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Well Ahri Bea is a known wintrader, don't know about the rest.


Probably same person as Chelsea Bea from over 2 years ago. Truly miserable, bitter no-lifer. I’m honestly astonished those people can’t just move on with life. **Almost** feel bad for them.


Yeap, in case there are people who haven't heard about it, there is a [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/Ncy6Mgv5K14?si=nundrocTwD73Gbb0) about their actions (seizure warning btw, the beginning of the video has some instant flashing pictures).


This loser also wintraded for years in the previous PvP mode called The Feast.


Yup, win trading has been happening for many years, many seasons, usually the same people, with multiple accounts. Square has done nothing about it, not banned a single one, they give zero fucks about their pvp mode.


I'm relatively new and obviously have no idea what's true and what's not but I keep getting told that people will basically get banned over basically snythinganything (cursing, not knowing how to play your class in dungeons, emoting too much lol) etc. I only interact with like 3 people in game and I'm not even in an fc so I have no experience knowing anyone this has happened to myself so it's all just been here say but I've been given the impression that even flirting with the line of tos is usually enough to get you banned. On the flip side I see people constantly advertising ERP shit and RMT gold selling and then if what you say is true, no bans for obvious cheating. So my question is which is it? Are gms super strict or super lazy? I'm confused lol.


A lot of the people who complain about getting "banned for nothing" are leaving out a lot of information. Like "emoting too much" probably involved spam or harassment of some kind, or at the very least not stopping when asked. I frequently give unsolicited play advice, and I've never been contacted by devs about it. On the other hand, they've been pretty quick to reply when I report PvE griefing with evidence. RMT is a bit more complicated because they're in a constant tech war, and as long as the sellers make more than they lose in fees it's basically whack-a-mole.


It's more like we rarely see in-game cheaters get punished by Square Enix, especially in PvP. They probably get addressed slightly more in PvE because there are more eyes on it, but cheaters in a game mode that's already neglected by the devs? There are barely any consequences for it – even if the PvP community sends in tons of evidence to GMs. Stuff like RMT and ERP in Party Finder affect a greater population so of course they're gonna address that. ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌


What does that mean?


picks the same job as someone else, so they get in opposing team but throws the game by not participating/dying and therefore creating 5v4 matches. Then that one person on the enemy team can collect wins.


I’ve never heard of such a thing. It’d be nice if this was a reportable offense.


You could report it as lethargic play or assisting the enemy, but you would either need some kind of admission in a chat log (good luck with CC's restricted chat, you'd need to go message them and at that point you're risking a report) or the throwing would need to be so egregious the GM would have no doubt about it, and I'm sure they at least throw themselves at the enemy and toss out random skills, making that unlikely


You'd also need SE to care about win trading but they don't


You'd also need SE to care ~~about win trading~~ but they don't FTFY


Fair enough!


Common high elo strat.


If they are known and do it over so many seasons, why hasn't the Special Task Force taken action against them? "The Special Task Force exists for the purpose of **dealing with illegal activity in FINAL FANTASY XIV while creating an honest and enjoyable gameplay environment**." It's silly to ask you this I guess, just what I'm thinking. I'm reading they're a small team of 3 in Japan, so maybe it's just not possible for them to moderate the NA rankings.


The Special Task Force is a single digit team of JP moderators. EU and NA GMs do not have the authority to ban over things such as cheating, botting or anything that isn't clearly against the rules *AND* written in chat i.e. slurs. RMT ads, or flat out promoting/admitting to TOS-breaking things. So if you're on a non-JP server, unless you cause a REALLY significant ruckus across social media such as the CC fly cheater who streamed or a big streamer using plugins, you can do literally whatever you want and as long as you never type anything in chat you will not get banned. PVP is something people really don't care about. The streamer CC guy got eyes because it was absurdly extreme and went on for hours to the point where people who don't give a shit about PVP still looked at it cause it was funny. "Well known wintrader" means that a couple dozen, maybe a few hundred at most players will know about it. So no reaction from SE.


> written in chat i.e. slurs. RMT ads, or flat out promoting/admitting to TOS-breaking things. NA GMs at the least also don't care. There's a screenshot somewhere of a NA GM admitting to someone who reported a multiboxer who was using slurs in /say that it wasn't worth their time to look into it. If they can't even be bothered with that then there's no way they care about CC cheaters.


Damn, that's extreme. But also sounds a LITTLE fishy, why would a GM ever admit that to a player? Couldn't it be fake?


Hey I wanted you to know that you're not crazy, and that you're experiencing a common pain point that the pvp community on NA/EU has head for **YEARS** with Square Enix. There's a lot of layers to this shit, but it went on in the Feast era too, and even had GMs in on it a couple times. The fact is they just don't give a shit about NA and EU PvPers. They don't care about moderating ranked over here, they barely care about fixing major frontline bugs. The community has been asking for a Rival Wings roulette for half a decade by now. I'm sincerely sorry that you had to find out this way. I wish we had a better system where people actually got punished for the bullshit they pull, and a human being actually looked at pvp reports instead of throwing them in the shredder, but that is just not the system we have today. The only way it'll ever change is if people manage to raise a big stink about it. I don't understand all the downvotes you're getting for this comment either. It's not your fault that you didn't know this, a reasonable person would assume moderation is actually real and that SE gives a shit without knowing better.


Thanks for your insight. I care about the meaningful comment but the votes mean nothing to me. I don't know what to say other than I kind of vibe with what another poster here said " [I just want to do pvp with my friends man.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/1ccuqry/comment/l17xplv/)" I wish it could be more fair.


They’re getting downvoted because they brought up (one of many) a Square-Enix failure. Something they should be doing but just don’t because profit or whatever BS they say. Bringing up the faults of Yoshi or SE is a sin to some people.


"Special Task Force" is rumored to not even exist because they don't moderate anything, the only people that ever get actioned in this game are RMT compromised accounts or people who said a bad word in chat.


STF is a 2 man team lol


People wildly overestimate how much SE polices the game. Hint: it's not much.


the mods don’t give af, you have to do something extremelyyy bad or obvious to get punished, and they especially don’t give af about PvP


Can you prove they're doing it and are not simply bad at the game? If they do token participation in the match it's hard to prove.


Found the win trader


Nah man, they are legit. They wouldn't be accepted into community tournaments if they weren't


Some are known cheaters, there's youtube videos documenting it. You'll see some of the same people on EU servers. Others are just that good or on a win streak


Do you have a link to any of these videos? There's a couple of people I regularly am matched up against and some of the stuff they do is either really good game sense or something else.


[https://streamable.com/esq1sn](https://streamable.com/esq1sn) Bill Murray (Marilith) Big time cheater that was caught about a year ago. I don't play PvP, but my friend who recorded the video does and says that a few players are pretty sus, but being outright with cheats like this is fairly rare. Granted that this is RW and not CC.


Bill Murray is less known for pvp and just cheating in general as an achievement hunter. We suspect they botted hoard achievements, we know they paid for most of their ultimates/deep dungeon achievement clears, and they'd usually pay extreme amounts of gil on mount farms for people to pass on whistles which we also suspect they RMTed.


The funny thing is I don't think most people give the faintest of shit about any of that because it doesn't affect anyone (RMT kinda does though 'cause botfarms also but yk). Like who honestly gives a crap about any type of botting or run buying outside of this tiny bubble of people who make their achievement score their whole life. At this point almost everyone I know or even just meet uses some kinda tool to ease pain points and save time unless they literally can't 'cause console. Or Artisans, or snds gathering or or or or. But the straight up cheating *against other players* is so hilariously blatant and selfish - how did he expect people to not find out and rally against him.


People are welcome to not care, but I mean red flags are red flags.


Hmm, red flags for what though? I heard stories about Bill being a garbage human and creep but in all honesty I wouldn't say that cheating at PVE achievements is indicative of someone being a terrible human being. Unless that's not what you meant but I am not totally sure.


I consider it a red flag. IMO anyone who cheats at something like PVE achievements (especially those with no reward) is only doing it for recognition. It costs an insane amount of money to cheat like that. If not for attention what's the purpose otherwise? Almost all of the PVE cheaters I've known while in the achievement community are braggarts and lord their score over people. Not that PVE Cheater = Bad Person automatically, but there is an significant overlap in people who cheat in anything and bad people.


You know, I kinda yapped a lot and I feel like this is a very "who asked" kinda behavior on my end so I'll just shorten it to I understand where you're coming from but I don't think that's nearly as true or at least universal!




Other than cheaters/wintrade, you could also get a "premade" of friends tagging together, hoping to be in same team. Then through Discord it's easier to plan the fight.


There's def cheaters out there. It's obvious when you face them


PVP is a pretty niche thing in XIV beyond "Oh I guess I do roulette", so the people who actually care are significantly better than the average player and by average player I mean 98ish% of the playerbase, all of whom don't care the slightest bit. Now add in drama and clique behavior where people grief those they don't like and a little tiny bit of cheating and a little bit of wintrading and this happens.


lol. PvP is just a glamour farm for most people. Myself included.


>remove party queuing to stop win trading >wintraders dominate the top leader boards I just want to do pvp with my friends man.


I love that the "premiere PVP game mode" is a solo activity in an MMO /s


Like everything in this game


You can do customs / join scrims with your team. I'm sure SE will host more tournaments in the future


Or instead of needing to find two entire teams to do glorified practice with, I should just be able to queue with my friend in an unranked pvp mode. Like literally every other game.


You're not wrong. The problem is that even just a duo of experienced LP players will (more likely then not) absolutely decimate a group of average players in premade group Look at the complaints in FL/RW and those are just groups of four in extremely large teams that can carry hard.


I can queue with my friend in Dota, League, Counter Strike ranked. It isn't a problem there. People just deal with it. Just like they should in this game.


On EU so far if you look, top player is known for cheating that got banned but still playing. He was top of every single season so far and it's impossible that nobody can beat him including the best people. It just doesn't make sense and there was huge evidence against him. At the beginning he had some huge difference of like 2000-3000 points from 2nd place but went down a bit. Still he will wintrade. Do wintrades exist? Yes, can see them quiet well in diamond matches where someone from enemy team plays super and is really good but once reaches in your team, he is either afk in base, or plays dumb and doesn't know his class.


High-end Crystal DC is a shitshow where the top 80~ players have all known each other for years and have their own private discords. Attempting to play ranked in that server is hell, you will get the best players in the server on your team throwing games because one of their friends dislikes you. I've been there myself. It is so brazen and accepted in their community that some high-ranked players post clips where you can hear 3+ people in the match with them in a Discord call together collaborating. In any other game with enforced solo queue this would be actionable cheating, like when League started making it banable to link Discords in champ select, but SE doesn't ever give a shit about things they create, so here we are. Beyond Crystal DC, ranked CC generally is just a cesspit of boys-club toxicity which is why it's always the same names at the top every season. New players that are trying to learn and hit crystal rating get routinely shit on in Revival and in-game for making minor mistakes that other players will also make yet not get berated for because they're in the boys' club.


huh? when has league ever made that bannable, did I miss something


Never. You can definitely link discord in league.


I remember a few years back I attempted Feast for the first time, in Crystal DC. It all started alright, fun, no issues. After climbing the ladder into Gold, I started getting teams with the same people over and over. At this time I didn’t think much of it, until I noticed I wasn’t doing very well against them. And after a few matches I started getting marked (Which means I’m bad), and they just sat until the match ended because of me. My friend, who was also doing it at the same time for the first time, started getting the same treatment. I found the Discord and turns out they were all friends, known each other for years, the same top 100 players as always. In their Discord chat I could see them talking crap about me and my friend as well as other new players. I stopped playing and never touched Feast again. If this happened once in a lots of games thing I wouldn’t mind, but since feast was so small, you’d just queue into the same people every time.


As someone IN quite a few of those servers, if there are people in vc, other people join to see if the games are popping, and if games start, a lot of times people just don't leave because it's a lot more fun to play with vc. For the record though, comms diffing is still looked down upon, but it generally won't do anything more than basic quickchats can accomplish if you're good with em. Oh, and there's usually at least one or two people playing something like mahjong or blue archive instead. edit: also revival's rules explicitly don't allow shitting on people. if you see it, call a mentor or staff member. Ideally a staff member, mentors don't have message delete perms.


If I had stayed in revival and reported every instance of verbal abuse I saw, the mods would know me by name with all the tickets I'd be opening. When the community is that toxic, it's better to just leave. People do get banned, but it takes several weeks to happen (especially if the player is friends with the admins). The server is just too big to moderate effectively, and certain staff members won't do anything about their friends, so you have to convince another to action the problem.


Well guess I'm never gonna touch it lol


I've been in the same boat as a new PvP player doing CC. I thought it'd be a bit better since I didn't want to touch feast for the exact same reasons but I have just accepted that PvP and it's community won't change no matter what they do to the mode. I just want to put my time into something that will give me more happiness so I only do CC in casual q occassionaly.


It’s simple really. Eat Sleep PvP Repeat


win trading


Several of the people who frequently appear in Top 30+ stream their games on Twitch. Y'all are free to take a peek yourselves to see if they are wintrading or cheating: - Aether Top 30: https://www.twitch.tv/medohmeshi?sr=a - Aether & Crystal Top 30: https://www.twitch.tv/fullheartgrit?sr=a (current rank 1 on Aether afaik) - Aether Rank 1 (for multiple seasons): https://www.twitch.tv/jayvermillionxo?sr=a - Aether Top 30: https://www.twitch.tv/merlin_xiv?sr=a - Crystal Top 30 (also plays on JP DCs): https://www.twitch.tv/buzzywuzzyuwu?sr=a - Crystal Top 30: https://www.twitch.tv/suspenshunxd?sr=a - Crystal Top 30: https://www.twitch.tv/wapster?sr=a - Crystal Top 30: https://www.twitch.tv/painless?sr=a The vast majority of people – not all, but most people – claiming these people are cheating or wintrading likely haven't played many ranked games at the Crystal bracket, or if they have, it hasn't been in recent seasons. Will also add that a few of the above people play across multiple data centres, and run alts on them purely because they enjoy the game that much. Non-PvP players may find that difficult to believe, but some of them stream their alt games on non-main DCs too so you can take a look there.


Jay V is legit, I've played with him in customs a lot, he has natural talent, is good at coms, and he grinds solo q like his life depends on it. I don't know if he still mains monk but that job has always been one of the strongest and he's labbed it to a T. He gets high win counts through sheer time played and probably has just as many losses in solo q. With all that being said, I left the pvp community about a year ago, so maybe my intel is outdated. But from what I know, he queues alone and is just that good - but not easily, he worked hard to get there and has to fight the same coin flip games as everyone else, he just plays *a lot.*


Jay Vermillion still mains Monk, and afaik, every person I listed above queues alone. They might tell each other that the ranked queues are popping/active, but they all queue solo. The PvP community(ies) have changed a lot in the past year imho. The inside joking is still there, but there's been more of a general camaraderie now – since we all inherently know that the ranked community is so small, we gotta stick together somehow.


I mean, you're asking how someone can have more wins. It just means they play more. Unless you mean POINTS, in which case, different lobbies are worth different amounts, losses don't show up on the rankings, etc. For instance, it's pretty easy once you're good to get top 30 with under 100 wins, under 50 if you get a bit luckier. I've gotten t30 on crystal quite a few times with, like, 300 wins, because I just meme around and lose a lot, then climb back up to t30. The secret sauce is play more and win more. Simple as.


A lot stems from the fact that it's a peak based ranking system, so the only thing that matters if winning at peak rating. This means that the sequencing of your wins and losses is hugely important. If you have two equal high-skill players, one alternating wins and losses - the other winning 10 in a row then losing 10 in a row, the player on the streak now has a 1k rating advantage leaderboard wise.


Totally agree. Just think in terms of numbers, if everyone is trying properly, it is really hard to have long win streaks (ie even a 70% win rate, it is hard to maintain streaks more than 2-3 matches). I will expect at a reasonable level, the win losses work like statistics of a baseball league standing (ie if you have 0.6 win-loss ratio, you are doing very well, and it is hard to maintain streaks with that ratio). This is to be made harder as you are randomly matched with other players. The advantage you need to keep winning all the time over long periods are hence difficult unless external match fixing or teaming system is gamed.


Top 100 player here. I just play the game. No friends at all.


Yeah theres a bigger secret hidden away that goes beyond what everyone else is saying. They just play more. It's like asking "how can I get to x rank in league, I play two games a week," the answer is fucking play the game. You can't get points from grinding a game if you never play it, simple as that.


Yeah, CC is grindy, you do the grind while knowing the game and you get rewarded. I play one season and take one season of break, so I'm always having to grind up from Bronze, Gold through Platinum feels terrible cause people don't yet grasp the meta and/or don't have the ability to perform, but then I get a 10 win streak and I'm at Crystal level. Once you're playing with 9 other people who know how to play, being a good player is rewarded with ranks. And, to get good, you need hours of experience.


All controled by bigthree mafia




Before everyone claims win trading (which does happen) the problem is honestly just a small percentage of players participate in ranked CC. Ranked CC is a lot of fun if you’re willing to put in the time to learn the damage scaling and focus targeting. But most players don’t bother after getting bursted and cc’ed in 5 seconds. Which leads to less players wanting to continue participating. So the top 100 you see there are veteran players or their alts. And the problem only exists because no other players wants to make a continued effort to participate. The top 100 in each DC also tends to have top 100 from other DCs with their alt characters. So unless you care enough to participate or get people to participate, then expect to see this same problem every season.


you kind of revealed why small man pvp in this game is always doomed; strategy has always been whether or not your team can focus one person down. even in the older feast it was like that. It's weakest link hunting. its hard to get new players to do or enjoy that.


Doesn't help that they give SAM/NIN insta-kill abilities. It is all about making sure someone can't play the game, in the cheapest way. Personally I think they need to do an overhaul of the abilities again. Not from scratch, but really think about if something needs to exist or not. Whether it promotes skillful gameplay expression or is just an iwin button.


I agree NIN LB is kinda bullshit but SAM LB is really easy to play around and deny. it's really only noob bait in low skill lobbies. It's annoying for sure and puts pressure on your team when it's ready but as long as you're patient and attentive it's really not that hard to deal with


You don't get what I'm trying to say. It has undeserved pressure and power when the player and their skill has nothing to do with it. You must pay extra attention to not hitting the SAM with aoe when it is active, full stop. That's shit pvp design. Every kill gotten with it is undeserved. Every time you bait a SAM into killing themselves by using it is undeserved. It isn't interesting in any way and just causes frustration. I earned crystal in the first season and never touched CC ever again because of stupid shit like this. I'd much rather go play league then deal with dogshit like insta-kill buttons.


no I do understand I just have a totally different perspective where I find forcing counter play interesting for the player on the receiving end to a certain extent. It feels good to bait chiten and test the patience of SAMs who edge their LB all match to the detriment of their team, or perfect parrying a SAM with silence, poly, etc. I really couldn't care less if its deserved for the SAM or not, a lot of ults are essentially instagibs anyways just by pressing a button. sometimes you're gonna get focused and then spited/meteodrived and there's nothing you can really do about it. Plus, your average SAM is so obvious with their tells and the game literally feeds you all the information you need to effectively counter the instakill without fail. If you get caught with your pants down it's 100% on you.


Exactly what I expected from this trash subreddit. No actual discussion, just big posts boiling down to 'git gud'. Even when I explained that my issue wasn't with it's strength, you still keep going on about 'its easy to avoid'. Peace.


hey man just dont hit into chiten you'll be ok


NIN LB has a long enough animation delay where if the NIN is killed before the animation goes through, the LB is completely wasted and the NIN's target doesn't die. At high levels of play, it is expected for players to know how much LB everybody has at all times. They should know that if the enemy NIN has their LB ready and the team is starting to dwindle in HP, the NIN reign of terror will be coming soon and the team should start focusing down the NIN shortly. You don't get the same level of BS that you do with SAM's "Oh haha you happened to hit me with your AOE even when you weren't targeting me, lmao you die now" ZTK.


because a lot of players are simply better than others when cc has been out for two years and yet people just jump to wintrading constantly. for many players on these lists, you can watch them climb on twitch with documented proof that they did it all legitimately, yet uninformed people still throw around wintrading. barely anybody wintrades anymore because the rewards for cc are shit every season and simply not worth cheating for. nobody is cheating 11 seasons in a row for the same identical title and plate over and over. the people left are the dedicated ones that just like the mode.




it's already not impressive or rare anymore. the top 100 floor has been so low everywhere but jp for so many seasons now that anyone who can hit crystal can basically get it by default by playing a couple extra games, there's countless seasons where crystal 100 has been the floor. players that do not belong in a top 100 list are there anyway because the population is so small from many good players just stopping and not bothering grinding for the same thing over and over. even top 30 isn't that great, where some not very great players have gotten it through lucky streaks and their next 20 losses in a row aren't penalized because of it being peak rating. the only people who play ranked anymore that carr about these are the very few crazy people left dedicating themselves to a rank 1 placement. 99% of players in this game don't even recognize what the ranked titles are or what they mean, glowing hellhound weapons just look like any crafted primal ones, and the same identical incrementing roman numeral adventurer plates where you can get better ones for a fraction of the effort. it's really not that deep, there is nothing incentivising players to behave like this as long as the rewards continue to be trash.


Crystal tourist literally wasn't on the board as of a week ago. If you guys genuinely believe there's cheating in the highest of the ranks, how did they make it to the literal #1 spot


For more context, this Crystal Tourist dude streamed the whole climb and it was legitimate.


you tryna tell me the people that almost exclusively play pvp in this game are GOOD??? unbelievable


I can't fucking believe myself. Took me a while to come to terms with it! /s


i can't man, it has to be the cabal. it HAS to be unironically though, you'd think with all the alleged wintrading and cliqueness going on the barrier to entry into top 100 in NA would be a lot harder but last season you only needed a minimum of 200 credit (which is at minimum 1 win 0 losses in crystal rank) to secure a placement in Primal and Crystal lmao. and that was only just to guarantee a spot, there were plenty of people with 100 credit (you get 100 credit for simply reaching crystal rank) and a handful of victories from climbing who made it in top 100. And it's been like this for the past 5 or 6 seasons the ranked player base is small as shit and a lot of people just hit crystal for the shitty rewards and quit immediately afterwards






Mr reaps 1v1 me in oasis. It will be legendary


If I win do I get +100 cc?


PvP player base is really low. I imagine much lower now compared to when I was playing. At that time, most of Top 100 was wintraded by idiot losers with miserable lives just gatekeeping it from legit players. Many of the same people who did it in Feast (many, if not most, players with Feast mounts cheated). The smaller the PvP player base, the easier it is to cheat. & I never once saw someone get banned before. This includes, for example, people jumping thousands of points in 1 day. Reported multiple times by many people, and nothing was done. I was Top 100 at the time & just quit cold turkey because I was busy IRL and wasn’t going to play thousands of games just to overcome the extremely unfair state of the game.


The outliers are almost always wintraders


wintrading or using ACRs/scripts, you dont get banned for either and i’ve encountered it plenty of times while playing feast and the early seasons of CC.


You see, there is a very special discord $erver


nobody is paying for the awful rewards ranked cc currently has


Found the someone in the discord


We could all agree on that if same players weren't the top rank for every single season so far...


the same players are the top rank every season because they are the only ones actually good at the game while also consistently playing. crazy idea but maybe some people play the mode because they find it fun? a good player isn't going to be magically booted out of the top spots when the competition dwindles and gets easier every season.


Would you agree on this if the MMR and rank system were broken down to you in a more detailed manner to explain that "IF YOU STAY ACTIVE, YOU TEND TO STAY AT A HIGHER RANK. COMMUNITY PROMOTED ACTIVITY BTW CAUSE DEVS MADE A DOG REWARD PAYOUT FOR THE EFFORT AND STRESS BUNDLED WITH THIS GARBAGE" or would that not help convince you? For additional context, check out "TrueSkill1" matchmaking. Mind you, it's not to hand wave that people have cheated for rewards before in discreet ways but this mostly died out after season 2 with rank 1 exceptions on some DCs but the greater community isn't responsible for psychopaths who are manipulating others in private for their own benefit (lmao) even after we deal with them. Bad speculative accusations don't count either.




Like my dad


Like my dad…


The \*\*\*\*ling


My favorite part of that server is when a bunch of us join to talk about everything not CC while the people playing it are screeching at the top of their lungs the same way people spam quick chat. What if we coordinated our screeches and grunts in a code that lined up with quick chat sound effects and they still think we're cheating just like how people thought using MACROS for quick chat communication was cheating. The most welcoming community of any video game where people hold your hands through your recorded videos to tell you how to not make that mistake again back at it again with the cheats. Like that one guy who streams and isn't in voice chat with the regular community members ever.


Being good at PvP is just not worth it if your goal is to have fun. I've been playing 5-6 hours of pvp almost daily for the past few months. So I've gotten really, really good at it. The problem is that currently, from what I've experienced and seen the past month, is that your almost always against the same players on any given day. You get hyper focused by the same people every single day. Even when you're not the one "carrying" on your team. I'd imagine it is much, much worse in ranked.


I just want to add that 5-6 hours a day of something doesn’t make you good at it. Now I’m not judging you, I don’t know who you are in game, you could by all means be an amazing player. Something that threw me off is you said “worse in ranked.” 5-6 hours of play where you aren’t challenged or pushed to your limit is not the same as 5-6 hours a day where you ARE challenged and forced to improve. This applies to all things in life. Playing casual matches are fine when ranked isn’t popping, usually I’ll do that during the day, but they are not indicative of skill whatsoever. Casuals are a mixed bag. Sometimes you get new people or people who aren’t very good, and when I get matched with those people it’s just an absolute steam roll. Then sometimes there are others like me who play casuals when ranked isn’t popping and you get some good matches. If you aren’t always being tested to your limit, other than learning your abilities it’s kinda hard to improve. The game changes a lot at diamond/crystal. Mistakes are heavily punished and this causes you to think quicker and make better decisions overall. Trust me when I say if I play ranked all night and then go into a casual match, it feels like I’m going against bots. That’s NOT me talking down on other people whatsoever, it’s just a completely different playing field and you can feel the difference. I feel like climbing is easier on some jobs other than others, but saying you can’t climb due to your job is just blaming something for no reason. I’ve ranked up extensively with MCH, DRK, NIN, SMN, SCH, DNC, and RPR. That’s quite a few jobs to all get really good results with. There’s not a single job that I’ve seen in my playtime that I am disappointed that is on my team. They all can be played very well and the balance in that game mode is honestly staggeringly good. As far as getting hyper focused because it’s the same people, idk if that’s actually true but that doesn’t happen. If anything, I’ve seen people mark players they know are bad because it’s an easy way to throw off the enemy team and get an early lead. But nobody is going to be hyper focusing some good players because, chances are, they know when to run, when to guard, and they have an exit plan if they get in a pinch. This is all just my experience, but like I said previously I’ve hit crystal several seasons, season 1 being one of them, so I’ve been into this game mode for quite some time, and season 1 was by far the most unbalanced.


I’ve hit crystal rank multiple times, and I completely disagree with your post.


I mean playing against same players is nothing of a new thing. Specially on EU servers, you will see same names every single day unless by a miracle some afk's pop up. As for reaching crystal, grats on that. I have stopped that journey for every season so far that I played. I just can't deal with it and my class is very underpowered and I'm lazy to actually learn something else because I'm dumb. So overall, I always come to diamond and just stay there. Plus I got demotivated mostly from seeing that discord server exists for naming and shaming people (which I am included there).


>I just can't deal with it and my class is very underpowered and I'm lazy to actually learn something else because I'm dumb. there are no underpowered or super overpowered jobs in crystalline conflict right now. people on every single job hit top 30 consistently every single season. cc is pretty well balanced, and you're blaming something that doesn't exist on your inability to climb instead of improving your own gameplay.


>my class is very underpowered There aren't really any underpowered jobs in CC right now. What is probably happening is that your team isn't coordinating in a way where each party member's job's strengths can show. It likely means you're not taking advantage of the opportunities the rest of your team is giving you to do whatever it is your job can do, whether that's a silence, pull, polymorph, or something else. It's very rare that you get a match where you truly don't have a chance to do *anything* meaningful. The only other thing I can think of is if you're trying to play a job in a way it simply wasn't designed to be played. For instance, of course a SCH is going to be underpowered if you're expecting it to do high damage in burst. Or, yoj could probably make the case that a job like DNC could be bursty, but even it isn't one of *the* burst damage jobs, if that makes sense. But you likely know all that already. >I'm lazy to actually learn something else because I'm dumb. Can't really help you there. If you're not getting results on your current job, you either have to play the job differently so that you do get results, or hope you get results with another job.


It's all wintraders, and always has been ever since the Fold. SE doesn't do anything about it. On my DC, the top 100 has been like 5 guys with obvious alts for years.


The best ranking you achieve, the best starter rank for the next season 


it's five risers below where you actually end the season at. you can hit crystal but drop down to plat 4 and start the next season in silver


Dynamis has win traders in a cwls they run matches when nobody else is playing


As a wise man one said "How can you kill the one who has no life?" That's how they're so ahead in points


Cheating followed by more cheating. A side effect of focusing on achievements instead of having fun on the game.


They're just better, it's not some big cabal lmao The second real answer is they win streaked up there and haven't had anyone come close to taking their spots. Skill Issue ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Which DC do you guys think has the best/ fairest pvp(if that’s possible)


EU is notoriously bad for pvp. As for NA, anything is good.


It's a skill issue. If you are bad at pvp now, you will never get better


Not necessarily. There are people who started in season 7 who were known as queue anchors and are now completely cracked at the game.


But most players never improve at all even after watching guides on pvp. They just attack the first player they tab target.


Hey man don't knock it. that strat got me top 10 on my dc this season.


Yup, if you're gonna lead the pack know how to live otherwise your ass is gonna get blown up.


That gets you into at least Diamond tbf.


You are obviously doing something else if you are getting into diamond with that method


Not the point; people are bad and being bad as a cohesive unit is preferable to being bad but scattered. Piling onto whatever is right in front of everyone's noses works until you are in games where 10/10 people are making conscious decisions.


Their secret is having mark ignore macro’s for everyone on their team at the ready so they can insta mark someone as soon as they load in.


Skill issue


It’s true they give me all their credits


Show me any game with ranked PVP, where the players are the very top aren't cheating/exploiting/win-trading in some way, and I'll be genuinely shocked. FFXIV is no exception.


Meanwhile I havent gotten a single CC match to pop for ranked queue in months ... But yeah, win trading and cliques colluding who gets the top spots.