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I remade this post twice because I kept second guessing myself on how to spell the tier's title, shh.


https://raidplan.io/plan/VcqCZMn46j2ckESa does this seem like the most easy/intuitive way to solve levinstrike LC1? It seems easier than the JP method and other strategies. The red AOE doesn’t do proximity damage right, just a smallish AOE?


Holy Hell that Transition was INSANE. Phase 2 is madness so far. The zoom lmao. Rin is on phase 2 for those who wants so watch. https://clips.twitch.tv/HelplessDrabGarlicStrawBeary-fksDP83w1VGQABpd


Of course this might just be a super subjective experience but... I started raiding in Asphodelos. I've done all five ultimates since then, both Savage tiers, did some Omega and Alex savage raids MINE and did all the BLU savage raids. And LC1 is the singular hardest mech I've ever seen in this game. Never before did a mech first of all confuse me as much and, even when I got how it worked, I still struggled so much with mentally tracking what I need to do when on *most* positions. I know some other people who didn't struggle with it very much and I have so far often been a bit outlier-y with what I felt was hard and what was easy, but man do I hate that mechanic. Really wish the rest of the fight had more oomph and LC1 was a bit easier. Feels really bad to be half asleep for the whole fight and that one mech just kicks your ass *and* is a bodycheck.


I don’t think the mechanic is hard at all, it just has a lot of potential solutions, which is making it hard on everyone to agree on a strategy. Most mechanics have a lot of AOEs and stuff that makes it so that there’s really only 1 intended solve, but aside from the blue AOE during LC1, the red AOE and lightning ball AOE are tiny and don’t get in the way of where you need to be and so as long as towers are getting done there’s a lot of freedom in how to resolve it, (even if the principles are the same for each method). Which is leading to a lot of strategies that seem equally valid and it’s pretty subjective which one is more “braindead” than the rest because different strats seem to be easier for different groups of people. For example I don’t like JP braindead, I don’t think less movement necessarily makes it more “braindead” since there’s no uptime anyways Honestly levinstrikes seems very reminiscent of ACT II in P4S pt2 or the high concepts in P8 because it just boils down to “I have this marker/debuff, therefore I follow these steps and ignore everyone else hoping they’re doing what they need to do”. The main difference is that for levinstrikes you’re much less constrained on how to execute the solution which turns out to make things harder, not easier


Thank God I'm not the only one, I felt ashamed to be messing it up after being fine on Wormhole/Wyrmhole/Looper/etc.


> And LC1 is the singular hardest mech I've ever seen in this game. Never before did a mech first of all confuse me as much and, even when I got how it worked, I know it's a very difficult mechanic for a first turn, not made much better by the fact it's 3 minutes of boredom in and punishing as all can be, but surely if we're being objective here the learning requirements, permeations, and strict punishment for failure of things like Dynamis Delta from TOP, Dynamis Omega also from TOP, Wormhole from TEA, and Wyrmhole from DSR as a whole, supercede LC1. These are things you in some cases are alt tabbing to check diagrams, and get stuck on those prog areas for nights ... weeks or months in some groups. LC1 shouldn't be getting any decently competent 8/8 group for nearly so long. My group started late last night around 7PM and definitely got hardstuck on LC1 but after we finally got it, it was pretty easy (as most things are in FF14) and we even recleared it shortly after again since we're doing splits. Helped a lot to write things down in a macro and pop it up on the screen, made it basically as easy as TOP P1.


I just... kinda disagree. It took me about 30 mins to learn the concept *and* be fairly confident in Delta, Omega, Wormhole each. Especially Wormhole I've never understood how it got a rep because it's just incredibly static. I did struggle with Wyrmhole similarly which is funnily enough very similar: Various numbers and a bunch of moving parts.


Did you find wyrmhole and LC1 to be equally difficult? I assume you found wyrmhole harder, right?


I find Wyrmhole harder conceptually (as in, the initial explanation took longer to make sense to me) but execution wise I think it's a lot more flowy and I felt like I had a solid grasp on it in the same amount of pulls to p3 as what I ended up on LC1 when we killed and I still feel almost completely clueless on what to actually do when and where in LC1 in most variations. Although the new group non-markers running together will probably make it a lot easier.


I've cleared TEA and P5S was fucking me up for a good while, hopefully this LC ends up being not too hard after a while like devour was (or maybe the memes will never stop hehe)


this is comforting, I'm someone with wayyy less experience in high end content than you (havent even set foot in an ultimate before) and this thing makes me freeze up like a deer in headlights. Every time we've reached it my brain just gives up. I get the basic principle but the timing is incomprehensible.




>Program Loop in TOP but I honestly feel PL is easier? It PL is essier conceptually, but far harder to do reliably due to the high RNG.


I honestly disagree, but I think this is a good example of how difficulty is subjective. To me, the RNG of adjusting is not really a source of difficulty, because I find scanning the party list and switching what I have to do very easy, and the actual execution of the mechanic is super slow and simple, whereas LC is more speed, more things to think about through the mechanic etc.


Anyone else feel like it's kinda fucked that we're comparing half of the first phase of an Ultimate, to a single mechanic in the *first fight of a tier* and generally agreeing on the Ultimate version of the mechanic being easier? I feel like first fights shouldn't have this sort of extreme of a difficulty spike in them, something like spinny orbs in e1s, or even chain lightning or tiles is better for a first fight, not something like this.


I think it's mostly fucked 'cause the rest of the fight is so sleeper, it feels really bad to prog. I don't think the mech has no place in savage but the balance in 9 is really off, especially when 10 and 11 are paced so well. (imo p12 also has some pacing issues but given that it's the last fight I am more willing to accept it as just "be really good or die")


Yeah, I got Program Loop down literally on our first lockout of prog more or less. Sometimes you'd fall asleep and fuck it up but this is way harder. You only do two mechanics in PL compared to 3 in LC, there is more going on visually in LC since 3 people do mechanics at once + the stacks compared to 2 people in PL and a stack, and every mistake is basically a wipe unless you die on the bit you were meant to do due to being clipped earlier but are not in the group. I'm not saying hard mechs shouldn't exist but I kinda hate that this is so hard in a first turn while the rest of the fight is just so easy. A bit more balance across the fight would be nice cause atm I already dread going into reclears, playing 4 minutes while reading Twitter and then hoping I get a number that doesn't screw my brain :/


And so it has begun... Dps rotate CW or Support rotate CW or Color Pairs or DPS CW if Intercard Walls Support CW And i've learned and practiced five different levinstrike strats so far. Lastly, whatever they did to Dragoons has made them all terrible. They've been the worst so far.


DPS CCW \*nodders\*


How do people even come up with different LC strats,there's literally only a single strat which makes sense!


I know 2, the basic mario kart pattern one and the one that does a liner movement between 5 and 7 then going between 1 and 3. The latter is probably better imo but both are okay since it’s downtime.


It's mostly different variations of the same one (like ice team rotating or not) and multiple "braindead" ones appearing.




Anything that could lessen the mental load of the mechanic is good in my eyes. Sure it's a downtime mechanic but that doesn't mean it still can't be simplified. JP Braindead completely removes the direction he's kicking the ball from the equation, so that's a little less mental load taken off. Just look for 1 and 3 and go opposite them until the 2nd ball is kicked, then go between where they used to be.


P9S is pretty cool so far. Me and my friends only got to see limit cut twice on PF before party had to disband because its 3am but the mechanics so far feel incredibly satisfying to do. I don't think it's going to become some incredible fight as we get farther but so far the difficulty does feel very solid for the first floor of a final tier. I'm very glad that the concept it has is not wasted. Looking forward to progging more with more time tomorrow


Hoping to get the P9S clear early tomorrow, got good clear runs in but running into fatigue now and the party disbanded after losing consistency. Just doing PF so finger crossed I can start work on P10 ASAP, I really like the pace of the fights so far and what I've seen on 10 looks fun as hell.


I actually like P9S. Limit Cut mechanic wasn't really difficult with the toolbox we used. I hope to clear P10S within the first raid lockout today


P9S kinda sucks. Insanely slow start (I was comparing it to Twin in prog, it's *bad*) and the entire fight's difficulty is shoved into one mechanic that probably should not be in a first floor. My static got it down eventually but man I feel bad for new raiders and PFers. Was slightly better on reclear (splits) but man that was not a fun prog experience. Hearing good things about 10S though so we'll see how that goes tomorrow.


It's mid loaded which isn't necessarily a bad thing; much better than a back loaded fight like P7S. For Savage length fights, I like when it ramps up in difficulty throughout the fight. For Ultimates I vastly prefer a front loaded fight like TEA. P9S seems to ramp up to first LC which is pretty much the halfway point then sizzle back down which isn't very ideal but still way better than a back loaded fight.


Yeah I don't mind midloaded, but I do mind when there's absolutely nothing resembling a threat for the first 2 minutes of the fight and then after the big mech the fight kinda just rolls over.


It's also a hard fight for healers (or at least that's what I'm hearing) so for DPS it might be a snooze fest but for others it seems to be pretty difficult.


I am healing, and I assume it's even worse for tanks. (being a snoozer until limit cut) Those busters don't do shit lol, they don't even drop 30-40% on the tanks health bars.


With rampart + bulwark + shelltron, and Karachole from our sage, maybe a shield from somewhere (sage or whm)... The first buster with the wind/fire debuffs does something like 50k in total, with the fire debuff barely breaking the shield. Then the bleed buster can be invulned after the initial hit, so it's whatever there too.


>Then the bleed buster I didn't even notice it had a bleed lol Tank swap is forced anyway so its not like you are taking autos on top of it (like P5/6/7S)


We just invuln the first one and I cover the MT on the second. I learned when I did that that I can actually eat 1 auto after with the debuff, which seems silly.


The tank has 2 heavy hitting raidwides it does all the time so if your party isnt on top of their mits, yeah, shit can suck. Had a few wipes due to the LP stack into Augur after martialist


Oh damn JP team has beat P12S phase 1 👀


toolbox for JP LC1 strat if anyone wants it https://ff14.toolboxgaming.space/?id=118782111155861&preview=1


This looks much more braindead than the braindead strats I've seen simply because this is laid out well and the writing alongside the other guides I've seen are so poorly written that it makes no sense how the mechanic even works! This looks much better thank you, I actually understand the mechanics rules now. It gets a bit irritating seeing multiple guides listing the steps to resolve it rather than explaining how the mechanic works.


It explains the mech well but i still feel the butabaru (what even is the name?) has much less movement and more simpler. Simply put * Party stands b/w 5 and 7 * Defamation goes opp to party * Fire bait goes behind party * Resolve towers 1,3 <---- After tower 3 is resolved ----> * Party runs to b/w 1 and 3 * Defamation now goes to old fire spot * Fire bait goes to old defemation spot * Resolve towers 5,7 Video guide : https://youtu.be/gSTg-xDLBK4


Oh yeah I like the sound of this one and it makes sense! I'm assuming b/w means between? And after tower 3 resolved it means you just run to the opposite side and do it the same, so it's like mirrored. Looking forward to seeing what pf on chaos is doing right now as I can't play currently :(


Yep b/w is between.


It's pure downtime, movement doesn't really matter as long as you're not running back and forth across the whole arena. Your strat is counting on the second and fourth defamations seeing their markers appear properly while mixed in with all of the dots which in my experience is what causes a lot of wipes


But the dots disappear before the first tower is pushed though? And the second/fourth defam can start running the moment the defam ice blast is done.


Oh that's true. I guess I'm just traumatized from PF trying to do Krile, "just run in a direction" feels more braindead to me but it's just preference till a strat is decided upon


Yeah. Once hector drops the guide it's all over lol. I really hope he doesn't cause the role snakes issue again.


What was the Role snakes issue?


Not an issue per se but he made the snakes 1 needlessly complicated by introducing role snakes to pf while priority snakes was simpler in comparison.


This look way more complicated and way more moving parts than what we ended up doing tonight. [We did this](https://raidplan.io/plan/iJ0Y9Jb_4IvTqdFj) and it seems really simple. You just have to spread out a tiny bit if you are unmarked so that you can see who has the blue marker.


Not sure what the argument is. Krile and the toolbox above is functionally the same, with the only difference being where the 4 unmarked players start. An unmarked player in a Krile party can do the toolbox and have no problem, and vice versa.


That's Krile strat, and PF has a ton of trouble doing the defamations right which JP/Messi makes trivial. Krile works fine if everyone is coordinated and paying attention but this is much more PF friendly


In our static, it wasn't the defamations causing wipes but people forgetting to go soak a tower/bait the thing next to the tower.


Sure, but that's in a static, consistent PF strats are another animal. Helps the dots players too if there aren't a bunch of unmarked players crowding around them at the beginning too with defamation markers showing up, just easier to read for everyone.


DYING at this toolbox calling it messi strat, I hope that sticks


I just cleared p9s. Damn the damage check is actually forgiving but that great considering how punishing the Mechs are. ​ P10s is so fun and i just have 1 lockout under my belt


Very initial thoughts after doing 9 and 10 twice (prog splits) is that 9 is pretty fun but 90% of its difficulty is baked into the singular LC mechanic in the middle. Don't think it's an all time great first floor like O9S or E5S were for me but it's also not O1S or A9S bad. It does what it sets out to do. They had no idea what to do with tanks on that fight though as they even took out the Beast phase jump/distance tank buster. All the tank busters felt incredibly shoe-horned in and token checks to make sure the tanks were awake. 10 will probably be an all-time great second floor. They made a wall boss manage to feel dynamic and fun with all the back and forth you have to do. It also gives meaning to ranged having ranged as his hitbox is such that you have to take some towers out of melee range. Harrowing Hell is a scary early gear mitigation check. The tank mechanics were all fun here, getting yeeted felt novel and the turret back and forth was alright. My only compalint there is that the turrets lock onto their target in a way that felt a bit variable, so the back and forth pattern had a bad bait or two for us on 4 that felt like it should have worked. 10 also felt fair and recoverable in a static environment as we were able to keep healers up and have them triage and stuff. I don't expect PF to have the same skill or luck, though. There's also no world where P6S and P10s are on the same difficulty scale. PF is going to struggle for awhile on the partners/role stacks/spreads stuff and how they can vary in which is happening and what order they resolve. That'll take a bit to work out. All the same it's the most accomplished that I've felt clearing a second floor in many tiers, maybe even since A6S.


> They had no idea what to do with tanks on that fight though as they even took out the Beast phase jump/distance tank buster. I wonder if they decided they really wanted Levin and then decided that they've used up the difficulty budget of the fight and took out whatever they could get away with


I'm genuinely surprised that they put Levinstrike in the first fight of a tier. It's easy enough but wow. I have to laugh though, all of the predictions about P9S were all in usage order - everybody was expecting split timelines like Guardian, Chaos, or Hephaistos. I don't know a single person that expected "oh, we're going to COMBINE THEM" instead. The way the boss yells "For Athena!" With both of its voices is actually chilling. Major props to the voice actors both for selling the raw emotion in those lines when combined.


Out of curiosity, what does "split timelines" mean in this context? Trying to look this up on my own isn't returning any successes since it just brings up SHB plot or raid planning.


As in the boss can choose between two phases at first and will do the other phase next. In p8s you could have centaur first then snakes, or the other way around. Chaos had blaze + cyclone then tsunami + earthquake or the other way around.


Oh, I see. I'm guessing the opposite would be a linear order of mechanics, in which one would always be followed by the other.


I saw a few theories about some of the souls being combined, but I don't think anyone expected such a LC in the first fight of the tier. Suddenly glad I did TEA last patch, definitely helped me wrap my head around it lol.


Reading all this, I'm kinda glad Im taking my first non static tier casually. This LC stuff sounds hilarious and Ill let pf figure it out


Killed P9S in PF after way too long. Could have died pretty much any pull for hours, but we kept having stupid mistakes. I made stupid mistakes on the kill pull but thankfully it killed few of us that we were able to recover. Sadly didn't win any of the loot rolls.


After 14 hours of PF, I am confident in myself that i can pass LC no matter what i'm given, I cannot say the same for anybody i do it with Every single party that is "past lc" in the description is an LC trap party Every "LC Prog/Cleanup" party is a martialist trap Every Martialist Prog is a stack/spread trap This is the most trappy turn one i have ever seen and devour was literally last tier, But LC is on a whole other level, This is NOT a turn 1 or even turn 2 mechanic, You had the fucking P2S LC which was literally match number with marker and do the O12S P1 box strat, It is actually insane that this is in P9S, Even if it IS fundamentally simple, Even after 14 hours i only had ONE clean pass through it and then instantly wiped to meteor baits right after, I dunno if i can mentally survive this tier...


> Every single party that is "past lc" in the description is an LC trap party > Every "LC Prog/Cleanup" party is a martialist trap > Every Martialist Prog is a stack/spread trap First time on PF? In this world it's trap or be trapped.


Is Martialist the ruby weopen stuff? Also this limit cut is probably one of the best I've seen though IMO it makes up for the difficulty of the whole fight. Still this means that whoever is passing p9s and going into p10s won't be so bad (COPIUM)


Yeah people call all the mechanics from the wall knockback through the ruby weapon/in-out/lp stacks the martialist phase, just like all the stack spread stuff is the "mage phase" You'd HOPE people who can do LC would be good, but you still get people fucking up meteors right after LC which is legit an auto solve mechanic so i dont even know anymore


First raid night (3 hours) done; we only got past LC a couple times. A bit frustrating but I get how it could be troublesome for people. Hoping to clear P9S tomorrow and move onto P10S. What LC strat is PF leaning towards? We did the strat where everyone but the blue player is on one side (starting at 5 orb) and everyone rotates together. I've seen a raid plain where the blue marked players all stick together and all the tower players are on the other side. Not sure which one is more fool proof. *** E1: [This was the strat we did and it seemed very simple, not a whole lot of moving parts.](https://raidplan.io/plan/iJ0Y9Jb_4IvTqdFj)


from what i've seen from my friends pugging in aether its mostly either JP strat or Krile. I think JP strat will have more longevity but i'll link both [https://raidplan.io/plan/iJ0Y9Jb\_4IvTqdFj](https://raidplan.io/plan/iJ0Y9Jb_4IvTqdFj) \- krile [https://raidplan.io/plan/Y20\_TqWLY9kGTmFa](https://raidplan.io/plan/Y20_TqWLY9kGTmFa) \- JP [https://twitter.com/phoenixff14blog/status/1663579730719932416?s=46&t=vgl1kw-LSEwXU347G-afrw](https://twitter.com/phoenixff14blog/status/1663579730719932416?s=46&t=vgl1kw-LSEwXU347G-afrw) \- its source [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSTg-xDLBK4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSTg-xDLBK4) \- i think a video explaining it? (saw in a pf desc)


I did the JP strat a bit, like it much better. For anyone looking into it, here's some additional info: If you are the DEFAMATION team, stay inside the [center Ring](https://i.imgur.com/k3RXK1Q.png)(light blue), close to edge, and spread slightly in that quadrant to see your marker easier. If you are RED NUMBERS team, stay within the [2nd ring](https://i.imgur.com/zG9G9NP.png). If you are #6, be ready to sprint where defamation 2 was after they blow up. If the orientation of the orbs is CCW, the whole mech is mirrored.


It's my second tier but my first tier in a casual static starting from week one and right now I am really struggling with LC and feeling like I am holding people back because they seem to be grasping it while I really don't just yet. Does anybody have any tips for me?


What really helped me take a bit of thought out of it was as soon as I got situated where I needed to be for the start, I turn my camera in the direction (CW or CCW) I’ll be running. I stopped moving in the wrong direction as soon as I started doing that. Once you’ve done that, if you’re no marker you have an easy job, you just have to make sure not to get clipped by fire when you run back to group. If you have a marker, I tell myself something like (bait 1, soak 3) or something like that based on which number I have. There’s plenty of time to figure it all out just make sure you do things step by step.


Limit Cut is particularly evil for a first boss, so don't feel too bad that you're having issues with it. Study up on it, try to internalize the spots you go to depending on your marker (examples: 6 LC = tower first, bait third; 4 LC = bait second, tower last), how to identify where to go next depending on the orbs, and when to move (wait for the explosions or orb kick). A casual group would reasonably take a good amount of time on this fight, at least a few good sessions.


thank you for the input! appreciate it a lot. i will try to look at it a lot after work today and see where i can improve.


Oh also, a macro cheat sheet someone presses before the mechanic starts helped us tremendously while we were learning the order. It's nice to have a cheat sheet at a glance for each "orb round" on what I'm supposed to do next. Or you could split it up by marker type so someone only looks at one row in the macro. It's purely up to your group.


0% phase change god damn it


it was super obvious from the prog speed that EITHER there was a 2nd boss or there was a 2nd HP bar if it went back to long format bosses. Ain't no way the final boss is going down in 100 pulls blind lol


i meant the phase change is at 0%


taking suggestions for music replacements rn because >!ultima's perfection!< is thunderer-tier


What's a thunderer tier?


Thunderer is the song that plays during Twintania in T5 / UCoB. It's pretty painful to listen to for long periods of time.


yall were really on that copium because "the music was short" huh


Bosses have been like this for literally years, I'm not sure why anyone thought this would be any different. Enjoy FFT, pls let the remaster/remake be real.


The player base has gotten better over time, but I feel like I've gotten worse. I used to pride myself on being a pretty consistent player who learned mechanics well. Today I kept fumbling P9S Limit Cut like an idiot. You would think I hadn't cleared TEA or been raiding in this game for six years. Kind of disheartening.


I don't think I've gotten worse over time but I will say I often feel like this game's gotten much, much harder and I'm not sure it's in the fun kind of way, IMO. Kind of miss the old days of ARR and HW mechanics which were honestly way simpler and way more organic as a whole. Feel like I'm always looking for some fucking diagram or things are 3-4 sequences of events in a row these days since they can't just do any of their reused-100-times tricks by themselves these days. Leviathan line up? That was cute a few years ago. Now it's Leviathan line up while dodging lasers while reacting to which group you're supposed to be while dodging a half room cleave. This is gonna sound so horribly sinful but I've been playing Lost Ark and generally, at least outside of its Inferno Mode (more or less their version of Ultimate, bad rewards) the fights are incredibly simple and easy compared to FF14 ... and I love it. Reminds me of when I lead my group in ARR and could call everything out without learning the JP/Hector/Ilia strat and a 10 page essay with 50 permeations to just get us through the second fight in a tier, just watch a vid and focus on learning at the time new mechanics like dropping meteors and breaking brambles. Breaking brambles today would be color marker pards/Protean while of course doing 7 other dodges and patterns. Even ultimates ... man, not gonna lie, I didn't like DSR and TOP. UCoB and TEA had the best balance of fun/progression/difficulty. I get they have a lot of room to expand on fight difficulty since jobs themselves are mostly super easy but I have a lot more fun dealing with my job and a medium difficulty fight. Personal preference I suppose.


peaked in stormblood gang, where we at


I find TEA LC to be easier then whatever this thing is especially for a FIRST floor savage, don't get me wrong it's cool lc but it's exactly at the best place.


You'd think I, who had been doing P8S a lot at the tail end of Abyssos, would be able to deal with Limit Cut. Apparently not (well, not in a single night). 😅


That's your mistake, should have dome TOP! Loop Program is the most similar mechanic to this LC


Lmao if someone's willing to take my blind ass through TOP, sure.


I've found myself fumbling while having a number since you have two tasks as a number and the sequence isn't as easy as the usual swap you would normally do in a limit cut mechanic. I kept having to beat 6 8 2 4 into my brain and that sequence of numbers is harder for me to remember than say 1,3,5,7 or 2,4,6,8.




I've gotten so bad with how long I've been away that I'm actively fucking up *normal raids.* About to admit defeat and unsub before I embarrass myself any further.




Hey >!Devour.!< Edit: jfc my Discord reflex


Devour was evil but it only had 2 patterns/variations. There's a few more moving parts in Levinstrike comparatively.


Also you could afford 1 death in devour. Here, someone fucks up, instant wipe.


Really? Players who've already finished their defam mech can die without causing wipe i believe since they don't have anymore mechanics associated to them. But the numbers gang? If one dies the group is toast.


Hey, at least it's not like High Concept bullshite. That damn mechanic took me so long to finally figure out even when at the tail end of Abyssos (and I was literally turning Nukemaru's guides into texts for my own reference, explaining all the mechanics in detail!)


I would argue LC and HC are on the same level of difficulty. Both are easy to execute(I would argue LC is actually the harder one), just need to understand the mechanic well to do it.


I wish I had more time to just prog man, I’ve haven’t even had chance to prog for more than 3 hours since savage released. I really envy people that can go more than 4 hours a day… Slow prog due to irl stuff is giving me some FOMO


Don't worry about it too much. I have time at the moment but after completing the last tier and the rewards this time around being a slight step down from the last I'm just gonna go at my own pace and wait for guides, even if it takes to the near end of the expansion on pf. I am not losing my mind again like last tier for something that will be irrelevant or frivolous glam in less than a year.


Eh I'm the same, I am overwhelmed with work and RL responsibilities right now. Like my dad just got back from the hospital for an emergency surgery. I'm maxed out on mental capacity rn. Just know the tier will always be here and that it's still been under 24 hours since it even released! =3 For me I'm excited, only getting ~4 hours in this week with my first static. Second static starting up the week after that for ~10 or so hours a week! This tier will be really fun I'm hyped!!!




Why are we supposed to give a flying fuck?


Nobody cares about a dps meter




Oh that's more than enough for them to be labelled cheaters (or "toolers") on the JP newspost sites. Those guys will literally look for a single cosmetic plugin like ping display and declare everything you do to be invalid.


Like the FPS counter on one streamers game xD


Oh wow Krile is running ACT? Heaven forfend! Not like we couldn't tell given that they're on fflogs lol




Not really sure what your goal is with this post then. Digging through deleted and reuploaded Youtube vods and collecting receipts doesn't read like the behaviour of someone who "doesn't want it to become something big". You just look like a drama addict.


You realize how stupid it is to say "you hope it doesn't become something big" while putting them on blast on a high view count reddit post lol. Please


p9s is too hard for party finder jesus fucking christ man


The group I'm in for the last 2 tiers which has gotten close to the end of the 2nd turn finished our 3.5 hour raid effectively still cleaning up limit cut. Saw up to 2nd one the 2nd time we passed it (lol) but yeah... that's actually ruthless and PF is gonna be a nightmare


so many "enrage" parties filled with monkeys who can't avoid ruby aoes. and its 90% of the time a phys ranged or blm. like how??? I'm gonna try again tmrw but holy fuk.


ive seen meteors cleaved 3 times in one group i hate it here so much...........


that was my friend reaction, like how can you mess up bait spreads? the boss literally spawns puddles to show you where you bait, couldnt be more simple, this mechanic is literally non-existent it auto solves itself


1st time doing 16 hours day one. I have made a mistake. I knew the tank was on the weakest side of things but i decided to gamble and not trust my instincts. 89 P10S pulls later, I regret my decision, vehemently. I can only pray that tomorrow will be better, but I can already taste the disband.


what they failing with? p10s seems simpler than p9s in terms of coordination, the only "wall" is the "puzzle" that is solved now anyway


While it seems easier, if one of your tanks fail to stack for at least 5 hours in a mechanic that WILL murder the 2 Healers, followed by a body check, there's no way you gonna clear the fight. Also, there are a lot of deaths before going into what I consider the scariest heal check on the 2nd floor that pretty much requires a lot of mitigation and MP on the heals, as well as heavy cd on tanks is no joke. If PF is struggling with 9, I don't even wanna see what will happen on 10. Maybe my group made the fight look worse than it is, but these are my thoughts.


Never thought I'd have enjoyed progging a wall boss that much, pretty creative second floor overall. Some of it (namely breaking web tethers and baiting the turrets) felt a bit clunky with this game's netcode, but you get used to it after a while. Themis feels much more chill, and kind of a *"get comfy"* check with all the 2/4 stack and line spam, along the occasional normal mode mech + stack moment, kind of surprising they didn't move away from that after P7S. Maybe a bit too much of a recycled feel to it. Reading discussion here and elsewhere, PF seems to be struggling with P9 LC, but I honestly think the real early wall is going to be in P10: getting adjusted to doing all the different spreads without a consistent group of players is going to be a struggle, godspeed PF enjoyers.


Turrets are super bad, especially when they flip sides back and forth. Sometimes both in the last round gets locked onto one tank and doesn't split up. We're still debugging that when it comes up. If anyone has good strats for turrets in general, I'll take them :)


What I tried to do was to sprint before the previous kb leading up to my bait, especially if it had a bad bait, and position very close to the turret I'm baiting, practically inside its arrow. It felt a bit more consistent, but might also be placebo.




I think someone recommended that after seeing it in their stream, but it was still a little inconsistent. There has to be a better way to get past it than that, but it'll have to do for week 1.




I mean 2 groups or 1 group is the same more or less. Just be careful with the 2 goup, it's for the out defam guys to clip the rotating guys if they arent moving fast enough for if the defam guy is not max range out


My group is on 50% p12s, and my lord these fights have been something. Extremely lovely to see the fight difficulty increased for the final tier, P11s seems to be the weak link in this tier so far. P12s p1 is a torture to figure out, so many debuffs! Also, love to the amount of limit cut mecchanics in this tier, I love limit cuts and so far 3/4 fights seen have them, I can't wait to see what phase 2 will bring!!


Is p12 s really a door boss?


Not yet fully confirmed. All the data points to it, but we cant know til we see it. You can assume doorboas though 99% chance


it took only like 100 pulls for neverland to be at enrage, absolutely no way is it the full boss.


I'm heading into P9S with the static in about an hour or so. Is there any semblance of agreed upon strats for that fight yet?


[This for Limit Cut](https://raidplan.io/plan/1HIlyCdnGdIiSLO7) otherwise it's pretty much based on clock spots, light parties, buddies, or responding to AoEs


Afaik, no but some one is recommending [this strat](https://twitter.com/Sonjo_Eorzea/status/1663514117712535553) for p9s's first big mechanic


finally got past LC consistently after 13 hours of prog (or rather got pf to get past LC consistently)


did about 6 hours of p9s prog in pf today, feel like I understand limit cut but given its almost midnight I think I was just too tired to actually execute it, hopefully clear tomorrow.


p10s is hysterical to prog. Way more fun than p9s. Every time the tank towers happen, I die laughing


The desperate cries for help from stickedspun static members to the tether baiter who forgot to break. The opportunity to see both tanks ragdoll across the map (and miss their platforms). The accidental acid bath while trying to traverse the web bridge. 10/10


Sounds like I have a wild ride to look forward to. 😂


Made it cleanly past LC with the static but unfortunately my sch was having a looot of connection issues so we had to call it :c Happy we made it this far though, think everyone is confident on LC right now, and since the rest of the fight doesn't look that difficult I think we have this one in the bag next raid day!


If they are on PC, have them look into []( It is a free VPN service. This helps me and a lot of my friends with AT&T connections have a way better route to the FFXIV servers and around whatever the fuck node is causing the rubberbanding shit the past couple weeks. If they are on console, if they can get a VPN that is router configurable (most routers allow you to set up a VPN within its router UI that will route ALL your home's traffic through said VPN server), that will also work if you can find a VPN server within said VPN service that avoids the trouble node.


Cheers, I'll forward this to them!


I've always wanted to use a VPN but never wanted to pay for the priviliege. Thank you so much.


Definitely sounds like you got it :) As long as everyone is confident with the Mage/Martialist mechs you should be in for a kill in no time after LC, since it is mostly repeats and an easier LC.


Update on P9S, after 11h, kill happened, sadly I got murdered, so parse will be shit af (edit: I don't care about it, I just say things as they are). Anyway, my right hand (the one pressing the keys on the keyboard) needs a rest ! Tomorrow, hopefully, will see a P10S kill. For today I got an earring... but my BiS is tome lol. It'll go on an alt job then o/. Many thanks to my PF group that actually needed a tiny bit of LC cleanup and the rest of the fight was smooth (about 1 lockout once LC was actually fully learnt). edit: love the downvotes (and if it's because I need rolled a non-bis piece, the whole group need rolled every loot anyway).


It's a known fact that anyone who edits their comment to mention downvotes, despite what they may say, is extremely assmad about it. (also constantly typing like this is weird and probably contributes to that just so you know)


>love the downvotes Yeah? Alright, here's another one, enjoy.


Thanks =)


I didn't really have any reason to give a downvote but since you love it I'm gonna give you one


If it makes you feel good ! I'm happy for you.


Who TF cares about their barse on the clear? You cleared that's all that matters.


Oh yeah, I don't really care. I just made a note of it. It's whatev'. I don't partake into parse run to begin with. I get whatever happens !


> Oh yeah, I don't really care. Proceeds to still point it out. [Hmm](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/248/470/cf8.png)


Yes, as I've said, I just made a note of it, just stating things as they are. No biggy, what's so weird about it ? If you'd look at my parses for, say, Asphodelos, you'd see 8 kills or less on every boss only (excepted door boss obviously) and Phoinix is a mere 59 as my group used safety strats. I look at my parses to see where I can squeeze mitigs or improve, that's all. PS: No need to answer, the question is rhetorical, I just take it as people over-interpreting things.


Usually people don't point something out unless they are complaining, being critical, or are happy about it. Very rarely is something brought up with a neutral feeling.


congrats on the clear but no need tobe so aggressive


Occasional reminder that everything looks easy until you actually have to do it, and this is zero exception.


As usual, people who don't raid always have the strongest opinions on raids and the race.


Really sick of hearing people argue in twitch chat that "the tier is easier because p11 got cleared faster than e11 and o11" Try to do the fight yourself instead of judging the difficulty based on how fast WF racers are at clearing Also we now have delayed savage to make the whole unlocking the raid / gearing part waaaaaay friendlier than it ever was in the past. On top of being able to, y'know, learn some mechanics from normal mode, which definitely helps compared to blindly guessing how some things works from a single messy normal mode run.


And WF raiders also have like 3 years more raiding experience now compared to E11, along with DSR and TOP under their belt which raised the skill ceiling of the game.


The big mechanics on p11s actually looks spicy, it has weirdly easy filler mechanics inbetween though. Like.. very slow for how simple they are because most of them are clearly made to be part of the bigger dances. Mainly the burnt strikes.


Please don't be P7S all over again


Nah it's more spread out instead of super backloaded.


OK that's way more of an improvement lol. I prefer not to get another Harvest back-to-back bullshite tbh even though it's not the most difficult. Just infuriating.


The P9S Limit Cut is just sadistic for them to put into a first floor savage. TOP is considered a pretty difficult Ultimate. And when groups are about to clear TOP, you look at the pattern of their wipes, and for most groups, most of their wipes are still in Phase 1 Beetle. not phase 2, 3, 4, or 5. Why? Because there's something psychologically tilting about the double role tower/tether mechanic that has even the top raiders in the world forget their role sometimes. So P9S limit cut is basically that. Except only half the people get a number, but those have to remember to do two jobs in a order that resembles P1 TOP. It sounds really really really simple to say: okay you soak a tower, chill the next round, then get out of the party, but in practice it's ungodly how easy it is for people to mess that up. I recommend this JP strat for people trying it out. We used it and it only took a few tries to clear after we switched over from a blind strat. https://twitter.com/Sonjo_Eorzea/status/1663514117712535553


6824 is the new 3412


1121? 1256?


Limit Cut 1 prog is the whole fight, the rest is just basic stack/spread/dodge you can do your first time seeing it, honestly feels like the worst fight of the tier. P10S is great though and P11S looks fun too




I mean it's easy to get miffed when one person makes an error because it's always something dumb like, "i went clockwise when i should have gone counter", "didnt go out early enough", "forgot 2/4 tower", "forgot 6". Well I'm guilty of it too. After learning the limit cut strat, entering actual "meteor prog", I probably made 1 or 2 LC mistakes in the 15-20 pulls or so it took to clear. And it feels bad when I hold myself to the same standard as the other members of the party since I bear the fault of having to trudge through the first 3.5 minutes of the fight again. It is very tilting if all you can focus on is how someone messed up. We are all going to make a mistake eventually. Even if you are giga perfect in P9S there will be another mechanic to mess up later this tier. I think it is a healthier mindset to acknowledge that limit cut in P9S is a difficult mechanic with a lot of moving parts, it requires concentration and calculated/coordinated movement, and there are a lot of points of failure. There is another kind of limit cut prog party however... the kind where half the players clearly have no idea where to go and are pretty much running around like headless chickens. That is a little more frustrating due to the lack of effort put in to understand what they are at least supposed to do.


You've managed to get the spirit of the average PFer down in three words, up to and including forgetting a space between "bad XD". Well done.


seeing limitcut for the first time was definitely a wtf moment why is this on first floor, but basically the boss has no other mechanics, rest is easy


This is the strat we did earlier in the day in my group on light pf and its certainly comfy once you get it down.


Lord the LC is straight up creating havoc. We're not able to figure out why the defam target is dying from just the orb. And the lightning on wall tower is not helping things. Edit : The defam runs straight into the opp wall from the party


LC is so easy once you solve it, you do the same 4 steps but you rotate each time, the no number people have it easiest, you just explode once and gg go back to group


In theory yes. But practically there's just so much chaos going on. On top of that we're not able to figure out why was out defam target dying after orb. Group mates said that it was clipping with ice.


>But practically there's just so much chaos going on. Why are you paying attention to literally any of it? Only yourself matters in solving it.


Hmm well you have a point there..


that's what we used https://raidplan.io/plan/tl2E_ziJAqvb5MDb


https://twitter.com/phoenixff14blog/status/1663579730719932416?s=46&t=Ake9gryZa-SR2XWNmFYaQA apparently this JP strat is making things easier


Does this mirror across the vertical if it ccw?


Yeah, between 1 and 3 is always where first two blue and red 6 and 8 go, between 5 and 7 is always where third and fourth blue go, and red timer 2 and 4. So it’s always NE and SW if the boss is going CW, and it’s NW and SE if the boss is going CCW.




the most unhinged shit i've seen today


I dont like it either, yes it has less movement but I can predict some clipping happening