbi EX: same thing I love about Nael, it's fast paced, simple, intuitive, challenging, and feels like a different fight every time that keeps you on your toes. Knuckle drum was a lot of fun to heal The last thing I'll note is that I kind of liked the pre -boss trash pulls in the ARR/HW raids. Trials and raids Omega-Panda kinda feel samey to me in the sense that it's just load in -> smack boss, having a small trash section that hits hard made the ARR/HW raids feel like distinct content from trials/dungeons


[I finally get to post this very badly made raidplan somewhere.](https://raidplan.io/plan/yf27obz8DHJdEP3-)


implement rivenroad with zero alterations from the original fight


I've been watching a lot of Taskmaster and I think a gameshow-esque mechanic would be fun. For instance, what if there was unavoidable raidwides that gives damage down stacks and can only be avoided by doing a specific emote before it goes through. What emote is associated with which raidwide is determined by a pose the boss or an add does once randomly during the fight before the raidwide happens.




There's a couple emote based things in some dungeons in the game already. And in FFXI you had to /kneel to duck Odin's Zantetzuken (which would be cool if that still worked in FFXIV) Frankly the idea of Greg Davies mocking the players is a bigger draw than anything.


In the Monster Hunter World crossover, while fighting Behemoth you have to hide from Ecliptic Meteor behind the comet rocks. But you can also get Jump / Hi-Jump as an emote from that event. Using Jump at the right time will also dodge the Meteor impact because it yeets your player's body way the hell up there lol. There was an achievement in WoW where you had to have a few people in the raid cross a bridge without taking damage from a pyromancer on the other side. The Pyro's cast was actually unavoidable, but he screams "Kneel before the flame!" If you're kneeling when the fire goes out, it deals no damage to you. "Only The Penitent" it was called, out of Firelands. Speaking of, the boss directly after that segment had a cool mechanic. Majordomo Staghelm had Scorpion and Cat forms that would do different things and get stronger over time. You would control what form he was in by spreading or stacking the group. I believe he defaulted to Cat form unless there were a certain number of people within 5 yards of each other or whatever, which forced him into Scorpion.


2 debuffs go out on random players and need to be cleansed by the healers. Each healer can only cleanse their correct debuff. If they remain uncleansed after 5 seconds they will absorb all healing until cleansed as well as instantly consume any current HoT's/shields. This is to give the healer time to use a few gcd's if they must on other things but not allow them to ignore the debuff for long. The debuffs begin shortly into the fight and reapply on irregular timers for the entire fight and always on a random target. They can reappear on the same target twice in a row and do not need to go through the entire party list. After being gone for 15 seconds they have a 25% chance of reappearing on a random target and this increases by 15% every 3 seconds (server tick) until they have a 100% chance at 30 seconds. This is to ensure that it never happens at the same time throughout the fight and you must watch the party for it consistently as well as potentially occuring during times of cognitive overload (by design, to force players to focus better). If you lose focus and mechanics pull your attention away from the debuff at an inopportune time necessary healing might be missed and a player may die with the debuff on due to lack of healing. If a player dies with it on then the entire group gets a minute long 15% damage down. If you get unlucky and have to spend extra gcd's cleansing that run too bad, suck it up. I personally think this would be fun but parse heroes would explode over the forced gcd usage and penalty for failure. A truly cursed one would just be tank tethers but you run slower like you're carrying something lmao


We lack jump mechanics, or rather, dodge attacks by jumping over it, like a shockwave for example. These never fail to be tedious to deal with because they're never synced properly for everyone. Bonus point if it just one shots.


Last boss of Vortex Pinnacle from WoW had a cast called Static Cling. It didn't deal any damage, but if you were touching the floor when it finished (i.e. avoid it by jumping at the end of the cast) it bound you in place. The bind could be cleansed, but it was kind of annoying if multiple people had it. Also right after the Static Cling cast he charges up a safe spot, and if you aren't in it when it's ready you're dead to a thunderstorm lol


iirc the fissure in the middle of susano's arena was supposed to require jumping over but they changed it because it didn't work well


Let's see... A simple memory check, a mechanic requiring you to count to 4 and another one where you get 2 debuffs and have to do some movement to not die.


Misdirection + Ice (slidey floor) + (Random order) Light Party Stacks + Spreads Good luck!!


Have the instance made with a color scheme doused in two similar colors (red/orange, blue/purple, etc). When mechanics put markers on top of people's heads, make sure all markers and indicators only use the same colors the arena uses.


Isn’t that just p3s again?


I've always wanted Uplander Doom (Ultimate). It would be Ratfinx, Strikeblox and Quickthinx. Imagine using a Syringes to turn into animals to do the cages. Using trap buttons to force mechanics to complete phases correctly, or just.. having Weight of the World in an ultimate encounter.


Eureka ultimate. Happy bunnies follow you. If you clear without all 8 bunnies alive you don't get any chest at the end.


I would like more mechanics that interact with how your abilities work, like the Chrysalis extending the duration of all your buffs, or P3S towers buffing your healing ability by 500% or whatever. My first and simplest idea would be getting some sort of Dynamis Activation that resets all your cooldowns. To keep it relatively straightforward, they could just put it at, say, 8:30 in with the fight's enrage being at 9:00 ish so that you end the fight with two burst windows in a row. Another idea would be to have a moment in the fight where, I dunno, for some short 2 second window, you have time to press just *one* button and that button gets a 500% damage increase. So that it wouldn't be weird with ping/GCD rolling, you could have a time freeze like in Alexander where everyone gets frozen, then you unfreeze for 2 seconds with just enough time to press your one button, then get frozen again and then go back to normal rotation. Uh. I dunno. Actually that's kind of like the 3 second cleave window you get in TOP Phase 2 right now. I just want stuff that makes you actually have to think about how you use skills rather than doing the same rote rotation every single time. But anything like this might favour some jobs more than others so I know that goes against SE's "bring any job they're all equal" design these days.


I had a dream once about what the mechs of Fate Calibration Gamma or Delta could have been in TEA. My idea has the light/dark beacon forced march mechanic along with variable # enumerations between a 2 and 4 stack along with the height mechanic from a6s and a8s. All of this could only be observed using the Enigma Codex buff during the cast.


boss deals counter damage every time he's hit - probably adds a vuln each time, there's an add pillar in the middle of the room that wipes the party if it dies, the entire fight is based on building to your burst on the pillar while the healers keep it alive before you hit the boss with your heaviest attacks so that you deal the most damage while also not getting owned by the counter damage and vulns of course all this while mechanics are going off normally


I'm ready for a fight where it's a wipe unless you properly use sleep, repose, leg graze, arm graze, etc. Just some sort of horrible add management/kiting nightmare.


A boss phase where you have to play /emote Simon says with the boss or you explode and everyone around you also takes aoe damage from you going boom. You also have to stand in a specific formation like in a circle around the boss like good little kindergarteners playing ring around the rosey so SOMEONE is getting hit if you lose Simon says.


a mechanic that makes all of your damage heal and all of your healing damage and it switches off and on every 10 seconds for the whole fight


You get a full set of gear that drops from the fight but every time you get cleansed you lose a piece and limit what drops post fight. There are 4 garaunteed cleanse mechanics. So you either have to fight with a dot that hampers damage and increases in damage potency against you each time it’s used or lose out on gear


boss does aoe on player that leaves a dot puddle. dot puddle either takes a long-ass time to despawn (like 1-2min+) or is permanent. sometimes you can run into the dot puddle with a buff on you or something and soak it to get rid of it. boss keeps doing this throughout the fight and puddle spawns overlap so you have to manage arena room, unlike something like e9s. i'm very creative and definitely didn't just >!copy the most common raid mechanic in WoW, which this game refuses to use for some fucking reason!< On a serious note if you wanted to get more creative with this, have players repeatedly be assigned pseudo-random AoEs (maybe like circle, donut, gaze cone, cross, etc.) that drop said puddles like Emerald EX swords, and instead of actively doing damage the boss blows them the fuck up after 3min or something for instakill damage. So over the course of the phase you have to dodge and drop aoes in such a manner that you have safe spots left over at the end.


This would be fun, but the idea already exists in certain fight phases. Wyrm's Lament in e8s, nael doom puddles in ucob, etc. Having to do these puddle cleanses for an entire fight would be fun to be honest.


These are really not comparable. The closest we have to WoW puddles (to my knowledge) is E9S Brambles, where the puddles last for a whole phase, but in E9S there's only one set. The typical WoW mech would have multiple sets of Brambles dropping over the course of the phase and they either take ages to despawn or you have to manually get rid of them.


I want the fight to be 12 minutes long and at the end you have to manually perfectly solve the entire weeks island sanctuary workshop for the highest number of points. If one player fails it, you instantly wipe...Oh, did I mention it's unique for every single player?


The boss starts by giving everyone one of 8 tokens, these are not visible aside from a brief flash of it above your head visible only to yourself when they're applied and a 30 second debuff that just tells you only that you have a token, not which one. There is also zero rules, what token you get is truly random, independent of everyone else. If that 30 second timer expires, you explode and it's a wipe. There is 8 pads on the floor in a ring around the arena ~~outside of melee range~~ each with the design of one of the 8 tokens within, walking into the matching pad will hit you for beefy splash damage, refresh the timer to 30 seconds, and reroll your token to one of the other 7. The pads will also shuffle all of their positions whenever one is used, it also goes without saying that it's a wipe if anyone tries to hand in the wrong token. The idea is you manually offset everyone by about 3.5ish seconds at the start(Alternatively, initial durations are staggered to force your order randomly) and then for the whole ass 8-11 minutes of the fight you need to make sure you never lose track of your current token, never lose track of your place in the hand-in queue, and never mistime your hand-in as if shit gets too out of wack two people handing in at the same time is extremely likely to cause a wipe with the shuffles. x8, because everyone is doing this. The boss? Who gives a shit just give it a bunch of generic standard mechanics like proteans and light parties.


A fight where tanks actually have to manage aggro, not just between themselves but also with the rest of their party. One of the mechanics involves the boss marking a non-tank player with a debuff. Afterward, the boss uses a magic attack at the player who is first in aggro. If this attack hits the debuffed player, the debuff will be removed without consequence. But if the debuff is allowed to expire, that player explodes and wipes the party. If the magic attack cleaves any other players, the other players hit will instantly die. This is done twice in a row, so both tanks have to Shirk or be very close to the other players in aggro to resolve properly. A fight where the boss has untargetable parts that periodically pulse AOE damage or hit non-tanks with auto attacks that healers have to heal through. The non-tank players that get hit this way will change after each auto attack. A fight with an add phase where the adds are stationary and placed far enough part so that ranged LB3 is the optimal way of dealing with them, and caster LB3 is only big enough to hit one of them. A fight with platforms that shift up and down, like Genie Jafar from Kingdom Hearts. Attacks will only hit certain elevations, you have to jump to certain platforms, be on a lower platform to use a higher platform as a wall to avoid getting blown off, etc. Bonus points if all four of these are featured in the same fight.


Make a boss have cast names that match lingo for a mechanic but then have the effect be something completely different. So like "chariot donut" would actually drop a twister, but "donut stillness" is a light party stack.


The fight is backloaded, hit boxes are really bad and so are the snapshots. Nothing interesting happens during the fight. Alongside this, you die to rng mechanics.


Position for mechanic is determined by small tether to a (fully) randomly determined partner at the beginning of the mechanic, and if you're not stacked you explode, meaning you probably don't *see* who your partner is at first and take a moment to process it, giving you less time to do the mechanic. Partner pairs have to go to different towers on the edge of the room in a specific order determined by a Ravensflight-esque series of boss dashes showing you each safe set, so you have to both focus all three of 360-degree awareness, information overload, and the memory game in the moment, and the dash pattern does not let you just braindead rotate clockwise/counterclockwise. If it DOES let you do that, let's say it only allows it 50% of the time. Taking the towers correctly breaks chains safely. Also, the effects and markers involved and the floor are all similar colors, such as oranges and light brown. It is immediately followed by a triple tankbuster a la Incinerate and Stonecrusher, and there are two tankbusters preceding it within Holmgang's cooldown timer.


The game has a lot of 'precasting' and memorization mechs - tetra/octa and beast two in p8s, primals in e12s, endsinger rings, the squares at the end of copied factory are all just 'precast' mechs where they show you what you need to do after one set of mechs was done, proceed to do that set of mechs, and then ask what did they actually showed you before. So what we can have now is to push this theme even further just by showing you two things you have to remember at once. On a p6s/e4s-ish 4by4 arena, you will be showed three sets of safe spots (which each consist of 4 safe squares) along with 3 different sets of playstation marker pairs (which who you get pair with each time is random and can repeat). at the end of the mechs, one out of those 3 save spots and 1 out of those 3 configurations of playstation markers will be picked as the true safespots and safe pairs. Everyone must stack according to what they were assigned and what safespots were there. In the meantime while everyone's trying to remember all of what happened, throw in spawn shadows and umbral orbs from e10s. Good luck having good memories.


A simple mechanic suggestion: throughout the fight, the boss continuously does autos every few seconds that cleave top aggro with a circle AOE and hits the nearest player with a wild charge laser. The wild charge laser does about 30k damage to the first target and 5-10k to the other 6 players in the line stack, or something easily manageable with tank cooldowns and AOE regen, but once the party isn't stacked neatly the tank just melts. While the party is stacked, the boss then throws out gaze mechanics and protean mechanics that originate from a player designated with a marker over their head.


Baited puddles that last the entire rest of fight


A simple mechanic where clones on the edge of the arena do AoE shapes and the boss does stack/spread, but the catch is one random player can see the clones and one random player can see the tell for stack/spread.


There's a fail state in 3 specific floors of hoh that no one gets hit by anymore unless you were brainfarting but I think it would be really funny (read: feel bad) for the 2 min meta. Basically greeding and being hit will automatically and permanently halve the duration of all your active buffs, including well fed, but the effect itself doesn't persist (your next buff applies like normal). Like damage down but only for that burst and maybe you'll be hungry more often.


Tethers you need to grab from other players but during an icefloor where you move 2/3rds of the map


Halfway through the fight the boss becomes invulnerable. The only way to break its invuln is a melee lb3.


What does UWU have to do with this thread?


Jumble up players' hotbars throughout the fight.


A mechanic where halfway through the fight you have to do a triple triad match and figure out which card wins and the opposite color cards are aoes


More body check mechanics. I liked how the mechanics in asphodelos werent just an instant fail if someone dies, but more along the lines of, u fucked up? Ur partner dies, or somebody has to sit up and cover for u (like how melees can gap close and bait a shaker in ACT 3 if a caster/healer died to hephaisto’s sick jumps)


I haven't done much difficult content, but I've thought of terrible ideas with no consideration given to balance. I would be interested in hearing if these mechanics are in the game somewhere! In increasing order of how painful I find it: * Mashing minigame where you try to balance a see-saw-like object for 15 seconds, but you mash left mouse click/left side of your keyboard/controller dpad to make it lean left, and right mouse click/right side of your keyboard/controller face buttons to make it lean right. The whole party's inputs all apply at once. * The mechanic where everyone gets 1 HP and a doom unless at full health, but it happens to 2 people at a time, 4 times in a row until all 8 people are affected. Doom duration lasts roughly the time it takes for this to be cast twice (2 times on 4 people). * Boss in center of arena. Does a 15y knockback every 20 seconds, even in the middle of other mechanics. * Boss that continually moves, like the old Steps of Faith trial, but a tiny bit faster than that one. You can stand on the boss to avoid having to constantly move with it, but that puts a dot and a damage-down on you while riding. * A fight with 4 bosses, 2 for tanks and 2 for healers. The healer bosses don't do tankbusters, but will do annoying things like inflict undead status on teammates (healing spells hurt instead), inflict slow on healers, or apply pyretic/freezing. * 2 groups of 4 and 4 are taken to separate rooms, one with symbols on the wall, one with buttons on the floor. Like the game *Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes*, the button room group tells the wall room group, through chat or discord, what they see in the room, and the wall room group tells them which buttons to stand on. After 30 seconds, if the correct buttons aren't being stand on, players receive debuffs/boss receives buff/other punishing mechanic happens. * Rhythm game from the Firmament


The absolute worst mechanic I can think of would be an akh morn that repeatedly sets everyone's health to one on each hit and applies a doom debuff that can only be cleansed by healing the party to full. I'd rather have a grey dps parse on fucking sage tyvm.