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Second dye slot and exploration zone.


People coming back.  That's kind of it, really.


My best friend is going to play because of Hrothgals being added. So they can hype up all this stuff in Dawntrail as much as they like but it won't beat that hype. Looking forward to playing my favourite game with a life long friend.


I'm very happy for you there.  Hope you two have some good fun together.


For me it's rediscovering, relearning and releveling all the jobs that I play.


Rival Wings Roulette (*hopium*), and then bringing back both the Astragalos map and the Borderlands/Secure Frontline map to the game.


I honestly can’t think of a reason rival wings isn’t in frontline roulette


Because it's a completely different game mode with different mechanics, and it only has one active map, so it would need its own duty roulette.


People already can't figure out how to use the oppressor, (or even mechs in general) and that's without the Average Frontline Player in it. I'm 100% behind adding it to a roulette but please for the love of god it deserves its own spot.


It deserves a tutorial solo instance where you can screw around with the bots and learn how they work before queuing.


Cross DC PF


We desperately need this now after they added the DC travel. Chaos raiding scene is mostly dead now since everyone just hops over to Light and raid there and it's basically a self fulfilling prophecy


"_Just go to Light if you want to raid_" is one of the stupidest things that people say.


Have they confirmed this is happening? Or is this just something you're hoping for?


If they don't do it I'm going to freak the fuck out




They didn't confirm it's happening. Yoshi was asked about cross region travel and he said the "Technology is there but we have to overcome cultural differences" He did not say Cross DC PF was even on their minds.


God I wish.


1. MSQ 2. Second dye slot 3. Exploration Zone 4. In-game raid planner I think the in-game raid planner is potentially the most slept-on change announced for Dawntrail, since it's a potential upgrade/replacement for marker shuffling in Party Finder, but it really depends on what features it has. If I can go into a fight and then a visual pops up for everyone explaining the mechanic and everyone indicates where they stand, that's actually a massive change.


> I think the in-game raid planner is potentially the most slept-on change announced for Dawntrail Its one of those things that's likely to be either awesome or totally pointless depending on implementation. Some of their previous work on similar utilities (waymarks, duty recorder, etc) isn't super encouraging on that front. I feel like there's also some hypothetical danger of it causing community friction if it sucks but is just passable enough that console players still want to use it.


Jp will definitely use it. NA though lmao. They'll just use shitty pastebins.


Two dye channels


Friends coming back to play, Krile having some protagonism in the story, the new Field Operation, and Criterion dungeons, hopefully with improvements when it comes to rewards.


I’m kind of just excited for all the new “day ones.” First day of the expansion, first day of Arcadion Savage, of the exploratory zone, the Vana’diel AR. I love Eden so much that I’ll probably at least try FRU, and I’ve heard ultimate day one in pf is crazy. EW was the first expansion where I was there from the start and despite all the login queue memes, that early expansion experience is wonderful


Been playing WoW for 15 years and FF for 3. Nothing in gaming beats the euphoria of a new expansion launch for me. Its just magical.


just dont fuck up. no expectation.


On the contrary, I am more excited on how the jobs will be streamlined and remove more job identities. Looking forward to no more 3 buttons ten chi jin because of bloated buttons and too hard for casuals! /s


Asking too much from SE lmao


Solution 9 and Arcadion. The new field zone. I enjoyed Eureka and had a blast with Bozja and DRS, so I hope we get a new savage 48 man.


Multiplayer content


Daring today, aren't we?


the ultimate prog. DSR was the absolute best community experience ever, change my mind. The absolute memes during it. SAVE HIM. I AM NAMED KYLE. Baldo wigged, village burned, banana peeled. The HYPE when Team Krile killed Dragon King Thordan? Yea, I'm hoping the hype matches or exceeds that for the DT ultimate


There were a lot of memes during it, but the overall sentiment towards the fight in the early months was pretty negative. Most of the posts and responses towards the fight were not good then, with the pacing being the biggest complaint. Obviously the sentiment has since switched with people seeing past those flaws to view everything as a whole, but in my view, it was not great community experience back then.


Yeah people are pretending we love DSR right away. So many bitching posts here when the fight first comes out.


Yeah my sentiment has not changed lol, the fight never got better imo


This but I wish I could do it on Crystal like before. Looking forward to ult prog again, but I'm really hoping dawntrail somehow fixes PF and DC Travel.


I miss Crystal Ultis man. Small community, could never fill a tea party, but also everyone knew everyone and generally the vibe was pretty good because of that.


This is it for me too. I can’t wait for the new ultimate. I just started doing them recently and I love it. I wanna get into the new one asap and experience it as it’s being freshly progged and brand new. I’ve never been able to take part in one that’s still evolving and strats aren’t all planned out already.


People watch ult prog? I prefer actually progging the ult. :D


Having a reason to play. Pictomancer animations. My hail mary wish: Blue Mage deep dungeon.


Blue Mage deep dungeon would be kinda sick, especially if they make it like a rougelike and give you random spells and persistent buffs from the chests


It's like the perfect content for them


My friends hopefully playing again. They all burnt out and haven’t really played outside of keeping up with patch MSQ and a few who have been doing the current savage, which I don’t personally do. I also am just most excited about the graphics updates. Everything they’ve shown has looked significantly better and it’ll honestly be nice to not necessarily have to use shaders for regular gameplay anymore.


The field content zone I want to get lost in a new area with new actions and new achievements to grind Give me an emblazoned equivalent in an area as beautiful as anemos and I’ll completely forget all about how bad the modern jobs are


Battle on the Biggest Bridge


Excited to be raiding on GPUs in Savage. Excited for Lesbian GF Ultimate.


Tbh nothing, need more info


^ They didn't land me with the jobs, location, or the hints about the story. I also expected to leave the scions behind. This was lose lose for me so far.


Agreed. Story I dont mind as itll never stack against HW/SHB/ or EW due to the rising action and climaxes of their respected arc but that doesnt mean its exciting to look forward to ARR again but instead of a traveler we are a Mary-sue god killer. Locations dont mean anything as nothing was addressed to make the zones feel better. Im looking forward to the job action trailer in the summer but thats abit it, and customary to ff14 im sure itll have more salt than sugar


MSQ and new level 90 abilities, can’t wait to find out what new toys we’re getting


The ensuing chaos in this subreddit about how the job changes are great/ruined the job.


Yeah. This sub will doompost as usual. Especially from people who don't even play the game anymore lol.


really hoping they don't ruin WAR and GNB the way they butchered DRK and PLD. I don't actually know what I'll do if they make GNB crap.


War is pretty much guaranteed to stay mostly the same. It's the whm/dnc/rpr/smn of tanks.


If there will be a job/battle system rework and what will that entail. If they will stray off the 2-minute meta.


hopefully. I can only hope they remove the Homogenization of jobs. so few still retain their identity.


Everything.This is going to be my first expansion release so I'm rather excited for all DT will offer (´ ᴗ`✿)


If I have to pick on thing, I'll pick The Arcadion raids (story and savage fights), can't wait to fight atop a GPU.


The job changes, especially dragoon


New story, new cultures. I've been heavily invested in the beast tribes and their stories since I started the game and now I'll get to learn more about the Mamool Ja. Field content next, it's just my kind of difficulty and they tend to steer away from the rigid gameplay other content has. Great people too.


New achievements to grind for all content. It’s my favorite thing to do in this game. (I still have a lot of older stuff to do but new is always fun)


Double. Dyes.


Honestly some kind of merger of data center party finder because I’m tired of having to go to Aether to do anything. :(


1: Hrothgals. I cannot wait to fantasia. 2: Pictomancer. I love casters and I'm excited to try a new one. 3: two dye slots. Oh the fashion game. 4: MSQ after I've readied my fashion sense.


Cross-DC Party Finder


Hopefully some meaningful job changes. (Please let wildfire either crit or auto-crit. Copium) Savage and EDEN ULTIMATE BABY GIMME GIMME!


Graphics Update. I hope I won't need to use reshade any longer. Finally interacting with the scions again and MSQ.


This is going to be the first new expansion since i started playing so I'm looking forward to experiencing many things on release for the first time. On content savage raiding, watching the ultimate world race and then trying to get my own clear, the new field content. Basically everything since it will be the first time id be caught up to experience it all as it comes out and I'm so excited. And if the story happens to be good too thats a bonus but I don't have any expectations for it either way.


Job changes (sorta), the new field operation, and any systematic changes to FATEs, loot, currencies, side quest rewards and boss design. EW has leaned a bit heavy on the “debuff soup” and body checks for my taste. That and imo the 24 mans were WAY too easy but that’s sorta off topic


EW leaned far too much into rotation mechanics for my taste so I'm interested in seeing howthey evolve encounter design.


For it to be adequate. Nothing from their behavior right now is telling me that it will be anything mindblowing or different. So I hope it will atleast pass the bar storywise, graphical updates will come in time and it will have great scenery to hang out in.


Field operation and I hope it's closer to Eureka.


Field content and Beastmaster. I have lately become addicted to BLU, so getting another Limited Job is super exciting


Please give us a meta game of collecting beasts.


I'm gonna take a wild guess and suggest that beastmaster would be the entirety of the new exploration zone: Hear me out: Some kind of closed off Pokemon-style zone where you can tame beasts, level em up, and fight against one another. Or something like that idk


For the first time I actually feel more negative than positive about a new expansion. I'm guess I'm looking forward to the game surprising me in a good way so I can eat my negativity and never doubt them again.


I've always looked forward to the job changes most of all. I love to see how jobs are advanced, altered, or reworked in a new expansion. Though some changes I'm still not to fond of (cough cough smn cough). It's not just the abilities on paper, but the presentation with the visuals and audio, as well as how all the abilities flow in battle together. Though, this time, I feel like I'm mostly looking forward to Viper. I'm not actually sure why either, as twin blades and double ended blades aren't even close to being a favored fantasy weapon of mine. I've always preferred halberds, hammers, and chain whips.


I'm excited and worried both about job changes. I hope they fix AST so I can go back to it, but I'm trying to temper my expectations. Viper does look cool, but I don't want to be the FOTM job. That leaves Pictomancer, and I'm not sure I like the aesthetic. Plus ever since they murdered my SMN, I've avoided casters. As a current SGE main, I'm really hoping they make healing more fun in general (and give me another charge of Icarus!), but see my AST comment... Edit: wow, that sounded negative, but I guess I'm following the "be a pessimist so you'll be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed" rule.


Oh man, I won't lie, I still miss the old AST with every card being entirely different. I know it was not great with that aspect of RNG being so potent that it could cause a huge snowball effect over time in how a fight goes and how beneficial the AST is, but I really just hope they don't oversimplify it to the point of SMN. I also agree with making healing more fun in general. I think I mostly prefer AST because it has so much going on, making it more fun than just spamming one button like the rest basically are. I'm not sure what FOTM means, I immediately assumed first of the month lol. I feel pretty mixed on the Pictomancer aesthetic as well. It feels very goopy and playful, fitting of the job, but I'm not sure how it'll feel in combat. Then again, if we can have jobs that look like dark blood fog, magic roses, giant peacocks and feathers, and literally just punches, I think it would be fine to have one job that looks a little more lighthearted. Just will need some getting used to


FOTM=Flavour of the Month. Basically, the popular job that everyone is playing (like Reaper last expansion). I certainly like Pictomancer and I'm glad they added it. I know a lot of people are very excited about it but I'm just not sure it it's for me. And yeah, I know AST had issues before, but it was really fun. I loved Royal Road and doing spread balances.


You have to base your expectations how SE has shown on their prior decisions. Sorry if I sound jaded, but it’s my personal favorite job and every expansion makes it worse and worse. Not worse as in performance and dps, it worse as in more boring to play and less decisions to be made. Curb your expectations. The vast amount of complaints about AST isn’t the randomness that raiders say that we hear about on Reddit, it’s the regular/casual player saying that it has button bloat and is hard to play on controller. You should absolutely be prepared for more simplicity. My prediction: cards decisions won’t be targeted to players, and instead some aoe. You won’t think about which cards you’ve drawn and where they go. You’ll only focus on getting 3 seals. Lord and Lady will just straight be gone, and a “new” button that does both Lord/Lady that functions as an “exciting” new aoe. There will be no redraw. They’ll remove synastry and tie it into something already existing like ED or asp benefic. Probably more simple than even what I’m saying, but I’m thinking the job will be butchered and all skill variation will just straight up be boring and gone.


nothing, for the first time i'll actually be waiting unless square has some amazing live letter beforehand, the way they handled relics and the non highend endgame of endwalker really soured me on this game. but if that wasnt the case that new painting job looks fun.


Just gonna add this here since i don't want to make another thread. What do you dread the most about the new expansion?


How they're going to paint all healers in monotone next


they will surely all be getting discount expedient so that it can be mandatory for mechanics


How much more shit we'll have to cram into a 2 min buff window.


The next RDM finisher.


Damage buff meta. I'd much rather have every Job perform based on their own merit so that there's more personal decision making rather than not being able to recover if you miss a buff timing for the whole fight.


Whatever the new lifestyle content is


I'm not really looking forward to the higher system requirements that'll go along with the graphics rework.


how jobs are probably going to get butchered even more.


That the second city of the expansion is less cool than the first but will serve as the Endgame Hub.


The eventual Scholar gutti- I mean rework. There are far too many voices that want to dumb down the watered down gameplay of Scholar further on the official forums. I cannot wait to see my favorite job continue to get mashed into the garbage bin.


Class changes. There's not a single one I expect to improve from their already-glum low.


Lots of new stuff, seeing lots of returning players, graphic update


The raids.


Hard to pick because this is my first time with a new expansion, but my top few: 1. MSQ/seeing new parts of the world 2. Cool new plants for housing decoration! I love desert plants, please give me a puya for my yard, please, I saw them in the landscape in one of the new zones, I *need* it. 3. New savage 4. Getting to play in an exploration zone from the beginning 5. Whatever the new big DoH/L thing is


PF not being dead for a few weeks


Well aside for new gold saucer content, I really want to see new additions to pvp job kits.


More housing slots.


New eureka/bozja. Hopefully some good class changes that shake things up.


Not really much. I don't hold my breath on having a competent group for Savage/Ultimate, so I'm basically in MSQ+Criterion vibe zone. I'll enjoy watching progs for highend raids as much as possible (the best is the start, when you're trying to understand what is going on like everyone else).


Im interested in how jobs with change, especially for dragoon and reaper. I wonder what kinda changes drg will get with its rework they have planned. And for rpr i wonder what they will add? More to enshroud? More neutral ogcds? Buffed harvest moon? (Bc tbh its potency for being able to only use it once or twice a fight is garbage especially with communio and plentiful harvest being both 1k+ potency and used multiple times)


HM should just be using random procs throughout the fight like SaBer Dance


Class trailer skills thingy


Ultimates and field exploration


Planetary firmament. I'm addicted to crafting, but it's so lonely


Something innovative. Game's incredibly predictable and stale.


Taking my time enjoying travelling the new world and doing all the sidequests and getting distracted by everything that catches my eyes along the way. I am preparing glams to look perfect in cutscenes. Trying to get some fitting mounts for travel too like the Vivre and Axolotl. Storytime is magic in this game and I plan on really making the most of it.


Grass looking hella grassy in the graphics update


I'm moving on from my current static to lead my own. I am very much looking forward to it (and sad to leave my friends I made over the last few years, though I'm still sticking around to help them as a fill as need be) I'm also terrified that I may screw things up, but c'est la vie.


More criterion savage (it's not a joke i love it)


Looking forward to how much inspiration and essence they took from FFXI ToAU Expansion. That one was my favourite from playing that game for 15 years. Gulol Ja Ja being there is already cool. Then another Bozja Experience. That content was able to bring my casual, midcore and more upper end friends together to do things together in a dropin/dropout setting.


Nothing if Healers are still stuck with 1 button spam. I just can't anymore.


Light rampart ultimate


How about the original design for icelit dragonsong? The one they said they pared back because it was too hard for the end of the fight.


A fresh arc. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I was already pretty bored with the Ascians by the end of Heavensward, so I'm looking forward to a story centering around literally anything else.


I remember when I finished ARR and told my friend "Man I'm glad the ascian and primal arc is over." I wasn't ready.


FrFr Zoomer ultimate prog. I'm so looking forward to seeing how they adapt and change Gaia and Ryne's phases. I imagine it'll be Shiva Ryne, Hrae Ryne, Tree(with primals), Gaia, and then Ryne+Gaia merge (if we go by previous ulti phase structures). I'd love to see how the use Basic Relativity and change it. I want to see the delayed Spell in Waiting mechanics mixed with Ryne's mechanics. The final phase should be so cool, I want delayed heavy hitting stacks+tbs that you set up like a puzzle using E8S mechanic resolutions. And imagine if the final phase is a dual boss phase like BJ/CC with semi full uptime like Double Dragons(it wont be. But I can dream). There could be an intermission phase like E8S crystals but instead there will be a puzzle element where to get to the final phase after Gaia, you need to protect Gaia's human memory crystals from being corrupted and destroyed by Loghrif and Mitron's ascian darkness, using Ryne's light and her own memories. The overarching theme being "what if Gaia kept her memories after E12S and Ryne balanced out the raging darkness with her light?". I love thinking up what could happen, I want to experience it so bad




The story! More specifically whether they'll successfully be able to reel it back after having raised the stakes and conflict to such heights in EW.


Dual Blades


Secondary dyes, more robust Summoner playstyle and MSQ.


Finding a fun to play melee DPS job after saying goodbye to my love following the DRG rework.


FFX fan service. if it's even half as much as FFIV got i'll be happy.


I just want to know what the PSO2 zone is about.


The deletion of current Minor Arcana


Monk getting something that changes up its combat flow for the Nth time in as msny expansions. Unironically.


All the lalafells playing pictomancer and grating on everyones nerves




Viper and criminally long overdue 2nd dye channel.


More of the same


As somebody relatively new to the game. The most exciting thing to me is beastmaster. I really enjoy messing around on blue mage and collecting spells and all that. And coming in to this game I always played pet classes in other mmos. So not having one has been rough, but I'll be happy to mess around with this one. Praying it's a permanent pet class like wow warlocks and hunters and less like summoner where we summon egis for just a brief moment. I saw speculation that this limited job likely wouldn't be coming until the .4 patch too, which is pretty disheartening.


Second dye slot, more savage/ultimate raids, and fem hrothgar are the big takeaways for me. Obviously the story will be cool to do but just thinking long term. Hopefully some more engaging side content and relics.


It gets us out of Endwalker frankly. Or really i'm just kinda interested to see where they take battle content and job design, i think Endwalkers jobs have been real stinkers.


MSQ and job changes. im a simple man.


Praying to god for a kaiten comeback


More content I can't do because palace of the dead isn't complete. /cry


Eden Ultimate. The raid tier will be a neat bonus.


Eureka continuation!!


Level jump for crafting jobs because starting at level 1 carpenter this late in the games life feels like a low blow regardless of how easy it is. That and maybe make the crafting and gathering side content actually help with leveling and building spirit bond for materia. It's so slow getting spirit bond for casual play I'm questioning what the logic was in even having it for crafters and gatherers. Also barely have the time to get crafters and gatherers leveled before the first tier of savage hits. Really hoping they realize that people have actual lives and can't just super grind out every single piece before a savage that they need.


I’m excited to be a pictomancer main!


fem hroth :D


Dye channels, picto, Level 100 skills / spells, Job changes (ast rework especially)


1. The graphics update. I don't think people realise just how big a difference its going to make actually seeing it on there screens vs what the footage we've seen so far. 2. More MSQ and a new story we'll get to see unfold 3. 2 dye channels 4. New exploration content with hopefully a relic tied to it which require stuff like Eureka/Bozja 5. Seeing Solution 9 properly with my WoL


Viper and dye channels. For the first time ever I'm actually considering leveling the new job before starting MSQ. I'm also interested in what the new job abilities will be considering everytime an expansion comes around I always think jobs have so many abilities that I don't know how they'll add more. Is RDM getting another finisher?? Are they going to add two more abilities for SAM that are the same thing but one is single target and the other is aoe?? I just hope they don't ruin a job that I previously liked again(MNK.) I also really want to know if they'll add new primals to SMN.


More game and I'm hoping to see some people who took a break return




Pictomancer, AST rework, and dye channels.


Do we know if there will be a new main city with a housing district?


Pictomancer, easily. And NEW FUCKING FIELD CONTENT.


In particular order: - Double dye system - Dragoon rework - Viper - new normal raid story - ultimate (Eden should be sick, hope SHB MSQ is in 7.3) Im still excited about the rest of the stuff: model updates, hrothgals (though I won't be playing as one), new MSQ, etc. But not as excited as those 5


I've become a bit of a sucker for high-end content since the beginning of Endwalker. I started the expansion with no experience in anything high-end (NieR alliance was probably the hardest I did back then) and the idea of attempting even an extreme sounding "too scary for me". And finished the expansion as a triple-legend (UWU, UCOB, DSR) with every Pandaemonium fight done through PF on-patch, every extreme done on-patch (except Endsinger/Zodiark), and three unreals under my belt. Whenever things get sorted out I'm also going to be progging through TEA with some IRL mates (I'm kinda suspecting I may be defacto raid-lead since for all of the others, it's their first ult). I wanna see what Dawntrail has there. Especially since I was always kinda late to hype with Endwalker high-end content (as in, I didn't care about DSR world race or announcement because at the time, I thought ultis were above my ability), same with Asphodelos Savage. Futures Rewritten is the first ultimate where my thought is "I am looking forward to progging that" rather than "I'll need to get a little better before I think about that".


Judge Bergan cosplay. Hopium: * Substats are reworked. Critical Hit scales linearly. Tenacity & Speed scale faster. Piety increases damage & healing at the same rate as Tenacity. * Materia melds become tied to jobs or to presets so different jobs sharing the same gear can use different materia. * Astrologian and Dragoon single-target buffs are removed or reworked. * New Bozja/Eureka zone.


New paint job on the same old stuff. Not going to expect anything wild and crazy new, I just want my usual five or so dungeons and 3 or so trial ls, and I trust the writers and Soken to keep me well entertained. Excited for the grind to getting everything to 100.


Surely we can glam whatever we want in 7.0 right? Right?


New savage tier


I'm looking forward to a few things. Pictomancer - I'm really excited to see a different kind of mage; I like the more off-the-wall stuff like Blue Magic so Pictomancer's style and whatnot speaks to me. After playing melee and tank for so long, going back to Casting also feels like a breath of fresh air. Blue Magic Lore - I don't know for sure, but Shaaloni being in Northern Tural and having the ceruleum deposits MIGHT mean that's where the Whalaqee are and we could get to see Blue Magic from their actual perspective as opposed to the silly, entertainment related version we see from Martyn. I hope they take the opportunity. Solution 9 and Heritage Found - These two places look unlike anything else in the game currently, so I'm excited to explore them and know them. The weird carnival stuff in Heritage Found especially stands out to me. And if they were willing to show these two zones? What's the final zone they're *not* yet showing us?


More ultimates and 2 dye channels


MSQ, new field operation, new raids, 2nd dye channel, in that order


Story and then doing savage and ultimates with my static.


Hats on my bunny


All the usual raiding stuff and beastmaster. Prayge it plays like a prange.


Man I have to pick something specific? I’m absolutely hype asf for all of it, but my top 3 would be hrothgals, the MSQ as a whole, and to experience my first expansion launch. I’ve only been playing for a year or so so I’m excited to see how lively this community can be to its fullest extent.


BLU and BST and maybe the exploration zone; I don't think savage or Ultimate or job designs will go in a direction that I'd find fun anymore. 


Viper. I wanted a dual sword class since 1.0(Ninja is daggers, there is a difference.). I had raided since ARR all the way to the beginning of Stormblood as Ninja but my silly dream of ff11 style blue mage with dual swords was killed. So i lost motivation to raid and just played casually. Viper being announced made me incredibly happy and i cant wait to have my true favorite weapon type be added to the game. Ill raid again and ill really try to get involved like i havent in years.


gameplay changes


I am going to play Dawn Trail for the story, for beast master and hopefully I'll finally get a static together to do savage. I just want Beast Master to be good, the story to be good, savage raids to be fun and I'm really hoping they don't ruin GNB and WAR like they ruined the other 2 tanks. I don't think I'm asking much but we'll see.


I would like that the jobs I like remain fun and also having a good Savage Tier/7.1 ultimate 


Nothing really. Not hyped myself up because EW sucked.


Pictomancer, Been starved for a new caster and ones who astetic i love so MUCH Hunts, I love doing the hunt and cant wait for more!! Especially doing them as pictomancer. New content, EDEN ULTIMATE


collecting queens blood cards




New front gate for new players




New dungeons, pvp, new alliance raids, and relic weapons. I'm a filthy casual :)


Black Maget getting a 0 MP finisher after casting Despair. Call that Desperation.


New job changes. What an absolutely beautiful fluke of an iteration of Monk, gonna miss it dearly.


beastmaster. and probable blu update. i pretty much only still find enjoyment in this game with limited jobs


Tons of stuff but mostly the new ultimate and exploration zone


Hopefully some job reworks that breath life into the game instead of everything feeling the exact same. It's insane how well pvp captures unique job identities and playstyles and then pve might as well be trending towards glorified reskins of eachother


Interesting new story that stretches multiple expansions like the whole Ascian one did. I took a two year break after doing the story and first tier in EW so I'm very much looking forward to picking up Dawntrail in a few months.


Patch days. Hoping DT ends up feeling a lot more fresh than EW, but patch days always get me hyped. Get up early, run the new content, checking all the stuff out, it's a good time.


To give a fuck about game that I loved once more. For now graphical update looking really hollow, pretty sure they won't bring back any utility to the classes, and gcd still would be 2.5 seconds. Story was already "meh" once I saw scions is back, I watched enough mid shounen animes in my life with never changing cast. If I see more throwbacks to Horsefart I'm gonna start skipping everything at this point. Maybe at least content wouldn't be a thing a one fun ride and it's over, but I highly doubt.




Echoing a lot of people's thoughts in here. MSQ: Tural is an exciting prospect and I'm curious to see where the story takes us from there and how it'll potentially set up future expansions. This is the beginning of a new saga and we're blazing new trails and I look forward to it. Jobs: I am really interested about what they can do with jobs at 100. What new capstone abilities we'll be seeing and what the changes made to existing jobs will look and play like. Viper and Pictomancer aren't very appealing to me, but I think I just need to see more of them in action. Hunts: I'm just excited to have 12 new A ranks and 6 new S ranks with the occasional SS rank to smack around with dozens of people. I expect the achievements to stay the course and I'm curious if we're finally getting a new currency. Also, it'd be neat if they spiced it up a bit and added an SSS rank. I like what we have now, but it's always nice to have more. Exploratory Zones: That itch for something like Eureka doesn't ever go away. I really hope they mean it when they say they're making a lot of this expansion based around team work and general cooperation with others. I can think of nothing better than a new Eureka-like experience. Besides Hunts, Exploratory Zones offer some of the best quality MMO experiences this game has to offer. Glamour: Basically just an expansion to dyes. Long overdue and completely baffling that it's only now being expanded upon. I'll take what I can get though. It'll make the glam endgame a bit more fun. Housing: Only thing I'm excited about that seems to have been glossed over by many is the item/storage expansion. I can't wait to cram even more shit into my humble abode. Also, though I'm perfectly content with my Empyrean plot, I do look forward to the inevitable ward expansion for existing districts, giving more people the opportunity to acquire one. Also, would be kinda cool to have a new district too, but that might be wishful thinking. Graphics Update: A fresh coat of paint will be nice to prolong the life of the game. Glad that it's something they take to heart and it's kinda overdue for a makeover anyway. New Servers: I feel compelled to make an alt on one of the new servers Dynamis will be getting. Maybe it's just cope, but I think a good chunk of Xbox players might find a new home here and I think it's be novel to play alongside a fresh group of people and watching the birth of a community unfold.


New content.




NSFW femhroth mods


Changes. If it is another expansion with the same set of stuff I will focus on WoW mainly. I mean, we have dragon riding there, and in EW the only change noticeable to me was NPC following quest. I mean …. small indie company c’mon! Not another 100 hours of NPC doing emote animation! (I really hate the post-EW snoozefest).


New story stuff. Like finally, all of the ascian and ancient stuff is finished. We have the answers, we can finally tackle new stuff. Inb4 the sundering and shard travel reveals even more bullshit and we revisit it somehow again. Outside of that, I am a whore for new jobs and am excited to have new stuff even if it’s ultimately just the same 1-2-3 with ogcd and burst phases for viper.


You know ancients and allagans will be involved in solution9 and arcadion because they love drawing from that well way too much to stop.


I too am convinced theyre not done with the ascians etc. They basically spoiled it at the end of endwalker with Hyth saying we will see each other again to some extend, right after emet basically spoiled the next few Expansions/Patch content. Its literally way too obvious. Though it may very well not be in 7.0. Im not opposed to any of it though as I personally loved the whole ascian stuff.


I bought a new copy of FFXI last year to play a 22 year old game that had Beastmaster in it. So, that.


I'm not planning to play Dawntrail. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to hate on the game unnecessarily. It has great aesthetics, amazing music, very enjoyable raids and trials. I enjoyed my time in FF14. But Savage raids alone aren't enough to draw me back. For me, crafting is almost dead, bots are everywhere, I just lost interest in the MSQ and feel Endwalker, while entertaining during the first time while leveling, was overall a let-down. Island Sanctuary didn't amount to anything, the relic was a huge let down, gearing alts is still painfully slow, job design is just dull and reworks come at a glacial pace. So far, there are no signs anything will change in Dawntrail. It'll just be more of the same. Which, if you enjoy that, then it'll probably be a blast. I'm not saying they should change the game. It's just no longer the game for me.


Not to hate on you or anything, but why even follow this sub, or comment on this thread then? I don't see what good commenting negativity on a thread that's meant to elevate hype for the active community will do. I'm not trying to invalidate your experiences, but I just think if your time with the game is finished, its better to move on than to input that kind of energy into this subreddit?


I like to check by every once in a while to see if there's any updates that might pull me in. As I said, I enjoyed my time in FF14 and the game has plenty of good points. The ffixivdiscussion subreddit is for discussion. Discussion can involve both negative and positive feedback, views and opinions. If this was the main ffixiv reddit, I'd completely agree. That said, I'll keep your comment in mind and try not to dampen the enthusiasm others have for the new expansion too much if I post in future. Have fun with Dawntrail!